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e\LED lem k (04 agi WN 22, pHINSIBE DISTRICT COURT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY, KANSAS z gSEARCH WARRANT ®Y STATE OF KANSAS, COUNTY OF WYANDOTTE CASE NO. _2015 112379 ‘The State of Kansas 1o any Sheriff or Peace Orficer of the Swte of Kansas: Having evidence under cath before me from which I find there is probable cause to believe that an offense against the laws ofthe sate of Kansas has been committed and that corsa fem, to wit ‘The following information from the Facebook user profiles of from 01/01/2014 to 1210922015. A Preservation Request was previously submitted and assigned the case number of ‘742808: z Basic Subserber Information Expanded Subscriber Conteat User Photos Group Infermation Private Messages BP Logs % t eer 214102 avd oq 430 feo niga Which items are contraband of are fruits, iatrumentalites, or evidence of First Degree (Child, ae located in or upon A FACEBOOK SERVERS, | Backer Way, Mente Park, California 94025 Detective Lancaster, and other members of the Kancar City Kensse Police Deparment, you are therefore ‘commanded forthwith to search the person, place, or thing of means of conveyance hereinbefore specified for such items, holding them to be dealt with according to law and make due renum ofthis warrant within ten (10) days of the date hereof, Insued ie 10 day of March, 2016t_[LE FO o'encsGU)PM. net 4 frase JUDGE OF THE DISTRICT COURT ‘Wyandotte County, Kansas A(bare (ens LUGO foe Er pote MH

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