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Tradition meets technology when we marry an 18th-century

workbench design with modern laminated veneer lumber.

32 ■ Popular Woodworking November 2009

Sc h w a r z &
M e g a n Fi t z pat r i c k hen it comes to workbench designs, Use” (Popular Woodworking Books), I was
I think it is difficult to improve on the 18th- besieged by people who wondered if you
century designs developed in Europe, Eng- could use engineered wood (such as ply-
land and the United States. wood or MDF) to build a good workbench.
These behemoths are far simpler to build I’ve used Baltic birch to make a number of
than the contemporary and common Euro- workbench tops, but I’ve never been thrilled
style bench, yet the old benches also offer with cabinet plywood (it’s unreliable these
better workholding, superior mass and less days), MDF or OSB (all of which sag like
maintenance. In fact, there is only one true wet croissants). After doing some research
advantage offered by the Euro-style benches, I came across a material that you don’t see
and that’s portability. much in woodworking shops: laminated
Modern Euro-style benches are bolted veneer lumber (LVL).
together and can be knocked flat and shipped
by truck or rail. The ancient benches are About LVL
about as portable as a pregnant This layered material is like plywood in
brontosaurus. some ways and like solid wood in others.
After building and working It is typically made up of many thin layers
on more than a dozen different of veneer (such as yellow pine or poplar)
workbench designs, I resolved to that are glued into pieces that are basically
fix this problem with the ancient sized like dimensional softwoods (2x12s,
benches, and I set my sights on turn- 4x4s etc.).
ing one of my favorite French work- Unlike plywood, all the plies in LVL have
bench designs from the 1700s into their grain running in one direction – the
a bench that could be disassembled length of the board – just like solid wood. But
in less time than it takes to knead unlike solid wood, LVL beams have a lot of
a baguette. stiff glue sandwiched between the wooden
This design was first published in André plies. They are typically used as joists to span
Roubo’s “The Art of the Woodworker,” an long distances in residential and commercial
18th-century masterpiece that explained construction.
everything from carpentry to woodwork- LVL beams are stiff, relatively cheap and
ing, marquetry, carriage-building and gar- easy to find at commercial lumberyards. But
den furniture. The workbenches in Roubo’s for the woodworker, there are a lot of ques-
volumes are monolithic and simple, yet they tion marks when it comes to working with
excel at making it easy for you to work on the the stuff. How stable is it? How easy is it to
faces, edges and ends of boards and assem- joint, plane, saw and rout? Will the glue tear
blies. (See the sidebar on the “The Kitchen up the cutters of our tools?
Test for Workbenches” on page 37.)
Since 2005 I’ve been working on a version
of Roubo’s bench and am impressed daily
with its versatility. I also have a crick in my
back from moving this bench in and out of
trucks to demonstrate it at woodworking
shows. It is one solid chunk of wood.
With a little design work, I easily trans-
formed Roubo’s bench into a version that
was ready for the traveling Cirque du Soleil.
But I wasn’t satisfied that I had pushed the
limits of the bench’s design.
After writing the book “Workbenches:
From Design & Theory to Construction &
Ripped and ready. We began by ripping down
21st-century Roubo. A bolted-together base the LVL 2x12s we needed for the benchtop and
makes this massive, classic design knock down were surprised by how easily the material cut
quickly and easily. on the table saw with a combination blade.

lead photo by Al parrish; step Photos by the authors ■ 33

As luck would have it, Managing Edi- After slicing into the LVL on the table saw ness and width. The second one was not.
tor Megan Fitzpatrick was ready to build a we learned some of the finer points of this One end was a little thicker than the other
real woodworking bench after making do engineered material. Because of the lamina- (about 1 ⁄16") and the plank had a pronounced
with the too-short spare workbench in the tions, there really aren’t any stresses in the crook – but only on one edge.
magazine’s shop. And she was game to try planks. It cuts easily, like nice plywood. After ripping them, we turned all the
out the LVL. So we bought enough material The bad thing about LVL is the seams. strips 90° and prepared to glue them face-
for an 8'-long version of Roubo’s workbench Every 6' or so there is a scarf joint where to-face. To keep the glue-ups manageable,
and got to work. the laminations overlap one another. These we glued four strips into a chunk. Then we
seams determine the direction you should repeated this operation three more times.
A Top of Many Laminations run the material over the jointer. We jointed When the glue was dry in these lamina-
I think it’s best to begin by building the one of them in the wrong direction and tions, we jointed and planed the four lami-
benchtop. Then you can hump it onto saw- the reward was a big splintery bite at the nations and glued the four pieces into two
horses and use it as a work surface to build the seam. large laminations. Then we carefully glued
base. You can indeed build a bench without The material is fairly consistent. The first these two laminations into a benchtop that
having a bench – I’ve done it many times. plank was dimensionally perfect in thick- was about 24" wide.
We ripped each LVL 2x12 into four 23 ⁄4"-
wide strips. Then we jointed the solid-wood
faces of each strip. The nice thing about LVL lvl Workbench
is that the faces are thick enough to with-
No. item dimeNsioNs (iNches) material commeNts
stand a couple passes on the jointer before t W l
you cut through the laminations – it’s like
thick, old-school veneer. ❏ 1 Top 21⁄2 24 96 lvl With maple banding
❏ 4 legs 31⁄4 5 311⁄2 lvl Glued from 2 pieces
❏ 2 long stretchers 15⁄8 5 60 lvl half-lapped into legs
❏ 4 short stretchers 15⁄8 3 24 lvl half-lapped into legs
❏ 1 leg vise chop 17⁄8 8 33 Maple
❏ 1 end vise chop 17⁄8 3 17 Maple screwed to vise
❏ 1 board jack 17⁄8 9 23 Maple long; trim to fit
❏ 1 board jack track 15⁄8 11⁄4 50 Maple bevels on long edges
❏ 1 Garter 3⁄ 8 33⁄4 33⁄4 Maple
❏ 1 parallel guide 1⁄2 27⁄8 171⁄4 Maple


Scraping glue. After gluing up four strips into a

chunk, we scraped off the excess yellow glue
before dressing the lamination on the jointer.
After all, the knives were already taking a beat-
ing from the glue between the plies so remov-
ing any glue we could was an act of kindness.

online eXtras
For a free sketchup drawing of this bench
and a tutorial on how to flatten a work-
bench top with handplanes, visit our web elevaTion
site at:

34 ■ Popular Woodworking November 2009

3⁄4" 1" 27⁄8"

11⁄8" rad.
3⁄4" dia.

11⁄8" rad. 3⁄8" dia. 3" 31⁄2"

parallel Guide

dog hole pattern


3" rad.

7" rad. 199/16"

91/4" rad.
3⁄4" dia. 21/4" dia.
7" rad.

51⁄4" rad.
55⁄8" rad. 1/2"

33⁄8" 7/8" rad. 2"

3" rad.

deadwoman leg vise chop




31⁄2" 181⁄2"



5" 171⁄2" 31⁄4"

section ■ 35
We used yellow glue through most of more than we had to, so we took extra care Once we got the legs glued up, building
this project and didn’t have any problems. to line up all the laminations as we clamped the base took less than six hours, and we
When gluing LVL made using yellow pine, them. The extra care paid off, and when we stopped several times to take pictures (and
we recommend you keep it clamped at least glued the two final 12"-wide laminations we got coffee, which is as important as glue
five hours. Yellow pine has resin that resists together we jointed their mating edges and in our shop).
glue penetration. decided to take an extra precaution: some Begin by gluing up the legs using pieces
Of course, there are some other impor- Dominos. that are slightly oversized. Let the adhesive
tant details you should know about when cure, then joint and plane all four legs to a
working with this material. We didn’t want The Base: Beef & Nuts consistent final thickness. The length of
to run the LVL through the machines any This is the simplest base I could design that is your legs is, naturally, what will determine
both robust and completely functional. Each how tall your workbench is. The cutting list
leg is made from two lengths of 5"-wide LVL and drawings will produce a benchtop that
that are face-glued. Then you cut half-lap is 34" from the floor – the same height as a
joints in the legs using a dado stack in your typical table saw.
table saw and bolt everything together using The way to determine the correct bench
1 ⁄ 2" hex-head bolts, washers and nuts. height is to measure from the floor to the joint

Jointing with carbide. Our jointer has a car-

bide-insert cutterhead, and it had no problems
dealing with the glue in the LVL. I was more Planing is no problem. We were surprised by how well the planer’s knives fared after dressing all
worried about the planer, which has high- the laminations for this project. After dozens of passes through the machine, the knives didn’t look
speed steel knives. any worse for the wear.

Looking for bumps and hollows. When dealing with an 8'-long edge, it can be dif- Dominos will do ‘ya. You can use almost any method to
ficult to find the source of the problem with an edge. We balanced a straightedge align the two edges you are gluing up for the top: biscuits,
at several places along the edge, then pinched the ends of the straightedge. If the splines or even dowels. We have a Festool Domino in the
straightedge rotated easily, there was a hump under it. If the corners dragged and shop, and it’s perfect for this sort of accurate work.
there was light under the straightedge, we had a hollow on that edge.

36 ■ Popular Woodworking November 2009

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