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Title: White Light Corp. v. City of Manila G.R. No. 122846
Date: January 20, 2009
Ponente: Tinga, J.
 On December 3, 1992, City Mayor Alfredo S. Lim signed into law Manila City Ordinance No. 7774 entitled “An
Ordinance Prohibiting Short-Time Admission, Short-Time Admission Rates, and Wash-Up Rate Schemes in Hotels,
Motels, Inns, Lodging Houses, Pension Houses, and Similar Establishments in the City of Manila” (the Ordinance).” The
ordinance sanctions any person or corporation who will allow the admission and charging of room rates for less than
12 hours or the renting of rooms more than twice a day.
 The petitioners White Light Corporation (WLC), Titanium Corporation (TC), and Sta. Mesa Tourist and Development
Corporation (STDC), who own and operate several hotels and motels in Metro Manila, filed a motion to intervene and
to admit attached complaint-in-intervention on the ground that the ordinance will affect their business interests as
operators. The respondents, in turn, alleged that the ordinance is a legitimate exercise of police power.
 RTC declared Ordinance No. 7774 null and void as it “strikes at the personal liberty of the individual guaranteed and
jealously guarded by the Constitution.” Reference was made to the provisions of the Constitution encouraging private
enterprises and the incentive to needed investment, as well as the right to operate economic enterprises. Finally, from
the observation that the illicit relationships the Ordinance sought to dissuade could nonetheless be consummated by
simply paying for a 12-hour stay,
 When elevated to CA, the respondents asserted that the ordinance is a valid exercise of police power pursuant to
Section 458 (4)(iv) of the Local Government Code which confers on cities the power to regulate the establishment,
operation and maintenance of cafes, restaurants, beerhouses, hotels, motels, inns, pension houses, lodging houses
and other similar establishments, including tourist guides and transports. Also, they contended that under Art III Sec
18 of Revised Manila Charter, they have the power to enact all ordinances it may deem necessary and proper for the
sanitation and safety, the furtherance of the prosperity and the promotion of the morality, peace, good order,
comfort, convenience and general welfare of the city and its inhabitants and to fix penalties for the violation of
 Petitioners argued that the ordinance is unconstitutional and void since it violates the right to privacy and freedom of
movement; it is an invalid exercise of police power; and it is unreasonable and oppressive interference in their
 CA, in turn, reversed the decision of RTC and affirmed the constitutionality of the ordinance. First, it held that the
ordinance did not violate the right to privacy or the freedom of movement, as it only penalizes the owners or operators
of establishments that admit individuals for short time stays. Second, the virtually limitless reach of police power is
only constrained by having a lawful object obtained through a lawful method. The lawful objective of the ordinance is
satisfied since it aims to curb immoral activities. There is a lawful method since the establishments are still allowed to
operate. Third, the adverse effect on the establishments is justified by the well-being of its constituents in general.
Whether or not Manila City Ordinance No. 7774 is a valid exercise of police power. NO
 The facts of this case will recall to mind not only the recent City of Manila v. Laguio Jr. ruling, but the 1967 decision in
Ermita-Malate Hotel and Motel Operations Association, Inc., v. Hon. City Mayor of Manila. The common thread that
runs through those decisions and the case at bar goes beyond the singularity of the localities covered under the
respective ordinances. All three ordinances were enacted with a view of regulating public morals including particular
illicit activity in transient lodging establishments. This could be described as the middle case, wherein there is no
wholesale ban on motels and hotels but the services offered by these establishments have been severely restricted.
At its core, this is another case about the extent to which the State can intrude into and regulate the lives of its citizens
 The test of a valid ordinance is well established. A long line of decisions including City of Manila has held that for an
ordinance to be valid, it must not only be within the corporate powers of the local government unit to enact and pass
according to the procedure prescribed by law, it must also conform to the following substantive requirements: (1)
must not contravene the Constitution or any statute; (2) must not be unfair or oppressive; (3) must not be partial or
discriminatory; (4) must not prohibit but may regulate trade; (5) must be general and consistent with public policy;
and (6) must not be unreasonable.
 The ordinance in this case prohibits two specific and distinct business practices, namely wash rate admissions and
renting out a room more than twice a day. The ban is evidently sought to be rooted in the police power as conferred
on local government units by the Local Government Code through such implements as the general welfare clause.
 Police power is based upon the concept of necessity of the State and its corresponding right to protect itself and its
people. Police power has been used as justification for numerous and varied actions by the State.
 The apparent goal of the ordinance is to minimize if not eliminate the use of the covered establishments for illicit sex,
prostitution, drug use and alike. These goals, by themselves, are unimpeachable and certainly fall within the ambit of
the police power of the State. Yet the desirability of these ends do not sanctify any and all means for their achievement.
Those means must align with the Constitution.
 SC contended that if they were to take the myopic view that an ordinance should be analyzed strictly as to its effect
only on the petitioners at bar, then it would seem that the only restraint imposed by the law that they were capacitated
to act upon is the injury to property sustained by the petitioners. Yet, they also recognized the capacity of the
petitioners to invoke as well the constitutional rights of their patrons – those persons who would be deprived of
availing short time access or wash-up rates to the lodging establishments in question. The rights at stake herein fell
within the same fundamental rights to liberty. Liberty as guaranteed by the Constitution was defined by Justice
Malcolm to include “the right to exist and the right to be free from arbitrary restraint or servitude. The term cannot
be dwarfed into mere freedom from physical restraint of the person of the citizen, but is deemed to embrace the right
of man to enjoy the facilities with which he has been endowed by his Creator, subject only to such restraint as are
necessary for the common welfare,
 Indeed, the right to privacy as a constitutional right must be recognized and the invasion of it should be justified by a
compelling state interest. Jurisprudence accorded recognition to the right to privacy independently of its identification
with liberty; in itself it is fully deserving of constitutional protection. Governmental powers should stop short of certain
intrusions into the personal life of the citizen.
 An ordinance which prevents the lawful uses of a wash rate depriving patrons of a product and the petitioners of
lucrative business ties in with another constitutional requisite for the legitimacy of the ordinance as a police power
measure. It must appear that the interests of the public generally, as distinguished from those of a particular class,
require an interference with private rights and the means must be reasonably necessary for the accomplishment of
the purpose and not unduly oppressive of private rights. It must also be evident that no other alternative for the
accomplishment of the purpose less intrusive of private rights can work. More importantly, a reasonable relation must
exist between the purposes of the measure and the means employed for its accomplishment, for even under the guise
of protecting the public interest, personal rights and those pertaining to private property will not be permitted to be
arbitrarily invaded. Lacking a concurrence of these requisites, the police measure shall be struck down as an arbitrary
intrusion into private rights.
 The behavior which the ordinance seeks to curtail is in fact already prohibited and could in fact be diminished simply
by applying existing laws. Less intrusive measures such as curbing the proliferation of prostitutes and drug dealers
through active police work would be more effective in easing the situation. So would the strict enforcement of existing
laws and regulations penalizing prostitution and drug use. These measures would have minimal intrusion on the
businesses of the petitioners and other legitimate merchants. Further, it is apparent that the ordinance can easily be
circumvented by merely paying the whole day rate without any hindrance to those engaged in illicit activities.
Moreover, drug dealers and prostitutes can in fact collect “wash rates” from their clientele by charging their customers
a portion of the rent for motel rooms and even apartments.
 SC reiterated that individual rights may be adversely affected only to the extent that may fairly be required by the
legitimate demands of public interest or public welfare. The State is a leviathan that must be restrained from
needlessly intruding into the lives of its citizens. However well¬-intentioned the ordinance may be, it is in effect an
arbitrary and whimsical intrusion into the rights of the establishments as well as their patrons. The ordinance
needlessly restrains the operation of the businesses of the petitioners as well as restricting the rights of their patrons
without sufficient justification. The ordinance rashly equates wash rates and renting out a room more than twice a
day with immorality without accommodating innocuous intentions.
WHEREFORE, the Petition is GRANTED. The Decision of the Court of Appeals is REVERSED, and the Decision of the
Regional Trial Court of Manila, Branch 9, is REINSTATED. Ordinance No. 7774 is hereby declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
No pronouncement as to costs.
(SANTOS, 2B 2017-2018)

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