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Children and Youth Services Review 46 (2014) 19–27

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Parenting stress among child welfare involved families: Differences by

child placement
Jessica Rodriguez-JenKins a,⁎, Maureen O. Marcenko b
University of Washington, School of Social Work, 4101 15th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98105-6299, United States
University of Washington, School of Social Work, Partners for Our Children, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The intersection of parenting stress and maltreatment underscores the importance of understanding the factors
Received 5 June 2014 associated with parenting stress among child welfare involved families. This study takes advantage of a statewide
Received in revised form 30 July 2014 survey of child welfare involved families to examine parent and child characteristics and concrete resources, in
Accepted 30 July 2014
relation to parenting stress. Separate multivariate analyses were conducted by placement status given the differ-
Available online 7 August 2014
ence in day-to-day parenting responsibilities for families receiving in-home supervision compared to those
whose children are in out-of-home care. Across both groups, parenting stress was predicted by child mental
Parenting stress health, a finding with critical implications for intervention to this vulnerable group of families. Parent mental
Child welfare health also predicted parenting stress for the in-home group and food insecurity predicted parenting stress in
Child mental health the out-of-home group. Findings confirm that stress varies by context and that a multi-dimensional framework,
Poverty considering both psychosocial and concrete resources, is required to capture contributors to parenting stress.
Parent mental health © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction full-time responsibility for the care of the child, we examine stress
separately for families with children in-home but under agency supervi-
Parenting has many rewards, but even under optimal conditions, sion and those whose children were in out-of-home placement. While
it can be stressful. The numerous demands of caregiving can lead to there is a substantial body of literature examining parenting stress,
emotional and physical fatigue, resulting in parent–child relationship there is a gap in our understanding of this phenomenon among families
strain (Deater-Deckard, 2004). Parenting stress has long been an area actively involved in the child welfare system. This study adds to the
of interest to researchers concerned with child well-being (Abidin, child welfare literature by bringing a multi-dimensional framework to
1992; Deater-Deckard, 2004). When parenting stress is high, the likeli- the study of parenting stress and by examining possible differences by
hood of punitive parenting (Pinderhughes, Dodge, Bates, Pettit, & Zelli, child placement status. Identifying predictors by placement status fur-
2000; Webster-Stratton, 1990) and child maltreatment increases ther reveals several points of intervention that may be unique to child
(Black, Heyman, & Smith Slep, 2001; Haskett, Smith Scott, Grant, welfare involved families given that parenting contexts can vary.
Ward, & Robinson, 2003; Rodriguez, 2010), with implications for child
well-being (Deater-Deckard, 2004). The intersection of parenting stress 2. Parenting stress and child maltreatment
and maltreatment underscores the importance of understanding the
factors associated with parenting stress among child welfare involved Researchers have linked high levels of parenting stress with an in-
families, both to inform secondary prevention efforts and as an opportu- creased risk of child maltreatment (Curenton, McWey, & Bolen, 2009;
nity for targeted intervention with these vulnerable families. El-Kamary et al., 2004; Éthier, Lacharité, & Couture, 1995). Due to the in-
Conceptually, parenting stress arises from the interaction of parent, nate stress involved in parenting, all parents are subject to varying de-
child, and contextual factors (Deater-Deckard, 2004), arguing for re- grees of related stress (Abidin, 1992; Deater-Deckard, 2004). Although
search that is multi-dimensional and accounts for the unique circum- not all those with high levels of parenting stress maltreat their children,
stances surrounding child welfare involvement. The purpose of the parenting stress has been linked to aspects of problematic parenting
study presented here is to examine parent and child characteristics such as harsh parenting (Webster-Stratton, 1990), severe physical disci-
and contextual factors such as parent resources, in relation to par- plinary practices (Pinderhughes et al., 2000), low parental warmth
enting stress in a statewide child welfare population. Recognizing (Belsky, 1984; Rodgers, 1993), and negative and controlling behavior
that parenting stress can be affected by whether or not the parent has (Bigras, LaFreniere, & Dumas, 1996). Increased parenting stress can
contribute to child behavior problems or can further exacerbate existing
⁎ Corresponding author. behavior problems (Margalit & Kleitman, 2006), which presents addi-
E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Rodriguez-JenKins). tional risk for maltreatment.
0190-7409/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
20 J. Rodriguez-JenKins, M.O. Marcenko / Children and Youth Services Review 46 (2014) 19–27

3. Theoretical perspective Washington, Artinian, & Lichtenberg, 2007). The majority of families
who come to the attention of the child welfare system are parenting
Parenting stress, the dependent variable of interest, theoretically is a alone (Marcenko et al., 2011), putting them at high-risk for parenting
consequence of the cumulative impact of day-to-day child rearing stress. As a consequence of limited social resources, these solo parents
stressors (Crnic & Greenberg, 1990; Deater-Deckard, 2004), in the must manage primary parenting responsibilities without the support
context of social, material, and individual resources (Belsky, 1984; of additional adult help in the household (Cooper et al., 2009). Family
Bronfenbrenner, 1979; Garbarino, 1977). Daily stressors result from de- size, or number of children in the household, can attenuate family and
voting significant time, physical and emotional energy, and consider- parent resources and thereby increase parenting stress. In an examina-
able effort enacting the varied tasks necessary in the parenting role. tion of the relationship among parent stress, health, childcare character-
While daily tasks considered alone may not elicit high levels of stress, istics, and social support, Taylor et al. (2007) found that as number of
researchers theorize that cumulative exposure can lead to substantial children in the home increased so did levels of parenting stress.
parenting stress (Crnic & Greenberg, 1990). This manifests itself as Issues of poverty may further complicate family structure character-
caregiver stress and as relationship strain between a parent and a istics and their impact on parenting stress (Black et al., 2001; Pears &
child (see Deater-Deckard, 2004 for a full overview). Taken together, Capaldi, 2001). To understand the relative impact of income and social
the cumulative tasks and resource demands of parenting exert pressure support on parenting stress, Cain and Combs-Orme (2005) conducted
in the form of losses on parents — for example, loss of time, energy, and a study of 103 African American families. Examining four family config-
control over one's self and life (Berry & Jones, 1995). urations (mother and baby; mother, baby, and grandmother; mother,
Broader contextual factors, defined as social, material, and individual baby, and unmarried partner; and mother, baby, and married partner),
resources, are conceptualized as contributing to or buffering parenting they found that as total family income decreased, parental distress in-
stress. Research shows that social resources such as the presence creased with no impact from family configuration on parenting stress.
of a partner can reduce parenting stress, while increases in the num- Similarly, a study comparing White and non-White families with
ber of children in the family can produce additional stress (Cain & medically fragile children found that for White families increased social
Combs-Orme, 2005). We draw on family economic stress frameworks support, and child developmental indicators were correlated with de-
(Barnett, 2008) to understand the role of material resources in parenting creased parenting stress, but for families of color, parenting stress was
stress. Theoretically, economic disadvantage can lead to parental negatively correlated only with income (McDowell, Saylor, Taylor,
distress, which in turn can negatively influence parenting practices Boyce, & Stokes, 1995). These results support the hypothesis that for
(Barnett, 2008; Gershoff, Aber, Raver, & Lennon, 2007). Research sup- families of color income is a stronger correlate of parent stress than
ports this theoretical pathway across racially diverse families (Barnett, additional adult support or child disability.
2008), which is important in child welfare given the disproportionate
representation of families of color in this system (Hill, 2006). In our 4.2. Material resources/economic hardship
own research with child welfare involved families we have found that
economic hardship is frequently experienced as housing insecurity Poverty is a complex, and often intergenerational, phenomenon that
and food instability (Marcenko, Lyons, & Courtney, 2011). We conceptu- may exert significant influence on parenting stress. Evidence has sug-
alize individual resources as the presence or absence of parent chronic gested that poverty, as measured by income, correlates with parenting
risk factors that can interfere with parenting and create parenting stress. stress (Cain & Combs-Orme, 2005; McDowell et al., 1995). However, in-
These factors include parent mental health (Gray, Edwards, O'Callaghan, come alone may insufficiently capture the impact lack of resources has
Cuskelly, & Gibbons, 2013), substance use (Kelley, 1992), and intimate on parenting. For instance, Gershoff et al. (2007) found that material
partner violence (IPV; Kalil, Tolman, Rosen, & Gruber, 2003). Child men- hardship (food insecurity, housing instability, inadequate medical care,
tal health is also seen as an individual resource in our model. A parent and duration of financial trouble) increased parenting stress, which de-
perceived child mental health problem is a strong predictor of parenting creased positive parenting behavior. They suggest that a material hard-
stress (McPherson, Lewis, Lynn, Haskett, & Behrend, 2009). ship framework better facilitates an understanding of the influence of
Due to the conceptualization of parenting stress as the cumulative economic disadvantage on parenting stress. This conceptualization is
impact of day-to-day parenting and given that child welfare involved aligned with family stress models which generally identify economic
families comprise the population of concern, our analysis must account disadvantage as causing parent distress which has direct implications
for the special circumstances this poses for families. When children are for parenting strategies and parenting stress (for complete overview
removed from their parent's care, day-to-day parenting responsibility see Barnett, 2008). The interconnected relationship between family
is reduced and parent/child interactions are altered. Even with this structure and poverty is evident, particularly for families involved in
change, they remain parents and continue to experience the emotional the child welfare system as parents struggle to parent in an environment
aspects of parenting including deep concern for their children's of diminished financial and social resources (Marcenko et al., 2011).
wellbeing (Gerring, Kemp, & Marcenko, 2008). When children remain
in the home, but under the supervision of the child welfare agency, 4.3. Individual resources/chronic parent risk factors
daily parenting responsibility continues with the added pressure of
agency scrutiny. Given these unique contexts, this study examines Several chronic psychosocial factors, including parent mental health,
parenting stress separately — for families whose children are placed IPV, and substance abuse, put parents at-risk for child maltreatment as
outside of the home and for those whose children remain in the well as elevated levels of parenting stress. The association between de-
home. We build on the parenting stress literature, ecological models, pression and parenting stress has been broadly confirmed in the litera-
and family economic stress theory to examine potential predictors of ture, particularly in the postnatal period (Gray et al., 2013; Leigh &
parenting stress including social, material, and individual resources. Milgrom, 2008) and among parents caring for children with disabilities
(Anastopoulos, Guevremont, Shelton, & DuPaul, 1992). Findings from
4. Literature review one of the few studies that compared mothers with and without a
history of maltreating their children indicated that the maltreating
4.1. Social resources/family structure mothers' had significantly higher levels of both psychological distress
and parenting stress compared with mothers without a history of mal-
Single parenting and family size are the family structure factors treatment (McPherson et al., 2009). Mother's psychological distress pre-
most often associated with parenting stress (Cain & Combs-Orme, dicted parenting stress only for the maltreatment group (McPherson
2005; Cooper, McLanahan, Meadows, & Brooks-Gunn, 2009; Taylor, et al., 2009).
J. Rodriguez-JenKins, M.O. Marcenko / Children and Youth Services Review 46 (2014) 19–27 21

Research into the role of IPV in parenting stress has produced mixed 5.1.1. Parent characteristics
results. Some studies report increased symptoms of parenting stress in Sample descriptive characteristics are reported in Table 1. Of the
abusive relationships when compared to non-abusive relationships final sample of 771 primary caregivers, 58% of the families received in-
(Kalil et al., 2003; Levendosky & Graham-Bermann, 1998), while other home supervision and 42% had children placed in out-of-home care.
studies indicate no effect of physical or emotional partner abuse on par- Across both groups, approximately 92% of caregivers were female.
enting stress (Sullivan, Nguyen, Allen, Bybee, & Juras, 2000). Providing Parents of the in-home group were significantly older statistically
evidence for the complicated relationship among chronic risk factors, (M = 33.2 years vs. 31.9 years) and had higher levels of education.
Renner (2009) found that depressive symptoms partially mediated Families were predominantly low income, with 55% of out-of-home
the link between IPV and later parenting stress. families and 36% of in-home families making less than $10,000 a year.
Maternal substance use is widely acknowledged as a risk factor for Across both groups, the majority of families were White (62%), with
child maltreatment (e.g. Smith, Johnson, Pears, Fisher, & DeGarmo, the second largest group being Mixed Race (in-home = 16%; out-of-
2007); however, few studies have explored parental substance use and home = 18%). Out-of-home caregivers were more likely to be parenting
parenting stress. In a notable exception, Kelley (1992) explored the rela- alone when compared to the in-home group (72% vs. 63%).
tionship between prenatal substance use, parenting stress, and maltreat-
ment for mothers with and without drug exposed infants. The results
5.1.2. Child characteristics
indicate that mothers who used drugs during pregnancy had the highest
There were a total of 2137 children 18 years old and under with 59%
levels of parenting stress and were more likely to have their children
being in out-of-home care. Mean number of children in the home was
placed in out-of-home care. In a study of substance abusing mothers,
not significantly different between the two groups, with families having
Nair, Schuler, Black, Kettinger, and Harrington (2003) found elevated
on average three children. The mean age of children in each family was
levels of parenting stress among those with five or more risk factors
significantly different between groups (in-home M = 8.2 years; out-of-
such as depression, IPV, homelessness, and single parenting. This finding
home M = 7.3 years). Young children (ages 0–3) were more likely to be
points to the cumulative impact of multiple psychosocial risk factors.
placed in out of home care (65% vs. 35%, χ2 = 16.67, p b .001), a finding
consistent with prior research (Wulczyn, Ernst, & Fisher, 2011). In early
4.4. Individual resources/child mental health
analyses, child age did not significantly contribute to the model. Having
young children in the home was highly correlated with younger parent
Numerous studies have confirmed that child mental health disor-
age, r = .60, p b .000. For these reasons, child age was not included in
ders, particularly externalizing conditions, increase parenting stress
the final analysis. Parent's identification of child mental health problems
(Rosman, McCarthy, & Woolverton, 2001; Solem, Christophersen, &
was high, being identified in nearly two thirds of all families across
Martinussen, 2011). There is some debate about whether actual child
behavior or parent perception of child behavior is more important
when assessing parenting stress. Some research shows that actual
child behavior (measured by teacher report) was associated with higher 5.2. Measures
levels of parenting stress rather than parent perception of behavior
(Creasey & Reese, 1996). Other studies have found parenting stress to The survey included assessments of demographic information, child
be unrelated to observed parent–child interactions, and related instead information, household characteristics, parent mental health and sub-
to parent perception (Bigras et al., 1996; McPherson et al., 2009). The re- stance abuse, IPV, and financial hardship.
lationship between actual and perceived child behavior on stress is
complex and likely affected by several factors including type (internal-
izing vs. externalizing), duration, and severity of symptoms. Table 1
Descriptive statistics, by child placement status.

5. Methods Family characteristics In-home Out-of-home

(n = 345) (n = 464)

5.1. Data Mean (SD) Mean (SD)

or % or %
This study uses data from the Washington Statewide Survey of Child Parent age⁎⁎ 33.15 (9.77) 31.89 (9.59)
Welfare Involved Parents (hereafter referred to as the Parent Survey). Race
The Parent Survey conducted face-to-face interviews with primary White 62 62
African American 6 5
caregivers, 18 years and older, with a child welfare case opened for in- American Indian/Alaskan Native 6 7
home or out-of-home services in the past 30 to 120 days of the inter- Asian American, Pacific Islander 3 1
view date (n = 809). Interviews were conducted between July and Hispanic, Latino 6 5
December 2008 providing data regarding the characteristics, needs, Mixed race, more than one race 16 18
and engagement of child welfare involved families in Washington
Less than high school 24 34
State. The Parent Survey excludes caregivers unable to communicate High school/GED 29 27
in English, and caregivers incarcerated or living outside of Washington Greater than high school 47 40
State at the time of recruitment. The child welfare agency's administra- Lone parent⁎⁎ 63 72
tive database was used to select the sample. If two caregivers were iden- Gross household income less than $10,000/year⁎ 36 55
Unemployed⁎ 63 71
tified within a family, the primary caregiver was selected. If a primary
Housing instability within past year
caregiver was not indicated, the oldest female caregiver was selected. Homeless, evicted, or not enough money 52 59
The overall response rate was 82% (for more details on study design for rent⁎⁎
and recruitment procedure, see Marcenko et al., 2011). Food insecurity within past year
Not enough money for food 32 30
Listwise deletion was used to address missing data in the multivariate
Total number of children 2.81 (1.61) 3.06 (1.69)
analyses, resulting in the deletion of 38 cases (4.7% of the total sample). Mean age of children⁎⁎ 8.19 (6.40) 7.25 (5.78)
Significance tests were conducted to compare any possible differences Families with at least one child with a mental 67 66
between the dropped and retained cases on parenting stress, demo- health concern
graphic characteristics, care status, and risk factors. There were no signif- ⁎ p b .05.
icant differences between the groups. The final sample is 771 cases. ⁎⁎ p b .001.
22 J. Rodriguez-JenKins, M.O. Marcenko / Children and Youth Services Review 46 (2014) 19–27

5.2.1. Demographic and household characteristics 5.2.3. Economic hardship

Demographic information was collected on primary caregivers, Economic hardship was measured using two dichotomous con-
including gender, race, age, highest level of educational attainment, structs, housing instability and food insecurity. Housing instability was
employment, income, current living situation, and total number of chil- constructed by first creating an index based off of three yes/no re-
dren in their family. Caregivers were allowed multiple responses to the sponses to three questions; whether they had within the past year
question on race/ethnicity. In order to create a single race variable, we 1) been homeless, 2) been evicted, or 3) not had enough money to
coded respondents based on expected experiences in the child welfare pay for rent. Then a dichotomous variable was created based on this
system. Thus, caregivers were coded as White if that was their only re- index — where if respondents answered no to all three questions it
sponse. If they reported more than one race, they were coded Native was coded as 0 and an answer of yes to one or more of the three ques-
American regardless of other responses, followed by African American tions was coded as 1. Food insecurity was based on respondents answer
and Latino. The remaining caregivers were coded as other or mixed to the question about whether they felt like they had enough money for
race. After initial analysis using a five category race variable (White, food over the last 12 months. Responses of yes were coded as 0 and no
African American, Latino, American Indian/Alaska Native (AIAN), and were coded as 1.
Asian/Pacific Islander (API)), race remained non-significant in relation
to the dependent variable, parenting stress, so the decision was made 5.2.4. Child mental health
to collapse the categories into three: White, families of color (African For each of their children, parents were asked whether they had a
American, AIAN, API, and Latino), and mixed race. mental health condition, such as ADHD and depression. If respondents
The caregiver's highest level of educational attainment was based on answered yes for any of their children, they were coded as 1 and if
self-reported response to one of six categories, which were collapsed they answered no, they were coded as 0.
into three categories: less than high school graduate or GED, high school
graduate or GED, and greater than high school (some college, technical 5.2.5. Parenting stress
training, or college degree). Partner status included three possible re- Parenting stress was measured using the Parental Stress Scale
sponses: single, never married; married or in a committed relationship; (PSS), an 18 item self-report scale (Berry & Jones, 1995). The items
and separated, divorced, or widowed. An indicator variable was con- on this scale represent both positive (emotional benefits, personal de-
structed to identify whether parents were parenting alone or with the velopment) and negative feelings (demands on resources, opportunity
support of a partner. costs and restrictions) and perceptions of parenthood in terms of how
We were able to establish, through the administrative database, caregivers typically feel about their relationship with their children.
whether the respondent had at least one child removed from the Item examples for the PSS are “I am happy in my role as a parent”
home at the time of the interview. We distinguished between those and “I feel overwhelmed by the responsibility of being a parent.”
who had at least one child removed (out-of-home) and those who did Each item was scored on a five point Likert scale ranging from “strongly
not have any children removed from the home but received child wel- agree” (1) to “strongly disagree” (5), with several items being reverse
fare services (in-home). Analyses were conducted separately based on coded. Higher scores indicate greater stress. This scale is seen as an
placement status. We found that parenting stress scores were signifi- alternative to the Parenting Stress Index (PSI), which is widely used
cantly different between these groups (p b .001), with parents whose to measure parenting stress. The PSS is shorter than the PSI, more
children were in out-of-home placement having less stress than parents easily understandable, appropriate for parents with children with and
whose children remained in the home. without clinical concerns, and focuses on stress generated specifically
by the parenting role — rather than as a result of stress from other
5.2.2. Chronic risk factors situations such as financial and marital problems (Lessenberry &
Caregivers were asked about factors that have been identified as Rehfeldt, 2004). The PSS has been found to correlate well with the
increasing the risk of child maltreatment: mental health disorders, sub- PSI (r = .75, P b 0.01; Berry & Jones, 1995). The PSS has been demon-
stance use, and IPV. strated to have levels of internal consistency (.83), and test–retest reli-
The Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) was used ability over six weeks (.81). For this present study, the Cronbach's
to measure mental health and substance abuse disorders. The MINI is a alpha coefficient was .85.
widely used psychiatric structured diagnostic instrument that has been
validated against the much longer Structured Clinical Interview for DSM 5.3. Analytic strategy
diagnoses (SCID-P), the Composite International Diagnostic Interview
for ICD-10 (CIDI), and against expert opinion in a large sample in four Bivariate analyses were conducted to describe the overall sample
European countries (Sheehan et al., 1997). All research staff were (Table 1). T-tests were used with continuous variables and chi-square
trained to administer the instrument by an approved trainer. The instru- tests with categorical variables to establish statistical differences be-
ment yields a lifetime and past 12-month diagnosis of depression, tween the in-home and out-of-home group on the dependent variable
alcohol and other drug use. Indicator variables were constructed from parenting stress. Separate multivariate analyses for in-home and out-
both the 12-month and lifetime diagnoses to indicate the presence of of-home groups were conducted to identify predictors of parenting
any depressive disorder and any substance use. stress when controlling for demographic variables for two reasons:
Caregivers were also asked six items from the Conflict Tactic Scale 1 1. The two groups were significantly different in a number of areas —
(Straus, 1979) to measure IPV. Caregivers were asked about the preva- parent education, income, partner status, parent mental health and sub-
lence and nature of violence in their relationship with their current or stance use, and on mean levels of parenting stress and 2. Conceptually
most recent partner. Three items pertain to the respondent as victim parents may experience stress related to the parenting role differently
and three items pertain to the respondent as the perpetrator of aggres- when they continue to have day-to-day parenting responsibilities com-
sive behavior (verbal threats, physical aggression, physical injury). Item pared to those whose children have been removed from their care. Pos-
examples include “Has your partner grabbed, shaken, slapped or kicked sible predictors were drawn from significant findings in the parenting
you?” and “Has your partner threatened to do something violent to stress literature of relatively stable characteristics that reasonably pre-
you?” The CTS1 has well-documented reliability and validity (Straus, cede child welfare involvement. Predictors were organized by parent
1979). The instrument is designed to be self-administered and Audio demographics (age, education, race), family structure (partner status,
CASI was employed given the sensitive nature of the questions. An indi- number of children), economic hardship factors (housing instability,
cator variable was constructed based on these six questions to measure food insecurity), parent chronic risk factors (substance use, mental
whether IPV was present in the household. health, IPV), and parent report of child mental health.
J. Rodriguez-JenKins, M.O. Marcenko / Children and Youth Services Review 46 (2014) 19–27 23

We report a base model with only parent demographic variables the 12 months prior to the interview. About a third of both groups re-
(base model), then add family structure variables (model 1), followed ported that they did not have enough money to buy food over the last
by economic hardship variables (model 2), then parent chronic risk 12 months.
factors (model 3), and lastly child mental health (full model). Conse-
quently, we were able to observe the behavior of parent demographics 6.3. Multivariate analysis
as we added layers of potential risk factors to the model. All statistical
analysis was completed using SPSS version 19. A multivariate analysis explored possible predictors of parenting
stress for families with children in home supervision (see Table 2) and
6. Results out-of-home care (see Table 3). Predictors were organized by parent
demographics (age, education, race), family structure (partner status,
6.1. Parent chronic risk factors number of children), economic hardship factors (housing instability,
food insecurity), parent chronic risk factors (substance use, mental
Parents reported high levels of mental health and substance use health, IPV), and child mental health. There was an improvement in R2
disorders. The most common type of mental health disorder was from the base models in both groups, with a final R2 of 14% for the
depression: 46.1% of respondents met criteria for lifetime depression. out-of-home group and 19% for the in-home group. There is an overall
There were no significant differences between the in-home and out- reduction of the BIC and AIC from the null model to the final model in-
of-home group based on parent mental health. The overall rates dicating an improvement of fit over the null models.
of drug and alcohol abuse or dependency were lower than rates of men-
tal health in the sample. However, substance use rates for the out-of- 6.3.1. In-home group
home group were almost double of the in-home group (44% vs. 24%, For the in-home group (Table 3), holding all other variables
χ2 = 22.61, p b .001). constant, parent age (B = .08, p b .01), child mental health (B = .23,
About one-third (34%) of the total sample reported some form of p ≤ .001), and parent mental health (B = .20, p b .01) were significant
IPV. The out-of-home group had statistically significant higher rates of predictors of increased parenting stress. Food insecurity was significant
IPV (38% vs. 31%, χ2 = 4.62, p b .05). The mean scores of parenting in models 2 and 3 but was no longer significant after controlling for
stress were higher for the in-home group (M = 2.05; SD = .53) com- chronic risk factors and child mental health. While not significant in
pared to the out-of-home group (M = 1.91, SD = .53; p b .001). the final model, race and total number of children were significant in in-
termediary model 1. Families of color had significantly less parenting
6.2. Economic hardship factors stress than White families (B = −.15, p b .05) and parenting stress in-
creased with number of children in the family (B = .05, p b .05). After
Economic hardship was measured by families' experience of housing controlling for economic hardship, chronic risk factors and child mental
instability and food insecurity. Families whose children were out-of- health, these two relationships were no longer significant.
home were more likely to experience housing instability (59% vs. 52%,
p b .001), including eviction (20% vs. 12%, χ2 = 8.29, p b .005) and 6.3.2. Out-of-home group
homelessness (37% vs. 18%, χ2 = 34.12, p b .001). A little over half For the out-of-home group (Table 3), holding all other variables
of both groups stated they did not have enough money to pay rent in constant, parent age (B = .13, p ≤ .001), child mental health (B = .17,

Table 2
Regression analysis, predicting parenting stress in-home (n = 327).

Base model Intermediary model 1 Intermediary model 2 Intermediary model 3 Full model

B (SE) B (SE) B (SE) B (SE) B (SE)

Parenting stress (ref)

Parent demographics
Parent age 0.13 (0.03)⁎⁎⁎ 0.11 (0.03)⁎⁎⁎ 0.11 (0.03)⁎⁎⁎ 0.11 (0.03)⁎⁎⁎ 0.08 (0.03)⁎⁎
Some college or more (ref)
HS/GED −0.06 (0.07) −0.05 (0.07) −0.03 (0.07) −0.02 (0.07) −0.02 (0.07)
Less than HS −0.01 (0.08) −0.02 (0.08) 0.01 (0.08) 0.02 (0.07) 0.02 (0.08)
White (ref)
Families of color −0.13 (0.07)+ −0.15 (0.07)⁎ −0.62 (0.07)⁎ −0.14 (0.07)⁎ −0.10 (0.07)
Mixed race 0.01 (0.08) 0.01 (0.08) 0.01 (0.08) −0.02 (0.08) −0.03 (0.08)
Family structure
Lone parent −0.06 (0.06) −0.04 (0.06) −0.03 (0.06) −0.05 (0.06)
Total number of children 0.05 (0.02)⁎⁎ 0.04 (0.02)⁎ 0.04 (0.02)⁎ 0.02 (0.02)
Economic hardship factors
Housing instability −0.10 (0.08) −0.12 (0.08) −0.11 (0.08)
Food insecurity 0.19 (0.06)⁎⁎ 0.15 (0.06)⁎ 0.10 (0.07)
Parent chronic risk factors
Substance use −0.02 (0.08) −0.03 (0.07)
Mental health disorder 0.22 (0.06)⁎⁎⁎ 0.20 (0.06)⁎⁎⁎
Intimate partner violence 0.02 (0.07) 0.03 (0.06)
Child mental health
Child mental health 0.23 (0.06)⁎⁎⁎
Constant 1.68 (0.11)⁎⁎⁎ 1.64 (0.12)⁎⁎⁎ 1.62 (0.12)⁎⁎⁎ 1.50 (0.13)⁎⁎⁎ 1.55 (0.12)
R2 0.06 0.08 0.11 0.14 0.19
p b .10.
⁎ p b .05.
⁎⁎ p b .01.
⁎⁎⁎ p ≤ .001.
24 J. Rodriguez-JenKins, M.O. Marcenko / Children and Youth Services Review 46 (2014) 19–27

Table 3
Regression analysis, predicting parenting stress out-of-home (n = 445).

Base model Intermediary model 1 Intermediary model 2 Intermediary model 3 Full model

B (SE) B (SE) B (SE) B (SE) B (SE)

Parenting stress (ref)

Parent demographics
Parent age 0.15 (0.03)⁎⁎⁎ 0.14 (0.03)⁎⁎⁎ 0.15 (0.03)⁎⁎⁎ 0.15 (0.03)⁎⁎⁎ 0.13 (0.03)⁎⁎⁎
Some college or more (ref)
HS/GED −0.04 (0.06) −0.04 (0.06) −0.02 (0.06) −0.00 (0.06) −0.02 (0.06)
Less than HS 0.00 (0.06) 0.00 (0.06) 0.02 (0.06) 0.04 (0.06) 0.04 (0.06)
White (ref)
Families of color 0.05 (0.06) 0.05 (0.06) 0.04 (0.06) 0.05 (0.06) 0.07 (0.06)
Mixed race 0.03 (0.07) 0.03 (0.07) 0.03 (0.06) 0.03 (0.07) 0.03 (0.06)
Family structure
Lone parent 0.01 (0.06) 0.02 (0.05) 0.03 (0.05) 0.03 (0.05)
Total number of children 0.01 (0.02) 0.01 (0.02) 0.01 (0.02) −0.00 (0.02)
Economic hardship factors
Housing instability −0.03 (0.05) −0.04 (0.06) −0.03 (0.05)
Food insecurity 0.24 (0.05)⁎⁎⁎ 0.23 (0.06)⁎⁎⁎ 0.22 (0.06)⁎⁎⁎
Parent chronic risk factors
Substance use −0.02 (0.06) −0.01 (0.05)
Mental health disorder 0.08 (0.05) 0.07 (0.05)
Intimate partner violence 0.02 (0.05) 0.03 (0.05)
Child mental health
Child mental health 0.17 (0.06)⁎⁎
Constant 1.46 (0.10)⁎⁎⁎ 1.45 (0.10)⁎⁎⁎ 1.35 (0.10)⁎⁎⁎ 1.28 (0.11)⁎⁎⁎ 1.33 (0.11)⁎⁎⁎
R 0.07 0.07 0.11 0.12 0.14
⁎⁎ p b .01.
⁎⁎⁎ p ≤ .001.

p b .01), and food insecurity (B = .22, p ≤ .001) were significant posi- Arguing that context was likely to affect the experience of parenting,
tive predictors of increased parenting stress. Food insecurity maintained we conducted separate analyses by whether children remained in-
significance from intermediary model 2 to the full model for this group home with child welfare supervision or were placed in out-of-home
(B = 0.22, p ≤ .001), with parents who indicated food insecurity in the care. Indeed, these two groups proved to be distinct on multiple dimen-
past 12 months having increased parenting stress levels. sions. Descriptive analyses revealed that parents in the out-of-home
The models indicate a different combination of factors may predict group were younger, had less education, and were more likely to
parenting stress for families when examined by placement status. For be parenting alone. They had fewer financial resources, experienced
the in-home group, increased parenting stress is predicted by a history greater housing instability, more often reported IPV, and had higher
of parent mental health disorder where as food insecurity is predictive rates of substance use than families whose children remained in their
of parenting stress for the out-of-home group. Across both groups, parent's care. The observed differences between the two groups are
child mental health predicted parenting stress. consistent with prior research (Wulczyn et al., 2011). Parenting stress
scores were lower in the out-of-home group, which may simply reflect
6.4. Limitations relief from the daily pressures of parenting.
Multivariate analyses by placement status showed that in both
Some caution should be taken in the interpretation of this study's groups as parent age increased parenting stress scores also increased,
findings in light of limitations in study design, sample, and data. Due even after controlling for number of children in the home. Across
to the cross-sectional nature of this study, inferences cannot be made both groups, parenting stress was predicated by child mental health.
about a causal relationship between these identified predictors and It has been well-established that children in the child welfare system
parenting stress. Generalization is further limited because the sample are at increased risk for mental health problems, with almost half of
was drawn from one geographic region and only includes parents all children who enter children's services nationally having significant
with a new entry to the child welfare agency in the past 30–120 days, emotional or behavioral problems (Burns et al., 2004). A recent study
excluding the experiences of families whose children were returned examining children placed in out-of-home care found a 60% increase
home within the first month. Further, this study excluded non-English between 2000 and 2010 in number of children identified as having a
speaking families and incarcerated parents. This study relies on parent mental health diagnosis (Conn et al., 2013). In our survey, according
self-report, which is open to reporting bias. While parenting stress to parent report, approximately two-thirds of children had mental
scores were significantly different between in-home and out-of-home health problems.
groups, parents reported lower levels of stress than expected. This may As more children in out of home care struggle with mental health is-
be explained by social desirability bias; parents may have underreported sues, there are cascading effects for their well-being. For example, exter-
stress due to concerns that their answers would be reported to child nalizing child mental health problems can lead to placement disruption,
welfare and negatively affect their open child welfare case. which can exacerbate internalizing and externalizing mental health
symptoms (Newton, Litrownik, & Landsverk, 2000). Children with in-
7. Discussion creased numbers of placements are less likely to reunify with their par-
ents (Landsverk, Davis, Ganger, Newton, & Johnson, 1996) and more
The purpose of the current study was to identify predictors of likely to come back into care after being returned home (VanBergeijk,
parenting stress among families involved in the child welfare system. McGowan, & Stutz, 2001).
J. Rodriguez-JenKins, M.O. Marcenko / Children and Youth Services Review 46 (2014) 19–27 25

These results emphasize a need for comprehensive screenings help them meet their families' needs for food, which in turn could de-
for child mental health as well as parenting support around managing crease parenting stress and support reunification.
challenging behaviors for both families who are receiving in-home
supervision and out-of-home care, especially given the number 7.1. Policy implications
of evidenced-based interventions available in many communities.
Interventive approaches that reduce parental stress by improving par- Shifting child welfare policy away from traditional child protective
enting may also act to prevent future maltreatment. There is evidence services (CPS) investigation and toward differential response, under
that among child welfare involved families parenting programs such specific conditions, makes these findings even more salient. Differential
as The Incredible Years (Webster-Stratton & Reid, 2010), Parent–child response allows CPS an alternative response to allegations of abuse and
Interaction Therapy (PCIT, Chaffin et al., 2004), Project SafeCare neglect in families deemed low-to-medium risk with no immediate
(Gershater-Molko, Lutzker, & Wesch, 2003), and Triple P Parenting safety concerns. An assessment, rather than a forensic investigation is
(Sanders, Prinz, & Shapiro, 2011) can improve parent–child interaction, conducted to identify family needs and strengths (Hughes, Rycus,
and reduce the incidence and severity of difficult child behaviors, Saunders-Adams, Hughes, & Hughes, 2013). Theoretically, the families
thereby mitigating parent stress. These programs focus on enhancing in our study who were receiving in-home services would have met
parenting skills, increasing parent knowledge regarding child develop- criteria for differential response. Their children were not removed
ment, reinforcing positive child behavior, and supporting parent–child early in the case, implying that there were no immediate safety con-
relationships. cerns and that families could benefit from community services while
Although parenting stress was lower for those with children in out- their children remained in the home. Our findings suggest that these
of home care, following reunification we would expect parenting stress families experience elevated levels of parenting stress linked to child
to increase. This assumption is based on evidence that children's be- and parent mental health problems. States employing differential re-
havioral problems often escalate post-reunification (Bellamy, 2008) sponse might examine their assessment tools to determine their ability
and that parents are likely to experience additional stress as they to detect child and parent mental health problems. Referrals to appro-
move from intermittent parenting to full-time responsibility. Child be- priate evidence based interventions could potentially reduce parenting
havioral problems post-reunification could lead to increased risk of stress and prevent out-of-home placement.
parent mental health concerns, which may impact child mental health
and behavior, and parenting responses (Anastopoulos et al., 1992).
Given the limited opportunities for parents to improve parent–child 7.2. Future research directions
relationships and practice positive parenting skills while children are
in out-of-home care, interventions such as those mentioned earlier Moving forward, future research should work to measure child
should be offered to families prior to reunification with booster ses- mental health in a more refined manner — perhaps including both
sions post-reunification. parent perception and child behavioral assessment. This should also ex-
For the in-home group, parenting stress was predicted by parent plore the potential differential impact of children with internalizing
mental health. This finding is consistent with prior research (e.g. versus externalizing mental health conditions on parenting stress.
McPherson et al., 2009). Interestingly, while rates of parent mental In addition, future research should capture how parents within this
health conditions were not significantly different between the two population understand the behavior of their children and whether
groups, this risk factor was only a significant predictor of parenting this understanding reflects typical versus atypical developmental
stress for parents whose children remained in the home. We could behavior. Given the clear economic disadvantage that this population
speculate that mental health problems emerge due to the pressures of parents experience and the finding that food insecurity is associated
of parenting. Additionally, parents who have day-to-day parenting re- with increased parenting stress in the out-of-home group, including
sponsibilities may have less time to manage their mental health symp- multiple indicators of food insecurity and experience with community
toms or engage in self-care. services would be important to improve our understanding of the rela-
These findings support a focus on decreasing parent mental health tionship between food insecurity and parenting stress. Lastly, a longitu-
symptoms as a way of decreasing parenting stress for parents who dinal study design would allow a closer examination of potential causal
are receiving in-home supervision. While assessment and treatment factors that contribute to, or mitigate, parenting stress among child
of parent mental health for families regardless of placement status in welfare involved families.
important — attention to this factor for the in-home group is critical
given the relationship with parenting stress. Successfully treating pa- 8. Conclusion
rental mental health may not only improve the mental health of the
caregiver, but can also improve the mental health of the child. Recent In summary, these findings support the conclusion that among child
evidence highlights the interconnected relationship between improve- welfare involved families, experiences of parenting stress differ by
ments in parent and child mental health outcomes. Weissman et al. placement status. For parents whose children remained in the home,
(2006) found that after three months of receiving treatment for depres- attending to issues of parent mental health is important. With over
sion, maternal remission was associated with a significant decrease in 50% of the parents involved in this study having mental health disorders
child mental health problems. In follow-up, Wickramaratne et al. it is important that parent mental health is adequately treated. Further-
(2011) found that after a year, maternal remission was significantly more, for families whose children are placed in out-of-home care it is
related to additional reductions in problem behaviors and symptoms important that attention be placed on assessing parents needs for food
in their children. and basic resources. Lastly, issues of child mental health, regardless of
For families in the out-of-home group, parenting stress was pre- the placement of the child, need to be addressed prior to service termi-
dicted by food insecurity. This may be related to the significantly nation in order to decrease parental and family stress at reunification
lower incomes among parents of children in placement or to the fact and support positive parenting.
that the food stamp award decreases when children are removed from This current study's findings add to the child welfare and parenting
the home. In a previous analysis with this sample, mothers of children stress literature by identifying sources of parenting stress among fami-
in out-of-home placements were equally likely to receive food stamps lies with open child welfare cases. Given that parenting stress is a signif-
but more likely to utilize a food pantry or community food programs icant risk factor for child maltreatment, understanding predictors for
than those in the in-home group (Marcenko et al., 2011). This suggests these families can lead to focused interventions to decrease parenting
that parents of children in out-of-home care need concrete assistance to stress through support in key areas.
26 J. Rodriguez-JenKins, M.O. Marcenko / Children and Youth Services Review 46 (2014) 19–27

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