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Grades 3–6

Extra Practice for

Struggling Readers

Linda Ward Beech

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources

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Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources
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Scholastic Inc., 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012.

Editor: Mela Ottaiano

Cover design: Brian LaRossa
Interior design: Melinda Belter
Interior illustrations: Teresa Anderko

ISBN-13: 978-0-545-12411-9
ISBN-10: 0-545-12411-5

Copyright © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech

All rights reserved. Published by Scholastic Inc.
Printed in the U.S.A.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 40 16 15 14 13 12 11 10
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Lesson 1: Compound Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Lesson 2: More Compound Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Lesson 3: Prefixes: un-, re-, over-, mis-, sub- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Lesson 4: Prefixes: in-, fore-, de-, dis-, under- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Lesson 5: Prefixes: super-, pre-, semi-, multi-, im- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Lesson 6: Suffixes: -er/or, -ful, -ly, -ness, -able/ible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Lesson 7: Suffixes: -ship, -ment, -less, -y, -ist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Lesson 8: Suffixes: -ant/ent, -al, -ous, -ion/tion, -hood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Lesson 9: Prefixes and Suffixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Lesson 10: Latin Roots: ped, numer, act, port, art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Lesson 11: Latin Roots: pop, form, ject, nav, man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Lesson 12: Latin Roots: vis/vid, dict, aud, liber, mar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Lesson 13: Greek Roots: phon, meter, geo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Lesson 14: Greek Roots: photo, auto, bio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Lesson 15: Greek Roots: graph, tele, cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Lesson 16: Greek and Latin Number Roots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Lesson 17: Plurals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Lesson 18: More Plurals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Lesson 19: Plurals and Possessives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Lesson 20: Word Endings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Lesson 21: Contractions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Lesson 22: Easily Confused Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Lesson 23: Syllables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Lesson 24: More Syllables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Answers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Learning to read is the goal for all students, but, unfortunately, success is not a given. Many
students, for many reasons, find reading an enormous challenge. Despite excellent reading
programs, dedicated teachers, and various kinds of interventions, all too many students emerge
from the primary grades as struggling readers. One way in which to help these students is with
additional practice in word study.
Understanding the structure of words provides useful information to readers when they
are figuring out meaning and pronunciation. Elements such as prefixes, suffixes, and roots are
invaluable when encountering new words. According to one study, approximately 60 percent
of English words have definitions that can be predicted based on the meanings of their
parts. Breaking words down into syllables, smaller words, or other word parts helps students
recognize common spelling patterns. These skills also support word recognition and vocabulary
development. Struggling readers gain confidence as they apply these skills.
By offering opportunities to learn or review basic word study techniques, the lessons in
this book help students develop and reinforce reading fluency. You can use the lessons in the
sequence given or choose those needed to address specific weaknesses in a student’s skills.

Lesson Organization

Each lesson is three pages long and LdgYHijYn™AZhhdc&(

addresses a particular element of Greek Roots: phon, meter, geo

Many words in English come from Greek. If you know the meaning of Greek
roots, it will help you understand more words when you read.

word study. Greek Root



meter measure thermometer
geo earth geography

The first lesson page includes: A Study the chart above. Then use it to complete each sentence.
You may use a word more than once.

• a
 statement of the word study 1. A __________________________ measures temperature.

2. The study of earth’s surface is called __________________________ .

element for the lesson 3. In reading, you learn about __________________________ , the sounds that letters spell.

4. To find out how warm it is, check a __________________________ .

5. You learn about earth’s plains, hills, and mountains in __________________________ .

• examples of the word study element B Choose a word from the box to complete each sentence.
Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources

earphones geologist metronome speedometer telephone

• a
 simple activity reinforcing the

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources
1. Someone who studies earth’s crust is a ___________________________ .

2. A ___________________________ measures the speed of a car.

element 3. He used ___________________________ to listen to music.

4. A ___________________________ measures or marks time for a musician.

5. You can talk to a friend on the ___________________________ .

• another exercise


Greek Roots: phon, meter, geo

Greek Root Meaning Example

phon sound phonics

meter measure thermometer

The second page includes:

geo earth geography

C Underline the Greek root in each word below. Then write a meaning for each word.
Use the chart above and a dictionary to help you.

• t wo other exercises including cloze exercises, word 1. geode

2. odometer


meaning, identification of word parts, word building, 3. megaphone

4. perimeter


syllables, word endings D

5. geology ____________________________________________________

Underline the Greek root in each word. Then circle the best meaning for the word.

1. microphone a. instrument to make b. film for making c. a kind of germ

sound louder small photos
Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources

2. pedometer a. someone who b. instrument to measure c. a triangular part

takes care of feet walking distance of a building

3. geocentric a. very large b. related to exercise c. viewed from

earth’s center

4. symphony a. place of worship b. music for an c. a sameness

orchestra of feeling

5. barometer a. something left over b. instrument to measure c. having to do

air pressure with the eye




The third page includes: Greek Root

Greek Roots: phon, meter, geo
Meaning Example

phon sound phonics

• a word meaning exercise meter


E Some math words have the Greek root meter. Add this root to each word on the web.

• a
 comprehension passage that reviews the
Then write the meaning of each word. Use the chart above and a dictionary to help you.

1. centi _________________ 3. dia _________________

lesson element and includes questions; or a METER

word puzzle
2. kilo _________________ 4. milli _________________

F Read the passage. Circle the words with the Greek roots from this lesson.Then
answer the questions.

Do you know what a phonometer is? My big brother says he needs one.

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources
He wants to measure the sound when we do our homework. He thinks we
make too much noise when we do our geometry and geography lessons.
Of course, we think he makes too much noise when he is on his cell
phone. He paces the perimeter of the room and talks in a loud voice. You’d
think he had a megaphone!

1. What is a phonometer? ___________________________________________________________


2. Why does the big brother want one? _______________________________________________


3. How do you think this family should solve this problem? _____________________________


Ways to Make the Most ))

of the Lessons
• U
 se the lessons in the classroom for extra practice during regular reading time or as
individual assignments. Send the lessons home for students to do as homework or to
complete with an adult.
• R
 eview, review, review. For example, when students are working on a lesson about prefixes,
they will also encounter various vowel and consonant sounds. Take a minute to remind
students about what they already know about those sounds.
• Discuss students’ answers to clear up misconceptions and to reinforce the lesson element.
• U
 se the lessons to draw attention to spelling changes for verb tenses or plurals and for parts
of speech.
• H
 ave students create word webs to illustrate the use of suffixes, Latin or Greek roots, common
syllables, or other word study elements.
• U
 se the lessons to expand students’ vocabulary. Help students use the skills covered in the
Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources

book to break down the multisyllabic words in the lessons.

• C
 reate word lists from each lesson. Students can use them in word sorts, on word walls, in
writing assignments, or in readers’ journals.
• E
 ncourage students to write complete sentences when they answer the questions for the
comprehension paragraphs in Exercise F.
• Keep observation charts to monitor progress.

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 1

Compound Words
Some words are made up of two words put together. They are called compound
words. When you read, look for the words that make up a compound word.

A Write the two words that make up each of the compound words in the box.
Then write the compound word.

anthill teapot barnyard birdcage clothespin

doormat popcorn snowflake toolbox wheelchair

1. _____________ + _____________ = ________________________________

2. _____________ + _____________ = ________________________________

3. _____________ + _____________ = ________________________________

4. _____________ + _____________ = ________________________________

5. _____________ + _____________ = ________________________________

6. _____________ + _____________ = ________________________________

7. _____________ + _____________ = ________________________________

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources
8. _____________ + _____________ = ________________________________

9. _____________ + _____________ = ________________________________

10. _____________ + _____________ = ________________________________

B Add the word on the left to each of the words in the row to make compound words.

1. bed _____room _____time _____spread

2. snow _____suit _____storm _____plow

3. foot _____print _____path _____stool

4. eye _____lid _____sight _____ball

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 1

C Add the correct word from the box to each group of words to make compound words.

boat book day house

1. cook + ____________ = ______________________________

note + ____________ = ______________________________

pocket + ____________ = ______________________________

2. green + ____________ = ______________________________

bird + ____________ = ______________________________

light + ____________ = ______________________________

3. some + ____________ = ______________________________

every + ____________ = ______________________________

birth + ____________ = ______________________________

4. tug + ____________ = ______________________________

sail + ____________ = ______________________________

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources

motor + ____________ = ______________________________

D Write a compound word to complete each sentence.

1. A case for books is a ______________________________ .

2. A pot for a flower is a ______________________________ .

3. A box for mail is a ______________________________ .

4. A house for a dog is a ______________________________ .

5. A boat that you row is a ______________________________ .

6. A paper with news is a ______________________________ .

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 1

E Write a compound word for each riddle.

Example: Did you ever see a star fish? starfish

1. Did you ever see a horse fly? ____________________________

2. Did you ever see a match box? ____________________________

3. Did you ever see a cat fish? ____________________________

4. Did you ever see the sun rise? ____________________________

5. Did you ever see the sea weed? ____________________________

6. Did you ever see a day dream? ____________________________

7. Did you ever see hair cut? ____________________________

8. Did you ever see a door step? ____________________________

9. Did you ever see a bed roll? ____________________________

10. Did you ever see milk shake? ____________________________

F Read the paragraph and circle the compound words. Then answer the questions.

Margo likes sports. She keeps her balls in a box in the hallway. Her

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources
beachball takes up a lot of space, but her baseball does not. Her football
and basketball are also in the box. Where is her skateboard? It’s on the
floor next to her snowboard.

1. Why does Margo have so many balls? ______________________________________________

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

2. Where does she keep them? ______________________________________________________

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

3. What other sports does Margo like? ________________________________________________

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 2

More Compound Words

Some words are made up of two words put together. They are called compound
words. When you read, look for the words that make up a compound word.

A Write the two words that make up each compound word.

1. footnote ________________ + ________________

2. pipeline ________________ + ________________

3. barbell ________________ + ________________

4. grasshopper ________________ + ________________

5. playpen ________________ + ________________

6. lawmaker ________________ + ________________

7. homeowner ________________ + ________________

8. groundwork ________________ + ________________

B Write a compound word to complete each sentence.

1. A sleeve for a shirt is a ________________________________ .

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources

2. A skin from a bear is a ________________________________ .

3. Paper for a wall is ________________________________ .

4. A robe for the bath is a ________________________________ .

5. A groom for a bride is a ________________________________ .

6. A chair with an arm is an ________________________________ .

7. The side of a hill is a ________________________________ .

8. A base for data is a ________________________________ .

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 2

C Write a compound word for each riddle.

1. Did you ever see a book shop? _______________________________

2. Did you ever see a bean stalk? _______________________________

3. Did you ever see honey comb? _______________________________

4. Did you ever see a heart break? _______________________________

5. Did you ever see art work? _______________________________

6. Did you ever see a bill fold? _______________________________

D Read each question. Then circle the best answer.

1. Which one can fly? a. bluefish b. blueberry c. bluebird

2. Which one can you wear? a. raincoat b. raindrop c. rainstorm

3. Which one is an insect? a. housework b. household c. housefly

4. Which one describes hair? a. redcap b. redbird c. redhead

5. Which one is a machine? a. dishwater b. dishtowel c. dishwasher

6. Which one do you eat? a. egghead b. eggplant c. eggshell

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources
7. Which one is a plant? a. catcall b. catnip c. catfish

8. Which one is part of you? a. windmill b. windpipe c. windsock

9. Which one is news? a. headdress b. headboard c. headline

10. Which one is a person? a. landmark b. landlord c. landscape

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 2

E Think of a word for each picture, then write a compound word.

1. + mark = _______________________________

2. + top = _______________________________

3. sand + = _______________________________

4. bare + = _______________________________

5. gold + = _______________________________

6. + burn = _______________________________

7. snow + = _______________________________

8. copy + = _______________________________

9. + place = _______________________________

10. + sauce = _______________________________

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources

F Read the paragraph and circle the compound words. Then answer the questions.

Kirk got out a teaspoon, tablespoon, pan, potholder, and everything else
he needed. He opened the cookbook to find the cake he wanted to make.
Then he went to work. There was only one setback when he spilled some
batter. When the cake was done, Kirk called his mother to the kitchen.
“Happy Birthday!” he said. “Here’s a homemade cake for you.”

1. Why did Kirk want to bake a cake? __________________________________________________

2. How well did the baking go? ______________________________________________________

3. Was the cake a surprise? Explain your answer. _ _______________________________________

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 3

Prefixes:  un-, re-, over-, mis-, sub-

A prefix is a word part that is added to the beginning of a word. A prefix
changes the meaning of a word. Look for prefixes to help you understand
what words mean.

Prefix Meaning Example

un- not; opposite of unfair

re- again redo
over- too much overcook
mis- in a wrong way; wrongly mistreat
sub- under subway

A Study the chart above. Then use it to complete each sentence.

1. If you cook food too much, you ______________________________ it.

2. If you do something over, you ______________________________ it.

3. If something is not fair, it is ______________________________ .

4. A ______________________________ travels under the ground.

5. If you treat someone wrongly, you ______________________________ that person.

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources
B Underline the prefix in each word. Then write the base word without the prefix.

1. unfold _____________________ 7. misstep _____________________

2. misuse _____________________ 8. unsure _____________________

3. unsafe _____________________ 9. subplot _____________________

4. repack _____________________ 10. overeat _____________________

5. submarine _____________________ 11. retie _____________________

6. overripe _____________________ 12. rewrite _____________________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 3

Prefixes:  un-, re-, over-, mis-, sub-

Prefix Meaning Example

un- not; opposite of unfair

re- again redo
over- too much overcook
mis- in a wrong way; wrongly mistreat
sub- under subway

C Write a heading that tells how each group of words is alike. Then write a meaning for
each word.

1. ____________________________ 3. ____________________________

overdo _________________________ unreal _________________________

overtip _________________________ unhappy _________________________

overbake _________________________ unkind _________________________

2. ____________________________ 4. ____________________________

reheat _________________________ misname _________________________

refill _________________________ mislead _________________________

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources

retell _________________________ misnumber _________________________

D Read each meaning below. Add a prefix to each word in bold type to make a new word.

Meaning Prefix + Word = New  Word

1. to call again

2. the opposite of even

3. to flow too much

4. under the soil

5. read in a wrong way

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 3

Prefixes:  un-, re-, over-, mis-, sub-

Prefix Meaning Example

un- not; opposite of unfair

re- again redo
over- too much overcook
mis- in a wrong way; wrongly mistreat
sub- under subway

E Read each question. Then circle the best answer.

1. W
 hich word means to
place wrongly? a. replace b. misplace c. placed

2. W
 hich word means the
opposite of loved? a. unloved b. lovely c. lover

3. W
 hich word means pay
too much? a. underpay b. repay c. overpay

4. W
 hich word means to
use again? a. reuse b. used c. overuse

5. W
 hich word means a heading

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources
under another heading? a. header b. headed c. subhead

F Read the paragraphs and circle the words with prefixes. Then answer the questions.

Alice tried to enter the room unseen. She was late because
she had overslept. But she had misjudged Mr. Hunt.
“What does the subtitle of this chapter mean?” he asked her
as she took her seat.
“I’m unsure of what page we’re on,” said Alice. “Could you
restate it for me?”

1. Where does this story take place? ___________________________________________________

2. How did Mr. Hunt show that he wasn’t fooled? _ ______________________________________

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

3. Why doesn’t Alice know the answer? ________________________________________________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 4

Prefixes:  in-, fore-, de-, dis-, under-

A prefix is a word part that is added to the beginning of a word. A prefix changes the
meaning of a word. Look for prefixes to help you understand what words mean.

Prefix Meaning Example

in- not informal

fore- before forewarn
de- away; take away defrost
dis- not; opposite disobey
under- below; too little underpay

A Study the chart above. Then use it to complete each sentence.

1. If an event is not formal, it is ______________________________ .

2. If you do not obey, you ______________________________ .

3. If you pay too little, you ______________________________ .

4. If you take away frost from a window, you ______________________________ it.

5. If you warn someone before something happens, you ________________________ that person.

B Underline the prefix in each word. Then write a meaning for the word.
Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources

1. indirect ___________________________________________________________________________

2. decontrol _ _______________________________________________________________________

3. dislike ____________________________________________________________________________

4. underage _________________________________________________________________________

5. foretell ___________________________________________________________________________

6. dishonest _ _______________________________________________________________________

7. foreground _______________________________________________________________________

8. dethrone _________________________________________________________________________

9. underdress _______________________________________________________________________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 4

Prefixes:  in-, fore-, de-, dis-, under-

Prefix Meaning Example

in- not informal

fore- before forewarn
de- away; take away defrost
dis- not; opposite disobey
under- below; too little underpay

C Read each question. Circle the best answer.

1. W
 hich word means to take
away a forest? a. reforest b. deforest c. forester

2. W
 hich word means
below water? a. underwater b. waterfall c. watering

3. W
 hich word means
not complete? a. completely b. completed c. incomplete

4. W
 hich word means to
not agree? a. agreement b. agreeable c. disagree

5. Which word means a family member

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources
who lived long before you? a. father-in-law b. forefather c. fatherly

D Read each meaning below. Add a prefix to each word in bold type to make a new word.

Meaning Prefix + Word = New  Word

1. not correct

2. to take away fog

3. charge too little

4. opposite of please

5. s ee what might
happen before it does

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 4

Prefixes:  in-, fore-, de-, dis-, under-

Prefix Meaning Example

in- not informal

fore- before forewarn
de- away; take away defrost
dis- not; opposite disobey
under- below; too little underpay

E Read each question. Then circle the best answer.

1. Which one means “resting”? a. active b. proactive c. inactive

2. Which one is a mess? a. order b. disorder c. reorder

3. Which one comes first? a. forename b. surname c. rename

4. Which one is too small? a. undersize b. oversize c. supersize

5. Which balloon has no air? a. inflated b. deflated c. related

F Read the paragraphs and circle the words with prefixes. Then answer the questions.

Our trouble began at forenoon. Crunch! Our boat got stuck

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources

in some thick weeds. You could hear them scrape the underbody.
Suddenly, we were disabled.
“This is insane!” said Dad. “This means we have to discontinue
our ride.
We’ll disembark and swim to shore.”
“Okay,” said Mom, “but first and foremost, put on your
life jackets!”

1. What happened to the boat? _______________________________________________________


2. How did Dad feel about it? _________________________________________________________


3. Who had safety in mind? ___________________________________________________________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 5

Prefixes:  super-, pre-, semi-, multi-, im-

A prefix is a word part that is added to the beginning of a word. A prefix changes the
meaning of a word. Look for prefixes to help you understand what words mean.

Prefix Meaning Example

super- of greater degree, size, or importance superstar

pre- before preview
semi- half semicircle
multi- many multilayered
im- not improper

A Study the chart above. Then use it to complete each sentence.

1. If something has many layers, it is ______________________________ .

2. If you view something beforehand, you ______________________________ it.

3. If your behavior is not proper, it is ______________________________ .

4. If someone is greater than the usual star, that person is a ______________________________ .

5. If you draw half a circle, you draw a ______________________________ .

B Choose a word from the box to complete each sentence.

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Use the clues below the writing lines to help you.

1. The stone in that ring is ____________________________________. impure

2. That water is _______________________________ so don’t drink it.
3. He works for a __________________________________ company.

4. We often shop at the _ _____________________________________. multinational

greater size

5. She likes to watch the _________________________________ show.


Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 5

Prefixes:  super-, pre-, semi-, multi-, im-

Prefix Meaning Example

super- of greater degree, size, or importance superstar

pre- before preview
semi- half semicircle
multi- many multilayered
im- not improper

C Read each meaning below. Add a prefix to each word in bold type to make a new word.

Meaning Prefix + Word = New  Word

1. not perfect

2. greater than usual man

3. to judge before

4. half a colon

5. many colored

D Read the words in the box, then follow the directions.

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources

semifinal superfine prepay overlook misplace

superhuman replay immature semiannual impossible
impatient supernatural rejoin semimonthly prearrange

1. Write the words with the prefix that means “not.”

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

2. Write the words with the prefix that means “half.”

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

3. Write the words with the prefix that means “of greater degree, size, or importance.”

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 5

Prefixes:  super-, pre-, semi-, multi-, im-

Prefix Meaning Example

super- of greater degree, size, or importance superstar

pre- before preview
semi- half semicircle
multi- many multilayered
im- not improper

E Read each question. Then circle the best answer.

1. Which one comes first? a. undercook b. precook c. overcook

2. Which one is not moving? a. immobile b. mobile c. mobility

3. Which one is biggest? a. path b. road c. superhighway

4. Which one is partly alert? a. semiconscious b. conscious c. unconscious

5. Which one describes a crayon set? a. multicolored b. colorless c. colorblind

F Read the clues, then complete the puzzle.

1. A half circle S __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources
2. Of many cultures U __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __

3. Not patient P __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __

4. Half sweet E __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __

5. Date before R __ __ __ __ __
__ __

6. Greater than most women __ __ __ __ __ W

__ __ __ __ __

7. Not polite O __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __

8. Heat before eating R __ __ __ __ __

__ __

9. Many media D __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

10. A school for children before S __ __ __ __ __

__ __ __ __
they start regular school

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 6

Suffixes:  -er/or, -ful, -ly, -ness, -able/ible

A suffix is a word part that is added to the end of a word. A suffix changes the
meaning of a word. Look for suffixes to help you understand what words mean.

Suffix Meaning Example

-er/or a person who acts as writer

-ful full of joyful
-ly in that way sadly
-ness state of being rudeness
-able/ible can be done washable

A Study the chart above. Then use it to complete

each sentence.

1. Someone who writes is a ______________________________ .

2. If you speak in a sad way, you speak ______________________________ .

3. If something can be washed, it is ______________________________ .

4. Someone who is rude shows ______________________________ .

5. If you are full of joy, you are ______________________________ .

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources

B Underline the suffix in each word. Then write the base word without the suffix.

1. graceful _____________________ 7. director _____________________

2. fondly _____________________ 8. weakly _____________________

3. teacher _____________________ 9. skillful _____________________

4. comfortable _____________________ 10. darkness _____________________

5. painful _____________________ 11. leader _____________________

6. fairness _____________________ 12. sweetly _____________________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 6

Suffixes:  -er/or, -ful, -ly, -ness, -able/ible

Suffix Meaning Example

-er/or a person who acts as writer

-ful full of joyful
-ly in that way sadly
-ness state of being rudeness
-able can be done washable

C Write a heading telling how each group of words is alike. Then write a meaning for
each word.

1. ____________________________ 3. ____________________________

graceful _________________________ fixable _________________________

hopeful _________________________ drinkable _________________________

cheerful _________________________ beatable _________________________

2. ____________________________ 4. ____________________________

rapidly _________________________ banker _________________________

neatly _________________________ builder _________________________

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources
quietly _________________________ climber _________________________

D Choose a word from the box to complete each sentence. Use the clues to help you.

1. The _ ________________________________ spoke about his new idea.

person who acts as

2. The students left the building ____________________ for the fire drill. careful
in that way
3. She worked hard to get over her __________________ with people. inventor
state of being
4. They were ________________________________ not to spill any water.
full of shyness

5. Is this plastic plate_ __________________________________________ ?

can be done

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 6

Suffixes:  -er/or, -ful, -ly, -ness, -able/ible

Suffix Meaning Example

-er/or a person who acts as writer

-ful full of joyful
-ly in that way sadly
-ness state of being rudeness
-able/ible can be done washable

E Read each question. Then circle the best answer.

1. Which one is a person? a. government b. governor c. governing

2. Which one describes a puppy? a. playful b. playpen c. player

3. Which one can you taste? a. weakness b. sweetness c. dimness

4. How do you greet a friend? a. badly b. madly c. gladly

5. Which one is a good buy? a. beatable b. affordable c. questionable

F A pun is a play on words. You can use words with the suffix -ly to have pun fun. Complete
each sentence with a word from the box. Use the word in bold type as a clue.
Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Example: “I make people cry,” said the onion tearfully.

1. “The shoe is too small,” said the stepsister ___________________________ .

2. “It’s hot today,” said the weatherman _ ______________________________ . warmly
3. “Let’s race,” said the runner ________________________________________ .
4. “Turn off the light!” said the usher ___________________________________ .
5. “My arm is in a cast,” said the patient _______________________________ . brokenly

6. “I am a werewolf,” said the creature ________________________________ . tightly

7. “May I have the sugar?” asked the baker _____________________________ .

8. “I missed school,” said the student _ _______________________________ .

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 7

Suffixes:  -ship, -ment, -less, -y, -ist

A suffix is a word part that is added to the end of a word. A suffix changes the
meaning of a word. Look for suffixes to help you understand what words mean.

Suffix Meaning Example

-ship state of being; rank of hardship

-ment action or process movement
-less lack of cloudless
-y full of leaky
-ist one who is or practices organist

A Study the chart above. Then use it to complete each sentence.

1. Someone who plays the organ is an ______________________________ .

2. A lack of clouds means the sky is ______________________________ .

3. A house that is full of leaks is ______________________________ .

4. The process of moving is ______________________________ .

5. If times are hard, people suffer ______________________________ .

B Read the words in the box, then follow the directions.

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources
1. Write the words with the suffix that means “lack of.” ageless placement

___________________________________________________ misty agreeable

___________________________________________________ faceless farmer

2. Write the words with the suffix that means “action or process.”
woody gloomy
3. Write the words with the suffix that means “full of.”
fixable careless
wisely illness

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 7

Suffixes:  -ship, -ment, -less, -y, -ist

Suffix Meaning Example

-ship state of being; rank of hardship

-ment action or process movement
-less lack of cloudless
-y full of leaky
-ist one who is or practices organist

C Read each meaning below. Add a suffix to each word in bold type to make a new word.

Meaning Word + Suffix = New  Word

1. lack of color

2. full of rain

3. process of developing

4. rank of leader

5. one who practices the violin

D Choose a word from the box to complete each sentence. Use the clues to help you.
Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources

1. The new kitten is still __________________________________________ .

lack of
2. Ted works as a _ _______________________________ for a newspaper.
one who is appointment

3. After the rain, the air turned ___________________________________ .
full of full of

4. We made an _________________________________ to see the doctor. friendship

action or process steamy

5. Your ________________________________________ means a lot to me.

state of being

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 7

Suffixes:  -ship, -ment, -less, -y, -ist

Suffix Meaning Example

-ship state of being; rank of hardship

-ment action or process movement
-less lack of cloudless
-y full of leaky
-ist one who is or practices organist

E Read each question. Then circle the best answer.

1. Which one is competing? a. dentist b. finalist c. realist

2. Which one is bald? a. hairless b. hairy c. hairnet

3. W
 hich one is in
Washington, D.C.? a. governor b. government c. governess

4. W
 hich one is good
for sailing? a. windmill b. windfall c. windy

5. W
 hich one means
“playing fair”? a. sporty b. sportsmanship c. sportscaster

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources
F Read the paragraph and circle the words with suffixes. Then answer the questions.

My mother is a naturalist and spends a lot of time in the desert. She

finds great contentment is this timeless environment. I think she is lucky to
get such enjoyment from her job. But as for me, I hope to get an internship
with a forest ranger this summer. I think working in a cool, leafy forest
would be a great arrangement.

1. How does the mother feel about her job? ____________________________________________

2. What kinds of environments does the writer mention? _________________________________

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

3. Why do you think the writer prefers working with a forest ranger? ______________________

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 8

Suffixes:  -ant/ent, -al, -ous, -ion/tion, -hood

A suffix is a word part that is added to the end of a word. A suffix changes the
meaning of a word. Look for suffixes to help you understand what words mean.

Suffix Meaning Example

-ant/ent a person who assistant

-al relating to seasonal
-ous having qualities of marvelous
-ion/tion act or process collection
-hood state of being knighthood

A Study the chart above. Then use it to complete each sentence.

1. The act of collecting results in a ______________________________ .

2. A person who assists is an ______________________________ .

3. Something that relates to a season is ______________________________ .

4. Someone who is a knight has a ______________________________ .

5. If something is a marvel, it is ______________________________ .

B Underline the suffix in each word. Then write the base word.
Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources

1. clinical ______________________ 7. joyous ______________________

2. defendant ______________________ 8. humorous ______________________

3. protection ______________________ 9. rejection ______________________

4. attendant ______________________ 10. sisterhood ______________________

5. adulthood ______________________ 11. comical ______________________

6. national ______________________ 12. action ______________________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 8

Suffixes:  -ant/ent, -al, -ous, -ion/tion, -hood

Suffix Meaning Example

ant/ent- a person who assistant

al- relating to seasonal
ous- having qualities of marvelous
ion/tion- act or process collection
hood- state of being knighthood

C Read each meaning below. Add a suffix to each word in bold type to make a new word.

Meaning Word + Suffix = New  Word

1. someone who is in a contest

2. relating to the coast

3. the state of a child

4. having the qualities of danger

5. the process of attracting

D Choose a word from the box to complete each sentence. Use the clues to help you.

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources
1. After she had children, Mrs. Tully wrote a book about _________________________________ .
state of being

2. This is a copy, not the _________________________________ painting.

relating to
3. When she reread her paper, Angie made a ______________________ .
act or process correction

4. To be an explorer, you must be ________________________________. original

having qualities of motherhood

5. Roger was proud when he was elected _ ________________________ . adventurous

a person who

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 8

Suffixes:  -ant/ent, -al, -ous, -ion/tion, -hood

Suffix Meaning Example

ant/ent- a person who assistant

al- relating to seasonal
ous- having qualities of marvelous
ion/tion- act or process collection
hood- state of being knighthood

E Read each question. Then circle the best answer.

1. Which one is a newcomer? a. immigration b. immigrant c. immigrate

2. Which one could be an aunt? a. relation b. relate c. unrelated

3. Which one is a place? a. neighborhood b. neighborly c. neighbor

4. Which one is a retreat? a. withdrawn b. withhold c. withdrawal

5. Which one is a big event? a. momentarily b. momentous c. moment

F Read the paragraph and circle the words with suffixes. Then answer the questions.

During my boyhood, my father sent me to be a servant to a knight.

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources

This knight had a thunderous voice and was a champion at arms. At first,
my reaction to him was fear, but I soon found he had a good heart. The
years I spent with him were very educational. When my time with him was
up, I knew that I, too, hoped for a knighthood.

1. How did the writer spend his boyhood? __ ____________________________________________

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

2. Why was the writer afraid of the knight at first? _______________________________________

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

3. Why do you think the knight was a good example to the boy? _________________________

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 9

Prefixes and Suffixes

Some words are long because they have both a prefix and a suffix. Look for prefixes
and suffixes to help you understand what a word means.

A Write the prefix and the suffix in each word. Then write the base word.

Prefix Suffix Base Word

1. reaction

2. nonsmoker

3. unsinkable

4. overpayment

5. foreseeable

6. disagreement

7. unbeatable

8. indirectness

9. nonsupporter

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources
10. mistreatment

B Choose a word from the box to complete each sentence.

1. Something that you can return to a store is _________________________ . renewal

2. When you renew a membership, it is a ____________________________ . imperfection

3. An _______________________________________ is an act that is not kind. returnable

4. When you pay back a loan, you make a _ __________________________ .
5. If something is not perfect, it has an _______________________________ .

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 9

C Read the words in the box, then follow the directions.
You can use a word more than once.

1. Write the words that have a prefix that means “not.”

2. Write the words that have a suffix that means “state of being.” unevenness

________________________________________________________ preschooler

________________________________________________________ unfairness

3. Write the words that have a prefix that means “before.”


D Read each question. Then circle the best answer.

1. Which word means “able to be used again”?

a. usable b. reusable c. unusable

2. Which word means “before the time of written history”?

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources

a. prehistory b. historical c. historian

3. Which word means “no action”?

a. action b. active c. inaction

4. Which word means “twice a week”?

a. semiweekly b. weekly c. weekend

5. Which word means “something that has been stated again”?

a. statement b. misstatement c. restatement

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 9

E Read each question. Then circle the best answer.

1. Which one is a young child? a. preschool b. preschooler c. schoolroom

2. Which one is really bad? a. bearable b. bearing c. unbearable

3. Which one is against the law? a. unlawful b. lawyer c. lawful

4. Which behavior is rude? a. politely b. impolitely c. polite

5. Which one is an accident? a. railed b. railroad c. derailment

F Read the paragraphs and circle the words with both a prefix and a suffix.
Then answer the questions.

Suki thought the paper cups she bought for the party were
unbreakable. She didn’t see the imperfection in the one she held.
“You need a replacement,” said Jorge with disapproval. “That cup
is unusable. It has a rip in it!”
Suki’s unhappiness showed on her face. “I’ll have to take them all
back,” she said impatiently.

1. Why does Suki have to take the cups back? __________________________________________

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources
_ __________________________________________________________________________________

2. How does Jorge feel about the cups Suki bought? ____________________________________

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

3. How does Suki feel about taking the cups back? ______________________________________

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 10

Latin Roots:  ped, numer, act, port, art

Many words in English come from Latin. If you know the meaning of Latin roots, it will
help you understand these words when you read.

Latin Root Meaning Example

ped foot pedal

numer number numeral
act do action
port carry porter
art skill artist

A Study the chart above. Then use it to complete each sentence.

1. A ______________________________ is someone who carries suitcases.

2. You use your feet to ______________________________ a bike.

3. An ______________________________ is skilled at art.

4. When people take ______________________________ , they do things.

5. Something that stands for a number is a ______________________________ .

B Underline the Latin root in each word. Then write a meaning for the word. Use the chart
Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources

above and a dictionary to help you.

1. artistic ___________________________________________________________________

2. pedestrian ___________________________________________________________________

3. numerous ___________________________________________________________________

4. active ___________________________________________________________________

5. portable ___________________________________________________________________

C Choose a word from the box to complete each sentence.

1. A base on which a statue stands is a ________________________ .
2. Ships ____________________________ goods from place to place. artisan

3. A skilled worker is an _ ____________________________________ .

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 10

Latin Roots:  ped, numer, act, port, art

Latin Root Meaning Example

ped foot pedal

numer number numeral
act do action
port carry porter
art skill artist

D Read the words below, then follow the directions.

acting activist
1. Write the words with the Latin root that means “carry.” import artful
_ _______________________________________________________ deport activism
transact artificial
2. Write the words with the Latin root that means “foot.”
_ _______________________________________________________ numerical
3. Write the words with the Latin root that means “skill.”
_ _______________________________________________________ numerology

4. Write the words with the Latin root that means “do.”

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources
_ __________________________________________________________________________________

5. Write the words with the Latin root that means “number.”

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

E Read each question. Then circle the best answer.

1. Which one is for walkers? a. thermometer b. odometer c. pedometer

2. Which one is in a fraction? a. numerator b. operator c. radiator

3. Which one gets things going? a. deactivate b. activate c. elevate

4. Which one includes cars and trucks? a. transparency b. translation c. transportation

5. Which one is made with skill? a. archer b. artifact c. artichoke

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 10

Latin Roots:  ped, numer, act, port, art

Latin Root Meaning Example

ped foot pedal

numer number numeral
act do action
port carry porter
art skill artist

F Read the clues. Then use the words below to complete the puzzle.

actor exports portfolio pedaling moped

numbers artmobile numerical artwork reaction

L __ __
1. A container for carrying papers __ __ __ __ __ __ __

A __ __ __ __
2. She is _____ to make the paddle boat move. __ __ __ __

3. What people hang on walls T __ __ __ __

__ __ __

4. Relating to numbers I __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources

5. An action in response to an action

R __ __
6. Goods carried out of a country for sale __ __ __ __ __

O __ __ __ __
7. A van carrying art __ __ __ __ __

O __ __ __
8. A bike with a motor __ __

T __ __
9. Someone who does things on a stage __ __ __

10. Symbols used for counting __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 11

Latin Roots:  pop, form, ject, nav, man

Many words in English come from Latin. If you know the meaning of Latin roots,
it will help you understand these words when you read.

Latin Root Meaning Example

pop people population

form shape formula
ject throw reject
nav ship navy
man hand manual

A Study the chart above. Then use it to complete each sentence.

1. A branch of the armed forces with ships is a ______________________________ .

2. Work that is done by hand is ______________________________ labor.

3. The number of people in a city is its ______________________________ .

4. If you toss rotten apples away, you ______________________________ them.

5. A ______________________________ is a set of words that tells how to make something.

B Read the words in the box, then follow the directions.

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources
1. Write the words with the Latin root that means “throw.”
_ _______________________________________________________ transform

_ _______________________________________________________ deform

2. Write the words with the Latin root that means “hand.” manage

_ _______________________________________________________
_ _______________________________________________________
3. Write the words with the Latin root that means “shape.
_ _______________________________________________________

_ _______________________________________________________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 11

Latin Roots:  pop, form, ject, nav, man

Latin Root Meaning Example

pop people population

form shape formula
ject throw reject
nav ship navy
man hand manual

C Choose a word from the box to complete each sentence.

1. A vending machine can _ ____________________________ cans of juice. manicure

2. A treatment for hands and nails is a _ ____________________________ .
3. A __________________________________________ area is full of people.
4. A cloud is a ________________________________________ of raindrops.
5. The captain of a warship is a _____________________________ officer.

D Underline the Latin root in each word. Then circle the best meaning for the word.
Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources

1. popular a. something you b. liked by many people c. a spicy black

write on seasoning

2. formless a. without shape b. a farm worker c. hardness

3. manacle a. of the mind b. a ruler c. a handcuff

4. navigate a. to begin b. to steer a ship c. to avoid taking


5. objective a. quick to notice b. something in the way c. something you

aim at

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 11

Latin Roots:  pop, form, ject, nav, man

Latin Root Meaning Example

pop people population

form shape formula
ject throw reject
nav ship navy
man hand manual

E Read each question. Then circle the best answer.

1. Which one do you wear? a. uniform b. reform c. conform

2. Which one is a person? a. manuscript b. manager c. manure

3. Which one is blue? a. navy b. lime c. rose

4. Which one is about sadness? a. perfection b. correction c. dejection

5. Which music is the newest? a. blues b. pop c. folk

F Read the paragraphs and circle the words with the Latin roots from this lesson. Then
answer the questions.

Olive decided to get a haircut and a manicure.

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources
“Transform me,” she told the beauty shop owner. “I am going to a formal
dinner on the naval base. My date is an officer in the Navy.”
The hairdresser put on her uniform. “Let’s begin,” she said. “You’ll look
great when we are done.”
“Don’t worry,” added the manicurist. “You will be very popular. No one
will reject you.”

1. What did Olive want at the beauty shop? ____________________________________________


2. Why did she want to look good? ____________________________________________________


3. How was she treated at the shop? ___________________________________________________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 12

Latin Roots:  vis/vid, dict, aud, liber, mar

Many words in English come from Latin. If you know the meaning of Latin roots,
it will help you understand these words when you read.

Latin Root Meaning Example

vis/vid see vision

dict say predict
aud hear audio
liber free liberty
mar sea marina

A Study the chart above. Then use it to complete each sentence.

1. After he did his homework, Russ was at ______________________________ to play baseball.

2. Take care of your eyes because your ______________________________ is important.

3. The boat sailed from the sea to the ______________________________ to dock.

4. You can listen to ______________________________ books in the car.

5. If you ______________________________ something, you say what will happen before it does.

B Read the words, then follow the directions.

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources

1. Write the words with the Latin root that means “sea.”
_ __________________________________________________________
2. Write the words with the Latin root that means “free.” mariner
_ __________________________________________________________ liberal

3. Write the words with the Latin root that means “hear.” vista
_ __________________________________________________________
4. Write the words with the Latin root that means “say.”
_ __________________________________________________________ dictate

5. Write the words with the Latin root that means “see.” prediction

_ __________________________________________________________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 12

Latin Roots:  vis/vid, dict, aud, liber, mar

Latin Root Meaning Example

vis/vid see vision

dict say predict
aud hear audio
liber free liberty
mar sea marina

C Underline the Latin root in each word. Then circle the best meaning for the word.

1. contradict a. to contribute b. to say the opposite c. to shorten a pair

of words

2. marine a. related to the sea b. a kind of sheep c. a way of doing


3. audience a. fall season b. group of listeners c. a sale to bidders

4. visualize a. to pay a visit b. to be a good person c. to form a mental


5. liberally a. happily b. freely c. quietly

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources
D Choose a word from the box to complete each sentence.

1. A _ ________________________ tells you how to pronounce words.

2. If something is _____________________________ , you can’t hear it. marinate

3. A _ ____________________________ is someone who frees people. dictionary

4. If you soak meat in a liquid, you ____________________________ it. inaudible

5. Things that you can see are _ ________________________________ .

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 12

Latin Roots:  vis/vid, dict, aud, liber, mar

Latin Root Meaning Example

vis/vid see vision

dict say predict
aud hear audio
liber free liberty
mar sea marina

E Read each question. Then circle the best answer.

1. Which one is about words? a. faction b. suction c. diction

2. Which one shades your eyes? a. visor b. razor c. scissor

3. Which one is a famous statue? a. liberty b. injury c. sanity

4. Which one is for concerts? a. playground b. auditorium c. supermarket

5. Which one moves underwater? a. bicycle b. submarine c. airplane

F Read the paragraphs and circle the words with the Latin roots from this lesson.
Then answer the questions.

Sari’s cat got stuck in a tree, and his meows were very audible. Bad cat!
Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources

By the time Sari liberated him, she was late—late for her big chance. Sari
was going to an audition for a new television show. Now she could just
predict what would happen. Someone else would get the part. No! She
couldn’t let that happen.
Quickly, Sari jumped into her boat and sped across the marina. On her
way she envisioned how she would explain her lateness and maybe get
another chance.

1. Why was Sari late? _______________________________________________________________

2. Where was she going? _ __________________________________________________________

3. Do you think she got a chance to audition? Explain. ___________________________________

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 13

Greek Roots:  phon, meter, geo

Many words in English come from Greek. If you know the meaning of Greek
roots, it will help you understand more words when you read.

Greek Root Meaning Example

phon sound phonics

meter measure thermometer
geo earth geography

A Study the chart above. Then use it to complete each sentence.

You may use a word more than once.

1. A __________________________ measures temperature.

2. The study of earth’s surface is called __________________________ .

3. In reading, you learn about __________________________ , the sounds that letters spell.

4. To find out how warm it is, check a __________________________ .

5. You learn about earth’s plains, hills, and mountains in __________________________ .

B Choose a word from the box to complete each sentence.

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earphones geologist metronome speedometer telephone

1. Someone who studies earth’s crust is a ___________________________ .

2. A ___________________________ measures the speed of a car.

3. He used ___________________________ to listen to music.

4. A ___________________________ measures or marks time for a musician.

5. You can talk to a friend on the ___________________________ .

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 13

Greek Roots:  phon, meter, geo

Greek Root Meaning Example

phon sound phonics

meter measure thermometer
geo earth geography

C Underline the Greek root in each word below. Then write a meaning for each word.
Use the chart above and a dictionary to help you.

1. geode ____________________________________________________

2. odometer ____________________________________________________

3. megaphone ____________________________________________________

4. perimeter ____________________________________________________

5. geology ____________________________________________________

D Underline the Greek root in each word. Then circle the best meaning for the word.

1. microphone a. instrument to make b. film for making c. a kind of germ

sound louder small photos
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2. pedometer a. someone who b. instrument to measure c. a triangular part

takes care of feet walking distance of a building

3. geocentric a. very large b. related to exercise c. viewed from

earth’s center

4. symphony a. place of worship b. music for an c. a sameness

orchestra of feeling

5. barometer a. something left over b. instrument to measure c. having to do

air pressure with the eye

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 13

Greek Roots:  phon, meter, geo

Greek Root Meaning Example

phon sound phonics

meter measure thermometer
geo earth geography

E Some math words have the Greek root meter. Add this root to each word on the web.
Then write the meaning of each word. Use the chart above and a dictionary to help you.

1. centi _________________ 3. dia _________________


2. kilo _________________ 4. milli _________________

F Read the passage. Circle the words with the Greek roots from this lesson. Then
answer the questions.

Do you know what a phonometer is? My big brother says he needs one.

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He wants to measure the sound when we do our homework. He thinks we
make too much noise when we do our geometry and geography lessons.
Of course, we think he makes too much noise when he is on his cell
phone. He paces the perimeter of the room and talks in a loud voice. You’d
think he had a megaphone!

1. What is a phonometer? ____________________________________________________________

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

2. Why does the big brother want one? ________________________________________________

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

3. How do you think this family should solve this problem? _ _____________________________

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 14

Greek Roots:  photo, auto, bio

Many words in English come from Greek. If you know the meaning of Greek roots,
it will help you understand these words when you read.

Greek Root Meaning Example

photo light photograph

auto self automobile
bio life biology

A Study the chart above. Then use it to complete each sentence.

You may use a word more than once.

1. An ___________________________________ moves on its own power.

2. The study of living things is called ___________________________________ .

3. In a ___________________________________ , film is exposed to light.

4. You might learn about plants and animals in a ___________________________________ class.

5. The invention of the ___________________________________ changed the way people travel.

B Choose a word from the box to complete each sentence.

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autocade photocopier biohazard autograph biography

1. Have you ever asked a rock star to sign an ___________________________________ ?

2. A ___________________________________ is someone’s life story.

3. A procession of cars is an ___________________________________ .

4. You can reproduce a photo on a ___________________________________ .

5. A ___________________________________ can cause health problems.

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 14

Greek Roots:  photo, auto, bio

Greek Root Meaning Example

photo light photograph

auto self automobile
bio life biology

C Underline the Greek root in each word. Then circle the best meaning for the word.

1. biographer a. writer of a life story b. a follower c. a kind person

2. photogenic a. a very smart person b. photographs well c. a loud sound

3. automotive a. a rock slide b. a way to measure c. self-moving

4. automatic a. relating to fall b. to give power c. self-operating

5. biome a. pair of field glasses b. community of c. field of

living things engineering

D Read the words, then follow the directions.

telephoto biopsy photostat automation

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autobus biosphere photocopy biological

biofeedback photoplay photographer automat

1. Write the words with the Greek root that means “life.”

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

2. Write the words with the Greek root that means “light.”

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

3. Write the words with the Greek root that means “self.”

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 14

Greek Roots:  photo, auto, bio

Greek Root Meaning Example

photo light photograph

auto self automobile
bio life biology

E Read each question. Then circle the best answer.

1. Which one is a life scientist? a. artist b. violinist c. biologist

2. Which one writes about herself? a. biographer b. grasshopper c. autobiographer

3. Which one uses light? a. telegraph b. photograph c. autograph

4. Which one is about life on earth? a. biosphere b. hemisphere c. unisphere

5. Which one is a lightbulb? a. flash flood b. folklore c. photoflash

F Read the paragraph and circle the words with the Greek roots from this lesson. Then
answer the questions.

The students in Miss Hull’s class were learning about careers. Jan
wanted to be a photographer. Miles wanted to design automobiles. Cindy
Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources

said she would be a movie star and sign autographs for fans. Other
students were interested in biology and biochemistry careers. Sonny said
he would be an author and write a biography for each classmate who
became famous.

1. Why were the students talking about the work they wanted to do?

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

2. What skills do you think Miles would need for his career?

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

3. What advice would you give to these students about succeeding in their careers?

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 15

Greek Roots:  graph, tele, cycle

Many words in English come from Greek. If you know the meaning of Greek roots,
it will help you understand these words when you read.

Greek Root Meaning Example

graph write autograph

tele far telescope
cyclo wheel cycle

A Study the chart above. Then use it to complete each sentence.

You may use a word more than once.

1. The seasons come and go in a never-ending ___________________________________ .

2. The soccer player signed his ___________________________________ on my program.

3. You can see the stars through a ___________________________________ .

4. We can ___________________________________ around the park tomorrow.

5. A powerful lens helps you see through this ___________________________________ .

B Underline the Greek root from this lesson in each word. Then write a meaning for the
word. Use the chart above and a dictionary to help you.

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1. recycle __________________________________________________________________________

2. telephoto ________________________________________________________________________

3. telephone ________________________________________________________________________

4. graphic __________________________________________________________________________

5. graphite __________________________________________________________________________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 15

Greek Roots:  graph, tele, cycle

Greek Root Meaning Example

graph write autograph

tele far telescope
cyclo wheel cycle

C Choose a word from the box to complete each sentence.

cyclical telegram graphology cyclist televise

1. What station will ___________________________________ the game tonight?

2. Selling bathing suits is a ___________________________________ business.

3. In the old movie, people sent messages by ___________________________________ .

4. The study of handwriting is called ___________________________________ .

5. In a race, each ___________________________________ rides as part of a team.

D Some words have more than one Greek part. Write each Greek part for the words below.
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1. geography ________________________ 4. telemeter ________________________

2. telegraph ________________________ 5. telephoto ________________________

3. autograph ________________________

E Read each question. Then circle the best answer.

1. Which one is a person? a. geographic b. geographer c. geography

2. Which one is a storm? a. cyclone b. cycling c. unicycle

3. Which one is a machine? a. telegenic b. teledrama c. television

4. Which one has wheels? a. triceps b. tricycle c. triangle

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 15

Greek Roots:  graph, tele, cycle

Greek Root Meaning Example

graph write autograph

tele far telescope
cyclo wheel cycle

F Read the clues, then use the words below to complete the puzzle.

telegraph bicyclist graphic telephone bicycle

phonograph biography autograph televise telescope

1. A
 machine you play
records on G __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __

2. S
 omeone’s life
story R __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __

3. B
 ike is short for the
word ___ . E
__ __ __ __ __ __ __

4. R
 elating to written
material A __ __ __ __
__ __ __

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5. W
 hat you use to
call someone T __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

6. A
 n outdated way of sending
R __ __ __
short messages __ __ __ __ __ __

7. A
 n instrument for looking
at stars. O __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __

8. Someone’s signature O __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __

9. T
 o put something
on television T __ __ __ __ __ __ __

10. S
 omeone who rides
a bike S __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 16

Greek and Latin Number Roots

Many Greek and Latin roots are related to numbers. If you know the meaning of
these roots, it will help you understand words containing them when you read.

Greek Root Latin Root Meaning Example

monos unus/uni one monorail unicorn

bi two bicycle
tri three triplex
quartus four quartet
decem ten decade
centum hundred century

A Study the chart above. Then use it to complete each sentence.

1. Tri means “three,” so a triplex has ______________________________ floors.

2. Quartus means “four,” so a quartet has ______________________________ members.

3. Centum means “hundred,” so a century has one ______________________________ years.

4. Monos means “one,” so a monorail has one ______________________________ rail.

5. Uni means “one,” so a unicorn has ______________________________ horn.

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6. Bi means “two,” so a bicycle has ______________________________ wheels.

7. Decem means “ten,” so a decade has ______________________________ years.

B Circle the number root in each word below. Then write the meaning of the root.

1. centipede ________________________________________________________________________

2. bisect ____________________________________________________________________________

3. monopoly ________________________________________________________________________

4. triple _ ___________________________________________________________________________

5. biweekly __________________________________________________________________________

6. union ____________________________________________________________________________

7. trio _ ____________________________________________________________________________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 16

Greek and Latin Number Roots

Greek Root Latin Root Meaning Example
monos unus/uni one monorail unicorn
bi two bicycle
tri three triplex
quartus four quartet
decem ten decade
centum hundred century

C Choose a word from the box to complete each sentence.

decagon unanimous quadruplet centenarian bilingual trident monocle

1. A ______________________________ is someone who is 100 years old.

2. A ______________________________ has three prongs.

3. When a vote is ______________________________ , all vote as one.

4. A ______________________________ is an eyeglass for one eye.

5. A ______________________________ is one of four children born at the same time.

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6. Someone who can speak two languages is ______________________________ .

7. A ______________________________ has ten sides and ten angles.

D Use the chart at the top of the page to help you answer each question.

1. How many points in a quadrangle? ________________________________________________

2. How many wheels on a unicycle? ___________________________________________________

3. How many subjects in a monograph? _______________________________________________

4. How many books in a trilogy? _ ____________________________________________________

5. How many events for an athlete in a decathlon? _____________________________________

6. How many centimeters in a meter? ________________________________________________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 16

Greek and Latin Number Roots

Greek Root Latin Root Meaning Example
monos unus/uni one monorail unicorn
bi two bicycle
tri three triplex
quartus four quartet
decem ten decade
centum hundred century

E Read each question. Then circle the best answer.

1. Which tooth has two cusps? a. incisor b. molar c. bicuspid

2. Which group is a threesome? a. twins b. triplets c. dozen

3. Which poem has four lines? a. couplet b. quatrain c. haiku

4. Which one has the fewest syllables? a. compound b. monosyllable c. multisyllable

5. Which one is a quadruped? a. horse b. chicken c. octopus

F Read the paragraphs and circle the words with Greek or Latin number roots. Then answer
the questions.
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Our town is about to celebrate its centennial. The school band has
new uniforms for marching in the parade. I plan to borrow my uncle’s
binoculars to watch the bands and floats go by.
There will be other entertainment as well. I read about a barbershop
quartet, a brass trio, and even a unicycle act. After that there will be a
stand-up comedian who does a funny monologue. I can’t wait!

1. Why is the town planning so much entertainment? ____________________________________

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

2. How does the writer plan to see things? _____________________________________________

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

3. When will the town celebrate its next centennial? _ ___________________________________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 17

The plural form of a noun is spelled differently than the singular form. When you
read, look to see if a noun is singular or plural.

Type of Plural Examples

Most plural nouns have an s at the end. books

Nouns that end in sh, ch, x, s, or ss have dishes, lunches, boxes,
es at the end for their plural form. circuses, guesses
Nouns that end in a consonant and y drop the y pennies
and have ies at the end for their plural form.

A Study the chart above. Then use it to help you find and circle
the plural noun in each sentence.

1. Ming put the dishes on the table.

2. How many peaches did you bring to the picnic?

3. The teacher read two stories aloud.

4. The buses were lined up by the curb.

5. The boys ran into the gym.

6. Kevin put his glasses in a case.

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7. The mailboxes are in the lobby.

B Write the plural form for each word below. Use the chart to help you.

1. berry ________________________ 5. match ________________________

2. mess ________________________ 6. octopus ________________________

3. mix ________________________ 7. eyelash ________________________

4. computer ________________________ 8. hobby ________________________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 17

Type of Plural Examples

Most plural nouns have an s at the end. books

Nouns that end in sh, ch, x, s, or ss have dishes, lunches, boxes,
es at the end for their plural form. circuses, guesses
Nouns that end in a consonant and y drop the y pennies
and have ies at the end for their plural form.

C Fill in the circle next to the word that best tells about each picture.

1. 2. 3.

m puppy m bush m fixes

m poppy m brush m foxes

m puppies m brushes m fox

4. 5. 6.

m walrus m church m dress

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m walnut m churches m dishes

m walruses m chuckles m dresses

D Circle the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. Noah played several _____ on the piano. melody melodies

2. The girls planned to go to the _____ on Saturday. beach beaches

3. There were three _____ to the accident. witness witnesses

4. People pay state and federal _____ in April. tax taxes

5. The flowers were in a large _____ . basket baskets

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 17

Type of Plural Examples

Most plural nouns have an s at the end. books

Nouns that end in sh, ch, x, s, or ss have dishes, lunches, boxes,
es at the end for their plural form. circuses, guesses
Nouns that end in a consonant and y drop the y pennies
and have ies at the end for their plural form.

E Complete the chart below with the missing forms of each word.

Singular Noun Plural Noun

1. trophy

2. recesses

3. index

4. coach

5. creature

6. wishes

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F Read the paragraphs and circle the plural nouns. Then answer the questions.

A few science classes from our school visited the zoo yesterday. Our
first stop was to see the hippopotamuses. We also saw some lion cubs.
They were cute, but it would be wrong to think of them as cuddly kitties!
The walruses entertained us with their diving, and the ostriches just stared.
In one display, we saw butterflies. Another building housed birds from all
over. They were either flying around or hopping on their perches.
Back at school, our teacher showed us atlases, and we looked up the
countries from which many of the animals came.

1. Why do you think the students visited the zoo? ______________________________________

2. What were the largest animals they saw? _ ___________________________________________

3. Why did the students look at atlases? _______________________________________________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 18

More Plurals
The plural form of a noun is usually spelled differently than the singular form. When
you read, look to see if a noun is singular or plural.

Type of Plural Examples

Nouns that end in f or fe usually change those

letters to ves for their plural form. leaves, wives
Some nouns have irregular plurals. men
Some nouns have the same spelling in their
singular and plural forms. deer, moose, fowl

A Study the chart above. Then use it to find and circle the plural noun in each sentence.

1. Josie cut the apple into halves.

2. The two chairmen met to discuss the problem.

3. The display had eight reindeer in it.

4. The salesmen in the store were all busy.

5. How many lives did the doctor save?

6. The women attended a meeting.

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B Write the plural form of each word below. Use a dictionary to help you.

1. child ___________________________

2. salmon ___________________________

3. trout ___________________________

4. foot ___________________________

5. ox ___________________________

6. tooth ___________________________

7. sheep ___________________________

8. mouse ___________________________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 18

More Plurals
Type of Plural Examples

Nouns that end in f or fe usually change those

letters to ves for their plural form. leaves, wives
Some nouns have irregular plurals. men
Some nouns have the same spelling in their
singular and plural forms. deer, moose, fowl

C Fill in the circle next to the word that best tells about each picture.

1. 2. 3.

m loaf m man m feets

m leaf m men m foot

m loaves m mens m feet

4. [ART: 2 calves] 5. [ART: 3 wolves] 6.

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m calf m wolf m scarf

m calfs m wolves m scarfs

m calves m worlds m scarves

D Circle the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. In the fall we have to rake so many _____ . leaf leaves

2. We went down to the _____ to see the boats. wharf wharves

3. How many _____ are in that fairy tale? elf elves

4. The wagon was pulled by a team of _____ . ox oxen

5. Did you know there are _____ in the barn? mouse mice

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 18

More Plurals
Type of Plural Examples

Nouns that end in f or fe usually change those

letters to ves for their plural form. leaves, wives
Some nouns have irregular plurals. men
Some nouns have the same spelling in their
singular and plural forms. deer, moose, fowl

E Complete the chart below with the missing form of each word.

Singular Noun Plural Noun

1. fowl

2. selves

3. thief

4. salmon

5. knife

6. child
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F Read the paragraphs and circle the plural nouns. Then answer the questions.

My grandfather gave the children in our family a painting. It is a farm

scene with oxen, sheep, and fowl, such as geese, in a barnyard. Two calves
stand near the fence, their hooves deep in mud.
On the outside of the fence is a tree with dark green leaves. Beneath the
tree are two wolves. Will these thieves attack? Will their sharp teeth take
the lives in the barnyard? This painting has always made me think.

1. What kind of scene does the painting show? _________________________________________

2. What is the danger lurking in the picture? ____________________________________________

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

3. Why does the painting make the writer think? ________________________________________

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 19

Plurals and Possessives

When you read, be sure not to confuse plural nouns with possessive nouns.
Possessive nouns show ownership and have an apostrophe.

Kind of Possessive Examples Meaning

Singular possessive nouns end the dog’s bone bone belonging to the dog
in an apostrophe (’) and s. Manny’s hat hat belonging to Manny
Most plural possessive nouns end the girls’ house house belonging to the girls
in s and an apostrophe (’). the pennies’ luster luster of the pennies
Plural nouns that do not end in s
end in an apostrophe (’) and s. the women’s coats coats belonging to the women

A Study the chart above. Then read each sentence and underline the possessive noun.
Write S or P to tell if the possessive noun is singular or plural.

1. We saw the lions’ den at the zoo. ______

2. The author’s voice is very clear in this book. ______

3. The men’s feet were very dirty from the muddy field. ______

4. Was the story’s ending a surprise to you? ______

5. The players’ equipment is ready to be loaded onto the buses. ______

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B Read each sentence. Then tell who the owner is and what belongs to the owner.

Owner What Is Owned

1. Tessa’s dog ran away yesterday.

2. Did you borrow the boys’ sled?

3. The berries’ color is a brilliant blue.

4. Mom wanted to look at the children’s clothes.

5. These are my friend’s mice.

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 19

Plurals and Possessives

Kind of Possessive Examples Meaning

Singular possessive nouns end the dog’s bone bone belonging to the dog
in an apostrophe (’) and s. Manny’s hat hat belonging to Manny
Most plural possessive nouns end the girls’ house house belonging to the girls
in s and an apostrophe (’). the pennies’ luster luster of the pennies
Plural nouns that do not end in s
end in an apostrophe (’) and s. the women’s coats coats belonging to the women

C Read each sentence. Then write any plural nouns or possessive nouns you find.

Plural Possessive
Nouns Nouns

1. The girls tried not to walk on the neighbor’s lawn.

2. The doctors’ offices are on that street.

3. A lot of relatives are coming to my aunt’s party.

4. The men’s team lost two games.

5. A spider’s web can trap many insects.

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D Write a sentence using each of the words below.

1. reindeers’ ________________________________________________________________________

2. Craig’s ___________________________________________________________________________

3. sidewalks’ ________________________________________________________________________

4. daisy’s ___________________________________________________________________________

5. puppies’ _________________________________________________________________________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 19

Plurals and Possessives

Kind of Possessive Examples Meaning

Singular possessive nouns end the dog’s bone bone belonging to the dog
in an apostrophe (’) and s. Manny’s hat hat belonging to Manny
Most plural possessive nouns end the girls’ house house belonging to the girls
in s and an apostrophe (’). the pennies’ luster luster of the pennies
Plural nouns that do not end in s
end in an apostrophe (’) and s. the women’s coats coats belonging to the women

E Circle the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. At the farm the guests rode on ____ . ponies pony’s ponies’

2. We read several ____ diaries in history class. explorers explorers’ explorer’s

3. The ____ point was not sharp enough. pencils pencil’s pencils’

4. He entered the ____ locker room. mens mens’ men’s

5. Julie loved the way that ____ hair was done. actress’ actresses actress’s

F Read the paragraph and circle the possessive nouns. Then answer the questions.

In the field behind our neighbor’s garage is a bluebird’s house.

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Some workers from the Nature Society’s headquarters put it up last
spring. We use my father’s binoculars to watch the scene. Since the
birds’ nest is in the little house, it’s hard to see the mother’s eggs. We
can hear the parents scolding, though, when someone gets too near.

1. Where is the birdhouse? _ __________________________________________________________

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

2. Why is it hard to see the birds? _ ____________________________________________________

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

3. Why don’t the birds want anyone near the house? ____________________________________

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 20

Word Endings
When an ending is added to a word, the word’s meaning changes. Pay attention to
word endings when you read.

Part of Speech Ending Form Example

verb -ed past tense

(action takes place in past) walk + ed = walked
adjective or adverb -er comparative
(compares 2 things) tall + er = taller
adjective or adverb -est superlative
(compares more than 2 things) tall + est = tallest

A Study the chart above. Then read each sentence and underline the verb, adjective, or
adverb with an ending. Write the form of the word on the line.

1. Delaware is smaller than Vermont. _____________________

2. Winter is the coldest season. _____________________

3. One clown tossed a pie at a second clown. _____________________

4. Della opened the bedroom window. _____________________

5. Those geese make the loudest sound I have ever heard. _____________________
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6. The boy dove deeper than his friend did. _____________________

B Read each question. Then circle the best answer.

1. Which one has already happened? a. pull b. puller c. pulled

2. Which one is fastest? a. quicker b. quickest c. quick

3. Which one compares two temperatures? a. warm b. warmer c. warmest

4. Which one is the highest? a. tall b. taller c. tallest

5. Which sound is over? a. roared b. roar c. roars

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 20

Word Endings
Part of Speech Ending Form Example

verb -ed past tense

(action takes place in past) walk + ed = walked
adjective or adverb -er comparative
(compares 2 things) tall + er = taller
adjective or adverb -est superlative
(compares more than 2 things) tall + est = tallest

C Circle the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. That was the ____ test we ever had. harder hardest

2. Is Jessica ____ than Emily? older oldest

3. The train left ____ than expected. later latest

4. Elm Street is ____ than Oak Street. narrower narrowest

5. Wade is the ____ runner in the class. fast fastest

6. The tree in the middle grew the ____ of all. straighter straightest

D Fill in the circle next to the word that best tells about each picture.

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1. 2. 3.

m long m full m short

m longer m fuller m shorter

m longest m fullest m shortest

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 20

Word Endings
Part of Speech Ending Form Example

verb -ed past tense

(action takes place in past) walk + ed = walked
adjective or adverb -er comparative
(compares 2 things) tall + er = taller
adjective or adverb -est superlative
(compares more than 2 things) tall + est = tallest

E Write a sentence using each of the words below.

1. explained ________________________________________________________________________

2. lighter ___________________________________________________________________________

3. heaped ___________________________________________________________________________

4. greatest _ ________________________________________________________________________

5. danced ___________________________________________________________________________

F Read the clues, then complete the puzzle.

1. past tense of wait W __ __ __ __ __

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources

2. comparative form of strong O __ __ __ __

__ __ __ __

3. superlative form of bright R __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ __

4. superlative form of dark D __ __ __ __ __ __


5. past tense of help E __ __ __ __

__ __

6. past tense of answer N __ __ __ __ __ __

__ __

7. past tense of add D __ __

__ __ __

8. comparative form of wild I __ __ __ __

__ __

9. superlative form of soon N __ __ __

__ __ __ __

10. past tense of gobble G __ __ __ __ __ __


Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 21

A contraction is formed when two words are put together and some letters are
left out. An apostrophe (’) replaces the missing letters.

Words Contractions

I am I’m
is not isn’t
do not don’t

A Underline the contraction in each sentence. Then write the two words that make up the

1. We’ll have dinner at six tonight. _________________ _________________

2. When you’re in town, please buy me a paper. _________________ _________________

3. Sara can’t come to the party. _________________ _________________

4. That wasn’t a good joke. _________________ _________________

5. How’s your mother feeling? _________________ _________________

6. Ask Mac to tell us when he’ll be here. _________________ _________________

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources
B Draw a line to match each pair of words to its contraction.

1. were not a. she’d

2. we have b. won’t

3. she would c. there’s

4. will not d. weren’t

5. has not e. hasn’t

6. there is f. we’ve

7. must not g. should‘ve

8. should have h. mustn’t

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 21

Words Contractions

I am I’m
is not isn’t
do not don’t

C Write a contraction for each set of words below.

1. we would ____________________ 6. where is ____________________

2. I have ____________________ 7. they have ____________________

3. we are ____________________ 8. let us ____________________

4. does not ____________________ 9. I will ____________________

5. she is ____________________ 10. he had ____________________

D Circle a pair of words in each sentence that could form a contraction.

Then write the contraction.

1. If you will call me, we can plan our shopping trip. ____________________

2. Nora can not finish her paper on time. ____________________

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources

3. Where is the dish I use for the cat? ____________________

4. Mr. Foster found the place where they have been digging. ____________________

5. The guests have not been served dinner yet. ____________________

6. Please do not walk on the clean floor with dirty shoes. ____________________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 21

Words Contractions

I am I’m
is not isn’t
do not don’t

E Read each question. Then circle the best answer.

1. Which one is negative? a. you’re b. aren’t c. that’s

2. Which one is short for will? a. they’d b. they’ve c. they’ll

3. Which one is in the present? a. she’s b. she’d c. she’ll

4. Which one is in the past? a. hadn’t b. hasn’t c. isn’t

5. Which one is in the future? a. I’d b. I’ll c. I’m

F  ead the paragraph and circle the words with contractions.

Then answer the questions.

We’re rushing around the house in a giddy mood. My parents haven’t

said anything, but I know they’ll soon speak out. I’m not sure what I’ll tell

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources
them. There’s really nothing very funny happening. It’s just that exams are
over, and that’s such a relief. My brother can’t stop singing, and he doesn’t
have a very good voice. Wendy’s hopeless with laughter. She’s making me
giggle too. I guess we’ve all been under a lot of stress.

1. Why are the kids in a giddy mood? __________________________________________________

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

2. Why might their parents wonder what’s going on? ____________________________________

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

3. What causes you to get silly? _ ______________________________________________________

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 22

Easily Confused Words

Some words sound alike and are easily confused.

Easily Confused Words Contraction Possessive

you’re and your Call us when you’re home. Here is your hat.
it’s and its I think it’s late. What is its name?
who’s and whose Who’s coming with me? Whose painting is that?
they’re and their They’re at the seashore. The students read their books.

A Study the chart above. Then read each sentence and write Contraction or Possessive to
identify the underlined word.

1. Is that your sister who’s in the kitchen? __________________________

2. The singers will stand when it is their turn to perform. __________________________

3. The dog scratched its head. __________________________

4. Maud thinks it’s too late to take a walk. __________________________

5. Are these your mittens? __________________________

6. I wonder whose car is in our driveway. __________________________

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7. The Bentons said they’re giving a party. __________________________

8. I hope you’re feeling better. __________________________

B Circle the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. Carmine got a new skateboard, and ______ great. its it’s

2. Do you think ______ going to win this game? they’re their

3. Dad, ______ away on business, sent me a postcard. who’s whose

4. The cow flicked ______ tail. its it’s

5. Let us know if ______ going to need a ride. you’re your

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 22

Easily Confused Words

Easily Confused Words Contraction Possessive

you’re and your Call us when you’re home. Here is your hat.
it’s and its I think it’s late. What is its name?
who’s and whose Who’s coming with me? Whose painting is that?
they’re and their They’re at the seashore. The students read their books.

C Find the mistake in each sentence below. Then rewrite the sentence so it is correct.

1. Do you think its too hot to go to your dance class? ___________________________________


2. Your going to be sorry for breaking their glass. _______________________________________


3. I think their going to visit the people whose dog got loose. ___________________________


4. Whose the actress in the show with your uncle? ______________________________________


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5. Their team won it’s first game this season. ___________________________________________


D Write a sentence using each of the words below.

1. whose _ __________________________________________________________________________

2. their _____________________________________________________________________________

3. your _____________________________________________________________________________

4. it’s _______________________________________________________________________________

5. you’re _ __________________________________________________________________________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 22

Easily Confused Words

Easily Confused Words Contraction Possessive

you’re and your Call us when you’re home. Here is your hat.
it’s and its I think it’s late. What is its name?
who’s and whose Who’s coming with me? Whose painting is that?
they’re and their They’re at the seashore. The students read their books.

E Read each question. Then circle the best answer.

1. Which one is a contraction? a. they’re b. there c. their

2. Which one is a possessive? a. whose b. who c. who’s

3. Which one means “belonging to you”? a. you b. you’re c. your

4. Which one is two words together? a. its b. it c. it’s

5. Which one means “you are”? a. you b. your c. you’re

F Read the paragraphs and circle the words from this lesson. Then answer the questions.

It’s been a busy morning for Rowdy. First he had to wake Paul, in whose room
he sleeps. Then they played their usual game of tug-the-blanket.
Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources

“Who’s ready for breakfast?” called Paul’s mom. “It’s late,” she said. “Hurry,
or you’re going to miss the bus. And don’t forget your math book!”
Paul and Rowdy raced to the bus stop just as the bus came into view, its
warning lights blinking. Once Paul was on the bus, Rowdy went home. He
looked for his toys. “They’re in your box,” Paul’s mother told him. Rowdy found
his monkey and grabbed it by its tail. He played for awhile and then took a nap.

1. Who is Rowdy? ____________________________________________________________________

2. How does Rowdy’s day differ from Paul’s? ___________________________________________

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

3. Where do you think Rowdy will be when Paul comes home? ___________________________

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 23

Words can be divided into syllables. A syllable has one vowel sound. You can use
syllables to help you break down an unfamiliar word for reading and pronunciation.
Syllables have different spelling patterns. In many words, each syllable ends in
a consonant.

Number of Number of
Word Example
Vowel Sounds Syllables

can 1 vowel sound 1 syllable can

candid 2 vowel sounds 2 syllables can did

A Count the vowel sounds and write the number of syllables in each word below.

1. zigzag _______ 7. bent _______

2. yelled _______ 8. puppet _______

3. magnet _______ 9. singing _______

4. dug _______ 10. cucumber _______

5. pocket _______ 11. different _______

6. wonderful _______ 12. atlas _______

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources
B Read each word below. Write the two syllables in the word. Use a dictionary to help you.

1. contest ___________ ___________ 6. cutlet ___________ ___________

2. tidbit ___________ ___________ 7. robin ___________ ___________

3. fossil ___________ ___________ 8. victim ___________ ___________

4. attic ___________ ___________ 9. picnic ___________ ___________

5. velvet ___________ ___________ 10. blister ___________ ___________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 23

Number of Number of
Word Example
Vowel Sounds Syllables

can 1 vowel sound 1 syllable can

candid 2 vowel sounds 2 syllables can did

C Add the syllable on the left to each syllable in the row to form new words.

1. sun _______tan _______down _______set

2. com _______mon _______et _______ic

3. den _______im _______tist _______tal

4. sad _______dle _______der _______den

5. can _______yon _______vas _______cer

D For each group of syllables below, add a syllable from the box to form new words.

mit tor et son

1. rock + _________ 3. sub + _________

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tick + _________ ad + _________

blank + _________ trans + _________

2. trac + _________ 4. crim + _________

hec + _________ les + _________

fac + _________ ar + _________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 23

Number of Number of
Word Example
Vowel Sounds Syllables

can 1 vowel sound 1 syllable can

candid 2 vowel sounds 2 syllables can did

E Read the clue and circle the correct word.

1. I am a compound word with two syllables. a. caterpillar b. catnip c. cat

2. I am a two-syllable word with a prefix. a. expect b. expected c. even

3. I am a three-syllable word with a suffix. a. amaze b. maze c. amazement

4. I am a one-syllable word with

a long vowel sound. a. main b. man c. maintain

5. I am a two-syllable word in plural form. a. penny b. pennies c. pen

F Read the paragraph and circle at least five two-syllable words. Then answer the questions.

Mr. Matlet approached his favorite bench. His steps were slow and
halting, but he was in no rush. Settling onto the wooden bench, he looked

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources
at the summer scene. The basketball courts were buzzing with pickup
games as kids from the nearby apartments jostled for the ball. A small
child pointed as her mother pushed her by in a stroller. A couple went by
holding hands. The singsong chant of a jumprope game could be heard
from one corner. Mr. Matlet nodded and grinned as he opened his paper.

1. Where is Mr. Matlet? _______________________________________________________________

2. How does he feel about the place? _ ________________________________________________

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

3. Has he been here before? Explain. __________________________________________________

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

4. A good title for this paragraph would be _ __________________________________________ .

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 24

More Syllables
Words can be divided into syllables. A syllable has one vowel sound. You can use
syllables to help you break down an unfamiliar word for reading and pronunciation.
Syllables have different spelling patterns. Many words end in a consonant followed by
a vowel sound spelled -le, -al, or -el.
Number of Number of
Word Example
Vowel Sounds Syllables

global 2 vowel sounds 2 syllables glob al

middle 2 vowel sounds 2 syllables mid dle
rebel 2 vowel sounds 2 syllables re bel

A Count the vowel sounds and write the number of syllables in each word below.

1. fable _________ 7. curable _________

2. jumble _________ 8. fizzle _________

3. maternal _________ 9. nickel _________

4. illegal _________ 10. mislabel _________

5. pedal _________ 11. rental _________

6. bugle _________ 12. unable _________

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B Read each word below. Write the two syllables in the word. Use a dictionary to help you.

1. jingle ___________ ___________ 6. twinkle ___________ ___________

2. petal ___________ ___________ 7. chapel ___________ ___________

3. vocal ___________ ___________ 8. jackal ___________ ___________

4. swivel ___________ ___________ 9. mussel ___________ ___________

5. sample ___________ ___________ 10. battle ___________ ___________

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 24

More Syllables
Number of Number of
Word Example
Vowel Sounds Syllables

global 2 vowel sounds 2 syllables glob al

middle 2 vowel sounds 2 syllables mid dle
rebel 2 vowel sounds 2 syllables re bel

C Add the syllable on the left to each syllable in the row to form new words.

1. ble scrib_______ mar_______ wob_______

2. el mod_______ shriv_______ chis_______

3. tal men_______ bru_______ por_______

4. gle gog_______ jun_______ bea_______

5. tle bus_______ set_______ tat_______

D Read the clue and circle the correct word.

1. I am a two-syllable word that ends in zle. a. sizzling b. sizzle c. sizzled

2. I am a two-syllable word that ends in al. a. gerbil b. yokel c. local

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3. I am a three-syllable word that ends in ble. a. remember b. resemble c. regal

4. I am a two-syllable word that ends in nel. a. kernel b. journal c. snivel

5. I am a four-syllable word that ends in el. a. mislabel b. vehicle c. pumpernickel

Name _____________________________________________________ Date ______________________

Word Study • Lesson 24

More Syllables
Number of Number of
Word Example
Vowel Sounds Syllables

global 2 vowel sounds 2 syllables glob al

middle 2 vowel sounds 2 syllables mid dle
rebel 2 vowel sounds 2 syllables re bel

E Below are some common syllables. For each syllable, write two words that include that
syllable. Use a dictionary to check your work.

1. _ _____________________________________________________________
2. _ _____________________________________________________________
3. _ _____________________________________________________________ un

4. _ _____________________________________________________________ ny
5. _ _____________________________________________________________

F Read the paragraph and circle at least five two-syllable words and five three-syllable
words. Then answer the questions.
Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources

The Riddlesons went to the state fair on Wednesday. Jack was full of
excitement and ran straight to see the farm animals. The horses, cattle,
pigs, and sheep were in big barns. Sara got a popsicle on a stick, and Mom
bought some homemade apple strudel. Uncle Mike won a bunch of purple
balloons at a game booth. The whole family rode on the carousel, but only
Sara and her dad were brave enough to go on the Rattling Roller Coaster.

1. In what season do you think the state fair was held? Why? _____________________________

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

2. What did Jack see first? _ _________________________________________________________

3. Who do you think is older, Sara or Jack? Why? _ ______________________________________

_ __________________________________________________________________________________

Answer Key 5. fore, tell beforehand 6. dis, not honest 7. fore; in
the front 8. de; take from a throne 9. under; too
few clothes Page 16: C. 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. c 5. b
Lesson 1 D. 1. incorrect 2. defog 3. undercharge 4. displease
Page 6: A. 1.–10. ant + hill = anthill, tea + pot 5. foresee Page 17: E. 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. b
= teapot, barn + yard = barnyard, bird + cage = F. forenoon, underbody, disabled, insane, discontinue,
birdcage, clothes + pin = clothespin, door + mat disembark, foremost 1. It got stuck in the weeds.
= doormat, pop + corn = popcorn, snow + flake = 2. He seemed upset. 3. Mom said to put on life
snowflake, tool + box = toolbox, wheel + chair = jackets.
wheelchair B. 1. bedroom, bedtime, bedspread
Lesson 5
2. snowsuit, snowstorm, snowplow 3. footprint,
footpath, footstool 4. eyelid, eyesight, eyeball Page 18: A. 1. multilayered 2. preview 3. improper
Page 7: C. 1. cookbook, notebook, pocketbook 4. superstar 5. semicircle B. 1. semiprecious 2. impure
2. greenhouse, birdhouse, lighthouse 3. someday, 3. multinational 4. supermarket 5. pregame Page 19:
everyday, birthday 4. tugboat, sailboat, motorboat C. 1. imperfect 2. superman 3. prejudge 4. semicolon
D. 1. bookcase 2. flowerpot 3. mailbox 4. doghouse 5. multicolored D. 1. immature, impossible, impatient
5. rowboat 6. newspaper Page 8: E. 1. horsefly 2. semifinal, semiannual, semimonthly 3. superfine,
2. matchbox 3. catfish 4. sunrise 5. seaweed superhuman, supernatural Page 20: E. 1. b 2. a 3. c
6. daydream 7. haircut 8. doorstep 9. bedroll 4. a 5. a F. 1. semicircle 2. multicultural 3. impatient
10. milkshake F. hallway, beachball, baseball, football, 4. semisweet 5. predate 6. superwoman 7. impolite
basketball, skateboard, snowboard 1. She likes sports. 8. preheat 9. multimedia 10. preschool
2. She keeps them in a box in the hall. 3. She likes Lesson 6
skateboarding and snowboarding. Page 21: A. 1. writer 2. sadly 3. washable 4. rudeness
Lesson 2 5. joyful B. 1. ful, grace 2. ly, fond 3. er, teach 4. able,
Page 9: A. 1. foot, note 2. pipe, line 3. bar, bell comfort 5. ful, pain 6. ness, fair 7. or, direct 8. ly, weak
4. grass, hopper 5. play, pen 6. law, maker 7. home, 9. ful, skill 10. ness, dark 11. er, lead 12, ly, sweet
owner 8. ground, work B. 1. shirtsleeve 2. bearskin Page 22: C. 1. ful: full of grace, full of hope, full of
3. wallpaper 4. bathrobe 5. bridegroom 6. armchair cheer 2. ly: in a rapid way, in a neat way, in a quiet way
7. hillside 8. database Page 10: C. 1. bookshop 3. able: can be fixed, can be drunk, can be beaten
2. beanstalk 3. honeycomb 4. heartbreak 5. artwork 4. er: person who is a banker, person who is a builder,
6. billfold D. 1. c 2. a 3. c 4. c 5. c 6. b 7. b 8. b 9. c person who is a climber D. 1. inventor 2. quickly
10. b Page 11: E. 1. bookmark 2. tabletop 3. sandbox 3. shyness 4. careful 5. breakable Page 23: E. 1. b 2. a
4. barefoot 5. goldfish 6. sunburn 7. snowball 3. b 4. c 5. b F. 1. tightly 2. warmly 3. swiftly 4. darkly
8. copycat 9. fireplace 10. applesauce F. teaspoon, 5. brokenly 6. bitingly 7. sweetly 8. absently
tablespoon, potholder, everything, cookbook, Lesson 7
setback, birthday, homemade 1. It was for his mother’s Page 24: A. 1. organist 2. cloudless 3. leaky

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources
birthday. 2. It went well except for when Kirk spilled 4. movement 5. hardship B. 1. ageless, faceless,
some batter. 3. Answers will vary. careless 2. placement, treatment, agreement 3. misty,
Lesson 3 woody, gloomy Page 25: C. 1. colorless 2. rainy
Page 12: A. 1. overcook 2. redo 3. unfair 4. subway 3. development 4. leadership 5. violinist
5. mistreat B. 1. un, fold 2. mis, use 3. un, safe 4. re, D. 1. nameless 2. journalist 3. steamy 4. appointment
pack 5. sub, marine 6. over, ripe 7. mis, step 8. un, 5. friendship Page 26: E. 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. b
sure 9. sub, plot, 10. over, eat 11. re, tie 12. re, write F. naturalist, contentment, timeless, environment,
Page 13: C. 1. over; do too much, tip too much, bake lucky, enjoyment, internship, ranger, leafy,
too much 2. re; heat again, fill again, tell again 3. un; arrangement 1. She finds great contentment in it.
not real, not happy, not kind 4. mis; name incorrectly, 2. He describes a desert and a forest environment.
lead in a wrong way, number in a wrong way 3. Answers will vary. Possible: It is cooler.
D. 1. recall 2. uneven 3. overflow 4. subsoil 5. misread Lesson 8
Page 14: E. 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. a 5. c F. unseen, overslept, Page 27: A. 1. collection 2. assistant 3. seasonal
misjudged, subtitle, unsure, restate 1. It happens in a 4. knighthood 5. marvelous B. 1. -al, clinic 2. -ant,
school. 2. He asked Alice a question. 3. She came in defend 3. -ion, protect 4. -ant, attend 5. -hood, adult
late and doesn’t know where the class is in the book. 6. -al, nation 7. -ous, joy 8. -ous, humor 9. -ion, reject
Lesson 4 10. -hood, sister 11. -al, comic 12. -ion, act
Page 15: A. 1. informal 2. disobey 3. underpay Page 28: C. 1. contestant 2. coastal 3. childhood
4. defrost 5. forewarn B. 1. in; not direct 2. de; take 4. dangerous 5. attraction D. 1. motherhood
away control 3. dis; not like 4. under, below age 2. original 3. correction 4. adventurous 5. president

Page 29: E. 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. c 5. b F. boyhood, Lesson 13
servant, thunderous, champion, reaction, educational, Page 42: A. 1. thermometer 2. geography 3. phonics
knighthood 1. He was a servant to a knight. 2. The 4. thermometer 5. geography B. 1. geologist
knight was loud and good at fighting. 3. The boy 2. speedometer 3. earphones 4. metronome
wanted to become a knight. 5. telephone Page 43: C. 1. geo; a globelike stone
Lesson 9 with crystals in it 2. meter; an instrument that
Page 30: A. 1. re-, -ion, act 2. non-, -er, smoke 3. un-, measures the distance traveled by vehicles 3. phon;
-able, sink 4. over-, -ment, pay 5. fore-, -able, see a device that makes the voice louder 4. meter; the
6. dis-, -ment, agree 7. un-, -able, beat 8. in-, -ness, measurement of an outer boundary of an area
direct 9. non-, -er, support 10. mis-, -ment, treat 5. geo; science of earth’s crust D. 1. phone; a
B. 1. returnable 2. renewal 3. unkindness 4. repayment 2. meter; b 3. geo; c 4. phon; b 5. meter; b
5. imperfection Page 31: C. 1. nonpayment, Page 44: E. 1. centimeter; one hundredth of a meter
unreadable, unevenness, unfairness, immovable 2. kilometer; one thousand meters 3. diameter; a
2. unevenness, unfairness 3. forerunner, preschooler, straight line through the center of a circle
prepayment D. 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. a 5. c Page 32: 4. millimeter; one thousandth of a meter
E. 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. c F. unbreakable, imperfection, F. phonometer, geometry, geography, phone,
replacement, disapproval, unusable, unhappiness, perimeter, megaphone 1. It is an instrument that
impatiently 1. There is a rip in one of the cups. 2. He is measures sound. 2. He wants to measure the sound
disapproving. 3. She is unhappy and impatient. his siblings make when they do their homework.
3. Answers will vary.
Lesson 10
Lesson 14
Page 33: A. 1. porter 2. pedal 3. artist 4. action
5. numeral B. 1. art; something done with skill Page 45: A. 1. automobile 2. biology 3. photograph
2. ped; a person on foot 3. numer; many in number 4. biology 5. automobile B. 1. autograph 2. biography
4. act; showing action 5. port; something that can be 3. autocade 4. photocopier 5. biohazard Page 46:
carried C. 1. pedestal 2. transport 3. artisan C. 1. bio; a 2. photo; b 3. auto; c 4. auto; c 5. bio; b
Page 34: D. 1. import, deport 2. pedicure, pedometer D. 1. biopsy, biosphere, biological, biofeedback
3. artificial, artful, 4. acting, activist, activism, transact 2. telephoto, photostat, photocopy, photoplay,
5. enumerate, numerical, numerology E. 1. c 2. a 3. b photographer 3. automation, autobus, automat
4. c 5. b Page 35: F. 1. portfolio 2. pedaling 3. artwork Page 47: E. 1. c 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. c F. photographer,
4. numerical 5. reaction 6. exports 7. artmobile automobiles, autographs, biology, biochemistry,
8. moped 9. actor 10. numbers biography 1. They were studying about careers.
2. Possible; drawing skills, engineering skills,
Lesson 11 knowledge of cars 3. Answers will vary.
Page 36: A. 1. navy 2. manual 3. population 4. reject Lesson 15
5. formula B. 1. inject, rejection, projection 2. manage,
manufacture 3. transform, deform, formation Page 48: A. 1. cycle 2. autograph 3. telescope
Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Page 37: C. 1. eject 2. manicure 3. populous 4. cycle 5. telescope B. 1. cycle; to use again 2. tele; a
4. formation 5. naval D. 1. pop; b 2. form; a 3. man; c photo taken from a far distance 3. tele; speaking over
4. nav; b 5. ject; c Page 38: E. 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. b a distance 4. graph: relating to written or pictorial
F. manicure, transform, formal, naval, Navy, uniform, representation 5. graph; a carbon material used in
manicurist, popular, reject 1. She wanted a haircut pencils Page 49: C. 1. televise 2. cyclical 3. telegram
and a manicure 2. She had a date with an officer for 4. graphology 5. cyclist D. 1. geo; graph 2. tele; graph
a formal dinner on the naval base. 3. She was treated 3. auto; graph 4. tele; meter 5. tele; photo E. 1. b 2. a
well. 3. c 4. b Page 50: F. 1. phonograph 2. biography
3. bicycle 4. graphic 5. telephone 6. telegraph
Lesson 12 7. telescope 8. autograph 9. televise 10. bicyclist
Page 39: A. 1. liberty 2. vision 3. marina 4. audio Lesson 16
5. predict B. 1. mariner, maritime 2. liberate, liberal
3. audible, auditory 4. dictate, prediction 5. vista, Page 51: A. 1. three 2. four 3. hundred 4. one 5. one
video Page 40: C. 1. dict; b 2. mar; a 3. aud; b 4. vis; c 6. two 7. ten B. 1. cent; hundred 2. bi; two 3. mono;
5. liber; b D. 1. dictionary 2. inaudible 3. liberator one 4. tri; three 5. bi; two 6. uni; one 7. tri; three
4. marinate 5. visible Page 41: E. 1. c 2. a 3. a 4. b Page 52: C. 1. centenarian 2. trident 3. unanimous
5. b F. audible, liberated, audition, television, predict, 4. monocle 5. quadruplet 6. bilingual 7. decagon
marina, envisioned 1. Her cat got stuck in a tree. D. 1. four 2. one 3. one 4. three 5. ten
2. She was going to a TV audition. 3. Answers 6. hundred Page 53: E. 1. c 2. b 3. b 4. b 5. a
will vary. F. centennial, uniforms, binoculars, quartet, trio,
unicycle, monologue 1. It is celebrating its centennial.
2. He will borrow binoculars. 3. in one hundred years

Lesson 17 have/they’ve 5. have not/haven’t 6. do not/don’t
Page 54: A. 1. dishes 2. peaches 3. stories 4. buses Page 68: E. 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. a 5. b F. We’re, haven’t,
5. boys 6. glasses 7. mailboxes B. 1. berries 2. messes they’ll, I’m, I’ll, There’s, It’s, that’s, can’t, doesn’t,
3. mixes 4. computers 5. matches 6. octopuses Wendy’s, She’s, we’ve 1. They’ve just finished exams.
7. eyelashes 8. hobbies Page 55: C. 1. puppies 2. The kids are acting silly for no apparent reason.
2. brush 3. foxes 4. walruses 5. churches 6. dresses 3. Answers will vary.
D. 1. melodies 2. beach 3. witnesses 4. taxes 5. basket Lesson 22
Page 56: E. 1. trophies 2. recess 3. indexes 4. coaches Page 69: A. 1. Contraction 2. Possessive 3. Possessive
5. creatures 6. wish F. classes, hippopotamuses, cubs, 4. Contraction 5. Possessive 6. Possessive
kitties, walruses, ostriches, butterflies, birds, perches, 7. Contraction 8. Contraction B. 1. it’s 2. they’re
atlases, countries, animals 1. Most likely, the trip was 3. who’s 4. its 5. you’re Page 70: C. 1. it’s 2. You’re
part of their science study. 2. hippopotamuses 3. They 3. they’re 4. Who’s 5. its D. Answers will vary. Check
were locating the homelands of the animals. to be sure students use the words correctly.
Lesson 18 Page 71: E. 1. a 2. a 3. c 4. c 5. c F. It’s, whose, their,
Page 57: A. 1. halves 2. chairmen 3. reindeer Who’s, It’s, you’re, your, its, They’re, its 1. He is a pet
4. salesmen 5. lives 6. women B. 1. children 2. salmon dog who belongs to Paul. 2. Rowdy stays home and
3. trout 4. feet 5. oxen 6. teeth 7. sheep 8. mice plays and naps during the day, while Paul goes to
Page 58: C. 1. loaves 2. man 3. foot 4. calves school. 3. He will be at the bus stop waiting for Paul.
5. wolves 6. scarves D. 1. leaves 2. wharf 3. elves Lesson 23
4. oxen 5. mice Page 59: E. 1. fowl 2. self 3. thieves Page 72: A. 1. 2 2. 2 3. 2 4. 1 5.2 6. 3 7. 1 8. 2 9. 2
4. salmon 5. knives 6. children F. children, oxen, 10. 3 11. 3 12. 2 B. 1. con/test 2. tid/bit 3. fos/sil
sheep, fowl, geese, calves, hooves, leaves, wolves, 4. at/tic 5. vel/vet 6. cut/let 7. rob/in 8. vic/tim 9. pic/
thieves, teeth, lives 1. It shows a farm scene. 2.There nic 10. blis/ter Page 73: C. 1. suntan, sundown, sunset
are two wolves nearby. 3. The writer probably 2. common, comet, comic 3. denim, dentist, dental
wonders if the wolves will attack or not. 4. saddle, sadder, sadden 5. canyon, canvas, cancer
Lesson 19 D. 1. rocket, ticket, blanket 2. tractor, hector, factor
Page 60: A. 1. P; lions’ 2. S; author’s 3. P; men’s 3. submit, admit, transmit 4. crimson, lesson, arson
4. S; story’s 5. P; players’ B. 1. Tessa; dog 2. boys; sled Page 74: E. 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. a 5. b F. Possible two-
3. berries; color 4. children; clothes 5. friend; mice syllable words: Matlet, halting, Settling, onto,
Page 61: C. 1. girls; neighbor’s 2. offices; doctors’ wooden, looked, summer, buzzing, pickup, nearby,
3. relatives; aunt’s 4. games; men’s 5. insects; spider’s jostled, pointed, mother, pushed, stroller, couple,
D. 1.–5. Sentences will vary. Make sure subjects and holding, singsong, jumprope, corner, nodded,
verbs agree. Page 62: E. 1. ponies 2. explorers’ grinned, opened, paper 1. He is in a park. 2. He is
3. pencil’s 4. men’s 5. actress’s F. neighbor’s, happy there. 3. Yes, he goes to his favorite bench.
bluebird’s, Society’s, father’s, birds’, mother’s 1. It’s in 4. Answers will vary. Sample: Mr. Matlet’s Favorite

Extra Practice . . . Word Study © 2010 by Linda Ward Beech, Scholastic Teaching Resources
a field behind a neighbor’s house. 2. They make their
nest in the birdhouse. 3. They are protective of their Lesson 24
eggs. Page 75: A. 1. 2 2. 2 3. 3 4. 3 5. 2 6. 2 7. 3 8. 2
Lesson 20 9. 2 10. 3 11. 2 12. 3 B. 1. jin/gle 2. pet/al 3. voc/al
Page 63: A. 1. smaller/comparative 2. coldest/ 4. swiv/el 5. sam/ple 6. twin/kle 7. chap/el 8. jack/al
superlative 3. tossed/past tense 4. opened/past tense 9. mus/sel 10. bat/tle Page 76: C. 1. scribble, marble,
5. loudest/superlative 6. deeper/comparative B. 1. c wobble 2. model, shrivel, chisel 3. mental, brutal,
2. b 3. b 4. c 5. a Page 64: C. 1. hardest 2. older portal 4. goggle, jungle, beagle 5. bustle, settle, tattle
3. later 4. narrower 5. fastest 6. straightest D. 1. b 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. c Page 77: E. Answers will
D. 1. longest 2. fuller 3. shortest Page 65: E. Answers vary. Sample: 1. helping, singing 2. worker, teacher
will vary. Check to see that students use the words 3. unfair, undo 4. penny, funny 5. remake, reread
correctly. F. 1. waited 2. stronger 3. brightest F. Possible two-syllable words: horses, cattle, Sara,
4. darkest 5. helped 6. answered 7. added 8. wilder homemade, apple, strudel, Uncle, purple, balloons,
9. soonest 10. gobbled enough, Rattling, Roller, Coaster. Possible three-
syllable words: Riddlesons, Wednesday, excitement,
Lesson 21 animals, popsicle, family, carousel 1. Most likely it was
Page 66: A. 1. we’ll/ we will 2. you’re/you are 3. can’t/ summer because the family went on a Wednesday,
can not 4. wasn’t/was not 5. How’s/How is 6. he’ll/he which is usually a school day. 2. He saw the farm
will B. 1. d 2. f 3. a 4. b 5. e 6. c 7. h 8. g Page 67: animals. 3. Most likely Sara is older because she went
C. 1. we’d 2. I’ve 3. we’re 4. doesn’t 5. she’s on the roller coaster.
6. where’s 7. they’ve 8. let’s 9. I’ll 10. he’d D. 1. you
will/you’ll 2. can not/can’t 3. Where is/Where’s 4. they


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