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Planning Practice and Research

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How Possible is Sustainable Urban

Development? An Analysis of Planners'
Perceptions about New Urbanism,
Smart Growth and the Ecological City
Edward J. Jepson Jr & Mary M. Edwards

Available online: 30 Sep 2010

To cite this article: Edward J. Jepson Jr & Mary M. Edwards (2010): How Possible is Sustainable
Urban Development? An Analysis of Planners' Perceptions about New Urbanism, Smart Growth and
the Ecological City, Planning Practice and Research, 25:4, 417-437

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Planning Practice & Research, Vol. 25, No. 4,
pp. 417–437, August 2010


How Possible is Sustainable Urban

Development? An Analysis of Planners’
Perceptions about New Urbanism, Smart
Growth and the Ecological City
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New urbanism, smart growth and the ecological city have been proposed by advocates and others as
being the essential equivalent of sustainable development as that term has been broadly defined. This
paper focuses on how planners in the USA collectively define these three development approaches in
terms of 14 principles of sustainable development. Based on a national survey of practicing
planners in the USA, we find that planners everywhere have relatively high, but quite different,
expectations regarding what can and should be accomplished under each of the three development
approaches. Smart growth is matched most frequently with the sustainable development principles
and is also the most understood. The ecological city, while least understood, becomes more
frequently matched with the principles as familiarity increases. We conclude with a discussion of the
implications of these results for our quest to achieve a more sustainable development pattern.

Since 1987, when Our Common Future established sustainability and sustainable
development as part of the global lexicon (World Commission on Environment and
Development [WCED], 1987), writers in the planning profession have grappled
with its meaning. Included among the papers in a special issue of the Journal of
Planning Literature in 1995 were the pioneering conceptual explorations of Rees
(1995) and Beatley (1995). Since then, many other planning writers have
recognized its potential as a theoretical framework for the practice of planning and
the development of communities in the USA (see, for example, Campbell, 1996;
McDonald, 1996; Berke & Conroy, 2000; Jepson, 2001; Lindsey, 2003; Portney,
2003; Wheeler, 2004).
While there is substantial agreement about the conceptual meaning of
sustainability in ecological and systemic terms, its transference to how it would

Edward J. Jepson, Jr., 2100 Scenic Ridge Cove, Knoxville, TN 37923, USA (formerly at the
University of Tennessee, Master of Science in Planning Program).
Mary M. Edwards, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Department of Urban and Regional
Planning, 111 Temple Buell Hall, 611 Laredo Taft Drive, Champaign, IL 61820, USA.
Email: [email protected]

ISSN 0269-7459 print/1360-0583 online/10/040417–21 Ó 2010 Taylor & Francis 417

DOI: 10.1080/02697459.2010.511016
Edward J. Jepson, Jr. & Mary M. Edwards

or should work in the human sphere remains problematic (Harris & Goodwin,
2001; Lindsey, 2003). In the opinion of many, the meaning of sustainable
development—the practical counterpart to sustainability—remains similarly
obscure (Lindsey, 2003; Hanan, 2005). The most well-known definition—
‘development that meets the needs of the present generation without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs’ (WCED,
1987, p. 8)—has been widely criticized on a variety of environmental, economic
and ethical grounds (see, for example, Daly, 1989; Daly & Cobb, 1989; Broad,
1994; Skirbekk, 1994). However, since no single alternative has emerged to
challenge this definition, the discussion and debate continues.
A major challenge in the community development and planning field has been
the conversion of sustainable development into actual principles or standards of
development practice; that is, its translation ‘on the ground’, so to speak, into
physical human settlements (Godschalk, 2004). Three development approaches
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have emerged as means to this conversion. One, smart growth, has been
presented by the American Planning Association (2002) as a way ‘to meet the
challenges of sustainability’. Another, new urbanism, has been proclaimed by
the general media as a guide for development as something that can be
‘sustained’ (Hazzard, 2005) and interest in its precepts has been pronounced as
being the result of sustainability ‘becoming an issue’ to developers (Sway,
2005). The third development approach, ecological city (or Eco-city), has been
presented as a means of ‘transformation . . . toward greater sustainability’
(EcoCity Cleveland, 2010); and in China, the planned eco-city of Dongtan in
Shanghai was portrayed in 2005 by its developers as ‘the world’s first
sustainable city’ (ARUP, 2005).
In light of these claims and affiliations, we are interested in discovering how
planners in the USA actually view these three approaches. Set at the forefront of
their communities’ development, planners are in a unique position to influence
change when they propose regulations and review projects. If they encounter a
project that a developer labels new urbanism, smart growth or ecological city,
what do planners expect to see in terms of its development characteristics? How
well do these expectations match up with sustainable development and/or with the
stated aims of those who advocate these approaches? When planners organize their
communities under one of these labels, what sorts of planning policies and
regulations might be expected? And to what extent might that vary on the basis of
planner characteristics (such as position, education and experience) and
community characteristics (such as population and location)?
There has not been extensive inquiry into planners’ perceptions about the land-
use dimensions of sustainable development. Calavita and Caves (1994) surveyed
planners’ attitudes about growth, but did not explore their views specifically on
sustainability or physical form. Similarly, Jepson’s (2003) study focused on
planners’ opinions about sustainability, but not in terms of its land use
characteristics. Garde (2008) reported the results of a survey of California
planners, which showed them viewing design as a means to address such
sustainability issues as social equity and sense of place. Zeemering’s (2009)
survey was based on a comprehensive concept of sustainability, which he defined
in terms of 36 local initiatives. While four of the initiatives were related to land
Planners’ Perceptions of New Urbanism, Smart Growth and Ecological City

use, he did not separate out planner responses from among the ‘community and
economic development officials’ who were surveyed.
In this study, we are specifically concerned about the land-use characteristics of
sustainability as these are perceived by planners to be reflected in the development
approaches of smart growth, new urbanism, and ecological city. We begin with a
review of the literature and the claims of proponents to characterize the nature of
each of the three development approaches in relation to sustainable development.
This is followed by a systems-based definition of human sustainability that we
then use to formulate 14 land development principles. These principles became the
basis of a survey that was sent to US planners for the purpose of determining
the extent to which the three development approaches are perceived to incorporate
the 14 principles. The implications for planning and community development are
then discussed.
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Three Development Approaches

The three development approaches of smart growth, new urbanism and ecological
city have been directly associated with sustainable development. Two of those—
smart growth and new urbanism—have become relatively mainstreamed in the
USA in terms of both their recognition and their integration into development and
planning goals and policies. The ecological city approach, on the other hand, has
been less influential in the USA than the other two (Saunders, 1997). However, in
other parts of the world, it has received serious attention as an approach for urban
development, particularly Europe (UNESCO, 1999; James, 2002), Canada,
Australia, and New Zealand (Department of the Environment and Heritage,
2006; Sustainable Niagara, Inc., 2006), and, more recently, Asia (ARUP, 2005;
Twist, 2005).
While there continues to be a difference of opinion regarding the principles and
components of each of these approaches, broad definitions can nonetheless be
derived from the academic literature. Broadly speaking, smart growth can be
understood as an attempt to restrain sprawl. This is accomplished through a variety
of land-use control and other regional and local policy mechanisms that help
encourage more compact development, urban revitalization and re-discovery,
transportation and housing diversity, open space protection, and collaborative
decision-making. Under smart growth, an expansive economy and population are
not viewed as necessarily incompatible with environmental protection (Daniels,
2001; Porter, 2002; Ye et al. 2005). The definition of smart growth by its principal
US advocate, the Smart Growth Network, is comprehensive, addressing such
issues as natural resource protection, expanded housing diversity, regional
collaboration, economic development that builds on local capacity and citizen
involvement (Smart Growth Network, 2009).
New urbanism is strongly design oriented, representing an ‘architecture of
community’ that is more humanized in scale and character (Godschalk, 2004).
With a focus on physical appearance and neighborhood layout to improve quality
of life, it calls for more compact, mixed-use development, housing diversity,
architecture that is consistent and sensitive to place, common open space
abundance (both functional and natural) and internal circulation that is pedestrian
Edward J. Jepson, Jr. & Mary M. Edwards

friendly and oriented (Katz, 1994; Diamond & Noonan, 1996; Beatley &
Manning, 1997; Wheeler, 2004). New urbanism has a strong interest group in the
USA, the Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU, 2009), whose membership
includes ‘planners, developers, architects, engineers, public officials, investors,
and community activists’, as well as interested individuals. On its website, the
CNU defines new urbanism as seeking ‘the restoration of existing urban centers
within coherent metropolitan regions’ and ‘the conservation of natural environ-
ments’, all achieved through ‘citizen-based participatory planning and design’. It
specifically claims its equivalence to ‘sustainability’ (CNU, 2009).
As is the case with new urbanism, the perspective of the ecological cities
approach is local, but its area of concern is systemic; that is, it views the
community as the product of a collection of interactions that must be kept in
balance over time. The aim is to develop communities that do not exceed the limits
of nature to sustain them (i.e. carrying capacity). This is accomplished primarily
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through public policies that encourage the replacement of non-renewable energy

and other resources, the protection of open space (particularly in relation to
biological and natural processes, assets and services), the use of ‘appropriate’
technologies, the reduction and natural assimilation of waste, and local economic
and functional self-reliance (Platt, 1994, 2004; Kline, 2000; Register, 2002; White,
2002). Ecocity Builders (2010), a principal US-based advocate, defines ‘ecocity’
in terms of land-use policies that maximize urban density, reduce non-renewable
energy consumption, protect biodiversity, reduce travel distances, and maximize
transportation options. It also considers ecocity principles as a way to give form
and meaning to the concept of sustainability.

Sustainable Development Principles

Since its introduction by the Brundtland Commission in 1987 (WCED, 1987),
sustainability as a theoretical basis for human system development has been
discussed extensively in and between different fields. In the definition below, we
have attempted to merge this discussion into a unified series of statements that
connect ecosystem theory with the characteristics of human systems.

Sustainability is based on the recognition that human systems are—like

all natural systems—intrinsically prone to degeneration (i.e. entropy) as
a consequence of their consumption of energy (resources) and their
emission of waste. Human systems are sustainable to the extent that they
are able to organize to match their rates of consumption and emission to
the changing regenerative and assimilative capacities of the systems on
which they depend and with which they interact. This responsive
capacity is directly related to the extent to which individuals and
communities—as systemic ‘agents’—are (a) able to receive clear and
timely signals about environmental conditions, and (b) empowered to
organize for an appropriate response to such information. These
capacities, in turn, are improved through systemic qualities of diversity
(in terms of the contribution of different agents) and complexity (in
terms of the number of constructive interactive opportunities between
Planners’ Perceptions of New Urbanism, Smart Growth and Ecological City

and among different agents). (Pattee, 1973; Witman, 1985; Giaoutzi,

1990; Mollison, 1990; Jacobs, 1991; Garbarino, 1992; Meadows et al.,
1992; Carley & Christie, 1993; Hannon et al., 1993; Rees, 1995;
Christensen, 1996; Maser, 1997; Hallsmith, 2003; Jepson, 2003)

The list below consists of land development principles that can be directly derived
from our definition of sustainable development. This list is not meant to be
exhaustive and our explanations of their connection to theory are certainly
debatable. There are other principles that could be added and our explanations
might be revised or different explanations substituted. Still, we believe that these
14 principles capture the essential land-use dimensions of sustainability that are
applicable to all communities.

(1) Jobs–housing balance. Proximity in terms of the crucial human system

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activities of living and working will increase productivity and efficiency and
also reduce natural resource consumption and waste generation.
(2) Spatial integration of employment and transportation. Facilitated access
will improve systemic connectivity and increase productivity and efficiency
among the residents of the human system.
(3) Mixed land use. Increased proximity and diversity in terms of available
interactive opportunities among the residents of a community will result in
reduced transportation energy consumption and improved organizational
(4) Use of locally-produced, clean, and renewable energy sources. An
energy strategy that replaces imported energy with energy that is locally
produced, clean and renewable will help maintain the long-term sustain-
ability of a community by matching its growth and development with local
carrying capacity.
(5) Energy and resource efficient building and site design. Constructing
buildings under energy-efficient guidelines will protect against natural
resource depletion and make renewable alternatives (i.e. non-fossil fuels)
more feasible.
(6) Pedestrian access (walking and biking) to work and leisure. Increasing
the amount of non-motorized transportation will reduce transportation
energy consumption and protect against resource depletion and pollution, as
well as having positive health impacts on the residents of a community.
(7) Housing affordability (for all income groups). A lack of affordable
housing for all income groups is a manifestation of a lack of empowerment
among some residents of the community (as agents in a system). The
provision of adequate housing for all income groups will help protect
against social (systemic) dysfunction.
(8) Housing diversity (of style, type and tenure). Sustainable systems are
marked by diversity in terms of agents and interactions. A diverse housing
stock will encourage interactions among people with more diversity of
backgrounds, interests and skills.
(9) Higher density residential development. More compact development will
reduce the development pressure on open space, which is an essential
Edward J. Jepson, Jr. & Mary M. Edwards

biological and agricultural resource necessary for preservation of both the

local human community as well as the human system in general.
(10) Protection of natural and biological functions and processes. Due to its
reliance on nature, the sustainability of the human system requires that the
integrity of natural systems be maintained.
(11) Resident involvement and empowerment. Increased organizational
capacity among the residents of a neighborhood increases the ability of
that neighborhood to identify and respond appropriately to changing
(12) Social spaces (public spaces to encourage social gathering). Increased
social contact among the residents of a community can improve the
community’s ability to organize and respond to changing conditions.
(13) Sense of place. A sense of place increases attachment to place. This
increases the propensity toward meaningful involvement and interaction,
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which improves a community’s ability to organize and respond to changing

(14) Inter-modal transportation connectivity. Increased connective efficiency
will (a) create the opportunity for increased frequency of interactions among
the residents of a community, and (b) reduce dependency on modes that are
polluting and highly energy-consumptive.

Our research objectives are: to determine how planners conceive of smart growth,
new urbanism, and ecological city in relation to sustainable development; and to
identify variations in such perceptions relative to individual and community
characteristics. To accomplish these research objectives, an Internet survey was
developed and distributed to planning practitioners and academics in the USA. For
each of the 14 development principles, we asked respondents to identify with
which of the three development approaches—new urbanism, smart growth, and
ecological city—they felt it was ‘associated as a core development principle.’ We
purposely left the three approaches undefined and placed no restrictions on how
many approaches could be selected. In the survey, we also included questions
about the size of their community1 and its regional location, their position, their
number of years practicing, and their educational attainment.
The survey was sent as a link to an email message using Survey Monkey.
Participation was requested three times: first on 9 September 2009 and 15
September 2009 (for practitioners and academics, respectively), then with a
follow-up reminder on 24 September 2009 and a final request on 13 October
2009. Approximately 900 academics were identified and contacted through the
PLANET listserv. Practitioners were identified by going directly to community
websites and searching for the presence of either a planning office or a community
development office with a planning division. If email contact information for
personnel was available, up to two survey participants per community were
randomly selected among individuals who were either office directors, planners
by title, or shown to be members of the American Institute of Certified Planners
(AICP). The total number of practitioners contacted was 1,124.
Planners’ Perceptions of New Urbanism, Smart Growth and Ecological City

Survey Results
Respondent Characteristics
Out of the 2,024 surveys that were sent, 357 were returned, for an overall response
rate of 17.6%. The response rates were 26.1% for practitioners (294 surveys
returned out of 1,124 sent) and 7.1% for academics (63 surveys returned out of
approximately 900 sent). As can be seen in Figure 1, the geographic pattern of the
responses was highly correlated with their pattern of distribution (r ¼ 0.93, n ¼ 9,
p ¼ 0.0001).2
‘Planning directors’ and ‘staff planners’ constituted the two largest groups of
respondents, accounting for 36% and 31% of the total respondents, respectively. Of
the remaining 114 respondents, 55% identified themselves as ‘academic’, about half
that amount as ‘community development director,’ and the remaining 18% as ‘other.’
The survey respondents are a fairly experienced group, with 70% of them having
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practiced planning for more than 10 years and only 2% for 2 years or less. Because of
the comparative numbers of small and large cities and the method of selection (i.e. no
more than two planners per city), the most respondents were employed by cities in the
lowest population range (those with less than 50, 000 people) and the fewest by cities
in the highest (those with more than 500, 000 people). Finally, a significant portion
(30%) of the respondents indicated that they did not have a post-secondary planning
degree. Given that all respondents hold planning or community development
positions, we find this surprising and suspect that it may reflect a misinterpretation of
the term ‘post-secondary’ to mean ‘graduate.’3

Response Characteristics
The responses to the survey provide information about the three development
approaches, as well as about the planners who responded. This information is in

FIGURE 1. Comparison of survey distribution and response patterns. Note: NE, New England; MAt,
Middle Atlantic; SAt, South Atlantic; ENC, East North Central; ESC, East South Central; WNC,
West North Central; WSC, West South Central; MT, Mountain; PAC, Pacific.

Edward J. Jepson, Jr. & Mary M. Edwards

terms of selection frequency (how many times the development approaches were
associated with the development principles) and familiarity. Selection frequency
provides an indication of the extent to which each development approach is
correlated with the concept of sustainable development as we have defined it.
Each of the development approaches could have been selected a maximum of
14 times, once for each of the development principles. Since there were 357
surveys returned, this means that each development approach could have been
selected 4, 998 times; such a selection frequency would indicate perfect correlation
with our definition of sustainable development. As shown in Figure 2, the total
selection frequency of smart growth came within 65% of that potential (3, 236/4,
998); new urbanism was second, at 54%, and ecological city third, at 47%.
Development principles and development approaches can be said to have
average selection frequencies. In the case of development principles, this is
calculated as the number of times a principle was matched with a development
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approach divided by the number of respondents. Since there are three development
approaches, each development principle has a maximum possible average
selection frequency of 3.0 (if every respondent matched it with every development
approach). For example, a development principle selected 850 times would have
an average selection frequency of 2.4 (850/357 respondents). In the case of
development approaches, this is the number of times it was matched with a
development principle divided by the number of respondents. Since there can only
be one match per respondent, this selection frequency is essentially equal to the
proportion of times that respondents matched the approach with a principle. For
example, if new urbanism were matched with one of the development principles
180 times, it would have an average selection frequency of 0.56 (180/357
respondents). Average selection frequencies for development approaches are also
calculated across groups of respondents. This is the number of times a group
matched the development approach with the development principles divided by
the number in the group. Since there are 14 development principles, each

FIGURE 2. Total selection frequency (maximum of 4,998).

Planners’ Perceptions of New Urbanism, Smart Growth and Ecological City

development approach has a maximum selection frequency of 14.0. A group of

n ¼ 120 (planners from the Pacific states, for example) that matched new urbanism
with the development principles 840 times would have an average selection
frequency for new urbanism of 7.0 (840/120 respondents).
A survey similar to the one conducted for this research was conducted in 2005
but never publicly reported.4 While differing in some ways from the present
survey, it requested that respondents make the same association between the same
14 development principles and three development approaches. As can be seen in
Figure 3, the average selection frequencies have changed somewhat over time,
with both smart growth and ecological city becoming more strongly associated
and new urbanism slightly less strongly associated with sustainable development
over the past 4 years.
On the present survey, the average selection frequency was found to vary
significantly between several groups for different development approaches. Those
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with higher average selection frequencies can be viewed as being more expansive
than those with lower average selection frequencies. As shown in Table 1,
planning directors had a less expansive definition of new urbanism than staff
planners (7.3 average selection frequency compared with 8.2, respectively);
academics differed from practitioners in their definitions of new urbanism (less
expansive) and ecological city (more expansive); more-experienced planners were
more expansive than less-experienced planners in their definitions of smart growth
and ecological city; and planners in large cities had a significantly more expansive
collective definition of ecological city than planners in smaller cities.
The average selection frequencies were fairly consistent across regions, except
for four cases. As can be seen in Table 2, all of the significant differences were in
relation to ecological city: the New England, Middle Atlantic and Pacific regions
all had significantly more expansive definitions, while the East North Central
region’s definition was the least expansive.

FIGURE 3. Selection frequency comparison (maximum of 14.0).

Edward J. Jepson, Jr. & Mary M. Edwards

What would be the character of development that corresponded to survey

selection frequencies? The answer to that requires that an average selection
frequency for each development principle be calculated. The results of these
calculations are shown in Table 3. As can be seen, it would be most likely to have
pedestrian accessibility, mixed land use and higher-density residential develop-
ment. It would be least likely to have affordable housing and high levels of citizen
involvement, or to be powered by clean, renewable energy.
Table 4 depicts average selection frequency by development approach. The
number in parentheses next to each average selection frequency is the ranking of
that principle under that development approach. For example, ‘Jobs–housing
balance’ had an average selection frequency of 0.83 for smart growth, which
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TABLE 1. Significant variations in average selection frequency (maximum of 14.0)

Group New urbanism Smart growth Ecological city
Planning directors (n ¼ 63) 7.3 9.2 6.1
Planning staff (n ¼ 108) 8.2 9.2 6.7
z ¼ 1.96* z ¼ 0.03 z ¼ 1.29
Academics (n ¼ 63) 6.9 8.5 7.7
Practitioners (n ¼ 288) 7.7 9.2 6.3
z ¼ 2.16* z ¼ 1.54 z ¼ 2.57**
0–10 years planning practice (n ¼ 105) 7.7 8.5 5.8
410 years planning practice (n ¼ 248) 7.6 9.4 6.9
z ¼ 0.30 z ¼ 2.25* z ¼ 2.49**
4500,000 population (n ¼ 41) 7.0 9.1 8.2
0 – 500,000 population (n ¼ 311) 7.7 9.1 6.4
t ¼ 1.46 t ¼ 0.02 t ¼ 3.22**

*p 5 0.05, **p 5 0.01.

TABLE 2. Average selection frequency by region (maximum of 14.0)

Region New urbanism Smart growth Ecological city
New England 8.6 10.6* 7.5
Middle Atlantic 7.0 9.4 9.0**
South Atlantic 7.8 9.0 6.2
East North Central 7.2 9.2 5.7*
West North Central 7.2 9.3 5.4
East South Central 8.1* 9.2 6.6
West South Central 8.3 9.0 6.5
Mountain 7.0 8.4 5.9
Pacific 7.5 9.0 7.7*
Average 7.6 9.2 6.7
Pearson correlation between familiarity 70.09 0.59 0.84
and average selection frequency

Indications of significant difference with remaining regions: **p 5 0.01, *p 5 0.05.

Planners’ Perceptions of New Urbanism, Smart Growth and Ecological City

TABLE 3. Average selection frequencies for development principles across development approaches
(maximum of 3.0)a
Development principle Average selection frequency
Pedestrian access (walking and biking) to work and leisure 2.25
Mixed land use 2.07
Higher-density residential development 1.97
Inter-modal transportation connectivity 1.91
Spatial integration of employment and transportation 1.78
Social spaces (public spaces to encourage social gathering) 1.66
Sense of place 1.62
Energy-efficient and resource-efficient building and site design 1.59
Protection of natural and biological functions and processes 1.56
Jobs–housing balance 1.55
Housing diversity (of style and type) 1.54
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Housing affordability (for all income groups) 1.25

Use of locally-produced, clean and renewable energy 1.23
Resident involvement and empowerment 1.22
Average 1.66

The average selection frequency for development principles across development approaches is
calculated as the total number of times they are matched with one of the three development approaches
by the total number of respondents.

ranked third highest out of the 14 development principles for that development
approach. The shaded cells in the table indicate where there is the greatest
separation between the highest and the lowest selection frequencies (formula:
highest selection frequency minus the average of the other two). Thus, these cells
depict the seven strongest levels of associations between development approaches
and development principles. As can be seen, new urbanism is identified as being
strongest compared with the other two approaches in terms of its provision of
social spaces and sense of place, smart growth in terms of its provision of jobs–
housing balance and affordable housing and ecological city in terms of energy
renewability, energy and resource efficiency and protection of nature.
The survey also asked all respondents to indicate their level of familiarity with
each of the development approaches. As shown in Figure 4, respondents professed
to be most familiar with smart growth and new urbanism and far less familiar with
the ecological city.
Figure 5 shows the percentage of academics that comprised the total number of
respondents who indicated high levels of familiarity with the development
approaches. As can be seen, that percentage is very high for ecological city. The
percentages for new urbanism and smart growth are about equal to the percentage
of the respondents who were academics, and therefore about what might be
Table 5 shows only the groups with significant variations in level of familiarity.
As can be seen, practitioners were less familiar than academics with all three
development approaches, and (as suggested by Figure 5) especially ecological
Edward J. Jepson, Jr. & Mary M. Edwards

TABLE 4. Average selection frequencies for development principles by development approach

(maximum of 1.0)
New Smart Ecological
Development principle urbanism growth city
Jobs–housing balance 0.38 (7) 0.83 (3) 0.33 (10)
Spatial integration of employment and transportation 0.89 (1) 0.84 (2) 0.43 (7)
Mixed land use 0.89 (3) 0.81 (4) 0.43 (6)
Use of locally-produced, clean and renewable energy 0.08 (13) 0.25 (14) 0.90 (1)
Energy-efficient and resource-efficient building and site design 0.25 (11) 0.48 (12) 0.85 (3)
Pedestrian access (walking and biking) to work and leisure 0.88 (3) 0.78 (6) 0.60 (4)
Housing affordability (for all income groups) 0.34 (10) 0.71 (7) 0.20 (13)
Housing diversity (of style and type) 0.71 (6) 0.65 (8) 0.18 (14)
Higher-density residential 0.77 (5) 0.79 (5) 0.40 (8)
Protection of natural and biological functions and processes 0.15 (12) 0.52 (10) 0.89 (2)
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Resident involvement and empowerment 0.34 (10) 0.54 (9) 0.34 (9)
Social spaces (public spaces to encourage 0.89 (1) 0.50 (11) 0.27 (11)
social gathering)
Sense of place 0.89 (2) 0.48 (13) 0.25 (12)
Inter-modal transportation connectivity 0.55 (7) 0.88 (1) 0.48 (5)
Averages 0.54 0.65 0.47

Note: Data presented as the average selection frequency for that development principle (rank of that
principle among the 14 for that development approach, with 1 being highest ranked). Shaded cells
are the seven highest selection frequencies, found by subtracting the average of the two selection
frequencies from the highest.

FIGURE 4. Level of familiarity.

city. Similarly, there was a consistently lower (although less significant) level of
familiarity among planners in small cities compared with planners in large cities.
Also, years of experience only affected familiarity with ecological city, with more
Planners’ Perceptions of New Urbanism, Smart Growth and Ecological City

experienced planners being more familiar with the approach than those with less
Level of familiarity was found to be related to average selection frequency. As
shown in Figure 6, there was a pronounced increase in average selection frequency
as level of familiarity with ecological city increased. That is, respondents who
expressed high levels of familiarity with the approach also provided a more
expansive definition of its development principles than those with lower levels of
familiarity. This was found to be far less true with new urbanism and smart
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FIGURE 5. Academics and level of familiarity.

TABLE 5. Significant variations in level of familiarity (maximum of 3.0)

Group New urbanism Smart growth Ecological city
Academics (n ¼ 63) 2.6 2.7 2.0
Practitioners (n ¼ 289) 2.4 2.5 1.4
z ¼ 2.66*** z ¼ 4.21*** z ¼ 5.53***
4500,000 population (n ¼ 41) 2.6 2.7 2.0
5500,000 population (n ¼ 309) 2.5 2.5 1.4
t ¼ 2.02* t ¼ 2.78** t ¼ 4.61***
Planning degree (n ¼ 238) 2.6 2.6 1.5
No planning degree (n ¼ 114) 2.3 2.4 1.4
z ¼ 5.01*** z ¼ 3.97*** z ¼ 1.08
0–10 years planning practice (n ¼ 105) 2.4 2.5 1.3
410 years planning practice (n ¼ 246) 2.5 2.5 1.5
z ¼ 1.25 z ¼ 1.47 z ¼ 2.98**

*p 5 0.05, **p 5 0.01, ***p 5 0.001.

Edward J. Jepson, Jr. & Mary M. Edwards

Could this relationship be due to the influence of academics, a group that was
found to both comprise a large proportion of the respondents who were highly
familiar with ecological city (Figure 5) and to have a significantly more expansive
definition of the approach than practitioners (Table 1)? As shown in Figure 7, the
positive relationship between level of familiarity and average selection frequency
was found to exist for both groups.
Table 6 shows the impact of high levels of familiarity on average selection
frequency. While the averages for smart growth and ecological city are equal
among all respondents with high levels of familiarity with these approaches (0.67),
the definition of ecological city expands considerably among academics; in fact,
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FIGURE 6. Average selection frequency by level of familiarity with the approaches (maximum of

FIGURE 7. Average selection frequency by level of familiarity for academics and practitioners
(maximum of 14.0).

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TABLE 6. Average selection frequencies among those with high levels of familiarity (maximum of 1.00)
New urbanism Smart growth Ecological city
All Academics All Academics All Academics
Development principle (n ¼ 179) (n ¼ 41) (n ¼ 194) (n ¼ 47) (n ¼ 32) (n ¼ 19)
Jobs–housing balance 0.43 0.34 0.82 0.83 0.53 0.53
Spatial integration of employment and transportation 0.52 0.37 0.85 0.83 0.69 0.74
Mixed land use 0.85 0.83 0.83 0.87 0.75 0.79
Use of locally-produced, clean and renewable energy 0.09 0.05 0.26 0.19 1.00 1.00
Energy-efficient and resource-efficient building and site design 0.27 0.27 0.48 0.36 0.97 0.95
Pedestrian access (walking and biking) to work and leisure 0.90 0.90 0.81 0.83 0.78 0.84
Housing affordability (for all income groups) 0.36 0.20 0.73 0.64 0.41 0.42
Housing diversity (of style and type) 0.75 0.80 0.69 0.64 0.38 0.37
Higher-density residential 0.80 0.76 0.82 0.94 0.63 0.63
Protection of natural and biological functions and processes 0.20 0.15 0.54 0.45 1.00 1.00
Resident involvement and empowerment 0.32 0.22 0.58 0.47 0.44 0.47
Social spaces (public spaces to encourage social gathering) 0.89 0.85 0.55 0.51 0.47 0.53
Sense of place 0.90 0.85 0.53 0.51 0.66 0.74
Inter-modal transportation connectivity 0.57 0.41 0.90 0.94 0.69 0.74
Average 0.56 0.50 0.67 0.64 0.67 0.70
Count 50.50 6 8 2 4 4 3

Note: Shaded cells indicate development principles that changed from either 40.50 to 50.50 or from 50.50 to 40.50.
Edward J. Jepson, Jr. & Mary M. Edwards

its average selection frequency of 0.70 is now highest. Further, the number of
principles that were selected by less than 50% of the respondents decreases from 4
to 3, while it increases from 6 to 8 for new urbanism and from 2 to 4 for smart
The average selection frequencies of smart growth and new urbanism were
found to be positively correlated, while the ecological city approach was
negatively correlated with both of those approaches, as shown in Table 7. Thus,
the relationship between ecological city and the other two approaches can be said
to be complementary in nature, covering different dimensions of sustainable
With respect to regional effects, Table 8 shows the average levels of familiarity
to be fairly consistent across regions. Planners in the Middle Atlantic region had a
comparatively high level of familiarity with ecological city compared with
planners in other regions, and planners in central and mountain states tended
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toward the lowest levels of familiarity with that development approach.

When the scores from Tables 2 and 8 are combined (by dividing each score by
its respective average and then adding these values from each table together), the
Middle Atlantic Region ranks highest, as shown in Table 9. This score indicates
that a developer in that region is more likely to find planners who are familiar with
the three development approaches and have higher expectations as to the character
of that development than is the case in other regions. Such planners are least likely
to be found in Mountain region states.

TABLE 7. Pearson correlations of average selection frequencies

Smart growth New urbanism Ecological city
Smart growth 1.00 0.39 70.42
New urbanism 0.39 1.00 70.59

TABLE 8. Average level of familiarity by region (maximum of 3.0)

Region New urbanism Smart growth Ecological city
New England 2.5 2.6 1.5
Middle Atlantic 2.6 2.7 1.9**
South Atlantic 2.5 2.6 1.6
East North Central 2.4 2.6 1.4
West North Central 2.4 2.6 1.3
East South Central 2.6 2.5 1.3*
West South Central 2.4 2.4 1.3*
Mountain 2.5 2.5 1.3*
Pacific 2.4 2.4 1.6
Average 2.5 2.5 1.5

Note: Indications of significant difference with remaining regions: **p 5 0.01, *p 5 0.05.

Planners’ Perceptions of New Urbanism, Smart Growth and Ecological City

TABLE 9. Sorted combined familiarity (Table 8) and average selection frequency (Table 2)
Region New urbanism Smart growth Ecological city Total
Middle Atlantic 2.0 2.1 2.6 6.70
New England 2.1 2.2 2.1 6.47
Pacific 1.9 1.9 2.2 6.10
South Atlantic 2.0 2.0 2.0 6.04
West North Central 2.1 2.0 1.9 5.97
West South Central 2.0 1.9 1.8 5.78
East North Central 1.9 2.0 1.8 5.75
East South Central 1.9 2.0 1.7 5.64
Mountain 1.9 1.9 1.8 5.56

Note: The combined score was calculated by dividing the two scores from Tables 2 and 8 for each
indicator by its respective average and then adding them together. For example, New England’s
Downloaded by [] at 15:26 17 October 2011

Smart Growth score of 2.2 is equal to (10.6/9.2) þ (2.6/2.5).

The advocates for each of the approaches tend toward an expansive definition:
new urbanism, smart growth and ecological city are all presented as integrations of
environmental, social and procedural dimensions that are crucial to sustainable
development. However, when the approaches are reviewed by the surveyed
planners in terms of 14 principles of sustainable land development, each falls short
of this ideal in its own way.
Smart growth is defined most expansively by the respondents. Of the 14
development principles, 11 were associated with smart growth by more than 50%
of the respondents. However, this model of smart growth development is deficient
with respect to clean, renewable energy, energy-efficient and resource-efficient
building and site designs, and sense of place (all having average selection
frequencies of less than 0.50). New urbanism was defined less expansively overall
than smart growth (associated with eight development principles by more than
50% of the respondents), but was especially strong in two areas in which smart
growth (and ecological city) was weak: social spaces and sense of place.
Finally, respondents defined ecological city least expansively of the three
approaches (associated with only four development principles by more than 50%
of the respondents). Of course, such a restricted definition can be easily drawn, not
from specific knowledge about the development approach but simply from its
name, which might also lead one to conclude that ecological city would be weak in
such non-environmental principles as social spaces, resident involvement and
empowerment, sense of place and housing affordability and diversity. And, in fact,
this was found to be the view of the respondents: these five principles scored the
lowest under ecological city, with an average average selection frequency of 0.24
(compared with new urbanism’s score of 0.71 and smart growth’s score of 0.58 for
these same principles).
However, of the three approaches, ecological city’s definition was found to
expand the most as familiarity increases. Among those most familiar with the
Edward J. Jepson, Jr. & Mary M. Edwards

approach, its average average selection frequency was 0.67 (up from 0.47 among
the respondents generally), which equals the score of smart growth and exceeds
that of new urbanism (0.56). Moreover, the score for the five non-environmental
principles increased to a more respectable average of 0.47, compared with 0.64
and 0.62 for new urbanism and smart growth by those most familiar with those
two approaches.
Familiar academics were even more expansive in their collective definition of
ecological city. They scored it highest overall of the three approaches (with a 0.70
average average selection frequency). The scores for two of the five non-
environmental principles (social spaces and sense of place) also surpassed 0.50,
leaving only three development principles with scores less than .50, compared
with eight and six for new urbanism and smart growth, respectively. It seems that,
as planners learn more about it, ecological city looks bigger and better until,
finally—among academics at least—it is viewed as the most sustainable
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development approach. Meanwhile, familiarity with new urbanism and smart

growth breeds some measure of, if not contempt, then discontent.
When the results of this survey are compared with the results of one conducted
in 2005, the ecological city definition has expanded the most, increasing in ‘size’
by almost 30% (compared with an expansion of 12% for smart growth and a slight
contraction for new urbanism). This suggests that planners may be becoming more
familiar with the concept. If so, it is still low, with less than 10% claiming a high
level of familiarity in this survey—and of those, more than 60% are academics. It
would appear then, that planning academics, have an important role to play in
raising ecological city to a higher level of familiarity (and, therefore, relevance to
the sustainable development challenge) among planning practitioners.
The survey results also indicate a fair amount of variation when planners are
grouped according to geography and practitioner status. Generally speaking, the
most expansive definition of new urbanism is likely to be found among planning
staff in East Central States, of smart growth among experienced planners in New
England, and of ecological city among experienced planners in large cities in the
Middle Atlantic and Pacific regions. The least expansive definition of ecological
city can be expected to be found among planners with less experience in small
cities in the East North Central states.
However, it is worth pointing out that these are exceptions. Among regions,
there were only five significant variations in average selection frequency out of 27
groupings (9 regions x 3 development approaches) and only four significant
variations in level of familiarity, all in relation to ecological city. Among the three
other professional and geographical groupings (city size, length of practice,
position), there could have been as many as 119 instances of significant variation
(a 7 x 17 matrix); in fact, only 13 were found, which is a discovery rate of about

Sustainable development is a complex concept on which to base development
strategies. Smart growth, new urbanism and ecological city are all portrayed by
their advocates as ways to operationalize the concept of sustainable development.
Planners’ Perceptions of New Urbanism, Smart Growth and Ecological City

To the extent that they are deficient is the extent to which we will fail in such
operationalization. In this paper, we have tried to operationalize sustainable
development by identifying 14 development principles that are rooted in a
systems-based definition of the term.
Using those as the measurable standard, this study reveals the planning
profession to collectively view each of the development approaches very
differently in terms of their contribution to sustainable development.
Planners as a group have relatively high expectations regarding what can and
should be accomplished under each of the three development approaches. Of the
three approaches, smart growth had the highest selection frequency and was also the
most familiar to the respondents, while ecological city had the lowest selection
frequency and was the least familiar. Interestingly, while the selection frequency for
all three development approaches increased with familiarity, the increase was much
higher for ecological city than it was for either smart growth or new urbanism.
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These findings suggest the need for the planning profession to define some sort
of hybrid approach that combines characteristics of all three approaches. For
example, while the smart growth approach as conceived by planners may help
achieve greater jobs–housing balance, it is likely to leave sense of place
unaddressed. And while new urbanism may fulfill that dimension, it is not viewed
as an approach that will lead to communities that are energy self-reliant, which is
more likely under an ecological city approach to development.
The ecological city approach was found to be most complementary to the other two
approaches in terms of their respective areas of strength and weakness. Thus, it has
the potential to provide insights that will improve planning for sustainability in the
USA. This suggests a need to increase its level of familiarity among planners. One
obvious way to do that would be to increase its presence in the planning literature,
particularly journal articles.5 A review of its presence in planning academics would
also be useful. Is it as prominently a featured topic of study in planning courses as
smart growth and new urbanism? And as importantly, if not, why not?
To a great extent, reality reflects our concepts. In this case, development will
tend to match whatever expectations we have regarding what can be
accomplished. Given planners’ position of influence with respect to public policy,
we have a responsibility to expand awareness of the limitations of each of the
approaches and build a better, more comprehensive alternative. By gaining a
clearer sense of how we as planners collectively define development approaches
such as smart growth, new urbanism and ecological city (as well as how our
definitions differ), the profession can begin to lead toward that greater potential.

1. The word ‘community’ was not specifically defined on the survey. In the USA, it is generally and typically
understood to mean the municipality at the sub-county level.
2. Regions as delineated by the US Department of Commerce.
3. This suspicion is reinforced by the fact that almost 40% (50 out of 128) of the planning directors and 15% (10
out of 63) of the planning academics also reported not having a post-secondary planning degree.
4. The 2005 survey was sent to 3, 033 planning practitioners and academics, of whom 365 responded.
5. Unlike smart growth and new urbanism, ecological city is not well represented in the US planning literature.
There is neither an American Planning Association policy guide (as there is for smart growth; American

Edward J. Jepson, Jr. & Mary M. Edwards
Planning Association, 2002) nor a Planning Advisory Service report (as there is for new urbanism; Barnett,
2004), and 2009 electronic searches revealed no books in the American Planning Association’s online
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