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Sypheara sypheara@gmail.


The Familial Snakes of Divine Healing


This document aims to cover a specific version of an interesting work that the author first encountered whilst
attending a retreat as part of the Covenant of Hecate. This particular work at the retreat was originally practised
as a simple preliminary step, using serpentine energy from specifically Hecates serpents to cleanse, align and
empower the subtle bodies in preparation to rites of possession and divination.

What follows is my personal expansion on this, brought into a new form via workings with my own revealed
serpent alongside Hecate and Belial. Through the gnosis acquired in this manner, and by carrying out group
workings with people in my local area, a greater understanding and control of this force was gained.

As such, I’d first like to thank Sorita d’Este for first demonstrating the use of these serpents as part of ritual
preparation, as it was the first step in encouraging me to approach them in working again. It must be said
however that the method described here is a very significant departure from the one carried out at the retreat –
I must stress that little of the original intention or practice remains here in this document in method or

Hecates power is vast – her ability as supreme goddess to work in empyrean, infernal and stellar realms is
unparalleled even when compared to other kin that belong to the Path of the Trident. As such, she is capable of
bestowing powerful gifts of many kinds. One of the most overlooked gifts of Hecate is her immense ability for
healing – her silvery stellar current being an excellent salve for physical, mental and spiritual wounds of all
kinds. This healing power, when requested and directed in respect, trust and faith, is able to affect extreme,
positive change. Through this, she reveals her most light bearing and life giving aspects, that of Hecate Soteira
or saviour. Thus, she delivers back to man the means to heal the harm done to both himself and the Earth.

This view of Hecate is one that is less focused on within her modern cultus – many view Hecate as purely a
goddess of the night, and place heavy focus on this and other associated aspects. This is in itself a limiting and
restrictive view of Hecate, only serving to cut off the practitioner from a vast source of untapped gnosis and
power. Learning to overcome this bias to vital to continue to grow in soul evolution.

One of the ways Hecate sends forth both healing and destructive currents, both directly from herself and
through her kin, is via that of the Ophidian current. This is echoed heavily in the crystalline serpent entities
seen when working with Lucifer for example, or the spirits of Belials flesh that appear as great, powerful snake
entities when viewed whilst working in possession. It also plays a heavy part in both Stellar and Atlantean
works. This Ophidian current is extremely ancient, and when accessed via Hecate, can be utilised to grant
guiding familiars imbued with her power. These familiars are blessed with miraculous venoms that can both
heal and harm, being wielded and directed by those who Hecate feels are suitable to wield such a gift.

This text serves to show how one of these familiars may be requested, and directed towards specifically healing
works. Unlike some other rituals, there is no specific need to initiated here into the current prior to performing
Sypheara [email protected]

it. However, by working with Hecate and requesting such a gift, one is tacitly agreeing a pact directly with the
Queen of Hell, Heaven and Earth to uphold her name, to utilise the powers given with a discerning and
intelligent will towards individual and collective evolution, and to knowingly open yourself up to her current.
As with all workings where power is bestowed, some gates cannot be closed after being opened. Once called,
in the following fashion given, the familiar will be an active part of your everyday life.

Overview and Preparation

The actual preparation for this rite is deceptively simple. Few tools are necessary when working this ritual – the
connection and power is bestowed through direct possession work. However, this simplicity of action belies
the fact that the energy that can be delivered is extremely powerful, as the spirits that Hecate sends in these
serpent forms are incredibly ancient and primal in nature.

The one essential tool that will be required for this working is a stone – ideally one that is precious or semi
precious, and is large enough to sit comfortably in the palm of the hand. It should not be so small that it is easy
to lose or that its texture is difficult to feel nor should it be so large or heavy that holding it for extended periods
is impractical. Failing this, any rock of the igneous or metamorphic categories can be utilised – either will be
sufficient in bringing through the required energies. The means through which the stone is chosen is a
completely intuitive one. You must trust your instincts and choose something that naturally seems to align with
yourself or shows itself to be appropriate for this work. The chosen stone must not be stolen or acquired
through unfair means. Anything not bought and taken from the natural environment needs to be paid for with
a suitable offering to the spirits of place. Other than the stipulations above, all else is irrelevant. One acquired
the stone should be lightly coated in essentials oils from again, a plant that intuitively seems appropriate for this
work, and then passed through thick, burning incense. This is to not ‘cleanse’ the stone, but to instead
empower it greatly to be able to draw through the familiar in workings.
Sypheara [email protected]

It is important to note at this early stage that it is not the intention here that this stone becomes a spirit house
for the familiar. The stone will not become such a house through this work but instead more of an effective
device for drawing through the serpentine spirit allowing for intense possession work through sympathetic
action. In this manner the stone is a pleasing offering in it its own right to the spirits of this arte whilst also
having a very real and practical purpose as conduit in regards to directing raised serpentine current.


The work with the snake familiars involves possession of the body directly – as such it requires that the work is
done within a cast circle the first time it is performed, with Hecate invoked directly into the body. Further
work with the familiar, if granted, will not necessitate this, but for first contact it is important that it is done in a
highly energised and controlled space. This initial ritual should be undertaken at night, ideally around a full
moon within the light half of the year. The circle should be constructed as explained in previously detailed
works – for this rite the cloak of Hecate is cast widdershins, and the quarters are then called sunwise. The circle
is then sealed again in widdershins fashion, completing the circle construction. From here, Hecate in her
serpent girdled form is invoked from within the cast circle with the following invocation, or a personal call that
the practitioner prefers.

The Invocation of Hecate Zonodrakontos

Hail to thee,
Hail to thee,
Goddess of the Eternal Witchcraft
Hail to thee,
Invincible Ophidia,
Oh Serpent Covered One!
Master of the Venoms of the All
She who possesses the fangs,
With which to Sustain and to Destroy
The very Cycles of Creation
Descend now from the Steller Heights,
Arise now from the Chthonic Depths,
O Great and Distant One,
Surrounding me utterly with your coils,
Armouring me with your opalescent scales,
Slide into my blood,
Slither into my bones,
Put your fire into my Soul
As I call three times,
Sypheara [email protected]

In Love and In Trust,

In Longing and In Lust,
In Admiration and In Faith,
O Imperishable Zonodrakontos!

With the call thus given, Hecate in the form of Zonodrakontos should enter into the practitioners body. This
response should be relatively strong and not take too long to occur after the call if Hecate is receptive. She
cannot be forced to grant this gift. Repetitions of the call should be used to intensify the currents within the
flesh until possession is in no certain terms occurring. Once the possession begins in earnest, the amount of
energy raised can be difficult to control. This aspect of Hecate is quite primal and it would be easy when
working with it, just as with working with other primal forms of gods such as Belial and the Ivory Spider, to be
completely carried away with the experience. This needs to be as a matter of course resisted – if you allow
yourself to disappear at this point and merge with her serpentine form in the ritual space, the familial work will
be a failure. Your sense of self will break down and ritual becomes one of ecstatic union with this primal form
of the Goddess – this is fine if gnosis of this aspect on its own is being sought, but without self control to direct
this force, attainment and communication with the familial serpents will be impossible. Hecate Zonodrakontos
is to be welcomed with the call of the serpent or other appropriate call given in her honour, as you maintain a
level of separate consciousness.

Welcome Call of the Serpent Girdled One

Thanks and Greetings I give to you,

Serpent Haired Master of the Ophidian Currents
With your Serpentine Eyes I now see
With your Flickering Tongue I now taste
With your Armoured Scales I now feel
In Love and In Honour

As the energies intensify, you may feel the snake currents again becoming overwhelming, taking control of
your physical flesh causing such strange feelings as an intense desire to hiss loudly. This is to be expected, and
will only intensify as contact is made with the familial serpent itself. This part of the possession should not be
Sypheara [email protected]

curtailed, but instead should be encouraged. This will have the very physical effect of releasing pulsating waves
of serpentine energy around and through you, which will vibrate up and down the spinal column as your own
inner twin serpents respond in kind. In this state, experience of the serpent speech may be bestowed.

When ready, the trees of life and death need to be opened within the centre of the circle. This should be done
explosively, with vigour, utilising vibration. Firstly with the tree of life should be opened, starting at Malkuth
and finishing at Kether. Next the tree of death is opened in a similar fashion – thus completing the opening of
the gates.

With the possession slowly calming to more subtle levels after the original rush of energy, it is time to push
onward. Standing now at the crossroads before the empyrean and infernal realms, you may wish to additionally
reinforce and strengthen the circle with further ritual work. Once satisfied, you are to grab hold of your stone
prepared for ritual use, and mark it with your blood. As the blood flows out and is smeared over the crystal,
close your eyes and ask wordlessly for Zonodrakontos to bestow upon you one of her serpent familiars. There
is no call in any spoken everyday language here that can suffice to make this petition – it has to be done either
silently or vocalised purely in the serpentine glossolalia like language if it has been gifted through this
possession. All the while turn your vision inwards and observe closely.

Your call, if successful, will be answered by the intensification of the Serpentine energies by another presence.
This entities energies will be of a similar, but different feeling to those of Hecates serpent form. This new spirit
will come forth as a strong, powerful vision. Its appearance as a powerful, serpent entity should be
unmistakeable. All focus should be directed towards this manifestation, and it should be asked specifically to
grant its name. Here you need to not only be assertive but be aware that the name might be stranger or in a
form you do not expect – in a less powerful variant of this ritual, utilising Belials energies to contact the serpent,
one person received the name of their serpent, but due to a level of anxiety about the work was unable to
recognise it as such at the time. This resulted in the serpent withdrawing, and further work being needed to
establish a connection.

If its name is not received, the spirit is to be rejected and sent away using the aggressive nature of the serpentine
energy within you, being thus unwelcome within the flesh. If however, the spirit does provide a name, it
should be immediately committed to memory and called into you by repeated repetition of it’s name. By
providing it’s name, the spirit identifies itself as one called forth by Hecate. Once this spirit moves into your
flesh the Ophidian current will intensify even further. This should be carried to full potency, as your own rising
serpents entwine with that of Zonodrakontos as well as the Serpent itself.

As the experience calms, which could take a significant amount of time, one can immediately put the familial
serpent to work if required in healing. The next method does not only cause powerful healing energy to renew
the body, but helps attune the familiar to your physical and subtle bodies.

Keeping the serpent fixated in the mind, using visualisation and again wordlessly or using the serpent language,
command the serpent to wrap itself into a tight ball of concentrated energy. From here, move it gently into
your heart energy centre. As you do so, mirror this action physically by bringing the stone itself into direct
Sypheara [email protected]

contact with your chest. Feel the warmth as the serpent coils around your heart, exuding its warm, pleasant
energy into your body. It is to be held here for no less than seven complete, slow breaths, which will allow the
energies to correctly work on your flesh and subtle bodies.

From here, the serpent is to be directed down, from the chest, to the pelvic and groin area, with again
visualisation and physical action of the stone. The physical feeling of the current should correspondingly alter –
and move to the desired location. Again, this energy should be retained here for roughly 7 corresponding deep
breaths. The same action is performed down slowly through both legs all the way to the feet, back to the groin,
and then back to the heart. From here, the action is repeated along both arms, all the way down to the palms of
the hands. Finally, the energy is directed upwards, pausing at the neck, before being raised into the head. This
last action here is likely to correspond with numerous, interesting auditory and visual phenomena, such as tiny
snakelike entities made of a pure light crawling across the eyes.

Finally, the energy is directed down towards the heart, and the serpent is commanded to leave the physical flesh
through command and via visualising the energy being drawn out through or into the stone itself. At this point,
you may feel the possession itself finally begin to decrease in potency as the snake spirit withdraws from you in
a slow, and considered manner.

The immediate effects of this will leave you feeling invigorated, not unlike what is experienced after a period of
moderate to strong physical exercise. The actual process of the possession does come with an element of
tiredness – possessions such as this do tend to require an element of rest after they have been brought through
to this level. Overuse of this healing gift can ironically, lead to complete exhaustion so care must be taken.

Outside of the immediate positive effects, over the next few days from the healing work, you should feel a
surge in physical, emotional and spiritual well being. This is an excellent way to rebalance yourself after heavy
night side workings or after very difficult possessions involving less understanding entities on the Trident Path.
Sypheara [email protected]

The benefic venoms bestowed by Hecate via the serpent familiars are excellent at earthing the Witch Gods
healing energies into yourself. These are very potent, and are excellent at, for example, killing and removing
parasitic entities of all kinds. Such entities can worsen or even cause such debilitating conditions as depression,
fatigue and other nasty illnesses, all of which cause much harm if not properly dealt with. These entities usually
attach after periods of trauma when a persons defences are lowered. Performing work with the serpent around
these times can prevent this and deliver the fire of the Gods to greatly strengthen the individual.

With the serpent thus withdrawn, it should be thanked and a farewell said. The physical crystal is to be treated
as any other working tool – it is to be kept in wrapped black cloth, and kept near the active work altar with
which you work with the Witch Gods. It is only to be unwrapped when worked with in ritual, and thus kept
away from the eyes of the profane. Note that further communion with this spirit should be actively sought –
this doesn’t always need to be accomplished via a working to full level utilising possession. Just handling the
stone, and calling its name wordlessly or in snake speech as taught by these spirits, should be sufficient to bring
you into contact with the familiar. This can be done often, and once the spirit has been called forth and contact
made within night time hours, it can be called at any time of day, under any phase of the moon. For healing
works however, the waxing moon or full moon should still be adhered to. Likewise, for any malefic work the
snake familiar is put to work on, the new or waning moon as usual. Dusk and dawn are also powerful liminal
times to work with it.

Knowledge of a particular serpents origin may be gleaned in time. This origin is likely to be ancient – some of
these spirits have origins from before the time of the formation of the current spiritual make up of Man. All of
them are in lineage connected to the snake current supreme and therefore a particular child of Hecate, the
Great Snake Father who now resides in the depths. Just because the above method seems simple in practice,
does not mean the familiar you have connected to is in any way a ‘lesser’ spirit – it must be treated with great
respect and will likely test you thoroughly to ensure you are worthy of its continued attention and aid. This
testing will not be subtle – but will be primal and direct in nature as the spirit confronts you in dream, sampling
your energies with its hypnotic gaze and sharp fangs to make its own discernment of your mettle.

Adaptations and Use within Partnered or Group Work

The snake entities lend themselves to access not only through Hecate, but also such spirits such as Lucifer,
Belial, and the Great Serpent God of the Depths. Connecting to the Ophidian current this way can however be
initially difficult – at first it is best accessed through Hecates more stellar forms, especially in the case of
someone who is not initiated into the trident current. Otherwise, it is possible that the Ophidian current
brought through could prove too strong for he or she who invokes it with severely negative consequences.
Work with specific flavours of Ophidian current can be conducted once the practitioner is comfortable
working with Hecate and the Familiar Serpent. Once performed, this further work will likely reveal new
aspects of the familiars being, both in pure knowledge as well as accessible and power. Other serpentine
presences and entities will also likely be encountered through this further work. Sometimes, this isn’t the
choice of the individual witch and serpent familiars sent gods will reach out on their own!
Sypheara [email protected]

Working with another person, in one to one healing, is very possible once this current has been successfully
accessed. As such you mirror Hecate, able to heal with the power of the serpent. To accomplish this, one may
direct the person to be healed through the serpent work itself or if this is not possible or appropriate, instead
utilise your own serpent familiar to deliver healing to them. As long as you know this person well, possessing a
deep connection this should be an acceptable way of conducting the healing ritual. When carried out in such a
manner the healing technique is performed the same, except utilising your energy and your familiars in
conjunction with direction of the person you are healing through visualisation. The stone, or in some cases the
bare hands once sufficient connection is attained with your familiar, are used in order to help direct the
serpentine force to where it is needed. For specific ailments, it can be concentrated into specific areas to cleanse
and heal – when the serpent withdraws from, the illness will be extracted and transmuted into benefic venom
by the familiar adding to its power.

These serpent energies may also be raised as part of a group working, and not necessarily as described through
Hecates serpent form as mentioned. The above should be easy to adapt for someone who is capable of
performing such a group working, so will not be overly detailed here. One thing to mention is that in the
group working, it is not strictly necessary for all participants to initially invoke the main spirit who will preside
over the work before the familiars are called into the assembled host. It will suffice for whoever is leading the
ritual to do this primary invocation and thus direct the participants through the process of familial contact as a
conduit. However, if the group as a whole is also to offer their flesh to the presiding spirit, this will greatly
intensify the energies within the circle and vastly empower the ritual to come so should be encouraged in a
group where people are comfortable with the Ophidian and Trident currents. One should be prepared
however for the vast increase in energy which will come from this.
Ave Hecate Zonodrakontos,
Invincible and Eternal One!

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