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AC No. 10567, February 25, 2015

Complainant alleged that he availed the services of the law firm
of the respondents for labor cases. Atty. Dionela, a partner of the
law firm, was assigned to represent the complainant. The labor
cases were terminated upon the agreement of both parties. A
criminal case for qualified theft was filed against the complainant
and his wife by FEVE Farms, represented by the law which handled
the complainant’s labor cases. Aggrieved. Complainant filed
disbarment case against the respondents, alleging that they
violated the rule on conflict of interest.

IBP Commissioner found the respondents to have violated the

rule on conflict of interest and recommended that the respondents
be reprimanded.

Whether or not the respondents are guilty of representing
conflicting interests in violation of the pertinent provisions of Code
of Professional Responsibility (CPR).

There is conflict of interest when a lawyer represents
inconsistent interests of two or more opposing parties. The
Supreme Court found the respondents guilty of representing
conflicting interests in violation of Rule 15.03, Canon 15 and Canon
21 of the CPR and are therefore Reprimanded for said violations,
with a Stern Warning that a repetition of the same or similar
infraction would be dealt with more severely. Meanwhile, the case
against Atty. Philip Dabao is Dismissed in view of his death.

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