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 WHAT DO YOU DO? I´m + JOB (an ENGINEER / a banker etc.)

 WHAT’S YOUR JOB? I WORK IN + place or general area (a bank / marketing, etc.)

1. Occupations. What do all these people do? 2. What are their jobs?

a- At the moment my father is designing a hospital. He’s an a _____________________

b- My mother is on a plane. She’s not on holiday. She’s a f ________________________
c- Tom makes furniture. He’s a c________________________
d- Alan is putting a ticket on a car. He is a t_______________ _________________
e- Adam is mending the hot water system in a house . He’s a p ____________________
f- John is fixing somebody’s car. He’s a m ________________________
g- My cousin Carol works for a newspaper. She’s a j _________________________
h- Nr Smith advises someone about the law and defends them in court. He’s a l _________
i- I had a tooth taken and two fillings yesterday. I went to the d____________________
j- Yesterday I had to give an injection to an injured bull I’m a v ________________
k- I can help you sell your house. I’m a s _______________________

4. Complete each sentence with one of the endings.

a) If you work hard, the company will give you ……..

b) In a different job I could get a higher …….
c) The best way to find new staff is to put an ……
d) As he had stolen some money, we decided that …..
e) She has a pleasant personality but he hasn’t got the right……
f) As she has three young children, she doesn’t want ……
g) I think it would be a good idea to send in your ….
h) We cannot give you the job without …

1- ……….. full-time employment at the moment.

2- ………..application for the job as soon as possible.
3- …………advertisement in the local press on Friday.
4- ………..promotion to a more responsible position.
5- ………..dismissing him was the only possible action we could take
6- …………qualifications for a job of this kind.
7- ………..references from your previous jobs.
8- ………..salary and better work conditions

3. Match each word or phrase with it’s meaning.

1- WAGES a. a person who makes a formal request for a job

2- SKILLS ..... b. to work for yourself and not employed by a company
3- TO GO / BE ON STRIKE c. to work just part of the day.
4- EXPERIENCE d. a person who is paid to work for sb
5- TO BE FIRED /SACK / DISMISSED e. a job that is available for someone to do
6- QUALIFICATIONS f. abilities, things you can do (type)
7- INTERVIEW g. an increase of money paid for your work
8- TO BE UNEMPLOYED h. to make a formal request for a job
9- TO RESIGN / QUIT i. dispute between manager and workers.
10- SALARY j. to stop working because you have reached a particular age
11- TO BE PROMOTED k. to remove someone from a job for a negative reason
12- TO APPLY FOR A JOB l. certificates and exams passed
13-TO RETIRE m. money you get weekly.
14-VACANCY n. a job you work eight hours a day
15- APPLICANT ñ. to be without a job.
16- PART-TIME JOB o. to get a higher position in a job.
17- FULL-TIME JOB p. the person who pays people to work for them
18-EMPLOYEE q. to work more time after your work
19- EMPLOYER r. money you get monthly
20-ADVERTS s. to leave a job because you want to
21- TO WORK OVERTIME t. a notice about a job
22- A PAY RISE u. work of the same type you´ve done before
v. a talk with a company about a possible job.

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