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The Heart Lotus with Vajra Petals

Heroic Red Tara

Namo Hridaya Padma!


I take refuge in the Guru

I take refuge in the Buddha
I take refuge in the Dharma
I take refuge in the Sangha (3x)

Generating Bodhicitta
I take refuge until I am enlightened in the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha.
By the positive potential I create by practising generosity
And the other far-reaching attitudes,
May I attain Buddhahood in order to benefit all sentient beings. (3x)

Red Tara self- Generation

Om Shunyata Jnana Vajra Svabhava Atmako ‘ham

From the sphere of Emptiness on a yellow lotus and moon seat appears a red OM
syllable. OM completely transforms into myself as Venerable Heroic Red Tara.
My body is ruby red in color with one face and four pairs of arms. My first two
hands hold a golden vajra and a silver and gold ghanta and are joined at my crown
to proclaim the Dharma in the mudra of great joy. The second pair holds a golden
lotus bow and a golden arrow fletched with peacock feathers. The third pair holds
a blazing dharmachakra and a brilliant white conch. The fourth pair holds a blazing
wisdom sword and a vajra noose. I have a peaceful expression and sit in the vajra
posture. I am clothed in silken garments and adorned by precious gold and
jewelled ornaments, with a halo of moonlight behind my body and framed with
wisdom fire. A white OM marks my crown, a red AH my throat and a blue HUNG
my heart.

Homage to you, the Swift One, the Heroine,
Whose eyes are like an instant flash of lightning,
Who arose from the open corolla
Of the lotus face of the Lord of the Three Worlds.

Mantra Recitation
At my heart is a moon disc marked by the syllable OM, with the mantra circling
clockwise around the circumference of the disc.(Recite both mantra 21x, 108x or
as much as possible)

Heart Mantra
Activity Mantra

Conquering Fear as Red Tara

Close your eyes and breathe naturally, and calmly. Spend some time identifying
what you are currently afraid of. Identify your deluded, unhealthy fears, such as the
fear of dying, the fear of loss, the fear of failure, and so forth. Access your
wisdom, understand that all these fears arise because of your deluded mind and
negative actions. Then visualize these fears together with their actual causes
(negative minds and actions) in the form of dense thick smoke, and breathe it out.
This smoke leaves your nostrils and disappears to the furthest reaches of space,
where it completely disappears, never to return. As you inhale, imagine you are
breathing in all the pure, inspiring energy and fearlessness of all holy beings in the
form of blissful white light, which fills your body and mind. After meditating like
this for a while, feel that your body and mind are now completely pure and that
you have received the blessings and protection of all holy beings. Your body feels
light and supple, and your mind is clear, peaceful, and fearless.


May the precious Bodhi-mind,

Where it is not born arise and grow
May that born have no decline
But increase forever more.

May the precious Emptiness

Where it is not born arise and grow
May that born have no decline
But increase forever more.

The hand implements of eight arm Red Tara

Vajra and Ghanta in the Mudra of Joy – The vajra represents method or
compassion and the bell represents the realization of Emptiness. It is explained that
one would not be able to identify where the sound of the bell comes from and
where it goes. This is often used as an analogy for the Emptiness of inherent
existence. Tara brandishes both implements crossed above her head in what is
known as the joy of Dharma. Joy is described in the text as a quality of a
Bodhisattva’s perseverance in benefiting sentient beings. This Joy is the white
light of bliss that conquers fear.
Bow and Arrow – The bow held in the left wisdom hand and the arrow held with
the right hand of method or compassion combines to ‘project’ skillful means. Thus,
they collectively represent Tara’s skillful means or her ability to use our situation
to liberate us and bring swift attainments.
Dharma Wheel – The Dharma wheel represents the Buddha’s teachings and also
the spiritual authority of a chakravartin or a universal monarch. Thus, Tara
wielding the Dharma wheel signifies her dominion over all beings.
Conch Shell – The conch shell was used as a horn trumpet in ancient times to
proclaim the Dharma throughout the land where the conch shell is blown. This
signifies the spread of the Dharma, the subjugation of ignorance and delusion and
the heroic victory of Buddha’s teachings.
Wisdom Sword – The wisdom sword is a blade of wisdom that signifies the ability
of Tara to cut through our negative karma, obstacles and ignorance. This embodies
the wisdom that cuts to the root of fear, ego clinging.
Vajra Noose – The vajra noose represents the binding of all harmful beings and
obstacles that harm our spiritual practice. On an inner level, the noose represents
the ensnaring of the ego and the binding of Tara’s higher wisdom.

Using Discriminating Awareness to perceive the true nature of reality to overcome


1. Actual Threat (Body’s genuine natural response) vs. Psychological

(unnatural, ego driven)
2. Recognize worry, and uncomfortableness, again real threat versus perceived
3. Perceive any mental formations, thoughts or perceptions that involve self
(my, I)
4. Create a space in the mind between actual you and the ego-you in distress
through observation of the ego formations and their extrapolations.

5. Practice relaxing the mind and observing your fear response, patience is key

Fearlessness is the result of this discriminating awareness wisdom destroying the


Written by Hsin Prajna in year of the Fire Monkey 2016 as a concise way to
practice Red Tara, my precious peaceful yidam. Any and all mistakes and
omissions are mine alone.

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