CE 444 Week 1 Introduction

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Traffic Engineering and Safety

Spring Semester 2014
Week # 1
Introduction to Traffic Engineering and
Basic Definitions
• Malik Saqib Mahmood
• Educational Background
• Professional Experience
• Contact info:
– Phone: 051-90854162
– Email: [email protected]
• About Traffic Engineering and Safety Course
Transportation System
• Mobility is a basic human need
• Transportation is everything involved in
moving either the person or goods from the
origin to the destination.
Transportation System
Planning Engineering
Traffic Demand
O/D Flows

Network Performance
Demand Analysis
Vehicle, Driver
Trip Generation Network Characteristics
Trip Distribution Equilibrium Traffic Flow
Mode Choice Capacity Analysis
Route Choice Queuing
Geometric Design

User Cost/Time
Nonuser Cost
Indirect Effect
Transportation Engineering
• Transportation Facilities
– Highways
– Railroad
– Airport
– Bus and Subways
– Seaport
– Terminal (Multi-modal )
Transportation Modes
• Passenger Transportation
– Auto: short trips, selected end points, low cost
– Air: long trips, intercity or international travels
– Mass Transit (light rail, subways): short trips,
– Rail: intercity travel
Transportation Modes
• Freight Transportation
– Truck: point-to-point deliver
– Air: fast, costly, limited-capacity
– Waterway: cheap, slow
– Rail: bulk movement, cheap, little slow, inflexible
– Pipeline: for gas and oil, inflexible
Traffic Engineering - Definition
• Traffic Engineering is the science of measuring
traffic and travel, the study of basic laws relating
to traffic flow and generation, and the application
of this knowledge to the professional practice of
planning, designing, and operating traffic systems
to achieve safe and efficient movement of
persons and goods.
• Traffic Engineering is a tool to design and
analyze the roadway infrastructure that results
in safe, efficient and economical movement.
Components of Traffic Engineering
• Basic Components
– Road users including drivers, cyclists and
– Vehicles
– Road and Highways
– Control Devices
Traffic Engineering
• Traffic Engineering Elements:
1. Traffic studies and characteristics
2. Performance evaluation
3. Facility design
4. Traffic control (next slide)
5. Traffic operations
6. Transportation systems management
7. Integration of intelligent transportation system
Current Traffic Control On Roads

• Traffic control in urban areas of

Pakistan is still the function of traffic
• A constable’s vision is limited to only
one city block
• Role of Traffic Police is NOT to
control the traffic, but to ENFORCE
the traffic rules and regulation
• Traffic Engineering provides effective
solutions for traffic control on
Basic Definitions
• Speed: Distance travelled by a vehicle in unit
time (KM/hr, Mile/hr, m/sec etc.)

• Volume: Number of vehicles passing in unit

time per unit road (veh/hr/ln, veh/day)

• Density: No of vehicle present occupying unit

space at a particular instant (veh/KM,
Cont ………
Basic Definitions
• Flow rate: No of vehicle passing through a
specific point in unit time (Veh/hr)

• Travel Time: Time taken by vehicle to travel

unit distance (min/KM)

• Headway: Space between successive vehicles

in terms of time (sec)
Cont ………
Basic Definitions
• Spacing: Inter-vehicular spacing (m/veh)

• Traffic Stream: Up-stream, Down-stream

• Rates of flow: It represent flows that exist for

periods of time less than one hour (veh/hr)
15min Vol x 4

Cont ………
Basic Definitions
• Capacity: The maximum no of vehicle that can
pass a road section in unit time (veh/hr)

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