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1- They speak French to me , not English. So, my English doesn’t improve.

If They didn’t speak French to me, my English would improve.
2- He wasn’t looking where he was going. That’s why he was run over.
He wouldn’t have been run over if he had been looking where he was going.
3- He can’t apply for that job because he can’t speak English.
He wishes he could speak English.
4- They weren’t wearing lifejackets; perhaps that’s why they were drowned.
If they had worn lifejackets, they wouldn’t have been drowned / have drowned.
5- Don’t shout all the time, it’s so annoying.
I wish you stop shouting. / I wish you did not shout all the time.
6- Without his help, I wouldn’t have been able to move the table.
If he hadn’t helped me, I wwouldn’t have been able to move the table.
7- I regret not visiting the Louvre the last time I was in Paris.
I wish I had visited the Louvre the last time …….
8- I think you shouldn’t sell that old clock.
If I were you, I wouldn’t sell that old clock.
9- You press this button to stop the machine.
The machine stops if you press this button.



1- I´m sorry, but I can´t go with you now.

I wish
2- She knows it was a mistake to go to that party.
She wishes
3- She is sad because she is ill.
She wishes
4- I´m sorry I didn´t give you any advice.
I wish
5- Why do they always ask me to tidy up my bedroom?
I wish
6- That dog is barking all the time . It makes me angry.
I wish
7- I can’t send you an e-mail. My modem has broken down.
8- My car is in the garage. Unfortunately, I can’t drive you to the station. I
9- If you don’t eat quickly, you won’t get dessert.
10- He arrived late at the airport so he missed his plane.

1- I could go.... 2- she hadn’t gone... 3- she weren’t ... 4- I had given ... 5- you wouldn’t ask me ....
6- that dog would stop barking 7- If my modem weren’t broken, I would send ....
8- If my car weren’t in ..... , I could / would drive you .... 9- Unless you eat......, you won’t get
10- If he hadn’t arrived......, he wouldn’t have missed ....

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