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Ex. 1 Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.

1. The instructions have been changed.

Someone ___________________ the instructions.

2. She will have to be taught.

Someone ___________________ her.

3. This car was manufactured in Japan by Toyota.

Toyota _______________ this car in Japan.

4. Why aren't the exercises being finished on time?

Why _______________ the exercises on time?

5. Last year 2,000 new units had been produced by the time we introduced the new
We_______________ 2,000 new units by the time we introduced the new design last

6. Casual clothes must not be worn.

You _______________ casual clothes.

7. $400,000 in profit has been reported this year.

The company _________________ $400,000 in profit this year.

8. The test will be given at five o'clock this afternoon.

The school _______________ the test at five o'clock this afternoon.

9. Students are required to wear uniforms at all times.

The school ___________ students to wear uniforms at all times.

10. This rumor must have been started by our competitors.

Our competitors _______________ this rumor.

Ex. 2 Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.

1. All work will have been completed by five o'clock this evening.
You ________________ all work by five o'clock this evening.

2. We were told to wait here.

Someone ______________ us to wait here.

3. Lunch was being served when we arrived.

They ________________ lunch when we arrived.
4. Lectures are recorded and posted on the Internet.
They _______________ lectures on the Internet.

5. Portuguese has always been spoken in this village.

People in this village ________________ Portuguese.

6. This will be my student's first performance in Canada.

This will be the first time ____________

7. This course will take us six months to complete.

In six months time ____________

8. There will be someone to meet you on arrival.

When ____________

9. The number of people who understand his ideas exceed his expectations.
More people ____________

10. The money didn't arrive for a month.

It was ____________



Ex. 1 Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.
Use the word in brackets.

1. You must never take your helmet off while you are riding a motorcycle. (all)
Helmets must be worn ___________________________________________________

2. They wanted to apologize for their behavior: that's why they paid for dinner.(order)
They paid for dinner _____________________________________________________

3. It isn't necessary to bring skis as they are included in the package.(have)

You __________________________________________________________________

4. I thought parking was allowed here.(under the impression)

I _____________________________________________________________________

5. Tom said, "I will be playing tennis when you arrive." (he)
Tom said ______________________________________________________________

6. When I was a child, we would go to the local park every Saturday afternoon. (used)
When I was a child, ______________________________________________________

7. His daughter continued to cry until he could not be seen any longer. (sight)
She continued to cry until he ______________________________________________

8. I'm afraid that car is just too expensive. (means)

That car is _____________________________________________________________

9. They moved to this suburb in 1997. (lived)

They _________________________________________________________________

10. One other thing before I forget - Jack is coming to visit next weekend. (by)

Ex.2 Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use
the word in brackets.

1. They managed to finish the project in time for the presentation. (succeeded)
They _________________________________________________________________

2. Maurice didn't come to the meeting yesterday. Perhaps he was ill. (might)
Maurice _______________________________________________________________

3. Jane allows her children to stay up to midnight on Saturday evenings. (let)

Jane ________________________________________________________________
4. Luckily, Peter wasn't charged with an offense when the police caught him stealing the
first time. (off)
Peter was very lucky because he ___________________________________________

5. Can I accompany you to the party? (mind)

Do you _______________________________________________________________

6. I wish you didn't drive so fast. (only)

If ____________________________________________________________________

7. I think Tom needs to see a doctor. His cough is terrible. (ought)

With that terrible cough, Tom ______________________________________________

8. You should feel horrible! Why did you say that to Jack? (shame)
_________________! Why did you say that to Jack?

9. The authorities said she wasn't responsible for the accident. (fault)
The accident ___________________________________________________________

10. "Why don't you take a holiday?", said Peter. (suggested)

Peter _______________ a holiday.


Ex. 1 Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.
Use the word in brackets.

1. Due to the heavy rain, the children weren’t allowed to go outside during lunchtime.
Due to the heavy rain the teachers __________________________________________

2. Steve is interested in learning how to design websites. (like)

Steve _________________________________________________________________

3. Joe had not expected the film to be so good. (better)

The film _______________________________________________________________

4. The lecture was cancelled because the professor was ill. (called)
They _________________________________________________________________

5. They decided to advertise their house on the internet. (put)

They decided __________________________________________________________

6. If Patrick does not arrange some more lessons, he will never pass his driving test.
Patrick will never pass his driving test _______________________________________

7. You must do exactly what the teacher tells you. (carry)

You must ___________________________________ the teacher’s instructions exactly.

8. The family went skiing a month ago. (month)

It ____________________________________________________________________

9. John never takes notice of what his children say. (attention)

John never ____________________________________________________________

10. Do you know the way to the Italian restaurant? (where)

Julia asked Maria _______________________________________________________

Ex. 2 Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.
Use the word in brackets.

1. ‘Did you go to the tennis tournament on Saturday?’ David asked me. (been)
David wanted to know ____________________________________________________

2. She had to finish her work before she went out. (until)
She had to stay in _______________________________________________________

3. It’s not worth inviting her to the party. She will never come. (point)
There’s _______________________________________________________________

4. Unfortunately this television set has a mark on the screen. (there)

Unfortunately __________________________________________________________

5. So that Susan would be fit for skiing, she went to the gym three times a week. (order)
Susan went to the gym three times a week ___________________________________

6. This will be my student's first performance in Canada. (performing)

This will be ____________________________________________________________

7. This course will take us six months to complete. (completed)

In six months time _______________________________________________________

8. There will be someone to meet you on arrival. (arrive)

When ________________________________________________________________

9. The number of people who understand his ideas exceed his expectations. (thought)
More people ___________________________________________________________

10. The money didn't arrive for more than a month. (over)
It was ____________


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