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Unit title Managing and Co-ordinating the Human Resources Function

Level 51
Credit value 6
Unit code 5HRF
Unit review date December 2017

Purpose and aim of unit

The purpose of this unit is to introduce learners to human resources (HR) activity and to the role of
the HR function in organisations in general terms. It focuses on the aims and objectives of HR
departments in contemporary organisations and particularly on the ways that these are evolving.
Different ways of delivering HR objectives and emerging developments in the management of the
employment relationship are explored as well as the methods that can be used to demonstrate that
the function adds value for organisations. The unit also aims to inform learners about published
research evidence linking HR activity
with positive organisational outcomes. The case for professionalism and an ethical approach to HR
is introduced, as is the role played by HR managers in facilitating and promoting effective change

This unit is suitable for persons who:

 seek to develop a career in HR management and development
 are working in the field of HR management and development and need to extend their
knowledge and skills
 have responsibility for implementing HR policies and strategies
 Need to understand the role of HR in the wider organisational and environmental context.

Learning outcomes
On completion of this unit, learners will:
1. Understand the purpose and key objectives of the HR function in contemporary organisations.
2. Understand how HR objectives are delivered in different organisations.
3. Understand how the HR function can be evaluated in terms of value added and organisation
4. Understand the relationship between organisational performance and effective HR
management and development.

CIPD unit 5HRF – Version 1.0

QCF unit ref T/507/8214

Tel. +973 - 77 404 104 Email. [email protected]

Fax. +973 - 17 402 490 Web.
Guided learning hours
The notional learning hours for this unit are 60 in total. The guided learning hours would
normally be considered to be 30 with an additional 30 hours of self-directed learning for
Reading and the preparation of assessment evidence.

Unit content
Indicative content is provided for each of the learning outcomes of the unit. The content is neither
prescriptive nor exhaustive but should enable achievement of the learning outcomes.

1 Understand the purpose and key objectives of the HR function in contemporary

HR as an integral part of the business: building foundations for future and sustainable
organisation success; supporting the delivery of organisation objectives and building
organisational capability through people and performance; organisation and job design, staffing
objectives, performance objectives, effective HR administration, promoting good employment
relations and employee engagement, developing careers and skills; contributing to the
management of change, for example successful structural, cultural and transformational
change; employee participation, human resource development (HRD) interventions, the
management of expectations and the management of conflict; building foundations for future
and enduring organisation performance.
The business case for an ethical approach to HR management; professionalism in HR work; the
role of the HR function in promoting equality of opportunity, diversity, work–life balance, dignity at
work and justice in the workplace; the significance of legal compliance.

2 Understand how HR objectives are delivered in different organisations.

Generalist and specialist roles as described in the CIPD Profession Map: the role of line
managers in realising HR objectives and delivering the HR function; shared services, outsourcing
and HR consultancy; the Ulrich model, the reasons for its adoption and evaluation of its
implementation and effectiveness; approaches to the management and co-ordination of HR
management and development in larger private sector organisations, in the public sector, in the
voluntary sector, in small and medium enterprises (SMEs), in networked organisations and in
multinational corporations; cultural and institutional variations across national borders.

CIPD unit 5HRF – Version 1.0

QCF unit ref T/507/8214

Tel. +973 - 77 404 104 Email. [email protected]

Fax. +973 - 17 402 490 Web.
3 Understand how the HR function can be evaluated in terms of value added and
contribution to organisation performance.
HR as an insight-driven function: customer-focused HR management and development;
identification and monitoring of HR service delivery needs; service-level agreements and key
performance indicators (KPIs); the need to balance effectiveness, efficiency and fairness; setting
and delivering strategic objectives; the use of HR metrics, data- gathering, benchmarking, use
and evaluation of performance measurement tools such as a balanced scorecard, staff survey
tools; risk management perspectives; line manager and employee perspectives.

4 Understand the relationship between organisational performance and effective HR

management and development.
Research evidence on links between superior organisational performance and HR activity:
meaning of high-performance working, high-performance work practices, employee
engagement, becoming an employer of choice, discretionary effort, flexible working, job
satisfaction; human capital perspectives and building organisational capability.

CIPD unit 5HRF – Version 1.0

QCF unit ref T/507/8214

Tel. +973 - 77 404 104 Email. [email protected]

Fax. +973 - 17 402 490 Web.
Unit assessment
To achieve this unit, the evidence the learner presents for assessment must demonstrate that
they have met all the learning outcomes and assessment criteria.

Learning outcomes Assessment criteria

The learner will: The learner can:
1 Understand the purpose and key objectives 1.1 Summarise the organizational objectives that
of the HR function in contemporary the HR function is responsible for delivering and
organisations. how these are evolving in contemporary

1.2 Explain the major theories of effective change

management and how these are implemented
and evaluated.

1.3 Evaluate the business case for managing HR in

a professional, ethical and just manner.
2 Understand how HR objectives are delivered 2.1 Explain the different ways in which HR
in different organisations. objectives can be delivered in

2.2 Analyse how the HR function varies between

organisations in different sectors and of
different sizes.

3 Understand how the HR function canbe 3.1 Discuss the main criteria and methods
evaluated in terms of value added and used to evaluate the contribution of the
contribution to organisation performance. HR function.

4 Understand the relationship between 4.1 Identify and evaluate research evidence
organisational performance and effective HR linking HR practices with positive
management and development. organisational outcomes.

4.2 Explain how high-performance working and

investment in human capital impact on
organisational practice.

CIPD unit 5HRF – Version 1.0

QCF unit ref T/507/8214

Tel. +973 - 77 404 104 Email. [email protected]

Fax. +973 - 17 402 490 Web.

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