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Environment in practice

Guideline for the

approval of rockfall
protection kits

Swiss Agency for the Environment,

Forests and Landscape (SAEFL)
Environment in practice

Guideline for the

approval of rockfall
protection kits

Author: Werner Gerber

Published by the Swiss Agency

for the Environment, Forests and
Landscape (SAEFL) and the Swiss
Federal Research Institute WSL
Berne, 2001
Legal status of this publication Members of the working group
This publication is an implementation guide issued by R. Baumann, President FECAR, Swiss Forest Agency,
SAEFL in its function as regulatory authority, and is SAEFL, 3003 Berne
directed primarily to the enforcement authorities. It H. Buri, member of FECAR, Amt für Wald des
clarifies certain indefinite legal terms in laws and Kantons Bern (KAWA), Schloss 5, 3800 Interlaken
ordinances, and is intended to facilitate uniform W. Gerber, member of FECAR, Abt. Wasser-,
enforcement. SAEFL publishes implementation guides Erd- und Felsbewegungen, WSL, 8903 Birmensdorf
(also referred to as guides, guidelines, recommenda- B. Haller, GEOBRUGG Fatzer AG, Salmsacherstr. 9,
tions, handbooks, enforcement aids etc.) in its 8590 Romanshorn
«Vollzug Umwelt» series. R. Honegger, member of FECAR, Section Swiss
Implementation guides ensure on the one hand a large Federal Railways, Federal Office of Transports,
measure of equality before the law and a high degree 3003 Berne
of legal security, and on the other hand permit flexible R. Kaufmann, member of FECAR, Strasseninspektorat
and practicable solutions. On basing their actions on OW, 6061 Sarnen
the implementation guides, the enforcement authorities R. Testi, Isofer AG, Industriequartier, 8934 Knonau
may rest assured that they are lawfully implementing M. Toniolo, Isofer AG, Industriequartier, 8934 Knonau
federal law. Alternative procedures are not excluded, S. Wartmann, GEOBRUGG Fatzer AG,
but in accordance with judicial custom, it must be Salmsacherstr. 9, 8590 Romanshorn
shown that they are in accordance with the law.
Editor Hansruedi Leuzinger, Glarus
Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Land-
scape (SAEFL), Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL Layout
Ursula Nöthiger-Koch, 4813 Uerkheim
Federal Expert Commission on Avalanches and Cover picture
Rockfall (FECAR) Test site Walenstadt with crane and protective nets

Author Distribution
Werner Gerber, Swiss Federal Research Institute SAEFL
WSL, Birmensdorf Documentation
CH-3003 Berne
Suggested library catalogue reference Fax + 41 (0) 31 324 02 16
GERBER, W. 2001: Guideline for the approval of E-Mail: [email protected]
rockfall protection kits. Environment in practice. Internet:
Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and
Landscape (SAEFL), Swiss Federal Research Institute Order number
WSL. Bernee, 39 pages. VU-7509-E

Consultant SAEFL
Reto Baumann, Swiss Forest Agency, Berne
© SAEFL 2001

2 Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits

Table of contents

Abstracts 5 6 Approval 23
6.1 Administrative procedure 23
Foreword 7 6.2 Requirements applicable
to the rockfall protection kits 24
1 Introduction 9 6.2.1 Principles 24
6.3 Test facility Walenstadt / Switzerland 25
2 Purpose of the guideline 10 6.3.1 Geographic situation 25
6.3.2 Installation of the rockfall protection kits 25
3 Delimitation 11 6.4 The individual tests 26
3.1 Scope of application 11 6.4.1 Preliminary tests a) with small energies:
3.2 Other protective measures 11 (boundary section) 27
3.3 Other standards and guidelines 12 6.4.2 Preliminary test b) with energy 50 %:
(middle section) 27
6.4.3 Main test c) with energy 100 %
4 Tasks of the involved experts 13
(middle section) 28
4.1 General 13
6.4.4 Assessment d) of the rockfall protection kit
4.2 Client 13
according to special criteria 28
4.3 Expert 13
6.5 Test report 31
4.4 Author of the project 14
6.6 Costs of the test 31
4.5 Supplier 14
4.6 Building contractor 14
4.7 Government authorities 15 7 Foundation 32
4.8 Commission and 7.1 Requirements 32
Federal Research Institute 15 7.2 Foundation and anchor types 32
7.2.1 Foundations of the posts 32
7.2.2 Anchorage of the ropes 32
5 Definitions and designations 16
7.3 Dimensioning of the foundations and
5.1 Organizations 16
anchors 33
5.2 Definitions, general for rockfalls 16
7.3.1 Safety factor 33
5.3 Definitions for rockfall protection kits 17
7.3.2 Bearing safety and suitability for use 33
5.4 Definitions for the test sequence 20
7.4 Anchor mortar 34
5.5 Designations 22
7.4.1 Basic aspects 34
7.4.2 Testing for suitability 34
7.4.3 Conformity tests 34

8 Effective date 36

9 Transitional provisions 37

Index 39
Index of illustrations 39
Index of the charts 39

Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits 3


Keywords: For protective nets against rockfall to be compared objectively, they must be sub-
approval, rockfall, pro- jected to the crash test. The present guideline specifies the procedure for the ap-
tective nets, guideline, proval and describes the test criteria, the testing methods and requirements which
natural hazard, rockfall must be met by the nets. It is an aid to clients, authors of projects, suppliers and
protection kit producers of protective nets, building contractors and authorities.

Um Schutznetze gegen Steinschlag objektiv vergleichen zu können, müssen sie im

Crash-Test überprüft werden. Die vorliegende Richtlinie regelt den Ablauf der Ty-
Stichwörter: penprüfung und beschreibt die Prüfkriterien, die Prüfmethoden sowie die Anforde-
Typenprüfung, Stein- rungen an die Netze, welche erfüllt sein müssen. Sie ist eine Hilfe für Bauherren,
schlag, Schutznetze, Projektverfasser, Lieferanten bzw. Hersteller von Schutznetzen, Bauunternehmer
Richtlinie, Naturgefahr und Behörden.

Pour que les filets de protection contre les chutes de pierres puissent être comparés
Mots-clés: de manière objective, il faut qu’ils soient soumis au crash test. La présente directive
Homologation, chute règle le déroulement de l’homologation et décrit les critères et les méthodes
de pierres, filets de d’examen ainsi que les exigences auxquelles doivent satisfaire les filets. Elle cons-
protection, directive, titue une aide pour les maîtres d’œuvre, les auteurs de projets, les fournisseurs et les
danger naturel fabricants de filets de protection, les entrepreneurs et les autorités.

Parole chiave: Per dare una valutazione oggettiva delle reti di protezione paramassi è necessario
Procedura di omologa- collaudarle. La presente direttiva regola la procedura di omologazione e descrive i
zione, caduta di sassi, criteri e i metodi di valutazione, nonché le esigenze che tali reti devono soddisfare.
reti di protezione para- La direttiva è destinata ai committenti, ai progettisti, ai fornitori o ai fabbricanti
massi, direttiva, peri- delle reti, alle imprese edilizie e alle autorità.
colo naturale

Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits 5


Wherever the protective function of the forest cannot satisfy the safety requirements
of modern civilization (any more), technology comes in. This is why, for many
years already, protective nets against rockfall have been supplementing the protec-
tive function of the forest, or replacing it in locations where no forest exists at all.

Over the last ten years, research and development concerning such nets have been
intensified substantially. New protection systems have been developed in close co-
operation between the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Re-
search and manufacturers. It has been possible to increase the energy absorption ca-
pacity as the most important criterion for the nets by a factor of 10. The conse-
quence of this was that the purchasers of these protection systems saw themselves
confronted by new or modified products at frequent intervals. An assessment of the
effectiveness of the nets purely on the basis of works plans is not possible because
calculatory proofs cannot yet be established at this stage. Although individual
manufacturers were able to present results of tests, the different types of structures
could not be compared, with the effect that the purchasers felt insecure. Surveys in
1997 and 1998 among experts revealed an urgent need for action. Neutral and ob-
jective testing of the protective nets was demanded.

Development of the type classification started in early 1999 after clarifications had
confirmed feasibility. A stringent, but fair type classification was created with the
involvement of industry, research and various authorities. The two main elements
are the new test site «Lochezen» in Walenstadt/SG (Switzerland) and the present
Federal Guideline. The official opening of this first European test site on 31 May
2001 marked also the start of the type classifications.

In this way the persons responsible for safety in communities, cantons, railway and
road authorities are provided with a valuable decision aid that enables them to find
the best solution for their rockfall problems.

In the development of the type classification it was necessary for competing com-
panies and many cantonal and federal offices to cooperate closely. This was no easy
undertaking. The result is a product which represents an important module in the
coping with natural hazards and which can optimally supplement the protective
function of the forest. We are grateful to the persons of the working group which
implemented this guideline for their dedication and perseverance.


Swiss agency for the Swiss federal research Federal expert
environment, forests institute department commission on
and landscape natural hazards avalanches and rockfall

Federal Director of Forests: Department Manager: President:

W. Schärer W. Ammann R. Baumann

Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits 7

1 Introduction

In Switzerland, the significance of protection against rockfalls is currently increa-

sing rapidly. Over the last years more and more protective nets against falling rocks
and blocks have been erected along traffic routes and for the protection of settle-
ments. At the same time these protective measures underwent an intensive technical
development. It has been possible to increase their ability of absorbing energy by a
factor of more than ten. It is difficult, however, to assess and compare the quality
and performance of the different products available on the market. Calculations
such as the ones applied to avalanche prevention structures are not possible at this
time. In this situation the competent authorities and experts had to decide on the
purchase and use of protective nets concerning which they had no exact informa-
tion. With the introduction of a approval subjecting the different products to a strin-
gent field test, the persons in charge can be provided with an important basis on
which to make their decisions. The different products become comparable. The in-
stitutions entrusted with the investigation guarantee an objective and independent

The present guideline defines a standardized test sequence. It also specifies limit
values that must be met by the tested products. Apart from this, however, the
guideline extends beyond the core of the approval and contains some explanations
closely connected to the approval. The purpose of this is to enhance the comprehen-
sibility and to provide the association with the surrounding aspects.

The guidelines are issued on the basis of Article 39, paragraph 3 of the Order on
Forests. They serve for a uniform application of the law and interpretation of Art.
39 of the said Order. Implementation authorities abiding by the instructions on exe-
cution can rely on proceeding in compliance with regulations. By deviating from
the instructions, on the other hand, they run the risk of being unable to prove to the
federal authorities that their chosen solution is in conformity with the law.

The Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape keeps a list of the
approved rockfall protection kits. This list is updated continuously and published
under the following address:

Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits 9

2 Purpose of the guideline

The effects of rockfalls onto protective nets vary considerably. Unknown factors are
frequently encountered and can never be eliminated entirely despite careful obser-
vations and measurements. The user of the guideline must be aware of the high de-
mands to which he/she is subjected in this sense.

The guideline is intended to meet the following higher-ranking objectives:

• Definition of the approval sequence.
• To provide a basis enabling an objective comparison of different rockfall pro-
tection kits of the same energy category.
• Improvement of the effectiveness of rockfall protection kits.
• To provide a useful aid to the persons in charge of project work, construction
and maintenance of the protective devices.
• To create the prerequisites for subsidizing of rockfall protection kits.

The guideline supplements particularly the SIA Standard 160 «Influences on bear-
ing structures» and the guideline «Influences on rockfall protection galleries» of the
FEDRO/SBB, issue 1998.

10 Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits

3 Delimitation

3.1 Scope of application

The present guideline refers only to protection measures in the form of nets de-
signed for the purpose of stopping falling rocks/blocks, i.e. measures belonging to
the category of active protection against rockfalls.

Among the items to be protected may be roads, railway lines, paths, buildings, in-
frastructure objects, etc. This makes it clear that the potential users are primarily
central and local governments. Apart from these, however, owners and usufructu-
aries of objects exposed to dangers can also be concerned by the issue.

The approval is intended for rockfall protection kits which are subsidized in Swit-
zerland by the government.

3.2 Other protective measures

Depending on the locally prevailing circumstances, the degree of danger and the
events to be expected, other measures can also be taken in the interest of an active
protection from rockfalls.

These may be, a.o.:

• Fences of wire mesh
• Stockades (palisades) of timber or steel
• Stone walls
• Earth embankments
• Galleries of concrete
• Tunnels

Another possibility for protection from rockfalls is warning systems of all kinds.
Such other protection measures are not the subject-matter of the approval.

Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits 11

3.3 Other standards and guidelines

• SIA Standard 118 General conditions applying to construction work

• SIA Standard 160 Influences on bearing structures
• SIA Standard 161 Steel constructions
• SIA Standard 162 Concrete constructions
• SIA Standard 191 Prestressed ground and rock anchors
• SIA Technical Leaflet 2010 Untensioned ground and rock anchors
• Guideline for Avalanche Prevention Structures in the Avalanche Starting Zone,
issue 1990 supplementation 2000, SAEFL and WSL
• FEDRO Guideline for ground and rock anchors
• Guideline «Influences on rockfall protection galleries», issue 1998 of FEDRO
and SBB
• Documentation «Planning, construction and maintenance of protective galleries
against rockfalls and avalanches», issue 1998 of FEDRO and SBB
• AFNOR, French standard, «Protective equipment against rockfalls, net covers»
of December 1996
• GEAM, Italian guideline for the classification and technical approval of rockfall
protection structures with nets (draft)

Applicable, furthermore, are the standards concerning the materials employed, their
treatment and the types of work (in particular with respect to anchorages).

SIA, V104 / 2-5, Recommendation issue 1999 (working document in extended dis-
cussion phase): Auxiliary means for calls for tenders and quotations in the areas of
forest and natural hazards.

12 Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits

4 Tasks of the involved experts

4.1 General

Events of rockfalls can occur due to a natural erosion process (freeze/thaw periods,
root pressures, etc.) or as a result of vibrations (earthquakes, detonations). Common
to all of these is usually the unpredictability of time, location and intensity of the
event. A task of all involved, therefore, is to select the optimal measure between
sporadic and continuous monitoring, alarm systems, rockfall protection kits, stock-
ades, embankments and galleries. The concepts for appropriate measures should
permit to find an integral and comprehensive solution to the problems. Normally it
is necessary to adopt a multi-stage procedure. The entire spectrum of measures
(variants) must yet be dealt with at the stage of preliminary studies. At the prelimi-
nary project and detail project stages, a concept for measures is treated and put into
concrete form.

4.2 Client

The client defines the objectives (purpose) of the protection measures and the utili-
zation, i.e. he provides the fundamentals for the utilization plan. If appropriate, he
adjusts these on the basis of the concept determined by the author of the project and
by the authorities, to the technically and economically available resources.

4.3 Expert

The expert advises the client concerning the risks of falling rocks and blocks. He
assesses possible processes and consequential effects. The expert defines the proc-
ess space and reveals the ranges, masses, velocities, energies, leap heights, leap
distances in possible events. He estimates the probability and the possibly deter-
minable recurrence periods of the different event parameters. For this purpose the
damage potential in respect of material and human values is established and the ex-
isting protection deficit is stated. He advises the client on possibly required protec-
tion structures and, depending on the circumstances, he points out residual risks and
the limits in the effectiveness of rockfall protection kits, i.e. he provides the funda-
mentals for the safety plan.

Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits 13

4.4 Author of the project

The author of the project

• determines the concept underlying the measures and advises the client with the
support of the expert
• informs about the necessary adjustments of the objectives of the protection
measure and the residual risks
• establishes the utilization and safety plan
• gives the reasons for the decision in favour of a rockfall protection kit rather
than other measures
• determines the final rockfall protection kit
• calculates the static equivalent loads on the basis of the approval
• submits proof of the bearing safety of the foundations and anchorages and es-
tablishes their suitability for the purpose
• supplements the project with accompanying measures such as afforestation,
protective embankments, blasting of blocks, etc.
• presents the accessibility
• advises the client in the preparation of a monitoring and maintenance schedule
• determines the cost of the project and of its maintenance
• prepares a comprehensive report with the necessary documentation

4.5 Supplier

The supplier delivers all documents required to build and maintain the offered con-
struction. The following proofs must be submitted, in particular:
• The report on the approval, i.e. on the approval of the construction
• Details of foundation and anchor forces
• Test certificates for the individual components such as corrosion protection, ten-
sile tests, etc.

4.6 Building contractor

The responsibility of the building contractor is prescribed in the SIA Standard 118.

14 Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits

4.7 Government authorities

The federal government issues guidelines and recommendations within the frame-
work of its obligations under the law. It grants the approval for the tested rockfall
protection kits.

The cantonal authorities are responsible for the translation of the guidelines and
recommendations as well as the application of the list of available rockfall protec-
tion kits.

The cantonal and federal authorities can advise the client and support the author of
the project. Hereby they represent the public interest, particularly in the definition
of the objectives of the protection measures and the concept underlying the meas-
ures. They decide on the subsidizing of measures and grant the necessary permits
and approvals.

4.8 Commission and Federal Research Institute

The Federal Expert Commission on Avalanches and Rockfall (FECAR) and the
Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) advise the
authorities in matters of principle and special questions. The approval of rockfall
protection constructions is carried out by them jointly (cf. 6.1 Administrative pro-

Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits 15

5 Definitions and designations

5.1 Organizations

DETEC Federal Department of Environment, Transport, Energy and

FECAR Federal Expert Commission on Avalanches and Rockfall
FEDRO Federal Roads Office
FOT Federal Office of Transport
SAEFL Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape
SFA Swiss Forest Agency
SLF Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research
WSL Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Re-

5.2 Definitions, general for rockfalls

Rockfall, blockfall Falling, leaping and rolling of individual rocks (∅ < 50 cm)
and blocks (∅ > 50 cm), whereby the total volume does not
exceed 100 m3.
Rock avalanche Fall of a mass of rocks which is fractioned into blocks and
stones during the fall and on impact, whereby the interaction
between the components has no decisive influence on the
dynamics of the process.
Rock slide Fall of very large masses of rocks displaying more or less
coherence in the original rock structure, whereby high ve-
locities are reached and the transport mechanism is charac-
terized by an intensive interaction between the components.
Active measure Protective measure that counteracts the natural event ac-
tively to reduce the danger or to substantially alter the prob-
ability of occurrence (e.g. rockfall protection kits, rockface
covers made from nets).
Passive measure Protective measure intended to reduce the damage without
actively influencing the course of the natural event (e.g. de-
velopment planning measures).
Normal event A normal event is a rockfall whose intensity corresponds to
a recurring period of approx. 30 years. The normal event is
generally defined on the basis of blocks and traces observed
in the terrain.

16 Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits

Exceptional event The exceptional event is characterized by the extremely rare
rockfall of high intensity that is difficult to capture statisti-

5.3 Definitions for rockfall protection kits

These definitions are shown in the illustrations 1, 2 and 3.

Rockfall protection kit Construction consisting of actual nets, posts and ropes
Nets Bearing element acting as a surface. Types of nets: di-
agonal rope nets, orthogonal nets, flexible nets, ring nets
Bearing ropes Bearing elements serving to transmit the forces into the
posts, ground plates and retaining ropes.
Posts Part of the bearing structure supporting the bearing ropes
and nets. Types of posts: middle section posts, boundary
posts, auxiliary posts. Materials: steel HEA, HEB, RHS,
ROR, round timber
Retaining ropes Upslope ropes serving to transmit the posthead forces to
the anchorages.
Brake elements Elements in ropes which absorb energy
Ground plate Part of the construction located in/on the foundation. The
post and in some cases the lower bearing ropes are fas-
tened to it.
Laid-on mesh Wire mesh fastened to the net on the upslope side
Anchorages Bearing element transmitting the rope and post forces
into the ground. Types of anchorages: rod anchor, rope
Distance between posts Distance between two posts

Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits 17

Illustration 1:
Schematic view of a
deep-anchored rockfall
protection kit with desig-
nation of the bearing

Illustration 2:
Schematic view of a
rockfall protection kit with
fixed posts

18 Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits

Illustration 3: Schematic front view with designation of the bearing elements

Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits 19

5.4 Definitions for the test sequence

Excursion The excursion of the rockfall protection kit corresponds to the

braking distance bs of the test body until the reversing point in
the trajectory (illustration 9)
Energy category Division of the rockfall protection kits into 9 energy catego-
ries in the sense of the test energy (chart 2)
Test energy Kinetic energy of the test body on first contact when falling
into the net (main test c) 100%).
Half test energy Kinetic energy of the test body on first contact with the net
(in part-test b) 50%)
Net height Height hv of the net prior to a load in the centre of a section,
measured at a right angle to the ground surface (illustration 4)
Residual Height hn of the net after a load in the centre of the section,
useful height measured at a right angle to the ground surface (illustration 5)
Test body Concrete block of ashlar shape with equal edge lengths s,
whereby the corners are flattened to one third of the edge
length (illustration 10)

Illustration 4:
Designations of angles
and dimensions

20 Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits

Illustration 5: Position of the bearing ropes after an impact

Illustration 6: Front view of the bearing ropes in the middle section after an impact

Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits 21

5.5 Designations

The majority of these definitions are shown in the illustrations 4, 5 and 6.

α (deg) Post rotation = difference in the post's inclination due to strain

β (deg) Angle between the post and the perpendicular
δ (deg) Angle between the post and the right angle to the slope
Ψ (deg) Slope inclination
al (m) Length of the post
an (m) Distance between ropes = minimum distance between upper and lower
bearing ropes after an impact
as (m) Distance between posts
av (m) Distance between ropes = minimum distance between upper and lower
bearing ropes before an impact
be (m) End position of the test body after an impact
br (m) Brake change = length change of the brake elements
bs (m) Length of the braking distance of the test body (measured in the video
do (m) Sag of the upper bearing rope in the centre of the section
du (m) Sag of the lower bearing rope in the centre of the section
hn (m) Residual useful height = height of net after the impact
hv (m) Height of net before the impact measured at right angle to slope
ln (m) Length of net between the upper and lower bearing rope after an
impact (in end position)
lv (m) Length of net between the upper and lower bearing rope before a
s (m) Edge length of the test body in question
ts (m) Braking time = time taken to cover the braking distance bs

22 Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits

6 Approval

6.1 Administrative procedure

The administration of the approval is in the care of the SAEFL. The Federal Office
accepts the registration of the manufacturers of rockfall protection kits, initiates the
inspection and issues the certificate for the individual constructions. The approval is
carried out by the Federal Expert Commission on Avalanches and Rockfall and the
WSL. Available for the tests is the test site «Lochezen quarry» in Walenstadt
SG/Switzerland. The measurements and observations during the individual tests are
recorded by the WSL and presented in a report.

The individual working steps are listed in chart 1 and explained in detail hereafter:

Chart 1: Responsible / involved parties Working steps

Administrative procedure in 1 Manufacturer; supplier Application to SAEFL with documentation
individual working steps 2 SAEFL / SFA Registration, confirmation of receipt, information
about the costs
3 WSL Viewing of the documents, organization of the tests
4 Manufacturer; supplier Payment of the deposit
5 WSL, manufacturer, delegation of Implementation of the tests
FECAR (Expert Commission)
6 WSL, delegation of FECAR Test reports for the FECAR
7 FECAR Overall assessment yes/no, application to SAEFL,
brief report to manufacturer within 6 weeks of test
8 SAEFL / SFA; Final financial settlement with manufacturer; sup-
manufacturer; supplier plier
9 SAEFL / SFA Sending of certificate and test report, per early
June or end October each year

Re 1: The manufacturer or supplier of a rockfall protection kit sends an application ap-

proval to the SAEFL. At the same time he submits a documentation containing all
necessary construction plans and detail drawings, all details and specifications of
the materials to be used, and in particular, also the force/path diagrams of the bra-
ke elements.
Re 2: The SAEFL registers the application and documentation. In agreement with the
WSL it informs the manufacturer on the next steps, the dates and the costs. Re-
mittance of the deposit payment is requested at the same time.
Re 3: The WSL examines the documentation, checks the general conditions concerning
the installation of the construction at the test site and organises the tests.
Re 4: The manufacturer pays the deposit and is subsequently requested to install his
rockfall protection kit.
Re 5: The WSL and a delegation of the FECAR carry out the tests with the inspections
and measurements and record the individual working steps and results.
Re 6: The WSL edits a report on the measurable tests (tests a, b and c), and the dele-
gation of the FECAR report on the findings in their expert opinion (test d).
Re 7: The FECAR assesses the results, lodges its application concerning approval of
the rockfall protection kit with the SAEFL and informs the manufacturer.
Re 8: The SAEFL prepares the final invoice.
Re 9: The SAEFL decides on the approval of the rockfall protection kit and sends the
test report and the certificate to the manufacturer.

Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits 23

6.2 Requirements applicable to the rockfall protection kits

6.2.1 Principles

In principle the task of a rockfall protection kit is to stop moving rocks and blocks.
In the natural environment this is often achieved with the aid of a ground contact
during deceleration. This means that the protective construction takes up only a part
of the kinetic energy of the rock, while the other part is absorbed by the ground.

The rockfall protection kits to be tested in accordance with this guideline should be
able to absorb the full kinetic energy of a test body falling onto them vertically.
Thus the kinetic energy corresponds to the one of the energy category in question.
The maximum elastic and plastic deformations of the construction must not exceed
a certain value.

The effective surface of a rockfall protection kit should remain as large as possible
also after an event and be impaired as far as possible in its height only. Specific
demands are imposed as far as the residual useful height of the construction is con-

The effective width must not be interrupted after an event.

24 Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits

6.3 Test facility Walenstadt / Switzerland

6.3.1 Geographic situation

The test site is located in the Lochezen quarry, approx. 200 m above the Walensee.
Access is over a funicular railway whith a bottom station approx. 2 km westward of
Walenstadt and can be reached by lorry. Installation of the rockfall protection kits
in the terrain is carried out by a firmly installed crane (illustration 7).

Illustration 7:
Schematic view of the
test setup in Walenstadt
with crane, rockfall pro-
tection kit and video
camera. Deformation of
the rockfall protection kit
after a test

6.3.2 Installation of the rockfall protection kits

The rockfall protection kits are installed at a height of 15 m, whereby the posts are
fastened in four foundation positions and deep-anchored in the rock face by ropes.
The inclination of the posts is 30° in relation to the horizontal plane; that of the re-
taining ropes approx. 40° (illustration 8).

Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits 25

The rockfall protection kit consists normally of three sections with a distance be-
tween posts of 10 m. Installed, therefore, are 4 posts and 3 nets between them (il-
lustration 3).

The lengths of the posts depend on the energy category in question (chart 2). The
tests are carried out with these minimal lengths of posts. Once the tests are passed,
however, the manufacturers are allowed to offer posts up to 1.5 times longer than
the tested ones, whereby proof of the posts' bearing safety must be submitted.

Illustration 8:
Arrangement of the
rockfall protection kits in
the test setup. Angles of
the individual bearing

6.4 The individual tests

The rockfall protection kits are divided into 9 categories for energies from 100 kJ to
5,000 kJ. These energies are also referred to as test energies. A construction must
pass the various part-tests a) to d) of its energy category, whereby different re-
quirements apply. In the case of tests a) to c) the construction is subjected to indi-
vidual tests with test bodies, while test d) consists of a qualitative assessment of the
rockfall protection kit and of the supplied documentation.

The tests a) to d) are described individually in the chapters hereafter.

26 Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits

6.4.1 Preliminary tests a) with small energies: (boundary section)

Main objectives This preliminary test serves on the one hand to check the deformations of the laid-
of this test: on mesh, while on the other only a few ropes or rings of the net are to be strained
with the smaller test bodies.

Implementation The test bodies listed below are dropped together per size category into a boundary
method: section at an impact velocity of 25 m/s.
• 5 small test bodies 10/10/10 cm, total mass 12 kg, energy 3.8 kJ
• 3 small test bodies 20/20/20 cm, total mass 59 kg, energy 18 kJ
• 1 test body* of 50/50/50 cm, mass ≈ 300 kg, energy 94 kJ
* The rockfall protection kits of energy category 1 and 2 are not tested with this
test body

Measuring and The deformations of the laid-on mesh and of the affected net components are meas-
observation ured and described per size category of the rocks.
methodology: Damages to individual wires or ropes are recorded.
No force measurements are made.

Demands imposed The test bodies must be slowed down by the rockfall protection kit.
on the rockfall No punctures are allowed to take place.
protection kit:
No repair work is allowed between the individual throws.

6.4.2 Preliminary test b) with energy 50 %: (middle section)

Main objectives This test serves to establish the required repair effort, the service-friendliness of a
of this test: rockfall protection kit and the braking distance at half the energy.

Implementation The test body envisaged for this energy (chart 2) is dropped into the centre of the
method: middle section at an impact velocity of 25 m/s.

Measuring and Prior to the test, the positions of the individual bearing elements are measured and
observation recorded.
methodology: During the test, the tensile forces on the ropes are measured and recorded at approx.
10 anchor points.
The test is filmed from two directions.
The following values are recorded after the test:
• Deformations of the ropes, brake elements, posts and nets
• The height (altitude) of the test body
• Damages to the individual bearing elements
The hours and material required for repairing of the rockfall protection kit are re-
The braking time ts and the maximum braking distance bs as far as the bottom re-
versing point of the test body are determined from the video pictures (Fig. 9).

Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits 27

Demands imposed The test body must be stopped by the rockfall protection kit.
on the rockfall No puncture is allowed to take place.
protection kit:
The least possible repair effort is required.

6.4.3 Main test c) with energy 100 % (middle section)

Main objectives In this test the full service kinetic energy of the test body is to be transformed into
of this test: deformation work of the rockfall protection kit. Thus, both the bearing capacity and
the deformability are to be tested.

Implementation The test body envisaged for this energy (chart 2) is dropped into the centre of the
method: middle section at an impact velocity of 25 m/s.

Measuring and Prior to the test, the positions of the individual bearing elements are measured and
observation recorded.
During the test, the tensile forces on the ropes are measured and recorded at approx.
10 anchor points.
The test is filmed from two directions.
The following values are recorded after the test:
• Deformations of the ropes, brake elements, posts and nets
• The height (altitude) of the test body
• Damages to the individual bearing elements
The braking time ts and the maximum braking distance bs as far as the bottom re-
versing point of the test body are determined from the video pictures (Fig. 9).

Demands imposed The test body must be stopped by the rockfall protection kit.
on the rockfall No puncture is allowed to take place.
protection kit:
The maximum braking distance bs must be shorter than the value specified in chart
After the impact, the height hn of the net in the middle section must amount at least
to the value specified in chart 2 (measurement before removal of the test body).

6.4.4 Assessment d) of the rockfall protection kit according

to special criteria

Main objectives This test concerns primarily the assessment of criteria which are not measurable
of this test: and the practical suitability of the rockfall protection kit.

Implementation Assessment of the documentation:

method: • Comparison of the dimensions in the plans with those of the rockfall protection
kit. It must be guaranteed that the supplied documentation corresponds to the in-
stalled rockfall protection kit.

28 Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits

• The manufacturers must state the applicable standards that are met by their
product (in particular the standards for protection against corrosion, steel wires
and wire rope clamps).
Assessment of the construction:
• The actual installation is observed and compared with the installation instruc-
tions, keeping in mind the prevailing special circumstances.
• The simplicity of the construction is assessed and its adaptability to the natural
terrain is estimated.
• The useful life of the rockfall protection kit is assessed on the basis of the life
span of the individual components as substantiated by the supplier.

Requirements: Plans and actual construction must correspond in all details.

Compliance with applicable standards.
The installation instructions should be practical and correspond to reality.
Unsophisticated designs should have positive effects on the sales price.
A long useful life should be aimed at.

Illustration 9:
Positions of the test body
during the tests b) and
c). The length of the net
is measured in pos. 3

Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits 29

Chart 2: Part-test b) (50 %) Part-test c) (100 %)

Max. admiss. braking

Min. height of net hn

Details of the test para-

Length of post (m)

Mass of test body

Mass of test body

meters in part-tests

Edge length s

Edge length s
b) and c)

distance bs







1 1,5 50 160 0,41 100 320 0,52 4,0 0,90
2 2,0 125 400 0,56 250 800 0,70 5,0 1,20
3 3,0 250 800 0,70 500 1’600 0,88 6,0 1,80
4 3,0 375 1’200 0,80 750 2’400 1,01 7,0 1,80
5 4,0 500 1’600 0,88 1’000 3’200 1,11 8,0 2,40
6 4,0 750 2’400 1,01 1’500 4’800 1,27 9,0 2,40
7 5,0 1’000 3’200 1,11 2’000 6’400 1,40 10,0 3,00
8 6,0 1’500 4’800 1,27 3’000 9’600 1,60 12,0 3,60
9 7,0 2’500 8’000 1,51 5’000 16’000 1,90 15,0 4,20

Illustration 10:
Shape and geometry of
the test bodies of rein-
forced concrete

30 Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits

6.5 Test report

The test report contains all important data and the protocols (records) of the tests a)
to d) that may contribute to the decision on the approval. The protocols are indi-
vidually listed hereafter:
• Dimensions of the rockfall protection kit and schematic view of the arrangement
in principle of the individual parts of the bearing structure.
• Protocol on test a): This consists of a verbal description of these tests.
• Protocols on test b): These contain the data on the geometry changes, force
measurements, evaluations of video pictures and the compilations concerning
the repair effort.
• Protocols on test c): These contain the data on the geometry changes, force
measurements, evaluations of video pictures and a compilation concerning the
occurred damages.
• Protocols on test d): Verbal description of criteria that are not measurable.

6.6 Costs of the test

The costs of testing a rockfall protection kit are made up of a basic lump sum and a
daily lump-sum charge as per separate sheet of the SAEFL. They include the use of
the lift and crane equipment for installation and removal of the construction, the de-
preciation of the measuring devices and instruments plus the editing of the test re-

Also included are all expenses of the FECAR and the SAEFL.

Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits 31

7 Foundation

7.1 Requirements

In the case of rockfall protection kits only the parts of the bearing structure above
ground are tested on the basis of this guideline. Here, forces result which the foun-
dations and anchorages have to transmit to the substrate. Adequately dimensioned
foundations and anchorages of a suitable bearing capacity are a prerequisite for
proper functioning of these tested rockfall protection kits in the field. Highest im-
portance, therefore, must be attached not only to the project work for the founda-
tions and anchorages, but also to the execution on the building site of these critical
parts of the bearing structure.

7.2 Foundation and anchor types

With rockfall protection kits against rockfalls, the circumstances applicable to

foundations and anchorages are product-dependent. This means that only the gen-
eral arrangements can be dealt with within the framework of this guideline. Differ-
ent foundations and anchorages will be used depending on the substrate and the
construction concept. In general, however, it is possible to differentiate between the
anchorages and foundations of the posts on the one hand and the anchorages of the
ropes on the other. The most important foundation and anchor types are presented

7.2.1 Foundations of the posts

At the base of the post it must be ensured that the decisive pressure and thrust
forces can be transmitted into the substrate. If additional strains due to torques oc-
cur in constructions that are not deep-anchored, the foundation construction must be
able to transmit these also into the substrate.

7.2.2 Anchorage of the ropes

The anchoring ropes are normally attached to wire rope anchors or rod anchors.
Since the orientation of the rope force and the direction of the anchorage correspond
only very rarely, transverse forces will occur in the transition area between anchor
head and substrate. Depending on the size of the deflection angle on the one hand
and on the mechanical strength of the basic material on the other, the transverse
forces cause different flexural strains in the anchor material.

32 Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits

7.3 Dimensioning of the foundations and anchors

There is no reliable method of precisely calculating the forces on foundations and

anchorages that result from the conversion of the kinetic energy of a rock into de-
formation energy of the construction. This is why, for dimensioning the foundations
and anchors, one relies on the force measurements resulting from the approval tests.
On account of the vertical fall of the test body, the braking forces at the rock, at
braking times between 0.3-0.9 s, are increased by approx. 10-25 % in relation to
horizontal braking. Depending on the time course of the braking force even bigger
differences may occur.

7.3.1 Safety factor

The forces measured in the approval include not only the more stringent conditions
of the vertical drop, but also the compensating effects of the central position in
which the test bodies impact the net. Eccentric strains nearer the posts or nearer the
bearing ropes will subject individual ropes to additional forces which are not yet

It is on these grounds that the measured maximum forces resulting from the main
test c) with 100 % energy must be increased by 30 %. These increased forces are
then to be introduced in the further calculations as static equivalent loads.

Static equivalent load Qe = measured force Fmax * 1.3

7.3.2 Bearing safety and suitability for use

The effect of the static equivalent load Qe corresponds to the characteristic value Qr
as per the SIA Standard 160, clause 3 23 2. It is regarded as the leading effect and
the dimensioning value Qd is determined by:

Qd = yQ ⋅ Qr

YQ : Load factor for the leading effect yQ = 1.3

Qr : Characteristic value of the effect Qr = Qe

The requirements in respect of the suitability for use and the effects for their proof
must be defined jointly by the author of the project and the client. In many cases the
requirements are adequately covered by the proof of the bearing safety.

Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits 33

7.4 Anchor mortar

The quality of the mortar used for the anchors plays a decisive role in the anchorage
of a protective construction against rockfalls. In the case of avalanche prevention
structures this quality assurance aspect is defined in the «Guideline for Avalanche
Prevention Structures in the Avalanche Starting Zone», issue 2000 (publisher:
SAEFL, Swiss Forest Agency, CH-3003 Bernee and WSL, Swiss Federal Institute
for Snow and Avalanche Research, CH-7260 Davos-Dorf). This guideline is de-
clared as compulsory also for the use of anchor mortar for foundation and anchor-
age purposes with rockfall protection kits against rockfalls. Below are excerpts of
the most important facts from the mentioned guideline.

7.4.1 Basic aspects

Proof of the suitability of an anchor mortar must be submitted by means of a suit-

ability test. This test must be carried out by a neutral laboratory. The last suitability
test and the pertaining report must not be older than three years.

During the stabilizing work on the building site the conformity of the applied mor-
tar must be tested continuously. The frequency of testing must be adjusted to the
quantity of mortar processed and specified so that the actual disperson of the mortar
properties is recorded. The tests must be carried out in a neutral laboratory.

7.4.2 Testing for suitability

The suitability test is made on mortar of a pumpable consistency. The test must
comprise the following inspections:
• Properties of freshly-mixed mortar: setting and spreading dimensions, air en-
trainment and raw density
• Tests on solidified mortar: raw density, tensile strength in bending and compres-
sive strength, elasticity measurement, frost resistance, longitudinal change

The afore-mentioned guideline lists the detailed requirements on the mortar as limit

7.4.3 Conformity tests

Removal of the mortar sample and production of the test specimens are executed on
the building site. From the normally produced mixer charge, a sample is taken at the
end of the pump hose during the stabilization work and the following test specimens
are made:
• either 9 prisms 40/40/160 mm
• or 2 cylinders ∅ = h = 200 mm
• or 2 cubes 200/200 mm or test specimens of a similar volume

34 Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits

The specimens must be marked clearly and permanently. Care must be taken that a
loss of moisture is prevented and that a temperature of at least 10°C is guaranteed.
Transport to the test lab must be carried within no more than 2 days.

The following information must be supplied to the test lab together with the test
specimens so that the test values can be interpreted with certainty:
• Client
• Protocol of mortar production
• Air and mortar temperature at the time of production
• Point in time of form stripping
• Storage conditions

The conformity test must comprise the following investigations:

• Raw density and compressive strength after 7 and 28 days
• Determination of the frost resistance

The afore-mentioned guideline lists the detailed requirements on the mortar as limit

Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits 35

8 Effective date

This guideline comes into force on 1 June 2001.

36 Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits

9 Transitional provisions

During the transition period from 1 June 2001 until 1 June 2003, rockfall protection
kits that have not gained the approval of the SAEFL may still be used in projects
subsidized by the Swiss Confederation.

However, the supplier shall submit proof of the bearing safety and of the suitability
for use, together with a pertinent confirmation from a neutral authority.

Recommended are rockfall protection kits which have been tested so far under the
supervision of the WSL.

After expiry of the transition period the Swiss confederation will only subsidize
measures and projects containing tested and approved rockfall protection kits.

Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits 37


Index of illustrations

Illustration 1:
Schematic view of a deep-anchored rockfall protection kit with designation of
the bearing elements 18

Illustration 2:
Schematic view of a rockfall protection kit with fixed posts 18

Illustration 3:
Schematic front view with designation of the bearing elements 19

Illustration 4:
Designations of angles and dimensions 20

Illustration 5:
Position of the bearing ropes after an impact 21

Illustration 6:
Front view of the bearing ropes in the middle section after an impact 21

Illustration 7:
Schematic view of the test setup in Walenstadt with crane, rockfall protection kit
and video camera. Deformation of the rockfall protection kit after a test 25

Illustration 8:
Arrangement of the rockfall protection kits in the test setup. Angles of the indi-
vidual bearing elements 26

Illustration 9:
Positions of the test body during the tests b) and c). The length of the net is
measured in pos. 3 29

Illustration 10:
Shape and geometry of the test bodies of reinforced concrete 30

Index of the charts

Chart 1:
Administrative procedure in individual working steps 23

Chart 2:
Details on the test parameters in part-tests b) and c) 30

Guideline for the approval of rockfall protection kits 39

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