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1. ----------------is also called as Sales ledger.

a. Personal ledger
b. impersonal ledger
c. Debtors ledger
d. Creditors ledger
2. General ledger also known as ____
a) Impersonal Ledger
b) purchase ledger
c) sold ledger
d) bought ledger

3. ---------is also called as Purchase ledger

a) personal ledger
b) Nominal ledger
c) Debtors ledger
d) Creditors ledger

4. Bought ledger account is opened in---------------

A. Creditors ledger
B. Debtors ledger
C. General ledger
D. Sales ledger

5. General ledger adjustment a/c are opened in ______

A. Debtors ledger
B. Creditors ledger
C. Debtors and Creditors ledger
D. Bills receivable ledger

6. In departmental accounts expenses like director fees, interest is transferred to

A. Balance Sheet
B. Trading account
C. General P & L account
D. P & L Appropriation account

7. Under stock and debtor’s system of branch account, branch adjustment account is
opened when goods sent to branch is at ______
A. Cost price
B. Invoice price
C. Market price
D. Normal price

8. Royalty is a _____ to lessee

A. Income
B. Expenses
C. Both income and expenses
D. None of the above
9. Excess of Minimum rent over royalties is called
A. short workings
B. dead rent
C. royalties
D. none of the above
10. Only personal account and cash account are opened in ____
A. Single entry system
B. Double entry system
C. Accrual system
D. Mercantile system

10. All the royalties and short workings irrecoverable should be transferred to
A. Trading account
B. Balance sheet
C. Profit & Loss Account
d. None of the above
11. Royalty account is in the nature of
A. Real account
B. Nominal account
C. Personal account
D. Revenue account
12. Irrecoverable short workings are transfer to
A. Trading account
B. P&L account
C. Balance sheet
D. P&L Appropriation account
13. When royalty is paid, in the books of lessee, it is debited to
A. Royalty account
B. P&L account
C. Land lord account
D. Lessee account
14. When short workings are to be recovered the account to be debited is
A. Land lord account
B. Short workings account
C. P&L account
D. Lessee account
15. Short working means
A. Excess of minimum rent over royalty
B. Excess of royalty over minimum rent
C. Surplus of royalty
D. Actual minimum rent
16. Royalty are connected with the following type of business
A. Manufacturing industry
B. Mining industry
C. Construction business
D. Trading business
17. Royalty is the agreement between the following persons
A. Seller and buyer
B. Banker and customer
C. Trustee and beneficiary
D. Land lord and tenant
18. Dead rent is also called
A. Outstanding rent
B. Minimum rent
C. Prepaid rent
D. Future rent
19. The right of lessee to recoup short working is related to
a. First three years
b. Subsequent two years
c. Terms and agreements
d. No specify terms
20. Royalty payable is debited to _____by lessee.
A. Royalty account
B. Land lord account
C. P&L account
D. Trading account
21. In case the right to require short workings has expired, the balance in the short
workings account is transfer to
A. Land lord account
B. P&L account
C. Royalty account
D. Trading account
22. In case of sub-lease royalty earned by the lessor is credited to
A. Sub-lessee account
B. P&L account
C. Royalty receivable account
D. Sub-lessor account

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