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Ego Is Addicted To Negative Select Language

Thinking, But It’s Not You Powered by Translate

Posted on June 13, 2011 by Sen.

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Don’t make negative thoughts personal, because they are not being
thought by who you really are. This may sound confusing if you are
identi ed with the part in you that thinks negative, imaging it to be you.
Actually, the energy, or the consciousness, in you that thinks negative Programming Your Subconscious
thoughts is what I refer to as the “Ego”. Whenever this energy is active, Mind

it stands out in your space. Who you are is pure positive energy, so the
The Brain, The Heart And The
“Ego”, when it’s active, will always stand out as a “sore thumb” in your Law of Attraction
Understanding What Ego Really

You are not the Ego Integrating Your Light and Dark

The negative energy that is present in the space of your consciousness Dissolving the Negative Ego
keeps feeding on more negativity, it’s like self-replenishing cycle.
However, this energy cannot sustain itself if “you” stop fueling it with The Ego Always Finds a Way to
Be Unhappy
your attention.
Subconscious Mind and Your

Letting Go of Neediness in Your


Beyond Positive Thinking

Connecting With Your Inner


Law of Attraction And Destiny

Understanding the 6 Dimensions
of Human Mind

Unlocking Your Brain's Full


A Fearless Self Discovery

Allowing the Release of

Suppressed Energy

Resolving Your Inner Conflicts

Understanding the Oneness of


List of All Articles

Look at it this way – who you are is pure consciousness, but a part of
you has become “deluded” and has started focusing in a negative Effortless Creation (15)
manner. If you start believing in this “negative” consciousness, you feed
Enlightenment (35)
more consciousness into it, and thus make it gain more momentum
and mass. That’s the reason why certain adults get more and more Law of Attraction (10)
grumpy as they age, because of the increased accumulation of
Living Abundance (53)
“negative” consciousness.

Living in the Now (7)

The negative energy, is like an entity, and hence I term it collectively as
the “Ego” in you. The “Ego” is the part in you that judges everything in a Power of Thoughts (18)
negative manner; it gets o ended, it looks to insult others, feels
Pure Consciousness (24)
jealousy, lack, anxiety, shame and other negative feelings based in fear.
The “Ego” is grounded in fear and hence anything that it thinks comes Relationships (7)
from a place of fear.
The Mystery of Life (41)

Freedom from the “Ego” is only possible when you start recognizing Understanding the Mind (125)
that you are not the “Ego”. As long as you identify with the “Ego” you will
never want to let it go, and hence it will keep on perpetuating in you. Wisdom in Daily Life (57)

The “Ego” is responsible for the creation of negative realities in your life,
hence it’s of highest importance to dissolve this energy in you. ABOUT

About Sen

No Ego, No Suffering Contact

When “Ego” energy completely dissolves in you, it will become evident Donate

that who you are is pure positive energy, and that there is no su ering
in your being. It’s not a di cult thing to achieve, all it requires is a
recognition that you are not the Ego, and hence a dis-identi cation
from the movement of the “Ego”. The Ego energy will automatically
slow down in momentum, and eventually dissolve, as you stop
identifying with it.

Can you realize that the “Ego” is playing out in the background of your
consciousness, which is very silent and vast? You are this vast
consciousness, and your nature is based in love and joy. Peace is
inherent to your nature. Shift your attention to this silent, and deep,
part of you that seems to reside as the background to all the “negative”
noise made by the “Ego”.

As you give attention to this “silent” consciousness, it starts waking up

in you, and starts coming forth into the foreground of your experience.
It dissolves all patterns of “Ego”, until there is none left. The “Ego” wants
to survive, and hence it does put up a ght for a while, but once “pure
consciousness” wakes up the demise of “Ego” is inevitable. The light of
consciousness penetrates through the dark energy of the “Ego”,
transmuting it back to its natural state. When there is no Ego left in you,
there is no more su ering, what remains is an expression of love, joy
and peace.

Related Articles

Dissolving the Resistance of Ego

The Creation of Negative Ego Structure
What Others Think of You, Does it Matter?
Ego force, Brain Momentum and Emotional Accumulation
Dissolving the Negative Ego
Don’t Try To Get Rid of the Ego
Identifying Your Ego Force
Understanding What Ego Really Is


June 13, 2011 at 5:42 pm

I have been on this journey but for a few days and the world seems so much
more alive. Everytime I sit down outside, a little bird comes into my path. I feel
that something inside of me has been activated! However, there is still this pull
that gives me a slight sense of insecurity. I have this same song that spins
round and round in my head. No matter how much I relax or not control, it
resurfaces. It seems so minor but a constant irritant. As I transition into who I
am, I pray for patience in the areas that still frighten and annoy “me” in my
mind. I wish they did not matter.

June 13, 2011 at 5:43 pm

I recognize so many faulty thinking patterns like my fixation with time, fear of
being in this state of anxious mind always, and then fear of going crazy. They
always come together, one behind another. I also notice that certain thoughts
create the same pattern of discomfort in my body. Its like I am starting to
observe the thinker but still get pulled in emotionally to what’s going on.
However, I know that pieces of me are falling off and there is a light emerging. I
just still feel like its shaky ground.

Sen Post author

June 13, 2011 at 5:45 pm

Celeste – What you are a reporting is good news. The shaky feeling is
an indication of the inner transformation that has started in you. My
teacher used to say that if you don’t feel like a crisis has started within,
you may still be in the “dream” land. It won’t be this way for long, it’s
just a temporary phase of transition, don’t panic just allow it.
Remember that this whole process is about waking up from the
“dream” identification, and becoming free of the pull of deluded
thinking. I will reiterate that what you are going through is “normal”,
everyone who awakens to the truth of their being feels “shaky” and
groundless for a while. It’s part of the transition process, its very

It’s a big shift in consciousness and it’s very normal for you to have the
feelings that you are having right now – stark fear can arise suddenly,
there may be a feeling that you are going crazy, that you losing touch
with reality, anxiety and the general feeling of uncertainty about
everything can arise. Rest assured, that these are very temporary,
though they may come up now and again for a while. I would advise
you to just relax, and stay in a place of surrender every time these
feelings arise. If you try to work out these feelings, or try to sort them
out, you will only end up prolonging them. Allow these feelings
completely, and let them move freely in the space of your being. When
you do this, they will automatically disperse from your space, leaving
you feeling lighter.

The old mind or the “ego” doesn’t want to leave, and so it will put up a
fight for a while. You need to be prepared for this, because I can assure
you that there will be times when the mind will go into an “offensive”
mode where it tries all types of strategies to get you back to the old
way of thinking. Fear is the main strategy of the mind to keep you from
freedom. The mind is not evil, it’s just scared of moving into a “new”
place. Freedom is a new place, and the mind is scared of it. It
associates all sorts of fear with this “new” place and so it tries to cling
to its old way of thinking (fear based thinking).

If a song sticks in your mind, just let it be. If you get irritated by it, you
just get shackled to it. Relax your focus, become an open field of
consciousness. When you relax your consciousness you are not longer
fixated on “one” thing, but your consciousness becomes more universal
and whole. The normal state (actually abnormal) of consciousness in
most people is that it stays “fixated” in the mind, the natural state
(liberated state) of consciousness is to be “open” and relaxed, not
fixating on anything. It will take sometime before you become aligned
with this natural way of being, because for years you have practiced
“fixating” consciousness in the mind.

Always remember that the mind is a machine, it’s a very clever

machine, but its still a machine. The mind is mechanical, it’s not
intelligent. The mind has only a few patterns, and strategies, that it
operates in. Once you see through all the patterns of your mind, it can
no longer create fear in you. Keep watching the mind, see through its
strategies, see through its “mechanical” patterns. The mind is really just
a “hoax”, it’s nothing to be afraid of. The mind can come up with these
stories – “I am going insane”, “There is something wrong happening”,
“You don’t know what you are doing”, “You can never be free”, and stuff
like that. These are just stories, fear based strategies of the mind to get
your attention. See through it, and realize that it’s just making noise,
don’t believe it. You will be fine, just relax and allow the unfolding of this

July 7, 2012 at 10:14 pm

Dear Sen,
I have been following your blog for sometime now…
I was interested in your reply to the poster above you said you had a teacher,
and I wondered if this was someone you saw in person- or if it was someone
you followed on-line?
I don`t have anybody in my personal life who shares my “desires”- for want of a
better word- to” wake up”, I`m not saying they are not good people- they are-
but I feel I would be helped on my way by interacting with others who have
seen through the mind. Does that make sense? I had a sort of forced
awakening due to stress and anxiety- quite out of the blue I suddenly realised
this worrying , anxious, mind was not “me” and had a real eureka moment- the
peace , the bliss was inexplicable.

But, and its a big but, I feel my mind still has its entrenched patterns, despite
this ( temporary?) awakening- and I wonder if you think there is any benefit it
seeking out a teacher- or do I continue to live my life as I am, it just feels a bit
of a lonely place to be- when you can`t discuss with others- we are after all
social beings- its just those I know would not have a clue what I was on about-
if I discussed the kind of stuff you write about. Did /do you have other people to
talk with, or do you think I can do this alone- whilst still carrying on my regular
life. I just think it would be enriching to be with like people too maybe?

Thanks- its a great blog, and I`m appreciative of your posts- some beautiful
stuff, really beautiful.

Sen Post author

July 9, 2012 at 8:46 am

Manola, I think I was talking about Adyashanti, I came across his
videos on youtube and listened to a few of his audio recordings on his
website ( with respect to the process of letting go into a
state of allowing, which provided important guidance with respect to
where I was with this process of growing in awareness. I never met
him, neither did I have any inclination to visit any teacher personally
because in today’s day and age technology makes it possible to
access teachings remotely. The way I see it, what’s really important is
to gain understanding, the more understanding you have the easier it is
to navigate this process of moving towards inner wholeness, and
talking to like-minded people can of course help you grow in
understanding but eventually what really helps is to spend time in a
state of inner introspection with yourself. No matter what teachings you
access ultimately they find a grounding in you only when you bring an
inner introspection to them, by allowing yourself to be open to letting
these teachings within you and sensing the pointer in them. What helps
you deepen your inner connection/introspection is isolation/aloneness,
and spending time with yourself, rather than having a group to fall back
upon – during the initial part of this process. Once you’ve gained
enough inner stability/connection, you can engage in groups without
feeling confused or disoriented or enamored by the outside influence.

A moment of awakening is just a moment of having a certain

realization, that’s all. And this realization can help you see through
certain patterns of resistance, you may need more realizations and
understanding to dissolve deeper resistance. If you feel stuck the call is
always to grow deeper in your understanding.

July 11, 2012 at 3:44 pm

Thanks for the clarification.

I think for me, its a balance- some on-line and some physical interaction with
like minds- yes, the technology is fantastic- but it does have its

Love the blog- and yes, I do know there are resistances within me- and then


September 13, 2012 at 9:06 am


April 28, 2013 at 8:57 am

Dear Sen,

Sometimes, when I read your article, I feel that all the hair on my whole body
rising up and I laugh. I dont know what is this feeling, but I think something
inside me is resonating, and there is another feeling, fear, fear to letting go, I
think. It’s not huge, what i think, this fear is the ego, it fears of understanding.
Recently I can see through some of my negative thoughts, and the moment I
saw through it, there is something inside me that feels scared, there were also
some thoughts said “seriously, are u sure that this is not important?”, and I felt
a pull of emotions inside me. At the first few times, I dont know exactly what is
this, but after some time, not long, I just suddenly understand that this is the
Ego, that you are talking about in this article. Lately, it puts up a lot of fight,
about the same thing, for the few days. My mind is so noisy, mostly with the
same thoughts. But strangely, I feel that these thoughts’s pull and negative
energy is weaker, some still a little bit strong but not as strong as before. My
body’s vitality is almost dried up because of this, so sometimes I choose to
ignore them while letting the emotions arise, and when I do this, the mind
sending a thought like, “are you sure about this? you might end up refueling
the negative thoughts”, sometimes i take this thought and think of it
consciously, and sometimes I ignore this thought and the other thoughts.

I feel the change inside me, I used to be panic, stressed when the negative
thoughts came, but now I feel calm, and sometimes frustrated because this
huge amount of thoughts came non-stop in a few minutes range and this is the
time I usually choose to ignore them. I afraid I might die if i keep allowing them
to get them release or to think about them consciously.

May 16, 2013 at 1:31 am

Brilliant post here on dissolving the Ego. Combine this with Tolle’s views on
staying in the NOW, and your Ego doesnt stand a snow balls chance in hell

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