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Rule 72
Action v Special Proceeding
1) Pacific Banking v CA 242 S 493
2) Heirs of Gabatan v CA 581 S 70
3) Montaner v Sharia District Court 576 S 746
Rule 73
Jurisdiction limited to adjudication and settlement of properties of deceased
4) Ching v. Rodriguez, G.R. No. 192828, November 28, 2011
5) Natcher v. CA, G.R. No. 133000, October 2, 2001
6) In Re: In the Matter of the Petition to Approve the Will of Ruperta
7) Palaganas, G.R. No. 169144, January 26, 2011
8) Portugal v. Portugal-Beltran, G.R. No. 155555, August 16, 2005
9) Agtarap v. Agtarap, G.R. No. 177099, June 8, 2011
Testate v Intestate
10) Cuenco v CA 53 S 360
11) Rodriguez v Borja 17 S 418
12) Roberts v Leonidas 129 S 33
Where estate settled if resident v non-resident
-meaning of residence (intent to return or intent to remain)
-residence pertains to venue only, not jurisdiction, hence waivable
13) Cayetano v Leonides 129 S 522
14) Garcia Fule v CA 74 S 189
Jurisdiction limited to adjudication and settlement of properties of deceased
15) Uy v Dizon-Capulong 221 S 87
16) Jimenez v CA 184 S 367
17) Pia Barreto v CA 131 S 606
18) Ramos v CA 180 S 635
19) Pastor v CA 122 S 885
20) Trinidad vCA 202 S 106
21) Valera v Inserto 149 S 533
Death (fact or presumed) is jurisdictional
22) Lorenzo v. Posadas, G.R. No. L-43082, June 18, 1937
Rule 74
General rule is judicial administration, except
-where no will and no debts
a) extrajudicial among heirs or adjudication of sole heir
b) partition, if heirs cannot agree
-where there are debts but estate small, summary settlement of estate

23) In the Matter of Intestate Estate of Delgado, G.R. No. 155733, January 27,
24) Vda. de Reyes v. CA, 199 SCRA 646 (1991)
25) Pedrosa v. CA, G.R. No. 118680, March 5, 2001
26) Cua v. Vargas, G.R. No. 156536, October 31, 2006
27) Teves v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 109963 October 13, 1999
28) PEZA v. Fernandez, G.R. No. 138971, June 6, 2001
29) Heirs of Ignacio Conti v. CA, G.R. No. 118464, December 21, 1998
30) Litonjua v. Montilla, G.R. No. L-4170, January 31, 1952
31) Aznar Brothers Realty v. CA, G.R. No. 128102, March 7, 2000
32) Ralla v. Untalan, G.R. Nos. L-63253-54, April 27, 1989
33) Pedrosa v. CA, G.R. No. 118680, March 5, 2001
34) Benatiro v. Heirs of Cuyos, G.R. No. 161220, July 28, 2008
35) Rodriguez v. Tan, G.R. No. L-6044, Nov. 24, 1952
36) Hernandez v. Andal, G.R. No. L-273, March 29, 1947
Resort to judicial administration even if estate has no debt only for good reason
Liability of distributes
How enforced?
37) Yap v CA 274 S 676
Rule 75
Probate needed
Authority of probate court
38) Pastor v Ca, supra
2 stages of probate
i) probate proper- deals with extrinsic validity of the will
ii) 2nd phase- intrinsic validity and distribution
Substantial compliance with formal requirements
39) Alvarado v Gaviola 226 S 347
Rule is that probate court will look only into extrinsic validity of will
When intrinsic validity may be passed upon, even before probate
40) Nepomuceno v CA 139 S 206
41) Ajero v CA, 236 S 488
Rule 76
42) Tolentino v. Francisco, G.R. No. L-32797, March 27, 1974
43) Mercado v. Santos, G.R. No. 45629, September 22, 1938
44) Perez v. Tolete, G.R. No. 76714, June 2, 1994
Who may ask for probate
45) Trillana v. Crisostomo, G.R. No. L-3378, Aug. 22, 1951
Who may oppose
46) In Re: In the Matter of the Petition to Approve the Will of Ruperta
47) Palaganas, G.R. No. 169144, January 26, 2011
48) Baltazar v. Laxa, G.R. No. 174489, April 11, 2012
Probate of holographic will
49) Codoy v. Calugay, G.R. No. 123486, Aug. 22, 1999
50) Enriquez v. Abadia, G.R. No. L-7188, August 9, 1954
51) Ajero v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 106720, September 15, 1994
52) Caniza v. CA, G.R. No. 110427, February 24, 1997
Proof of notarial will v. holographic will
53) Azaola v. Singson, G.R. No. L-14003, Aug. 5, 1960
54) Rodelas v. Aranza, G.R. No. L-58509, Dec. 7, 1982
55) XPN: Gan v. Yap, G.R. No. L-12190, Aug. 30, 1988
56) Fernandez v. Tantoco, G.R. No. 25489, Sept. 8, 1926
57) Ramos v. CA, G.R. No. L-40804, Jan. 31, 1978
Rule 77
Requisites for reprobate
58) Perez v Tolete 232 S 722
59) Palaganas v Palaganas 649 S 538
Need for ancillary administrator
Foreign-appointed administrator v ancillary administrator
Rule 78
What are letters testamentary and of administration
When and to whom issued
executor v administrator
Order of preference (reason behind preference?)
60) Ventura v Ventura 160 S 810

Criterion in selection of administrator

-extent of interest in estate (why?)
Role of administrator is to represent everyone concerned with the estate of
Rule 79
Opposition to issuance of letters testamentary
Who can petition for administration (any interested person)
Notice required
61) De Guzman v Angeles 162 S 347
Opposition to petition for administration
Letters of administration to go to any competent applicant
Rule 80
Special administrator; why and when needed
62) De Guzman v Guadiz 96 S 938
63) De Guzman v Angeles, supra
64) Munsayac v Loreto 655 S 734
65) Ocampo v Ocampo 623 S 559
Role and function of special administrator
66) Corona v CA 116 S 316
Regular v special administrator
67) Liwanag v Reyes 12 S 43
68) Zayco v Hinlo Jr 551 S 613
No order of preference in special administrator
69) Tan v Gederio Jr. 548 S 528
Rule 82
When administration revoked
Effect of revocation
Removal of administrator/executor
70) Mendiola v CA 190 S 421
71) Gabriel vCa 212 S 413
Validity of prior acts
72) Vda de Bacaling v Laguda 54 S 243
Rule 83
Question of ownership, how treated
73) Munsayac-de Villa v CA 414 S 436
74) Heirs of Miguel Franco v CA 418 S 60
75) De leon v CA 386 S 216
Provisional support
76) Santera v CFI 153 S 728
77) Ruiz v CA 252 S 541
Rule 84
What constitutes administration
78) Caro v CA 113 S 10
79) Mananquil v Villegas 189 S 335
80) Estate of Olave v Reyes 123 S 767
Administration v Dominion
Rule 85
Accountability of executor/administrator
Liability of adm/exec v liability of estate
Necessary expenses
Attorney’s fees, when chargeable to estate, exec/adm
81) Pascual v CA 300 S 214
Accounting by exec/adm (notice to interested parties)
Rule 86
How claims presented/prosecuted
82) Villanueva v. PNB, 9 SCRA 145
83) Sheker v. Estate of Alice Sheker, G.R. No. 157912, December 13, 2007
84) Elchico v. Pampanga Bus, G.R. No. L-18936, May 23, 1967
85) Pizarro, Sr. v. Consolacion, G.R. No. L-51278, May 9, 1988
Claims allowed
86) Stronghold Insurance Company, Inc. v. Republic-Asahi Glass 87)
Corporation, G.R. No. 147561, June, 2006
87) Gabriel v. Bilon, G.R. No. 146989, February 7, 2007
88) Hilado v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 164108, May 8, 2009
89) Echaus v. Blanco, G.R. No. L-30453, December 4, 1989
90) Melliza v. Melliza, G.R. No. L-1849, Oct. 25, 1949
91) Olave v. Canlas, G.R. No. L-12709, Feb. 28, 1962
92) First National City Bank of New York v. Cheng Tan, G.R. No. L-14234,
Feb. 28, 1962
93) Vera v. Fernandez, G.R. No. L-31364, March 30, 1979
94) People v. Bayotas, G.R. No. 102007, September 2, 1994
95) Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company v. Absolute Management
Corporation, G.R. No. 170498, January 9, 2013
Procedure on claims
96) Evangelista v. La Provedra, 38 SCRA 379
97) Briones v. Henson-Cruz, G.R. No. 159130, August 22, 2008
98) Paredes v. Moya, G.R. No. L-38051, Dec. 26, 1974
99) Manalansan v. Castaneda, G.R. No. L-43607, June 27, 1978
100) Aldamiz v. Judge of CFI of Mindoro, G.R. No. L-2360, December 29,
Rule 87
Actions that survive
101) Melgar v Buenviaje 179 S 196
102) Hilado v Court of Appeals GR 164108 May 8, 2009
Right of heir inchoate
Right to compel 3rd persons to examination and right to recover property
103) Chua v Absolute Management Corporation 413 S 547
Right of creditor to file if exec/adm refuses
Rule 88
Sale or mortgage (like in execution sale)
Contingent liability
Prescriptive periods on right to reach distributes
104) De Bautista v de Guzman 125 S 676
Liability of heirs/distributes
105) Pastor v CA, supra
Preference in credit applied
Local v foreign creditors
Rule 89
106) Opulencia v. CA, G.R. No. 125835, July 30, 1998
Sale must be with court approval and notice
Probate court to approve sale, also to nullify unauthorized sale
107) Acebedo v Abesamis 217 S 186
Right of heirs to dispose of right in estate
108) Heirs of Pedro Escanlar v CA 281 S 176
Rule 90
When proceedings closed
When probate court loses jurisdiction
Motion for execution to deliver distributee’s share v separate action
109) Heirs of the late Fran v Salas 210 S 303
When distribution proper
After payment of obligation (liquidation)
Declaration of heirs (before or after liquidation)
110) Kilayko v Tengco 207 S 600
111) Solivio v CA 182 S 119
Final decree of partition

Rule 91
112) Tan v. City of Davao, G.R. No. L-44347, September 26, 1988
113) Municipal Council of San Pedro, Laguna v. Colegio de San Jose, 65 Phil. 318
114) Bellosa v. Gaw Chee Haw, G.R. No. L-1411, September 29, 1953, 93 Phil. 827
115) Republic v. Court of First Instance of Manila and Pres.. Roxas Rural Bank, Inc.,
G.R. No. L-30381, August 30, 1988
116) In Re Anne Fallon Murphy, G.R. No. L-14187, Oct. 26, 1960
117) Republic v. CA and Solano, G.R. No. 143843, Jan. 31, 2002

Rule 92 - Venue
118) Parco v.CA, 111 SCRA 262 (1982)
119) Paciente v. Dacuycuy et al, 114 SCRA 924 (1982)
120) Garcia Vda De Chua v. CA, 287 SCRA 33 (1998)
Rule 93 — Appointment of Guardians — see also FC Art. 222-227
121) Alamayri v. Pabale, G.R. No. 151243, April 30, 2008
122) Garchitorena v. Sotelo, G.R. No. L-47867, Nov. 13, 1942
123) Nery et al v. Lorenzo et al, 44 SCRA 431 (1972)
124) Zafra-Sarte v. CA, 32 SCRA 175 (1970)
Rule 95
125) Lindain v. CA, G.R. No. 95305, Aug. 20, 1992
126) Singco v. Longa, G.R. No. L-27962, Feb. 14, 1928
127) Tavera v. El Hogar Filipino, Inc., G.R. No. L-5893, February 28, 1956
128) Margate v. Rabacal, G.R. No. L-14302, April 30, 1963
129) Phil. Trust Co. v. Balesteros, G.R. No. L-8532, Oct. 11, 1957
130) Soriano v. Latono, G.R. No. L-3408, Dec. 23, 1950
Rule 96 - General Powers and Duties of Guardians - see also CC Art 736
Rule 97 - Termination of Guardianship; see also FC Arts. 134-236, R.A. 6809
Guardianship of Minors, A.M. No. 03-02-05 SC
131) Olarte v. Enriquez, G.R. No. L-16098, Oct. 31, 1960
132) Francisco v. CA, G.R. No. 57438, Jan. 31, 1984
133) In Re Guardianship of Incompetent Jose de Inchausti v. Soler, G.R. No. L-
15119, January 19, 1920
Rule 98; see also CC Arts. 1443-1446
134) De Leon v. Molo-Peckson, 6 SCRA 978 (1962)
135) Heirs of Lorenzo Yap v. CA, 312 SCRA 603 (1999)


A. Adoption
1. Rule on Adoption - A.M. No. 02-6-02, August 22, 2002
2. R.A. 8552
3. R.A. 8043
B. Custody
1. A.M. No. 03-04-04-SC
136) Landingin v Republic GR 164948, June 27, 2006
137) In the Matter of the Adoption of Stephanie Nathy Astorga Garcia GR 148311,
March 31, 2005

138) Moncupa v. Enrile, 141 SCRA 233 (1986)
139) Villavicencio v. Lukban, 39 Phil 778 (1919)
140) In re Ashraf Kunting, 487 SCRA 602 (2006)
141) Burgos v. Macapagal-Arroyo et al, 621 SCRA 481 (2010)


CC Art. 376
R.A. 9048
IRR of R.A. 9048 (Admin. Order 1, Series of 2001)

142) Haw Liong v. Rep., 16 SCRA 677 (1966)

143) Llaneta v. AGrava, 57 SCRA 29 (1994)
144) Secan Kok v. Republic, 52 CRA 322 (1973)
145) Villegas et al v. Fernando et al, 27 SCRA 119 (1969)
146) Rep. v. Cagandahan, 565 SCRA 72 (2008)
147) Braza et al v. Civil Register et al, 607 SCRA 638 (2009)
148) Corpuz v. Sto. Tomas et al, 628 SCRA 266 (2010)


• R.A. 9255
• IRR of R.A. 9255 (Admin. Order Series of 2004)

149) Taneo et al v. CA, 304 SCRA 308 (199)

150) Uyguanco et al v. CA, 178 SCRA 684 (1989)


ABSENTEES -Rule 107; see also SS Arts. 381-386; FC Arts. 41-43

151) Jones v. Hortiguela, 64 Phil 179 (1937)
152) Tol-Noquera v. Villamor et al, 211 SCRA 616 (1992)

A. Writ of Amparo, A.M. No. 07-9-12-SC

153) Tapuz v. Del Rosario, 554 SCRA 768 (2008)

154) Roxas v. Macapagal-Arroyo, 630 SCRA 210 (2010)
155) Rubrico v. Macapagal-Arroyo, 613 SCRA 233 (2010)
156) Salcedo v. Bollozos, 623 SCRA 27 (2010)
157) Razon et al. v. Tagitis, 606 SCRA 598 (2009)
158) Yano et al v. Sanchez et al, 612 SCRA 347 (2010)
B. Writ of Habeas Data, A.M. No. 08-1-16-SC
159) Castillo v. Cruz, 605 SCRA 628 (2009)
160) Roxas v. Macapagal-Arroyo, supra
161) Meralco v. Lim, 632 SCRA 195 (2010)
C. Writ of Kalikasan, Rule of Procedure for Environmental Cases, A.M. No. 09-6-8- SC
162) Oposa vs. Factoran, 224 SCRA 792 (1993)
163) Hernandez v. Placer Dome Inc., G.R. No. 195482, June 21, 2011


*A.M. No. 07-11-08-SC, Sep. 1, 2009

APPEALS-Rule 109
164) Dais v. Garduno, 49 Phil 165 (1926)
165) Testate Estate of Vda. De Biascan, 347 SCRA 621 (2000)
166) Miranda v. CA, 71 SCRA 295 (1976)
167) Dael et al v. IAC, 171 SCRA 524 (1989)
168) Rep v. Nishina, 634 SCRA 716 (2010)
169) Rep v. Marcos, supra

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