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G.R. No.

L-23233 September 28, 1967

LUIS ENGUERRA, plaintiff -appellant,

ANTONIO DOLOSA, defendant-appellee.




Plaintiff Enguerra was chief baker for the De Lux Bakery. He filed, with the municipal court of Sorsogon,
Sorsogon, a complaint, against defendant Antonio Dolosa, as owner of said establishment, to recover the sum of
P4,056.00, for unpaid overtime services allegedly rendered during said period. The court having later dismissed
said complaint, Enguerra appealed to the Court of First Instance of Sorsogon

Soon thereafter, Enguerra filed, with the same Court of First Instance, another complaint against Dolosa to
recover termination pay, underpayment of wages, compensatory damages for unjustified dismissal,
compensatory damages for unpaid overtime, moral and exemplary damages plus attorney’s fees with an
aggregate amount of 22,168.75

On motion of Dolosa, he was granted an extension of 30 days, "counted from to-day," to submit his answer. On
March 8, 1963, he filed, instead, a motion to dismiss, upon the ground that said pending case is an action
between the same parties for the same cause of action, and that the complaint violates "the rule against splitting
a cause of action." Subsequently Enguerra sought to have Dolosa declared in default, upon the ground that his
motion to dismiss has been filed one (1) day late, and that it was merely pro forma, because of which it did not
suspend the running of the period to file his answer. The Court of First Instance granted the motion to dismiss
and denied the motion to declare Dolosa in default. A reconsideration of the orders to this effect having been
denied, Enguerra interposed the present appeal, directly to the Supreme Court, alleging that the lower court had
erred (a) in not declaring Dolosa in default; and (b) in dismissing the complaint herein.


Whether or not the motion to dismiss granted by the lower court is valid and has suspended the running of the
period for which respondent may file his answer


The order appealed from should be, as it is hereby, affirmed.


Yes, the lower is correct in granting the motion to dismiss on the grounds of splitting cause of action and has
suspended the running of the period for the filing of the defendant’s answer.

It should be noted that a motion is said to be pro forma when it is apparent therefrom that the movant has not
endeavored to make it reasonably persuasive or convincing, his purpose being merely to gain time or to delay
the proceedings. In the case at bar, the motion explicitly states "that there is another action pending between the
same parties for the same cause, namely: Luis Enguerra vs. Antonio Dolosa — Civil Case No. 1800, now pending
before this Honorable Court;" and "that the filing of the above entitled case is a violation of the rule against
splitting a cause of action."

Having thus expressed, not only the legal grounds for the motion, but, also the particular and concrete facts upon
which said grounds rely — with specification of the title and number of the case on which the motion was based
and of the court before which the case is pending, coupled with the other circumstances hereinafter adverted to
and appearing in the records of both cases — said motion, manifestly, is not pro forma (as a matter of form) and
its presentation suspended the running of the period for the filing of defendant's answer.

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