Embedded Web Server: Operation Guide

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Embedded Web Server

Operation Guide
Legal and General Information


Unauthorized reproduction of all or part of this guide is prohibited. The information

in this guide is subject to change without notice.

We cannot be held liable for any problems arising from the use of this product,
regardless of the information herein.

Regarding Trademarks

Microsoft, Windows and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft

Apple, AppleTalk, Mac, Macintosh, Mac OS and TrueType are registered
trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Bonjour is a trademark of Apple Computer,
Adobe, Acrobat and Postscript are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems
Novell and NetWare are registered trademarks of Novell, Inc.
HP and PCL are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company.
Intel, Pentium and Celeron are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation.
Other brand and product names contained in this document are registered
trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.

General Information

When using this utility, the items that can be configured will differ depending on
the model of your printer or multifunctional printer (hereinafter referred to as
"printing system"); or whether it supports color printing or not.

Examples in this document are described in terms of the Internet Explorer 6.0 and
Microsoft Windows XP operating system environment.
Table of Contents

1 Introduction.............................................................................. 1
Using EWS .......................................................................................... 1
System Requirements ......................................................................... 1

2 Access ...................................................................................... 2
Accessing EWS ................................................................................... 2
Admin password .................................................................................. 2
Authentication...................................................................................... 2
Encryption ........................................................................................... 2

3 EWS Pages ............................................................................... 3

Start Page ........................................................................................... 3
Basic Page .......................................................................................... 6
Printer Page ...................................................................................... 16
Scanner Page.................................................................................... 18
FAX / i-FAX Page .............................................................................. 21
Jobs Page ......................................................................................... 32
Document Box Page ......................................................................... 33
Advanced Page ................................................................................. 36

4 Troubleshooting .................................................................... 56

1 Introduction

Using EWS
Embedded Web Server (hereinafter referred to as EWS) refers to the web home page
that is installed in the machine from which you can verify the operating status of the
machine and make settings related to security, network printing, E-mail transmission
and advanced networking.

System Requirements

EWS operates in the following environment. Check the following before use.

• The TCP/IP protocol is installed in the PC.

• An IP address is assigned to the printing system.

Web browser
• Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later *1
• Mozilla Firefox 1.5 or later
• Safari 2.0 or later *2
*1: Microsoft Internet Explorer operates on Microsoft Windows 98SE/Me/2000/XP/
Vista/7, Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, and Microsoft Windows Server 2003/2008.
*2: Safari operates on Apple Macintosh OS X 10.4 or later.

Operation Guide 1

2 Access

Accessing EWS
1. Run the web browser.

2. In Address or Location, enter the machine IP address as the URL,

e.g. http://

Select a category from the navigation bar on the left to view and set values for that

Admin password
Setting Administrator Password restricts general users' access to pages other than
the Start page. For security purposes, setting the Administrator password is highly
recommended. With some models, the default Administrator password is factory-set
as admin00.

The Login button is displayed at the upper left of the screen. To access a page other
than the Start page, click Login. (This button may not be displayed on some models.
When this button is not displayed, click a page other than the Start page.) The password
input window is displayed. Entering the predefined administrator password allows the
user to access all pages.

For how to define the administrator password, refer to Basic > Security > Account
Settings on page 12.

Setting Authentication allows only the predefined users to access pages. In addition,
you can discriminate users by giving either the General User or Administrator privilege
to each user. Before using the authentication function, you have to define those users.
For how to define users, refer to Basic > Security > User Login on page 13.
When a user sets authentication and accesses Embedded Web Server, only the Start
page is displayed. The Login button is displayed in the upper left of the screen. Click it
to log in. When the user logs in with an Administrator account, hidden pages are
displayed and can be accessed. When the user logs in with a General User account,
the user can access the user's account page on Basic > Security > User Login and the
user’s settings on the basic page and the user's document box and shared document
box pages.
The authentication function come in two types: Local Authentication and Network
Authentication. For more information, refer to Advanced > Management >
Authentication > General on page 48.

You can encrypt communication between a PC and this machine using SSL encryption.
When this encryption is enabled, the access URL must be specified as "https://..." For
details on the setting procedure, refer to Advanced > Security > Secure Protocols on
page 51.

2 Embedded Web Server

EWS Pages

3 EWS Pages

The EWS home page divides the following functions onto separate pages. You can jump
to the desired pages by clicking the tab located at the top of each page. The following is
an outline of each page accessed.

Page Description

Start This page allows you to verify this machine’s operating status and
current settings.

Basic This page includes settings that apply to the entire machine, such
as Device Defaults, Security, and Basic Networking.

Printer This page includes settings that apply to the printing function of the
machine, such as Default Print Resolution and Copy Count.

Scanner This page includes settings that apply to the scanning function of the
machine, such as Default Scan Resolution and Original Placement.

FAX / i-FAX This page includes settings that apply to the FAX function of the
machine, such as FAX transmit and receive settings.

Jobs This page includes information on all device jobs including job
status, scheduled job and job log.

Document This page allows you to add and delete a document box, and
Box delete documents within a document box.

Advanced This page includes advanced settings that apply to the entire
machine and is comprised primarily of advanced network settings.

Start Page
The following operations are possible from the Start page.

• Verifying the machine’s operating status

• Logging in or out during setting of the administrator password
• Changing the language that EWS is displayed in
• Verifying various settings (machine, printing, FAX, scanning, network and E-mail)
• Verifying the number of scanned pages and the number of prints made on the

All users will have access to the Start page.

Operation Guide 3
EWS Pages

Start > Start

This page allows you to verify the machine’s operating status. This will be the first screen
that appears after EWS has been started up.

Item Description

Select Appears if EWS pages support multiple languages.

Language To change EWS language:
1. Open the Select Language drop down list by clicking it.
2. Select the appropriate language.
If you attempt to view EWS with a character set other than
the language that is used on the operation panel’s display,
some characters may be illegible.

Operation Panel This indicates the machine’s operating status as displayed

on the operation panel. To update the display to the most
recent status, click the Refresh button.

Toner Level This shows the approximate level of remaining toner. The closer
the value to 0%, the smaller the amount of remaining toner. If
you use non-original toner kit, the toner gauge measurement
will not be indicated correctly.

Network IP Network IP information on the printing system is displayed.

Information This allows you to verify the following information:
- IP Address
- IPv6 Address (Manual)
- IPv6 Address (LinkLocal)
- IPv6 Addresses 1 to 5 (Stateless)
- IPv6 Address (Stateful)
- Host Name

System System information on the printing system is displayed. This

Identification allows you to verify the following information:
- MAC Address
- System Firmware
- Engine Firmware
- Panel Firmware
- FAX Firmware
- Serial Number
- Asset Number.

Media Input This shows paper size and media type for cassettes and MP tray.

Start > Status Pages

These pages allow you to verify the various settings (machine, printing, scanning, network
and E-mail) that were made on the operation panel or using EWS.

It is divided by the following items.

- Network
- Security
- Device/Printer
- Scanner
- FAX / i-FAX
- Jobs
- Counters

4 Embedded Web Server

EWS Pages

Item Description

Network > This allows you to verify the current settings for LDAP, TCP/
General IP, IPP, IPP over SSL, AppleTalk, NetBEUI, IPv4, and IPv6.
For more information, refer to Advanced Page on page 36.

Network > IP This displays the list of IP addresses and subnet masks
Filters (IPv4) or prefix length (IPv6) that have access permission as
set under IP Filters (IPv4) and IP Filters (IPv6) on the
Advanced page. If no IP addresses have been designated,
then access permission will be granted to all addresses.
For more information, refer to Advanced > Protocols > TCP/
IP > IP Filters on page 38.

Network > This allows you to verify the settings made under SNMPv1/
SNMP v2 and SNMPv3 on the Advanced page.
For more information on SNMPv1/v2, refer to Advanced >
Management > SNMP > SNMPv1/v2c on page 45.
For more information on SNMPv3, refer to Advanced >
Management > SNMP > SNMPv3 on page 46

Network > This allows you to verify the E-mail-related settings made on
POP3/SMTP POP3 and SMTP pages of the Advanced page.
For more information on POP3, refer to Advanced > E-mail >
POP3 > General on page 44.
For more information on SMTP, refer to Advanced > E-mail >
SMTP > General on page 42.

Network > This allows you to verify the settings made on the Logical
Logical Printers Printers page of the Advanced page.
For more information, refer to Advanced > Protocols > TCP/
IP > Logical Printers on page 39.

Network > This allows you to verify the settings made on the Netware
Netware page of the Advanced page.
For more information, refer to Advanced > Protocols >
Netware on page 40.

Security This allows you to verify the current settings for secure
protocols, IEEE802.1x, and IPSec. To change the settings:
For secure protocols, refer to Advanced > Security > Secure
Protocols on page 51; For IEEE802.1x, refer to Advanced >
Security > IEEE802.1x on page 52; For IPSec, refer to
Advanced > Security > IPSec > Rule1 (to Rule3) on page 53.

Device/Printer This allows you to verify the settings made on the Basic and
the Printer pages.
For more information, refer to Basic Page on page 6 and
Printer Page on page 16.

Device/Printer > This allows you to verify the settings made on the Basic and
APL. Filter the Printer pages.
For more information, refer to Printer Page on page 16.

Device/Printer > This allows you to verify the settings made on the Basic and
APL. Filter the Printer pages.
Parameters For more information, refer to Printer Page on page 16.

Scanner This allows you to verify the settings made on the Scanner
For more information, refer to Scanner Page on page 18.

Operation Guide 5
EWS Pages

Item Description

FAX / i-FAX > This allows you to verify the settings made on the FAX / i-FAX
General page.
For more information, refer to FAX / i-FAX Page on page 21.
FAX / i-FAX >

FAX / i-FAX > i-


Jobs > Printing This allows you to confirm the log of the jobs in each operation.
Jobs Log For more information, refer to Jobs Page on page 32.

Jobs > Sending

Jobs Log

Jobs > Storing

Jobs Log

Counters > This allows you to verify the accumulated number of printed
Printed Pages pages for each paper size and color (Monochrome, Mono
Color, and Full Color). A page printed on both sides, an A3-
sized sheet of paper, or a page larger than Ledger size is
counted as two pages.

Counters > Provide information of the number of pages copied, faxed,

Scanned Pages and other (scanned), respectively.

Start > Information

This page provides information about the Address Book, User Login, the model number
of the machine and version of firmware.

Item Description

Address Book This page provides information about the maximum and
current numbers of addresses possible to add to the private
and group Address Books. For more information, refer to
Basic > Defaults > Address Book > Groups on page 11 and
Basic > Defaults > Address Book > Groups on page 11.

User Login This shows the number of registered users. For more
information, refer to Basic > Security > User Login on page 13.

About The model number of this printing system and Version of

Firmware can be confirmed.

Basic Page
This section includes settings that apply to the machine, such as Device Defaults,
Security, and basic Networking.

Basic > Defaults > Network

This page allows you to make the settings that are required for network printing and
sending E-mail. For more information, refer to Advanced > Protocols > TCP/IP >
General on page 37.

6 Embedded Web Server

EWS Pages

You must restart this machine after you have completed these settings in order to
properly register the content of those settings in the machine. Refer to Basic > Defaults
> Reset on page 8.

Item Description

Host Name Specifies a name for the printing system network

component. This name is used as the NetBEUI printer name
and as the WSD device name.

LAN Interface Specifies the communication rate from Auto, 10BASE-T-Half,

10BASE-T-Full, 100BASE-TX-Half, and 100BASE-TX-Full.

IPv4 Settings
DHCP/ Specifies whether or not to obtain an IP address using

IP Address Assigns the Internet Protocol address on the printing system

(IPv4) network component. Format of the IP address is four-byte
(32-bit) numbers separated by dots, e.g.

Subnet Specifies the subnet mask of the hosts or network with which
Mask the print system is connecting. If you have manually
assigned an IP address that starts with a number between
192 and 223, it is recommended that you set the subnet
mask to ""

Default Specifies the IP address of the default gateway.


IPv6 Settings
IPv6 Specifies whether or not to enable the IPv6 protocol.
Select On to use the IPv6 protocol.

IP Assigns an IPv6 address to the printing system network

Address component. The format of the IPv6 address is a sequence of
(IPv6) numbers (128 bit in total) separated by colons, e.g.

Prefix Specifies the IPv6 prefix length of the hosts or network with
Length which the print system is connecting.

RA Select On to use RA to configure IPv6 addresses.


Default Specifies the IPv6 address of the default gateway.


DHCPv6 Specifies whether or not to obtain IPv6 IP addresses by

automatic configuration. When RA is turned On, the IP
addresses and server information are obtained via DHCPv6
based on the settings of the automatic configuration made
under RA (router setting).

Basic > Defaults > Time

If a time server is used to synchronize the time as well, the current time can be adjusted
regularly and easily. Enter the IP address of the time server and click the Synchronize

Operation Guide 7
EWS Pages

Time information is required when you receive reports from this machine via E-mail. It
is recommended that you set the time when the report mail function is enabled.

Item Description

Current Local Displays the time that is currently set in the machine.

Current Displays the Greenwich Mean Time that is currently set in

Universal Time the machine.

Time Zone Sets a time difference. Click the drop down list and select
your region.

Summer Time Switches the Summer Time setting On and Off. Select On in
order to have the Summer Time function applied when the
time is synchronized with a time server.

Time Server Enter the host name or IP address of the time server from
which you want to acquire the time.

Synchronize Click the Synchronize button to synchronize the registered

with Time time with the designated timer server.
Server now

Synchronization Displays the results of the synchronization operation with the

Status time server.

Basic > Defaults > Reset

This page allows you to restart the machine in order to make all settings in the machine
valid. It is also possible to select to have all settings returned to their factory default

Item Description

Restart entire Clicking Restart restarts this machine.


Restart Network Clicking Restart allows restarting the network interface

without restarting the machine.
The network interface must be restarted whenever a change
has been made to the network settings.

Reset entire When clicking the Reset button, the machine returns to the
device to factory default settings. However, the document box,
factory default address book, user information, logs, and certificates are not

8 Embedded Web Server

EWS Pages

Basic > Defaults > Device Defaults

This page allows you to change the language that is used in the display, as well as to
turn the Auto Sleep Mode On or Off.

Item Description

Operation Panel You can select the language of the messages on the display
Language by following the procedure given below. The following
languages are available for selection in the drop down list:
English, Français, Deutsch, Italiano, Nederlands, Español,
Português, Russian, and the downloaded languages
You can optionally download messages in other languages.
Contact your dealer for information.
Some models may require restarting after configuration.

Sleep Timer Specifies the time from 1 to 240 minutes after which the
system enters the auto sleep mode.
You can turn the sleep timer On or Off as follows. The
default setting is On.
1. Click Advanced on the right hand side of the drop down
2. Turn the sleep mode On or Off.
3. Click Submit.

Low Power Specifies the time from 1 to 240 minutes after which the
Timer system enters the low power mode, where it reduces the
power consumption.

Override A4/ Specifies whether or not the A4 and Letter size paper should
Letter be interchangeable.When turned On, for example, if the A4
paper is not in the tray, the Letter size paper will be selected
for printing.When turned Off, the Letter size paper will not be
used in place of the A4 paper, when A4 is selected for
printing but the A4 tray is empty.

Auto Error Clear Specifies whether or not to clear errors automatically when
they occur.

Error Clear Timer Specifies the time between 5 and 495 seconds after which
errors are cleared automatically.

RAM Disk Mode Specifies whether to use a part of the print system memory
as a RAM disk. You can specify the size of the print system
memory to use for the RAM disk. If this item is On, electronic
sorting is enabled and the printing speed increases. After
you have changed the setting, you must restart the printing

RAM Disk Size Specifies the size of the RAM disk. For allowable sizes, refer
to the print system operation guide. After you have changed
the setting, you must restart the printing system.

Interrupt Clear This determines the time of period before the machine
Time reverts to normal mode, after the interrupt copy mode has
been engaged. The range is 5 to 459 seconds (in 5-second

Operation Guide 9
EWS Pages

Item Description

WSD Scan Timer This determines the time of period before the machine
reverts to normal mode, after WSD scan mode has been
engaged. The range is 10 to 495 seconds (in 5-second

File Name You can change the file name for the scan data or the job
name for the jobs on the Job page.

Additional You can add a Job Number or the Data and Time to the File
Information Name designated above. The additional information varies
depending on model.

MP Tray Empty With the MP tray set as the default paper source, this
enables (On) or disables (Off) the paper empty message
when the MP tray becomes empty.

Unusable Time This restricts use of the machine by time of day. When
Setting turned On, the machine becomes unoperative during the
time of day specified by Unusable Time. Except, the
received FAXes are stored in the machine and printed after
the unusable time period has been expired.

Unusable Time This determines the time of period during which the machine
is restricted for use. This is enabled when Unusable Time
Setting is On.

Unlock Code Entering this code, comprised of four digits from 0 to 9,

temporarily allows the machine to be usable during the time
of period of restriction.

Basic > Defaults > Address Book > Contacts

This page allows you to add, edit or delete Contacts.

Adding a New Contact

1. Open the Address Book Contacts page.

2. Click Add Contact. The Address Book Contacts - Add page opens.

3. Enter the information for the address to be registered. You can specify a FAX number
and i-FAX address even if the FAX System is not installed.

4. Click Submit.

Editing a Contact

1. Open the Address Book Contacts page.

2. Click the number or name of the address to edit.

The Address Book Contacts - Edit page appears.

3. Modify the information of the address.

4. Click Submit.

Deleting a Contact

1. Open the Address Book Contacts page.

10 Embedded Web Server

EWS Pages

2. Check the desired contact. When the check box on the left side of Number is selected,
all contacts displayed on the page will be checked.

3. Click Delete Contact.

The Address Book Contacts - Delete page appears. You can confirm the addresses
to be deleted

4. Click Delete when the desired addresses are selected.

Basic > Defaults > Address Book > Groups

This page allows you to add, edit or delete Groups.

Adding a New Group

1. Open the Address Book Groups page.

2. Click Add Group.

The Address Book Groups - Add page opens.

3. Enter the number and name of the group.

4. Click Submit.
The Address Book Groups - Add Members page opens.

5. Select the members to be added to the created group.

Check the members you want to add. The members must be registered before added.

6. After you have selected the members, click Submit.

The Address Book Groups - Edit page opens. Click Submit. You can continue editing
groups, such as changing group names and adding or deleting members.

Editing a Group

1. Open the Address Book Groups page.

2. Click the number or name of the group to edit.

The Address Book Groups - Edit page opens.

3. You can change the number or name of the group and add or delete members.
To add members, click Add Members and select the addresses to add. Click Submit.
The members must be registered before added.

4. Click Delete when the desired members are selected.

5. After you have finished editing, click Submit.

Deleting a Group

1. Open the Address Book Groups page.

2. Check the desired group. When the check box on the left side of Number is selected,
all groups displayed on the page will be checked.

3. Click Delete Group.

The Address Book Groups - Delete page appears. You can confirm the group to be

4. Click Delete when the desired group is selected.

Operation Guide 11
EWS Pages

Basic > Security > Account Settings

The Administrator (Admin) account is the master access account. It controls access to
the printer and networking configuration from all setup and management utilities
including the HTML web pages.The Admin password set in the following is valid when
Authentication is set to Off. For details on Authentication, see Advanced >
Management > Authentication > General on page 48.

Setting the Admin password is highly recommended to prevent unauthorized changes

to the machine and networking configuration. With some models, the default
Administrator password is factory-set as admin00. It is recommended to periodically
change password.

To change the password:

1. Enter the Old Password.

2. Enter the password you want to set in New Password. This can be up to 32 (30 with
some models) character long.

3. Enter the same password in Confirm New Password.

4. Click the Submit.

Basic > Security > Device Security > General

This page allows you to restrict access from the operation panel or USB host device. In
addition, an explanation about each security setting is displayed.

Item Description

Lock Operation Restricts access from the operation panel. With some
Panel models, this setting is irrelevant if the user has logged in as
the Administrator.
When it is set to Lock (Block), use of the System menu on this
machine, registration in and editing of the Address Book and
Box, use of the Stop key, and cancellation of jobs are forbidden.
When it is set to Partial Lock, use of the System menu on
this machine and registration in and editing of the Address
Book and Box are forbidden.
When it is set to Unlock, use of all keys is permitted.

Filtering/ An explanation about each security setting is displayed.

Firewall, When you click a link in the sentence, the appropriate tab of
SNMPv1/v2, the Advanced page opens.

12 Embedded Web Server

EWS Pages

Basic > Security > Device Security > Interface Block

This page allows you to restrict access from each interface.

Item Description

Network Specifies whether or not to restrict access from each of the

interfaces on the left. Access from the interfaces that are set
USB Device to Block is restricted.

USB Host Access from the network interface cannot be restricted.

Access can be restricted on a per-protocol basis. Refer to the
Parallel I/F next section.

Optional I/F

Basic > Security > Device Security > Network Security

This allows you to enable communication with the printing system on a per-protocol

Item Description

SNMP v3, Specifies whether or not to restrict communication via each

NetWare, of the protocols on the left.
AppleTalk, The communication via the protocols that are set to Block is
NetBEUI, IPP, restricted.
IPP over SSL,
HTTP, HTTPS, The settings made on this page affect the protocol settings
FTP on the Advanced page.
Raw Port (Raw),
WSD Print,
WSD Scan

Basic > Security > User Login

When the authentication function is set on the Advanced > Management >
Authentication page (Local Authentication, depending on model), you must register
users and set access levels on this page.The available access levels are User and

One administrator account is registered by default.

Number of Users shows the number of the current users. By entering a user name in
Search by Name, you can search for the user.

Adding a New User Login

1. Click User Login, open the User Login page.

2. Click Add and enter the information of the user.

Operation Guide 13
EWS Pages

3. Click Submit.

Editing a User Login

1. Click User Login, open the User Login page.

2. Click the desired Login User Name or User Name to edit the user and modify their

3. Click Submit.

Deleting a User Login

1. Click User Login, open the User Login page.

2. Check the desired user. When the check box on the left side of Login User Name is
selected, all users displayed on the page will be checked.

3. Click Delete.
The User Login - Delete page appears. You can confirm the users to be deleted.

4. Click Delete when the desired users are selected.

Basic > Security > Certificates

This page allows you to create or update certificates or check details on certificates.
After you have changed this setting, you must restart this machine. For the restarting
procedure, refer to Basic > Defaults > Reset on page 8

Device Certificate - Self Issued

The self-issued certificate is automatically issued by default. The automatically issued

certificate has the country code, common name (in a form of "KMxxxxxx" as for model
names), and a validity period of about 10 years already configured.

Item Description

Self Certificate Displays whether the certificate is active.

Expiration Displays the validity period of the certificate.

View Certificate Click View to view details on the certificate.

Create Click Create to create a certificate.


Edit Certificate Click Edit to update the validity period of the certificate.

14 Embedded Web Server

EWS Pages

Item Description

Export Click Export to display the download dialog for the file. Click
Certificate Save to download the exported certificate.

If the printing system supports self-issued certificates only, it

cannot carry out encrypted communication via IPP over SSL
with Windows Vista/7 because the IPP over SSL function of
Windows Vista/7 does not deem self-issued certificates as
trusted. To enable printing via IPP over SSL, export the self-
issued certificate from the printing system and import it into
Windows Vista/7 as a trusted certificate. In this case, the
access name must match the common name of the

Device Certificate - CA Issued

Item Description

CA Certificate Displays whether the certificate issued by the Certification

Authority (CA) is active or not.

Expiration Displays the validity period of the certificate.

View Certificate Click View to view the details of the certificate.

Import Click Import to open the File Import window. Click Browse
Certificate to open the file selection dialog box. Select a file and click
Open. When the certificate is password-protected, enter the
password and click Submit. The certificate is imported.

Delete Click Delete. The certificate is displayed. Click Delete again

Certificate to delete the certificate.
When the CA issued certificate is deleted, the settings are
made invalid if Authentication Type is set to Certificates for
IPSec. The self Issued certificate is made valid for SSL.

Root Certificate

Item Description

Root Certificate Displays whether the certificate is active.

Expiration Displays the validity period of the certificate.

View Certificate Click View to view details on the certificate.

Import Click Import to open the File Import window. Click Browse
Certificate to open the file selection dialog box. Select a file and click
Open. Click Submit to import the certificate.

Delete Click Delete. The certificate is displayed. Click Delete again

Certificate to delete the certificate.
When all root certificates are deleted, the settings are made
invalid if Authentication Type is set to Certificates for
IPSec. In addition, IEEE802.1x is turned Off.

Operation Guide 15
EWS Pages

Application Certificate

Item Description

IEEE802.1x Displays whether the certificate is active.


Expiration Displays the validity period of the certificate.

View Certificate Click View to view details on the certificate.

Import Click Import to open the File Import window. Click Browse
Certificate to open the file selection dialog box. Select a file and click
Open. Enter the password and click Submit. The certificate
is imported.

Delete Click Delete. The certificate is displayed. Click Delete again

Certificate to delete the certificate. When the certificate is deleted,
IEEE802.1x is turned Off.

Printer Page
This section includes settings that apply to the printing function of the machine, such as
default print resolution or copy count.

Default printer settings will be overridden by the printer driver settings. Settings that
affect the machine entirely, such as locking the operation panel, are found under Basic
Page on page 6.

Printer > Summary of Network Printer Access Methods

The following information that has already been set is displayed here.

- IP Address
- Host Name
- Net BEUI Name
- Apple Talk Name

Printer > System

The table below provides a summary of the items displayed on the System page.

Item Description

Form Feed Adjusts the timeout between 5 and 495 seconds, after which
Timeout a form feed will occur in the absence of data. The default
setting is 30 seconds.

Emulation Selects an emulation mode.

Alternate Specifies which emulation mode should be used for

Emulation processing at the time data other than KPDL is received,
when AUTO is selected for emulation.

16 Embedded Web Server

EWS Pages

Item Description

JPEG/TIFF Print This determines the physical size of JPEG images when
printing them from a USB flash device. Choices include Fit
to Paper Size, Image Resolution, and Fit to Print

XPS Fit to Page This determines the page size for printing XPS data. Turn
On to fit print data over the page size; and turn Off to print in
the original size.

Paper Feed Determines the behavior of paper feed selection when the
Mode paper you requested of size and/or type is not available in
the current paper source. Auto lets the machine to search
for the matching paper including all the paper sources.
Fixed does not perform searching in the other paper

Duplex Mode *1 Selects the default duplex mode from Off, Long Edge and
Short Edge.

Copies Sets the number of copies to print.

Page Orientation Switches Portrait or Landscape page orientation.

Tone *2 Sets Tone mode to Normal or Fine. The default setting is


Gloss Mode *2*4 Sets Gloss Mode to High or Low. The default setting is

Color Mode *2 Sets Color Mode to Black & White (Monochrome) or Full

KIR Mode *3 Switches KIR smoothing On or Off.

EcoPrint Mode *3 Switches EcoPrint On or Off to control toner consumption

for saving the printing costs. The default setting is Off.

Resolution *3 Changes the printing resolution.

*1 : Available on machines with the duplex printing.

*2 : Available for some color machines.
*3 : Available for some machines.
*4 : Available on machines which support Gloss Mode.

Printer > System > APL. Filter

This page allows you to configure the APL. Filter. The APL. Filter is a function that
converts the received print data to the specified code and prints that data.

Item Description

Filter Switches the APL. Filter On or Off.

Filter Name Selects the APL. Filter. You can select the ASCII to KPDL
conversion process.

Operation Guide 17
EWS Pages

Printer > System > APL. Filter Parameters

Configure items that can be set differently between APL. Filters. You can specify fonts
and the text to be converted.

Item Description

Font Specifies the fonts used for printing.

Start of String Specifies the character string with which the text to be
converted begins. Up to 15 single-byte characters can be

End of String Specifies the character string with which the text to be
converted ends. The default setting is \f. Up to 15 single-byte
characters can be specified.

Printer > Media Input

This page lets you configure paper trays by type and size. You can also configure
cassette groups.

Item Description

Default Determines the default tray to feed paper from.

Tray Displays the trays including those provided by option.

Size Displays the paper size for each input tray. This setting can
be changed using the dropdown list.

Type Displays the paper type for each input tray. This setting can
be changed using the dropdown list.

Group Settings If multiple cassettes are available, you can set up to three
groups of cassettes. Cassettes in a group are treated as a
single tray. Paper can be fed continuously from the grouped

Printer > Document Output

This page lets you select an output tray.

Item Description

Paper Output Determines the default output tray.

Scanner Page
This section includes settings that apply to the scanning function of the machine, such
as default scan resolution or original placement.

In order to attach scanned data file to an E-mail and send it, the SMTP settings on the
Advanced page must be completed.

18 Embedded Web Server

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Scanner > Defaults

The table below provides a summary of the items displayed on the Scanner > Default

Item Description

Color Selection This selects color mode for copying. Auto automatically
(Copy) identifies full color or black and white from the original
document to copy. You can manually select either Full Color
or Black & White to forcedly switch color mode.

Color Sel. This selects color mode for scanning or storing. Auto Color
(Send/Store) (Color/Grayscale) and Auto Color (Color/Black & White)
allow you identify color for the original document to scan.
You can manually select Full Color, Grayscale, or Black &
White to forcedly switch color mode, or if your printing
system supports only black and white.

Density This adjusts exposure (darkness) of scanning an original

document. Auto automatically provides an exposure best
suited for the original document. Manual invokes the
exposure which is adjusted manually in the machine.

Scan Specifies the resolution. The maximum resolution using full

Resolution color or gray scale mode is 300 x 300 dpi.
To scan in full color or gray scale with 400 dpi or 600 dpi
resolution, expansion of the internal memory is required.

Original Image The original quality is selected according to the type of

Switches the original quality between Text, Text+Photo,
and Photo.

File Format Selects the file format in which the scanned data will be saved.

Image Quality Selects the file quality mode (1 [Low] to 5 [High]) in which the
PDF/TIFF/JPEG scanned data will be saved.

High- Selects the compression rate for PDF files from 1 (Low), 2
Compression (Medium), and 3 (High).
PDF Image

High- Sets whether to enable or disable the automatic color/

Compression monochrome detection for the original to be scanned.
PDF Auto Color

Auto Color Selects the detection level from five levels applied when
Correction High-Compression PDF Automatic Color Detection is set
to ON. The color mode tends to be used at Level 1 and the
monochrome mode at Level 5.

Zoom Switches the zoom ratio between Auto and 100%. The
default setting is 100%.

Original Switches between Top Edge Top and Top Edge Left.

Operation Guide 19
EWS Pages

Scanner > FTP

The table below provides a summary of the items displayed on the FTP page.

Item Description

FTP Switches FTP On or Off.

FTP Port Number Set the FTP Port Number or use the FTP default port 21.

FTP Encrypted This enables or disables Encryption for communication.

TX When turned On, the encryption algorithm that is selected
by Advanced > Security > Secure Protocols on page 51 is

Scanner > SMB

The table below provides a summary of the items displayed on the SMB page.

Item Description

SMB Protocol Switches the SMB Protocol On or Off.

SMB Port Set the SMB default Port Number or use the SMB default
Number port 139 (For Windows Vista/7, use 445).

Scanner > E-mail

The table below provides a summary of the items displayed on the E-mail page.

Item Description

Subject You can include the model name of the printer, serial
number, MAC address, host name and IP address in the
subject line as follows: Enter one of the following conversion
strings starting with %. The string will be converted into a
pre-defined string to display the above information.
- %printer = Model
- %serial = Serial Number
- %etheraddr = MAC Address
- %host = Host Name
- %ip = IP Address

Body You can enter the information that you want to appear in the
body of the E-mail.

Scanner > i-FAX

This sends scanned data in i-FAX mode. The subject and body contents for i-FAX must
be specified. The contents displayed on this page are the same as in Scanner > E-mail,
described above.

20 Embedded Web Server

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FAX / i-FAX Page

This section includes settings, such as FAX transmission and reception settings, that
apply to the FAX function of the device. For models that do not support i-FAX, FAX is
displayed on the menu.

FAX / i-FAX > Common > Defaults

The table below provides a summary of the items displayed on the FAX / i-FAX >
Common page.

Item Description

Local FAX Name Specifies your FAX system name.

FAX / i-FAX > Common > Transmit

The table below provides a summary of the items displayed on the Transmit page.

Item Description

TTI Selects On or Off whether to send the TTI (Transmit

Terminal Identifier) information to other party.

TTI Position Selects the position of the TTI to be printed on the 

transmitted documents.

FAX / i-FAX > Common > Receive

The table below provides a summary of the items displayed on the Receive page.

Item Description

FAX Media Type Sets the media type for printing the received documents.
Refer to Paper Specifications.

Use MP Tray Selects whether or not to include the MP (multi purpose) tray
for auto media selection when printing received documents.
When turned On, the MP tray will be included as an option
for auto media selection, and when turned Off, only the
cassettes will be selected.

Reduced RX Specifies the printing configuration for printing a document,

Size which is larger than the selected paper size. When Same
Size Override is selected, the document will be printed on
multiple sheets of paper without reducing the text. When
Reduction Override is selected, the document will be
printed on one sheet whenever possible.

Receive Date/ Selects On or Off whether to print the reception information

Time such as the received date, the received time, the transmitting
party's information and the number of transmitted pages on
the top of the received documents.

Duplex Printing Specifies whether or not to use the Duplex mode.

2in1 Receive Enables or disables 2in1 reception.

Operation Guide 21
EWS Pages

Item Description

Receive Bulk Enables or disables FAX bulk reception. When enabled, the
Print FAX system prints the received documents after its reception
completes. It will be possible to make copies during that

FAX / i-FAX > Common RX/Forward Requirements > General

Conditional reception/forwarding is a function for automatically forwarding documents
received by FAX or i-FAX to other FAX machines, sending them as attachments to E-mail,
or saving them into a FAX box instead of printing if they satisfy the specified conditions.

For example, you can forward faxes from particular customers received during business
hours to the E-mail addresses of the people responsible for those customers, print and
save them in a FAX box if they are received outside business hours, and forward faxes
from outside of your business area to the business office nearest to the sender's fax

For models that do not support RX/Forward Requirements, the documents received
are forwarded in the same requirement.

Types of RX/Forward Requirements

Open the FAX/i-FAX > Common > RX/Forward Requirements > General page.
Select one of the following items.

Item Description

Off Disables the forwarding process. Received faxes are

printed on paper as in normal operation.

Use Requirements List Executes the forwarding process according to the

specified conditions. For the setting procedure, refer
to Settings for Forwarding Processes Using a
Requirement List on page 22.

All Executes the forwarding process without specifying

conditions. All received faxes are processed in the
same way. However, the process of saving them in a
FAX box cannot be selected. Clicking Advanced
invokes a behaviour equal to specifying all
conditions.For the setting procedure, refer to Settings
for Applying the Same Forwarding Process without
Using a Requirement List on page 26.

Settings for Forwarding Processes Using a Requirement List

Open the FAX/i-FAX > Common > RX/Forward Requirements > Requirement List

1. Add the new condition to the Requirement List. Click Add.

22 Embedded Web Server

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2. The Requirement List - Add page appears. Specify the condition for the FAX
forwarding process.

Item Description

Requirement Number Enter a number that identifies the condition set.

Name Give the condition set here an easily recognizable


Status Specify whether to enable or disable the condition.

This item is set to Off for the condition that has just
been added. To set this item to On, set the conditions
and then click to select the desired condition on the
Requirement List and change the setting.
If the requirement sets include the same Activating
Time Setting, Activating Time and Sub Address
settings, these requirement sets will not be enabled
at the same time.

Activating Time Specify a period of hours during which the forwarding

process is executed. Select Time Specification to
forward only faxes received during a particular period
of hours or All Day not to specify the hours.

Enable Time When Time Specification is selected in the previous

item, specify the start time and end time.

File Name Specify the file name to be used for the forwarded file.

Additional Information Specify the information to be added to the file name

specified in the previous item.

Add Sender Determine whether the sender information are added

Information to the file name or not.

Priority Prioritize the search keys when conducting searching

over the sending criterions.

Operation Guide 23
EWS Pages

Item Description

Requirement Type Select the condition type from the following items.
- FAX Sub Address
- FAX Number
- FAX Reception Port
- i-FAX Address
When an item is selected, the text box below it accepts
entry of the necessary information on the selected
item. Enter the condition necessary for each item.
Asterisks (*) can be used as wildcards. For example,
to specify all faxes that came from Tokyo, select FAX
Number and enter "03*" in the FAX number text box.
For some models which shows Search by when FAX
Number or i-FAX Address is selected, you can use a
search criteria such as Same as or Start with, etc.
Wildcards cannot be used for these models.
When the search criteria is Same as, up to 9 are
forwarded to the FAX Box.
FAX Reception Port shows the list in which you can
select Port 1 or Port 2.
If you selected FAX Sub Address for Requirement
Type, enter a subaddress subsequently.

3. After you have finished setting all items, click Submit.

4. The Requirement List page appears. Check that the condition you have set is added
to the Requirement List.
Click the name of the condition under which you want to execute the forwarding process.
The Detail/Edit page opens. Set Status to On.

5. Then, specify how the forwarding process is executed. Click the desired items among
the following three Action Settings items in the lower part of the same page. When you
want to execute multiple forwarding processes at the same time, for example printing
and saving in a FAX box, click both items and set the processes.

Item Description

Print Prints received documents on paper.

Name Displays the condition name.

Status Displays whether the condition is currently used.

Print Specifies whether to print on paper.

Copies When the previous item is set to On, specify the

number of copies.

Forward Forwards received documents to other FAX machines,

E-mail addresses, shared folders, and so on.

Name Displays the condition name.

Status Displays whether the condition is currently used.

Forwarding Turn On to enable forwarding.

24 Embedded Web Server

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Item Description

File Format Selects the format of forwarded files from PDF or

TIFF.(This item has effect when the forwarding
destination is E-mail, SMB, or FTP.)

FTP Encrypted Turn On to enable encryption for transmission. Note

TX the SSL protocol must also be turned on. Refer to
Advanced > Security > Secure Protocols on page 51.

Subject When a forwarding address is specified as

Additional destination, Sender Name or Sender FAX No./
Information Address is appended at forwarding. When None,
these will not be appended.

Page Separate Specifies whether to split the fax into files as many as
the number of pages. Select On to split the fax.(This
item has effect when the forwarding destination is E-
mail, SMB, or FTP.)

Number of Displays the number of registered destinations

Destination displayed for the next item.

Destination List Displays a list of registered forwarding destinations.

Faxes are forwarded to all destinations displayed
here. For how to add a destination, refer to Setting
Destinations on page 26.

Save to FAX Box Saves received documents in a FAX box.

Name Displays the condition name.

Status Displays whether the condition is currently used.

Save to FAX Box Specifies whether to save faxes in a FAX box. This is
not stored in the FAX box if the forwarding conditions
do not meet.

Box Name Specifies the FAX box to be used. When the selection
button is clicked, a list of registered FAX boxes
appears. The FAX box to be specified here must be
registered in advance. For how to add a FAX box,
refer to Document Box > FAX Box on page 34.

6. After you have finished setting all items, click Submit.

7. The screen returns to the Detail/Edit page.

After you have finished setting all items, click Submit.

8. The Requirement List page appears. Check that the status of the condition you have
set is On.
Repeat the above steps to set more conditions.

9. Finally, set the process for faxes that do not satisfy any of the conditions on the
Requirement List.
Click Advanced of Not complying with the requirements.

10. The Requirement List - Advanced page appears.

Set whether to execute forwarding processes for faxes satisfying no conditions by
setting the status to On or Off. When this item is set to On, set the subsequent items.

Operation Guide 25
EWS Pages

The procedure is almost the same as the procedure for adding a condition. See steps 2
to 6 as a reference.

11. After you have finished setting the items, click Submit.

This completes the settings for forwarding processes using a Requirement List.

Settings for Applying the Same Forwarding Process without Using a

Requirement List

Open the FAX/i-FAX > Common > RX/Forward Requirements > General page.

1. Click Advanced in RX/Forward Requirements.

2. The RX/Forward Requirements - Advanced page appears. Specify the forwarding

process. The procedure is almost the same as the procedure for adding a condition. See
steps 2 to 6 as a reference.

NOTE: The process of saving faxes in a FAX box cannot be selected as the
forwarding process to be applied without using a Requirement List.

3. After you have finished setting the items, click Submit.

4. Returns to the RX/Forward Requirements page.

Select ALL and click Submit.

This completes the settings for applying the same forwarding process without using a
Requirement list.

Setting Destinations

When setting Forwarding in Action Settings described above, you have to register
Destination in advance. You can add a new destination or an address registered in the
address book to Destination.


Open the Action Settings > Forward page.

1. Click Add.

2. Select the desired type of forwarding process from Address Type. The available types
are as follows:

Item Description

E-mail Forwards faxes by E-mail. Specify E-mail address.

SMB Saves faxes in a shared folder accessible from Microsoft

Windows Network. Specify Host Name, Port Number, Path
to the shared folder, Login User Name, and Login

FTP Saves faxes on an accessible FTP server. Specify Host

Name, Port Number, Path to the folder, Login User Name,
and Login Password.

26 Embedded Web Server

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Item Description

FAX Forwards faxes to other FAX machines. Specify FAX Number,

Transmit Start Speed, and other necessary information on
the forwarding destinations.

i-FAX Forwards faxes to other i-FAX systems. Specify i-FAX

Address, Connection Mode, and other necessary
information on the forwarding destinations.

3. After you have finished specifying the destination, click Submit.

The Action Settings > Forward page appears. Check that the Destination is added to
the Destination List.

Addition from the Address Book

There are two types of address book: address book contacts and address book groups.
In address book contacts, each entry has an address of one person. In address book
groups, each entry has multiple addresses. When an address of a group is added, faxes
are forwarded to all addresses registered in the group.

Before adding an address from an address book, you have to register the address in the
address book. For how to register an address in an address book, refer to Basic >
Defaults > Address Book > Contacts on page 10 or Basic > Defaults > Address Book >
Groups on page 11.

Open the Action Settings > Forward page.

1. Click Import Contacts or Import Groups.

2. The address book opens. Put a check mark in the check box for the address or group
you want to add to the destinations.

3. After you have finished selection, click Submit.

4. The Action Settings > Forward page appears. Check that the Destination is added to
the Destination List.


You can delete a Destination from the Destination List.

Open the Action Settings > Forward page.

1. Put a check mark in the check box for the destination you want to delete from the
Destination List.

2. After you have finished selection, click Delete.

The Action Settings > Forward - Delete page appears. You can confirm the
destinations to be deleted.

3. Click Delete when the desired destinations are selected.

4. The Action Settings > Forward page appears. Check that the Destination is deleted
from the Destination List.
After confirming the settings, click Submit.

Operation Guide 27
EWS Pages

FAX / i-FAX > FAX > Defaults

The table below provides a summary of the items displayed on the FAX / i-FAX > FAX >
Defaults page.

Item Description

Local FAX Specifies your FAX system number.

Number (Port 1/

FAX Line Sets the type of phone line to correspond to the type of
telephone service that you are using. Be sure that the type of
phone line you select is correct because, if the setting is
incorrect, dialing will be impossible. The choices are Tone
(DTMF) or Pulse (10pps), or Pulse (20pps).

Local FAX ID Specifies your FAX system ID.

Speaker Sets the volume of the internal speaker that allows you to
Volume listen to conditions on the telephone line when the [On-
Hook] key was pressed. The choices are Off and levels 1, 2
or 3.

Monitor Volume Sets the volume of the internal speaker that allows you to
listen to conditions on the telephone line when the [On-
Hook] key was not pressed. The choices are Off and levels
1, 2 or 3.

FAX / i-FAX > FAX > Receive

The table below provides a summary of the items displayed on the Receive page.

Item Description

FAX Receive Selects the FAX reception mode. The selectable option is
different depending on the destination. The choices are Auto
(Normal, FAX/TEL, TAD or DRD) or Manual.

DRD Pattern Selects the DRD pattern. This menu is available only for
specific destinations.
This is not displayed on European models.

Remote Specifies the remote switching dial number. You can specify
Switching Dial it within a range of 00 to 99. Remote switching allows you to
Number initiate FAX reception from a telephone connected to the
FAX system.

Encryption Key Sets the encryption key number to be used for encrypted
No. communication.

Reception Port Sets the receive-only port. (Available in multiport mode).

Number of Rings Specifies the number of rings for Auto FAX reception
(Normal) (Normal). You can specify it within a range of 1 to 15.

Number of Rings Specifies the number of rings for Auto FAX reception (TAD).
(TAD) You can specify it within a range of 1 to 15.

28 Embedded Web Server

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Item Description

Number of Rings Specifies the number of rings for Auto FAX reception (FAX/
(FAX/TEL) TEL). You can specify it within a range of 0 to 15.
This is not displayed on European models.

FAX / i-FAX > FAX > FAX Restrictions > General

The table below provides a summary of the items displayed on the FAX Restrictions >
General page.

Item Description

Transmit Selects the transmitting restriction between Off and Use

Restriction Permit List + Address Book.

Receive Selects the receiving restriction between Off, Use Permit

Restriction List + Address Book, and Use Reject List.

Unknown Displayed when Use Reject List is selected in Receive

Number Restriction. This determines the behavior when the
Reception machine has received a FAX with an unknown FAX number.
Select Permit to permit reception of unknown numbered
FAXes and select Reject to reject unknown numbered

FAX / i-FAX > FAX > FAX Restrictions > Permit Number List
The table below provides a summary of the items displayed on the Permit Number List

Item Description

Add Clicking Add will display the Permit Number List - Add
page. Enter in Permit FAX Number the FAX number to add,
then click Submit.

Delete To delete a FAX number from Permit Number List, click the
checkbox next to the FAX number, then click Delete. If you
accept the confirming prompt, click Delete.

FAX / i-FAX > FAX > FAX Restrictions > Permit ID List
The table below provides a summary of the items displayed on the Permit ID List page.

Item Description

Add Clicking Add will display the Permit ID List - Add page.
Enter in Permit FAX ID the FAX ID to add, then click

Delete To delete a FAX ID from Permit Number List, click the

checkbox next to the FAX ID, then click Delete. If you accept
the confirming prompt, click Delete.

Operation Guide 29
EWS Pages

FAX / i-FAX > FAX > FAX Restrictions > Reject Number List
The table below provides a summary of the items displayed on the Reject Number List

Item Description

Add Clicking Add will display the Reject Number List - Add
page. Enter in Reject FAX Number the FAX number to
reject, then click Submit.

Delete To delete a FAX number from Reject Number List, click the
checkbox next to the FAX ID, then click Delete. If you accept
the confirming prompt, click Delete.

FAX / i-FAX > FAX > Encryption Key

Specifies the encryption key in hexadecimal. The length of the encryption key is 16
digits. Enter 16 characters using the numbers 0-9 and the letters A-F.

FAX / i-FAX > i-FAX > Defaults

The table below provides a summary of the item displayed on the Defaults page.

Item Description

i-FAX Enables or disables i-FAX. Set to On to enable.

FAX / i-FAX > i-FAX > SMTP

The table below provides a summary of the items displayed on the SMTP page.

Item Description

SMTP Port Set the SMTP Port Number or use the SMTP default port 25.

SMTP Server Enter the SMTP server name or its IP address. If entering the
Name name, rather than the IP address, a DNS server address
must also be configured. The DNS server address may be
entered on the TCP/IP General page (refer to Advanced >
Protocols > TCP/IP > General on page 37).

SMTP Server Sets the timeout in seconds during which this machine tries
Timeout to connect to the SMTP server.

Authentication Enables or disables the SMTP authentication protocol or

Protocol sets POP before SMTP as the protocol. The SMTP
authentication supports Microsoft Exchange 2000.

Authenticate as Selects the user to be authenticated in SMTP authentication. If

you want to select a user other than i-FAX users, select Other
and enter the Login User Name and Login Password for

Login User When Other is selected for Authenticate as, the account
Name name set here will be used for SMTP authentication.

30 Embedded Web Server

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Item Description

Login Password Enter the login password.

POP before Enter the timeout in seconds during which this machine tries
SMTP Timeout to connect to the SMTP server when set POP before SMTP
as the Authentication Protocol.

Test Tests to confirm that the settings on this page are correct.
When the Test button is pressed, this machine tries to
connect to the SMTP server.

E-mail Size Enter the maximum size of E-mail that can be sent in
Limit Kilobytes. When the value is 0, the limitation for E-mail size
is disabled.

Sender Address Displays the sender address used for E-mails sent from this
machine. For how to change the sender address, Set the E-
mail address in E-mail Address on FAX / i-FAX > i-FAX >
POP3 on page 31.

Signature Displays the signature to be inserted in the end of the E-mail

body. For how to change the signature, refer to Advanced >
E-mail > SMTP > General on page 42.

FAX / i-FAX > i-FAX > POP3

The table below provides a summary of the items displayed on the POP3 page.

Item Description

Check Interval Displays the interval, in minutes, for connecting to the POP3
server to check for incoming mails. For how to change this
setting, refer to Advanced > E-mail > POP3 > General on
page 44.

Run once now Click the Receive button to immediately receive E-mail from
the POP3 server.

E-mail Address Enter the E-mail address for i-FAX. The E-mail address is
displayed in Sender Address on FAX / i-FAX > i-FAX >
SMTP on page 30.

POP3 Server Enter the POP3 server name or IP address.


POP3 Port Enter the POP3 port number or use the default port number
Number 110.

POP3 Server Enter the timeout in seconds during which this machine tries
Timeout to connect to the POP3 server.

Login User Name Enter the login name of the user.

Login Password Enter the password for connecting to the user name above.

Use APOP Enables or disables APOP.

Operation Guide 31
EWS Pages

Item Description

Test Tests to confirm that the settings on this page are correct.
When the Test button is pressed, this machine tries to
connect to the POP3 server.

E-mail Size Limit Enter maximum E-mail size in Kilobytes. When the value is
0, the limitation for E-mail size is disabled.

Cover Page Specifies whether to print the body of E-mail in addition to

the attached files.
When this item is set to On, the attached files and the body
of E-mail are printed.
When no attached files exist, only the body of E-mail is printed.
When this item is set to Off, only the attached files are printed.
When no attached files exist, nothing is printed.

FAX / i-FAX > i-FAX > Domain Restrictions > General

The table below provides a summary of the items displayed on the Domain
Restrictions page.

Item Description

SMTP Restriction Selects the restriction level from Off, Reject, and Permit.

POP3 Restriction Selects the restriction level from Off, Reject, and Permit.

FAX / i-FAX > i-FAX > Domain Restrictions > SMTP Restriction List
The table below provides a summary of the items displayed on the SMTP Restriction
List page.

Item Description

Domain Name Enter the domain names that can be permitted or rejected.
You can also specify the E-mail addresses.

FAX / i-FAX > i-FAX > Domain Restrictions > POP3 Restriction List
The table below provides a summary of the items displayed on the POP3 Restriction
List page.

Item Description

Domain Name Enter the domain names that can be permitted or rejected.
You can also specify the E-mail addresses.

Jobs Page
This section includes information on all device jobs including job status, scheduled job
and job log.

32 Embedded Web Server

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The table below provides a summary of the pages in Jobs page. When clicking the job
on each page, the detailed information of the job is displayed.

Page Description

Status > Shows the job status for each operation. To show the latest
Printing Jobs status, click Refresh. To cancel execution of the selected
Status job, click Job Cancel.

Status >
Sending Jobs

Status > Storing

Jobs Status

Schedule Shows the scheduled job such as FAX delayed transmission.

To show the latest status, click Refresh. To cancel execution
of the selected job, click Job Cancel.

Log > Printing Shows the job log for each operation. To show the latest
Jobs Log status, click Refresh.

Log > Sending

Jobs Log

Log > Storing

Jobs Log

Document Box Page

This section includes addition and deletion of a document box, and deletion of
documents in a document box.

There are three types of document boxes: Custom Box, FAX Box (or Sub Address
Box), and Polling Box.

Document Box > Custom Box

The table below provides a summary of the items displayed on the Custom Box page.

Item Description

Number of Displays the number of registered custom boxes.

Custom Boxes

Add Displays a screen where you can add a new custom box.
Enter the required information and click the Submit button.

Delete Deletes the selected custom box.

You can add, edit or delete a custom box as follows:

Adding a New Custom Box

1. Open the Custom Box page.

Operation Guide 33
EWS Pages

2. Click Add and enter information for the custom box.

3. Click Submit.

Editing a Custom Box

1. Open the Custom Box page.

2. Click the Box Number of the custom box to edit.

3. Click Detail/Edit and enter information for the custom box.

4. Click Submit.

Deleting a Custom Box

1. Open the Custom Box page.

2. Check the custom box to delete.

3. Click Delete. Enter the password, if required, and click OK. The Custom Box - Delete
page appears. You can confirm the user boxes to be deleted.

4. Click Delete when the desired custom box is selected.

Document Box > FAX Box

The table below provides a summary of the items displayed on the FAX Box page.

Item Description

Number of FAX Displays the number of registered FAX boxes.


Add Displays a screen where you can add a new FAX box. Enter
the required information and click the Submit button.

Delete Deletes the selected FAX box.

You can add, edit or delete a FAX box as follows:

Adding a New FAX Box

1. Open the FAX Box page.

2. Click Add and enter information for the FAX box.

3. Click Submit.

Editing a FAX Box

1. Open the FAX Box page.

2. Click the Box Number of the FAX box to edit.

3. Click Detail/Edit and enter information for the FAX box.

4. Click Submit.

34 Embedded Web Server

EWS Pages

Deleting a FAX Box

1. Open the FAX Box page.

2. Check the FAX box to delete.

3. Click Delete. Enter the password, if required, and click OK. The FAX Box - Delete page
appears. You can confirm the FAX boxes to be deleted.

4. Click Delete when the desired FAX boxes are selected.

Document Box > Sub Address Box

The table below provides a summary of the items displayed on the Sub Address Box

Item Description

Number of Sub Displays the number of registered Sub Address boxes.

Address Boxes

Add Displays a screen where you can add a new Sub Address
box. Enter the required information and click the Submit

Delete Deletes the selected Sub Address box.

You can add, edit or delete a Sub Address box as follows:

Adding a New Sub Address Box

1. Open the Sub Address Box page.

2. Click Add and enter information for the Sub Address box.

3. Click Submit.

Editing a Sub Address Box

1. Open the Sub Address Box page.

2. Click the Box Number of the Sub Address box to edit.

3. Click Detail/Edit and enter information for the Sub Address box.

4. Click Submit.

Deleting a Sub Address Box

1. Open the Sub Address Box page.

2. Check the Sub Address box to delete.

3. Click Delete.
The Sub Address Box - Delete page appears. You can confirm the Sub Address boxes
to be deleted.

Click Delete when the desired Sub Address boxes are selected.

Operation Guide 35
EWS Pages

Document Box > Polling Box

The table below provides a summary of the items displayed on the Polling Box page.

Item Description

Number of Displays the number of registered documents.


Delete Deletes the checked documents.

Detail/Edit Determine, after the document has been sent, whether you
want the document to be automatically deleted or to be
retained (overwritten).

Setting a Poling Box

1. Open the Poling Box page.

2. Click Detail/Edit to delete or retain the document sent.

3. Click Submit.

Removing a document from the Poling Box

1. Open the Poling Box page.

2. Check the document to delete. When the check box on the left side of document is
selected, all documents displayed on the page will be checked.

3. Click Delete. The Poling Box - Delete page appears. You can confirm the documents
to be deleted.

4. Click Delete when the desired documents are selected.

Advanced Page
This section includes advanced settings that apply to the machine and is comprised
primarily of advanced network settings.

Always restart this machine after you have completed these settings in order to properly
register the content of those settings in the machine. Refer to Basic > Defaults > Reset
on page 8.

Advanced > Network Protocol Quick Summary/Secure Protocol Quick

The usage of the protocols that have already been set is displayed. The following
protocols can be displayed.

- Netware
- AppleTalk
- POP3
- SNMP v1/v2

36 Embedded Web Server

EWS Pages

- SNMPv3
- IPSec
- IEEE802.1x

Advanced > Protocols > TCP/IP > General

The table below provides a summary of the items displayed on the TCP/IP > General page.

Item Description

Host Name Specifies a name for the printing system network component.
This name is also used as the NetBEUI printer name.

IPv4 Settings Specifies whether or not to automatically obtain an IP

DHCP/ address using DHCP or BOOTP.

Auto-IP Turn On to automatically assign a unique IP address even

though a DHCP server does not exist or DHCP setting is Off
in the printing system. The range of the IP address to be
assigned is from to, which is
reserved for Auto-IP. If an IP address is already assigned by
a DHCP server, this does not resolve a new IP address.

IP Assigns an IPv4 address to the printing system network

Address component. The format of the IPv4 address is a sequence of
numbers (32-bit in total) separated by dots, e.g.

Subnet Specifies the subnet mask.


Default Specifies the IP address of the default gateway.


Domain Specifies the DNS (Domain Name System) name of the

Name domain to which the printing system belongs. It should not
contain the host printer name.

DNS Specifies the IP addresses of the primary and secondary

Server DNS (Domain Name System) servers. When DHCP/BOOTP
(Primary, is turned On, you can select to use either the DNS servers
Secondary) obtained via DHCP or the DNS servers being set under this

WINS Specifies the IP addresses of the primary and secondary

Server WINS (Windows Internet Name Service) servers. When
(Primary, DHCP/BOOTP is turned On, you can select to use either the
Secondary) WINS server obtained via DHCP or the WINS server being
set under this item.

Operation Guide 37
EWS Pages

Item Description

Bonjour Specifies whether or not to automatically obtain an IP

address using Bonjour.
You can add a Bonjour printer from the Print Center of Mac
OS X. When using a Windows operating system, you can
use the Bonjour Printer Wizard to add a printer.
The following conditions must be satisfied to automatically
obtain an IP address using Bonjour: If DHCP/BOOTP is
turned Off, an IP address should not be specified. If DHCP/
BOOTP is turned On, automatic IP address assignment by
the DHCP server should not be enabled.
To allow printing from the Mac OS X system, the printer
needs to support KPDL.

Bonjour If Bonjour is turned On, this specifies the Bonjour name to

Name be used.

IPv6 Settings Specifies whether or not to enable the IPv6 protocol.

IPv6 Select On to use the IPv6 protocol.

IP Address Assigns an IPv6 address to the printing system network

The format of the IPv6 address is a sequence of numbers
(128 bit in total) separated by colons, e.g.

Prefix Specifies the IPv6 prefix length. It can be a decimal value

Length between 0 and 128.

RA Select On to use RA instead of the DHCP server to

(Stateless) configure IPv6 addresses.

Default Specifies the IPv6 address of the default gateway.


DHCPv6 Specifies whether or not to obtain IPv6 IP addresses by

(Stateful) automatic configuration. When RA is turned On, the IP
addresses and server information are obtained via DHCPv6
based on the settings of the automatic configuration made
under RA (router setting).

Domain Specifies the DNS (Domain Name System) name of the

Name domain to which the printing system belongs.

DNS Specifies the IP addresses of the primary and secondary

Servers DNS (Domain Name System) servers. When DHCPv6
(Primary, (Stateful) is turned On, you can select to use either the DNS
Secondary) servers obtained via DHCP or the DNS servers being set
under this item.

Advanced > Protocols > TCP/IP > IP Filters

This page allows you to configure IP filters. IP filters restrict access to the printing
system based on the IP addresses and protocols.

Specify the IP addresses or network addresses of the hosts to which access is granted.

38 Embedded Web Server

EWS Pages

If nothing is specified on this page, access from all hosts is allowed.

Item Description

IP Filter (IPv4) Specifies the IP address or network address to be permitted.

IP Address The number of specifiable entries differs depending on
(IPv4) models.

Subnet Specifies the subnet mask to be permitted.

Mask To permit access from all hosts on network 192, enter
"" for the IP address and "" for the subnet
Subnet mask can be left blank.

Protocols Specifies the protocol to be permitted. The following

protocols can be selected.
- RAW Port
- IPP over SSL

IP Filters (IPv6) Specifies the IP addresses to which access is granted. The

IP Address number of addresses that can be specified varies depending
(IPv6) on the model used.

Prefix Specifies the IPv6 prefix length. It can be a decimal value

Length between 0 and 128.

Protocols Specifies the protocols through which access is granted.The

following protocols can be selected.
- RAW Port
- IPP over SSL

Advanced > Protocols > TCP/IP > Logical Printers

This page allows you to configure the Logical Printers. This machine can be used as a
virtual printer for converting ASCII print data to PostScript data or for adding and/or
replacing a character strings (commands) at the beginning or end of job data. Up to four
logical printers can be set.

Operation Guide 39
EWS Pages

Each logical printer can be used with either the FTP, LPR, IPP, NetBEUI, or Raw Port
protocol. All printout to a non-existent port will be accomplished to Logical Printer1.

Item Description

TCP/IP Port Specifies the port number for the logical printer as well as
Number the TCP raw port number (9100, etc.). Conversion is applied
to data that is input to the specified raw port in accordance
with the selected logical printer. This port is invalid if it is
given a port number that is the same as that of an already
specified port (e.g. FTP or LPD).

Bi-directional On or Off Bi-directional Printing using the TCP/IP raw port.

Printing With this setting Off, all send data are discarded.
In order to have the data that is received from the printer
returned to the client when printing with PostScript, PJL and
other such commands, it is necessary to On bi-directional

Start of Job Specifies the character string sent to the printer before
String output directly to the output port (lp port). Specifies the
character string if it is necessary to transmit the control code
before printing.

End of Job Specifies the character string sent to the printer after directly
String outputting to the output port (lp port). Specify a character
string, if it is necessary, to send a control code after printing.

Advanced > Protocols > Netware

This printing system supports both NDS and bindery printing in either print server mode
or remote printer mode.

NetWare setup requires installation of the following client software and login with
Administrator Privileges. If you are unsure, please contact your network administrator.

With Novell Client, creation of the NetWare print objects with the AdminManager
NetWare Setup Wizard requires the NetWare Client from Novell. For NetWare printing,
you may use the NetWare Client from either Novell or Microsoft.

For Admin Privileges, network operations (creating queues etc.) require 'admin' or
'supervisor' privileges (or equivalent). Certain portions of AdminManager may be
inoperable if you attempt those operations without sufficient privileges.

Item Description

NetWare Enables or disables the Network Protocol.


Bindery Mode Enables or disables Bindery Mode.

Frame Type Sets the Frame type. You can choose from Auto, 802.3,
Ethernet-II, SNAP or 802.2.

File Server Enter the name of the primary File Server.


NDS Tree Enter the name of the NDS Tree.

40 Embedded Web Server

EWS Pages

Item Description

NDS Context Enter the NDS Context.

Print Server Enables or disables Print Server Mode.


Print Server Enter the Print Server Name.


Queue Polling Enter the Queue Polling Interval in seconds.


Password Enter the Password, if required. Login to NetWare will be

(optional) successful only if the password set here matches the Print
Server password set within the NetWare utilities.

Remote Printer Enables or disables Remote Printer Mode.


Print Server Enter the name of the printer server that the remote printer
Name belongs to.

Job Timeout Enter the timeout in seconds.

Advanced > Protocols > IPP

Using IPP (Internet Printing Protocol) or IPP over SSL, you can output to the printing
system over the Internet or an intranet.

Item Description

IPP Enables or disables IPP.

IPP Port Sets the port number to be used by IPP. In normal situations,
Number set this port number to 631, e.g.
http://(IP address):631/printers/lp1

IPP over SSL Enables or disables the IPP over SSL protocol. When this is
set to On, SSL in the secure protocol settings must also be
set to On. For details on secure protocol, see Advanced >
Security > Secure Protocols on page 51.

IPP over SSL Sets the port number to be used by IPP over SSL. In normal
Port Number situations, set this port number to 443, e.g.
https://(IP address):443/printers/lp1

Advanced > Protocols > AppleTalk

You can print from Macintosh computers using the AppleTalk protocol.

The printing system network component supports Mac OS of various versions (System
Requirements on page 1) and is compatible with LaserWriter driver version 8.x.

Operation Guide 41
EWS Pages

To set up the Ethernet interface to communicate via AppleTalk, enables AppleTalk

protocol operation on the printing system.

Item Description

AppleTalk Enables or disables AppleTalk protocol.

Printer Name Specifies the name of the printing system in the AppleTalk

Zone Name Specifies the name of the AppleTalk zone (network). An

asterisk (*) means the default zone.

Advanced > Protocols > NetBEUI

Peer-to-peer printing is available using NetBEUI protocol. With this method, the printing
system is located in Windows Network Neighborhood.

Item Description

NetBEUI Enables or disables NetBEUI protocol.

Protocol If NetBEUI is turned On, name resolution via NetBIOS
(NMB) can be used.

Printer Name Printer Name correlates with Host Name in the TCP/IP
General page (refer to Advanced > Protocols > TCP/IP >
General on page 37). If you want to change the NetBEUI
printer name, change the TCP/IP Host Name.

Workgroup Workgroup represents the workgroup which will appear in

Entire Network in Windows Network Neighborhood.

Comment You can enter comments here. (This can also be left blank.)

Advanced > E-mail > SMTP > General

This machine can send Low Toner and other information via E-mail to the specified mail
address. To use the mail function, configure SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) to
connect this machine to an E-mail server.

Item Description

SMTP Protocol Enables or disables SMTP protocol. To use E-mail, this

protocol must be enabled.

SMTP Port Set the SMTP Port Number or use the SMTP default port 25.

SMTP Server Enter the SMTP server name or its IP address. If entering the
Name name, rather than the IP address, a DNS server address
must also be configured. The DNS server address may be
entered on the TCP/IP General page (refer to Advanced >
Protocols > TCP/IP > General on page 37).

SMTP Server Sets the timeout in seconds during which this machine tries
Timeout to connect to the SMTP server.

42 Embedded Web Server

EWS Pages

Item Description

Authentication Enables or disables the SMTP authentication protocol or

Protocol sets POP before SMTP as the protocol. The SMTP
authentication supports Microsoft Exchange 2000.

Authenticate as Specifies the user to be authenticated in SMTP

authentication. When POP3 User 1 to 3 (refer to Advanced >
E-mail > POP3 > User # on page 45) and i-FAX User are
set, you can select one of them. If you want to select a
different user, select Other and enter the login account
name and login password for authentication.

Login User When Other is selected for Authenticate as, the account
Name name set here will be used for SMTP authentication.

Login When Other is selected for Authenticate as, the password

Password set here will be used for authentication.

POP before Enter the timeout in seconds during which this machine tries
SMTP Timeout to connect to the SMTP server when set POP before SMTP
as the Authentication Protocol.

Test Tests to confirm that the settings on this page are correct.
When the Test button is pressed, this machine tries to
connect to the POP3 server.

E-mail Size Enter the maximum size of E-mail that can be sent in
Limit Kilobytes. When the value is 0, the limitation for E-mail size
is disabled.

Sender Address Enter the E-mail address of the person responsible for the
printing system, such as the printer administrator, so that a
reply or non-delivery report will go to a person rather than to
the machine. The sender address must be entered correctly
for SMTP authentication. Note that no mail message can be
sent unless the sender's address is specified.

Signature Enter the signature. The signature is free form text that will
appear at the end of the E-mail body. It is often used for
further identification of the machine.

Domain Enter the domain names that can be permitted or rejected.

Restriction You can also specify the E-mail addresses.

Advanced > E-mail > SMTP > E-mail Recipient #

This page allows you to set the address for receiving E-mail and contents of event
reports. Up to three recipients can be set.

Item Description

Recipient # Enter the E-mail address for this recipient.


Operation Guide 43
EWS Pages

Item Description

Subject Specifies the information to be displayed at Subject. When

the following variable starting with "%" is entered, it is
converted to values for information set on this machine and
displayed at Subject.
- %printer = Model
- %serial = Serial Number
- %etheraddr = MAC Address
- %host = Host Name
- %ip = IP Address

Event Report Select the events you want to be reported. These events are:
Items - Add Paper
- Low Toner
- Add Toner
- Cover Open
- Paper Jam
- All Other Errors

Event Report Enter the E-mail interval. An E-mail will be sent at the end of
Interval the interval only when at least one of the selected error
conditions has occurred during the interval. The interval can
be set from 1 minute to 10000 minutes.

Scheduled Check one or more items from Printer Status, Network

Report Items Status, and Counter Status.

Scheduled Select the time or interval for sending the status information.
Report Interval • None: No report is sent.
• Monthly: Sends on the specified time of specified month.
• Weekly: Sends on the specified time of every week.
• Daily: Sends at the specified time of every day.
• Hourly: Sends at the specified interval every hour.
If a specified day does not exist in the month, such as the
31st, the last day of the month is used as the specified day.

Run once now You can test this by clicking the Send button to immediately
send a report.

Advanced > E-mail > POP3 > General

To use the E-mail function, you need to connect the printing system to an E-mail server
using the POP3 protocol.

Item Description

POP3 Protocol Enables or disables POP3 protocol.

Check Interval Checks E-mails in POP3 server at specific interval. Specify

the interval in the range from 3 minutes to 60 minutes. The
default is 15 minutes.

Run once now Click the Receive button to immediately receive E-mail from
the POP3 server.

Domain Enter the domain names that can be permitted or rejected.

Restriction You can also specify the E-mail addresses.

44 Embedded Web Server

EWS Pages

Advanced > E-mail > POP3 > User #

This page allows you to set the POP3 user account and information on the POP3 server.
Up to three users can be set.

Item Description

User Profile # Enables or disables this user number.

E-mail Address Enter the E-mail address.

POP3 Server Enter the POP3 server name or IP address.


POP3 Port Enter the POP3 port number or use the default port number 110.

POP3 Server Enter the timeout in seconds during which this machine tries
Timeout to connect to the POP3 server.

Login User Enter the login name of the user.


Login Enter the password for connecting to the user name above.

Use APOP Enables or disables APOP.

Test This will test one transmission for each press.

Delete e-mail Enables or disables the Delete E-mail after retrieval function.
after retrieval

E-mail size limit Enter maximum E-mail size in Kilobytes. When the value is 0,
the limitation for E-mail size is disabled.

Cover Page Specifies whether to print the body of E-mail in addition to the
attached files.
When this item is set to On, the attached files and the body
of E-mail are printed.
When no attached files exist, only the body of E-mail is printed.
When this item is set to Off, only the attached files are printed.
When no attached files exist, nothing is printed.

Advanced > Management > SNMP > SNMPv1/v2c

The SNMP protocol is used for providing and transferring management information
within the network environment. Should an error occur such as Add Paper, the printing
system automatically generates a trap, an error message sent to up to two pre-
determined trap recipients.

Item Description

SNMPv1/v2c Sets whether to use the SNMPv1/v2c protocol. Set On to use


Operation Guide 45
EWS Pages

Item Description

Read The read community can be used like a password. The

Community default read community name is public. When a
management application sends an SNMP request to read a
value, it must include the correct read community name or
the request will be rejected by the printing system.

Write Similar in function to the read community, but used in SNMP

Community requests to write (change) a value.The default write
community name is public.

sysContact The MIB-II sysContact object, usually the E-mail address of

the network administrator.

sysName The MIB-II sysName object, usually the host or domain name
of the printing system.

sysLocation The MIB-II sysLocation object, usually the location

information of the printing system.

HP Web Turns HP Web Jetadmin Compatibility On or Off.


Authentication Specifies whether to use authentication traps. If enabled, an

Traps SNMP trap is generated when an attempt to read or write is
made using an incorrect community name. The trap is sent to
the configured trap address.

Trap The SNMP trap community name to be used when the

Community printing system generates a trap.

Trap IP Address Enter the IPv4 address that receives traps. Select On to
(IPv4) enable trap receiving.

Trap IP Address Enter the IPv6 address that receives traps. Select On to
(IPv6) enable trap receiving.

Trap IPX Address Enter the IPX address that receives traps. Select On to
enable trap receiving.

Selected Errors Select the events which will cause a trap to be generated
from Add Paper, Low Toner, Add Toner, Cover Open,
Paper Jam, and All Other Errors.

Advanced > Management > SNMP > SNMPv3

The table below provides a summary of the items displayed on the SNMPv3 page.

Item Description

SNMPv3 Sets whether to use the SNMPv3 protocol. Set On to use it.

Authentication Sets whether to authenticate the user in SNMP communication.

Hash Selects the hash algorithm. This item is displayed when the
Authentication is On.

46 Embedded Web Server

EWS Pages

Item Description

Privacy Sets whether to encrypt the communicated data in SNMP

communication. This becomes available when
Authentication is enabled.

Encryption Selects the encryption algorithm. This item is displayed when

Privacy is On.

User Name Enter the name of the read-only user.

Password Enter the password for the read-only user.

User Name Enter the name of the read/write user.

Password Enter the password the read/write user.

Advanced > Management > LDAP

The printing system can refer to the address book which is on the LDAP server as an
external address book and assign a FAX number and E-mail address to the destination.

Item Description

LDAP Enables or disables access to the LDAP server.

LDAP Server Specifies a name or IP address for the LDAP server.


LDAP Port Specifies a port number for LDAP or use the LDAP default
Number port 389.

Search Timeout Specifies a period of time for searching the LDAP server.

Login User Specifies the user name.


Login Password Specifies the password.

Max Search Specifies a maximum number of displayed results which

Results have been searched on the LDAP address book.

Search Base Specifies a base object which indicates the starting point in the
tree structure of the database for the LDAP directory searching.

Display Mode Selects the default display mode from Display from the first
name and Display from the family name.

LDAP Selects the type of encryption according to the type of

Encryption security employed by the LDAP server. Select Off when
encryption is not used.

LDAPv3/ Uses explicit mode for data communication. Select this if the
TLS server supports the startTLS command. This uses the same
port (389) as LDAP.

Operation Guide 47
EWS Pages

Item Description

LDAP Uses implicit mode for data communication. The server

over SSL provides services using the LDAP over SSL port (636).
Encryption is applied to any data communication using this

Advanced > Management > Authentication > General

Setting Authentication allows only the predefined users to access pages. In addition,
you can discriminate users by giving either the General User or Administrator privilege
to each user. Before using the authentication function, you have to define those users.
For how to define users, refer to Basic > Security > User Login on page 13.

Item Description

Authenticate Specifies whether to enable or disable the authentication

mode function. To disable it, select Off. To enable it, select either of
the following.

Local Users are registered in this machine and one-to-one

Authenti- authentication is performed between this machine and a PC.

Network This machine and relevant PCs need to be under the

Authenti- management of the Windows domain network. Depending
cation on model, users registered in this machine must be the same
as those registered in the domain controller.

Domain Name Specifies the domain name of the Windows domain network
when Network Authentication is specified in the preceding

Host Name Specifies the domain controller name of the Windows

domain network when Network Authentication is specified
in the preceding item.

Server Type Specifies the authentication method used by the domain

controller when Network Authentication is specified in the
preceding item. Select NTLM when the domain controller is
Windows NT or Kerberos for Windows 2000 Server or
Windows Server 2003.

Keyboard Login This determines whether login authentication is allowed via

the machine operation panel or not, despite the IC card
authentication is activated (using the IC card authentication
kit installed).

NOTE: If the server type is [Kerberos (Win2000/2003)], only domain names

entered in uppercase will be recognized.

When a user sets authentication and accesses EWS, only the Start page is displayed.
The Login button is displayed in the upper left of the screen. Click it to log in. When the
user logs in with an Administrator account, hidden pages are displayed and can be
accessed. When the user logs in with a General User account, the user can access the
user's account page on Basic > Security > User Login and the user’s settings on the
basic page, and the user's document box and shared document box pages.

48 Embedded Web Server

EWS Pages

Advanced > Management > Authentication > Network User Property

This allows to obtain user information at authenticating the user over the network.

Item Description

Obtain Network Turned On to obtain user information.

User Property

LDAP Server Specifies a name or IP address for the LDAP server.


LDAP Port Specifies a port number for LDAP or use the LDAP default
Number port 389.

Search Timeout Specifies a period of time for searching the LDAP server.

LDAP Selects the type of encryption according to the type of

Encryption security employed by the LDAP server. Select Off when
encryption is not used.

Name 1 (2) Specifies the LDAP attribute to obtain a user name for
display, from the LDAP server.

E-mail Address Specifies the LDAP attribute to obtain an e-mail address from
the LDAP server.

Advanced > Management > Authentication > Group Authorization Set.

After the network authentication has been established by executing Advanced >
Management > Authentication > General on page 48, you can add a group to specify
the Group Information and items for Job Authorization Settings.

Up to 20 group accounts are registerable. By default, a group account (Other) has been
preset. This is used to process any group account which does not fall within the
registered groups.

Item Description

Group Turned On if you want to individually authorize or de-

Authorization authorize the groups

Number of The number of the groups currently registered.


Adding a New Group

1. Click Group Authorization Set., open the Group Authorization Set. page.

2. Click Add and specify group information and Permit or Prohibit.

3. Click Submit.

Editing a User Login

1. Click Group Authorization Set., open the Group Authorization Set. page.

Operation Guide 49
EWS Pages

2. Click the desired Group ID or Group Name to edit the group and modify their

3. Click Submit.

Deleting a User Login

1. Click Group Authorization Set., open the Group Authorization Set. page.

2. Check the desired group. When the check box on the left side of Group ID is selected,
all groups displayed on the page will be checked.

3. Click Delete.
The Group Authorization Set. - Delete page appears. You can confirm the groups to
be deleted.

4. Click Delete when the desired groups are selected.

Advanced > Management > Notification/Maintenance > Maintenance

This feature defines the recipient of maintenance information reports.

Item Description

Equipment ID This is the name by which the machine will be identified.

Recipient The E-mail address of the recipient. If there is more than one
Address recipient then the addresses should be separated by a semi-
colon ";".

Subject You can include model name, serial number, MAC address
and equipment ID in the subject line as follows: Enter one of
the following conversion strings starting with %. The string
will be converted into a pre-defined string to display the
above information.
- %printer = Model
- %serial = Serial Number
- %etheraddr = MAC Address
- %equipid = Equipment ID

E-mail Interval Sets the time or interval for sending the status information.
Events will be reported at the specified interval.
• None: No report is sent.
• Monthly: Sends on the specified time of specified month.
• Weekly: Sends on the specified time of every week.
• Daily: Sends at the specified time of every day.
• Hourly: Sends at the specified interval every hour.
If a specified day does not exist in the month, such as the
31st, the last day of the month is used as the specified day.

Run once now You can test this by clicking the Send button to immediately
send a report.

50 Embedded Web Server

EWS Pages

Advanced > Management > Maintenance Notification > Sending Log

This feature defines the Job Log Notification information reports.

Item Description

Recipient The E-mail address of the recipient. If there is more than one
Address recipient then the addresses should be separated by a semi-
colon ";".

Job Log You can include model name, serial number, and MAC
Subject address in the subject line as follows: Enter one of the
following conversion strings starting with %. The string will be
converted into a pre-defined string to display the above
- %printer = Model
- %serial = Serial Number
- %etheraddr = MAC Address

Auto Sending Determines whether the job log report is sent or not. Set this
to On to send the report.

Jobs Set the number of job logs for sending, from 1 to 1500.

Run once now You can test this by clicking the Send button to immediately
send a report.

Advanced > Security > Secure Protocols

You can encrypt communication between a PC and this machine using SSL encryption.

Item Description

SSL Specifies whether or not to use the SSL protocol.

Effective Selects the encryption algorithm(s) to be used.

HTTP Specifies the security level.


Secure Encrypts all communication. Access is possible only with a

Only URL that begins with "https://." Access attempts using an
(HTTPS) ordinary http:// URL are automatically redirected to the URL
where "http://" is replaced with "https://."

Not Enables access for both encrypted and unencrypted

Secure communication. Access is possible with https:// and http://
(HTTPS & URLs. The former URL establishes encrypted communication
HTTP) and the latter establishes normal communication.

IPP Security Specifies the security level.

Operation Guide 51
EWS Pages

Item Description

Secure Encrypts all communications.

Only (IPP
over SSL)

Not Enables access for both encrypted and unencrypted

Secure communications.
(IPP over

Effective Allow you to specify the encryption algorithm for data
Encryption communication. You can use more than one algorithms at a

Certificate When set On, verify the expiration of the server certificate at
Verification communication. If found expired, communication will fail.
When set Off, the expiration will not be verified.

NOTE: When the SSL is set to On and HTTP Security is set to Secure (HTTPS), the
document boxes cannot be accessed the TWAIN driver.

Advanced > Security > IEEE802.1x

The IEEE802.1x security protocol allows the user to login to the secured networks based
on the client certificates.

Item Description

IEEE802.1x Specifies whether or not to use the IEEE802.1x protocol.

Authentication Selects either EAP-TLS or PEAP (EAP-MS-CHAPv2) for the

Type authentication type.

Login User Enter the name of the user who accesses the printing
Name system. The IEEE802.1x client certificate of this user must
be valid.

Login Password You can set a PEAP-based password. (This setting is valid
when PEAP (EAP-MS-CHAPv2) authentication type is

Common Name Specifies the common name of the server certificate if the
server is required to be authenticated. (This setting is valid
when PEAP (EAP-MS-CHAPv2) authentication type is

Match Rule of When the server certificate is verified, the common name
Common Name specified under Common Name is compared with the
common name on the server certificate. This item allows you
to specify whether the common names are considered to be
matched if they exactly or partially match. (This setting is valid
when PEAP (EAP-MS-CHAPv2) authentication type is

52 Embedded Web Server

EWS Pages

Item Description

Certificate Displays whether the certificate is active or not.


Advanced > Security > IPSec > General

This page allows you to set access restrictions for IPSec protocol-based communication.

Item Description

IPSec Specifies whether or not to enable the IPSec protocol. Select

On to enable the IPSec protocol. Select Off to disable it.

Restriction Specifies the default policy for non-IPSec packets.

Select Allow to allow communication with all hosts and
networks including those not permitted by the rules described
under Advanced > Security > IPSec > Rule1 (to Rule3) on
page 53. Select Deny to allow communication only with the
hosts and networks permitted by the rules.

Authentication Specifies the authentication type used for IKE phase1. To set
Type a character string as the shared key and use it for
communication, select Pre-shared and enter the string of
the pre-shared key in the text box. To use a CA-issued
device certificate or root certificate, select Certificates.
When Expiration Verification is enabled, the expiration of
the server certificate is verified at communicating. If the
server certificate is found expired, communication will fail.
When it is disabled, the expiration will not be verified.
When you select Certificates, the contents of the CA
certificate and root 1 to 3 certificates are displayed if they are
enabled. When you click the CA or Root button, you can
view, import or delete CA-issued or root certificates.

Rule1 (to Rule3) Shows whether the set rule is enabled or disabled. To enable
or disable the rule, refer to Advanced > Security > IPSec >
Rule1 (to Rule3) on page 53.

Advanced > Security > IPSec > Rule1 (to Rule3)

These pages allow you to select or edit rules to use for IPSec protocol-based communication.

Item Description

Rule Specifies whether or not to enable the selected IPSec policy

rule. Select On to enable the rule. Select Off to disable it.

Key Exchange When using IKE phase1, a secure connection with the other
(IKE phase1) end is established by generating ISAKMP SAs. Configure the
following items so that they meet the requirement of the other

Operation Guide 53
EWS Pages

Item Description

Mode Main Mode protects identifications but requires more

messages to be exchanged with the other end. Aggressive
Mode requires fewer messages to be exchanged with the
other end than Main Mode but restricts identification
protection and narrows the extent of the parameter
negotiations. When Aggressive Mode is selected and Pre-
shared is selected for Authentication Type, only host
addresses can be specified for IP addresses of the rule.

Hash Selects the hash algorithm.

Encryption Selects the encryption algorithm.

Diffie- The Diffie-Hellman key-sharing algorithm allows two hosts on

Hellman an unsecured network to share a private key securely. Select
Group the Diffie-Hellman group to use for key sharing.

Lifetime Specifies the lifetime of an ISAKMP SA in seconds.


Data Protection In IKE phase2, IPSec SAs such as AH or ESP are established
(IKE phase2) by using SAs established in IKE phase1. Configure the
following items so that they meet the requirement of the other

Protocol Select ESP or AH for the protocol. ESP protects the privacy
and integrity of the packet contents. Select the hash algorithm
and encryption algorithm below. AH protects the integrity of
the packet contents using encryption checksum. Select the
hash algorithm below.

Hash Selects the hash algorithm.

Encryption Selects the encryption algorithm. (When ESP is selected

under Protocol.)

PFS When PFS is set to On (enabled), even if a key is decrypted,

the decrypted key cannot be used to decrypt the other keys
generated after the decryption. This improves the safety, but
imposes a heavy burden because of more key-generation

Diffie- The Diffie-Hellman key-sharing algorithm allows two hosts on

Hellman an unsecured network to share a private key securely. Select
Group the Diffie-Hellman group to use for key sharing.

Lifetime Specifies whether the lifetime is measured by time or by time

Measure- and data size.

Lifetime Specifies the lifetime of an IPSec SA. Lifetime Measurement

(Time)/ allows you to select whether to use time or data size to specify
Lifetime the lifetime. When you select Time & Data Size, an SA is
(Data disabled and updated when either the time or data size of the
Size) SA exceeds the specified value.

IP Version Specifies the IP version of the other end. Select IPv4 or IPv6.

54 Embedded Web Server

EWS Pages

Item Description

IP Specifies the IPv4 addresses of the hosts or network with

Address which the print system is connecting via IPSec. When you are
(IPv4) restricting the scope of IPSec, be sure to specify the IP
addresses. If this field is blank, all IPv4 addresses will be
allowed to connect the print system.

IP Specifies the IPv6 addresses of the hosts or network with

Address which the print system is connecting via IPSec. When you are
(IPv6) restricting the scope of IPSec, be sure to specify the IP
addresses. If this field is blank, all IPv6 addresses will be
allowed to connect the print system.

Subnet When IPv4 is selected for IP Version, this specifies the

Mask subnet mask of the hosts or network with which the print
system is connecting via IPSec. If this field is blank, the
specified addresses are considered to be host addresses.

Prefix When IPv6 is selected for IP Version, this specifies the prefix
Length length of the hosts or network with which the print system is
connecting via IPSec. If this field is blank, the specified
addresses are considered to be host addresses.

Operation Guide 55

4 Troubleshooting

Consult the table below to find basic solutions for problems you may encounter with

Symptom Check Items Corrective Action Reference

I can’t access Is the power turned on Turn the power on to Operation

EWS. to this machine? this machine, wait until Guide
it is a ready state, and
try to access EWS.

Is the network cable Connect the network Operation

properly connected? cable properly. Guide

Are the network Perform the network -

settings that are made settings from the
in this machine operation panel.
correct? Contact your network
administrator for the
appropriate settings.

Is the IP address for Enter the correct IP -

this machine entered address. Check this
correctly? machine IP address
with your network

Are the LAN settings Check the settings -

that are made in Web made in Web browser.
browser correct? Refer to the Help
function in your

Has the administrator Access EWS from an page 38

set up an IP Filter approved IP address.

Is HTTP Security on When HTTP Security is page 51

the Advanced > set to Secure (HTTPS),
Security > Secure specify a URL that
Protocol page set to begins with https://. You
Secure (HTTPS)? cannot access EWS
with an http:// URL.

Does the version of Use a browser page 1

your browser application that
application support supports EWS.
operation using EWS?

56 Embedded Web Server


Symptom Check Items Corrective Action Reference

Characters do Does the version of Use a browser page 1

not display your browser application that
properly in application support supports EWS.
EWS. operation using EWS?

Is the same language Select the same page 9

as that displayed on language as that
the operation panel displayed on the
selected? operation panel.

I can’t access Has the administrator Enter the password. page 12

the other set a password?

I can’t perform Is the printer or Wait until the operation -

settings. scanner currently in has been completed.

The settings I Did you click the Click the Submit button -
made are not Submit button after and move to another
registered. making the settings? page or close EWS

Did you click the Restart this machine. page 8

Restart button after All settings will be
making the settings? registered.

Are you using the Operate EWS after you -

System menu on this have finished with the
machine's panel while System menu.
EWS is being

The - Contact your dealer or -

administrator service center.
has forgotten
the Admin

Error or Is there an error Perform the Operation

Warning is message shown in the troubleshooting Guide
displayed display? procedure the
under the messages suggests
STATUS referring to the
indicator. Operation Guide.

Operation Guide 57
Rev. 5.3WG 2009.10

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