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HU2503 – Introduction to Literature

Spring 2018

Reading Schedule, Weeks 1-4

Monday Wednesday Friday

Week 1 Jan. 15 Jan. 17 Jan. 19
MLK Day – No class “Introduction” (Norton, 1-9)

Week 2 Jan. 22 Jan. 24 Jan. 26

Figurative Donne, “The Flea,” 916 Dickinson, [Because I Bradstreet, “The Author to Her
Language Marvell, “To His Coy could not stop for Book,” handout/online
Mistress,” 916 Death], 993
Finch, “Coy Mistress,” Dickinson, [My life had Additions:
1009. stood], 1207
Parker, “A Certain Hughes, “The Weary Blues,”
Additions: Lady,” 894 1273

HU2503 – Introduction to Literature
Spring 2018

Week 3 Jan. 29 Jan. 31 Feb. 2

Form and Donne, [Batter My Heart], Pound, “In the Station of Rimbaud, Mallarme, and
Prosody 999 the Metro,” 1121 Baudelaire selections (guest
Shakespeare, Sonnet 130, Williams, “The Red lecturer)
handout/online Wheelbarrow,” 983
Millay, [I, being born a Williams, “This is Just to Additions:
woman], 1109 Say,” 983

Additions: Additions:

Week 4 Feb. 5 Feb. 7 Feb. 9

Poetic Short Response 1 due Frank O’Hara, “Poem,”
Form 858
T.S. Eliot, “Love Song…” Alexie, “The Facebook
1161 Sonnet.”
Gwendolyn Brooks, “We
T.S. Eliot, “Tradition and Real Cool,” 897 Winter Carnival – No class
the Individual Talent”

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