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Put the following information in correct Bluebook citation form. All sources are being cited in
citation sentences. Although this exercise builds upon previous material, this exercise focuses on
B1.2 , B1.3, and B10.1.5, and Rules 1.2, 1.3. 1.4, 1.5, and 10.6.

1. Teresa Harris versus Forklift Systems, Incorporated. This 1993 United States Supreme
Court opinion is published in volume 510, page 17, of United States Reports. You wish to
refer specifically to material appearing on page 25 in the concurring opinion of Justice

2. Julia H. Tashjian, Secretary of State of Connecticut, Appellant, versus Atlantic

Condominium Cooperative. This 1986 United States Supreme Court case is published in
volume 479, page 208, of United States Reports. Both Justice Stevens and Justice Scalia
dissented from the majority opinion. You wish to cite from page 235 of Justice Scalia’s
dissenting opinion that suggests that if the concept of freedom of association is extended
to casual contacts, it will be of no analytical use. (As part of the citation, create an
explanatory parenthetical that tells the reader why you are citing to the dissenting

3. John J. Cannon, Plaintiff-Appellant, versus Irving L. Krakowitch, George Clayton, Jr.,

and E.R. Williams, Defendants-Respondents. This 1959 Superior Court of New Jersey,
Appellate Division, case is published in volume 148, page 213, of Atlantic Reporter,
Second Series. You want to explain to your reader that the court’s holding was in the
context of remanding the matter to the trial court for the assessment of damages by the

4. In a brief to the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas, you quote
directly from Elvis Presley Enterprises, Incorporated, versus Barry Capece and Velvet,
Limited (Capece is an individual, and Velvet, Limited, is a business entity). This 1996
Southern District of Texas case is published in volume 950, page 783, of Federal
Supplement. The material you quoted appears on page 789. Draft the citation that should
follow the quote.

5. In a brief to the United States District Court, Southern District of Illinois, your write that
“a plaintiff in a breach of contract suit benefits from a presumption that the defendant had
a duty to act in good faith.” Although this proposition is not directly stated in any
authority, it can be inferred from a statement in Southwest Whey, Incorporated, versus
Nutrition 101, Incorporated, an October 2000 case from the United States Court of
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. The opinion is published in volume 117, page 770, of
Federal Reporter, Second Series. Draft the citation that should follow your statement.

6. In a brief to the Georgia Supreme Court, you wish to cite Joseph Roger O’Dell, III,
versus J.D. Netherland, Warden, et al. This 1997 United States Supreme Court case is
published in volume 521, page 151, of United States Reports. You wish to indicate in
your citation that this case constitutes additional source material that supports the same
proposition as the case you have discussed in the immediately preceding text. You also
want to explain through your citation that the case is relevant because it cites the official
Georgia Code Annotated, section 17-8-76 (published in the 1982 main volume). Draft
the citation that should follow your text.

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