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NET API Demo Sample Application for

P8 Content Engine
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2007, 2014 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


This C# sample application demonstrates the capabilities of the Content Engine running
under the FileNet P8 Platform. Note that this code sample relies on the Content
Engine .NET API, which interacts with the server through the Content Engine Web
Services Interface (WSI). Operations demonstrated include:
1. Configuring the server
2. Creating a document
3. Getting a document
4. Creating a folder
5. Creating a custom object
6. Getting a custom object
7. Creating a compound document
8. Getting a compound document
9. Creating an ad-hoc query

You’ll find additional information about these operations in the Content Engine Java
and .NET Developer’s Guide, available in the IBM Knowledge Center.


This sample code distribution contains the following files:

 Readme: Installation and usage instructions (this file)
 Visual Studio project files
 Source Files:
The following source files were coded and commented by IBM. Source files that
are included with the project but not listed here were generated by Visual Studio.
o AdhocQueryForm.cs: Creates an ad-hoc query
o CEConnection.cs: CE connection class
o CEUtil.cs: Utility class
o CreateCompoundDocForm.cs: Creates a compound document
o CreateCustomObjectForm.cs: Creates a custom object
o CreateDocForm.cs: Creates a new document
o CreateFolderForm.cs: Creates a new folder.
o GetCompoundDocForm.cs: Gets a compound document.
o GetCustomObjectForm.cs: Gets a custom object
o GetDocForm.cs: Gets a new document.
o MainForm.cs: Main UI class.

 Content Engine installed with a domain and at least one object store created.
 A Windows® client machine that has the following installed:
● Microsoft .NET 4.0 Framework or higher. .NET 4.0 or higher frameworks
contain the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).

WCF requires a secure HTTPS connection. To run this sample application

with WCF, you must import the SSL certificate from the Content Platform
Engine server to the client workstation. Download the server certificate, and
import it into a certificate store using the Certificate MMC snap-in. For
example, you can import the certificate into the Trusted People certificate

Alternatively, to run the sample application with an unsecured HTTP

connection, Microsoft Web Service Extensions (WSE) 3.0 must also be
installed along with the .NET framework.
● Content Engine .NET API (FileNet.Api.dll). The DLL is located in this
Content Engine directory: <drive>:\FileNet\ContentEngine. If you will be
building and running the sample application on a different machine, you
must copy FileNet.Api.dll to that machine.
● Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 or higher (needed to build the app, not to run

Building the Application

To build the sample application, use the following steps:

1. Open the application project in Visual Studio by double clicking the Demo.sln file.
2. In the Solution Explorer pane, verify that the References include the .NET
Framework class library (System.*), the Content Engine .NET API (FileNet.Api), and
Microsoft.Web Service Extensions (WSE) 3.0 (Microsoft.Web.Services3).
Note: You need Microsoft.Web Service Extensions (WSE) 3.0 only if you run the
sample application with an unsecured HTTP connection.
3. If references are missing, add them by selecting “Add Reference…” from the Project

If the Content Engine .NET API is missing, select FileNet.Api from the .NET tab of
the Add Reference dialog and click OK. If FileNet.Api does not appear on the .NET
tab, then switch to the Browse tab, navigate to the location of FileNet.Api.dll, select
it, and click OK.

If you are building on the same machine where the Content Engine is installed, you’ll
find FileNet.Api.dll in the <drive>:Program Files\FileNet\ContentEngine directory.
4. To build the application, choose Build Solution from the Build menu.

Running the Application

Run the sample application by either launching it through Microsoft Visual Studio, or by
double clicking on the CESample.exe file that is generated by building the sample.

Once launched, the application’s main form appears, prompting for the URL of the server
to which to connect.

Enter the URL, substituting the placeholders with actual values for your system. The
default HTTP or HTTPS port for WebLogic is 7001 or 7002; the default HTTP or HTTPS
port for WebSphere is 9080 or 9443; the default HTTP or HTTPS port for JBoss servers
is 8080 or 8443.

Also enter a valid username and password for your system.

Click the Connect button. If connection to the server is successful, a set of buttons
appear on the bottom of the window. Clicking a button takes you to a form that
demonstrates a basic API operation.

Using the Application

The following sections describe each of the forms available in the Demo application.

Creating a Document
To create a document, select the Create Doc button from the main form, enter
information in the following fields, and click the Create button.
 Select OS: Click the radio button and select an object store.
 Document Title: The title of the document (sets the DocumentTitle property).
 Include content: If you wish the new document to hold content, select this check
box and use the Browse button to select the location of the file containing the
 MIME Type: If you have selected the above check box, enter the mime type of
the content. Default is “text/plain”.
 Document Class: Enter the document class for the new document. Default is
 File in Folder: If you wish to file the new document in a folder, select this check
box and enter the name of the folder. The default is “/”.
 Check In: If you wish to check-in the new document, select this check box.

Getting a Document
To get a document, select the Get Doc button from the main form, enter information in
the following fields, and click the Get button.
 Select OS: Click the radio button and select an object store.
 By Path: Specify the path of the document.
 By ID: Specify the ID of the document.
 Include content: If you wish to get the new document content, select this check
box and use the Browse button to select the directory where the file containing the
document content is to be located.
 Include ACL: If you wish to see the ACL (Access Control List) for the document,
select this check box.

Creating a Folder
To create a folder, select the Create Folder button from the main form, enter information
in the following fields, and click the Create button.
 Select OS: Click the radio button and select an object store.
 Name: The name of the folder (setting of the FolderName property).
 Parent Folder: The folder in which the new folder will be created (setting of the
Parent property). To specify the root, enter “/”.
 Folder Class: The folder class of the new folder.

Creating a Custom Object

To create a custom object, select the Create CustomObject button from the main form,
enter information in the following fields, and click the Create button.
 Select OS: Click the radio button and select an object store.
 Object Class: The object class to be created. Default is CustomObject. If you
enter a nonexistent class, the sample will throw an exception.

The sample does not support custom classes that include custom properties.
 File in Folder: If you wish to file the new custom object in a folder, select this
check box and specify the folder name (e.g. “/”).

Getting a Custom Object

To get a custom object, select the Get CustomObject button from the main form, enter
information in the following fields, and click the Get button.
 Select OS: Click the radio button and select an object store.
 By Path: Specify the path of the custom object.
 By ID: Specify the ID of the custom object.

Creating a Compound Document

To create a compound document, select the Create CompoundDoc button from the main
form, enter information in the following fields, and click the Create button.
 Select OS: Click the radio button and select an object store.
 Parent Document Title: The parent document to be included in a new compound
 Child Doc Title: The child document to be included in a new compound

Getting a Compound Document

To get a compound document, select the Get CompoundDoc button from the main form,
enter information in the following fields, and click the Get button.
 Select OS: Click the radio button and select an object store.
 Specify ID: Specify the ID of the compound document.
Creating an Adhoc Query
To create and execute an SQL query, select the Adhoc Query button from the main form,
enter information in the following fields, and click the Query button.
 SELECT: Enter the SELECT clause of the query.
 FROM: Enter the FROM clause of the query.
 WHERE: Enter the WHERE clause of the query.
 Max Rows: If you don’t want to return all of the result rows, select the check box
and enter the maximum number of rows to return.

If the query is successful, its results will be displayed.


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 The following terms are trademarks or registered trademarks of International

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o WebSphere
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