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National Security, Technology, and Law

Encryption Policy and
Its International Impacts:
A Framework for Understanding
Extraterritorial Ripple Effects
Ryan Budish, Herbert Burkert, and Urs Gasser Aegis Series Paper No. 1804

In the wake of the 2016 San Bernardino shooting, Apple and the US Federal Bureau
of Investigation waged a public battle over the availability of essentially unbreakable
encryption in consumer devices.1 Ultimately the FBI was able to access the contents of the
phone.2 This forestalled proposed changes to US law and policy that would have effectively
changed the level of encryption available in American consumer technologies.3 Throughout
this tense domestic debate—involving a US crime, US law enforcement, a US company,
and US law—there was only a vague sense of what the broader international implications
might be.4 As the Trump administration considers reopening the debate over US encryption
policies, and as many countries around the world consider and implement their own
encryption policies, it is more important than ever to understand the ways in which
seemingly domestic encryption policy decisions can reverberate around the globe.5

The recent scuffles over iPhone encryption are just one set of examples of the ways in which
new consumer technologies with built-in encryption have created novel challenges for law
enforcement agencies, national security agencies, and other policy-makers. In response to
these technological challenges, policy-makers are increasingly considering policies with
direct and indirect impacts on the effectiveness of encryption tools. While the domestic
impacts of such policies are often intended and predictable, the international implications
are often both unintentional and poorly understood. In an interconnected, highly
networked world, it is no surprise that domestically focused policies can have significant
international implications, but there is much that we do not yet understand about those
international implications. This knowledge gap limits sound, evidence-based policy-making.
Decision-makers often push encryption policies without a clear appreciation for the
numerous global ramifications, including ripple effects that can undermine the original
intent of the policy.

We would like to thank Amy Zhang, Jacqueline Abreu, Katie Blenko, Stanislav Budnitskiy, Michelle Forelle,
and Michelle Ng for their excellent research assistance.

By way of select examples, this paper explores the potential international ripple effects of
domestic policy changes. In some cases, these changes take the form of a single coherent
national policy, while in other cases they are a collection of multiple independent (or even
conflicting) policies. In either case, as countries consider encryption policies, it is important
to develop a more concrete approach for understanding their range of impacts. To that
end, this paper offers a conceptual model for how those ripple effects might propagate
beyond national borders. First, we offer a brief background on encryption policies. Next, we
explore the potential ripple effects using a three-step approach: (1) we look at the variety of
instruments through which a country can implement encryption policy (including, but not
limited to, law and regulation); (2) we examine the variety of pathways and relationships
through which encryption policy can have international effects; and (3) we consider a series
of examples from around the world that illuminate some of the complexities and variations
of these ripple effects. From these examples, it becomes clear that a single encryption
policy can involve a variety of regulatory instruments, relationships, and pathways, plus
numerous cascading ripple effects. In order to help policy-makers think about these effects
in a useful and actionable way, in a subsequent section we apply our framework to develop a
set of factors that can help policy-makers anticipate some of the most likely ripple effects of
proposed encryption policies. The last part summarizes and concludes.

A Brief Background on Encryption Policies

Discussing the potential effects of encryption policies requires that we first address two
related and foundational questions: What are the policy objectives driving those policies?
And what do we mean by “encryption policy?” This paper adopts a broad definition of
encryption policy because a narrower definition would exclude many formal and intentional
actions that a government might take to advance its policy objectives even if those actions
might not take the form of law or regulation. Although such an inclusive approach
complicates the analysis, it reflects the important reality that a government can advance
its policy objectives though a range of direct and indirect activities, and the ripple effects
of those activities, can be significant.

Encryption policies can be either directly or indirectly advanced in relation to a wide

range of policy objectives. Although examples like the Apple-FBI dispute over the
availability of unbreakable encryption in consumer products highlighted the national
security elements of the debate, encryption policies can be motivated by concerns over law
enforcement’s inability to fully investigate criminal activity, efforts to advance economic
competitiveness, desires to advance and support technological innovation, responses to
geopolitical developments such as the disclosures from Edward Snowden, objections to the
current mechanisms and institutions of Internet governance, and worries about the future
interoperability of the Internet. Whether certain policy objectives are normatively desirable
and whether the proposed policies successfully advance those objectives are questions that
are inherently tied to geopolitical, economic, and social contexts, and are thus beyond the

Ryan Budish, Herbert Burkert, and Urs Gasser  •  Encryption Policy and Its International Impacts

scope of this paper. This paper is concerned solely with the international ripple effects from
encryption policies, not the merits of the policies themselves.

Capturing the ways in which these myriad policy objectives can indirectly—and yet
significantly—shape the use of encryption requires that we adopt a broad definition of
encryption policy. Consider the PRISM and Upstream programs, two types of government
surveillance revealed by Edward Snowden as authorized activities under Section 702 of
the FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) Amendments Act. A narrow definition
of encryption policy might exclude Section 702, given that it was not directly written
to encompass encryption, nor were its impacts on encryption embodied in explicit law
or regulation. Instead, the policy objectives behind Section 702 were explicitly about
national security. Advancing those policy objectives necessitated a series of knowing and
intentional choices about encryption that had a significant impact, both domestically and
internationally, on data in transit and data at rest. A narrower definition of encryption policy
would miss the range of institutional activities—like those covered under Section 702—that
can indirectly yet intentionally affect the use of encryption. For that reason, this paper
includes within the scope of encryption policy the full array of government activities that
either support or hinder the development, use, and adoption of encryption technologies,
and that collectively reflect a normative judgment on the part of government about the
value of such technologies.6

Before exploring the ripple effects of encryption policies, it is important to note the broader
and increasingly international encryption technology environment. A recent publication
of the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society surveyed 865 hardware and software
encryption products around the world.7 Of those 865 products, 546 products were from
fifty-four countries other than the United States. Notably, the encryption architecture
did not vary substantially from country to country, meaning that comparable levels of
protection were available from different products in different countries. Additionally, many
of the companies whose products were surveyed are “jurisdictionally agile” and are able to
relocate their operations quickly and easily. We take special note of this diversity and agility,
as this low-friction environment enables many of the ripple effects we describe below.

Encryption Policy Ripple Effects

Although encryption policy can have an array of international ripple effects, those effects
often begin with an action that is primarily domestically and internally oriented.8 For
example, a law enforcement agency seeking the tools necessary to investigate domestic
criminal activity or an intelligence agency seeking assistance from domestic companies
both reflect domestic-oriented policies. Even an encryption policy such as an export ban,
which has an obvious extraterritorial impact on would-be importers, constrains domestic
company behavior to preserve a domestic technological advantage. These domestic-centric
policies, however, create effects that spill beyond national borders. In some cases, these

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ripple effects may be intentional, but in many others they are unintentional and even

In order to better articulate and understand these ripple effects, in this part we offer a
rudimentary framework for conceptualizing encryption policies. We begin by identifying
the basic instruments of encryption policy. Next, we look at the pathways and relationships
through which the economic, political, and technological effects of those tools can ultimately
affect another country’s policies. Finally, we apply this framework to a series of country-
specific examples to show some of the diversity of these ripple effects.

Instruments of Encryption Policy

As described below, we adopt an expansive definition of encryption policy that includes
more than just the laws and formal regulations that specifically target encryption. Instead,
encryption policy encompasses the use of a variety of regulatory instruments. These
instruments can be, and indeed often are, deployed in parallel in a variety of configurations.
Moreover, given that governments may have a variety of agencies, each pursuing its own
encryption policy, these instruments are not always deployed in a consistent manner within
a single jurisdiction. Below, we identify a few of these instruments that policy-makers use to
try to shape encryption policy.

Law and formal regulation: This regulatory instrument involves the variety of ways that
governments can either enact or enforce laws and regulations in order to strategically
constrain or direct the development and use of encryption technologies. This regulatory
instrument directly applies only to those entities under the jurisdiction of the regulator
or lawmaker. Examples of this include legislative proposals in the United States in the
mid-1990s that would have required new digital technologies to be capable of being
wiretapped and the FBI’s attempt to use the All Writs Act to obtain a court order to
compel Apple to decrypt the San Bernardino shooter’s iPhone in 2016.9

Procurement power: This regulatory instrument involves the use of a government’s

sometimes substantial spending power to influence local and global markets and encourage
companies to change their products to meet government procurement regulations. For
example, the National Security Agency (NSA) in the United States designates certain kinds
of encryption technologies as suitable for certain government uses.10

Hegemonic status: This regulatory instrument involves the exercise of political, economic,
and military strength to project encryption policies beyond national borders. It can be
an effective instrument when the policy objectives require compelling the behavior of
actors who might not be affected by legislation and regulation (or could easily escape its
jurisdiction). An example of the use of hegemonic status is Russia’s success in convincing its
geographic neighbors to adopt policies similar to its own.

Ryan Budish, Herbert Burkert, and Urs Gasser  •  Encryption Policy and Its International Impacts

Soft power: This regulatory instrument involves convincing actors to comply with
encryption policies through persuasion and other voluntary means. It is particularly
effective after significant geopolitical events that leave actors open to persuasion that
such policies are necessary for the greater good. For example, several American companies
may have voluntarily provided some data to the US government in the years following
the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.11 In addition to national security arguments,
companies have generally shown a willingness to cooperate with government agencies for
compelling reasons such as facilitating child pornography investigations or missing person
cases.12 The perception of policies and power dynamics can have amplifying or mitigating
effects on the potency of soft power as an instrument of encryption policy.

Multilateral treaties: This regulatory instrument involves countries working together to

collaboratively draft and adopt agreements that effectuate a standardized policy between
signatories. For example, the Wassenaar Arrangement is a multinational agreement which
limits the export of certain kinds of technologies, including certain kinds of encryption.13

Standard-setting and multi-stakeholder organizations: This regulatory instrument

involves governments collaboratively advancing encryption policies with the input,
feedback, and buy-in of a variety of stakeholders, including the private sector, civil society,
academia, and others. For example, the US National Institute for Standards and Technology
(NIST) “works closely with experts in industry, academia and government to develop its
cryptographic standards and guidelines.”14

Pathways of Ripple Effects

One reason why the international ripple effects of encryption policy can be so
complex is that the regulatory instruments described above can implicate and affect a
variety of actors and relationships across the world. Understanding the potential ripple
effects from encryption policies requires a greater understanding of the pathways and
relationships that each of these regulatory instruments might activate and through which
ripple effects propagate outward across boundaries. Rather than attempting to exhaustively
list these—an impossible feat, given the numerous dependencies between international
commerce, geopolitical power dynamics, and technical developments that help account for
the ripple effects of encryption policy—we identify seven such pathways and relationships
to start.

1. National encryption policy directly affects another country’s public policy.

2. National encryption policy directly affects another country’s private sector.

3. National encryption policy indirectly affects another country’s public policy through
an impact on the domestic private sector.

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4. National encryption policy indirectly affects another country’s private sector through
an impact on the domestic private sector.

5. National encryption policy indirectly affects another country’s private sector through
an impact on that country’s public policy.

6. Private sector policies directly affect another country’s private sector.

7. Private sector policies directly affect another country’s public policy.

Source: Ryan Budish

Examples: Ripple Effects of Encryption Policy

The policy instruments and pathways we have identified interact to create the complex
ripple effects of encryption policies. In order to illustrate how the various elements
described above come together to create the ripple effects of encryption policy, we
highlight below a few examples from selected regions around the world.

We recognize that the ripple effects of some countries may be stronger, and therefore more
identifiable, than others. In the examples below, we observe an outsize influence from the
United States and China, likely due to their hegemonic power over global markets and
international privacy and national security norms, which engender spillover effects from
domestic encryption policy that more acutely affect other countries. In contrast, the effects
of encryption policies propagating from other countries are sometimes less clear.

Ryan Budish, Herbert Burkert, and Urs Gasser  •  Encryption Policy and Its International Impacts

Below, we look at the ways various countries deploy the instruments of encryption
policy through the pathways identified to craft policies with domestic intent that create
(1) economic, (2) political, and (3) technological effects that extend well beyond national
borders. We first address the perspective of the United States and document the major
encryption policy events that have triggered ripple effects in other countries. From there,
we switch perspectives and examine how the encryption policies of other countries have
affected, albeit to a lesser degree, the private and public sectors beyond its borders. These
examples were selected for their geographic diversity and ability to highlight different ways
in which the ripple effects can propagate, but they remain only illustrative.

America’s Encryption Policy and Its Ripple Effects

The United States does not have a single, consistent encryption policy. Instead, the
government’s approach to encryption has played out piecemeal across multiple government
and corporate actors utilizing several different regulatory instruments. Some have had
significant international impacts.

The most dramatic ripple effects propagating from the United States can be observed
in the aftermath of Edward Snowden’s revelations of the US government’s surveillance
efforts.15 Consider once more the NSA’s PRISM program authorized under Section 702
of the FISA Amendments Act, which provided the agency access to the content and user
information of several US-based technology companies.16 In setting up this program, the
NSA is believed to have used both soft power to convince companies to assist in intelligence
gathering—an argument that carried understandable weight immediately following the
terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001—and legal force to compel companies that did not
voluntarily participate.17 When newspapers revealed the existence of the program, the
fallout had political, technological, and economic dimensions. Domestically, the pervasive
US government surveillance was attacked as an example of perceived US control over the
Internet and was used as a rationale to support proposed reforms to both the structure and
governance of core components of the Internet.18 At the same time, analysts predicted the
economic impact on US companies from the Snowden revelations to range from $35 billion
to $180 billion in lost revenue.19

US encryption policy has also been shaped by the government’s participation in standard-
setting organizations that have helped direct the development of encryption tools. In one
case, the NSA advocated for adoption of the Dual_EC_DRBG algorithm. When it was later
discovered that this algorithm had significant weaknesses, some experts highlighted the
possibility that the NSA advocated for the algorithm because it knew of the weaknesses
and could exploit them.20 Although the NSA’s motivations cannot be determined, the
accusations compounded existing trust deficits, potentially undermining all government
contributions to such organizations.21

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Specialized government expertise can also have an impact on encryption policy through
influence over government procurement. For example, in 2015, the NSA stopped
recommending that government agencies use certain encryption algorithms, asserting
that they could be vulnerable to certain attacks by quantum computers.22 While there are
questions about how the NSA reached this conclusion, the recommendation affected both
technologically and economically a variety of government agencies and the companies that
provide services to them.

US encryption policy is also directly shaped by companies. One notable example,

mentioned at the outset, was the fight between Apple and the FBI over access to the San
Bernardino shooter’s encrypted iPhone. Given the expected economic fallout from the
Snowden revelations, it was perhaps unsurprising that companies like Apple would make
technological changes to their products in order to reassure customers. Apple’s decision to
offer end-to-end encrypted messaging and full device encryption, both enabled by default,
could be seen as a direct response to declining consumer trust and concerns over NSA
surveillance.23 In order to compel Apple to provide access to the San Bernardino shooter’s
iPhone data, the FBI tried to use several instruments: supporting legislative changes,
requesting court orders, and engaging in a media offensive.24 However, Apple remained
steadfast in its refusal, and the FBI dropped the case after failing to win court approval
and accessing the data through other means. This exchange highlights both the role that
companies have in shaping encryption policy and the feedback loops that exist as domestic
policy creates international ripple effects that can then influence domestic actors such
as Apple.

The response of other countries to these events provides strong evidence of the international
ripple effects of US encryption policy.

Political Effects  In the European Union, newly proposed encryption policies have largely
been defined as political reactions to the Snowden disclosures, the Apple-FBI debate, and
recent terror attacks.25 For example, as encryption moved to the forefront of global debates,
various countries proposed unilateral measures that represented both staunch opposition
to, and support of, encryption technology. The United Kingdom’s Investigatory Powers
Act, introduced in 2016, included a provision about the removal of “electronic protection
applied by or on behalf of that operator to any communications or data,” which could lead
to fines for tech companies unwilling or unable to decrypt user data.26 As part of France’s
Digital Republic Act, provisions that would have mandated encryption backdoors and data
localization were only narrowly defeated.27 Similarly, legislation in Hungary that would have
limited the use of end-to-end encryption was only changed following strong objections.28
In the Netherlands, the government argued that it is not “desirable to take legal measures
against the development, availability and use of encryption.”29 In Germany, the government
called for “more and better encryption” as revelations surfaced about the surveillance of
Chancellor Angela Merkel’s phone.30

Ryan Budish, Herbert Burkert, and Urs Gasser  •  Encryption Policy and Its International Impacts

Political ripple effects were also observed in China. After having previously backed off
their demands for backdoors in encryption, the Chinese government closely watched the
outcome of the Apple-FBI debate.31 And in 2017, China’s State Cryptography Administration
released a draft encryption law that would enable certain departments of the government
to “require telecommunications companies and Internet service providers to provide
‘decryption technology support.’ ”32

Technological Effects  The technological effects from US encryption policies are visible
as well. For example, due to concerns over the potential vulnerabilities in the US-backed
Dual_EC_DRBG encryption standard after the NSA revelations, the Brazilian government
discreetly ceased use of certain NSA-endorsed encryption techniques.33 In order to fill the
gap, Brazil adopted the German cryptography standard Brainpool, sponsored by Germany’s
NIST-equivalent BSI.34 The Brazilian Intelligence Agency also encouraged government
officials to use two national cryptographic systems to secure government communications
from foreign surveillance.35 In both cases, the technological and economic ripple effects
of US policies that weakened confidence in certain encryption technologies aided local
Brazilian and German businesses at the expense of US companies.

Economic Effects  As mentioned above, the economic impact of recent US encryption policy
events on American companies is expected to be substantial—an estimated $35 billion to
$180 billion in lost revenue for US companies. But there is also strong evidence of effects on
the private sectors of other countries as well. These economic impacts have been apparent
in the software and cloud services industries, where switching costs can be relatively low.
A survey of one thousand IT decision-makers from the United Kingdom, France, Germany,
Hong Kong, and the United States found that 97 percent of respondents in the European
Union, 92 percent in the United States, and 69 percent in Hong Kong were changing their
methods for managing data, and now preferred buying cloud services located in their
own regions.36 Similarly, a move away from US-developed technologies has created an
opening for crypto-entrepreneurs marketing new encryption services. Several non-American
encryption technology companies experienced significant increases in their user bases after
the full extent of NSA spying was revealed.37 And in India, planned partnerships between
Google and Indian election officials to improve voter registration were abandoned.38

The economic effects have also extended to hardware. Cisco sales of routers dropped by
10 percent following the Snowden leaks.39 And in Russia, the government has expressed
its distrust of Intel and AMD processors following the revelations, replacing Intel systems
with homegrown microprocessors and moving to Linux-based operating systems.40 In
Germany, the government ended a major contract with Verizon Communications in 2014
over concerns of network security. It replaced Verizon’s business providing communications
services to government agencies with the services of the German phone giant Deutsche
Telekom AG, which is a Verizon rival.41

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Ripple Effects from Encryption Policies of Other Countries

Although the United States serves as a strong source of ripple effects, we have selected a
geographically diverse set of examples to highlight other ways countries utilize instruments
and pathways to enact encryption policies that create international ripple effects.

The European Union  As of December 2017, there are currently no European Union-wide

rules on encryption. That said, the matter is far from settled and there are ongoing efforts
to define that policy at both the national and EU-region levels. More important, we see
from recent policy debates over privacy and cybersecurity that the European Union can
have significant international ripple effects, as single-country decisions can quickly ripple
across the region. Additionally, as the European Union builds a digital single market,
its policies can create ripple effects well beyond the member states.

Following a string of terror attacks over the past few years, several countries began to
pressure the European Commission for legal rules that would grant to law enforcement
agencies greater access to encrypted online communications. Several of these attacks—
including the November 2015 Paris attack and the March 2017 attack in London—are
believed to have been planned using encrypted communication tools such as WhatsApp.42
Each prompted calls for new legal authorities. In late 2015, the UK Parliament passed the
Investigatory Powers Act (IPA), which does not ban encryption outright but leaves several
open questions regarding the government’s ability to compel company cooperation.43 And
more recently, the UK government has urged the European Union to act as well.44 The
interior ministers of France and Germany have echoed such calls, seeking the same rights
to access online communications as are available from telecom companies for telephones.45
Additionally, Poland, Hungary, Croatia, Latvia, and Italy have all urged the European
Commission to propose new encryption legislation.46 In response to these calls, the EU
Justice Commissioner intended to propose three or four options by June 2017 that would
address some of these issues.47 As of that date, however, the “expert process on encryption”
was expected to continue over several more months.48

In exercising this soft power, these countries are advancing new regional policies that
would likely affect the use of encryption both within and outside the European Union.
The extraterritorial impacts of EU privacy and cybersecurity policies demonstrate this
potential. Following the adoption of the 1995 Data Protective Directive 95/46/EC, national
governments in all member states to the European Union, as well as the additional member
countries of the European Economic Area (Norway and Liechtenstein), have implemented
compliant national laws.49 On the cusp of the 2018 enforcement of the General Data
Protection Regulation, which supplants the 1995 directive, we see more clearly the impact
of these rules outside of the European Union. Countries such as Argentina, Nigeria, Japan,
and South Korea have all adopted complementary privacy laws.50 Any business that targets
European consumers needs to comply with the EU regulations.51

Ryan Budish, Herbert Burkert, and Urs Gasser  •  Encryption Policy and Its International Impacts

In another example, the European Commission’s 2013 Cybersecurity Strategy for the
European Union demonstrates an attempt at using similar policy tools in order to reshape
the global cybersecurity marketplace.52 The strategy was the first comprehensive policy
document meant to strengthen the information systems in the European Union, build
confidence in online services, and foster collaboration among international partners,
the private sector, and civil society. An important aspect of the plan was to stimulate the
development and deployment of encryption technology to ICT products in the European
Union. In particular, the strategy aims to leverage the procurement power of the region’s
Digital Single Market in order to bolster the European Union’s cybersecurity market and
influence the global market of security products.53 Additionally, the strategy calls for the
use of multi-stakeholder approaches in further developing cybersecurity strategies and
standards throughout the region, further influencing private sector companies that operate
within Europe.54

These examples from slightly different contexts highlight how the current debate
over encryption may ripple across Europe and beyond. Nonmember states with close
economic relationships with the European Union, such as Norway and Switzerland, and
candidate states such as Turkey and Ukraine have strong incentives to adopt EU policies.
And economically, the European Union represents the world’s largest single market with the
potential to influence the supply and demand of encryption products.

India  India’s government has yet to establish a comprehensive national encryption policy.
The country does have a legal framework that governs electronic communications, but the
legislation fails to outline specific encryption standards.55 Instead, various governmental
entities have implemented encryption regulations that are contradictory and rarely
enforced. This fragmented approach has had economic, political, and technical ripple

One example is the effort to use law and regulation to change Indian encryption policy.56
In September 2015, the Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY)
proposed a national encryption policy draft that would have required that data be stored
in plain text for ninety days prior to encryption. The draft was withdrawn only days after
its release due to public outrage and privacy concerns.57 Had this bill advanced, the ripple
effects would have been both economic and technological, as the preliminary draft applied
to all service providers that operate in India, regardless of domicile.58 An updated draft of
the policy has been rumored to exist but has yet to be publicly discussed.

India’s use of hegemonic power to influence foreign entities is exemplified in the

government’s efforts to gain access to data stored on BlackBerry products. The Indian
government called on Canada-based Research in Motion (RIM), the maker of BlackBerry
products, to provide encryption keys that would grant the government access to consumer
messaging services, including BlackBerry Messenger and BlackBerry Internet Service email.59

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RIM initially resisted, and the conflict escalated until India’s Ministry of Home Affairs and
the Department of Telecommunications threatened to shut down BlackBerry sales and
service in India in 2010. RIM conceded and within three years had set up local data centers,
giving the Indian government access to browsing data, emails and attachments, and other
information (although no access to BlackBerry’s Enterprise Servers).

This conflict between RIM and the Indian government highlights the complex ways that
encryption policy interacts with geopolitical and economic forces. At first, RIM was able
to resist India’s demands and the ripple effects of the policy were minimal. However,
BlackBerry’s global sales began to plummet as consumers in the United States and Europe
shifted to Apple and Google products. India was one of the few markets where BlackBerry
sales continued to grow in the late 2000s, weakening RIM’s ability to resist Indian demands.
Ironically, however, by the time the encryption agreement was finalized between the
Indian government and RIM in 2013, BlackBerry products had dropped from 12.3 percent
of India’s market share to only 1.2 percent.60 Success with RIM has also emboldened India to
use its procurement and regulatory powers to persuade Skype, Google, Yahoo, and GitHub
to change their encryption and privacy standards, although with limited success to date.61

Finally, there have been attempts to use the Indian court system to shape encryption
policy. In response to WhatsApp’s use of 256-bit end-to-end encryption in its messaging
app, Sudhir Yadav, a right-to-information activist concerned with national security, filed
a public interest lawsuit against WhatsApp.62 The suit claimed that WhatsApp’s 256-bit
encryption violated the Department of Communications requirement that no individual or
organization may use anything stronger than a 40-bit encryption key unless the government
grants special permission and the decryption keys are disclosed.63 Additionally, other Indian
laws require that the government have the ability to intercept all messages in the interest
of public safety. The use of end-to-end encryption would make it impossible for WhatsApp
to comply.64 On June 29, 2016, India’s Supreme Court dismissed Yadav’s case but urged him
to file a complaint with the Telecom Disputes Settlement and Appellate Tribunal.65 This
patchwork of broad and potentially applicable laws creates a substantial risk that a court
could choose to apply them to online services like WhatsApp, with significant economic
and technical ripple effects. Within India, over seventy million people use WhatsApp
monthly and 90 percent of smartphone users have downloaded the app.66 If an Indian
court were to mandate backdoor access, WhatsApp and its owner, Facebook, would be
under enormous economic pressure to comply. If they did not comply and WhatsApp was
banned, there would be a high likelihood of users shifting to other messaging applications,
just as Brazilian users did when WhatsApp was temporarily banned in Brazil.67

Russia  Russia’s encryption policy has been developed as part of the country’s broader
information security framework, which over the last fifteen years has increasingly
included restrictive laws pertaining to digital communication and the use of encryption.
The motivations for these restrictions have included combating social and political vices,

Ryan Budish, Herbert Burkert, and Urs Gasser  •  Encryption Policy and Its International Impacts

such as child pornography, suicide, drug use, extremism, and terrorism.68 The most recent
developments have directly targeted the use of encryption by non-Russian companies
operating within Russia.

In 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin approved a data localization law. In 2016, he
approved stringent “antiterrorist” legislation that covers a wide range of offline and online
activities.69 Notably, the latter law requires all companies in the business of transmitting
encoded messaging—which technically encompasses any and all digital communications—
to assist the Federal Security Service (FSS) with decrypting such communications.
The application of these laws has already led to a ban on LinkedIn, a demand that the
messaging application Telegram “hand over keys allowing the government to decrypt any
communications transmitted over it,” and demands that Facebook and Twitter localize
data by 2018.70 The direct application of these laws on non-Russian companies is already
having substantial effects, with Twitter agreeing to comply and Facebook still deciding.
Moreover, there are further economic ripple effects because much of the technology needed
for the data localization requirements is currently unavailable in Russia, which presents a
commercial opportunity for non-Russian companies.

The political ripple effects of the law are also significant, as they could ultimately lead to
fragmentation of the Internet. Russia exercises significant hegemonic power within its
region, and it has traditionally influenced the communication policies of its geographic
neighbors through a variety of means, including multilateral forums, such as the
Commonwealth of Independent States and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. One
result of this hegemonic influence is that Russian telecom companies are the dominant
provider in many of Russia’s neighboring countries. Thus, there is a risk that countries like
Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan will adopt similar encryption
policies, given that they have previously adopted Russian surveillance technologies and
regulations.71 And even if those countries do not explicitly adopt Russian encryption
policies, individual telecom companies may comply. Over time, this may lead a bloc
of nations to adopt technologies and policies that are increasingly incompatible with
developments elsewhere. For example, global financial services rely on strong encryption
technologies. Any weakening of those technologies may make it difficult for those entities
to operate effectively in both Russia and its neighboring countries.

Brazil  Brazil has used the court system to implement its encryption policy, particularly in
response to WhatsApp’s use of end-to-end encryption. On two recent occasions, Brazilian
courts issued blocking orders forcing telephone operators in Brazil to block the popular
messaging service due to the US company’s failure to comply with wiretap orders.72 The
ripple effects of this policy were somewhat blunted by WhatsApp’s current popularity in
Brazil. Because 90 percent of smartphone owners use the app, the court orders were quickly
reversed for the “disproportionality” of their punishment, which affected “millions of
users.” However, the ripple effects have also included negative economic and technical

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impacts, as the bans boosted use of competitor Telegram’s products. Some reports claim
Telegram gained seven million new users during the court-ordered blocks on Whatsapp.73

China  In recent years, the Chinese government has enacted a variety of cybersecurity and
encryption measures. The size of China’s market magnifies the ripple effects of its policy
decisions, creating significant challenges for non-Chinese companies and other countries.

The Chinese government has often used law and regulation to deploy its encryption
policy. For example, in July 2015, China announced a sweeping new National Security
Law that called for a review of the domestic tech industry to ensure that all key network
infrastructure and information systems were “secure and controllable.” According to some
experts, the law was a protectionist policy that granted Chinese authorities the power to
demand source code from foreign companies.74 A few months later, China passed its first
comprehensive antiterrorism legislation, which required telecom and Internet companies
to provide decryption support to state security agencies investigating terrorist activities.75
In justifying the legislation, officials with the Legislative Affairs Commission of the
National People’s Congress pointed out similarities with several internationally recognized
practices.76 On November 7, 2016, China approved a stringent cybersecurity law that
would allow the government to submit companies in a broad range of sectors to security
reviews of equipment and data. It will require Internet operators to provide “technical
support” to security agencies involved in criminal and national security investigations.77
Foreign companies operating in China have raised concerns over this vague language,
convinced the new law might mandate the installation of backdoors within their products.
The law came into effect on June 1, 2017. Additionally, an April 2017 proposed encryption
law would, if enacted, authorize government entities to “require telecommunications
companies and Internet service providers to provide ‘decryption technology support.’ ”78

These stringent policies are likely to affect foreign companies in the Chinese market as well
as encryption policy abroad. On the one hand, non-Chinese companies face enormous
pressure to abide by the restrictions. The country’s large population, burgeoning economy,
and considerable purchasing power allow it to project its hegemonic status. China
represents 43 percent of the worldwide tech sector.79 Multinational technology companies
like Microsoft, Cisco, and IBM are unwilling to ignore this market power. Economically,
experts say companies will be required to decide between exposing their data to governmental
surveillance and leaving the market completely. Already, large US companies like Apple
have agreed to certain reviews by China’s Internet control bureau, which could set a
precedent for other countries to do the same.80

On the other hand, companies under pressure from China may themselves wield political
power in order to ultimately shape more favorable encryption policies. For example, some
experts anticipate mounting pressure from US-based multinational companies on the
US government to respond and defend against China’s restrictive laws.81 Perhaps acting

Ryan Budish, Herbert Burkert, and Urs Gasser  •  Encryption Policy and Its International Impacts

to preempt such backlash, in August 2016 a committee under the country’s powerful

cyberspace administration announced a decision to allow foreign corporations, including
Microsoft, Intel, IBM, and Cisco, to participate in the drafting of cybersecurity rules related
to encryption and big data, among other issues. That said, the influence of these companies
within the committee remains to be seen.82

China has also used its significant procurement power to influence global encryption
policy. The country announced a five-year plan to wean the country off foreign technology
and replace foreign firms with domestic ones by 2020.83 In response to news reports
alleging that American and British intelligence agencies had hacked into a private company
and obtained the encryption keys to millions of SIM cards used in mobile devices around
the world, China immediately began investing in domestic alternatives. Similarly, in 2015
China dropped major US tech companies—including Cisco, Apple, Intel, and McAfee—
from its list of authorized brands.84 The obvious results of such decisions have been
economic ripple effects outside of China. For example, Cisco and IBM both recorded sales
declines as China shifted to purchasing the Chinese counterparts to American technology

Operationalizing the Framework: Conducting a Ripple Effects Assessment

As the examples described above indicate, the ripple effects of encryption policies can
be challenging to map. Even more challenging is anticipating the exact ripple effects that
propagate from any single encryption policy. At any given moment, several (sometimes
competing) forces are at play, shaping and complicating the ripple effects. Nonetheless, the
conceptual framework described above offers a starting place for policy-makers to think
more systematically about the specific tools of a given encryption policy, the pathways
that policy might activate, and the most likely effects of those interactions. In order to
operationalize this framework, below we identify a variety of factors policy-makers should
consider when trying to assess potential ripple effects of a proposed policy. By weighing
and considering these factors, policy-makers can develop a more nuanced assessment of the
probable ripple effects of a proposed policy.

The factors that follow are designed to help guide policy-makers to think more
systematically about the potential effects of a proposed policy. To that end, we grouped
the factors into five thematic clusters: (1) those relating to the political environment in a
potentially affected country; 86 (2) those relating to the private sector in that potentially
affected country; (3) those relating to the relationship between a country enacting the
encryption policy and the potentially affected country; (4) those relating to the proposed
policy itself; and (5) additional factors that may shape the ripple effects. Overall, we
expect that these factors may be most useful to public policy decision-makers, but they
may also help the private sector anticipate ripple effects that could affect industry and

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Factors Relating to the Political Context in the Potentially Affected Country

• The encryption policies that the potentially affected country already has in place.

• The extent to which existing policies are entrenched within the country’s political and
legal system.

• The extent to which those policies are malleable and open to debate or internal or
external influence.

• The extent to which consensus exists within the country around the use of encryption
and how such policies relate to broader national industrial policies.

• The existence of political alliances that could enhance the ripple effects from another
country’s encryption policy.

• The existence of political alliances that could inhibit the ripple effects from another
country’s encryption policy.

• The legal and treaty obligations binding the potentially affected country that could
enhance or inhibit the impact of another country’s encryption policies.

• The extent to which the government of the potentially affected country has
successfully invoked the “public good” as a rationale in both public debates and as a
means of influencing private sector behavior.

Factors Relating to the Private Sector in the Potentially Affected Country

• The steps that the potentially affected country has taken to enhance the competitiveness
of its domestic private industries, particularly in the sectors affected by the proposed
encryption policy.

• The relationship between the public and private sectors in the potentially affected
country, particularly with respect to how both encryption policies and technologies
are developed.

• The amount of human and technological resources within the private sector of the
potentially affected country sufficient to develop new encryption tools and the extent
to which the country wants to develop those resources further through policy.

• The ways in which the private sector in the potentially affected country might respond
to the encryption policy.

Ryan Budish, Herbert Burkert, and Urs Gasser  •  Encryption Policy and Its International Impacts

Factors Relating to the Relationship between the Two Countries

• The overall nature of the relationship between the originating country and the
potentially affected country.

• The degree to which the originating country wields hegemonic, political, economic,
and/or soft power over the potentially affected country.

• The extent to which the originating country wields particular influence over the
potentially affected country in the domains affected by the encryption policy.

• The manner in which the media in the potentially affected country report on the
originating country and/or the country’s encryption policies.

• The manner in which the media in the potentially affected country have previously
reported on the originating country’s policies.

• The degree to which the private sector in the potentially affected country is dependent
on encryption technology from, or sales to, the originating country.

• The degree to which the public sector in the potentially affected country is dependent
on encryption technology from, or sales to, the originating country.

Factors Relating to the Proposed Encryption Policy

• The clarity of the drafting and intent of the originating country’s encryption policy.

• The degree to which implementation of the encryption policy could change over time.

• The potential for others to misinterpret the originating country’s encryption policy.

Additional Factors That May Shape the Ripple Effects

• The level of involvement and influence of civil society groups within the potentially
affected country.

• The position of those civil society groups on the encryption policy and their ability to
influence the debate within the potentially affected country on that policy.

• The compatibility between the encryption policy and international standards or norms
relating to encryption or technology policy.

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This non-exhaustive list of factors can provide a lattice around which policy-makers can
build a more comprehensive understanding of potential ripple effects. The factors do not in
themselves offer any easy answers. In fact, each will require careful research and analysis,
and then the factors must be carefully weighed and evaluated together. They represent only
a first step. Evaluating these factors can help policy-makers begin to more clearly understand
and anticipate potential ripple effects, improving the quality of informed decision-making.
Indeed, over time, as these factors are further refined and developed, they may even assist
policy-makers in managing ripple effects.

This paper offers a conceptual framework that can help policy-makers better understand
and anticipate the potential international ripple effects of domestic encryption policies.
Through the use of the factors identified above, policy-makers can engage in more informed
decision-making by carefully and systematically thinking through the various instruments
of encryption policy-making, the relationships and pathways those instruments can
activate, and the range of effects that might emerge. Our framework can be a useful
starting place, but in an effort to make these ripple effects more comprehensible, it also
oversimplifies. Often, encryption policies are considered in parallel both with each other
and with changing world events, leading to a range of interference patterns and feedback
loops as the ripple effects propagate outwards. Future work in this space may help refine
and add additional nuance to our framework and factors as we continue to research the full
scope and impact of encryption policies.

1 ​Evan Perez and Tim Hume, “Apple Opposes Judge’s Order to Hack San Bernardino Shooter’s iPhone,” CNN,
February 18, 2016, accessed February 15, 2018,​.­cnn​.­com​/­2016​/­02​/­16​/­us​/­san​-­bernardino​-­shooter​

2 ​Ellen Nakashima, “FBI Paid Professional Hackers One-Time Fee to Crack San Bernardino iPhone,” Washington
Post, April 12, 2016, accessed February 15, 2018, https://­w ww​.­washingtonpost​.­com​/­world​/­national​-­security​/­fbi​
-­paid​-­professional​-­hackers​-­one​-­time​-­fee​-­to​-­crack​-­san​-­bernardino​-­iphone​/­2016​/­0 4​/­12​/­5397814a​- ­00de​-­11e6​
-­9d36​-­33d198ea26c5​_ ­story​.­html​?­utm​_­term​=­​.­7b76bbaf64a7; Laurie Segall, Jose Pagliery, and Jackie Wattles, “FBI
Says It Has Cracked Terrorist’s iPhone Without Apple’s Help,” CNN Money, March 29, 2016, accessed February 15,
2018, http://­money​.­cnn​.­com​/­2016​/­03​/­28​/­news​/­companies​/­fbi​-­apple​-­iphone​-­case​-­cracked​/­index​.­html.

3 ​Dustin Volz and Mark Hosenball, “Leak of Senate Encryption Bill Prompts Swift Backlash,” Reuters, April 8, 2016,
accessed February 15, 2018, https://­w ww​.­reuters​.­com​/­article​/­us​-­apple​- ­encryption​-­legislation​/­leak​- ­of​-­senate​

4 ​Spencer Ackerman, “Apple Encryption Case Risks Influencing Russia and China, Privacy Experts Say,” The
Guardian, February 17, 2016, accessed February 15, 2018, https://­w ww​.­theguardian​.­com​/­technology​/­2016​/­feb​/­17​
/­apple​-­fbi​- ­encryption​-­san​-­bernardino​-­russia​- ­china; Matt Olsen, Bruce Schneier, and Jonathan Zittrain, “Don’t
Panic: Making Progress on the ‘Going Dark’ Debate,”Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, February 1, 2016,
9, (“However, if the U.S. government were to mandate architectural changes, surveillance would be made easier

Ryan Budish, Herbert Burkert, and Urs Gasser  •  Encryption Policy and Its International Impacts

for both the U.S. government and foreign governments, including autocratic regimes known to crack down on
political dissidents.”), accessed February 15, 2018, https://­cyber​.­harvard​.­edu​/­pubrelease​/­dont​-­panic​/­Dont​_­Panic​
_­Making ​_­Progress ​_­on​_­Going ​_­Dark ​_­Debate​.­pdf.

5 ​Devlin Barrett and Ellen Nakashima, “Texas Gunman’s iPhone Could Reignite FBI-Apple Feud over Encryption,”
Washington Post, November 8, 2017, accessed February 15, 2018, https://­w ww​.­washingtonpost​.­com​/­world​
/­0c2b3eb6​- ­c48f​-­11e7​-­aae0​- ­cb18a8c29c65​_ ­story​.­html​?­utm​_­term​=­​. ­5ccb27745cf0; Jon Brodkin, “Trump’s DOJ
Tries to Rebrand Weakened Encryption as ‘Responsible Encryption,’ ” Ars Technica, October 10, 2017, accessed
February 15, 2018, https://­arstechnica​.­com​/­tech​-­policy​/­2017​/­10​/­trumps​- ­doj​-­tries​-­to​-­rebrand​-­weakened​

6 ​Our broad definition is not unique. For example, one scholar looked at a range of government actions that
affected encryption use across human rights, law enforcement, intelligence, trade and export controls. See
Ashley Deeks, “The International Legal Dynamics of Encryption,” Hoover Institution, October 11, 2016, accessed
February 15, 2018,​.­hoover​.­org​/­research​/­international​-­legal​- ­dynamics​- ­encryption; see also Richard
Cowan, “U.S. Tech Industry Appeals to Obama to Keep Hands Off Encryption,” Reuters, June 8, 2015, accessed
February 15, 2018,​.­reuters​.­com​/­article​/­us​- ­cybersecurity​-­usa​- ­encryption​-­idUSKBN0OP09R20150609​
.­Article quotes US technology companies in a letter to President Obama, stating, “We are opposed to any policy
actions or measures that would undermine encryption as an available and effective tool (emphasis added).”

7 ​Bruce Schneier, Kathleen Seidel, and Saranya Vijayakumar, “A Worldwide Survey of Encryption Products,”
Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, February 11, 2016, accessed February 15, 2018, https://­cyber​.­law​
.­harvard​.­edu​/­publications​/­2016​/­encryption​_ ­survey.

8 ​Of course, domestic encryption policies are often shaped by, or in reaction to, a variety of forces, both domestic
and international. We highlight some of these feedback loops in our examples.

9 ​Steven Levy, “Battle of the Clipper Chip,” New York Times, June 12, 1994, accessed February 15, 2018, https://
www​.­nytimes​.­com​/­1994​/­06​/­12​/­magazine​/­battle​- ­of​-­the​- ­clipper​- ­chip​.­html; Neil Richards and Woodrow Hartzog,
“Apple v the FBI: Why the 1789 All Writs Act is the Wrong Tool,” The Guardian, February 24, 2016, accessed
February 15, 2018, https://­w ww​.­theguardian​.­com​/­technology​/­2016​/­feb​/­24​/­apple​-­v​-­the​-­fbi​-­why​-­1789​-­all​-­writs​-­act​

10 ​Bruce Schneier, “NSA Plans for a Post-Quantum World,” Schneier on Security (blog), August 21, 2015, accessed
February 15, 2018, https://­w ww​.­schneier​.­com​/­blog​/­archives​/­2015​/­08​/­nsa​_ ­plans​_­for​_­a​.­html.

11 ​“NSA’s Prism: Few Options for Tech Companies to Defy US Intelligence Demands,” Reuters, June 9, 2013, noting
a lack of clarity about whether or not companies voluntarily participated in PRISM, accessed February 15, 2018,
http://­gadgets​.­ndtv​.­com​/­internet​/­news​/­nsas​-­prism​-­few​- ­options​-­for​-­tech​- ­companies​-­to ​- ­defy​-­us​-­intelligence​

12 ​“Law Enforcement Guidelines,” Tumblr, accessed January 19, 2018, https://­tumblr​.­zendesk​.­com​/­hc​/­en​-­us​

/­articles​/­231925668​-­Law​-­Enforcement​- ­Guidelines; Chance Miller, “Apple Agrees to Analyze Contents of iPhone
Found in Boat of Missing Teens,” 9 to 5 Mac, April 30, 2016, accessed February 15, 2018, http://­9to5mac​.­com​/­2016​
/­0 4​/­30​/­apple​-­missing​-­florida​-­teens​-­iphone​-­boating​-­trip.

13 ​“List of Dual-Use Goods and Technologies and Munitions List,” The Wassenaar Arrangement on Export
Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies, April 4, 2016, accessed February 15, 2018,​.­wassenaar​.­org ​/­wp​-­content​/­uploads​/­2016​/­07​/ ­WA​-­LIST​-­15​-­1​- ­CORR​-­1​-­2015 ​-­List​-­of​-­DU​-­Goods​-­and​

14 ​“NIST Cryptographic Standards and Guidelines Development Process,” Cryptographic Technology Group,
National Institute of Standards and Technology, March 2016, accessed February 15, 2018, http://­nvlpubs​.­nist​.­gov​

Hoover Institution  •  Stanford University


15 ​“Edward Snowden: Leaks that Exposed US Spy Programme,” BBC News, January 17, 2014, accessed
February 15, 2018,​.­bbc​.­com​/­news​/­world​-­us​- ­canada​-­23123964.

16 ​Glenn Greenwald and Ewen MacAskill, “NSA Prism Program Taps in to User Data of Apple, Google and Others,”
The Guardian, June 7, 2013, accessed February 15, 2018, https://­w ww​.­theguardian​.­com​/­world​/­2013​/­jun​/­06​/­us​
-­tech​-­giants​-­nsa​- ­data.

17 ​Greenwald and MacAskill, “NSA Prism Program.”

18 ​Grant Gross, “Internet Infrastructure Groups Move Away from US Gov’t Over Spying,” PCWorld, October 16,
2013, accessed February 15, 2018,​.­pcworld​.­com​/­article​/­2055240​/­internet​-­infrastructure​-­groups​
-­move​-­away​-­from​-­us​-­govt​- ­over​-­spying​.­htm.

19 ​Clint Boulton, “NSA’s PRISM Could Cost IT Service Market $180 Billion,” Wall Street Journal, August 16, 2013,
accessed February 15, 2018, http://­blogs​.­wsj​.­com​/­cio​/­2013​/­08​/­16​/­nsas​-­prism​- ­could​- ­cost​-­it​-­service​-­market​-­180​

20 ​Bruce Schneier, “The Strange Story of Dual_EC_DRBG,” Schneier on Security (blog), November 15, 2007,
accessed February 15, 2018, https://­w ww​.­schneier​.­com​/­blog​/­archives​/­2007​/­11​/­the​_ ­strange​_ ­sto​.­html.

21 ​Dan Goodin, “NSA Official: Support of Backdoored Dual_EC-DRBG Was ‘Regrettable,’ ” Ars Technica,
January 14, 2015, accessed February 15, 2018, http://­arstechnica​.­com​/­security​/­2015​/­01​/­nsa​- ­official​-­support​- ­of​
-­backdoored​-­dual​_­ec ​_­drbg​-­was​-­regrettable​.­

22 ​Tom Simonite, “NSA Says It ‘Must Act Now’ Against the Quantum Computing Threat,” MIT Technology Review,
February 3, 2016, accessed February 15, 2018, https://­w ww​.­technologyreview​.­com​/­s​/­600715​/­nsa​-­says​-­it​-­must​-­act​
-­now​-­against​-­the​- ­quantum​- ­computing​-­threat.

23 ​Yochai Benkler, “We Cannot Trust Our Government, So We Must Trust The Technology,” The Guardian,
February 22, 2016, accessed February 15, 2018, https://­w ww​.­theguardian​.­com​/­us​-­news​/­2016​/­feb​/­22​/­snowden​

24 ​Cory Bennett, “Senate Encryption Bill Draft Mandates ‘Technical Assistance,’ ” The Hill, April 7, 2016, accessed
February 15, 2018, http://­thehill​.­com​/­policy​/­cybersecurity​/­275567​-­senate​-­intel​- ­encryption​-­bill​-­mandates​
-­technical​-­assistance; David Meyer, “Here’s Why Apple is Going to War Over FBI ‘Backdoor’ Order,” Fortune,
February 17, 2016, “Why the FBI Chose to Try the Apple Encryption Case in the Media,” Fast Company, February 22,
2016, accessed February 15, 2018,​.­fastcompany​.­com​/­3057033​/­why​-­the​-­fbi​- ­chose​-­to​-­try​-­the​-­apple​

25 ​David Wright and Reinhard Kreissl, “European Responses to the Snowden Revelations: A Discussion
Paper,” Increasing Resilience in Surveillance Societies, December 2013, accessed February 15, 2018, ­

26 ​Daniel Severson, “Taking Stock of the Snoopers’ Charter: The U.K.’s Investigatory Powers Bill,” Lawfare (blog),
March 14, 2016, accessed February 15, 2018, https://­w ww​.­lawfareblog​.­com​/­taking​-­stock​-­snoopers​- ­charter​-­uks​

27 ​Daniel Severson, “The World’s Not Waiting for California: France Moves to Enforce Decryption,” Lawfare
(blog), March 7, 2016, accessed February 15, 2018, https://­w ww​.­lawfareblog​.­com​/­worlds​-­not​-­waiting​- ­california​
-­f rance​- ­moves​- ­e nforce​- ­decryption; Bhairav Acharya, Kevin Bankston, Russ Schulman, and Andi Wilson,
“Deciphering the European Encryption Debate: France,” New America, August 2017, accessed February 15, 2018,
https://­na​-­production​.­s3​.­amazonaws​.­com​/­documents​/­France​_­Paper​_­8​_­8​.­pdf; “French Parliament Rejects Data
Localization Amendment,” Privacy & Information Security Law Blog, Hunton & Williams, July 1, 2016, accessed
February 15, 2018, https://­w ww​.­huntonprivacyblog​.­com​/­2016​/­07​/­01​/­french​-­parliament​-­rejects​- ­data​-­localization​

Ryan Budish, Herbert Burkert, and Urs Gasser  •  Encryption Policy and Its International Impacts

28 ​Christian Keszthelyi, “Hungarian Legislation Enables Encrypted Communication,” Budapest Business Journal,
May 12, 2016, accessed February 15, 2018, https://­bbj​.­hu​/­politics​/­hungarian​-­legislation​- ­enables​- ­encrypted​
-­communication​_­116019; Daniel Severson, “The Encryption Debate in Europe,” Hoover Institution, March 21, 2017,
accessed February 15, 2018, https://­w ww​.­hoover​.­org​/­sites​/­default​/­f iles​/­research​/­docs​/­severson​_­webreadypdf​

29 ​Patrick Howell O’Neill, “Dutch Government Backs Strong Encryption, Condemns Backdoors,” The Daily
Dot, January 4, 2016, accessed February 15, 2018, https://­w ww​.­dailydot​.­com​/­layer8​/­dutch​- ­encryption​- ­cabinet​

30 ​Sara Zaske, “While US and UK Governments Oppose Encryption, Germany Promotes It. Why?” ZDNet,
October 26, 2015, accessed February 15, 2018,​.­zdnet​.­com​/­article​/­while​-­us​-­and​-­uk​-­govts​- ­oppose​

31 ​Adam Segal, “The Chinese Government Has its Eye on the FBI-Apple Battle” (blog), Council on Foreign
Relations, March 14, 2016, accessed February 15, 2018, https://­w ww​.­c fr​.­org ​/­blog ​/­chinese ​-­government​-­has​-­its​
-­eye​-­fbi​-­apple​-­battle; Katie Benner and Eric Lichtblau, “Tim Cook Opposes Order for Apple to Unlock iPhone,
Setting Up Showdown,” New York Times, February 17, 2016, accessed February 15, 2018, https://­web​.­archive​.­org​
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_­encryption​_­law​_­for​_­public ​_­comment​.­pdf.

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Convergência Digital, April 13, 2015, accessed February 15, 2018, http://­convergenciadigital​.­uol​.­com​.­br​/­cgi​/­cgilua​

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Monitor, August 3, 2015, accessed February 15, 2018,​.­c smonitor​.­com​/ ­World​/­Passcode​/­2015​/­0803​/­In​

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https://­na​-­production​.­s3​.­amazonaws​.­com​/­documents​/­Transatlantic ​_­Encryption​_­UK ​_ ­​_­Final​.­pdf.

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Next Web, March 31, 2017, accessed February 15, 2018, https://­thenextweb​.­com​/­eu​/­2017​/­03​/­31​/­eu​-­plan​- ­could​
-­mean​-­a​-­backdoor​-­into​- ­encrypted​-­messaging​-­apps​-­like​-­whatsapp​/­#; Cory Doctorow, “Germany’s Proposed
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February 15, 2018,​.­hoover​.­org​/­research​/­encryption​- ­debate​- ­europe.

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February 15, 2018, http://­ec​.­europa​.­eu​/­justice​/­data​-­protection​/­law​/­status​-­implementation​/­index​_­en​.­htm.

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Ryan Budish, Herbert Burkert, and Urs Gasser  •  Encryption Policy and Its International Impacts

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July 2, 2013, accessed February 15, 2018, http://­eeas​.­europa​.­eu​/­archives​/­docs​/­policies​/­eu​- ­cyber​-­security​/­cybsec​

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internet with measures against state surveillance, see Marietje Schaake and Mathias Vermeulen, “Towards a
Values-based European Foreign Policy to Cybersecurity,” Journal of Cyber Policy 1, no. 1, May 8, 2016: 75–84.

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accessed February 15, 2018, www​.­meity​.­gov​.­in​/­content​/­view​-­it​-­act​-­2000.

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accessed February 15, 2018, http://­indianexpress​.­com​/­article​/­india​/­india​- ­others​/­government​-­withdraws​- ­draft​

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-­withdraws​-­social​-­media​-­data​-­proposal​-­after​-­outcry​.­html​?­​_­r ​= ­0.

58 ​“Draft National Encryption Policy,” Firstpost, September 22, 2015, https://­w ww​.­scribd​.­com​/­document​

/­282239916​/­DRAFT​-­NATIONAL​-­ENCRYPTION​-­POLICY; Pankaj Doval, “Encryption Policy to Ensure Secure
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59 ​Scott Brady, “Keeping Secrets: A Constitutional Examination of Encryption Regulation in the United States
and India,” Indiana International and Comparative Law Review 22, no. 2 (2012): 317–18; Anandita Singh Mankotia,
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February 15, 2018, http://­economictimes​.­indiatimes​.­com​/­industry​/­telecom​/­government​-­blackberry​- ­end​- ­dispute​
-­over​-­interception​- ­of​-­bb​- ­devices​/­articleshow​/­20995830​.­cms.

60 ​Brady, “Keeping Secrets,” and Mankotia, “Government, BlackBerry End Dispute.”

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Association, December 1, 2015, accessed February 15, 2018, https://­bipla​.­berkeley​.­edu​/­35; Itika Sharma Punit,
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2018, https://­blog​.­whatsapp​.­com​/­10000618​/­end​-­to​- ­end​- ­encryption; Andrew Griffin, “WhatsApp End-to-End
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-­update​-­might​-­have​-­made​- ­chat​-­app​-­illegal​-­in​-­india​-­a6974921​.­html.

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agreement for provision of the internet, clause 2.2 (vii), accessed February 15, 2018,​.­dot​.­gov​.­in​/­sites​
/­default​/­f iles​/­DOC270613​-­013​.­pdf.

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65 ​Krishnadas Rajagopal, “No Ban on Whatsapp: Supreme Court,” The Hindu, June 29, 2016, accessed February 15,

Hoover Institution  •  Stanford University


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Ryan Budish, Herbert Burkert, and Urs Gasser  •  Encryption Policy and Its International Impacts

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November 20, 2015, accessed February 15, 2018,​.­wsj​.­com​/­articles​/­china​-­aims​-­to​-­build​-­its​- ­own​

86 ​These factors are intended to be universally applicable across geographies, and for that reason we use a
flexible terminology that asks policy-makers to think about both their own proposed policy (the “originating
country’s encryption policy”) and how it might affect each “potentially affected country.”

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Ryan Budish, Herbert Burkert, and Urs Gasser  •  Encryption Policy and Its International Impacts

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The preferred citation for this publication is Ryan Budish, Herbert Burkert, and Urs Gasser, Encryption Policy and Its
International Impacts: A Framework for Understanding Extraterritorial Ripple Effects, Hoover Working Group on
National Security, Technology, and Law, Aegis Series Paper No. 1804 (February 28, 2018), available at​

Hoover Institution  •  Stanford University

About the Authors Synopsis
This paper explores the potential
international ripple effects that can occur
following changes to domestic encryption
policies. Whether these changes take the
form of a single coherent national policy
or a collection of independent (or even
conflicting) policies, the impacts can be
unexpected and wide-ranging. This paper
Ryan Budish offers a conceptual model for how the ripple
Herbert Burkert
effects from national encryption policies
Ryan Budish is an assistant research Herbert Burkert is the president
director at the Berkman Klein might propagate beyond national borders.
of the Research Center for
Center for Internet & Society at Information Law, University of
And we provide a set of factors that can help
Harvard University. In this role, he St. Gallen, Switzerland. He has policy-makers anticipate some of the most
has led several significant initiatives served as an advisor to national and likely ripple effects of proposed encryption
relating to cybersecurity, artificial regional governments as well as to policies.
intelligence, Internet censorship, international organizations. He has
surveillance, and multi-stakeholder studied law, political science, and
governance mechanisms. He history at the University of Cologne
received his JD cum laude from (Germany) and the University of
Harvard Law School, where he was Dublin (Ireland).
an editor of the Harvard Law Review.

Urs Gasser
Urs Gasser is the executive director
of the Berkman Klein Center for
Internet & Society at Harvard
University, where he co-leads
the Ethics and Governance of AI
initiative and serves as a professor
of practice at Harvard Law School.
His research and teaching focus
on the interplay between law and
technology. Gasser is a graduate
of the University of St. Gallen and
Harvard Law School.

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