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Nombre: ________________________________________________________ Hora: 2ª / 3ª / 4ª

¡Buen provecho!
- You must complete any FIVE of the activities below for homework this unit. Completion of an additional activity will earn you
up to 4 points of extra credit. The 2 vocabulary squares are REQUIRED. If you want to get full credit and/or extra credit on
homework, you MUST complete them.
- If homework is assigned for a particular night, you must complete it THAT night to receive credit. You do not need to
complete EVERY assignment, but must complete 5 by their due dates for 100%.
- DUE ON ________________________
Conjuguemos Google Voice Vocabulario #1 - REQUIRED Call my Google Voice number and leave Copy your vocabulary from 3/12 –
me a voicemail, stating what you eat breakfast vocab (10 words), the
for breakfast, for lunch, and for dinner vocabulary from 3/13 – lunch vocab (19
in complete sentences. You should say words), and dinner vocab from 3/14 (17
“Para el desayuno yo como… / Para el words). You should write the English
almuerzo yo como… / Para la cena, yo word, followed by the Spanish word 3
Click “Customize” (settings icon) and select only FIRST AND LAST NAME AND CLASS Such as: bread = pan pan pan
–er verbs! Play the verb drill for 5 minutes and PERIOD! You should have 46 vocabulary words.
earn at least an 80% for credit. This process will help you so much to
919-659-5342 learn your vocabulary!
Due on Wednesday, 3/14 Due on Thursday, 3/15 Due on Friday, 3/16

Los sabores Contesta las preguntas ¿Me traes el menú?

dulce, amargo, salado, delicioso, rico, sabroso, 1. ¿Cuál es tu comida favorita? Find a menu (or menus) in Spanish and
picante, ácido, asqueroso, caliente, frío 2. ¿Qué comen los estudiantes de RHS either print them out or take
para el almuerzo? screenshots and circle or write out at
Use 8 of the flavors to write 8 3. ¿Qué comen tú y tu familia para la
sentences describing different foods least 10 vocabulary words from this unit
cena cuando es tu cumpleaños?
with 8 different adjectives. (Example: 4. ¿Qué haces para mantener la salud? found on the menu(s).
“Cookies are sweet.” But in Spanish ;) 5. ¿Qué debemos comer para
Remember to use the appropriate mantener la salud?
conjugation of ser and adjective
agreement! Due on Tuesday, 3/20
Due on Monday, 3/19 Due on Wedensday, 3/21

Vocabulario #2 – REQUIRED A poner la mesa En el restaurante 

Copy your vocabulary from 3/16 – Draw a picture of a table set with 8 Go to a Mexican/Cuban/Peruvian/etc.
flavors vocab (11 words) and the place settings and label each place restaurant and order in Spanish! Take a
vocabulary from 3/20 – restaurante
setting. Then write 8 sentences to state picture of yourself with the waiter
vocab (25 words). You should write the
English word, followed by the Spanish where each item is located in relation and/or the food and provide proof that
word 3 times. to another item (using prepositions!) you ordered in Spanish: either a video
Such as: sweet = dulce dulce dulce (Example: “The fork is to the left of the of yourself ordering in Spanish or a
You should have 36 vocabulary words. plate.”) signed statement from the waiter or
This process will help you so much to your parent that you ordered in Spanish
learn your vocabulary! Due on Friday, 3/23
Due on Thursday, 3/22 Due on Friday, 3/23

3/15 – Quiz on breakfast and lunch foods and –er verb conjugations
3/21 – Quiz on –ar, -er, and –ir verb conjugations
3/26 – Restaurant skits 
3/23 – Unit test, hw and warmups due

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