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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬


Geo.Mohamed M.Hamdy

Mob.: 002-01069772665
E-mail: [email protected]
 Oil Knowledge
 Rig Types
 Rig Components
 Personnel
 Drill String Components
 Rig Operations
 Mud Principles
 Mud Logger Engineer Duties
 Mud Logging Theory and Calculations
 Mud Logging Unit Role
Oil Knowledge:
 Oil Companies
 Oil Price Indications & Controllers
 Exploration
 How to Find Your Vacancy !
Rig Types:
 Onshore Rig: - Land Rig:
- Movable by Trucks as parts or a Piece
 Offshore Rig: - Variable Sizes & Capacities

- Semi-Submersible:
Jack Up:
- 600 ft depth
-600-4000 ft depth
of Water
of Water - Drill
- Movable byby Boats
Floating & Towing - Deep
9000 Marine
ft Depth of Water
- stand
by Boats,
on 3 Fixed
or morebyLegs Semi-
Chains & - Offer
Mobility& Storage
& Hull
Anchor Submersibl Drill Ship Platform
e - Built
not well
of Steel
fixed and
- composed
Jacked up of and
Legs to
supported - drill
thru Drilling
several wells in the same
by PontoonsSettling or -time
Fixed by Anchors
Rig Components:
1- Hoisting System:

Hoisting Rotational
System system


- Equipment required for handling:

1- Slips: device hold the weight of

drill string when it isn’t supported
by the hook

2- Elevators: hung from the hook by

links and are used for latching around
the drill pipe to lift it.

3- Links: hold the Elevators

4- Tongs: used in make up or break out

manually connection between two stands

5- Spinning Wrench: used for rapidly

spinning out or spinning in the drill pipe
when breaking out or making up the pipe.
2- Circulation System:
Desander hanged
Desilter: the hook,
device allow
that passage
used to of mud
remove toallows
particles allow
from the rotation
mud ofhaven’t
that string while it is
Shale Pipe:
shaker: steel
Belly: Suction
very mounted
small clear
tank, vertically
used from
to on
mud rig floor,
mud flow
from mud
and to
pour move
onto from
shalethe mud
shaker, lines
1- Line:
fixed and
Active pipe
Tanks in connecting
):hose connecting
carrying weight to
string pits through
Pumps. possum
a belly
gooseneck in the swivel.
Rotary Hose
by 2
shale types
coming outshaker by centrifugal force
from the mud pump to the rotary hose.
degasser is placed
2- Trip: small tank connected to hole while tripping.
- Duplex: double acting – old fashion
Annulus: space
4- sand trap: between
directly drill
under string
shale and receiving
shaker the hole filtrated pure mud. Desilter
- Triplex: single acting with 3 pistons
annulus Drill String
Desande Swivel gooseneck

Shale Shaker Waste pool

Flow Line Possum Belly

Centrifuge Desilter Desander Sand Trap

1- Rig’s Degasser: a device that removes the gas from the mud before it is recirculated down
the hole, installed upon tank getting mud from it release gases then pour it back.

2- Mixing hopper: Powdered chemicals and solids needed by the mud are added
using the mixing hopper.

3- Waste pool: large hole where waste and cuttings are dumped
3- Rotational System:
a- Kelly System:
- Old fashion
- Mechanism: rotary table turns by action of its own motor cause rotation of master
bushing that turns Kelly bushing which turns Kelly which cause rotation of drill string.
- Due to kelly length (12 m) only one joint could be added ( max. 2 joints / connection)
- String cannot be rotated while being lifted.
-Kelly: the topmost joint in the drill string and is 40-45 feet in length, It is commonly
square or hexagonal.
- Outside swivel

b- Top Drive System (TDS):

- Allow fewer connections where it connect stand by stand (30 m) in one connection
- Contain its own swivel assembly
- Allow rotation while lifting ( back reaming )
4- Blow Out Preventer System (BOP):
Consists of: BOP control
Annular Preventer : rubber sealing element which, when pressurepanel
accumulator is applied, closes
around the drill pipe or Kelly (close the annulus) or even can close the open hole.
the annular preventer can be made to close on any size or type of drill pipe, rated for
surface pressure up to 5000 psi

Ram Preventers rated for pressure up to 15000 psi, only seal around a specific pipe size

Pipe Rams : These have a rubber face molded to fit around a certain size of drill pipe,
cannot close an open hole.

Blind Rams :These are hydraulic rams which will close and completely close off the
borehole, can close an open hole.

Shear Rams : have specially designed cutting structures, which when closed on drill
pipe, will cut through the drill pipe and completely close off the borehole.

- The Hydraulic Press. Used to close BOP is generated from the Accumulators that
contain high press Nitrogen, in case of emergency BOP could closed manually but only in
Land rigs & Jack Up
- Well control:
an Separator
entry of other formation fluid into the wellbore ( influx of Fm. Fluid into hole )
- Blow out: uncontrolled flow of formation fluid ( uncontrolled kick )

In case of kick occurring:

1- close the well by one of BOP rams
2- the mud saturated with gases in the hole must be circulated out the hole

- Choke Manifold: a series of valves, gauges and lines that controls the rate of flow from the
well when the blowout preventers are closed, When the well is shut in, mud circulated through
the choke manifold, The flow is diverted from the flow line or choke manifold to the mud-gas
separator. The separator releases the gas that is then carried by the vent line at the top to a
remote flare.

- Mud Gas Separator: separates the flammable gas from the mud so that the gas can be
flared off at a safe distance from the rig.

- - Drilling Spool: choke line and kill line is connected to it.

- Kill Line: line used in case of killing the well by adding high viscous mud to settle gases

 Company Man: representative of Exploration
Company, managing rig Operations according to
Drilling Crew
Company Program Tool Pusher: the man in charge of the rig and
overall drilling operations.
 Well Site Geologist: representative of
Exploration Company defining Formation Tops, Driller: in charge of Drilling, perform Drilling
Casing Points and supervise Wire Line Logging, Machinery.
Coring, MWD, Mud Logging describing
Cuttings...etc. Assistant Driller: in charge of Drilling in
absence of Driller & measure Pipes Lengths in use.
 Mud Engineer: service Engineer responsible
for make and assure qualifications of Mud Derrick-man: in case of absence of ass. Driller
Prosperities as required along the Hole according to he is in charge, he works on the Monkey Board
Mud Plan. handling Stands during Tripping.
 Mud Logger: Service Engineer responsible for
supervisory of all drilling parameters and record Gas Mud Tester: responsible for mixing and adding
Readings mud
 MWD/LWD: Service Engineer responsible for Floor-man: (roughneck)is responsible for
record Tool(Gamma, Neutron..etc.), angle & Azimuth handling the drill pipe during connections or trips.
Reading along the Hole.
 DD: Service Engineer responsible for Deviated Roustabout: handle the equipment and supplies
Drilling Directions and perform these directions that are constantly being supplied to the rig.
according to Directional Plan
Crane Operator // Mechanic //
Drill String Components:
1- Bit 5- Jar
2- Drill Collar 6- Stabilizer
3- Heavy Weight Drill Pipes 7- Bit Sub
4- Drill Pipes 8- Mud Motor or Turbines

1- Drill Pipes (DP):

- Each length of drill pipe is approximately 30 to 31 feet long.
- A single drill pipe is called a joint, Each end of the joint is threaded, Pin and Box
- Every Three Connected Joints called Stand.

2- Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA):

- The entire drill string less the drill pipe.

- The functions of the BHA are:

- Protect the drill pipe from excessive bending and torsional loads
- Control the direction and inclination in directional holes
- Place weight on the drill bit
3- Drill Collars

- heavy, thick-walled joints of pipe used just above the bit in the drilling string.
- They are approximately 30 feet long and heavier than drill pipes. The outside diameter is larger than that of the DP
Drill collars are used to;
- Act as a pendulum to keep the hole straight.
- Maintain rigidity and keep the drill string in tension
- they may be Rounded or spiralled
- Spiral provide a passage for mud to exit so reduce probability of differential sticking.

4- Heavy Weight Drill Pipes (HWDP):

- They are drill pipes with a body weight that is 2-3 times greater than standard drill pipe.
- Same OD of DP but smaller ID than DP
- Place weight on the drill bit.
- May be rounded or spiral too.
- Stabilizers and Subs:
- The crossover sub is used to link different sizes and types of pipe.
- The shock sub is run behind the bit, absorb the impact of the bit bouncing on hard formations.
- The stabilizer is a sub with “blades”. It has two functions:
- To keep the drill collars centered in the hole
- Maintain a full gauge hole

- The reamer is a sub that is run between the bit and drill collars to provide gauge hole while drilling in hard formations.
- The bit sub is a short sub with a box on both ends. This allows the bit to be joined to the drill string.
- Hole Openers and under-reamers are tools that are run immediately above a bit to enlarge the hole size.
where, Under-reamer arms opened by Mud Press. But Hole Opener Arms are Used Opened

- Bits:
4 Main Types;
- Drag Bits
- Roller cone or rock Bits
- Diamond Bits
- Polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) Bits
- Coring Bit
- Positive displacement mud motor (PDM):
Spiral shaped steel rotor inside rounded rubber stator, used mainly in directional drilling where it allows rotation of the
bit with oriented drill string in certain direction by help of bent sub.

- Turbine:
Consists of several stages, each made up of bladed rotors and cylindrical stator

- Jar:
Involved in BHA, used in case of stuck to free the string by doing kinetic action upward

- MWD Tool:
Used sometimes in case of azimuth measurements, rock petrophysical properties are needed.
Rig operations
1- Drilling:

- Occur by decreasing hook load (HKLD) that lead directly to increase weight on bit (WOB) , make rotational movement
by increase revolution per minute (RPM) using top drive or rotary table according to rotational system type of the rig.
- WOB is formed majorly by the weight of BHA (bottom hole assembly) specially heavy weight drill pipes (HWDP).
- Mud flow press. helps too in drilling process by removing cuttings and increase penetration rate

Drilling Types:

1- Vertical Drilling:

Mostly, holes are approximately vertical there is an accepted limit that hole direction doesn’t change rapidly or
hole stays in the boundary of cone

- Preventing and Correcting Deviation:

Where deviation is expected, it can be inhibited by using a stiff bottom hole assembly (a BHA with many stabilizers).
5- Directional
Steerable Drilling:
Drilling System: 1- Whipstock:
2- 3-
motor:with bent
Turbine - Seldom
- Used
- Aused
its axis is
Mostly used due to:
- Five major components : slightly offset from vertical,
- Reservoir Drainage - Inaccessible Targets - Multiple
- OnceWells
- Consists- Salt
ofbeen Drilling
a series
(a) Drill Bit
- Fault Control - Onshore Drilling to Offshore the whip - By - Relief
pumping Wells
can and
Principle ofthe
a and
(b) Mud motor
( c) Important
Navigation Sub the holewhilereamed
- PDMbladed
string from
is a
(d) Stabilizers rotating,
device which a pocket rotatesis the
(e) -Survey
Kick Offsystem _MWD_
Point (KOP): away
the well depth at which deflection of the hole is initiated. bit -inwhen
the formation
greater RPM adjacent
fluid is
- Dog Leg: abrupt change in building angle degree at which The Well Deviates from to circulated
Vertical PDM
with through
Buildnozzle, the( With
up Rate drill
exceed 3º/100” continued
string without jettingstring actionrotation
-Used in both
- Azimuth: the direction of the wellbore on a horizontal plan measured clockwise movement
( sliding
from a north drilling
of the pipe
reference. ) up and
- TVD: It isand vertical
the vertical from the depth reference level to a point on the down,
distance A directional
borehole the bit surveying
course. follows tool the
is generally
out partrun of as
- MD: It is the distance measured along the actual course of the borehole from the surface reference point to the survey
hole. of the
point. BHA, just above the bent
- Inclination ( Drift ) Angle: the angle (in degrees) between the vertical and the-wellbore
sub. axis Drilling
at a particular point.

- Directional Tools:
1- Whipstocks 2- Jet bits
3- Mud Motor with Bent Sub 4- Turbine with bent sub
5- Steerable Drilling System

Motor Principle
3- Horizontal Drilling:
Sometimes horizontal drilling is necessary, due to:

- Expose more target formations

-Maintain or increase production

- increase contact surface with the reservoir

There are three basic borehole patterns:

- Short Radius Well: The targeted formations are small with vertical fractures and low energy production characteristics.

- Medium Radius Well: The targeted formations are thin, low permeability reservoirs with a limited extent.

- Long Radius Well: It is used for “extended reach” wells, and can be used to navigate around fault blocks.
2- Tripping:
There is a number of occasions when all the drill pipe would have to be removed from the hole and then re-run again.
- Bit Balling - Motor Failure - Low ROP - Casing - Hole TD

POOH= Pull Out Of Hole

RIH = Running In Hole

- Wiper Trip (Hole Conditioning Trip) : A short trip up into casing then back to bottom to clean out the hole,
- Round trip :To trip out, then into the hole.
- Obstruction/ Tight Spot: during RIH String this feature could be faced by facing Low HKLD that reflect there is a
barrier prevent Passing of Pipes Downward
- Over Pull: During Pulling Out String this Feature could be faced by increasing HKLD that reflect there is a barrier
inside the Hole prevent Passing Pipes Upward.
- Twist Off: Cut off Drill String from any weak Plane Predicted by Sharp decrease in HKLD and Pressure, could
happen by mishandling with Over pull.

- Trip Monitoring:

- Keep Hole filled always with Mud in case of POOH where the Hole mostly Connected to The Trip Tank due to its
Small Volume that allow easier Monitoring
- In Case of RIH, Mud transferred from The Hole to The Trip Tank due to Metal Displacement
- Use Trip Monitoring Sheet
3- Connection:

During Drilling or Tripping, Connection is required it is the Process of Adding a New Stand to The String when The Top
Drive mostly reach The Rig Floor that called KELLY DOWN then Floor men hold the Pre-used Stand in The Hole by
Using The Slips then The Driller move Top Drive upward Till reach higher than Monkey Board where Derrick Man on
the Monkey Board handling The New Stand to being hold by The Top Drive then Floor Men connect the New One to
The String in The Hole Using Tongs.


It is a secondary process to clean the hole by moving downward pumping mud with rotation
In case of going upward, it is called back-reaming


-It is a secondary process to clean the hole by pumping mud without rotation
4- Casing :
Casing in a well serves a number of functions, it:
- Prevents caving of the borehole
- Provides a means for attaching surface equipment (BOP & Christmas tree)
- permits production from a specific zone

1- Conductor Pipe (Bell Nipple):

- As a channel to raise the mud high enough to return to the mud pits
- To prevent erosion around the base of the rig
- To provide for attaching the BOP stack where shallow gas is expected
2- Surface Casing:
- to protect the well from cave-in and washout of loose formations
- to prevent freshwater sands from being contaminated with drilling mud, gas, oil
- starting point for the casing head
3- Intermediate Casing:
- to seal off weak zones that might break with the use of heavy mud.

4- Liner String: run from the surface to a given depth and overlaps the previous casing, a liner is run only from the
bottom of the previous string to the bottom of the borehole. There is a minimal overlap with the previous casing
- liner is easier due to less distant, cheaper and less weight

5- Production Casing (Tubing):

- isolate the producing reservoir from undesirable fluids.
- Running Casing
- Pre running, The Hole must be Clean by Circulation and Reaming
- Install Heavy Duty Elevator, Stabbing Board instead of Monkey Board and Power Tongs
- Casing Filling periodically to prevent Collapse

-Casing Accessories:

1- Guide Shoe: connected to the first pipe of casing to be lowered into the hole. It is aluminum with a hole in the
center and rounded, to guide the casing into the borehole.

2- Float Collar: These devices permit the casing to literally float into the borehole, by being partially empty,
thereby preventing entry of the fluid as the casing is lowered into the hole. It also serves as a check-valve in the
casing string, to prevent back flow of cement after being pumped outside the string.

3- Centralizer and Wall Scratcher: These are attached to the casing for two main reasons:
-To ensure a reasonably uniform distribution of cement around the pipe
- To obtain a competent seal all the way around the casing.

4- Cementing Head: This provides Connecting the cementing lines from the cementing pump to the casing.
5- Cementing: Oil well cementing is the process of mixing and displacing a cement slurry down the casing and up the
annular space behind the casing where it is allowed to set, thus bonding the pipe to the formation.

- Primary Cementing:
- Bonds the casing to the formation - Provides support for the casing
- Prevents casing corrosion - Forms a seal in the event of a kick during drilling

1- Single Stage Cementing Job:

once casing is set, pump a “spacer” ahead of the bottom plug, which is immediately followed by the cement. The spacer
serves as assistant in flushing the mud ahead of the cement.
Cement plugs consist of an aluminium body encased in melded rubber. When the bottom plug reaches the float collar, the
diaphragm in the plug ruptures to permit the cement to proceed down the casing and up the annulus. The top plug, is
released when all the cement has been pumped. It is dropped on top of the cement, followed by mud, to displace the
cement from the casing.
This plug causes a complete shut-off when it reaches the float collar. Pumping is stopped as soon as there is a positive
indication (pressure increase) that the top plug has reached the float collar.
2- Multi-Stage:
Devices are used for cementing two or more separate sections behind the casing string, usually for a long column that
might cause formation breakdown if the cement were displaced from the bottom of the string. The essential tool consists
of a ported coupling placed at the proper point in the string.
Cementation of the lower section of casing is done first, The multi-stage tool is then opened hydraulically by special
plugs, and fluid circulated through the tool to the surface. Placement of cement for the upper section occurs through the
ports which are subsequently closed by the final plug pumped behind The Cement

- Secondary Cementing: Secondary cement work is done after primary cementing, and includes:
-Plugging to another producing zone - Plugging a dry hole
6- Coring:
Coring provides additional formation samples for analysis, 2 basic methods of collecting the samples are:
- (Conventional) Bottom hole Coring
- Sidewall Coring
Conventional coring:
An assembly called a "core barrel" is made up on the drill string with a special type of bits called
”Core Head” and run to the bottom of the hole. As the core barrel is rotated, it cuts a cylindrical
Sidewall coring
In a sidewall sampler a small explosive charge is fired to ram a small cylinder into the wall of the hole.
When the tool is pulled out of the hole, the small core samples come out with the Tool.

7- Wire Line Logging:

After each section of the hole is drilled and before casing is run into the hole, it is necessary to “log” the hole.
This involves running one or more wire line logging tools, either singly or in combinations. The sonde
contains one or more measuring devices. It is lowered into the hole by steel cable. This cable contains
conductors within its core which transmit power and signals between the surface and the tool, After reaching
bottom, wire line logs are run by pulling the sonde through the hole at a fixed speed which is determined by
the type of measurement to be made.

- Measuring While Drilling (MWD)/ Logging While Drilling (LWD):

LWD Services allow wire line-type information to be available as near real-time as possible.
MWD Services allow recording directional survey measurements.
- Hole Problems (Stuck) & related operation:
A string may become stuck because of one reason or a combination of different reasons.
1- differential Stuck:
In permeable formations, mud filtrate will flow from the well into the rock building up a filter cake, differential
pressure will exist across the filter cake, any part of the pipe which becomes embedded in the cake, will be subject
to the pressure difference, the pipe may become stuck.

2- Mechanical Stuck:
Mechanical sticking results from one, or a combination, of the following:
- Ignore hole cleaning -Formation instability - Key seating -Running into undergauge Hole

If cuttings are not removed fromSome formations can plastically Key Set: an undergaugeReaming channel ora long
cut inwill
the well, they will settle around
extrude into the hole and close the side of the boreholeusually
and parallel
wear tooutthe
a bit
of quickly,
the drill string, usually the around the pipe, while others can the hole, results from the tripping
at pipe
highon speed,
a can jam a
BHA, causing the hole to packswell and cause a hole to pack off sharp bend in the hole. full gauge assembly into an
off and the pipe to become jamming around the BHA and undergauge hole and become stuck.
stuck. causing the pipe to stick. Undergauge Hole: Hole drilled by
8- Fishing:
a bit that reduced its diameter
The technique of removing pieces or sections of drilling equipment left behind in the hole or stuck in the hole is
(Undergauge Bit) by abrasive Fm.
called “fishing”.
Fishing tools are divides them into two groups:-
1) Tools used to fish junk . 2) Tools used to fish pipe.
- Slip“twist-off”:
& Cut: removing worn
is caused fast line, and
by excessive pull
stress inmore linestring.
the drill from the Supply Reel, that done by pulling New Unused Line
from The Reel up torupture
Crown in The Drill
Block String
passing thru Travelling Block Sheaves going to Draw-Work Reel Then cut the Old Used
Line just to ensure Safety and Hard Working of Line which handle hundreds of Tons
Mud Principles:
- Mud Functions:
- Hole Cleaning - Cooling, Lubricating Drill String & Bit - Lifting Cutting to The Surface
- Stabilizing Well Bore - Control Fm. Press. - Suspend cuttings when circulation is stopped (gel strength)
- MWD Data Transmission - Seal porous and permeable zones with an impermeable filter cake

- Hydrostatic Pressure (PSI ) = TVD(ft) x mud weight(ppg)x0.052

- Filter cake: is formed by fluid pressure against the sides of the wellbore, which causes the solids to be separated from
the liquid- particularly in those areas in which there is a permeable section in the well.

- Mud Types:
1-Fresh Water Mud
2- Calcium Treated Fresh Water Mud
3- Salt Saturated Mud
4- Oil Base Mud
- Mud Properties:

1- Mud Density: Mud Weight Per Unit Volume (ppg, ppf or SG)

2- Rheology: Science study Matters deforms and flow ( Solid, Liquid or Gas)

3- Viscosity: Fluid Resistance to flow

4- Plastic Viscosity(PV): Resistance to flow due to Mechanical Frictions

5- Yield Point (YP): Mud Carrying Ability of Solids during Dynamic State

6- Gel Strength: Ability of Mud to carry Cuttings while being Static by linking between Positive and Negative Clay
Particles in the Mud Fluid forming Gel Structure

7- Funnel Viscosity: Measurement of Mud Viscosity Using Marshal Funnel Method (Sec. / quart)

8- ECD: Equivalent /Effective Circulating Density, equivalent mud weight for the sum of the hydrostatic pressure plus
the pressure loss in the annulus.
Mud Logger Engineer Duties:

Mud Logging isn’t an Essential Part of Drilling, but it develop Drilling Process make it easier and Safer
Very helpful in Production and Development of Oil Production, where Mud logger Engineer is Responsible for:

- Collection of the Rock Cuttings which is geologically described, examined for any Oil Shows and then packed
according to the Exploration Company requirements.

- Hydrocarbon Gas Monitoring while Drilling.

- Detection of the Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) Percentage.

- Monitoring of the Mud volume.

- Generation of Mud Logs and Graphs during the Drilling of the Well.

- Monitoring of the drilling parameters such as : WOB, RPM, TRQ. ...etc.

-Monitoring the Trips and updating a Trip Sheet.

Mud Logging Theory & Calculations:

- Theoretical Lag Determination:

The time taken between the surface to the bottom of the hole is called ”lag down“ or “Lag in”.
The time taken between the bottom of the hole to the surface is called ”lag-up“ or “bottoms up”.
The surface to surface time is called “Complete cycle” or In/Out time.
- Lag In = {(ID)² ÷ 1029}× Length ( in Volume)
- Lag Out = {(OD)² - (ID)²} ÷ 1029 × Length (in Volume)
- Lag (In or out) Strokes = Lag (in or out) Volume ÷ ( Pump Out Put)
- Pump out Put (bbls/stroke) = 0.000243 x Stroke Length x (Liner OD)2 x Efficiency - in case of
Triplex Pump ONLY !
- Lag (In or out) Time = Lag Strokes ÷ Total SPM - in minutes.
- Complete Cycle = Lag in + Lag Out
- Actual Lag Determination Using Carbide :

During drilling, hole sections have a tendency to become enlarged (“washout”) or may be reduced
because of hydrating/swelling formation and /or extreme filter cake build-up.
The only way of obtaining an accurate lag is by measuring the time or strokes that a tracer takes to
return to the surface, after being introduced into the drill string. The most commonly used tracer is
calcium carbide. It forms acetylene gas when it reacts with water in the drilling fluid.
CaC2+ 2H2O ------> Ca(OH)2 + C2H2
The gas detection equipment detects this acetylene gas (c2)when it returns to the surface .
The Carbide Bomb throw in the Drill String while Connection , you must inform your colleague in the
Unit to count its Cycle Time.
- We could use rice or beans instead of Carbide but you have to stay in front of The Shaker to Note it.

N.B: Carbide is harmful gas and flammable TAKE CARE !

- calculation of the average Hole Diameter based on Carbide Lag Time:
Caved Hole Case or Tight Hole Case where Actual Lag is different from Theoretical Lag;
1- Calculate Lag In Strokes
2- Carbide Lag Strokes = Complete Cycle − Lag in Theoretical (Calculated)
3- Calculate Theoretical Lag out
4- Theoretical OH Volume (bbl) = (ID)² × 0.000971 × OH Length (ft)
5- Excess Strokes (bbl) = ( Carbide Lag Out Stk − Theoretical Lag Out Stk) × POP (bbl/Stk)
6- New OH Diameter = {( excess Stk + Theo. OH Vol. ) ÷ ( OH Length × 0.000971)½

- Pipe Washout Indications

A pipe washout is a hole anywhere in the drilling string, can lead to a twist-off and expensive
fishing operations. While drilling the pump pressure decreases over a period of time and this
is accompanied by a gradual rise in the pump rate, then a washout downhole can be assumed.
If carbide was run, two acetylene peaks would be observed and a hole or “washout” in the
drill string can be assumed.

Calculation of Washout Depth

Depth of washout, ft = (strokes of first carbide peak x pump output) / (DP cap + Ann cap)
Where; - Pump output = bbls/stroke - DP capacity and Ann cap = bbls/ft
- Trip Monitoring: by using trip sheet

Time Stand Theoretical Displacement Actual Displacement Trip PVT Loss/Gain Cumulative
Displacement Total Displacement Total

- Time: of Making up or Breaking down The Stand

- Stand No.: Number of Stand getting in or out The Hole, mostly monitored per each 5 DP Stands
- Theoretical Displacement: Calculated Metal Displacement for DP, DC or HWDP by Equation:
M.D = {[(OD)2 − (ID)2] ÷ 1029 } × Length = bbl
- Actual Displacement: ( Trip + PVT) − next ( Trip + PVT)
- Trip: Trip Reading
- PVT: Pit Volume Totalizer Reading
- Loss/Gain = Theoretical Displacement − Actual Displacement
- Record Tight Spots or Overpull Depths and Time in The Trip Sheet
Types of Losses:
1- Down Hole Losses: Mud Losses into Formation
2- Surface Losses: Mud Losses upon Mud System or by Solid Control Equipment shouldn’t exceed 1 m3/hr

Hole Fill Calculation:

H.F = hole (ID)2 ÷ 1029 by barrel

- Sample Collection:
1- Wet Sample: collect the sample from Plate at The Shale Shaker in Plastic Bag then put it in Cloth Bag written on it Sample Interval,
Company Name and Well Name then pack it into Wet Samples Box (WBM & OBM)
2- Dry Sample: collect it from the same Plate but use Coarse and Fine Sieve to Rinse it by Fresh Water, then take the Residue Cuttings in The
Fine Sieve that was been put downside of the Coarse and put it into The Oven untill been dried then pack it into Paper Envelope with the
same Information as previous (WBM).
3- GeoMechanical Samples: as The Dry Sample, usually with different Intervals (WBM).
4- Paleontological Samples: Unwashed Sample packed in Plastic Bag then into a Cloth Bag (OBM & WBM).
5- Geochemical Samples: Washed Sample placed into a Can then add anti-bacterial Solution and close it. (WBM)
6- Isotube Sample: Gas Sample taken into a Tube only in units prepared with Isotube Rack .
7- Spot Sample: Sample collected directly from The Shale Shaker Screen representing just one Meter washed in Sieves without Packing just
for Microscope Examining.

- Dry and GeoMechanical Samples in case of OBM should be washed by Diesel then with Detergent (as Mud Wash)
Mud Logging Unit Role:
- Monitoring Drilling Parameters, Mud Level and Gas Readings Using Sensors, that divided into;
1- Analog Sensors: Express its Readings into codes in Volts of Milli-amber
As; HKLD, SPP, PV, H2S, TQ, Mud Weight, Mud Conductivity, RPM Pressure Sensor, TQ Press. Sensor, Mud Temperature and CP Sensors
2- Digital Sensors: Express its Readings into Digital Numbers
As; Digital RPM, Draw-Work and SPM Sensors
Top Sensor

1- HKLD Tension Sensor:

- Installation Place: latched to Dead Line
- Use: express Load on Hook ( Weight of Drill String + Travelling Block and Top Drive )
- Mechanism: The Dead Line is very tensioned due to The Load, so it make a Stress upon the Bottom
And Top Sensors that translated into a Load or Weight.

- By Identifying Buoyant Weight of Drill String and measuring HKLD, Software calculate WOB
WOB = Buoyant Weight - HKLD

N.B: HKLD could be measured by Press. Sensor. Bottom

2- Draw Work Sensor:
- Installation Place: attached to Draw-Work Drum Shaft
- Use: Detection of The Kelly Position and Direction of Hoisting Up or Down
- Mechanism: Consists of Iron Gear Moving thru 2 Detective Sensors, that count
the Number of Spins occurred and Direction of Movement Up or Down
by Priority of Penetrating the 2 Sensors .

3- Pit Volume Sensor:

- Installation Place: On Mud Pits
- Use: Measure Mud Level in Tanks
- Mechanism: Transmit Ultrasonic Waves into Mud by fixed and specified Velocity that reflected on
Mud Surface and received again in counted Time, calculate The Distance taken by Waves is easily by
Distance = Velocity ÷ Time
4- Pressure Sensors:
Major Types: Oil Dependent by Hydraulics & Oil independent -Hummer Union - by Piezoresistivity .

Applications: Stand Pipe Pressure (SPP), Casing Pressure ( CP), HKLD Pressure and Calcimetry Pressure Sensor

- Installation Place:
SPP: Fixed on Stand Pipe Manifold
CP: Fixed on Choke Manifold
HKLD Press. Sensor: Fixed on Oil Diaphragm of the Dead Line Anchor
Calcimetry Sensor: In Mud Logging Unit Fixed to a Specific Cup
SPP: Measure Stand Pipe Press. ( Circulating Mud Press. ) into The Drill Pipes.
CP: Measure Mud Press. Inside The Annulus.
HKLD Press.: Measure Load on Hook ( String & Top Drive Weight ) and calculate WOB
Calcimetry Sensor: Measure The Pressure of Produced CO2, generated by reaction between Calcium in The Sample and 10% HCL
- Mechanism:
Press. Changes causes Resistance Change in The Sensor Element via Specified Diaphragm, This Change converted into an appropriate
Output Signal and outputted as a Measured Value
- Specs:
SPP: 400 bar
CP: 1000 bar
Calcimetry: 2.5 bar
HKLD: variable
5- H2S Sensor:
- Installation Place: In Mud Unit, On Mud System and Rig Floor
- Use: Detect percent of H2S Gas that is highly Dangerous
- mechanism: Depends on Chemical Reaction between The Gas and Chemical Agent inside
The Head of the Sensor that Chemical Reaction converted into Value represent percent of H2S.

6- RPM (Revolution Per Minute ) Sensors: 7- Torque Sensors:

Use: Measure Revolution Per Minute of The Drill String, -Use: Measure Torque that produced due to Action of
Number of Rotations during One Minute Resistance of Rotation of The String that happens by Effect of
Open Hole Formation.
Types: -Types:
1- Torque Pressure Sensor:
1- RPM Pressure Sensor:
- Installation Place: Fixed on Geolograph in Dog House on
- Installation Place: Fixed on Geolograph in Dog House on Rig Floor
Rig Floor
- as same as any Press Sensor , mostly Pressure or Electrical
-Mechanism: as same as any Press . Sensor , mostly Pressure Signal is Used.
or Electrical Signal is Used.
2- Toque Clamp Sensor:
2- RPM Magnet Sensor:
TQ Clamp - Installation Place: around The Power Cable of Rotary or Top
- Installation Place: on Rotary Table Drive or Geolograph

-Mechanism: Digital Sensor count Number of Revolution of - Use: Measure Torque

The String Per Minute. RPM Magnet
- Mechanism: The Transducer can sense The Current in The
- Used only in Rigs with Kelly System, rarely !! Power Cable that the MotorSensor
uses, that transmitted into Torque
- Mostly there is no Place for such Sensor or if there is Place for
it, may cause Problems due to Oil Leakage so it mostly
neglected and Pressure or Electrical Signal is Installed.
8- Mud Temperature Sensor:
- Installation Place: Temperature In fixed on Suction Tank (Active)
Temperature Out fixed on Possum Belly
- Use: Measuring Mud Temperature
- Mechanism: Regular Thermometer

9- Mud Weight Sensor:

- Installation Place: In any Mud Tank
- Use: Measuring Mud Weight
- Mechanism: Measuring The Differential Pressure between two Press. Sensors that are immersed
in Mud with Fixed Distance between them

10- Mud Conductivity Sensor:

- Installation Place: Conductivity In fixed on Suction Tank (Active)
Conductivity Out fixed on Possum Belly
- Use: Measuring Mud Conductivity
- Mechanism: One Coil is Transmitter and the Other is a Receiver, when Sensor is immersed in conductive Liquid, The Coil induces
Current into The Liquid received by the Receiver Sensor
The Current in The Receiver Sensor is directly Proportional to The Mud Conductivity which is computed into a digital Value
11- SPM:
- Installation Place: above Pump’s Stroke, where Stroke hit it (its steel arm ) per each stroke
- Use: Count Number of Strokes per Minute
- Mechanism: by Action of Stroke’s Hit, Sensor Arm moving with it causing
The Internal Electrical Circuit to be disconnected or connected per
The Type of Circuit you have chosen, this Effect is counted down as a Stroke
then it optimize Number of Strokes per Minute.

N.B: This Sensor is so Classic, Nowadays mostly Photo Cells Sensor are being Used

12- Flow out Paddle :

- Installation Place: In Flow Line
- Use: Measure Mud Flow out
- Mechanism: Sensor Body is latched to the Outside of The Flow Line, but Sensor Arm ( Paddle ) is inside The Flow Line , perpendicular to
The Direction of Mud Flow, allowing Mud to push it according to Push Strength converted into a Computed Values.
Gas System

gas Line:
Gasdevice Plastic
Analyzer canHose
Device detect
be connected to
gasses, separate
Computereachto gas component
display Gas and evaluate
Analysis in a Computed
its concentration to
any Degasser
Belly It can also detect
- Use: Measurable
Extraction of GasesValues
from Mud
the connecting
of hydrocarbon
Extract it
Gases to
and evaluate its
percentage in any sample.
Mechanism: inside
Centrifugal Ignition
Effect thru
and Mud
3 Unit
rotational axes, Rotation generated by
action of Rig AirExtracted
Line attached toGases
from side and the Other side attached to Gas Analyzer
it The Ditch Line that carry Extracted
gases from Mud System to Mud Unit. (SRI)
Flow Controller

Ditch Line
device is designed to control the
pressure and flow of all gasses
Degasser Accessories:
entering toconsists
- Oiler: Device gas system
of two Tubesof theas Mud
Degasser Logging
Regulator forunit.
Rig AirMeanwhile it can be
Flow and full of Lubricating Oil
help in Lubrication of Degasser Motor
used to take instantaneous gas
sample from the well
- Mud Logging Unit Major Components:
1- Offline Computer: used to build Mud Logs and Reports
2- Online Computer: Used to display Data from Sensors live second by second
3- Microscope
4- UV Light
5- Calcimetry Box and Sensor
6- Hydrogen Generator
7- Gas Analyzer Device
8- Flow Controller
9- H2S Sensors Panel
10- Data Acquisition System

- Safety Issues:
- Working in a broad Desert Environments is one of The Most Dangerous Jobs
- Never move is Desert without Safety Shoes, Scorpions and Snakes are Everywhere !!
- Be Ware, Smoking is highly banned in near to The Rig Site.
- Sun Heat isn’t easy like in Towns, Take Care
- Intervene in any Wrong Action, you see !
- Don’t EVER take Risks.
We find Oil in Old Areas, by New Ideas
We Find Oil in New Areas, by Old Ideas
But, We Never Ever found Oil In Old Areas by Old Ideas

Thank You

‫الحمد هلل‬

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