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Project Layil

Welcome to the "Project Layil", this is the first introductory project of our Temple,
which works as "test" of your magical skills, but also will allow us to see the link that
you have with Draconian Current and with our Patron Goddess: Lilith and other
Divinities that we work on the Temple.

Maybe you're asking yourself the motifs of this test, and we have different answers,
first we want to be sure that possible future members have the right level to participate
in our projects because we' aren't an initiatory school and we aren't interested in
teaching from the very beginning. On the other hand, in our modern world, Left-Hand
Path is a fashion and it seems that everybody could practice it, but our visions about it,
is that this needs more than just the wish to become this something "real". During the
years, Occultism and its Darks Aspects, always have been something secret, only for a
few. Of course, nowadays everything is more exposed in books, the Internet, blogs, etc.
We view this as a progress, however, this also feeds the fantasy of many, which clearly
can't distinguish a genuine experience from the fantasy ones. Our intention is working
with people who understand the real value of the Path and not with the ones who just
want to join in a social club. That's why we put some restrictions on our works. Here
the demands will be big because we expect that each member can give some unique
and genuine, a real compromise with the work and not just a pass time. For us, our
working is real important and we expect the same for our members. Those who show a
real interested and achieve concrete results will be invited to take the Initiation into our
Temple, but this will come with time.

The "Project Layil"" was designed to perform during 11 days in a row without
interruptions. This has different tasks, which will test different magician's skills. After
each practice, write down your visions, feelings, or experiences in general, and at the
end, make a complete report with all of your experiences, dreams, messages and any
other detail that you want to include.

The first three days will be dedicated to working with Lilith, the following three days
to Lucifer, the following days to Leviathan
Leviathan and the final three days will be a conclusion
or a synthesis of the whole work. The rituals have meditations, dreaming works and
About Lilith

Sigil of Lilith

Lilith is perhaps one of the most known Goddess-Demoness on the Left Hand Path
Magic and the popular culture. However, She has a unique role, inside Draconian
Tradition and in our Temple, She's our Patron Deity. Her faces and manifestations are
many and with the passage of time, new forms are tapped for those who dare to go
deep inside in her Dark Worm to reborn as a Child of the Night. She's the Mother of
Demons, the One who reveal for the first time the cruelty of God and decided to
release herself from the slavery and yoke, who proclaimed for the first time the idea of
Self-Deification. She's the Goddess of wild and untamed sexuality, who teaches how to
transform the biological desire for power to elevated the spirit. She's the Hag of the
Night, which appears as a carrion bird and feeds with the vital essence of men during
their sleeping. She's the Spider Goddess of the Qlipoth, who teaches how to weave the
faith of men and how to open the secret portals to other realities and dimensions. She's
the Adversary of the Night, who teaches the Antinomian Secrets, the spiritual
liberation and the seeking of Self-Deification. Also, She's the Queen of the Qlipoth, who
appears on each Qlipha, teaching the initiate the Secrets of her Kingdoms. She's the
Consort of the Devil and the Black Concubine, who temps the right with sexual
dreams, thus She's view the Mother of Incubus and Succubus. All of these are Lilith
and much more...

-Day 1-

The first ritual day is about a meditation with the Sigil of Lilith. You will need two
candles, one red and one black, some strong incense, and some sharp element to cut
your finger and drop some of your blood on the sigil. During the evening/night, light
the candles and the incense, drop your blood on the sigil, relax your body and mind,
when you feel ready, begin to say the following Lilith's mantra:

"Lilith, Layil, Ardat-Lili, Laylah"

Say the mantra as much as you need, visualize that the sigil is not a flat surface,
instead, is a Living Portal to the Goddess's Current. When you want to finish with the
experience, just thanks Lilith for the experience and knowledge and end with the
ritual. Remember to write down your experiences, thoughts, ideas, visions, dreams,

-Day 2-

The second ritual day is an invocation of the Goddess Lilith. The ritual elements are the
same as the previous day, here the use of blood is up to you. Begin the ritual as the
previous day, with the meditation and chanting the mantra. When you feel ready, rise
your dagger and begin to say the following invocation:

In Nomine Draconis!

Lepaca Lilith!

Lilith, you are the Womb of Darkness,

The Cave of the Dragon,

And the Wild, Untamed and Dark Side of Nature.

Your Womb is Death, Decay, and Putrefaction,

But also is Life, Progress and the Wish of Transformations and Change.

From your Mouth drips the Venom which Destroys the Veil of Illusions,
And allow us to See Beyond,

On Darkness,

Inside and Outside us,

There in where there is the True Gnosis,

And the True Knowledge, Power, and Realization.

Mother of Demons,

Creature of the Night,

Unholy Temptress,

Black Concubine,


Goddess and Demoness.

Come tonight to this Rite,

And show me you Holy Face.

Enter in this,

You Temple of Flesh.

Come now and hear me say your old and secret names:

¡Abeko, Batna, Abito, Eilo, Amizo, Ita, Izorpo, Kali, Kea, Kokos, Odam, Patrota,
Podo,Partasah, Satrina, Talto, Lilith!

Queen of the Night,

Queen of the Bloody Moon,

Hear my calling and open you Dark Womb.

Mistress of Life and Death,

Welcome me as your Brother/Sister and reveal me your Wisdom.

In Nomine Draconis!
Ho Ophis Ho Archaios!

Ho Drakon Ho Megas!

After saying the invocation, open your mind seeking the contact with Lilith. Allow her
to guide you, flow with her energy, but don't force the experience, take your time.
When you want to finish with the experience, just thanks to the goddess for the
experience and knowledge, blow the candles out and finish with the ritual. At the end,
remember to write down your experiences, visions, ideas, messages, dreams, etc.

-Day 3-

The third day is about a dreaming working, the idea is to achieve a contact with Lilith
through dreams. If after finished with this part of the ritual, the dreams don't have any
relationship with the project, don't worry and write it as part of the summary, because
what doesn't have any relationship today, could be tomorrow. This part of the ritual
should be done before going to sleep. Begin with the ceremony doing the same steps of
Day 1 and 2, these means do the meditation with the sigil, then the invocation, but
don't close your ritual space after the invocation, instead go to sleep and begin with the
following visualization:

Close your eyes, you're floating in a huge and complete darkness. Which not only
surround you, also fill your whole mind. Stop for some moments and meditate on this
idea, and what darkness means to you. After some moments, from darkness appear a
door, which is the portal to your dream world. You come close to it and is engrave
Lilith's sigil. Put your left hand on the seal and say 11 times "Lepaca Lilith". The last
time that you said the phrase, the sigil begins to glow in a crimson color, and you see
that from its drop blood. A lot of it, which flood everything, even you. Now, you're
inside of a river of blood. You come out and are in a huge and old cavern. When you go
out of the river, walk for some moments inside the cavern, which seems alive and
pulse. You arrive in a chamber, in which floor there is an 11 pointed star which glows
with golden and red colors. Call Lilith and ask her to guide you in your dreams. After
some moments, a beautiful woman, with red hair appears in the middle of the star. Her
body is naked and dresses a necklace with jewelry. She's really beautiful, but you can
notice that her eyes are yellow and reptilian. Talk to her, ask her to guide you and lead
you beyond this plane. Keep this image in your mind and flow with it until you fall
asleep. When you wake, remember to write down all your dreams.
About Lucifer

Sigil of Lucifer

Lucifer together with Samael and Asmodeo are the Infernal Consorts of Lilith. Lucifer
is another divinity with many manifestations, forms, and masks, which has different
forms to manifest, but also his archetype is present in a variety of cultures around the
world. Here, Lucifer shows himself as the Bringer of Gnosis and Light, however, you
should bear in mind that Light could illuminate the mind of the initiate or blind him.
The knowledge not always freed us, not if the magician is not ready to accept and
understand the things that will be revealed.

In this part of the work, Lucifer is the consort of Lilith, the Masculine Side, Active and
Solar. He's the vital force and the transforming energy. The one who reveals and
teaches the path, the one who shows the occult true and prepare the candidate to the
next step. Lucifer is another God that we work on the Temple, and at this point, we
have a balance of this project between the Feminine and Masculine energies.
-Day 4-

For the fourth day, we do a meditation with the Sigil of Lucifer. One more time, light
the candles and some strong incense, drop some of your blood on the sigil and say the
following mantra as much as you want:

"Lucifer, Asturel, Liftoach Kliffoth"

Say the mantra as much as you need, visualize that the sigil is not a flat surface,
instead, is a Living Portal to the God's Current. When you want to finish with the
experience, just thanks Lucifer for the experience and knowledge and end with the
ritual. Remember to write down everything, your thoughts, ideas, visions, dreams, etc.

-Day 5-

The fifth day is an invocation to the God Lucifer. The elements are the same of the
previous days, here the use of blood is up to you. Begin with the ritual as the previous
day, with the meditation and chanting the mantra. When you feel ready, rise your
dagger and begin to say the following invocation:

In Nomine Draconis!

Lepaca Lucifer!

Lucifer, you are the Bringer of Light and Knowledge,

The Lord of Old Pact and Forbidden Magic,

The Supreme Adversary and the Trickster,

Who dwells on the Crossroads,

There in where the Worlds and Realities mix,

Putting what is Up Down,

And what is Down up.

Which Onix Throne is on Thaumiel,

But also in the Dreams of Witches,

You, who are God, Demon, and Adversary,
The One who dresses the Masks of all Gods,

But your Real Face is no any of them.

Come to me, descending now in this, your Temple of Flesh.

Inflame my mind with your Infernal Gnosis.

My body is your Temple,

My mind is your Altar,

My soul you Vessel.



In Nomine Draconis!

Lucifer Illuminatio Mea!

Ho Ophis Ho Archaios!

Ho Drakon Ho Megas!

After saying the invocation, open your mind seeking the contact with Lucifer. Allow
him to guide you. Flow with his energy and don't force the experience, take your time.
When you want to finish with the experience, just thanks Lucifer for the experience
and knowledge, blow the candles out and finish with the ritual. At the end, remember
to write down your experiences, visions, ideas, messages, dreams, etc.

-Day 6-

The sixth day is about a dreaming working, the idea is to achieve contact with Lucifer
through Dreams. If after finished with this part of the ritual you don't have any dream
related to project, don't worry and write it down as part of the report. This part of the
ritual should be done after going to sleep. Begin with the ceremony doing the same
steps of the previous days (Day 4 and 5), this means, do the meditation with the sigil,
then the invocation, but don't close your ritual space, after the invocation go to sleep
and begin with the following visualization:

Close your eyes, you're floating in a huge and endless darkness. Which not only
surrounds you but fills your mind. Stop for some moment and meditate on this idea,
what darkness means to you. After some moments, from the darkness appears a door,
which is the portal to your dream world. You come close to it and it has engraved the
Sigil of Lucifer. Put your left hand on it and say for 11 times "Lepaca Lucifer". After
saying the phrase, the sigil begins to grow in an electric blue, the door is open and you
cross through it. Now you're in a huge forest, it's night and you can see how the Full
Moon illuminated the place. You walk some steps and notice an Owl watching you,
she calls out and begins to fly, follow her. She guides you to a crossroad, where there is
a mask with demonic features. At first, nothing happens. Call Lucifer. After do, dress
the mask, and you begin to see how the worlds cross over, the mundane reality with
the dream plane. In the middle of the crossroad, appears a man with two heads
dressing a black tunic. One of the head is a Goat and the other is Female Snake. In one
hand has a Torch in the other a Trident. Speak with them, ask to guide you and lead
you beyond this plane. Keep this image in your mind and flow with it until you reach
the sleepy. When you wake, remember to write down all your dreams.
About Leviathan

Sigil of Leviathan

The idea of the Dragon which is a Stellar Force beyond any mythology is well known,
however, this force manifest itself in different cultures around the world. It's view as
the Womb of the Universe, the Primal Force of Creation and Destruction. Among the
many Cosmic Dragons, we find Leviathan, the Serpent-Dragon from the Abysmal
Waters. For some, Leviathan shows herself as a feminine force, but for another is an
Androgynous being without a definite sex, but this depends on the each magician and
the skills to see this force beyond the masks of duality.

Leviathan is the synthesis and the union of Feminine with Masculine, in many legends
this "Sea Monster" is the Unholy Union between Lilith and Samael = Tanin'iver, or
Lilith and Lucifer = Leviathan. This represents the union of what is Above with what is
Below, the Astral Plane to the Material one, but also transcend the duality. Leviathan is
the Dragon of Abysmal Water, which represents the Deepest Darkness of the Collective
Unconsciousness of Humanity, being Leviathan who allow us to have access to this
plane. Working with Leviathan always brings changes and transformations, and allow
us to have access to the Inner Vision, inside our own darkness, there in where dwells
the true key to Self-Deification.
-Day 7-

The seventh day of the ritual work is about a meditation with the Sigil of Leviathan.
One more time, light the candles and the incense, drop some of your blood on the sigil
and begin to say the following mantra:

"Vovin, Vovin, Lepaca Vovin, Leviatán, Tanin'iver, Liftoach Kliffoth"

Say the mantra as much as you need, visualize how the sigil is not a plane surface,
instead, is a Living Portal to the Dragon's Current. When you want to finish with the
experience, just thanks Leviathan for the experience and knowledge and end with the
ritual. Remember to write down your whole experience, thoughts, ideas, visions,
dreams, etc.

-Day 8-

The eighth-day ritual is an invocation to the Dragon Leviathan. The elements that you
need are the same as previous days, here the use of blood is up to you. Begin with the
ritual as the previous day, with the meditation and chanting the mantra, Then, rise
your dagger and begin to say the following invocation:

Lepaca Drakon!

Lepaca Leviathan!

I invoke you Leviathan,

Serpent-Dragon from the Abysmal Waters,

Dragon of Sea,

Open the Portal to Deepest Darkside of my Soul.

Awake from your Slumber,

Arise from the Abyss,

And teach me the Forgotten Lore.

Lepaca Kliffoth!

I invoke you, Creature Immortal and Infinite,
From you Primal Waters,

Everything comes and everything gets back,

Manifest your power over me,

Show me the hidden sources of old knowledge.

The time of Awake is now,

The Sea opens and bring the born the Great Beast,

The Serpent Awakes,

The Dragon spreads its wings and the shadows cover the earth,

One more time, the Old Gods arise from the Primal Abyss.

Leviathan, awake on me now.

In Nomine Draconis!

Ho Ophis Ho Archaios!

Ho Drakon Ho Megas!

After saying the invocation, open your mind seeking the contact with Leviathan, let the
Serpent/Dragon guides you, flow with its energy, but don't force the experience, take
your time. When you want to finish with the experience, just thanks Leviathan for the
experience and knowledge, blow the candles out and finish with the ritual. At the end,
remember to write down your experiences, visions, ideas, messages, dreams, etc.

-Day 9-

The ninth day is about a dreaming working, the idea is to have a contact with
Leviathan through dreams. If after finished with this part of the ritual you don't have
dreams related to the project, don't worry and write it down as part of the report. This
part of the ritual should be done before going to sleep. Begin with the ceremony as the
previous days (day 7 and 8), this means doing the meditation with the sigil, then the
invocation, but don't close the ritual space, go to sleep and begin with the following
Begin to visualize how darkness around you is a mass of energy, alive and thick which
seems beat. Meditate for some moments in this idea. After some moments, a door
appears in front of you, it's the door to the dreaming world. It has engraved the sigil of
Leviathan. Put your left hand on it and say 11 times: "Lepaca Leviathan" After that,
the door opens and you cross through it. Now, you're on a huge beach, you're alone in
the middle of the night. You go close to the sea shore, and you only see that the sky is
full of stars, and feel the cold weather. Suddenly, the wind blows and the weather
becomes more and colder. There are huge waves on the sea and an electric storm begins.
You hear the sounds of thunders falling on the water, but also the roar of a monster.
After some moments, you go inside the water and call Leviathan. From the water,
begins to emerge a gigantic Serpent-Dragon with black color, its scales glow with each
thunder. The monster is surrounded by an odd green energy, and the eyes glow as fire.
The Serpent comes close to you, near the sea shore. You're in front of he/she. You see
his/her eyes. At that moment, the storm stops and the skies are full of stars again. You
feel the energy of Leviathan flowing to you, this feeling fills you completely. Suddenly,
Leviathan comes to you, open the mouth and swallows you. Now, you're inside the
Serpent-Dragon, feeling the heat and a fire is made, it surrounds you and begins to
ascend through your spine, going to the upside and surround all your body. Now, you
begin to synchronize your breath with Leviathan. Your body begins the
transformation, you have scales, a pair of wings grows on your back, your aura is full
of electricity. Now, you're the Serpent-Dragon, now you're Leviathan. The seas and
oceans are your kingdoms, you can wave the waters, and begin the storms. Now,
you're the Lord/Mistress of the Abyss. You have the complete control over the
elements, you can feel and understand the union of opposites. Meditate on this idea.
Keep this image until falling sleep. When you wake, remember to write down all of
your dreams.

Solve et Coagula

Days 10 and 11 are reserved for one or more personal practices that should be chosen
by the candidate. The idea of these two days is for meditation and inspiration to make
a personal ritual. This should be tested and we want to be included as part of the
report that you send to us. There is not any restriction, but we expect some coherence
on the work. However, this personal ritual could not have a relationship with Lilith,
Lucifer or Leviathan. Could be something relate to the Draconian Current in its many
manifestations. Examples of what we expected: a ritual of invocation, an invocation, a
dreaming ritual, a pathworking, etc. As I said before, there isn't any restriction, what is
important is the ritual show us a real work.

At the end of the project, write down a report with all of your experiences. Be
organized. You can include sigils, words of power, art, or whatever thing that you
think is relevant to us. When we finished the evaluation, will give you a feedback and
will tell you how to continue.

Send your report to [email protected]

Good Luck!

In Nomine Nox!

Ho Drakon Ho Megas!

Daemon Barzai - Temple of Layil -

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