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CODAP 2005 Division 2


C1.1 - GENERAL These rules are stress analysis rules which make it
possible to check the strength of the various components
C1.1.1 – Purpose of the design rules of a vessel subjected to loadings of mainly static nature.
The purpose of the design rules is to make it The application of the rules of Section C10 requires
possible to determine the thicknesses or to check the that the required stresses be determined beforehand,
strength of the various pressure vessel components and either numerically, or analytically or experimentally.
joints, so as to prevent failure due to mechanical and
c) The rules specified in Section C11 make it
thermal loadings expected during the lifetime of the
possible either to check the acceptability of the variable
loadings likely to lead to failure by fatigue cracking
(Chapter C11.1) or to check the strength of the various
C1.1.2 - Organization of the part "Design and components of a vessel against the effects of these
Calculations" of this Division loadings (Chapters C11.2 and C11.3).
This Division specifies three complementary sets of The application of the rules specified in C11.3
design rules:
requires that the required stresses be determined
– specific design rules, which form the subject beforehand, either numerically, or analytically or
of Sections C2 through C9; experimentally.
– general design rules, which form the subject The scope related to each of these different rules is
of Section C10; stated in C1.1.3.
– rules taking account of fatigue phenomena, C1.1.3 – Scope of the design rules
which form the subject of Section C11. a) Each of the specific design rules applies within a
a) The specific design rules are the established- scope defined by limits which may concern the
practice rules. They cover the most current components geometric characteristics of the components under
and joints subject to common loadings. consideration, the loadings taken into account, the
modes of failure covered, the properties of the material,
In these rules, the thicknesses are determined or the etc.
strength is checked by means of formulas or graphs
drawn up specifically for each of the cases covered. b) Normally, within the scope of each specific rule,
the use of any other design rule than that specified in
Except in the rules of Section C8 dealing with this Division is not permitted.
bellows for expansion joints, only static loadings are
taken into account in the specific design rules. Nevertheless, subject to agreement between the
Parties involved, the substitution of a supporting
The application of these rules exempts from any calculation performed in accordance with the stress
other justification provided that these rules are used analysis rules stated in Section C10 for the specified
within their scope and that the conditions relating to specific rule is permitted.
their application are met.
b) The general design rules in Section C10 are
intended for cases other than those covered by the
specific rules.
In these rules, strength checking is performed by
verifying the compliance with criteria regarding stress
level or stress ranges.

Section C1 – GENERAL

However, attention is drawn to the fact that b) The loadings to which a vessel is likely to
complying with these rules does not lead systematically subjected may be:
to a more economical sizing. When applied to certain
– mechanical loadings, resulting from one or
specific configurations, the stress acceptance criteria
several of the following loads:
given in C10 may lead to a greater conservatism than
that from the applicable specific design rules, which • internal or external pressure (see C1.2);
benefit from sometimes more pertinent bases.
• gravity (see C1.4.1);
c) Outside the scope of each specific rule, or where
no specific rule is specified in this Division, the • snow, wind and seismic loads (see
Manufacturer shall justify the selected dimensions and C1.4.3),
thicknesses by means of well-recognized calculation or • dynamic loads (impact, movements of
experimental methods, or by means of the stress fluids, moving parts, etc.) (see C1.4.3),
analysis rules specified in Section C10, whose
conditions of application shall be complied with (in • loads due to thermal expansion of piping,
particular, the rules of C10 do not apply within the Note: Although these loads are thermal loads since they
temperature ranges where there is a risk of creep result from restrained free expansion of the piping due to
fracture). the vessel, they shall be considered as mechanical loads.

The Manufacturer may also refer to experience • vibration phenomena (see C1.4.5),
gained from vessels previously manufactured, provided
• various mechanical loads.
that this experience is truly convincing and agreed by
the parties involved. – thermal loadings (see C1.4.4), resulting from
restraint of free expansion of:
d) The general requirements relating to the
prevention of failure by fatigue cracking are stated in • the vessel by external constraints,
• a component by other components of the
e) The rules of chapters C11.2 and C11.3, relating to vessel,
fatigue strength check, are applicable in all cases, within
their scope and provided that the relevant conditions of • the vessel by self-constraint.
application are fulfilled, irrespective of the rules c) The scope related to each of the specific rules of
(specific design rules or stress analysis rules of Section Sections C2 through C9 and to the rules given in
C10) used to justify the strength of the vessel under the Chapters C11.1 and C11.2 specifies the loadings
effects of static loadings. actually taken into account in these rules.
However, the rules of chapter C11.2 are more The general rules of chapter C10 and the rules of
specifically intended to be applied for vessels whose Chapter C11.3 make it possible, for the modes of failure
strength under static loadings is checked by means of they cover, to take account of loadings of any nature.
the specific design rules while the rules of chapter
C11.3 are more specifically intended to be applied for C1.1.5 – Loading combination – Loading conditions -
vessels whose strength under static loadings, is checked Cycles
by means of the rules of Section C10. C1.1.5.1 – Loading condition
C1.1.4 - Loadings Any possible combination of loadings exerted
a) The loadings to which the vessel is subjected lead simultaneously at a given moment, on a pressure vessel,
from the various actions exerted on the vessel or on is defined as a loading condition.
connected components which result in mechanical An instantaneous temperature distribution within the
effects ie stresses. material is associated to each loading condition (see

Section C1 – GENERAL

C1.1.5.2 - Types of loading conditions c) Strength test conditions

Three types of loading conditions are distinguished The strength test conditions are the conditions to
in this Division: which the vessel is subjected during the pressure tests
carried out in shop or on site at vessel completion, and
a) Normal operating conditions
during retesting.
The normal operating conditions are the conditions
When the pressure tests are carried out in shop or
to which the vessel is subjected under normal operation
indoors, the loading condition results only from the
and working conditions, including start-up and shut
combination of pressure loadings and loadings due to
Such a loading condition results from the
When the pressure tests are performed outdoors, the
combination of the following loadings:
loadings stated in C1.4.2.1 resulting from the snow and
– design pressure, as defined in C1.2.2.2 a or b, wind action shall also be taken into account for the
corresponding loading conditions.
– normal snow load (see C1.4.2.1);
This third type of loading conditions also includes
– normal wind load (see C1.4.2.1);
strength test conditions other than pressure tests.
– other thermal or mechanical loadings occurring
C1.1.5.3 - Cycles
under normal operation and working conditions
(under these normal conditions, seismic loads See C11.1.2
are not taken into account).
C1.1.6 - Modes of failure
b) Exceptional operating conditions
C1.1.6.1 - General
The exceptional operating conditions are the
The failure modes to which the vessels are likely to
conditions to which the vessel is subjected under
be subjected and the classification used in this Division
exceptional or accidental operation and working
are defined in GA1.3.
conditions, including start-up and shut down operation.
The modes of failure covered by this Division are
Such a loading condition results from the
the following:
combination of the following loadings:
a) Primary-type failure modes
– design pressure, as defined in C1.2.2.2c,
– brittle fracture,
– exceptional snow loads (see C1.4.2.1),
– gross plastic deformation,
– exceptional wind action (see C1.4.2.1),
– plastic instability (Bursting),
– seismic action (see C1.4.2.1),
– ductile rupture,
– other thermal or mechanical loadings occurring
under exceptional or accidental operation and – elastic and elastic-plastic instability (buckling),
working conditions, including those occurring
– creep rupture,
during transport, erection and maintenance
operations as well as under cleaning and – excessive deformations due to creep.
washing conditions.
b) Secondary-type failure modes
The "containment" vessels which normally are
subjected to loadings only in case of failure of the vessel – Incremental plastic deformation,
or of the equipment they isolate may be calculated – fatigue cracking
assuming that the loadings which result from such a
failure come under exceptional operating conditions.

Section C1 – GENERAL

C1.1.7 – Design procedure for a pressure vessel b2) Calculation based on real damage during
C1.1.7.1 – General principles
When the expected overall duration of the creep
a) The design of a pressure vessel shall take into
periods is different from 100 000 hours, or when the
account all loadings likely to be applied during the
vessel operating conditions include various creep
expected lifetime of the vessel.
periods at different temperatures, the calculation may be
b) This calculation shall ensure that the criteria performed in accordance with the provisions of Annex
specified by the rules are met. These criteria are C1.A1.
intended to cover the various modes of failure which
This calculation takes into account the cumulated
may affect the vessel and which result from these
effect of all the working periods giving rise to
loadings, from the combinations thereof and the
significant creep.
corresponding loading conditions as well as from the
static or time dependent nature of these loadings. c) Regarding failure by incremental collapse or
global plastic adaptation, a calculation taking into
c) Since the loadings applied are never purely static,
account the loading range resulting from the variation
this calculation shall also show that the global plastic
between operating conditions shall be performed for any
adaptation - i.e. global elastic behaviour after a few
pair of normal operating conditions which is likely to be
loading cycles - of gross structural discontinuity regions
a governing pair.
where local plastic deformations may remain, is ensured
(see note). d) Regarding failure by fatigue cracking, the
strength calculation shall take into account the number,
Note: The concepts of gross structural discontinuity and
the range and the possible effect of the superposition of
of global plastic adaptation are defined in C10.1.3.2.
all the loading cycles resulting from loading fluctuations
C1.1.7.2 - Loading conditions and cycles to be taken under the normal operating conditions defined in
into account for the calculations C1.1.5.2a.
a) Regarding failure by gross plastic deformation, or C1.1.7.3 - Calculation by means of specific design
elastic and elastic-plastic instability, a calculation shall rules
be performed for each loading condition likely to
a) Within the scope of each of the specific design
govern the design of the various vessel components (see
rules and provided that the relevant conditions of
note), irrespective of the type of loading condition.
application are fulfilled, the specific design rules of
The safety factors relating to exceptional operating Sections C2 through C9 cover the modes of failure
conditions or strength test conditions are less than those defined in C1.1.6.1 (except brittle fracture) and ensure
regarding normal operating conditions. the global plastic adaptation of gross structural
Note: Such a loading condition may be one of those for which the
discontinuity regions.
magnitude of some loadings is minimum; e.g. the condition of a vessel In addition the specific design rules of Section C8
at shutdown (internal pressure = zero) may be a governing condition.
cover failure by fatigue cracking.
b) Regarding failure by creep rupture, only normal
b) However, the specific rules of Sections C2
operating conditions shall be taken into account.
through C7 and C9 are intended to deal only with
Two calculation methods are permitted: loading magnitudes (those related to each loading
condition considered) and do not take account of the
b1) Conventional calculation
loading ranges resulting from the variations of these
A calculation shall be performed for each normal loadings between different loading conditions.
operating condition which is likely to be a governing
Therefore, regarding global plastic adaptation, the
condition, considering that it may be applied for
only cycles taken into account in the specific design
100 000 hours.
rules covering this design criterion are implicitly only
the cycles whose loading range results from the
variation between:
– on the one hand the normal operating condition
– on the other hand, the "zero" loading condition,
for which all the loadings are equal to zero.
These calculations are therefore strictly valid only
for vessels for which the sign of any loading does not
change between the various normal operating

Section C1 – GENERAL

However, owing to the conservative nature of the Thus, according to this definition, the effective pressure
specific design rules, disregarding the possible changes is negative for a vessel in which the absolute pressure is
of sign of the loadings is acceptable. less than atmospheric pressure (vessel under negative
pressure or under vacuum); then, the absolute value of
c) Therefore, the practical procedure for complying
this negative effective pressure is usually referred to as
with the requirements of C1.1.7.2 when applying the
external pressure.
specific design rules, shall be as follows:
– a strength calculation involving all the rules C1.2.2 – Design pressure of a vessel
relating to a vessel component shall be
performed for each normal operating condition C1.2.2.1 - Definition
which is likely to be a governing condition for
this component. The design pressure of a vessel (or of a compartment
of a multi-compartment vessel) is a value specified for
– a strength calculation involving only the rules each of the operating or strength test conditions of the
intended to prevent failure by gross plastic vessel and is intended to be used as a basis for the
deformation or by elastic or elastic-plastic strength assessment against the effects of pressure.
instability, shall be performed for each
exceptional operating condition or strength test In general, this pressure is defined either by the
condition likely to be a governing condition for Manufacturer on the basis of the vessel working
conditions specified by the Principal or by the Principal
the component under consideration.
This practical procedure is expressed in the form of
statement in some specific design rules specifying that In the case of Vessels acc. to Manufacturer's
standard, this pressure is defined by the Manufacturer
they shall only be applied for normal operating
conditions. alone, on the basis of the working conditions for which
the vessel is designed.
C1.1.7.4 - Calculation by means of general design
The design pressure shall be defined at a specified
location in the vessel.
a) The general design rules of Section C.10 give
The design pressure of a vessel shall be used as a
stress acceptance criteria intended to cover failure by
gross plastic deformation and incremental collapse and basis for determining the design pressure of each of its
to ensure the global plastic adaptation of gross structural components (see C1.2.3).
discontinuity regions. C1.2.2.2 - Determination of the design pressure
The rules in Section C11 cover failure by fatigue The value of the design pressure corresponding to a
cracking. given loading condition shall be defined in accordance
with the following:
The loading conditions and cycles to be taken into
account when these general design rules are applied, are a) For a normal operating condition for which
those listed in C1.1.7.2a, c and d. the failure by rupture or gross deformation due to
creep is not likely to be a governing factor (see note
Failure by elastic or elastic-plastic instability or by
creep rupture is not covered by the general design rules; 1): the design pressure shall be at least equal to the
If such a failure is likely to occur, the Manufacturer greatest pressure which is likely to be reached in the
vessel under normal operating conditions, at the
shall justify the strength of the vessel by any relevant
means, under his responsibility. connection with the safety device protecting it against
overpressure (the design pressure is then equal to the set
pressure of the safety device (see note 2) or, in the
absence of such a device, at the top of the vessel (see
note 3).
C1.2.1 – Effective pressure Note 1: The failure by rupture or gross deformation due to creep is not │
likely to be a governing factor for a normal operating condition when
Throughout this Division and unless otherwise the nominal design stress determined for a normal operating condition

specified, the term pressure shall refer to the effective │
not within the creep range (see GA4.6.1a, GA5.6.1a or GA6.6.1a) at T
pressure, i.e. the algebraic difference between the the design temperature defined in C1.3.2a1 is less than or equal to: 03/09
internal absolute pressure and atmospheric pressure: i.e. – the nominal design stress determined for a normal operating │
the pressure read on a pressure gauge installed on the condition within the creep range (see GA4.6.1b, GA5.6.1b or │
vessel. GA6.6.1b) at the design temperature defined in C1.3.2a2, when │
a conventional calculation (see definition in C1.1.7.2b1) is
– the equivalent nominal design stress determined according to
Annex C1.A1, when a calculation based on real creep damage E
during service (see definition in C1.1.7.2b1) is performed. 03/09

Section C1 – GENERAL

Note 2: During the operation of the safety devices, the pressure may d) For a strength test condition: the design
momentarily exceed the set pressure by not more than 10% of the set
pressure, without this overpressure being to take into account.
pressure shall be equal to the pressure at the top of the
vessel in the test performance position (see note).
Note 3: For a vessel in which the pressure is below atmospheric
pressure, the same rule shall apply, using the external pressure as a Note: The value of the pressure under which the hydraulic test has to
basis. be carried out is stated in I1.6.

b) For a normal operating condition under which C1.2.2.3 - Maximum allowable pressure of a vessel
the failure by creep rupture is likely to be a The maximum allowable pressure Ps of a vessel (or
governing factor: two values shall be considered for compartment of a multi-compartment vessel) is the
the design pressure: maximum pressure specified by the Manufacturer at a
– on the one hand, a value defined according to specified location, for which the vessel (or the
a, referred to as Pmax, associated with the compartment) is designed.
nominal design stress determined according to This maximum allowable pressure is at most equal
C1.7.2 for the design temperature defined in to the greatest of the pressures defined according to
C1.3.2a1, referred to as fhors fluage, C1.2.2.2a at this location, for the various operating
– and on the other hand, a value at least equal to conditions of the vessel (or compartment).
the mean (and not to the greatest) value of the C1.2.3 – Design pressure of a vessel component
pressure expected under normal operation at
the same location, referred to as Pmoy, C1.2.3.1 - Definition
associated with the following:
The design pressure P of a vessel component is the
• the nominal design stress determined pressure which shall be taken into account to check the
according to C1.7.3 for the design strength of this component, and thus the pressure whose
temperature defined in C1.3.2a2, when a value which shall be entered in the calculation formulas
conventional calculation is performed, used for this checking.
• the equivalent nominal design stress The value of this pressure shall be determined by the
determined according to Annex C1.A1, Manufacturer, for each operating or strength test
when a calculation is performed on the condition for the vessel (or for each of the
basis of the real damage during service, compartments of a multi-compartment vessel), from the
design pressure of the vessel and from the special
referred to as ffluage. working conditions he is aware of; a design temperature
The design pressure shall be assigned the value of is associated with each of these pressures (see C1.3).
Pmax or Pmoy, whichever results in the greater of the C1.2.3.2 - Design pressure of a vessel component not
following ratios. common to two compartments
Pmax Pmoy The value of the design pressure of a vessel
and (C1.2.2b1 and b2)
f horsfluage f fluage component not common to two adjacent compartments
of this vessel shall be at least equal to the following:
The value of f to be used for the calculations relating
a) For a normal or exceptional operating
to the condition under consideration is the value used in
condition: the design pressure of the vessel
the governing ratio.
corresponding to the condition under consideration,
c) For an exceptional operating condition (see increased, if relevant, by the maximum head losses and
note hereafter): the design pressure shall be at least static head acting under this condition on this
equal to the greatest pressure likely to be reached in the component, determined at the point where the design
vessel at a specified location (except special case, at the pressure of the vessel is defined.
top of the vessel) due to the malfunctioning of a
b) For a strength test condition: the design
regulation device, the decomposition of unstable fluids
pressure of the vessel corresponding to the condition
contained or any other exceptional or accidental
under consideration, increased by the static head acting
conditions resulting in an increase in pressure beyond
on the component in the position of the vessel during
the pressure corresponding to normal operating
the performance of the test.
Note: The failure by creep rupture is not considered as an exceptional
operating condition.

Section C1 – GENERAL

C1.2.3.3 - Design pressure of a vessel component For a vessel which is heat insulated or protected
common to two compartments from the outside environment by insulating material, the
design temperature shall be equal to the maximum
The design pressure of a pressure vessel component
temperature of the fluid contained under the loading
common to two adjacent compartments of this vessel
condition considered.
shall be equal to the difference, for the loading
condition considered, between the two design pressures For a vessel containing a fluid the temperature of
of this component, which are determined according to which lies below room temperature, the design
C1.2.3.2 by considering successively that the temperature may be below room temperature; however,
component only belongs to one, and then to the other, of for such a vessel, the loading condition corresponding to
the two compartments. the room temperature is often a governing condition.
When determining the loading conditions likely to The temperature as defined above is the temperature
govern the design of such a component, all the pressure to be used, according to the applicable regulation (see
combinations likely to occur simultaneously in the two Annex GA4 and following), for the determination of the
compartments –even accidentally- shall be taken into nominal design stress for an operating condition not
account, particularly those for which one or the other of within the creep range
the pressures is equal to zero, or those for which one or
a2) With respect to failure by creep rupture, the
the other of the pressures is negative.
design temperature is the temperature normally
expected (and not the maximum temperature likely to
be reached) at mid-thickness of the wall under the
loading condition considered.
C1.3.1 - Definition
The temperature as defined above is the temperature
The design temperature t of a vessel component is to be used, according to the applicable regulation (see
the temperature to be considered for the determination Annex GA4 and following), for the determination of the
of the mechanical properties of the material to be taken nominal design stress for an operating condition within
into account for the assessment of the mechanical the creep range or or the determination of the
strength of this component. Equivalent nominal design stress defined in Annex
To each loading condition to which the vessel may
be subjected, corresponds a design temperature value b) For an exceptional operating condition: the
which shall be specified by the Principal or determined design temperature shall be determined in accordance
by the Manufacturer from the working conditions with the provisions specified in C1.3.2a1).
specified by the Principal.
c) For a strength test condition: the design
In the case of Vessels acc. to Manufacturer's temperature is the vessel wall temperature expected for
standard, the design temperature shall be specified by the conditions under which the test is performed.
the Manufacturer alone.
C1.3.3 – Maximum allowable temperature of a vessel
C1.3.2. – Determination of the design temperature
The maximum allowable temperature Ts,max of a
The value of the design temperature corresponding vessel (or compartment of a multi-compartment vessel)
to a given loading condition shall be determined as is the maximum temperature specified by the
follows: Manufacturer and for which the vessel (or the
compartment) is designed.
a) For a normal operating condition:
This maximum allowable temperature is at most
a1) With respect to the modes of failure other
equal to the highest of the design temperatures of each
than brittle fracture (see note) or creep rupture, the of the components forming the vessel (or the
design temperature is the maximum temperature compartment) determined according to C1.3.2a and b,
likely to be reached at mid-thickness of the wall for the corresponding to the various normal and exceptional
loading condition under consideration, taking into operating conditions of the vessel (or compartment) (see
account the most unfavourable heat transfer conditions
to which a properly maintained vessel may be subjected.
Note: The maximum allowable temperature Ts,max as defined above
Note: The prevention of failure by brittle fracture is based on the does not correspond necessarily to the loading condition which results
concept of "minimum design temperature TME" which differs from in the maximum allowable pressure Ps as defined in C1.2.2.3.
the concept of "design temperature" (See Annex MA2).

Section C1 – GENERAL

C1.4 – LOADINGS OTHER THAN PRESSURE C1.4.2 – Climatic and seismic loads
C1.4.1 - Gravity C1.4.2.1 – Snow and wind loads
To assess the loads due to gravity, the following Snow and wind loads shall be taken into account for
shall be taken into account: vessels installed outdoors. Generally, the values of the
normal and exceptional wind loads and snow loads are
a) the weight of the vessel itself and of its internals;
defined by the local regulations of the country where the
except special case which shall be the subject of an
vessel is installed.
agreement between the Principal and the Manufacturer,
this weight shall be that of the vessel in new conditions, In this respect, the annex C1.A2 gives
i.e. including the possible corrosion allowances. recommendations concerning the wind and snow loads
to be taken into account for vessels installed on the
b) the weight of the connected components
French territory.
supported by the vessel: other vessel, piping, valves and
fittings, mechanical equipment, frameworks, access C1.4.2.2 – Seismic loads
platforms and ladders, insulation, flame resistant
If required by the Principal, the seismic loads shall
material, etc.
be assessed and taken into account for the vessel design.
c) the weight of the products contained in the vessel Any loading condition for which these loads are taken
and in the connected elements, if they are in the form of into account shall be considered as an exceptional
liquid or powder; depending on the loading conditions, loading condition.
the following shall be considered:
The Annex C1.A1 gives some references which may
– for a normal operating condition: the quantity be used for the assessment of seismic loads and for the
of product corresponding to the maximum vessel design with respect to these loads.
level during normal operation,
C1.4.3 – Dynamic loads
– for an exceptional operating condition: the
Dynamic loads due to the movement of the fluids or
quantity of product corresponding to the
of moving parts, may often be considered as equivalent
extreme level actually possible,
static loads suitably defined (local or global loads, local
– for a strength test condition: the vessel full of or general overpressure).
test fluid, if the fluid is a liquid.
When the dynamic loads obviously result from the
d) the live loads acting on certain connected working conditions defined by the Principal, they shall
elements: access platforms, supports of lifting devices, be taken into account by the Manufacturer even if they
etc. are not explicitly mentioned.
Except for Vessels acc. to Manufacturer's standard, But it is the responsibility of the Principal to define
the Principal shall provide the Manufacturer with the the dynamic loads which would not obviously result
information necessary for the assessment of the gravity from the working conditions of the vessel.
loads: weight of internal or external connected
In this field, making reference to one’s experience
components supported by the vessel, density of the
generally is a sufficient justification.
products contained and filling levels, live loads, etc.
C1.4.4 – Thermal loadings – Thermal stresses
Gravity effects result in loads which affect the vessel
taken as a whole, in loads applied at the junction with The variations of the vessel temperature, the
the connected components which are supported by the difference of temperature or the difference between the
vessel and in local reactions at the junction with the thermal expansion coefficients of materials of the
supports. components of a same vessel or of adjacent regions of a
same component may lead to differential expansions
For the assessment of the strength of a vessel region
which, when restrained, result in stresses referred to as
remote from the junction with the connected
thermal stresses.
components on which live loads are applied, the
improbability of the simultaneity of these live loads may
be taken into account by agreement between the
Principal and the Manufacturer. If all of the live loads
cannot be applied simultaneously on the connected
components considered, only the most unfavourable
loading for the region under consideration needs to be
taken into account.

Section C1 – GENERAL

These thermal stresses may be due to three types of Regarding vibrations the source of which is inherent
free expansion restraint: in the working conditions defined by the Principal, the
Manufacturer shall make the necessary arrangements in
– expansion of the vessel restrained by external
order to avoid such vibrations or to remove the effects
obstacles (e.g. vessel expansion restrained by
of these vibrations.
its supports),
Regarding vibrations the source of which is not
– expansion of a component restrained by other
inherent in the working conditions defined by the
components of the vessel (e.g. expansion of the
Principal, the Principal shall provide the Manufacturer
tubes of a heat exchanger with two fixed
with an explicit definition of these vibrations so that
tubesheets, restrained by the shell),
they can be taken into account by the Manufacturer.
– expansion of a region restrained by the
In this field, making reference to one’s experience
adjacent regions (self-constraint) whose
generally is a sufficient justification.
temperatures differ (e.g., wall the temperature
of which is not uniform through the thickness) When the vibration phenomena cannot be
or whose thermal expansion coefficients differ sufficiently reduced, these phenomena shall be taken
(e.g. clad plates). into account in a detailed fatigue analysis performed in
accordance with the rules of chapter C11.3.
The thermal stresses due to self-constraint are not to
be taken into account when the modes of failure of the
primary type, except for failure by brittle fracture, are
considered; but they shall be taken into account when
the modes of failure of the secondary type are
considered. C1.5.1 - General
Although they are due to thermal phenomena, a) When, the fluctuations of the loadings to which
loadings resulting from piping expansion restraint due the vessel is subjected are such that there is a risk of
to the vessel shall be considered as mechanical loadings. failure by fatigue cracking, it is the responsibility of the
Manufacturer to ensure that the vessel is designed so
Except for Vessels acc. to Manufacturer's standard,
that it shall behave satisfactorily against such a risk.
the Principal shall define very accurately, the erection,
working and operating conditions which permit the b) Above all, it is of prime importance that the joints
thermal loadings to be assessed. be suitably designed (see Annex FA1).
Thermal loadings shall be assessed and taken into c) Making reference to one’s experience with vessels
account in the calculations by the Manufacturer (certain previously manufactured and subjected to comparable
rules of this Division, such as the design rules for heat operating conditions, may often constitute a sufficient
exchangers with two fixed tubesheets, take account of justification (see C1.5.2).
certain thermal stresses). d) If sufficient experience is not available, the
acceptability of the stress variations shall be assessed by
It may be in the interest of the Manufacturer to
means of the rule C11.1.
remove or to reduce free expansion restraints by means
of appropriate provisions, according to sound If this rule is not complied with, the rules relating to
engineering practice or to its own experience (free the fatigue analysis of Chapter C11.2 (simplified
movements of supports, expansion joints, analysis) and C11. 3 (detailed analysis) shall apply
thermal sleeves, etc.). according to their scope and to the conditions relating to
their application (see Note).
C1.4.5 – Vibration phenomena
Note : The rules of Chapter C11.2 take account of variable pressure
Vibration phenomena may result from pressure loadings only.
pulses or vibrations transmitted by the vessel e) The rule C11.1, as well as the rules for fatigue
environment. The large number of cycles which analysis given in Chapter C11.2 and C11.3 are not
characterizes these loadings may lead to fatigue applicable within the temperature range where creep
cracking of the vessels, even for small stress ranges. rupture is the governing factor, i.e. the range where the
nominal design stress is determined by the creep
properties of the material.

Section C1 – GENERAL

The rules of this Division taking account of fatigue a2) Materials subject to one or several heat
cracking shall not be applied to cases where corrosion treatments during the fabrication of the vessel
induced fatigue phenomena may occur.
The values of the properties to be used in the
Note: The materials sensitive to this phenomenon are mainly: carbon calculations shall not exceed those required by the
steels, ferritic alloy steels, aluminium and aluminium alloys, titanium.
product specification.
C1.5.2 - Reference to experience It is the responsibility of the Manufacturer to take
The Manufacturer may justify the fatigue strength of the necessary measures so that the actual properties of
a vessel by reference to the experience gained on similar the material after heat treatment remain sufficient to
vessels subjected to comparable working conditions and justify the strength of the vessel.
which have shown satisfactory behaviour in service. a3) Case where the properties of the welded
However, when comparing, special attention shall be zone are less than those of the parent material
paid to possible differences in construction provisions Irrespective of the welded joint coefficient defined
the effect of which might prove highly damageable: in C1.8, the values of the properties to be taken for the
– construction formed from several individual strength calculation of the welded joint shall not exceed
elements the assembly of which permits gaps the minimum values specified by the Manufacturer for
to persist within the material, instead of an this welded joint.
integral construction (e.g. added reinforcing b) The value of a mechanical characteristic at design
parts), temperature t shall be obtained by linear interpolation
– partial penetration welded joints, between the two closest values given in the product
– abrupt transitions between adjacent
components with very different thicknesses, For a design temperature t less than the lowest
temperature at which a value of a mechanical
– studded connections, characteristic is specified in the product specification,
– threaded piping connections. this specified value shall be taken as the mechanical
characteristic at temperature t.

C1.6 - MATERIAL PROPERTIES TO BE USED IN C1.6.2 – Tensile strength

THE DESIGN RULES The tensile strength values to be considered are as
C1.6.1 - General follows:
a) The properties of the materials in the delivery Rm = Minimum specified value of tensile
condition shall correspond to the values used in the strength at room temperature
calculations. However, as the properties of a material = Minimum specified value of tensile
can be affected by the heat or mechanical treatments the strength at design temperature t when this
vessel is subjected to during the fabrication and, in temperature differs from room temperature
particular, by post-weld heat treatment, the following
provisions shall apply: C1.6.3 – Yield strength

a1) Materials not subject to heat treatment The values to be considered for the yield strength are
during the fabrication of the vessel as follows:

The values of the properties to be used in the Rp0,2 = Minimum specified value of the 0,2%
calculations shall be the values given in the product proof strength at room temperature

specification for the reference condition of the product Unless otherwise prescribed, for the specifications in │
under consideration. Section M2 which refer to the upper yield strength │
(ReH), the value to be taken into account for the proof │
For bolting used in an as-treated condition, the strength Rp0,2 shall be as follows: T
values to be taken are those specified after treatment. 03/09
– the value of ReH minus 10 N/mm2 if that value is │
≤ 355 N/mm2, │
– the value of ReH minus 15 N/mm2 if that value is │
> 355 N/mm2. │
Rp0,2 = minimum specified value of 0,2% proof
strength at design temperature t when this
temperature differs from the room

Section C1 – GENERAL

│ t
Rp1,0 = minimum specified value of 1% proof When applying the design rules for vessels subjected
E strength at design temperature t to external pressure, the values of the modulus of
│ elasticity E at design temperature t to be used shall be
C1.6.4 – Creep properties those specified in Section C4.
Depending on the method used for the strength
calculation (see C1.1.7.2b), the creep properties to be C1.6.6 – Poisson'ratio
considered shall be as follows: The value of Poisson’s ratio v to be used, shall be as
a1) Conventional calculation given in table C1.6.6; it may be considered as being
independent of the design temperature.
σR = mean value of the creep rupture strength
over 100 000 hours at design temperature t
Table C1.6.6 - Poisson's ratio.
However, for materials for which the
dispersion band of the results of the creep Material v
tests has, for 100 000 hours, a total width
exceeding 40% of the mean value, σ R is Steels 0,30
equal to 1,25 times the value of the rupture Aluminium and alloys 0,33
stress over 100 000 hours which
Copper and alloys 0,33
corresponds to the lower bound of the
dispersion band. Nickel 0,31
σ 1% = Mean value of the stress which leads to a Nickel-copper 0,32
1% creep elongation over 100 000 hours at
Nickel-chromium-iron 0,29
design temperature t (value obtained by
extrapolation of results of tests performed Nickel-iron-chromium 0,34
in accordance with the applicable standard)
Titanium 0,32
a2) Calculation based on real damage in service
Zirconium 0,35
The properties to be considered shall be as specified
in Annex C1.A1.
C1.6.7 – Thermal expansion coefficient
b) In all cases, the influence of heat treatments on
the creep properties may be disregarded. When applying the design rules, the value of the
thermal expansion coefficient at design temperature t to
C1.6.5 – Modulus of elasticity be used shall be the value given in the product
specification, even if it is an informative value, in the
When applying the design rules, the value of the material Manufacturer specification or in any other
modulus of elasticity E at the design temperature t to be document agreed between the parties involved.
used is the value given in the product specification, even
if it is an informative value, in the material
Manufacturer specification or in any other document
agreed between the parties involved.

Section C1 – GENERAL


C1.7.1 - General
C1.9.1 – Minimum required thickness - Assumed
The nominal design stress f is the value of the stress
to be used in the calculation formulas of this Division; it
is the allowable value of the primary general membrane a) The minimum required thickness of a
stress as defined in C10. component is the smallest thickness required by this

Division to ensure the strength of the component (see E
The nominal design stress depends on the
Figure C1.9) - with the exception of possibly 09/07
mechanical properties of the material and on the safety
permissible local under-thicknesses (see F1.5). │
factors selected against:
Some rules of this Division give formulas which
– failure by gross plastic deformation and plastic
enable this minimum required thickness to be calculated
instability (safety factors then differ according
to the type of loading conditions considered)
on the one hand, and, b) The design rules of the Code which do not enable
direct calculation of the minimum required thickness for
– failure by creep rupture, on the other hand.
a vessel component, give formulas which make it │
The nominal design stress takes different values, possible to verify that an assumed thickness is E
depending on whether the loading condition considered sufficient to ensure the strength of this component. (See 09/07
is: Figure C1.9) │

– a normal operating condition for which the Generally, these verification formulas also make it
failure by creep rupture is not a governing possible to determine the minimum required thickness
factor, referred to as "condition not within the for the component under consideration by iteration.
creep range",
C1.9.2 – Analysis thickness
– a normal operating condition for which the
This analysis thickness is the thinnest possible real │
failure by creep is a governing factor, referred
thickness – or minimum thickness – of the component │
to as "condition within the creep range of the
after the corrosion allowance is worn off and except any E
material", 09/07
local under-thicknesses possibly permitted (see F1.5);

– an exceptional operating condition or strength thus, it is the minimum thickness really available to │
test condition. ensure the strength of the component. │

The values of the nominal design stresses are The analysis thickness is equal to the following:
defined in the Annexes GA4 and following, according
eu = en – c – c1 – c2 (C1.9.2)
to the applicable regulations.
en = Nominal order thickness of the rough
product used for the fabrication of a vessel
For the calculation of the strength of a butt-welded component
joint under a normal operating condition, the nominal
c = Corrosion allowance as defined in C1.9.3
design stress shall be multiplied by a coefficient z
referred to as welded joint coefficient, the value of c1 = Negative tolerance on the thickness of the
which depends on the nature, the extent and the severity rough product, specified in the order
of the inspection of the welded joints (see Part I). specification
The values of the welded joint coefficients to be c2 = Possible thinning during the fabrication, by
applied are defined in the Annexes GA4 and following, forming or machining, of the component
according to the applicable regulations. under consideration

Section C1 – GENERAL

This analysis thickness shall be at least equal to the reduced, even be zero, on removable or easily
calculated minimum required thickness of the replaceable components (e.g. heat exchanger tubes).
component or to the assumed thickness which has been
When applying the design rules, the influence of the
checked for the component.
corrosion allowance on dimensions other than the
Note: In addition, the design rules for fixed tubesheet heat thickness may be disregarded.
exchangers require that the analysis thickness not exceed the thickness
assumed for the verification calculations, i.e. that these calculations be C1.9.4 – Minimum thickness
carried out using the analysis thickness really provided for, for the
construction of the exchanger. As this Division is intended for very general
application, it cannot give figured information on the
C1.9.3 – Corrosion allowance
minimum thicknesses to be adopted for the different
Should a thinning in the wall be likely to occur in materials used.
service, due to surface corrosion, erosion or wear, on
Therefore, when the calculation result gives a
one or both faces, under the effect of the products
seemingly low thickness, the thickness to be adopted
handled or of the ambient environment, provision shall
shall take into account the following:
be made on the new vessel for an extra thickness c the
corrosion allowance, which shall be sufficient to – the fabrication and welding means;
compensate for this thinning during the expected
lifetime of the vessel. – the particular need with respect to the design of
the castings, where necessary;
In the general case, the value of the corrosion
allowance c (which may be zero if no corrosion is – the shape stability and the resistance to impact
actually to be expected) shall always be specified by the loads, and other external actions necessary
during handling.
Principal or possibly by agreement between the
Principal and the Manufacturer, depending on the nature As regards thin-walled vessels intended for special
of the products in contact with the wall, their use, the Principal should provide the Manufacturer, at
temperature, their flow velocity, etc. the time of purchase order, with the minimum
In the case of a Vessels acc. to Manufacturer's thicknesses which he knows from his own experience as
necessary to withstand impact loads or ensure shape
standard, the corrosion allowance is specified by the
Manufacturer alone. stability.

This value is not necessarily the same for all the

components of a same chamber; in particular, it may be │

Negative tolerance on the thickness of the product │

Reduction in thickness possible during the manufacture │
Nominal order thickness of the rough product

Corrosion allowance │

of the component of a new vessel

Analysis thickness of the component

Minimum required thickness

Smallest possible real thickness

component strength check

Thickness assumed for
(smallest possible thickness

of the component

after corrosion)

See C1.9.1 a

See C1.9.1 b

Thickness in excess resulting from │
the choice of the order thickness │

Figure C1.9 – Analysis thickness, minimum required thickness and assumed thickness for a vessel component.

Section C1 – GENERAL

C1.10 – GENERAL NOTATION - UNITS - C1.10.2 - Units

Apart from rare exceptions where the units are
C1.10.1 – General notation indicated, the formulas given in the design rules are
valid for any consistent system of units.
The symbols specific to each calculation rule are
indicated in the relevant chapters. However, it is recommended that the international
system of units which forms the subject of standard
The general symbols used are as follows:
NF X 02-006 be used.
P = Design pressure (see C1.2)
C1.10.3 - Tolerances
f = Nominal design stress (see C1.7)
With the exception of the thickness tolerances
z = Welded joint coefficient (see C1.8) referred to in C1.9.2, it is not necessary to take account
e = Calculated minimum required thickness, or of the tolerances on the other dimensions when
thickness assumed for a strength check applying the design rules, provided that these
calculation (see C1.9.1) tolerances remain within the limits specified by this
D, d = Diameters
On this condition, the dimensions to be used in the
R, r = Radii design rules are those given on the drawings.
Note: Symbol R is also used for the tensile strength
properties of the materials (see C1.6).
e = external, outside or outer
m = mean
i = internal, inside or inner
E = Modulus of elasticity (see C1.6.5)
v = Poisson’s ratio (see C1.6.6)


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