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I, ANA MARIA LUNA ERIA, of legal age, single, Filipino, and a resident of Davao
City after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, do hereby depose and say that:

1. I am the Attorney-in-Fact of RIZALINO MEURUM ANGUB and DINKY

ANGUB JUNTILLA, to represent them in any transaction in relation to their
ownership and interest over two parcels of land as embraced under TCT No. T-
209382, and containing an area of FIFTY SIX (56) square meters, more or less,
located at Dumanlas, Buhangin, Davao City, including, but not limited to, the
transfer of the said property unto DINKY ANGUB JUNTILLA by reason of
the settlement of the Estate of DARIA MANGUIOB ANGUB.

2. I was constituted as Attorney-in-Fact by virtue of a Special Power of Attorney

that my above-said principals executed in my favor on February 29, 2016 and
acknowledged before Atty. Ralph James G. Laman, Notary Public of Davao
City and entered in his notarial book as Doc. No. 152, Page No. 31, Book No.
23, Series of 2016.

3. Upon processing the transfer of the subject land, however, it was found out that
there was a typographical/clerical error in the middle name of the registered
owner, which is shown as Rizalino MEORUM Angub, instead of the true and
correct spelling, as evidence by his Certificate of Birth, that is, Rizalino

4. I am stating all of the above for the reason of establishing such state of facts
rather than to perpetuate any fraudulent intent nor to the commission of the
same and forever discharge any person, public or private, natural or juridical
from any liability that may arise from this.

5. I am hereby executing this affidavit to attest to the truth of all the foregoing and
to apprise the Registry of Deeds of Davao City in support of my application for
the correction of the typographical/clerical error found in TCT No. T-209382,
as stated above, as well as any person, natural or juridical, public or private of
such state of facts, and for whatever other legal purposes this affidavit may

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this August 26, 2016 at
Davao City, Philippines.



SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this August 26, 2016 at Davao City,
Philippines, affiant exhibiting to me her competent evidence of identity first written above
below her name.
Doc No.________
Page No.________
Book No.________
Series of 2016.

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