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Customer: Trans Adriatic Pipeline

Plant Location: ACS02

doc. n. Rev: 0
Sheet 1 of 4


Erection of the Water Tank


1 Work Description
2 Task Description
3 Drawings

Rev. Description Date Prepared Checked Approved

Erection of Water Tank E.Hoxha

Company TAP Responsible Person N/A

EPC Contractor JVRT Responsible Person

Enterpise ETI-APM Responsible Person ENDRI HOXHA


From 15-Feb To 15-Mar Day time 7:00 - 17:00 N/A

doc. n.
doc. n.
doc. n.

Relevant drawings doc. n. ACS02-C1448.1051-380-M-DMD-0004

or tecnical Documents required
specifications ACS02-C1448.1051-380-M-DMV-0001
doc. n.
doc. n.
doc. n.
doc. n.


PTW Required Yes Type Cold Permit Other

Risk Assessment for erection fire water tank

Dynamic risk assessment for erection fire water tank
Notes: TBT
Check list of Crane
Risk Assessment for erection fire water tank
Dynamic risk assessment for erection fire water tank
Notes: TBT
Check list of Crane

Erection of the
Name: Ioannis Kalofonos
Telephone N/A
Number responsible
Mobile: 697024220

Name: Daniel Mehmeti

Telephone Field H&S officer

Telephone Name:
ENDRI HOXHA Number 697050488 Supervisor
Description of crew: 1 Crane Operator, 1 Banksman, 1
N/A Estimated Number supervisor, 1 HSE officer, 3 Welders, 2 Fitters, 2 Helpper
of Personnel 11


Crane 70 T
Trailer Wire brushe
Forklif Adjustable jig

Welding Machine No. 1 Bridge Plates

Welding Machine No. 2 Guide plates

Vehicles and Welding Machine No. 3 Special tools Jigs for fitting
Machinery and Equipment
Grinders Wire Rope 3 tons
Slings SWL 3 to
Horizontal Lifing Clam
2,0 Tons

Vertical Lifing Clamp

Chains SWL 24,0
(4pcsX6,0 ton


Specific Yes
Description MSDS

Erection of the Water Tank
Ioannis Kalofonos


Daniel Mehmeti


perator, 1 Banksman, 1
ers, 2 Fitters, 2 Helppers


Wire brushes
Adjustable jigs

Bridge Plates
Guide plates

Jigs for fitting

Wire Rope 3 tons SWL
Slings SWL 3 tons
Horizontal Lifing Clamp SWL
2,0 Tons

Vertical Lifing Clamp SWL 3,0

Chains SWL 24,0 tons
(4pcsX6,0 tons)

(all tasks from beginni
First of all we have to check elevation of the foundation

Hands injury

Main Risks: Isolations

The levelness of the tank ring beam and tank base prior to sta
Grade elevations should be recorded at the start of constructi
beam levelness shall be as per EN 14015 requirements.

Main Risks: Isolations

An adequate certified crane with the proper capacity, located

plates. Lifing of the bottom plates will be catch with lifing cla
the bottom plate B1 in the center. Afer we will install the plat
drawing for erection of the bottom plate.
The installation of plating shall be performed with the directio
approximately 40 mm shall be applied between the plates. Be
performed with tack welds. The dimensional check shall be pe
areas where three (3) plates are connected a relevant welding
welding completion shall be performed starting from the cent
work is completed, a vacuum testing shall be performed for a
An adequate certified crane with the proper capacity, located
plates. Lifing of the bottom plates will be catch with lifing cla
the bottom plate B1 in the center. Afer we will install the plat
drawing for erection of the bottom plate.
The installation of plating shall be performed with the directio
approximately 40 mm shall be applied between the plates. Be
performed with tack welds. The dimensional check shall be pe
areas where three (3) plates are connected a relevant welding
welding completion shall be performed starting from the cent
work is completed, a vacuum testing shall be performed for a
should be three (3) times the defective length, the welding pr
3 shall be performed.

Failure of crane.
Failure of lifing gear.
Hands injury
Main Risks: Isolations

In all diameter of water tank we will weld / install the di

other for erection of third shell plates.

4 Hands injury

Main Risks: Isolations

4 Hands injury

Main Risks: Isolations

The erection of the third shell shall be fully performed i

install in the bottom plate and keep the distance of diam
proper capacity, located outside of the tank will lif all th
one by one on the bottom plate for erection of the third
be done with lifing clams as per drawing. The site perso
tank for weld the parts of the third shell.

Failure of crane.
Failure of lifing gear.
Non Certified scaffolding
Untrained personnel for
Main Risks: working at height. Isolations
Hands injury

All roof structure members (rafers, girders etc) and roo

Construction drawing - Roof Plates & Supporting Structu
The center drum will be installed in a temporary base an
according to the AFC drawings height from the top cour
Afer all the rafers will be assembled on the drum and b
the rafers will be placed on the ground with proper leve
angles will be installed and tack welded according to the
tack welded to the final position according to the AFC dr
All roof structure members (rafers, girders etc) and roo
Construction drawing - Roof Plates & Supporting Structu
The center drum will be installed in a temporary base an
according to the AFC drawings height from the top cour
Afer all the rafers will be assembled on the drum and b
the rafers will be placed on the ground with proper leve
angles will be installed and tack welded according to the
tack welded to the final position according to the AFC dr

Main Risks: Isolations

In relation to the specific scaffolding to be assembled (or disassembl

of the persons in charge, who must be notified of the tasks entruste
exposure of workers, such as falling of materials . The activities of th
of the scaffolding must be coordinated and controlled.
Choice of PPE required to carry out assembly operations: safety shoe
and leg straps
Preparation of suitable signage in suitable both for the daytime and
the individual areas of intervention.
Identification of the operational areas: areas for the ordered storage
Interdiction with suitable barriers of the area involved in the assemb
to whom it is forbidden to approach, stop and transit.
Verification of the resistance of the ground in the area where the sca
measures (load distribution elements at the base of the turrets)
Check that the scaffolding is not less than 5 m from power lines.
All the elements of the scaffolding (pipes, joints, frames, rods, bases
By combining these elements, scaffolding of any shape can be made
to the type schemes with which the scaffolding manufacturer obtain
1) If the terrain is not stable, some boards will be used, thickness of
2) Adjustable elements are placed on the boards.
3) Each fraction (3,60 m2) will be mounted with these accessories:
- Frame  1 Pc
- Horizontal Rod  2 Pcs
- Diagonal bracket  1 Pc
- Foot board  2 Pcs
In relation to the specific scaffolding to be assembled (or disassembl
of the persons in charge, who must be notified of the tasks entruste
exposure of workers, such as falling of materials . The activities of th
of the scaffolding must be coordinated and controlled.
Choice of PPE required to carry out assembly operations: safety shoe
and leg straps
Preparation of suitable signage in suitable both for the daytime and
the individual areas of intervention.
Identification of the operational areas: areas for the ordered storage
Interdiction with suitable barriers of the area involved in the assemb
to whom it is forbidden to approach, stop and transit.
Verification of the resistance of the ground in the area where the sca
measures (load distribution elements at the base of the turrets)
Check that the scaffolding is not less than 5 m from power lines.
All the elements of the scaffolding (pipes, joints, frames, rods, bases
By combining these elements, scaffolding of any shape can be made
to the type schemes with which the scaffolding manufacturer obtain
1) If the terrain is not stable, some boards will be used, thickness of
2) Adjustable elements are placed on the boards.
3) Each fraction (3,60 m2) will be mounted with these accessories:
- Frame  1 Pc
- Horizontal Rod  2 Pcs
- Diagonal bracket  1 Pc
- Foot board  2 Pcs
7 - Foot stopper  1 Pc
- Plugs  2 Pcs
We also suggest that the space between the shell and the skeleton f
We guarantee that all materials used for assembling the skeleton are
manuals and the relevant certificates. Will be given the opportunity
and abundant passage with a width of 100cm, as well as the climbin
giving you maximum security for all those who will work in scaffoldin
Correct assembly procedure
The Coordinator for execution or, alternatively, a person in charge of
use of elements other than those provided by the scaffolding manuf
state of efficiency. Metal elements, appropriate for quality and stren
from harmful agents.
Anchors (if necessary) of mixed type shall be the permitted type.
- Foot board  2 Pcs
7 - Foot stopper  1 Pc
- Plugs  2 Pcs
We also suggest that the space between the shell and the skeleton f
We guarantee that all materials used for assembling the skeleton are
manuals and the relevant certificates. Will be given the opportunity
and abundant passage with a width of 100cm, as well as the climbin
giving you maximum security for all those who will work in scaffoldin
Correct assembly procedure
The Coordinator for execution or, alternatively, a person in charge of
use of elements other than those provided by the scaffolding manuf
state of efficiency. Metal elements, appropriate for quality and stren
from harmful agents.
Anchors (if necessary) of mixed type shall be the permitted type.

Main Risks: Isolations

The roof structure will be installed over the third plate shell. An adeq
of the Fire water tank will erect this roof structure. All crane operato
will be utilizing the internal scaffolding of the tank. The lifing of the
structure quality. The lifing of the structure will be performed with
the right position the bolts will be placed between rafers and rafer
roundness of the tank on the top angle level. Afer the adjustment w

Main Risks: Isolations


Main Risks: Isolations

An adequate certified crane with the proper capacity, located outsid

operator will be licensed and properly trained. The lifing of the stru
quality. The lifing of the structure will be performed with 10 equal p
outside the tank.

Main Risks: Isolations

The double fillet weld joining the shell to the bottom is the most hig
be laid on the tank outer ring and adequate finger bars, lugs, nuts fo
«key plates» for vertical seams shall be used. The gap between the b
checked. The amount of gap under the shell plates at the radial weld
practice is to build the tank, course by course, welding first the vertic
between this course and the one below (only for the first two course
between the first course and the annular ring will be performed) . Th
metallic arc (MMA) welding. Visual examination of first pass inside, v
as MPI of finished inside and outside welds shall be performed. Whe
in place and the vertical seams shall be welded by MMA. The shell e
specifications. Necessary scaffolding shall be erected inside and outs
opening may be lef to the tank shell 1st course (1 plate) temporarily
the crane or opened manholes.
Nozzles shall be preassembled by the vendor; neck welded on flange
the contractor shall weld the assemble of nozzle set on the tank she
The double fillet weld joining the shell to the bottom is the most hig
be laid on the tank outer ring and adequate finger bars, lugs, nuts fo
«key plates» for vertical seams shall be used. The gap between the b
checked. The amount of gap under the shell plates at the radial weld
practice is to build the tank, course by course, welding first the vertic
between this course and the one below (only for the first two course
between the first course and the annular ring will be performed) . Th
metallic arc (MMA) welding. Visual examination of first pass inside, v
as MPI of finished inside and outside welds shall be performed. Whe
in place and the vertical seams shall be welded by MMA. The shell e
specifications. Necessary scaffolding shall be erected inside and outs
opening may be lef to the tank shell 1st course (1 plate) temporarily
the crane or opened manholes.
Nozzles shall be preassembled by the vendor; neck welded on flange
the contractor shall weld the assemble of nozzle set on the tank she

Main Risks: Isolations

The structure r(roof + Third Shell) will be installed in the second shel
with proper capacity, located outside of the tank will erect this struc
tank. The lifing of the structure shall be performed in such a way as
be performed with 10 equally positioned wired ropes, belts or chain
the jig it can tack weld as to ensure the structure quality. Afer the a
rafer clips.

Main Risks: Isolations

Roof plates will be transported from the lay dawn area to erection a
Mark the diameter of the roof tank on the top angle.
Stoppers will be installed on the top angle to ensure the right diame
Temporary hand rails will be placed on the top angle for the safe acc
Roof plates will be transported from the lay dawn area to erection a
Mark the diameter of the roof tank on the top angle.
Stoppers will be installed on the top angle to ensure the right diame
Temporary hand rails will be placed on the top angle for the safe acc
Life line will be installed on the 90o to 270o axis on the hand rails.
The installation of plating shall be performed with the direction of ce
An adequate certified crane with the proper capacity, located outsid
be licensed and properly trained.
The assembly of the erected plates shall be performed with tack wel
The installation will start with the central roof plates sections on 90o
Then the roof plates from 0o – 180o axis will be installed.
At the areas where three (3) plates are connected a relevant welding
12 AFC drawings.
All welds shall be performed according to the approved WPS and by
welded on the top angle with a full fillet weld

Main Risks: Isolations

When the tank is externally completely coated, the installation of th

members with the tank attachments.
When the stairs / ladders shall be complete, the final welding of all h

Main Risks: Isolations


Main Risks: Isolations


Main Risks: Isolations

from beginning to the end)
f the foundation to be as per project requirements by competent

All Personnel involved have to be Hard-Hats, Safety Shoes, Safety

Trained and site inducted prior to Goggles, High visibility vest, Hand
start work activity Gloves
Working area must have proper
barricading and signalized

nk base prior to starting the tank erection is most important.

start of construction. The readings must be agreed to and signed. The ring


r capacity, located outside of the tank will lif all the parts of the bottom
atch with lifing clams as per drawing. First we will start with placement of
will install the plate B1 we shall put one by one the other plates as per

ed with the direction of center to circumference. An overlapping of

ween the plates. Before the full welding of parts, the assembly shall be
al check shall be performed for assuring the bottom geometry. At the
a relevant welding shall be performed as per EN 14015 requirements. The
rting from the center to the circumference as per sketch. When all welding
be performed for all fillet welds. For repairing (if any), the cutting length,
All Personnel involved have to be Hard-Hats, Safety Shoes, Safety
Trained and site inducted prior to Goggles, High visibility vest, Hand
start work activity Gloves, Clear Safety Grinding Face
Working area must have proper Shield, Specific PPE for welding
barricading and signalized

eld / install the diameter controller at equidistant distance to each

Housekeeping Hard-Hats, Safety Shoes, Safety

Goggles, High visibility vest, Hand
Gloves, Clear Safety Grinding Face
Shield, Specific PPE for welding
Housekeeping Hard-Hats, Safety Shoes, Safety
Goggles, High visibility vest, Hand
Gloves, Clear Safety Grinding Face
Shield, Specific PPE for welding

fully performed in accordance to design specifications.The shell will

e distance of diameter control. An adequate certified crane with the
tank will lif all the parts of the third shell, placing and positioning
ction of the third shell structure. Lifing the parts of the shell shall
ng. The site personnel will be utilizing the internal scaffolding of the

Crane and lifing gears to have Hard-Hats, Safety Shoes, Safety

third part certifed Goggles, High visibility vest, Hand
Certified scaffolding Gloves, Clear Safety Grinding Face
All personel involved to have work Shield, Specific PPE for welding
at heigh induction PPE:

ders etc) and roof plates should be prepared as per Approved

upporting Structure, ACS021448.1051-380-M-DMD-0003-01.
emporary base and correctly supported at the exact same height
om the top course to center drum.
n the drum and bolted. Temporary supports on the other edge of
d with proper leveling. The remaining roof structure supporting
d according to the AFC drawings. The rafer clips will be marked and
ding to the AFC drawings.

mbled (or disassembled) it is essential to proceed to the preliminary identification

of the tasks entrusted to them in this complex operation, linked to multiple risks of
. The activities of the various persons employed in the assembly and disassembly
erations: safety shoes, protective helmet, gloves, safety belt complete with braces

for the daytime and nighttime period (if needed), highlighting the risks present in

the ordered storage of materials, equipment, arrangement of the work surface

volved in the assembly or disassembly of the scaffolding to non-employed persons,
e area where the scaffolding will be installed; if necessary, prepare alternative
e of the turrets)
om power lines.
, frames, rods, bases) must be in good conditions.
y shape can be made, even different from the specific combinations corresponding
manufacturer obtained the ministerial authorization.
e used, thickness of 5 cm and a width of 15-25 cm.
these accessories:

d plate shell. An adequate certified crane with the proper capacity, located outside
re. All crane operators will be licensed and properly trained. The site personnel
nk. The lifing of the structure shall be performed in such a way to ensure the
be performed with 10 equal positioned slings. When the roof structure will be in
en rafers and rafers clips. Adjustment will be carried out to achieve the correct
fer the adjustment works we will proceed with the full welding of the rafer clips.


pacity, located outside of the tank will erect this structure (roof+third Shell). Crane
The lifing of the structure shall be performed in such a way to ensure the structure
med with 10 equal positioned slings, chains. The roof will storage in a ground area


ttom is the most highly stressed weld in the tanks. The first course of the tank shal
er bars, lugs, nuts for holding key plates shall be welded to the plates. Three (3)
e gap between the bottom edge and the butt welds in the outer ring should be
tes at the radial welds should not be greater than 3 - 4 mm. The normal and safer
elding first the verticals in a course then making the circumferential welds
r the first two courses, right afer the circumferential weld completed , the weld
ill be performed) . The fillet weld shell - to - bottom joint shall be of manual
of first pass inside, visual examination of finished inside and outside welds as well
l be performed. When the inspection is satisfactory the second course shall be put
by MMA. The shell erection shall be fully performed in accordance to design
ected inside and outside the tank for erection and inspection purposes. One
(1 plate) temporarily for erection of parts which shall be, also, performed through

eck welded on flange and reinforcing pad will be delivered loose. During erection
e set on the tank shell and roof.

ed in the second shell structure with help of the jig. An adequate certified crane
k will erect this structure. The site staff will be using the internal scaffolding of the
med in such a way as to ensure the structure quality. The lifing of the structure will
ropes, belts or chains. When the structure will be in the right position with help of
e quality. Afer the adjustment works we will proceed with the full welding of the


wn area to erection area.

sure the right diameter of the roof.
angle for the safe access on the roof structure and the roof plates.

the installation of the stair and ladders shall be executed by bolting the relevant

final welding of all handrails shall be executed.


by competent

fety Shoes, Safety

h visibility vest, Hand

nd signed. The ring

ts of the bottom
with placement of
er plates as per

rlapping of
embly shall be
metry. At the
requirements. The
. When all welding
e cutting length,
fety Shoes, Safety
h visibility vest, Hand
Safety Grinding Face
fic PPE for welding

stance to each

fety Shoes, Safety

h visibility vest, Hand
Safety Grinding Face
fic PPE for welding
ons.The shell will
d crane with the
and positioning
f the shell shall
caffolding of the

fety Shoes, Safety

h visibility vest, Hand
Safety Grinding Face
fic PPE for welding

t same height

other edge of
l be marked and
inary identification
d to multiple risks of
bly and disassembly

omplete with braces

the risks present in

f the work surface

n-employed persons,

pare alternative

ations corresponding
city, located outside
he site personnel
y to ensure the
structure will be in
chieve the correct
g of the rafer clips.
f+third Shell). Crane
ensure the structure
age in a ground area

urse of the tank shall

e plates. Three (3)
er ring should be
e normal and safer
ential welds
mpleted , the weld
be of manual
utside welds as well
d course shall be put
ance to design
urposes. One
performed through

se. During erection

ate certified crane
nal scaffolding of the
of the structure will
position with help of
full welding of the

olting the relevant


drawing 1


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