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1=111~ A(:AIJl:IVll(:l>lJl~l>(JSl:S:
A snoar 11,ITl:l,ISl\fl: (:(JlJl~SI:
Malcolm Mann & Steve Taylore-Knowles
The McGrow·Hill Companies


International Edition 2009

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Author acknowledgements
A team of highly talented people has enabled this project to be realized, and the authors are enormously
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At McGraw-Hill, particular thanks must go to Sue Jones (for her belief in us, her continual support and
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on the manuscript throughout all the stages of its production. Their input has been invaluable.

When ordering this title, use ISBN 978-007-126953-7 or MHID 007-126953-3

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1=()1~ A(:A111:1v11c: 1>tJl~l>()Sl:S:
A saenr 11,ITl:l,ISl\fl: (:(JIJl~SI:
Malcolm Mann & Steve Taylore-Knowles


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Vocabulary from the Word bank on page 19 of the Student's Book

Write a verb in the correct form in each gap.

bring emphasise release

1 Some reggae music emphasises the problems of poverty.


2 They've recorded their new CD but they haven't it yet.

3 They're planning to out their next album to coincide with the start of
their world tour.

Write a word from the Wordbank in each gap. The first letter of each word is given to
help you.

1 Most teenagers dream of being in a rock b_a11_d~ at some point.

2 Would you describe this s of architecture as modernist or art deco?
3 With a art, it's pointless to ask the question: what is this a picture of?
4 The documentary h the problems of living in a big city.
S With most modern cartoons, the a is all done on computer.

H~ Othervocabulary
Other vocabulary from the Reading section on pages 18 and 19 of the Student's Book

e Match to make phrases.

1 art 6 indie A feature F technology 7E

2 cave 7 number B times G album
3 debut 8 physical c rock H being
4 digital 9 prehistoric D of art painting
s human 10 work E form J one

G) Write the correct form of the word in bold in each gap.

1 It's very difficult to date ancient art accumte,/y (ACCURATE).

2 Ballet is a (SPECIFY) type of dance.
3 Picasso's paintings are often immediately (IDENTIFY) because of his
unique style.
4 Full-length (ANIMATION) children's films are very popular at the moment.
S Opera is (TRADITION) sung in Italian.
6 The concept ofthe'chorus' (ORIGIN) from ancient Greek drama.


Vocabulary boost: topic vocabulary

0 Write the words for people formed from these words.

1 art artist 6 paint

2 write 7 dance
3 song 8 poem
4 music 9 create
5 act 10 invent

0 Complete the definitions with one of the following words.

audience eyewitness listener onlooker spectator Yiewef

1 vi'ewey : someone watching a TV programme

2 : someone watching a sporting event in the place where it's happening
3 : someone listening to the radio
4 : someone who sees an accident or crime
5 : someone who watches an event (such as a rescue) but doesn't take part
6 a member of the : someone watching a live artistic performance in the
place where it's happening

e The words in italics are in the wrong sentence. Find the correct words and write them
on the lines.
1 We're going to get a local artist to paint a/an instrument of
my grandmother. I
2 There's an interesting portrait on tonight about space travel.
3 Her very first role was in a school performer when she was eleven
years old.
4 A novel in a musical has to be able to sing and dance as well as act.
5 Tolstoy's play'War and Peace' is over 1,300 pages long!
6 Every child should learn to play a musical documentary, in my opinion.

Vocabularyboost:phrasal verbs
0 Choose the correct word.

1 I'm thinking of checking in !@that new record shop tomorrow.

2 Would the Arctic Monkeys have caught on I off so quickly without MySpace?
3 I'm thinking of setting out I up a local drama club.
4 I generally just hang over I out with my friends at the weekend.
5 I gather they've done down I up the old police station and turned it into a museum.
6 I can't make out I up what this is supposed to be a picture of.


Vocabularyfrom the Wordbankon page 20 of the Student's Book

Choose the correctword to completethe gaps in this text.

1 A present B contemporary C actual

2 A exhibition B revelation C vision
3 A gallery B monitor C showcase
4 A phrasebook B manual C catalogue
s A drawings B sculptures C paintings

Those of you who are interested in (1) _B_ art should make a note of the dates of
New Directions, a collection of paintings and photographs from some of the art world's
most promising young artists. From July 1st to August 12th, this (2) offers a rare
opportunity to see challenging works from tomorrow's stars. Held at the A 1 Studio, a large
private (3) ,it promises to surprise, delight and shock. According to the (4) ,
which lists over two hundred works, 'this could be the biggest thing in art for over one
hundred years'. Okay, it's a pretty big claim, but there are some exciting artists here and
works range from computer-generated images to good old-fashioned oil (5) .
Contact A 1 Studio to book a place.

~~~Other vocabulary
Other vocabularyfrom the Listeningsectionon page 20 of the Student's Book

0 Completethe table. Includenegativeforms.

Verb Noun(s) Adjective(s) Adverb(s)

(1) colouq±tl
colour colour (3)
confuse (4) (7)

(8) (10)
criticise (12)
(9) (11)

dramatise (14) (15)
(17) (18)
- emotion
emotionless (19)

forget - forgettable


- Vocabulary boost: periods of time
e Read the sentences, then on the line provided, write the word that matches
the definition.

A The rainy season in Japan runs from the beginning of June to the middle of July.
B I'm on holiday for the next fortnight, but we can meet when I get back.
C The results for the last quarter show that sales have increased.
D I think the 70s was a great decade for art and design.
E Picasso was probably the most famous artist of the 20th century.
F Many countries held celebrations in 2000 to mark the start of a new millennium.

1 two weeks:
2 1,000 years:
3 ten years:
4 three months (used in financial contexts):
5 100 years:
6 part of the year with different weather:

- Vocabulary boost: word formation

G) The words below all form verbs using -ise. Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of
the words.

advert economy familiar fantasy fffial modern personal sympathy

1 Let me know when you {i'nakse

your plans for this weekend.
2 I always my schoolbooks by sticking photos I like on them.
3 I with your problem, and I wish there was something I could do to help.
4 If you want people to know about your exhibition, you need to it in the
local paper.
5 Make sure you yourself with the instructions before you start painting.
6 I've always about becoming a world famous artist.
7 We're now that I've lost my job so we can't afford a holiday.
8 They're the city centre because everything is starting to look quite old.

- Vocabulary boost: topic vocabulary

0 ft CD, 1 Listen and write in each gap the correct word to match the definition.

1 --+P'"'"in"'"e art: paintings, etc., that are beautiful and interesting

2 art: a type of art where the artist acts, dances, paints, etc., in front of
an audience
3 art: a type of art where the main idea, often surprising or shocking, is more
important than the work of art itself
4 art: a type of art that uses images and styles from advertisements, comic
books, etc.


~ Grammarbank:Talking about the present
Grammar Reference, Section 1, page 98 of the Student's Book

Choose the correct verb form.

1 Q watc!J)/ I'm watching this show every week without fail.

2 I don't often get I I'm not often getting the chance to go to concerts.
3 We rehearse I We're rehearsing right now so can I call you later on?
4 Are you studying I Do you study for your art history exam at the moment?
S No, actually the CD does have I is having all the lyrics printed in the booklet.
6 Do you know I Are you knowing how to play any instruments other than the piano?

Use the correct form of the verb in brackets to fill in the gaps. Use contractions
(I've, etc.) where possible.

1 I have11 't draw11 (I I NOT I DRAW) a picture since I was at school!

2 (YOU I ALREADY I HEAR) the new Radiohead album?
3 (THE BOOK I SELL) over a million copies so far!
4 It's the first time (I I EVER I SEE) them play live.
S How many times (SHE I DO) a world tour?
6 (LEE I WORRY) all week about the performance tonight.
7 (YOU I EVER I GO) to a movie premiere?
8 (I I TRY) to finish this poem all morning but it's taking longer
than I expected.

Write a word from below in each gap.

already before ever for just since still yet

1 They haven't announced how much the concert tickets are yet
2 I've been writing short stories I was about eight years old.
3 I haven't read the book yet - I've only bought it!
4 We haven't been to the Edvard Munch exhibition and it closes next week.
S Have you entered a screenplay ompetition?
6 cI've never heard of Broken Social Scene . Are they a new band?
7 Have you finished decorating the cake ? That was fast!
8 The programme's only been on about five minutes.

• n CD, 2 Listen to this IELTS candidate answering questions in Part 1 of the Speaking
Module. Decide whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE.
1 She has been playing the piano for 3 years. TRUE /CfALSi;)
2 She has been playing the guitar since she was 7 years old. TRUE I FALSE
3 She has been playing the trumpet for a long time. TRUE I FALSE
4 She has just finished reading War and Peace. TRUE I FALSE
S She hasn't decided yet what to read next. TRUE I FALSE


Vocabularyfrom the Wordbankon page 21 of the Student's Book

Write one word in each gap.

1 When did you decide to take --~~,_tJ pottery as a hobby?
2 I never seem to have time anything other than studying.
3 I'm not very keen game shows, to be honest.
4 My parents are very keen me to go to university.
5 Jamie doesn't have enough time so I've taken as director from him.

Write 'many; 'a few' or 'lots' in each gap.

1 There were lots of people there I knew.

2 How people went to the concert?
3 They'd already sold quite of the paintings.
4 There were so CD players, I didn't know which one to get.
5 Only actors become famous and successful.
6 I don't know how much art she produced in her lifetime but it was _

Choose the correctword.

The tickets were really expensive because l@I such we decided not to get them.
2 The tickets were really expensive because I and I but we decided to go anyway.
3 The tickets were really expensive because I so I and they're one of the biggest bands in
the world.
4 The tickets were really expensive but for concerts such I so I and as this they usually are.

Vocabularyboost:word patterns
0 Use the correctform of the verbsin bracketsand add any necessary words to complete
the sentences.

1 I'm not very keen on readin~« (READ) poetry, to be honest.

2 Are you interested (HAVE) ballet lessons?
3 I used to be able (DRAW) really well but I'm out of practice now.
4 Do you think everyone's capable (LEARN) a musical instrument?
5 I haven't managed (SELL) my novel yet but I'll keep trying.
6 I really hope you succeed (GET) your novel published.
7 My sister's about (GO) to art school in Seoul.
8 I'm not very good (REMEMBER) lyrics to songs.


~ Grammarbank:Using the passive
Grammar Reference, Section 2, page 99 of the Student's Book

Underlinefive mistakes in the passive voicein this text. Rewriteeach verb form
correctlyin the space below.

From the data which has presented in this table, it can see that the cinema is becoming
less popular with young people aged 14-18. Although the cinema was mention as a leisure
activity by 68% of 14- to 18-year-olds ten years ago, today the figure is only 59%. In contrast,
70% of 19- to 23-year-olds who questioned said that they go to the cinema at least twice a
month. In the next age group (24- to 37-year olds), the cinema was been chosen by 65% of
those asked.

1 15 presented
3 5
2 4

Rewriteeach sentence usingan appropriate passive form.

1 You can see a large increase over ten years.

A large increase can be seen over tenyears.
2 They asked over a 1,000 people for their opinions.

3 Someone designed the study to discover attitudes towards forms of entertainment.

4 Almost half of the people surveyed described concerts as 'very enjoyable'.

5 They can solve this problem by encouraging more art education.

Completethe text by putting the verbs provided into their passive forms.

The data which (1) 1s F17rov1ded/hasbeen Iprovided (PROVIDE) in the table shows that
modern art (2) (CONSIDER) by many people to be
shocking. Over 75% of the people who (3) (ASK) to take
part in the survey said that they (4) ------------(SHOCK) by a piece of
modern art in the past. At the same time, modern art (5) _
(DESCRIBE) as 'important' by over half of the people surveyed (53%).
Traditional art (6) (PREFER) by those over 50, with 85%
saying that more exhibitions should (7) (ORGANISE)
by local museums. The percentage of over-50s who believed that young people would
(8) (ATTRACT) to such exhibitions was high at
79%. However, when young people themselves (9) -----------•
(INTERVIEW) as part of the survey, only 38% thought that youngsters could
(10) (INTEREST) in traditional art by such means.


~ Wordbanlc
Vocabularyfrom the Wordbankon page 22 of the Student's Book

Choose the word or phrase which means the same as the word or phrase in italics.

1 There has been a gradual increase in the number of people attending the ballet.
(A steady) B stable
2 The percentage attending concerts has declined from 46% to 41 %.
A fallen B risen
3 This represents a considerable increase on the data from ten years before.
A slight B significant
4 The figures show a drop over three years of around 5%.
A decrease B rise
5 The sharp increase in the first two years was followed by a gradual fall in numbers.
A sudden B steady
6 The number of people choosing this option has stayed constant over ten years.
A fallen slightly B remained stable

0 Write a short phrase to describe these graphs, as in the example.

1 2

I time

a steady
tleclt'11e(ollowetl by> a shaYJJ i11cYease
I i

3 4

time time

s 6

time time


0 Lookat this table and choose the correctword or phrase.

Visitsto the cinema 1 O years ago (%) today(%)

less than once per month 40 27
once per month 25 22
one to three times per month 20 23
more than three times per month 15 28

1 The number of people visiting the cinema less than once per month has dropped
GignificantlY}/ slightly.
2 There has been a considerable I a slight fall in the number visiting the cinema
once per month.
3 The number of people who go to the cinema from one to three times per month has risen
considerably I slightly.
4 The data show a slight I considerable increase over ten years in the number visiting the
cinema more than three times per month .

.. Vocabularyboost: topic vocabulary

(D Match each type of picture to the correctdescription.

1 cartoon _C_ 3 illustration 5 sketch

2 diagram 4 portrait 6 symbol

A This is a small picture that presents information, such as a warning, clearly and simply.
You might see one of these in a guidebook.
B This is a painting or a photograph of a person. You might see this in a biography of
that person.
C This is a drawing which is funny or which makes a political point. You might see one of
these in a newspaper.
D This is a quick drawing, usually with a pencil. You might see this in somebody's notebook.
E This is a picture which goes with text and shows you what something being described
looks like. You might see one of these in a children's storybook.
F This is a picture which shows you how a device or a process works. You might see one of
these in an instruction manual.

.. Vocabularyboost:prepositions
4D Choose the correct word.

1 Let me take a photo@/ from you standing over here.

2 I think the statue is made with I of gold, isn't it?
3 The artist has used a special kind of paint which is made of I from plants.
4 I've never heard that piece of music played on I by the guitar before.
5 Da Vinci's famous painting, the Mona Lisa, hangs at I in the Louvre.
6 The artist has put a lot of emotion into I onto the painting.


Vocabulary from the Reading text on pages 24 and 25 of the Student's Book

C) Find words or phrases in the Reading text which have a similar meaning to those below.

1 changed version (paragraph 1) adaJJtaH011


2 examining, investigating (paragraph 1)

3 things, features (paragraph 1)
4 age, period of time (paragraph 2)
5 many (paragraph 2)
6 before (paragraph 2)
7 pictures (paragraph 2)
8 not having (paragraph 2)
9 realness, genuineness (paragraph 3)
10 said but not proved (paragraph 3)

0 These adverbs appear in the Reading text. Choose the best meaning for each one.

1 primarily (paragraph 2) at first !(mainl0

2 nearly (paragraph 3) a little more or less than I a little less than
3 originally (paragraph 4) at first I from the start until now
4 highly (paragraph 4) often I extremely
5 partially (paragraph S) completely I not completely
6 virtually (paragraph 6) really I almost
7 largely (paragraph 6) mainly I having a big effect on

e Find a word from the Reading text to fill each gap.

1 A large number of words are common to both English and French. (paragraph 1)
2 If you invent something, you should take out a to stop other people
making money from it. (paragraph 4)
3 If you a business, you start it with someone else. (paragraph 4)
4 Which of washing powder do you usually buy? (paragraph 4)
5 Most car manufacturers produce a number of different . (paragraph S)
6 If you make your on something, you have an effect on it. (paragraph 6)
7 If something's , you can't see it at all. (paragraph 6)
8 Her collection of magazines was destroyed in the fire. (paragraph 6)

G) Find forms of these words in the Reading text.

1 combine: combination (noun) (paragraph 1)

2 popular: (noun) (paragraph 2)
3 exist: (noun) (paragraph 2)
4 certain: (noun, negative) (paragraph 3)
5 perform: (noun) (paragraph 4)
6 major: (noun) (paragraph S)
7 develop: (noun) (paragraph 6)


8 contribute: (noun) (paragraph 6)


Vocabulary from the Word bank on page 29 of the Student's Book

Match to make phrases. If more than one phrase is possible, write all the possibilities.

1 welfare A benefit TA E F
2 national B countries
3 developing c care
4 unemployment D insurance
s health E rights
6 human F system

Write a phrase from Exercise A in each gap.

1 The welfar-esyStem provides help for everyone at difficult times in their lives.
r '
2 Some cities in are growing very quickly.
3 After finishing university, I lived on for a year before I found a job.
4 People in Britain pay about 10% of their income on _
S I believe there are basic , like the freedom to practise one's religion.
6 I believe we should make free for everyone.

~ ~ ~ Other vocabulary
Other vocabulary from the Reading section on pages 28 and 29 of the Student's Book

8 Choose the correct word.

1 I give money each month to three different companies /~haritie~.

2 The country doesn't have the fees I funds to improve the road system.
3 The local authorities I superiors haven't done what they promised to do.
4 After the disaster, shipments I sets of food started to arrive.
S The roots I basics of the problem lie in people's attitudes.
6 All humans I citizens of Europe are allowed to vote in these elections.

(!) Write a word from below in each gap.

aid co-operation famffie ideal poverty trade

1 Millions of people died in the recent (ami"ne

in the country.
2 Do you think we should increase the amount of we give to other countries?
3 World peace is a wonderful , but is it really possible?
4 More should be done about the illegal in weapons.
S Since the economy collapsed, a lot of people have been living in _
6 It's going to take between different governments to solve the problem.

Vocabulary boost: word formation

0 Write the correct form of the word in bold in each gap.

1 Many people don't trust po/itt'cians , but I think they are generally honest.
2 '
The country has faced a number of problems recently.
3 He was very active when he was younger.

The of the protest claimed that 50,000 people were involved.
2 The government is so that nobody believes it will win the next election.
3 This problem can only be solved by a large , like the United Nations.

1 I don't think they should handguns in this country.
2 I'm sorry. I didn't know it was to park here.
3 All passengers are required to complete the immigration form.

1 The situation seems to be getting worse everywhere.
2 are predicting that things will get worse before they get better.
3 We need to find more ways of producing energy.

1 It's not easy to solve problems, like poverty.
2 There's a big problem with behaviour and minor crime in this area.
3 In some countries, it's acceptable to ask someone how much they earn.

Vocabularyboost:phrasal verbs

0 Write a word from below in the correct form in each gap.

bring come do get join staml turn vote

1 I'm quite shy and I don't like to st_a_n~d out in a group of people.
2 My brother and I didn't really on when we were kids.
3 They're planning to in a new law that will make it illegal.
4 I think people are going to this government out.
5 They were discussing politics and I decided to in with them.
6 Things didn't out the way people expected.
7 When the new law in, things will get a lot better.
8 They should away with the National Health Service in my opinion.

Vocabularyfrom the Wordbankon page 30 of the Student's Book

Write a word from the Wordbankin each gap. The first letter of each word is given to
help you.

1 You should learn about the habits and customs of a place before you visit.
2 I wish I hadn't v to help at the Student Welfare Service.
3 The university c for the needs of students very well.
4 The biggest i the plan faces is a lack of money.
5 I couldn't believe how r Amy was to the governor.
6 I didn't really f in when I went to university.

~H Othervocabulary
Other vocabularyfrom the Listeningsectionon page 30 of the Student's Book

0 Choose the correctanswer.

1 There has been a big increase in the number of _A_ students.

A overseas B outside C abroad
2 Many people are of the problem of culture shock.
A unfamiliar B ignorant C uneducated
3 I found it hard to to life in another country.
A change B adjust C alter
4 Where is the event going to be ?
A placed B held C happened
5 I was satisfied with how my exams went.
A largely B finely C exactly
6 It's important to get help when you problems so far from home.
A reach B greet C face

- Vocabularyboost:topic vocabulary
e Match each word to the correctdefinition

circle A a group of people who cause trouble or commit crimes _JL_

2 club B a group of families who live together, usually in remote areas
3 gang c an organisation for people with similar interests
4 society D people in a country considered together and in general
5 tribe E a large group of people in the same place
6 crowd F a group of people who know each other as friends

G) Choose the correct word.

1 I'm used to having quite a large social~/ club around me.

2 I've been reading about a gang I tribe in Brazil that has just been discovered.
3 I lost sight of my sister in the society I crowd.
4 We need to work together as a society I circle to solve the country's problems.
5 People are very concerned about gangs I circles of young people.
6 Why don't you think about joining a fishing crowd I club?

- Vocabularyboost:phrases
0 Write a verb from below in each gap. You need to use some verbs more than once.

do get make show take

1 take pity on someone

2 someone a promise
3 friends with someone
4 your approval of something
5 care of something/someone
6 someone a favour
7 something into account
8 into debt

0 Write the correct form of a phrase from Exercise E in each gap.

1 Everyone showed their affroval of the decision by applauding loudly.

2 Could you me and tell Ping I
won't be at the party?
3 It can be hard to---------- people when you first arrive in a
foreign country.
4 The government has a responsibility to---------- the poor.
5 The plan doesn't the economy _
6 It's very easy for students to when they are at university.
7 Abdul his wife that he would give
up politics.
8 I the old man and gave him some money.

~ Grammarbank:Talking about the past
Grammar Reference, Section 3, pages 99-100 of the Student's Book

Each verb in bold is in the wrong tense. Write the correct tense on the line.

1 We were moving to this area in 2007. moved

2 Before that, we are living abroad for a few years.
3 When we had lived abroad, I knew lots of people.
4 When we first moved here, it had been difficult to meet people.
5 After a while, though, I was meeting some people the same age as me.
6 By the time we lived here for a year, I had lots of friends.
7 Then I had been starting to go to a different school.
8 I had been missing some of my friends, but I still saw them at
the weekend.

Rewrite each sentence using the phrase given. Make as many sentences as you
can each time.

1 I started work and the phone rang.

was working
When therphone ran.a.,;I was woYkin_,q. /I was woYkin...,q when therphone ran...a, .
2 Tim left the party and then I arrived.
had left

3 I started my homework and you rang me ten minutes later.

had been doing

4 My parents moved abroad six months before I was born.

had been living

5 Wendy and Miguel knew each other for a year and then I met them.
had known

6 Liza and I started talking about Dan and then he came into the room.
were talking

7 Kyle finally arrived half an hour after I did.

had been waiting

8 We moved to France and I went to university while we were there.

were living

Vocabularyfrom the Wordbankon page 31 of the Student's Book

Write one word in each gap.

1 It seems to me that people don't care about each other enough.

2 In my , we all have a responsibility to help the poor.
3 From my of view, the government needs to do something about
the problem.
4 I tend to that society judges people too easily.
5 My opinion is that we pay too much in tax at the moment.
6 As as I'm concerned, it's time we made smoking illegal.

t') CD, 3 Listen to these people talking about a new law. Decide whether each
speaker agrees or disagrees with the law.

1 Speaker1 ~gree~/ disagrees 4 Speaker4 agrees I disagrees

2 Speaker 2 agrees I disagrees s Speaker 5 agrees I disagrees
3 Speaker 3 agrees I disagrees 6 Speaker6 agrees I disagrees

~ ~ ~ Other vocabulary
Other vocabularyfrom the Speaking section on page 31 of the Student'sBook

0 Complete the table. Include negativeforms.

Verb Adjective Noun

(1) exciting (2)

excite (3)
- (S) leaf

(6) (7)

- Vocabularyboost:placesto Live
0 Match each word or phrase to the correctdefinition.

1 bungalow A a house that is separate from the other houses

around it .:«:
2 detached house B a large house with a garden in a warm country
3 mansion c a house with all the rooms on one level
4 semi-detached house D a house that shares walls with other houses on
two sides
s terraced house E a very large, luxurious house

6 villa F a house that shares a wall with one other house

~ Grammarbank:Concedingand contrasting
Grammar Reference, Section4, page 100 of the Students' Book

Write one word in each gap.

1 Some people commit crimes in spite o,_f having spent time in prison.
2 He was sent to prison his claims that he was innocent.
3 Despite the that a witness identified her, she was found not guilty.
4 Crime is still increasing, though there are more and more police.
5 there was little evidence, he was still found guilty.

Choose the correct answer.

1 We were robbed, despite _B_ a really good alarm system.

A we have B having C of having
2 Nobody was arrested, even though witnesses.
A being B there were C there being
3 In spite of , he refused to accept that he was guilty.
A the evidence B being evidence C there was evidence
4 Although the door, someone managed to break in.
A locking B having locked CI locked
5 He decided to steal the car, even though it was illegal.
A he knew B knowing C of knowing
6 In spite of the fact sent to prison, he didn't learn his lesson.
A of being B being C that he was

Rewriteeach pair of sentencesas one sentenceusingthe word given.

1 The gang made very careful plans. They were still arrested.
The gang werestt!I arrested, despdemak1n3 very car~{u/plans (DESPITE).
2 Karl was under eighteen. They still sent him to prison.
They (THOUGH).
3 He wore a disguise. The police still caught him.
In (FACT).
4 Jane had lots of money. She still stole a mobile phone.
5 I locked the car. It was still stolen.
The car (ALTHOUGH).
6 Crime is dropping in this area. It's still a major problem.
Crime (EVEN).

Vocabularyfrom the Word bank on page 32 of the Student's Book

• Write one word in each gap.

1 From what he said, I formed the impression that he was guilty.


2 Crime seems to be falling, but most people the belief that it's on the
3 The police the conclusion that the crime was committed by an employee.
4 The government the view that the law needs to be changed.
5 I've gradually to the conclusion that prison doesn't work.

~~~Other vocabulary
Other vocabulary from the Writing sectionon pages 32 and 33 of the Student'sBook

0 Rearrange the letters to make a word that fits in the gap.

1 What this problem needs is a new affroach (CAPAPROH) based on scientific research.
2 Many in the local (MCNOYITMU) are angry at the failure to prevent crime.
3 At this prison, we try to help the (FEFSNODRE) understand how victims feel.
4 He was sentenced to 100 hours of community (VSEERIC).
5 You can't blame the (CMIRCASESTCNU) you grew up in for your behaviour.
6 The prison is home to approximately 500 (IASNTEM).
7 The government hasn't done enough to (ACKETL) crime.
8 The woman was (NVDCTEICO) after a trial that lasted for three months.

0 Match each word to the correctdefinition.

1 decent A not very large _]Ji_

2 ineffective B fairly good, not bad
3 limited c not willing to do something
4 minor D not very serious, unimportant
5 reluctant E not producing the desired results

G) Choose the word from Exercise F which goes with each group of words.

1 limited
- results - resources - vocabulary - power
- job - meal - wage - clothes - education
- injury- crime - illness
- solution - protection - attempt

- Vocabulary boost: crimes and criminals
0 Write a word from below in each gap.

arson blackmail burglary fer~ery fraud kidnapping

murder robbery theft vandalism

If someone is guilty of ...

1 foYJery , they create a fake version of something, such as a passport.
2 , they get money by tricking people.
3 r they threaten to reveal a secret unless someone pays them money.
4 r they damage someone else's property.
5 ,they take money from someone, often with violence.
6 ,they take something from a building, such as someone's home.
7 ,they take someone and keep them until they receive some money.
8 ,they kill someone.
9 ,they steal something.
10 ,they deliberately start a fire.

0 Write the word for the person who commits each of these crimes.

1 arson arsonist 6 kidnapping

2 blackmail 7 murder
3 burglary 8 vandalism
4 forgery 9 robbery
5 fraud 10 theft

- Vocabulary boost: word patterns

0 Write one word in each gap.

1 find evidence of_

a crime
2 suspect someone a crime
3 accuse someone a crime
4 arrest someone a crime
5 charge someone a crime
6 try someone a crime
7 find someone guilty/innocent a crime
8 sentence someone time in prison

0 t) CD, 4 Listen to this woman talking about a crime and decide whether the
statements are TRUE or FALSE.

1 The crime took place in her street. TRUE ;(fALS©

2 She was arrested for the crime. TRUE/ FALSE
3 She was found guilty of the crime. TRUE/ FALSE

Vocabulary from the Reading text on pages 34 and 35 of the Student's Book

0 Write a word from below in the correct form in each gap.

ancestor diner individual

1 Your ancestors are the people who lived a long time before you.
2 All the in the restaurant turned at the sudden noise.
3 The police are looking for two who were seen running away.

assume drape gossip satisfy summon

4 It was raining and the young man his jacket around the woman's shoulders.
5 Skiing my need to do something exciting every now and again.
6 Mrs Jarvis her son into the living room to explain his behaviour.
7 Your career begins to more importance in your life as you get older.
8 I don't think it's kind to about your friends like that.

elaborate elementary fragrant nomadic primitive wealthy

9 The tribes travel from area to area, so they are _

10 The preparations for the wedding were very and took hours.
11 I'm not sure that being makes you happy.
12 The room was full of the smell ofroses.
13 The solution to the problem was quite in the end.
14 I don't believe that people are just because they live in the jungle.

0 Find words or phrases in the Reading text which have a similar meaning to those below.

1 mixture of different things (paragraph 1) assortment

2 importance (paragraph 1)
3 important formal event (paragraph 1)
4 politeness towards guests (paragraph 2)
5 something you must do (paragraph 2)
6 social position (paragraph 2)
7 something that shows you respect someone (paragraph 2)
8 different parts of a meal (paragraph 5)
9 circle offlowers (paragraph 6)
10 old-fashioned cup (paragraph 6)

Vocabulary from the Wordbank on page 39 of the Student's Book

Rearrange the letters to make a word that fits in each gap.

1 All this vocabulary comes from the Unit 3 Reading worclhaMk (BROKDAWN).
2 We usually take things like electricity and running water for (DETRANG)
these days.
3 We've finished the research but we haven't analysed all the (TAAD) yet.
4 It's highly (YEKLIL) that humans will land on Mars within our lifetime.
5 Everyone should try to understand the (PENTOCC) behind Einstein's
Theory of Relativity.
6 (NEVIG) that there's no scientific evidence to prove they exist, it's amazing
that so many people believe in ghosts.

~H Other vocabulary
Other vocabulary from the Reading section on pages 38 and 39 of the Student's Book

0 Match each word to a word that has a similar meaning.

1 rough A amazing --1L.

2 immediate B unlikely
3 clear c approximate
4 improbable D interesting
5 thought-provoking E instant
6 incredible F obvious

e Choose the correct word.

1 If you could go back on !@time, which era would you choose to go back to?
2 Do you think aliens will ever try to make contact with I to humans?
3 We have so many means of I for communication at our disposal these days.
4 You can always rely on I from this news channel to give you the facts.
5 A small change in the design can make a big difference in I with practice.
6 You can't break the laws in I of physics!

G) Write one word in each gap.

It's a good idea, but it'll never work ""'tM-'---- reality.

2 Can you make sure the DVD player's connected the TV properly?
3 Scientists still haven't provided answers these questions yet.
4 I think you're referring astrologers rather than astronomers, aren't you?
5 You're not having doubts the experiment, are you?

6 I'm not aware any scientific studies which show that telepathy is
a real phenomenon.
7 An inch is roughly equivalent 2.5 centimetres.
8 What are the chances seeing a shooting star tonight?

0 Write a word from below in each gap.

atom benefit consensus encounter objection opponent source

1 Professor Badawi is a major Of!?onent of the government's scheme.

2 The general amongst the scientific community is that climate change is a
real phenomenon.
3 The Wikipedia website is a very useful of information.
4 The number of protons in a/an determines what chemical element it is.
5 She says that her strange with an alien creature changed her life forever!
6 My major to the plan is that it's too expensive.
7 The main of education is that it enables you to ask the right questions.

0 Write the correct form of the word in bold in each gap.

There are still a large number of (1) unanswered (ANSWER) questions regarding space
tourism, particularly to do with the everyday (2) (PRACTICAL), such as eating
or going to the toilet, of life in space. However, there is widespread (3) (AGREE)
both within the travel industry and the space technology industry that space tourism is a
(4) (POTENTIAL) enormous source of income. Although the first space
tourists are (5) (NECESSARY) extremely wealthy people - and will continue
to be for the foreseeable future - the long-term hope is that space tourism will become a
(6) (REAL) for all of us. In all (7) (LIKELY), that is exactly what's
going to happen.

- Vocabularyboost:phrasal verbs
e Choose the correct word.

Can you turn@/ out I down the PC when you've finished using it, please?
2 How did you come off I up I over with such a brilliant idea?
3 I screamed when she suddenly turned into I round I out an alien at the end of the film!
4 I'm trying to work up I off I out how many days they've been in space so far.
5 Scientist have narrowed off I down I out the possible landing sites to three options.
6 The design's really come up I on I off since I saw it last. Well done! You're
making progress!

Vocabulary from the Word bank on page 40 of the Student's Book

Write one word on each line to replace the wordsin italics. The first letter is given to
help you.

1 It's not very surprising that space missions cost billions of dollars. ha~
ya"'"/"'y,, _
2 I was worried at first that the telescope wouldn't be powerful enough. i _
3 Do astronauts often need to be helped to remember to get enough sleep? r _
4 The sizes of distant stars are usually approximate calculations because we can't measure
them accurately. e _
5 There are no present plans to build a space hotel on the Moon. c _

H~ Other vocabulary
Other vocabulary from the Listeningsectionon page 40 of the Student's Book

Q The wordsin italicsare in the wrong sentence. Find the correct words and write them
on the lines.

1 It takes just over 365 days for the Earth to complete one galaxy of the Sun. oYbd
2 Our Sun is an average-sized universe. _
3 A/an orbit is a group of billions of stars spinning around a central point. _
4 The galaxy we live in is called the Milky System. _
5 The star is all space, and everything that exists within it. _
6 The planets, including Earth, and the Sun they go around, are known collectively as the
Solar Way. _

e Write a word from below in each gap.

Verbs Nouns Adjectives

collide agreement close
merge collision galactic

If you want to talk about periods of time in the history of the universe, you can use

~qa/achc years.
2 If two objects , they hit each other.
3 If there is a/an between two objects, they hit each other.
4 If two organisations or galaxies , they join together to form one thing.
5 If two people are in , they share the same opinion.
6 If something is to you, it is near you.

- Vocabularyboost:word formation
G) Completethe table.

Verb Noun
1 collide co/!t's1011
2 decide

3 conclude

4 permit

s invade

6 admit

7 persuade

8 exclude

9 divide

10 provide

0 If a word is spelt correctly

, put a tick on the line. If it is spelt incorrectly,rewrite it.

1 vi sable visible 9 possable

2 acceptable 10 valuable
3 divisable 11 horrable
4 permissable 12 responsable
5 enjoyable 13 admirable
6 accessable 14 flexable
7 sen sable 15 disposable
8 profitable

- Vocabularyboost:word patterns
0 Change the form of the verb in bracketsand add any necessary wordsto complete
the sentences.

1 I'm not very keen 011 YeacltM q (READ) science fiction novels, to be honest.
2 Bad weather prevented the Space Shuttle (TAKE OFF).
3 Are people who wear glasses allowed (BECOME) astronauts?
4 How dare you accuse me (NOT KNOW) how old the Milky Way is!
5 I'm really looking forward (SEE) the new Batman film.
6 Why did they refuse (LEAVE) the spacecraft?
7 I don't deny (SEE) something strange, but I wouldn't say it was definitely
a UFO.
8 I don't really approve (SPEND) so much money on space research.
9 Using pencils saved the Soviet Union (HAVE) to invent a pen that worked in
zero gravity.

~ Grammarbanlc:Talkingabout the future
Grammar Reference, Section 5, pages 100-101 of the Student's Book

If a word or phrase in bold is correct, put a tick. If it's incorrect, rewrite it correctly,
including the different possibilities. Use contractions where appropriate.

I don't think I'll ever want to live in another country. ,/

2 A lot of technology is becoming cheaper over the next few years.
wt!!hecome /isJoing to become
3 Do you think people are living longer in 100 years'time? _
4 I'm having a job interview next week, as it happens.
5 When I graduate, I work for my dad's company for a while.

6 The course starts at the beginning of September.

7 We don't go to the planetarium this weekend because we couldn't get tickets.

Put each verb into the correct tense, including the different possibilities. Use
contractions where appropriate.

1 He'll have to renew his passport before he~qoes (HE I GO) abroad to study.
2 I won't know how well I've done in the IELTS exam until (I I GET)
my results.
3 The engines will stop as soon as the spacecraft (LAND).
4 Remember to keep an eye on the time while (YOU I DO) Task 1 of the
IELTS Writing module.
Write one or two words in each gap.

1 This time next month, I'll _---"'h=a11:'"""e got my IELTS results!

2 What do you think you'll doing in twenty years?
3 I probably heard from the university by the end of February,
but they should contact me sometime in March.
4 Perhaps in the future we'll all in cities under the sea.

• 0 CD, S Listen to this IELTS candidate answering a question in Part 3 of the Speaking
Module. If he uses the verb tense correctly in each phrase, put a tick. If he uses it
incorrectly, put a cross and write the reason for your answer on the line.

1 'there aren't any teachers' _X_ he shouM havesatC/'there won't he... '
2 'the children are going to learn'
3 'children will still have used'
4 'things will have changed'
5 'blackboards will have been replaced'
6 'it will happen'

Vocabulary from the Word bank on page 41 of the Student's Book

Write a sentence using the word given so that it has a similar meaning to the
sentence before it.

1 There might be life on other planets.

..e..~er~e~o_sn~_oli~t._he~r-+p_fa_n~e~ts_. (POSSIBLE)
2 There's very little chance that it'll snow tomorrow.
3 We can't know for sure, but maybe there is life after death!
4 Our grandchildren may be able to travel round the Solar System.
5 Do you think UFOs are perhaps secret military planes?
6 It's not impossible that what you saw was a satellite.
7 The chances of her failing the exam are very low.

- Vocabulary boost: chance and luck

0 Choose the correct word or phrase.

1 I'd love to have the chance~o traveD/ of travelling round the world.
2 What are the chances to win I of winning the lottery?
3 There's a small chance they're going to offer I their offering me the job.
4 If I could study abroad, I'd jump at the I a chance!
5 She's taking the I a big chance by setting up her own business.
6 I ran into Doug with I by chance in the supermarket yesterday.
7 The chance is I chances are that my IELTS results will come tomorrow!
8 There's a fifty-fifty chance of I for the match being cancelled.

0 Write one word in each gap.

1 (ioocl luck with the job interview!

2 You're luck! We've got two tickets left.
3 I'm just calling to you luck in the exam.
4 I couldn't my luck when they told me I'd won the competition.
5 I'd hoped they'd have the shoes in my size, but I was of luck.
6 any luck, we'll be in Shanghai this time next week.

~ Grammarbank:Using participles
Grammar Reference, Section 6, page 102 of the Student's Book

Choose the correct word or phrase.

1 WhileQlandlin9)/ handled the material, you should always wear gloves.

2 The electricity producing I produced is stored in a battery.
3 After examined I having examined the wreckage, the investigator writes a report.
4 Having I Had large handles, the machine is easy to carry.
5 Giving I Given the choice, I would prefer the first option.
6 He was the person driving I was driving the car at the time.
7 Having seen I Seeing the film once already, I didn't really want to see it again.
8 After stirred I being stirred, the liquid is poured into a large storage tank.
9 Having been transferred I Having transferred to a larger container, the mixture is left
to cool.

Write each verb in the correct form.

Each of these sentences is incorrect because the participle clause has a different
subject to the main clause. Rewrite them so the two clauses agree.

1 Having prepared the equipment, the experiment is started by the research team.
Havt'113p'eparectlhe eruifment, the researchteam starts the exferi'ment.
2 After connecting the cables, the equipment is turned on by an operator.

3 Wearing a mask, the wood is spray-painted by a skilled technician.

4 Looking at the map, the town was six kilometres away.

5 Having been assembled, they put the furniture into position.

Vocabulary from the Word bank on page 42 of the Student's Book

Choose the correct word.

1 The second device is slightly smaller from /~the first one.

2 It is approximately the same size of I as a mobile phone.
3 It is approximately the size of I as a mobile phone.
4 The instrument is shaped like I as a long sharp pencil.
5 The structure of the building is made from I of steel.
6 The experiment is divided into I by three different stages.
7 The plans consist of I from several sets of drawings.
8 The tunnel is cylindrical in I by shape.

Write full sentences.

1 car - make - aluminium

The car is made of alumti1t'um.
2 process - consist - number of stages

3 box - same height - human

4 machine - large - car engine

5 skyscraper - shape - enormous cigar

6 area - divide - four sections

7 wings - triangular - shape

8 all the furniture - make - wood

9 control panel - size - small laptop

10 interior - colourful - exterior

., ., ., Other vocabulary
Other vocabulary from the Writing section on pages 42 and 43 of the Student's Book

0 Match to make phrases.

1 washing 5 means of A pilot E aircraft _JQ_

2 mobile 6 final B transport F phone
3 automatic 7 lightweight c plastic G check
4 light D machine

e Write one word on each line to replace the word or phrase in italics. The first letter is
given to help you.

1 When the batteries have been installed, the equipment is ready to be used. Oo.. :.;nc=e _
2 When the batteries have been installed, the equipment is ready to be used. A _
3 A little time after landing, the plane taxis slowly to the gate. S _
4 At this point, the ingredients are mixed together in a large bowl. s _
5 The liquid is pumped into a tank, in which it is left to cool. w _

.. Vocabulary boost: word formation

0 Complete the table. Be careful! Some of the words have irregular forms.

Adjective Noun Verb

lem:Tth elonqate
1 long .:i ./"

2 short

3 high

4 low

5 deep

6 wide

7 narrow

8 large

0 t) CD, 6 Listen and complete the table.

Noun Adjective Meaning of adjective

1 size st'z.eable large

2 space having a lot of space inside

3 spot extremely clean

4 substance large in size or amount

5 extend covering a large/wide area

6 signify large, important

7 consider large in size or amount

Vocabulary from the Reading text on pages 44 and 45 of the Student's Book

0 Find verbs in the Reading text connectedto the idea of seeing the future.

1 see into (text title) 4 (paragraph C)

2 (text sub-title) 5 (paragraph D)
3 (text sub-title)

0 Write a word or phrase from below in each gap.

clairvoyance deja vu gut hunch instinct medium

paradox perception premonition 5eA-5e

1 If you have a sixth -~s~e~n~se~_, you are able to feel or see things without using the
normal five senses. (paragraph A)
2 A/An is a person who claims to be able to communicate with
dead people. (paragraph A)
3 If you have extrasensory , you are able to feel or see things without using
the normal five senses. (paragraph A)
4 If you experience , you have the feeling of repeating a past experience.
(paragraph A)
5 is the ability to see the future or communicate with dead people.
(paragraph A)
6 If you have a/an feeling about something, you think it's true even though
you have no evidence. (paragraph A)
7 is a sense of knowing what to do in a situation. (paragraph A)
8 If you have a/an , you see something that's going to happen in the future.
(paragraph C)
9 If you have a/an that something is going to happen, you suspect or feel
that it might happen, without having any real evidence. (paragraph C)
10 A is a situation with two aspects which seem to be illogical or opposites.
(paragraph E)

e Find adjectives in the Reading text to match these definitions.

1 ,,_IJY,_o+-(o_u_n_d
se~ri_o:us, important (paragraph A)
2 : beyond what science can explain (paragraph A)
3 :connected to mysterious mental powers (paragraph A)
4 :ordinary, everyday, usual (paragraph A)
5 :very persuasive and convincing (paragraph B)
6 :strange, odd, unusual (paragraph B)
7 :with no pattern or planning (paragraph D)
8 : not changing, steady (paragraph D)
9 :out-of-date, no longer useable (paragraph E)
10 :low-quality (paragraph G)

Vocabularyfrom the Word bank on page 49 of the Student's Book

Write one word in each gap.

1 Not having a car, and not being able to afford taxis, I rely on -~,F-pu""'h""'/i"'""'ictransport to
get about.
2 Sir, you were driving at 80 kilometres per hour in an area where the limit
is 50 kilometres per hour.
3 The new energy lightbulbs use a lot less electricity than the old ones.
4 All the furniture is made from materials; all the wood and plastic fittings
come from old pieces of furniture.
5 It's very difficult to find housing round here; most of the properties are far
too expensive for us.
6 disposal isn't just about rubbish - it's also how you get rid of dirty water
and sewage.
7 No car is 100% friendly, but electric cars do a lot less damage than petrol
and diesel ones.
8 All company flights have to be neutral, so for every 1,000 miles we fly, the
company pays for a certain number of trees to be planted.

~ ~ ~ Othervocabulary
Other vocabularyfrom the Reading sectionon pages 48 and 49 of the Student's Book

0 Write a word from below in each gap.

cost-effective efficient essential picturesque

reliable rural suburban urban

With its lovely little square and the mountains in the background, it's one of the most
17idures1ue small towns I've ever visited.
2 It's that we start thinking about alternatives to oil as it's going to run out
one day.
3 I grew up on a pig farm, so it was a very way of life.
4 Flying business class may be more comfortable, but it's just not for a small
company like this; the tickets are extremely expensive.
5 This car does get through a lot of petrol but at least it's - it hasn't broken
down once in ten years.
6 I live in the city centre, so it's about as an environment as it's possible
to get!
7 As a secretary, you've got to be very otherwise the office can become
completely disorganised.
8 We live in a very area, which is great because we're not too far from the city
centre, and not that far from the countryside either.

e Write a verb from below in the correct form in each gap.

adhere aim anticipate aspire assume bteem draw up fine

1 How often do these flowers bloom ?

2 Jess Reece, aged 19, £200 yesterday for speeding in a built-up area.
3 It's extremely important that the fire safety regulations to.
4 The advertising campaign particularly at teenagers.
5 New guidelines recently, which will be published shortly.
6 Most government ministers to be Prime Minister.
7 I you were joking when you said you were moving to Mexico.
8 It that a large number of people will attend the public meeting.

- Vocabularyboost:phrasal verbs
G) Choose the correct word.

1 If the weather clears away!@, we can go hiking tomorrow, if you like.

2 It's so foggy that it's difficult to make out I off where the side of the road is.
3 Let's wait till the storm dies down I over a bit before leaving.
4 Don't throw those newspapers off I away - they can be recycled!
5 How long did it take for them to put the forest fire down I out?
6 Living on an island, we get completely cut off I out from the mainland during
bad weather.
7 They're doing up I over a lot of the old warehouses and turning them into flats.

- Vocabularyboost:word formation
0 Write the correct form of the word in bold in each gap.

With there being only several thousand left on the whole planet, the Giant Panda is a/an
encla>1jerecl (DANGER) species.
2 A number of animals such as the Giant Panda face (EXTINCT)
unless more is done to protect them.
3 The hurricane caused widespread (DESTROY).
4 Everyone knows everyone else in my (NEIGHBOUR).
5 I don't mind the (LIGHT); it's the thunder I don't like!
6 Animals brought up in zoos can't easily be released back into their natural
7 (INDUSTRY) waste is a major source of pollution in rivers and seas.
8 Don't worry! The dog's quite (HARM). He won't bite you!
9 We live in a built-up (RESIDE) area.
10 What's your (EXPLAIN) for climate change if it's not caused
by humans?

Vocabularyfrom the Word bank on page SO of the Student's Book

Write a word from the Wordbankon each line to replace the wordsin italics.

1 Air Krash is not a very appropriate name for an airline, is it? apt
2 The state of Hawaii is not physically connected to the mainland of
the USA. _
3 The plant-life is really green and healthy on this part of the island. _
4 Look at that enormous iceberg! _
S India and Bangladesh experience a powerful heavy and continuous rain every
six months. _
6 With temperatures falling to minus 60 degrees at night, the place is extremely difficult
to live in in the winter. _

H~ Other vocabulary
Other vocabularyfrom the Listeningsectionon page SO of the Student's Book

0 Rearrange the lettersto make a word that fits the gap.

1 The airport's in a valle, y (YALEVL) between two high mountains.

2 The Empire State Building in New York was the world's tallest
(REPAKYSSRC) for more than forty years.
3 The (MANICKNE) for New York State is 'the Empire State'.
4 Let's climb over that sand (NEUD) and see what's on the other side.
S Mountainous regions are often known as (SINDHGLAH).
6 There's very little (NOTAGEVETI) in Antarctica.
7 There's less than a centimetre of rainfall (REP) year, on average.
8 Did you know that approximately 90% of people live in the
(RENTHORN) hemisphere?

- Vocabulary boost: measurements

e Write the abbreviationsfor these measurements.

1 five millimetres Smm 7 ten tonnes

2 ten centimetres 8 two and a quarter litres
3 four and a half metres 9 fifty kilometres per hour
4 seven square metres 10 eighteen degrees
s twenty-one grams Celsius/Centigrade
6 two kilograms

G) Answer the questions.

1 How many millimetres are there in a centimetre? _JQ_

2 How many centimetres are there in a metre?
3 How many grams are there in a kilogram?
4 How many kilograms are there in a tonne?
5 Is 'area' measured in m2 or m3?
6 Is 'volume' measured in m2 or m3?
7 At what temperature does water freeze?
8 At what temperature does water boil?

0 Write a word from below in each gap to complete the table. Use a dictionary
if necessary.

Fahrenheit feet gallons inches m#es

pints pounds stones tonnes yards

In some countries, they use••• instead of•••

(1) wrdes kilometres

(2) centimetres

(3) and (4) metres

(S) and (6) kilograms

(7) and (8) litres

(9) tons

(10) Celsius or Centigrade

0 n CD, 7 Have a guess! Write a number in each gap in the first column. Then listen
and write the actual number in the second column.

My guess The actual number

(1) The number of centimetres in an inch _3_ 2.S4
(2) The number of inches in a foot --- ---
(3) The number of feet in a yard
--- ---
(4) The number of centimetres in a yard --- ---
(S) The number of yards in a mile --- ---
(6) The number of metres in a mile --- ---


Grammar Reference, Section 7, pages 102-103 of the Student's Book

Write the nounsin the correctcolumn.

advice beak chocolate clothes fact furniture glass groceries
hair housework information jeans job knowledge luggage
money news paper programme scissors sheep
suitcase time trousers work

Always Alwayssingular Alwaysplural Both countable and uncountable

countable uncountable uncountable depending on meaning

book (uqqaqe clothes chocolate

-rzr- -r-

Choose the correctword or phrase.

1 @;Are there a lot of money in the account?

2 Is I Are the scissors in the kitchen drawer?
3 The glass in these glasses is I are photo-chromatic.
4 How much I many times did I ask you to book the tickets?

Write'a~ 'an' or 'the' in each gap. If no article is necessary, put a dash ( - }.

(1} n_fi_e city of (2) Seoul lies in (3} north west of
(4) South Korea, approximately 50 kilometres from (S} North
Korean border. With (6) population of almost 23 million, (7) _
Seoul National Capital Area is (8) world's second largest metropolitan area.
(9) area includes (10) Seoul itself, together with
(11) port of lncheon and (12) various other satellite towns.
Designated as (13) 'Special City; of which there are several throughout North
and South Korea, the SNCA is administered by (14) South Korea's government.
Seoul is (1 S) international financial centre, and has hosted (16) _
several global sporting events, including (17) 1988 Summer Olympics and
(18) 2002 FIFA World Cup. (19) history of Seoul can be traced
back to (20) 18 sc,

• Write 'few' or 'little' in each gap. Then choose the meaning of the sentence from the
words and phrases in bold.

1 They only gave me a Ii.Hie information about the island.

They gave me some !CJhey didn't give me a lot of)information.
2 They gave me news about what had happened.
They gave me some I They didn't give me a lot of news.
3 A plants grow here.
Some I Not a lot of plants grow here.
4 Only a guides will take you there.
Some I Not a lot of guides will take you there.
5 They gave me a advice before the trip.
They gave me some I They didn't give me much advice.
6 people have managed to climb to the top.
Some I Not many people have managed it.

~ Wordbanlc
Vocabulary from the Word bank on page 51 of the Student's Book

Choose the correct word.

1 Do you prefer living in the country@)! than life in the city?

2 I'd rather go somewhere quieter to I than stay here, to be honest.
3 I'd rather we not I didn't go by bus, if you don't mind.
4 I think I'd prefer I rather to build my own house, if I could.
5 I'd prefer I rather they hadn't stayed so long, but never mind.
6 Do I Would you prefer to have lived in ancient Egypt or ancient Greece?

Write one word in each gap.

1 I'd rather -----'n""'o;...:.t live somewhere quite so far from a supermarket.
2 you prefer to meet at six tomorrow night than seven?
3 you rather we go on a cruise again this year?
4 I generally prefer to drive in the dark.
5 you generally prefer travelling by bus or train?
6 I'd they phoned us first instead of just turning up!

Vocabulary boost:phraseswith 'go•

(t t') CD, 8 Choose the correct word or phrase. Then listen and check your answers.
1 go(hom0 I to home 6 go for camping I camping
2 go bed I to bed 7 go sightseeing I for sightseeing
3 go for work I to work 8 go on a tour I for a tour
4 go for a swim I for swimming 9 go by train/bus I on train/bus
5 go abroad I to abroad 10 go by foot I on foot

~ Grammarbank:Using modals
Grammar Reference, Section 8, pages 103-104 of the Student's Book

Choose the correct word or phrase.

In my opinion, the government ought /~houlc!)ban factories from polluting the

2 Working in a coal mine must I should be an extremely demanding and dangerous job.
3 The oil tanker mustn't I can't have spilled its oil on purpose; it must I can have been
an accident.
4 Everyone has I must to make an effort to be more environmentally responsible.
5 We do not know for certain, but the ancient city can I could have been destroyed by
a tsunami.
6 Do you need I Need you to take the bottles to be recycled, or are they collected?
7 Antarctica shouldn't I couldn't always have been covered in ice; tropical plants used to
grow there.

Write the correct form of the verb in each gap. Be careful! Some verbs might not
change form.
1 We ought --'t"""o-rff=et (GET) a guide book before we go on holiday.
2 We should (BUY) a guide book before we went on holiday.
3 There must (BE) at least 500 people at last night's meeting.
4 The hotel was nice, but it shouldn't (BUILD) so far from the sea.
5 Who knows what might (HAPPEN) if they discover a large meteor heading
towards Earth?
6 Who knows what might (HAPPEN) if dinosaurs hadn't become extinct?
7 Did you have (HAVE) a tour guide, or could you (LOOK)
round on your own?
8 You could (ARREST) if they'd caught you there without permission.

Rewrite each sentence using the word in bold.

1 That almost certainly wasn't the right turning. HAVE

That can't have been the rljht turm>-w
2 I'm almost certain we made a mistake. HAVE

3 It would be a good idea for the council to renovate the old mill. OUGHT

4 You were wrong to buy a car that uses so much petrol. SHOULDN'T

5 If you have a solar-powered water heater, you aren't forced to use electricity to heat
the water. NEED

Vocabularyfrom the Wordbank on page 52 of the Student'sBook

• Write one word in each gap.

1 In -~Sr-f~it.~e of the cost, it would certainly be sensible for governments to invest in

nuclear power.
2 said , we should not forget that there have been accidents
at nuclear power stations in the past.
3 contrast, wind-generated power is extremely safe and clean.
4 On other , an enormous number of wind turbines are
required to produce only a small amount of power.
5 though electric cars have been developed, very few have been sold.
6 Even we all stopped polluting the atmosphere tomorrow, the hole in the
ozone layer would still exist.
7 having gas installed, we still use a lot of electricity.
8 I agree we should all try to be carbon neutral, I recognise it is very difficult
in practice.

~ ~ ~ Other vocabulary
Other vocabularyfrom the Writing section on pages52 and 53 of the Student'sBook

0 Match to make phrases. If more than one phrase is possible,write all of

the possibilities.

1 firm A phenomena 11-1 F

2 widely-held B activity
3 natural c option
4 human D energy
5 solar E travel
6 air F view
7 alternative G radiation
8 realistic H evidence

0 Write one word in each gap so the sentences have the same meaning.

1 The locations of the 5 new eco-towns have not been finalised yet.
a When choosing the best location for a new eco-town, a large number of factors have
to be consi'tlered .
b When choosing the best location for a new eco-town, a large number of factors have
to be into account.

2 An annual ceremony is held to remember the victims of the fire.

a It usually on the first of January.
b It usually takes on the first of January.

3 Coal from other parts of the world is cheaper than home-produced coal.
a As a , most British coal mines have closed in the past 30 years.
b For this , most British coal mines have closed in the past 30 years.

4 One alternative energy source which should be developed is wind power.

a In the way, further research should be done into wave power.
b ,further research should be done into wave power.

5 I agree we should all try to be carbon neutral.

a ,I recognise it is very difficult in practice.
b , I recognise it is very difficult in practice.

(D Choosethe correct word.

1 Some scientists disagree !@isput~the findings.

2 I don't really approve I agree of governments saying I telling people how to behave.
3 Parking is not accepted I permitted in this area between 9 am and 5 pm.
4 Do you denyI challenge that the polar ice caps are melting?
5 The scientist told I confessed that he had manipulated his results.
6 We all have to comprehend I recognise the fact that we share this planet with
other species.
7 Reading that environmental report has made me dispute I question my own behaviour.
8 I challenge I question you to provide evidence to support your views.
9 It's difficult to comprehend I argue how big a problem this really is.
1O Not being experts ourselves, we often have to agree I trust and accept I approve the
opinions of experts .

.. Vocabularyboost:word formation
C) Completethe table.

Verb Noun

1 accept acce12.ta11ce

2 acknowledge

3 agree Positive: Negative:

4 approve Positive: Negative:

5 challenge

6 comprehend Positive: Negative:

7 confess

8 deny

9 dispute

10 permit

11 recognise

12 trust Positive: Negative:

Vocabulary from the Reading text on pages 54 and 55 of the Student's Book

0 Match each noun to the correct definition.

1 shard (text sub-title) A wild area of land untouched by humans _Jf

2 peninsula (paragraph A) B large piece
3 glacier (paragraph B) c peacefu I ness
4 wilderness (paragraph B) D strip of land sticking out into water
5 chunk (paragraph B) E main idea
6 sediment (paragraph C) F sharp piece
7 serenity (paragraph C) G very large sheet of ice that slowly moves
8 thrust (paragraph D) H attacks causing damage and destruction
9 ravages (paragraph D) substance that settles at the bottom of a liquid

0 Choose the best definition for each adjective.

1 weather-pummelled (paragraph A):~ttacke~/ protected by the weather

2 subtle (paragraph B): obvious, loud and simple I not obvious but quiet and clever
3 jagged (paragraph B): flat and smooth I rough and sharp
4 translucent (paragraph C): clear I not clear enough for light to pass through
5 scarce (paragraph D): rare I common
6 radical (paragraph D): obvious I extreme
7 reflective (paragraph E): thoughtful I colourful
8 aquatic (paragraph F): involving or connected to water I art
9 aesthetic (paragraph G): unpleasant I pleasant to look at

e Write a verb from the text in the correct form in each gap to complete the definitions.

1 to overlook (paragraph A): have a view of

2 to (paragraph B): give someone enthusiasm to create something
3 to (paragraph C): move away, disappear
4 to (paragraph C): make loud, wild or angry noises
5 to (paragraph D): change from a solid to a liquid
6 to (paragraph E): work together
7 to (paragraph E): take apart, take to pieces
8 to (paragraph E): give, usually for a particular use or cause
9 to (paragraph E): pay for, support financially

0 Choose the correct answer.

Could you me a favour?

A make B do C give Otake

2 There's been a increase in unemployment recently.

A sharp B pointed C strict D loud

3 What's the speed on motorways in your country?

A border Blimit C boundary D edge

4 students make up 40% of the total student population.

A Remote B Distant C Abroad D Overseas

5 Do you think taxis are a public or private of transport?

A styles B methods C means D ways

6 Sculpture is an art which has never really interested me.

A form B type C sort D shape

7 I'm really looking to seeing Matt again on Saturday.

A ahead B before C further D forward
8 I always my health for granted until I became ill.
A did B made C put D took
0 Write the correct form of the word in bold in each gap.


While there is no doubt that Mozart is one of the most famous and talented (1) _
(MUSIC) the world has ever known, there are still many (2) (ANSWER)
questions surrounding his death in 1791. There is no (3) (AGREE) about the
symptoms of Mozart's final illness. The swelling in his hands and feet, and the pain he felt,
were all (4) (ACCURATE) recorded at the time. However, there is much
(5) (CONFUSE) regarding the cause of his symptoms. What disease or condition
did Mozart die of? One theory is that Mozart was poisoned by fellow composer Antonio
Salieri. This story (6) (ORIGIN) shortly after Mozart died, and Salieri suffered
greatly from the accusations. Because so much time has passed since Mozart's death, it is
(7) (POSSIBLE) to say with absolutely (8) (CERTAIN) exactly
what happened. In all (9) (LIKELY), however, Mozart died of (1 O) _
(NATURE) causes - most probably rheumatic fever.
e Rewrite each sentence, starting with the words given.

1 Mrs Johnson gave the students their exam results.

The students _
2 The last time I went to Dubai was in 2006.
I haven't _
3 I didn't wake up on time despite setting my alarm clock.
In spite _
4 In my opinion, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.
As far
5 It's possible that there'll be a storm later today.
There _
6 She wrote the essay and then checked it carefully.
Having _
7 I'm sure it wasn't easy for you to organise the event on your own.
It can't _
8 I'm almost certain we took the wrong turning back there.
We must
G) Write one word in each gap.

1 I can't wait till Amy Winehouse's new CD comes _

2 Let's try and narrow the options so we've only got two or three.
3 I get really well with my manager - she's more like a friend than a boss.
4 MP3 players have really caught recently - now everyone's got one.
5 The government's bringing a law banning smoking in public.
6 They'll have to draw some fire safety guidelines for the new building.
7 I've got to buy some paint today to do the spare bedroom.
8 I'm trying to work how much money the holiday's going to cost in total.
0 Choose the correctword.

1 Are you capable of I for holding your breath underwater for more than a minute?
2 You shouldn't have accused her for I of stealing without any evidence.
3 I've come to I at the conclusion that success isn't just about earning lots of money.
4 I really hope you succeed in I to persuading Adam to come with us.
5 You can always rely for I on Sabi rah - she won't let you down.
6 Do you really prefer staying in to I from going out?
7 Shall we take the car or are we going by I on foot?
8 Why would aliens want to make contact with I at humans?
0 Write a word from below in each gap.

audience famine fortnight funds nickname

objection opponent valley

1 Mr Sing h's away on holiday for the next _

2 The company just hasn't got the to expand at the moment.
3 Sara's a strong of the road-widening scheme.
4 Was Jonathon's at school really 'Jake'?
5 With no rain for two years, it's hardly surprising the region's facing a serious _
6 The comedian brought four members of the up on stage.
7 The river at the bottom of the is perfect for white-water rafting.
8 I've got no to Terry taking tomorrow off - have you?


Total score: I 50


~ Wordbank
Vocabulary from the Word bank on page 59 of the Student's Book

Rearrange the letters to make a word that fits in the gap.

1 We need to find more evidence to con&m

(ROMNFIC) the theory.
2 Do you think they should build more reactors to produce _
(ELRAUNC) power?
3 The idea of atoms (IANTEDORIG) in the work of Democritus in
ancient Greece.
4 Water is composed of two (STEEELNM): hydrogen and oxygen.
5 It has been (ALLTADUCEC) that about 9, 100 stars are visible with the
naked eye.
6 Mars (RISOTB) the Sun in a period of 687 days.

~ ~ ~ Other vocabulary
Other vocabulary from the Reading section on pages 58 and 59 of the Student's Book

0 Match each word or phrase to the correct definition.

exoplanet fHaRet Solar System supernova

1 -+.P~la~n_
onte of the very large objects like the Earth that go around the Sun
2 :an exploding star which can be seen in the night sky
3 :the Sun and all the objects that go around it
4 :a very large object that goes around a distant star

brightness mass position

5 :exact location of an object

6 :amount of light produced or reflected by an object
7 :weight of an object
carbon helium hydrogen iron

8 ----- : a chemical element found in coal and diamonds

9 -----:a light gas sometimes used as a fuel
10 :a common metal used in steel to make cars, etc.
11 :a light gas sometimes used to fill balloons

e Write the verbsfrom below in the correct form in each gap.

convert demote eAtef expand

1 We tlYe enten'nq/were
enterinq/haveentered a very exciting period in
space exploration. ~
2 As you put gas into the balloon, it because of the pressure.
3 How do you miles into kilometres?
4 As we have learned more about the universe, the Sun has been
----------in importance.

- Vocabulary boost: word formation

G) Each of these verbs forms a noun ending in -ion. Write the nouns.

1 accuse accusation 7 expand

2 apply 8 expect
3 calculate 9 observe
4 convert 10 produce
5 destroy 11 recognise
6 erode 12 solve

0 Write a noun from Exercise D in the correct form in each gap.

1 Even with the naked eye, o/Jservatt"ons of Mars show that it's a dark red colour.
2 I don't accept the that exploring space is a waste of money.
3 He won the Nobel Prize in of his work on nuclear power.
4 The valley was created by a process of over millions of years.
5 We didn't have any that we would find life on the planet, but we did!
6 The of the ozone layer is perhaps the biggest problem facing us today.
1 I'm pleased to inform you that your to study medicine has been successful.
8 I'm sure we'll find a to the problem if we try hard enough.

- Vocabulary boost: elements

0 Match each word to the correct description.

1 aluminium A a soft, heavy metal, used in weights _!L

2 chlorine B a gas which makes up 78% of the atmosphere
3 copper c a light metal, used to make saucepans
4 gold D a gas in the atmosphere which we need to breathe
5 lead E a hard element, used to make computer chips
6 mercury F a valuable yellow metal, used in jewellery
7 nitrogen G a brown metal, used in electrical wires
8 oxygen H a liquid metal, used in thermometers
9 silicon I a valuable grey metal, used in jewellery
10 silver J a green gas, often added to the water in swimming pools

~ Wordbanlc
Vocabulary from the Word bank on page 60 of the Student's Book

Write a word from the Wordbankin each gap. The first letter of each word is given to
help you.

1 Now we've got w-'--i-+f~i , I can use my laptop anywhere in the house.
2 Scientists e that the universe is about 14 billion years old.
3 A 'flash drive' is ad that stores computer files.
4 My computer seems to take a very long time to b up.
5 It amazes me that some people lack even an e understanding of physics.

~~~Other vocabulary
Other vocabularyfrom the Listeningsectionon page 60 of the Student's Book

Q Write a word or phrase from below in each gap.

compass needle tissue paper ~ magnet ball bearing

1 A bo_w_l is a kind of deep dish.

2 A is a piece of metal that is attracted to other pieces of metal.
3 A is a small round piece of metal, used in machines.
4 is very thin and is used for wrapping things.
5 A is made of metal and is used for sewing.
6 A tells you which way north is.

e Write a word or phrase from Exercise B in each gap.

1 There's a hole in my jumper! Can you pass me that 11eetlle and cotton?
2 When we moved house, I used to stop things breaking when I packed.
3 I usually start the day with a cup of coffee and a of cornflakes.
4 I always take a with me when I go camping so I don't get lost.
5 I opened up part of the machine and hundreds of rolled out.
6 They use a huge to separate the metal from all the other rubbish.

- Vocabularyboost:phrasal verbs
G) (t CD, 9 Write one word in each gap. Then listenand check your answers.

1 plug _it; : connect to the electricity supply

2 switch : start a machine working
3 break : (for a machine, car, etc.) stop working

4 find : discover (information, etc.)
5 come with: think of (an idea, a plan, etc.)
6 carry : perform (an experiment, repairs, etc.)

0 Write a phrasalverb from Exercise D in the correctform in each gap.

1 They are working on a way of charging mobiles without the need to -----,;F-/Jf.~uv,+q_
them m
2 The government is planning to a study into alternative sources
of energy.
3 My car in the middle of nowhere and I had to walk to a garage.
4 Who first the idea of using a mouse to control a computer?
5 the TV and caught the end of the news report about the explosion.
6 We should the results of the experiment by the end of the week .

.. Vocabulary boost: word patterns

Q Write a word from below in each gap. You need to use one word more than once.
for from in of on

1 to apologise --/!!.r- something 4 to be proud something

2 to believe something 5 to benefit something
3 to approve something 6 to comment something

e Choose the correctword.

1 to convince somebody on !@something

2 to depend on I from something
3 to insist for I on something
4 to object to I about something
5 to rely with I on something
6 to be responsible for I from something

0 Write the correctform of a phrasefrom ExercisesF and G in each gap.

1 Ben insisted on coming with us, even though we didn't really want him to.
2 Being in charge of the experiment meant I checking the results.
3 Whether the experiment goes ahead or not the weather.
4 The scientist misleading the scientific community.
5 Professor Wang was very his achievements.
6 We need to the government the need to act now.
7 Many people experiments on animals and say it's cruel.
8 Do you the search for scientific truth, whatever the consequences?
9 If I'm right, the whole world could my research.
1O Every scientist has to assistants to help in their research.
11 She refused to reports that life had been discovered on Mars.
12 I don't research into nuclear weapons and think it should be banned.

~ Grammarbank: Using verbs + -ing/infinitives
Grammar Reference, Section 9, pages 104-105 of the Student's Book

Write the verbs in the correct column. Some verbs may go in more than one column.
aEimit afford allow cause choose consider deny encourage enjoy
fail hope intend let like make manage mind
offer plan refuse risk suggest tell tend wish

+object + object+ bare

+-ing + full infinitive
+full infinitive infinitive


Write the correct form of the word in bold in each gap.


Many young people enjoy (1) studyi11q

; ., (STUDY) science at school and decide
(2) (PURSUE) it as a career. Those who manage (3) (FOLLOW)
a career in the sciences find that it allows them (4) (SATISFY) their intellectual
curiosity. However, if you are considering (5) (APPLY) for a university course
in a science subject, you should bear in mind that most sciences are very competitive.
There will be lots of other people hoping (6) (SUCCEED) in your chosen field,
and you can't afford (7) (RELAX) until you've established a reputation
for yourself.
If you intend (8) (BECOME) a scientist, then it helps if you don't mind
(9) (WORK) hard. Even after qualifying, you will find that you are a junior
member of a team, being told what (10) (DO) by more senior scientists.
However, if you choose (11) (COMMIT) yourself fully to your dream and can
find people to work with who encourage you (12) (STICK) with it, then who
knows? You may just find yourself with a Nobel Prize one day.

Choose the correct word or phrase.

1 As I was walking to my lecture, I stopped buying /~o bui}a notebook.

2 Did you remember checking I to check the results?
3 Why don't you try asking I to ask Paul what he did in the same situation?
4 I'll never forget meeting I to meet Stephen Hawking, the famous physicist.
5 I wish you would stop saying I to say that there's no proof for evolution.
6 Do you regret quitting I to quit your course?
7 Please don't forget sending I to send your paper to Dr Jones.
8 I've been trying ringing I to ring you all morning but there was no answer.

Vocabularyfrom the Wordbank on page 61 of the Student's Book

Write one word in each gap.

I've always been interested in science, and I'm planning to follow a career in astronomy.
I find learning about the planets really interesting. Another interesting (1) a~pect of
it is that you get to study the history of the universe. As (2) as that, there's the
chance that you might discover something useful for mankind. It's also (3) _
pointing out that you can make a good living in astronomy if you're successful.
I'd also (4) to add that I think more people should study science subjects.
Most people don't understand very much about science and it's important because we
spend a lot of money on scientific research. In (5) to that, we need to be able
to control what scientists do and we can only do that if we understand their work. A
(6) point is that knowing more about science enriches your life.

- Vocabularyboost:phrases
0 Write a verb from below in each gap. You need to use some verbs morethan once.

give have make pay play take

1 have/take control of something

2 attention to something
3 an effect on something
4 something for granted
5 someone the impression that
6 up your mind about something
7 a mistake
8 a role in something

0 Write the correctform of a phrase from Exercise E in each gap.

1 If you J
pay attentt"on to
your tutors, I'm sure you'll manage to understand the course.
2 Have you whether you're going to do a science degree or not?
3 The Earth's orbit creates seasons which the weather all over
the planet.
4 You shouldn't success in these exams . You
need to revise.
S Kwan me that he was confident his
experiment would succeed.
6 I suddenly realised I had in my calculations.
7 You need to your life and decide exactly what you want to achieve.
8 Do you think your genes in the kind of person you become?

~ Grammarbank:Using relative clauses
Grammar Reference, Section 10, page 105 of the Student's Book

Write a word from below in each gap. You need to use some words more than once.
When there is more than one correct answer, write all the possible answers.

that when where which who whose why

1 The person who/that I admire the most is the inventor, Thomas Edison.
2 The reason science is important is that it helps us understand the world.
3 Natural selection, was an idea developed by Charles Darwin, is
still controversial.
4 Yale, I studied, has world class research facilities.
5 One question scientists have yet to solve is how life started.
6 Albert Einstein, ideas revolutionised science, was born in 1879.
7 The day we landed on the moon was a day I shall never forget.
8 This is the very room nitrogen was first discovered.

In some sentences there is an extra word. Cross the extra word out. If a sentence
is correct, put a tick.

1 Medical science, which tt is one of the most popular courses, lasts four years.
2 The course which I applied for was cancelled, which it was very annoying.
3 Maths, which I did badly in at school, is now a big part of my working life.
4 Tony, who he was planning to be an engineer, failed all his exams.
5 The reason that I chose to study here was the fees, which they are quite low.
6 There's a woman on my course who she is brilliant at maths.

Rewrite each pair of sentences as one sentence using a relative clause. If there
are different ways of answering, write them too.

One of the men is talking. He is my physics teacher.

The man who {that) is talki113 is m,v;zh,vsicsteacheY.
2 Iron conducts electricity. Its chemical symbol is Fe.
Iron _
3 I saw a documentary. It explained how magnets work.
I saw
4 Dr Carlisle was an expert in genetics. He has died.
Dr Carlisle _
5 Hydrogen explodes easily. It used to be used in airships.
Hydrogen _
6 I found an article. It was all about working in science.
I found

Vocabulary from the Word bank on page 62 of the Student's Book

• Write the correct form of the word in bold in each gap.

The most s1t,m{icant

../ I
(SIGNIFY) feature of the data is the sharp drop over the
last five years.
2 It's very (NOTICE) that the figure has more than doubled in
two years.
3 A (CENTRE) feature of the graph is that it has remained steady for
a decade.
4 The most (PROMINENCE) aspect of the chart is the increase in
recent years.
5 One (STRIKE) feature is that the number has dropped to almost
zero recently.
6 The most (ESSENCE) feature is the sudden rise in numbers
since 2005.

~ ~ ~ Othervocabulary
Other vocabulary from the Writing section on pages 62 and 63 of the Student's Book

0 Match each word to the correct definition.

1 laboratory A the science which studies living things TE

2 biology B the science which studies elements and how they react
3 physics c the science which studies illnesses and disease
4 chemistry D the science which studies energy, light, etc.
5 medicine E a place where experiments are carried out

0 Choose the correct answer.

1 The study looked into the _A_ of young people towards science.
A attitude Bmood C emotion
2 The most obvious in the data is a gradual increase over time.
A fashion B motion C trend
3 A 2% of people were able to name a scientist working today.
A just B mere C minor
4 The ages of the participants from 16 to 29.
A covered B included C ranged
5 Ten per cent of the people asked preferred not to a preference.
A tell B state C utter
6 Science subjects were most popular with people in the 18-24 age .
A group B circle C set

Vocabulary boost: word formation
(D Write the correct form of the word in bold in each gap.
1 Most r;
physicists agree that the universe started with a Big Bang.
2 It's impossible to travel faster than the speed of light.
3 It's amazing to think that we can work out the laws behind nature.

Although I studied chemistry at university, I never wanted to become a _
2 Silver and tin may look a little similar, but they're quite different.
3 Be careful when you are handling such dangerous _

1 There seems to be no reason why the animals are dying.
2 A number of think that life may have originated on another planet.
3 Mice and rats are very similar.

1 To believe in UFOs without any real evidence is completely _
2 Do you accept the proof that climate change is caused by humans?
3 Is it possible to travel backwards in time?

- Vocabulary boost: sciences

C) Match each science to the correct definition.

1 anatomy A the study of ancient societies through old objects TE

2 anthropology B the study of rocks
3 archaeology c the study of the weather
4 geology D the study of animals
5 linguistics E the study of the human body
6 meteorology F the study of languages
7 psychology G the study of the mind
8 zoology H the study of human cultures

0 (t CD, 10 Listen to these extracts from lectures. Write the subject of the lecture.

1 Speaker 1: !Jeolo!J,y
2 Speaker 2:
3 Speaker 3:
4 Speaker 4:
5 Speaker 5:
6 Speaker 6:

Vocabularyfrom the Reading text on pages 64 and 65 of the Student's Book

0 Match each word or phraseto the correctdefinition


1 marine life (title) A animal with a soft body and a hard shell TH
2 mollusc (paragraph 1) B kind of plant or animal
3 creature (paragraph 1) c large fish with sharp teeth
4 species (paragraph 3) D very small living thing
5 albatross (paragraph 4) E animal
6 microbe (paragraph 4) F group of fish swimming together
7 school (paragraph 6) G large seabird
8 shark (paragraph 7) H general term for all life in the sea

0 Write a word from the text in the correctform in each gap.The paragraphand first
letter of the word are given to help you.

1 A new exper:M1011 has begun to the South Pole. (paragraph 1)

2 The c shows that there are more species than we thought. (paragraph 3)
3 The c of the project makes sure that everyone works together.
(paragraph 3)
4 We used a large w to lift the container onto the ship. (paragraph 3)
5 The harbour was full of v from countries all over the world. (paragraph 3)
6 They invented a very strange-looking c for exploring the seabed.
(paragraph 3)
7 Before fridges, people often kept food preserved in salt in b . (paragraph 4)
8 We have created ad that contains all the results of our experiments.
(paragraph 4)
9 A special s detects any large groups of fish that come near it. (paragraph 6)
10 A fishing f consists of a number of ships working together. (paragraph 7)

e Write a word from below in the correctform in each gap.

accessible confined cruise plunge shallow shatter

1 Technology means that the Antarctic is much more auess1ble than it used to be.
2 As it passes over the waterfall, the water over 500 feet.
3 We're hoping to take a around the Mediterranean this summer.
4 As I swam nearer to the beach, the water became enough for me to
stand up.
5 The effects of global warming are not to just one area.
6 I was walking across the frozen lake when I slipped and the ice _

Vocabularyfrom the Word bank on page 69 of the Student's Book

Write a word from below in the correctform in each gap.

bulletin candid harassment merge PfeS5 update

The press have been accused of making the story up.

When the two media organisations r 100 people lost their jobs.

3 The man was found guilty of and ordered to stay away from Madonna.
4 Turn to page 4 for our amazingly photos ofTom Cruise!
5 Later in the programme, we'll bring you a/an on the situation in Paris.
6 The station broadcasts a five-minute news every hour.

~ ~ ~ Other vocabulary
Other vocabularyfrom the Reading sectionon pages 68 and 69 of the Student's Book

0 Choose the correctanswer.

1 Everyone thought _A_ that the newspaper must have made a mistake.
A initially B primarily C essentially
2 He has built up a reputation for going after the truth behind a story.
A reluctantly B relentlessly C eternally
3 Her career as a celebrity came to a shameful end.
A inevitably B uncertainly C unsurely
4 Who came up with the of reality TV?
A concept B thought C image
5 I believe that even world-famous celebrities should be allowed some
A loneliness B secrecy C privacy
6 Frasier was a comedy that from 1993 to 2004.
A played Bran C showed
7 The BBC was in 1922.
A set B erected C established
8 People are afraid because a number of crimes have appeared in the media.
A high-powered B high-profile C high-level
9 The car crashed while being by paparazzi.
A tracked B imitated C pursued
10 The media have to the situation through irresponsible reporting.
A contributed B worsened C deteriorated
11 I think this issue needs to be seen in a context.
A longer B higher C wider
12 The court decided that the celebrity had been at in the case.
A blame B fault C responsibility

- Vocabulary boost: topic vocabulary
e Match each word or phrase to the correct definition.

1 comment A story that no other newspaper is covering .s«:

2 exclusive B title above a news story
3 feature c document for the press with information to base a story on
4 headline D story about shocking behaviour
5 editorial E longer article of general interest in a newspaper
6 press release F statement giving a newspaper's opinion
7 scandal G statement to the press when asked about a story
8 tabloid H newspaper which covers celebrity stories instead of
serious news

G) Write a word or phrase from Exercise C in the correct form in each gap.

1 Don't miss our exclusi've on the recent story involving the Prime Minister.
2 It's my job to go through the each morning to see if there are any
good stories.
3 The the next day was 'MINISTER FOUND GUILTY'.
4 There's an interesting in today's paper on global warming.
5 In response to the question, the man said, 'No _
6 I can't stand reading the . They're just full of gossip.
7 In the , the newspaper demanded the resignation of the
person responsible.
8 There was a huge when the press found out what the politician had done.

- Vocabulary boost: word formation

0 Write a word from below in the correct form in each gap.

correspond edit journal photograph present publish ~

1 someone whose job is to find out the facts of a news story: re11orler or _
2 someone who takes pictures to illustrate a news story: _
3 someone who regularly appears on a TV programme and talks to the
viewers: -----
4 someone employed by a news organisation to report back from another
country: _
5 someone who decides what stories a newspaper is going to cover each
day: _
6 someone who owns a newspaper and is in overall charge of it: _


Vocabulary from the Word bank on page 70 of the Student's Book

Rearrange the letters to make a word that fits in the gap.

I think the broadcast (AOSTCDBRA) media in this country need to be regulated.

2 NBC have just (SEMSOODCMINI) a major new comedy show.
3 One of the biggest (ISESUS) at the moment is the economy.
4 During (EEALHRRASS), we realised that the play was very political.
5 It's difficult to put this show into a (ENRGE), but I'd call it a comedy.
6 All the (NSOERELPN) working on the show did a very professional job.

~~~Other vocabulary
Other vocabulary from the Listening section on page 70 of the Student's Book

Q t-. CD, 11 Listen and decide who is speaking.

actor commissioning editor director producer scriptwriter

1 Speaker 1: scnpfwrder

2 Speaker 2:
3 Speaker 3:
4 Speaker 4:
5 Speaker 5:

Vocabularyboost: topic vocabulary

e Match each word or phrase to the correct definition.

cartoon documentary drama series game show

reality s~o·.v sitcom soap opera talk show

1 Ye_a_!t....,.'ty_s_h_o_w:This is a programme where ordinary people are put into an unusual

situation. Often, one of them is voted off each week.
2 :This is a comedy programme about characters in a funny situation.
3 :This is a fictional programme about ordinary people. It is usually
broadcast a few times a week and it doesn't have a definite end.
4 :This is a programme on which celebrities are interviewed.
5 :This is a programme with characters drawn by hand or on a
computer, which is usually aimed at children.
6 :This is a factual programme about real people and real events.
7 :This is a serious fictional programme that runs for a limited time.
8 :This is a programme on which ordinary people compete against
each other to win prizes.


- Vocabulary boost: phrasal verbs

G) Choose the correct word.

I'm just watching the end of this programme while I wait for the news to come@! off.
2 As he investigated the case, he came across I to evidence that he knew would be a major
embarrassment to the government.
3 They broadcast a story about 'spaghetti trees' on April Fool's Day and people all over the
country were taken up I in.
4 Global Media is trying to take off I over one of its smaller rivals, but the shareholders
have rejected their latest offer.
5 I was taken out I aback at the way the interviewer spoke to the politician.
6 The government have been looking into the broadcasting industry and have put down I
forward some interesting suggestions.
7 The minister looked very uncomfortable when the interviewer brought off I up what had
been happening in his personal life.
8 I know you're watching this programme, but do you mind if I turn out I over for a second
to catch the end of the football match?

0 Write a phrasalverb from Exercise D in the correctform in each gap.

The director ---F/l-'-'u'-'-t+'fo'-'-r-'-'w:...;;a;::_r.-'-'d his ideas for the show but they were impractical
because they would have been too expensive to film.
2 The interviewer was clearly when the celebrity told him that her
private life was none of his business.
3 I saw a new item about a couple of fraudsters who have been old
people all over the country.
4 I wish you would just decide which channel you're going to watch instead of
all the time.
5 When I saw Ryan, I decided not to the recent stories in the
newspaper about him.
6 While I was reading the paper, I an article that mentioned the place
where I work.
7 Channel Eight has just two other channels and plans to completely
change their schedules.
8 There's no point ringing Grandma now because her favourite soap opera
ten minutes ago and she won't answer the phone.


~ Grammarbanlc:Using conditionals
Grammar Reference, Section 11, page 106 of the Student's Book

Change the form of the verb in brackets and add any necessary words to complete
the sentences.

1 If you press this button, it chan_,qes (CHANGE) the channel on the TV.
2 You (RUIN) your eyes if you stay up watching TV all night.
3 If people watched less TV, they (DISCOVER) that there are many
more interesting things to do.
4 Matt (WATCH) a lot more TV if his parents didn't limit the amount
of time he can watch.
5 If we (NOT HAVE) a TV, I wouldn't be able to talk to my friends
about the cool shows we've seen.
6 I might watch TV more if they (MAKE) programmes aimed at
people like me.
7 If you (SPEND) all evening watching TV, you could have finished
your homework by now.
8 I don't think TV (INVENT) if radio hadn't been invented first.
9 Life would have been very different when I was a child if we (NOT
HAVE) a TV in our house.
10 If I worked in the media, I (MAKE) sure that children's programmes
were more educational.

Rewriteeach sentence, starting with the wordsgiven.

1 I can't buy a new TV because I don't have enough money.

If I had enou.q., h money,
I would he ahle to hu:;y a new TV.
2 Everyone who owns a TV in the UK has to buy a TV licence.
If you _
3 I knew about the fire because I read about it in the paper.
If I hadn't _
4 Children who have a TV in their bedroom might watch programmes for adults.
If _
5 Alice didn't know Johnny Depp was on the news so she didn't watch it.
If _
6 The media reported the story and the missing girl was found.
If the media-------------------------
7 The press got hold of the email and the scandal became public.
The scandal _
8 People don't trust the tabloids because they make stories up.
If ~


Vocabulary from the Word bank on page 71 of the Student's Book

Write a word or phrase from below in each gap.

however in spite of on the one hand on the other hand whereas while

A moral panic happens when the general public becomes afraid of something because of
reports in the media. The media reports create the impression that a problem is getting
worse, (1) whereas/while statistics often show that the extent of the problem hasn't
changed, or even that the situation is improving.
(2) , the media have a responsibility to report the news. When a
particularly shocking crime takes place, it is understandable that they devote a considerable
amount of time to it. (3) , they also have a responsibility to present
what is happening in society accurately.
This doesn't happen in a moral panic. Public interest in the subject means that the media
cover similar cases, often (4) the fact that they would not normally
report on the incidents. This makes society seem dangerous, (5) much
people's own experience tells them that this type of crime is not particularly common.
(6) people would normally forget about an incident, the media
keep reminding them of it.

- Vocabulary boost: word patterns

G) Write a word from below in each gap. You need to use some words more than once.

about as for from of on with

1 ban someone~ something 5 confuse something something else
2 be capable something 6 congratulate someone something
3 suffer something 7 describe something something
4 forgive someone something 8 hear something from someone

0 Write the correct form of a phrase from Exercise D in each gap.

1 Are journalists really capableof

r I
looking at events in a fair, objective way?
2 I don't think you can really this newspaper a tabloid.
3 I think you're honestjournalism gossip and scandal.
4 I the death of the king a friend of mine.
5 The media should be free and shouldn't be reporting on the incident.
6 He said he would never the media the way they ruined
his life.
7 The minister the media the sensitive way they had reported
the story.
8 The papers reported that the film star was a serious illness.


~ Grammarbank:Using causatives
GrammarReference, Section12, pages 106-107 of the Student's Book

Choose the correctanswer.

1 My view is that children these days _A_ for them too much.
A have their lives organised B have organised their lives
2 Parents should consider on their internet connection.
A having put a parental lock B having a parental lock put
3 We are at the start of next week and I can't wait.
A having installed satellite TV B having satellite TV installed
4 You should your car for you if it keeps breaking down.
A have someone check B have checked by someone
5 I need to my computer for me.
A get someone repair B get someone to repair
6 It's time we stricter controls on the media.
A had the government impose B got the government impose

Write a causativeform in each gap usingthe verb and noun given.

1 Reporters usually have their woYk edited (edit I their work) before it is published.
2 Many people (influenceI their opinions) by what they read.
3 In my opinion, parents should (do I children) more exercise.
4 My view is that we need to (realise I parents) the harm TV
can do.
5 In most countries the media (impose I certainrules)
on them.
6 All editors should (check I the facts) before publishing
a damaging story.

Rewriteeach sentenceusinga causativeform.

1 Someone usually services our car for us once a year.

We have/get ouY caY seYviced once a year.
2 An advertising agency makes all our commercials for us.
We by an advertising agency.
3 Outside companies make most of the BBC's programmes these days.
The BBC by outside companies these days.
4 A newspaper is delivered to our door every morning.
We to our door every morning.
5 Does someone check every story that appears in the paper each day?
Do you each day?
6 Someone took candid photographs of the celebrity for the magazine.
The magazine candid photographs of the celebrity.


Vocabulary from the Word bank on page 72 of the Student's Book

• Write a word from below in the correct form in each gap.

alleviate analyse compound confront resolve

1 The government has given money to the people who lost their jobs. That
alleviates the problem temporarily, but it doesn't solve the
underlying problem.
2 The government needs to the media over its handling of the case
and not just ignore the problem.
3 The fact that so much of the media is owned by very few people just
the problem of media bias and something should be done about it.
4 It should be clear to anyone who the situation objectively that the
media have done a good job in exposing corruption.
5 The only way we can finally the problem of media harassment of
celebrities is to introduce a new law.

~~~Other vocabulary
Other vocabulary from the Writing section on pages 72 and 73 of the Student's Book

0 Choose the correct word.

1 It doesn't seem thoughtful /~easonabl~to expect the media not to report stories that
they know the public are interested in.
2 The media's inability to regulate themselves is the real cause I effect of a large number
of complaints.
3 There are various laws that exist to protect the rights of the individual, and
consequently I subsequently the media are careful about the claims they make.
4 The mistakes in the report were caused I due to poor journalism.
5 The number ofTV channels has increased recently as a result I reason of the changes
to the regulations.
6 The need to provide for their families places great commands I demands on people.

0 0 CD, 12 Listen and match each year to the correct statement.

1 1941 _F_ A No major media company can buy another major media company.
2 1946 B Stations are allowed to broadcast as many advertisements as they like.
3 1970 c No media company can own a radio and television station in the
same market.
4 1985 D Stations are no longer required to present a balanced view.
5 1987 E There is no limit on the number of radio stations a media company
can own.
6 1996 F No broadcaster is allowed to reach more than 35% of the population.


- Vocabulary boost: word formation
0 Write the correct form of the word in bold in each gap.

1 The dt.redoY spends a long time discussing the script with the writer.
2 I'm concerned at the the current government is taking.
3 The connection isn't obvious, but the scandal led to a change in the law.

1 The media have been very to avoid further rules being imposed on them.
2 , my application to work at the company was turned down.
3 The reporter said that the explosion was the result of an accident.

1 Do you think television has any effects on children?
2 In my view, TV is entertainment and does not affect children badly at all.
3 The news report said that all the people involved in the crash escaped _

1 TV advertisers use all their powers of to get you to part with your money.
2 Although the argument seemed t I could see a number of points against it.
3 Due to the of the politician's speech, voters returned his party to power for
another term.

- Vocabulary boost: phrases

0 Write a verb from below in each gap. You need to use some verbsmore than once.

bear draw give make raise take

your opinion
2 someone's attention to something
3 sense of something
4 something in mind
5 control of something
6 someone's point
7 a question

0 Write the correctform of a phrase from Exercise H in each gap.

e - your
'point , but I'm afraid I still don't agree with you.
2 We shouldn't allow a few large businesses to the media.
3 I'd like to to what it says on page 117.
4 Everyone had the opportunity to before the decision was made.
5 One role of the media is to help us a very confusing, fast-changing world.
6 The scandal about the President's ability to show strong leadership.
7 When you are talking about the media, you need to the effect the internet
has had.


Vocabulary from the Reading text on pages 74 and 75 of the Student's Book

0 Find words or phrases in the Reading text which have a similar meaning to those below.
The paragraph is given to help you.

living in a place before other people (paragraph 1)

2 second (of two things being discussed) (paragraph 1)
3 accepted or used by most people (paragraph 2)
4 not accepted or used by most people (paragraph 2)
5 very famous (paragraph 3)
6 able to express ideas well (paragraph 8)
7 separate and different (paragraph 8)
8 quick (paragraph 9)

Q Write a word from below in the correct form in each gap.

aborigine breed certificate handout outback perspective
policy portrayal satellite stakeholder standard state

1 I didn't believe I'd passed the exam until I finally had the ce_rl_t,_p_·ca_i-nl_e
my hand.
2 My dad says that too many people in this country rely on government
instead of trying to find a job.
3 If you get lost in the Australian , it can be very dangerous and even
4 The of Australia are still struggling to achieve equality.
5 The are all the people who are affected by a situation or by a
decision and whose opinions should be taken into account.
6 All of dog are closely related and originally come from wolves.
7 The reporter asked the minister what his party's was
on immigration.
8 The USA consists of 50 and has a population of around 300 million.
9 The programmes produced by the station are of a very high _
10 From a local , very few people in this area will benefit from
the investment.
11 The signals are sent around the world by almost instantly.
12 I'd like to complain about the of the black community in your
recent documentary.

8 Match each word to the correct definition.

1 merit .:«: A express the opinions of a group

2 represent B provide to people over an area
3 appeal c deserve, be worth something
4 distribute D assume what someone is like based on their race, etc.
5 stereotype E be attractive


~ Wordbank
Vocabulary from the Wordbank on page 79 of the Student's Book

Rearrange the letters to make a word that fits the gap.

1 I know all the words but I still can't work out the meamnq (NAGMENI) of
the sentence.
2 You (MORF) the noun by adding -ion onto the verb.
3 I use my diary to (SEPERXS) how I really feel about the day's events.
4 Could you (YENVOC) my congratulations to the successful applicant?
5 The meeting was only a (LI PARAT) success as not many people turned up.
6 Sports such as boxing are based on a/an (RETINNHE) desire to be violent.

~~~ Other vocabulary

Other vocabulary from the Reading section on pages 78 and 79 of the Student's Book

Q Write one word in each gap.

1 How can you learn a language without the aid of a teacher or book?
2 I quickly pulled my hand back the doorknob when I realised it had just
been painted.
3 There's a wide range linguistics courses available.
4 I usually use this dictionary my main source of reference.
5 They produce the sound knocking two animal bones together.
6 Language relies a shared understanding of meaning between speakers.
7 In English, the gerund is sometimes known the -ing form.
8 As I rested my bag the wall, I realised the book wasn't in it.

Vocabulary boost: languages

e Write the language formed from the place name.
Place Language Place Language
(1) Arabia Arabic (10) Poland

(2) China (11) Portugal

(3) England (12) Russia
(4) France (13) Spain
(5) Germany (14) Sweden
(6) Greece (15) Thailand
(7) Italy (16)Turkey
(8) Japan (17) Vietnam
(9) Korea

G) n CD, 13 Write a word from below in each gap. You need to use some words more
than once. Then listen and check your answers.

Bengali Dutch Flemish French Gujarati Hindi Punjabi Urdu

Canada has two official languages: English and (1) ---'Fi'""""'r:-"e"'""'n=ch-'----

More than 24 languages are spoken in India, including English, (2) _
(3) , (4) and (S) _
The national language of Pakistan is (6) _
(7) is recognised as the official language in Pakistan. Six main regional
languages, including (8) , are also spoken in Pakistan.
The official language of the Netherlands is (9) _
The forms of (10) spoken in Belgium are often referred to as (11) _

- Vocabulary boost: verbs of communication

0 Write a word from below in the correct form in each gap. You need to use some words
more than once.

ask call say shout speak talk tell whisper

1 Adam speaks
French fluently so get him to get the train tickets.
2 I was playing with my friends in the park when my mum me in to
me that my grandfather had been taken to hospital.
3 I Lucy whether she wanted to come but she she couldn't.
4 I'll you on your mobile a bit later on.
5 A child of eight should be able to the time, shouldn't they?
6 If you me, that building's going to fall down soon.
7 No during the exam! If I hear anyone even , there'll
be trouble!
8 It was so windy on the cliff we had to to each other to be heard.
9 How do you 'goodnight' in Japanese?
1O I couldn't what it was at first, but as it got closer I saw it was a rat.
11 Don't out the answers. Just put your hand up and wait for me to
you what the answer is. Then you can me.
12 I was to our neighbours earlier, and apparently they're moving
house soon.

~ Wordbanlc
Vocabularyfrom the Wordbankon page 80 of the Student's Book

Write a word from the Wordbankin each gap.

1 If you
e.01'nt something out, you mention it.
2 If you through a list, you start at the top and work down.
3 If you something out, you use your printer to make a copy of it.
4 If you things together, you combine them.
5 If you something off with something, you begin it in a certain way.
6 If you an idea across, you manage to convey it.

Rewrite each sentence usingthe word in bold.

1 Combine all the envelopes into one large pile. TOGETHER

Put allthe envelofeStogether in one lar_,qefde.
2 Let's begin the talk with a short introduction. OFF

3 I'd like to mention that this is only a suggestion. OUT

4 Quickly read the article and underline all the names of people. THROUGH

5 You have to communicate the idea to your children that no means no. ACROSS

6 I'll make copies of the handouts tonight using my printer. OUT

~H Othervocabulary
Other vocabularyfrom the Listeningsectionon page 80 of the Student's Book

G Write the correctform of the word in bold in each gap.

1 I've finished the main part of the essay but I've still got to write the
introduction (INTRODUCE).
2 Please read this (INFORM) sheet carefully before assembling
the product.
3 The (WRITE) transcript of a (SPEAK)
conversation always looks strange because we often don't speak in full sentences.
4 A cube is a three- (DIMENSION) object where all the sides are of
equal length.
5 Tomorrow night, Tony Hill will be giving an interesting (PRESENT)
on the history of ancient Persia.
6 During the ·(DEMONSTRATE), they showed us how to do
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

- Vocabulary boost: gestures
G) (t CD, 14 Write a word from below in each gap. Then listen to a lecture on gestures
and check your answers.

fled roll shake tut wag wave wink

Gestures around the world vary depending on culture. In Britain, a number of gestures are
used regularly.
British people often (1) nod their head to signify confirmation or approval. Basically,
this gesture means 'yes'. When people (2) their head, they are expressing the
opposite: negation or disapproval. Basically, then, this gesture means 'no'. When people in
Britain (3) - that is, they make a small audible click with the tongue - that
is also a sign of disapproval. Another sign of disapproval, often used by parents to small
children, is to (4) your finger. This involves a small sideways movement of the
index finger several times. To (5) is to move the whole hand sideways several
times. This is used for greetings and saying goodbye.
To (6) at someone - that is, to quickly close and then open one eye - usually
indicates that the person doing it recognises a shared secret or shared information between
them and the person they are doing it to. It's often considered a humorous, naughty or
cheeky gesture, and is usually only used informally.
If you (7) your eyes, you rotate both eyes upwards for a short time. This can be
used to express a number of negative emotions including boredom, disbelief, annoyance
and impatience.

- Vocabulary boost: phrases with 'word'

0 Choose the correct word.

1 The theatre got into financial trouble from the word@/ start and closed within a year.
2 What did I think of the film? Well, in I with a word, rubbish.
3 We're all human. In other I more words, we all make mistakes.
4 I didn't believe a/an individual I single word he told me.
5 They told me I was sacked, or words to I with that effect.
6 The politician accused the journalist of putting words into his ear I mouth.
7 Could you put in I over a good word for me when you see the boss tomorrow?
8 Spending the night alone in a dark cemetery would be too I very scary for words.

0 Write a verb from below in the correct form in each gap.

fail give ~ say take

1 I promised that I wouldn't tell anyone, and I'm going to keep

my word.
2 I you my word that I wouldn't tell anyone, and I won't.
3 Don't my word for it; see for yourself!
4 Just the word, and I'll come over and help you.
5 Words me when I walked in and everyone shouted 'Surprise!'


Choose the correct answer.

1 Actually, I _B_ a little Dutch.

A am understanding B do understand C have been understood
2 to Australia but I'd love to go.
A I never went B I've never been CI hadn't gone
3 Who that phrasal verbs are always informal?
A told you B did you tell C you told
4 She yet where she's going to study.
A didn't decide B hasn't decided C doesn't decide
S We've just that the French exam is next Tuesday.
A been telling B told C been told
6 What when you realised you'd made a mistake?
A did you B did you do C you did
7 I a few grammatical mistakes, but at least they understood me.
A did make B was making C make
8 Sally her lunch right now so she'll call you a bit later.
A has Bis having C has had
9 If you there, we'd never have found the right platform.
A weren't B hadn't been C aren't
10 Why consider taking evening classes?
A you not B not to C don't you

If the word or phrase in bold is correct, put a tick on the line. If it is incorrect, rewrite it.
1 Who here they have written the essay? has
2 We did only just sit down when the fire alarm went off.
3 Students are given extra time if they have dyslexia.
4 When had they their oral interview?
S Grigori's been to his English class and won't be back for a couple of hours. _
6 Everyone is loving your accent, don't they?
7 What did Phil say when you told him you'd lied to him?
8 Who told you what time was it?
9 It's the first time I'm hearing of that language.
10 It was the first time I'd ever been abroad on my own.

Vocabulary from the Wordbank on page 81 of the Student'sBook

Completeeach sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence.

Basically, I want to study abroad.

1 to the point , I want to study abroad.
To get
2 To cut
, I want to study abroad.
3 In a , I want to study abroad.
4 The point I want to study abroad.

- Vocabularyboost:metaphorical phrases
G) Choose the correctmeaning for each of the wordsor phrases in italics.

1 It took me quite a while to fully digest all the information.

A explain (B understand)
2 Janet says she's going to quit her job, but I find that very hard to swallow. She's
threatened to quit several times before and done nothing about it.
A believe B support
3 The word 'anaesthesiologist' is a bit of a mouthful, isn't it?
A difficult thing to say B difficult thing to understand
4 Dave said he's going to beat me in the match tomorrow but I'll make him eat his words.
A regret he was rude B admit he was wrong
5 That joke Hardip told at dinner last night was in very bad taste.
A not funny B offensive
6 The boss noticed Mandy was late this morning but I'm sure she'll manage to cook up a
good excuse - she always does.
A invent B write down
7 We spent the whole evening chewing the fat about the old days at university.
A having a serious argument B having a friendly conversation
8 I've got an idea for a website I'd like you to chew over; I'd really value your opinion.
A invest in B think about
9 We're going to eat them alive in the debate tomorrow night.
A argue strongly with them B easily beat them
10 Let me chew on it overnight before making a decision.
A consider it carefully B discuss it with someone


Each of the words or phrases in bold contains a mistake. Rewrite them correctly.

1 It was the first time I ever attempt to write a poem so it wasn't very successful.
I'd ever attempted

2 I'm translating this article all morning and I'm not even halfway through.

3 The Nobel Prize for Literature had never won by an Australian before.

4 The novel has been existing as a concept for several hundred years.

5 By the end of the year, more than 50,000 euros will give out to first-time playwrights.

6 How long you wait before the book came out?

7 Do you think you will finished the article by then?

Write each verb in the correct form. Use contractions where possible.
1 How many times have we 6een (we I go) to see that musical so far?
2 (I I sit) here for the past half an hour and I haven't written a
single word.
3 The textbook (fully I revise) to take changes in the exam
into account.
4 By the end of today, (I I write) more than 5,000 words.
5 (there I have) ever been a more ridiculous plot for a story?
6 Is it the first time (you I ever I have to) give a speech in public?

Choose the correct word.

1 I've been learning Mandarin Chinese from /~I was five years old.
2 I've been finding out about the ancient Sumerian language for I since the past month
or so.
3 Have you before I ever wondered what the language of the first humans was like?
4 At that point I hadn't still I yet decided which language to choose.
5 I've never met a Scottish person already I before. Will I understand her accent?
6 I don't feel that I've done enough listening practice already I yet.
7 Have you finished writing the essay already I yet? That was very quick!
8 By I To the end of next week, we'll have been living here for a year.
9 I've done three IELTS practice exams so far I long.
10 Have you really ever I never had English lessons? That's amazing! Your English is
so good!

~ Wordbanlc
Vocabulary from the Word bank on page 82 of the Student's Book

• Choose the correct word or words. Be careful! More than one word may be correct.

1 The cost of English language textbooks is(particularly)/ largely I strikingly high

in Greece.
2 The number of students on science courses is mainly I particularly I considerably lower
than the number on language courses.
3 Lessons in these three countries are mainly I largely I strikingly in after-school hours.
4 The number of dictionaries actually sold is particularly I strikingly I noticeably low
compared to the expected sales figures.
5 People learning English are largely I strikingly I considerably doing so between the
ages of eight and eighteen.
6 There are noticeably I largely I considerably fewer students doing on line courses than
classroom-based learning.

~H Other vocabulary
Other vocabulary from the Writing section on pages 82 and 83 of the Student's Book

0 Write a sentence or short paragraph using the word in bold so that it means the same
as the first sentence.

98% of the population speak English but only 4.8% speak Maori.
1 (although)AlthouJh 18% ofthepopulatt"onspeak Enjf ish, on{y 4.8% speak MaOYt: /
18% ~(thepopulationspeak EnJ!tsh, althou3h on{y 4.8% ~peak /vtaori.
2 (however) _

3 (contrast) _

4 (hand) _

5 (while) _

6 (whereas) _

A minority of the population knows Maori and a minority knows New Zealand Sign Language.
7 (similarly) _

8 (equally) _

9 (way) ~

10 (likewise) _

- Vocabulary boost: topic vocabulary

0 The gaps in each pair of sentences can be filled with the same word. Write the word in
each gap.

1 The dog barked loudly as we approached.

'Attention!' barked the sergeant aggressively.
2 Your sorry now doesn't change what you've done.
There's an old where I come from: 'the sky is always bluer than the sea'.
3 My stereo's not working properly - there's no sound coming out of the left _
He's not a native , but he's practically fluent.
4 Don't in front of your mother!
Do you to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
S From the on her face, I think she was teasing you.
Do you know what the 'make do' means?
6 'Shut up!' doesn't have a subject or an object, but it's a/an , isn't it?
He was given a ten-year prison _
7 If you're tired, why don't you down for a while?
Don't to me! I know when you're not telling the truth!

(D Write a verb from below in the correct form in each gap.

accept admit apologise confess deny

doubt persuade refuse regret suspect

1 I initially thought going on a cruise was a bad idea, but Shareen's ---+f_e_rs_u_a_d~e~d
me it's a good way to visit a number of different places.
2 I asked my neighbour to move his car because it was blocking mine but he

3 I really not carrying on with German when I had the chance.

4 I'm not totally sure who did that graffiti, but I it was one of the
Hadley twins.
S Adrian Charleston finally to the crime after his fingerprints were
found on the stolen property.
6 You can't that you were in the town centre this afternoon -
I saw you!
7 I'll to them for losing my temper, but frankly I had every right
to be annoyed.
8 I just don't your argument; it's illogical.
9 ldo that I lied, but it was only a white lie.
10 I don't you had good reasons for doing what you did, but it was
still wrong.

Vocabularyfrom the Reading text on pages 84 and 85 of the Student's Book

0 Write a verb from the text in the correctform to completethe definitions


1 If something emer-_,qes , it starts to appear. (paragraph 1)

2 If you can something from something else, you can tell the difference
between them. (paragraph 2)
3 If you in an activity, you do that activity. (paragraph 5)
4 If you something, you use, handle or control it. (paragraph 5)
5 If you about something, you suggest a theory about or explanation for it.
(paragraph 7)
6 If you something, you say it. (paragraph 8)
7 If something with something else, the two things fit together or are
connected. (paragraph 8)
8 If something , it happens at a faster rate. (paragraph 1 O)
9 If you something, you leave it out. (paragraph 11)
10 If you something, you add it or put it in. (paragraph 11)

C) Write a word from below to replace the words in italics.

articulation by-product discomfort interaction isolation

jaws milestone seq1:1eRee spurt variation

1 Film scenes are rarely shot in order. seruence

2 There's a difference between the number of male and female students
on this course.
3 Reaching the age of 21 is a/an important occasion in many cultures.
4 You'll probably experience some feelings of being uncomfortable for the
next few days.
5 Exhaust fumes are a result of the combustion of fuel in the car engine.
6 Working on my own from home, I don't get much contact with
other people.
7 It's the not being with others that many old people who live on their own
find difficult to handle.
8 Her clear verbal expression of the situation gives the poem added emotion. _
9 The shark menacingly opened its mouth wide.
1O His sudden increase in height happened when he was 15.

e Complete the table. Use a dictionary to help you.

babbliRg cooing coughing gesturing growling grunting murmuring

sighing snorting squealing sucking swallowing yelling

body actions which always involve noise babbli"J.1.j.

body actions which sometimes involve noise

body actions which don't involve noise

Vocabulary from the Word bank on page 89 of the Student's Book

Rearrange the letters to make a word that fits the gap.

1 I think that reading personal a~cc_o_u_nt.~s (OTSUCNCA) of famous events really

brings history to life.
2 Although it's important to take into account what (EIEESSSTNWEY)
say, you have to remember that they're not always totally reliable.
3 Nobody knows the (ECPISRE) date for the invention of the wheel,
but it was probably about 3500 sc,
4 Their book is based on (NSEITEEVX) research into the
Industrial Revolution.
5 There is a (GEEDNL) which says that a city called Atlantis exists
under the sea.
6 During the fifteenth century, there was a huge (ITHFS) in European
culture that we refer to as the Renaissance.

~~~Other vocabulary
Other vocabulary from the Reading section on pages 88 and 89 of the Student's Book

0 Choose the correct word or phrase.

1 It's hard to imagine that everything around us will@ventualli}/ lately disappear and be
replaced by something else.
2 We don't know whether ancient statues really resemble I copy the people they were
based on or whether they present an idealised image of them.
3 According to ancients I historians, the Silk Route was a key connection between the
East and the West.
4 In order to get at the truth behind a historical event, you need to use a range of different
ways I techniques.
5 Some of the portraits found on ancient Egyptian graves have a greatly I distinctly
modern look.
6 There are some really interesting old stone I rock houses in this area.
7 It was a key development in human history when we started to use tools I devices to
cut things and to hunt.
8 I expect early humans used sticks and rocks as simple weapons I attacks when they
were fighting.
9 The Incas of South America had a relevantly I relatively advanced civilization.
10 Wood was no good for cutting because you couldn't give it an edge I ending.
11 Steel is an alloy I a recipe consisting of iron and carbon.
12 Bronze I Silver is made by mixing copper with another metal, tin, and is used in the
medal you get for coming third in the Olympics.

e Write a word from below in each gap.

deliberate enormous fanciful junior origiAal

previous profound sharp vast

Although the book was based on an earlier work, the writer made a number of changes
to the or~qiMa! story.
2 Nobody believes his theories that modern humans first
appeared in Europe.
3 The discovery offire must have had a/an effect on human societies
of the time.
4 There is a/an difference between us and the ancient Greeks.
5 I first became interested in history when I was at school and we learned
about ancient India.
6 This article seems to be a/an attempt to create fear in people's minds.
7 Be careful with that knife! It's really _
8 As you will no doubt remember from the lecture, most experts accept that
modern humans appeared around 200,000 years ago.
9 The development of farming was a/an advance in human history.

- Vocabulary boost: word formation

G) Write the correct form of the word in bold in each gap.

1 Dr Fernandez has the remarkable aht!t'ty to make everything interesting.
2 Throughout history, people with a physical have faced fear,
misunderstanding and prejudice from other people.
3 He was to give the lecture today for personal reasons.

1 Don't you think that history should be a part of everyone's ?
2 I believe that have a duty to make sure that what their students learn in
class is factually accurate.
3 Even though this video game is set in fifth century China, I really don't see that it has any
value at all.

1 He was reluctant to give me a firm answer to my question because it wasn't his area
of -----
2 I watched as the archaeologist removed the delicate pot from the ground.

1 Many things about the building of the pyramids remain _
2 For some reason, he suddenly changed his mind!

1 Working through the records was the only way to find what I wanted.
2 I'd like to thank you all for being here on this occasion.

~ Wordbank
Vocabularyfrom the Word bank on page 90 of the Student's Book

Write a word from below in the correctform in each gap.

take tfaee

1 The history of the town has ----"b-=-e""'en"""""'"'tr:"""a"'-ceb""a'"dc_k, to the year 1340.

2 Hearing that song again me back to when we first met.

time moment

3 At the , we were living in rented accommodation.

4 At the , we're living in rented accommodation.

about ready

5 Tina's a bit nervous at the moment, as she's to start a new job.

6 Are you to leave yet?

recall remind

7 This me of the time we got stuck in the lift. Do you remember?

8 As you'll , two of King Henry Vlll's six wives were executed.

bound definite

9 There's to be a lot of traffic on the roads this evening.

10 Is there a connection between being left-handed and
high intelligence?
lead make

11 The detour us to discover a beautiful little fishing village.

12 Even though we were on the guest list, we to wait in line with
everyone else.

H~ Othervocabulary
Other vocabularyfrom the Listeningsectionon page 90 of the Student's Book

C) Write one word in each gap. If no word is necessary, put a dash ( - ).

1 My grandmother died -1!/_ old age when she was 103 years old.
2 He actually worked a waiter for a while before he became famous.
3 It was only after she'd gone university that she decided to be a writer.
4 Why do more men than women commit crimes?
5 Sumerian is considered be the most ancient written language we know about.

6 Experts disagree the age of the stones.
7 The film is based a true story.
8 Bad historians criticise the actions of people in the past; good historians try to
understand them.

- Vocabularyboost:remembering
e Write a verb from below in each gap. If more than one verb is correct,write all
the options.

bring commemorate jog keep team memorise

recall recollect
remind reminisce
1 I want you all to -----'-'le""'a-'-YM'-'-- this poem by heart this evening.
2 Actors have to large amounts of text very quickly.
3 The statue was erected to those who fought and died in the war.
4 Will you me in mind if any suitable jobs come up in the future?
5 It's lovely just to sit here and about the good old days.
6 You don't remember me, do you? Maybe it will your memory if I tell
you where we met.
7 I know his name, but I just can't it to mind right now.
8 I wish I could what her name is.
9 Can I you all that your essaysare due next Monday?
10 Can you anything at all about the accident?

G) Write a word from below in each gap to completethe definitions


memory memento memorial nostalgia reminder souvenir

souvemY : something you buy or get on holiday or at a special event to help you
remember being there
2 : something that helps you remember the past, or remember to
do something
3 : looking back on the past with happiness
4 :something built to remind people of a person or event
5 :the ability to remember
6 :something you keep to remind you of a person or experience

0 0 CD, 15 Listen to six people talking. Match each person with what they are
talking about.

1 Speaker 1 _D_ A nostalgia

2 Speaker2 B memory
3 Speaker3 c a memorial
4 Speaker4 D a reminder
5 Speakers E a souvenir
6 Speaker6 F a memento


If a verb in bold is correct, put a tick. If it is incorrect, rewrite it.

1 What do you do for the summer holidays this year? are you doinq , J

2 You've been practising for hours now and it's time you had a break. _
3 I go out this evening with friends and we're thinking of going to the cinema.

4 Before I started learning English, I have learned French for a year. _

5 I'm having an exam on Monday morning, which is why I've been revising for the last
two days. _
6 My cousin gets married in Australia this weekend, so we are all travelling to Sydney to
be there. _
7 I've got ten months of my course left so this time next year I will work in my father's
company. _
8 By the end of this year, I will learn the piano for over nine years. _

Write the verbs in the correct form in each gap. If there is more than one correct
answer, write all the possible answers.

At the moment at school, we are learm"n3 (LEARN) about the history of Africa
up to the start of the twentieth century.
2 I (WORK) hard all week so I (LOOK) forward
to going away for a couple of days this weekend.
3 The economic situation seems (GET) worse at the moment and
the government isn't doing enough to help ordinary people.
4 My brother (STUDY) history at university in Mexico now, but I
(HOPE) to do medicine.
5 (GO) on holiday next week and I (PLAN) to
visit Rome.
6 At the time I was born, my parents (LIVE) in America temporarily.
7 I (LEARN) English for about six years now, and I _
(HAVE) private lessons for the last two.
8 By the time I fell asleep, I (REVISE) for over five hours.
9 They haven't finished yet, but it looks like a new road (BUILD)
around the town.
10 Before we moved to this city, we (LIVE) abroad for three years.

0 CD, 16 Listen to this IELTS candidate and write a word or short phrase in each gap.

1 She has been studying English for seven years.

2 She is currently having lessons as well.
3 As well as the language, she has been learning about the _
4 She is planning to study at university.

~ Wordbanlc
Vocabulary from the Wordbank on page 91 of the Student's Book
• Write one word in each gap.

1 History isn't terribly important at school. Let me explain ----'-w'""'"h=a=t 1 mean. It should

be important, but I don't think it's emphasised enough in our educational system.
2 History is a bit of a waste of time because the world has changed so much that we can't
learn anything useful from it. I'd also to add that it's often presented in a
very boring way.
3 People don't think about history enough. What I'm to say is, people learn
about history at school and then completely forget about it when they're older.
4 My country has had a very difficult history and we've had a number of natural disasters.
If I just give you an example. We had a really bad earthquake a few
years ago.

~~~Other vocabulary
Other vocabulary from the Speaking section on page 91 of the Student's Book

0 Choose the correct word.

1 I've always ~dmired)/ overlooked my father for the way he has worked hard to keep
a family.
2 The Roman Emperor ruled I managed over a vast empire that covered most of Europe.
3 There were complaints I protests outside the United Nations building involving
thousands of people.
4 If the leaders had acted differently, then perhaps war could have been
escaped I avoided.

- Vocabularyboost:phrases
0 Write a word from below in the correct form in each gap. You need to use some words
more than once.

do fail make pass set take

1 The night before I'm about to take an exam, I always get very nervous.
2 The first time I got a low mark and an exam was a very
depressing experience.
3 History was never a strong subject of mine, but I finally the exam at the
second attempt.
4 I believe that you should advantage of all the opportunities that life offers.
5 Each of us has a responsibility to an example for the next generation.
6 It a long time to really gain an understanding of history.
7 Getting away from your books and getting some fresh air might you good.
8 I know he lost your book, but I'm sure he didn't it on purpose.

~ Grammarbanlc:Making complexsentences
Grammar Reference, Section 13, page 107 of the Student'sBook

Rewrite each sentence starting with the word given.

1 If the diary was proved to be genuine, it would change history forever.

Were the dtary11rovedto begmutne, d would chanJe ht'story(orever.
2 If you went to Russia, which cities would you like to visit?
Were ~?
3 If the last Ice Age had not ended when it did, our civilization might well not
have developed.
Had ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
4 If the Romans hadn't invaded Britain, Hadrian's Wall would never have been built.
Had ~

Write the words in bold in the correct form.

1 Not only _----'-'Ji""",J"""t.""h-=-"e""+d-'a

,"-e-'-'=a_,crF(t~h'-e---f-ire I damage) the building but it also
destroyed all the books inside.
2 Under no circumstances (children I allow) out alone in
those days.
3 No sooner (the war I end) than a violent earthquake hit
the country.
4 Neither (they I have) the vote back then, nor
(they I be) able to enter public life.
5 Hardly (he I become) Prime Minister when he had to resign
due to ill health.
6 Not until 1969 (a human I walk) on the Moon for the
first time.
7 Rarely (there I be) a more peaceful civilization since
the Minoans.
8 Never (they I see) Europeans before.
Write one word in each gap.

1 There are more people on Earth today t._ha_n there have

been before.
2 There was so smoke they were unable to find the exit.
3 The news spread to an extent that, within an hour, half the country had
heard it.
4 The flood-waters were so high that the church on the top of the hill was
in danger.
5 The plan was complicated than we had anticipated it would be.

• Write one word in each gap.

Archimedes, (1) who was born in Syracuse in about 287 BC, is considered to be one
of the greatest scientists and mathematicians (2) all time.
Archimedes invented numerous mechanical machines, including the screw pump,
(3) is named after him as the Archimedes Screw. One of the most famous
stories about Archimedes concerns his discovery, (4) in the bath, of how to
measure the volume and density of an irregular-shaped object. On (S) his
discovery, Archimedes is believed to have shouted 'Eureka]; (6) is Greek for
'I've found it!'. (7) to put on his clothes because of his excitement, he then ran
naked down the street. Archimedes died in approximately 212 BC (8) the Siege
of Syracuse, (9) he was killed by one of the Roman soldiers who had just
invaded the town and to (10) Archimedes had been disrespectful.

Vocabularyfrom the Wordbank on page 92 of the Student'sBook

4- Completethe table. Includenegative forms.

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Phrases
believe look/stare, etc. in _
contrary to popular _

doubt Thomas

self- _

~~~ Othervocabulary
Other vocabularyfrom the Writing sectionon pages 92 and 93 of the Student's Book

0 Choose the correctwordsor phrases. Be careful!More than one option might

be correct.

1 Contrary !{fontrary tc?)/ Against popular belief, slaves were not used to build the
Pyramids of Egypt.
2 There is some evidence to suggest this. AlthoughI However I Nevertheless, none of it
is conclusive.
3 While I AlthoughI However the quote 'Let them eat cake' is often attributed to Marie
Antoinette, there is no evidence at all that she actually said it.
4 This is, in my opinion I in my view I accordingto me, the most likely explanation.
5 In scientists'view I In the opinionof scientists I According to scientsits, this is the most
likely explanation.
6 One view that has been put ahead I forward I up by some academics is that the king
actually escaped in disguise.

- Vocabulary boost: irregular verbs

e Complete the table.

Bare Past Past Bare Past Past

infinitive simple participle infinitive simple participle

be was/were been know

become lead

begin leave

break lose

bring make

build put

buy read

catch say

choose see

come sell

cost send

deal set

do show

drive speak

eat spend

fight spread

find stand

forget steal

get take

give teach

go tell

have think

hear understand

hold win

keep write

Vocabulary from the Reading text on pages 94 and 95 of the Student's Book

C) Find words or phrases in the Reading text which have a similar meaning to those below.

1 the gas produced when water boils (paragraph 1) steam

2 a device for removing gas or liquid from somewhere (paragraph 1)
3 places underground where people dig for coal, gold, etc. (paragraph 1)
4 the outside area of an object (paragraph 1)
5 long tube for carrying gas or liquid (paragraph 1)
6 completely empty space, without air (paragraph 1)
7 short stop before continuing again (paragraph 3)
8 something which is burned to provide energy (paragraph 3)
9 tools designed to hit other objects hard (paragraph 5)
10 means of transport such as cars, buses, etc. (paragraph 7)

0 Write a word from below in each gap.

circular conventional dominant located

military partial refined sophisticated

1 Many scientists during World War II were unhappy about the m_t_!t_ta.. . ,ry,.u..s_e of
their research.
2 No country can hold a place in the world forever. Another powerful country
eventually appears to take its place.
3 Although I didn't get everything I wanted out of the meeting, I still considered it
a victory.
4 Electric cars are much more efficient than -------- cars.
5 Today's engines are very compared to the old, simple versions.
6 The man on the ground made a motion with his arms to tell the pilot
to start his engines.
7 The capital city is in the south of the country, on one of the
major rivers.
8 The design of the automobile was gradually over many years.

e Choose the correct word.

1 As we walked down the street, a small boy~prayed)/ painted us with water!

2 Are you sure the recipe says you have to drop I chill the soup to 5 degrees?
3 The window was so cold that my breath condensed I melted on it and I was able to write
my name.
4 The machine is designed to suck I blow liquid up from the bottom of mines.
5 I didn't set I go out to become famous. It just happened!
6 I think we could help the environment by altering I converting the power of the sea
into electricity.
7 We're going to have to speed up I out if we want to finish this before five o'clock.
8 Everyone has to learn to adapt I change to a world that is changing rapidly.

0 Choose the correctanswer.

1 I wish I had more attention to my teachers at school.

A put B paid Chad D sent

2 In our physics lesson, we out an experiment with magnets.

A carried B brought C took D made

3 Kim's a liar - don't believe a word she tells you.

A unique B separate Clone D single

4 Our manager pointed a few problems with our suggestion.

A off Bout C in D through

S I thought what you said about the war was in very bad _
A style B manners C sense D taste
6 Luck a large role in our victory.
A did B became C produced D played

7 He promised to bear my ideas in _

A head B brain C mind D thought

8 The police decided that nobody was at in the accident.

A fault B blame C error D responsibility
C) Write the correctform of the word in bold in each gap.

Forensic science is an important part of the modern-day war against crime. It often involves
the careful collection of (1) (EVIDENT) from the scene of a crime. If forensic
scientists are (2) (FORTUNE), they may find enough clues to be able to form a
good (3) (EXPLAIN) of what took place.

The forensic scientist interprets the clues, based on their (4) (EXPERT) in a
number of different areas. It takes real (S) (SCIENCE) skill to bring all the clues
together. They need to be (6) (KNOW) about things as diverse as the marks
a gun leaves on a bullet and the (7) (HARM) effects of various chemicals. It
involves separating the (8) (SIGNIFY) details from irrelevant ones. A forensic
scientist also needs to have the (9) (ABLE) to bring everything together into a
clear (1 O) (ARGUE) that can then be used in court.
G Rewriteeach sentence, starting with the wordsgiven.

1 I had never seen such a shocking sight! Never _

2 Robert spoke to Alan for me. I got _
3 We didn't go to Moscow so we didn't see the festival. If we-----------
4 I only realised he was French when he spoke. Not until _
S Emily said I should apply to university. Emily encouraged _


6 We could sign the contract tomorrow if they agreed. Were-----------
7 Young people don't watch the news so they don't know what's going on. If young
people ~
8 They are delivering our new sofa on Tuesday. We--------------
G) Write one word in each gap.

1 My car broke on the way to the meeting so I had to get a taxi.

2 I came an old diary of mine while I was clearing my desk out.
3 The students put some very interesting suggestions for the school library.
4 When we switched the lights r the Christmas tree lit up the whole room.
5 I wasn't going to bring this , but you owe me some money.
6 I wish you would make your mind about what to wear!
7 Tim lost his job because the company he worked for was taken by a rival.
8 Who do you think came with the idea of sending text messages?
0 Choose the correct word or phrase.

1 I tend thinking I to think that we're going to lose the election.

2 If you didn't go I hadn't gone to university, then you wouldn't have got such a good job.
3 I was coming I have been coming to this restaurant for over ten years now.
4 Lisa seems to be getting I have been getting taller every time I see her!
5 If you don't mind waiting I to wait, the doctor can see you in half an hour.
6 I consider Sheryl being I to be one of my best friends.
7 At no point during the meeting was anyone asked I did anyone ask my opinion.
8 Why did you make Alison go I to go to the shop for you?
0 Write a word from below in each gap.

conventional deliberate essential partial

persuasive precise presentable profound

1 Losing his job had a effect on him and it took him a long time to get over it.
2 Do you think alternative medicine can work in cases where medicine
has failed?
3 The operation was only a success and he may need to have another one.
4 Make sure you look before you go into the interview.
5 It seemed like an accident at first, but now I think it was _
6 That point of view seems very until you look at the actual facts.
7 Taking tough decisions is to being a good politician.
8 Scientists have to take very measurements during experiments.


Total score: I 50


S has she done

6 Lee's been worrying
Unit 1 THE ARTS 7 Have you ever been
8 I've been trying
Reading Pages 2-3
Ex A
2 since 3 just 4 still S ever 6 before
2 released 3 bring
7 already 8 for
2 style 3 abstract 4 highlights/highlighted
S animation
Ex E
Exe 2 for 3 on 4 for S over
213G 4F SH 6C 7J SA 98 lOD
Ex F
ExD 2 many 3 a few 4 many Sa few 6 lots
2 specific 3 identifiable 4 animated
S traditionally 6 originates/originated
2 but 3 because 4 such
Ex E
2 writer 3 singer 4 musician S actor/actress
2 in having 3 to draw 4 of learning S to sell
6 painter 7 dancer 8 poet 9 creator
6 in getting 7 to go 8 at remembering
10 inventor
Ex F Writing Pages 8-1 O
2 spectator 3 listener 4 eyewitness
Ex A
S onlooker 6 audience
From the data which has presented in this
ExG table, it can see that the cinema is
2 documentary 3 play 4 performer S novel becoming less popular with young people
6 instrument aged 14-18. Although the cinema was
Ex H mention as a leisure activity by 68% of
2 on 3 up 4 out S up 6 out 14-18-year-olds ten years ago, today
the figure is only 59%. In contrast, 70% of
Listening Pages 4-S 19-23-year-olds who questioned said that
Ex A they go to the cinema at least twice a
2A 3A 4C SC month. In the next age group (24-37-year•
olds), the cinema was been chosen by 65%
of those asked.
2 colourless 3 colourfully 4 confusion
S/6 confused/confusing 7 confusingly 2 can be seen
8/9 critic/criticism 10/11 critical/uncritical 3 was mentioned
12 critically 13 dramatist 14 dramatic 4 who were questioned
1Sdramatically16/17 emotional/ S was chosen
unemotional 18/19 emotionally/ ExB
unemotionally 20 forgetful 2 Over 1,000 people were asked for
Exe their opinions.
3 The study was designed to discover
2 millennium 3 decade 4 quarter S century attitudes towards forms of entertainment.
6 season 4 Concerts were described as 'very
ExD enjoyable' by almost half of the
2 personalise 3 sympathise 4 advertise people surveyed.
S familiarise 6 fantasised 7 economising S This problem can be solved by
8 modernising encouraging more art education.
Ex E Exe
2 performance 3 conceptual 4 pop 2 is considered
3 were asked
Speaking Pages 6-7 4 were/had been shocked
Ex A S is/was/has been described
2 I don't often get 3 We're rehearsing 4 Are 6 is/was preferred
you studying S does have 6 Do you know 7 be organised
8 be attracted
Ex B
9 were interviewed
2 Have you already heard
10 be interested
3 The book has sold
4 I've ever seen ExD
2A 384A SA68


Ex E
Accept the answers below and any answers
which use synonyms of words in these
answers correctly.
2 a sudden increase followed by a
steady decline
3 a sharp drop followed by a sudden
increase and then a gradual decrease
4 a steady fall followed by a sharp rise and
then a sudden drop
S a gradual increase followed by a
sharp drop
6 a sudden drop followed by a steady rise
Ex F
2 a slight
3 slightly
4 considerable
2F 3E 48 SD 6A
2 of 3 from 4 on Sin 6 into

Exam Practice Page 11

Ex A
2 tracing 3 elements 4 era S numerous
6 Prior to 7 depictions 8 lacking
9 authenticity 10 alleged
2 a little less than 3 at first 4 extremely
Snot completely 6 almost 7 mainly
2 patent 3 co-found 4 brand S models
6 mark 7 invisible 8 entire
2 popularity 3 existence 4 uncertainty
S performance 6 majority 7 developments
8 contributions


Reading Pages 12-13

Ex A
Phrase as used in reading section given
first, other possibilities in brackets
2D 38 4A SC (A) (D) (F) 6E
Ex B
2 developing countries
3 unemployment benefit
4 national insurance
S human rights
6 health care
2 funds 3 authorities 4 shipments S roots
6 citizens
2 aid 3 ideal 4 trade S poverty
6 co-operation


ExE met them, Wendy and Miguel had known Exl
POLITICS 2 political 3 politically each other for a year. I When I met Wendy 2 blackmailer 3 burglar 4 forger S fraudster
ORGANISE 1 organiser(s) 2 disorganised and Miguel, they had known each other for 6 kidnapper 7 murderer 8 vandal 9 robber
3 organisation a year. I They had known each other for a 10 thief
LEGAL 1 legalise 2 illegal 3 legally year when I met Wendy and Miguel. ExJ
ECONOMY 1 economic 2 Economists other for a year when I met them. I When 6 Liza and I were talking about Dan when
3 economical I he came into the room. I When Dan came
SOCIETY 1 social 2 antisocial/anti-social into the room, Liza and I were talking
3 socially about him. I When he came into the room,
Ex F Liza and I were talking about Dan.
2 get 3 bring 4 vote S join 6 turn 7 I had been waiting for half an hour when
7 comes I is brought 8 do Kyle finally arrived. I When Kyle finally
arrived, I had been waiting half an hour.
Listening Pages 14-1 S 8 I went to university while we were living
in France. I While we were living in France, I
Ex A
went to university.
2 volunteered 3 caters/catered 4 issue
S rude 6 fit Exe
2 opinion 3 point 4 think S personal 6 far
2B 3B4B SA6C ExD
2 disagrees 3 agrees 4 disagrees
S disagrees 6 agrees
2C 3A4D SB 6E
Ex E
2 excitement 3/4 unexciting/excited
2 tribe 3 crowd 4 society S gangs 6 club
S leafy 6 residential 7 /8 resident/residence
Ex E
2 make 3 make 4 show Stake 6 do 7 take Ex F
8 get 2A 3E4F SD6B
Ex F
Writing Pages 18-20
2 do ... a favour
3 make friends with Ex A
4 take care of 2 despite 3 fact 4 even 5 Although
Stake ... into account ExB
6 get into debt 2B 3A4C SA6C
7 made ... a promise
8 took pity on 2 sent Karl to prison, (even) though he was
under eighteen.
Speaking Pages 16-17 3 spite of the fact that he wore a disguise,
Ex A the police caught him.
2 had been living 4 Jane stole a mobile phone, in spite
3 were living I lived of having I the fact that she had lots
4was of money.
Smet S was stolen, although I locked it.
6 had been living I had lived 6 is (still) a major problem, even though it's
7 started dropping in this area.
8 missed ExD
ExB 2 hold 3 reached 4 takes/take S come
2 Tim had left the party when I arrived. I Ex E
When I arrived, Tim had left the party. I 2 community 3 offenders 4 service
When I arrived at the party, Tim had left. I S circumstances 6 inmates 7 tackle
Tim had left when I arrived at the party. 8 convicted
3 When you rang me, I had been doing my
Ex F
homework for ten minutes. I I had been
2E 3A4D SC
doing my homework for ten minutes when
you rang me. ExG
4 My parents had been living abroad for 2 decent 3 minor 4 ineffective
six months when I was born. I When I was ExH
born, my parents had been living abroad 2 fraud 3 blackmail 4 vandalism S robbery
for six months. 6 burglary 7 kidnapping 8 murder 9 theft
S Wendy and Miguel had known each 10 arson

87 KEY KEY 87
2 of 3 of 4 for S with 6 for 7 of 8 to

Exam Practice Page 21

Ex A
2 diners 3 individuals 4 draped S satisfies/
satisfied 6 summoned 7 assume 8 gossip
9 nomadic 10 elaborate 11 wealthy
12 fragrant 13 elementary 14 primitive
Ex B
2 significance
3 ceremony
4 hospitality
S obligation
6 rank
7 compliment
8 courses
9 wreath
10 goblet


Reading Pages 22-23

Ex A
2 granted 3 data 4 likely S concept 6 Given
2E 3F 4B SD 6A
2 with 3 of 4 on S in 6 of
2 to 3 to 4 to S about 6 of 7 to 8 of
Ex E
2 consensus 3 source 4 atom S encounter
6 objection 7 benefit
Ex F
2 practicalities 3 agreement 4 potentially
S necessarily 6 reality 7 likelihood
2 up 3 into 4 out S down 6 on

Listening Pages 24-2S

Ex A
2 initially 3 reminded 4 estimates S current
2 star 3 galaxy 4 Way S universe 6 System
2 collide 3 collision 4 merge S agreement
6 close
2 decision 3 conclusion 4 permission

88 KEY KEY 88
S invasion 6 admission (NB: 'admittance' ExB Ex I
also exists) 7 persuasion 8 exclusion 2 Taken/Having been taken 3 entering Noun Adjective
9 division 10 provision 4 given off S checking/having checked
size sizeable
Ex E 6 regulating 7 being placed 8 Having been
washed 9 Having made space spacious
2 .I 3 divisible 4 permissible S .I
6 accessible 7 sensible 8 .19 possible 1 o .I Exe spot spotless
11 horrible 12 responsible 13 .114 flexible 2 After connecting the cables, an operator substance substantial
1 S .I turns on the equipment.
extend extensive
Ex F 3 Wearing a mask, a skilled technician
spray-paints the wood. signify significant
2 (from) taking off 3 to become 4 of not
knowing/having known S to seeing 6 to 4 Looking at the map, we/I/etc., saw/ consider considerable
leave 7 seeing/having seen 8 of spending noticed/etc., (that) the town was six
9 (from) having kilometres away. Exam Practice Page 31
S Having been assembled, the furniture
Ex A
was/is put into position.
SpeakingPages 26-27 2 foreseeing 3 predict 4 forecast S sensing
Ex A ExB
2 as 3 of 4 like S of 6 into 7 of 8 in
3 will live/will be living/are going to live/ 2 medium 3 perception 4 deja vu
are going to be living Ex E S Clairvoyance 6 gut 7 Instinct
4 .I 2 The process consists of a number 8 premonition 9 hunch 10 paradox
S I'm going to work/I'll work/I'm working of stages.
I'm going to be working/I'll be working 3 The box is the same height as a human.
2 paranormal 3 psychic 4 mundane
6 .I 4 The machine is larger than a car engine.
S compelling 6 bizarre 7 random
7 We're not going (to go)/We aren't going S The skyscraper is shaped like an
8 consistent 9 obsolete 1 O poor
(to go)/We won't be going enormous cigar.fThe skyscraper is/has the
shape of an enormous cigar.
ExI get/I've
B got 3 lands/has landed 4 you Unit 4 ENVIRONMENTS
67 The wings
area is are triangular
divided in shape.
into four sections.
do/you're doing Reading Pages 32-33
8 All the furniture is made of wood.
Exe 9 The control panel is the size of/same size Ex A
2 be 3 won't have 4 be living/working/etc. as a small laptop. 2 speed 3 low 4 recycled S affordable
ExD 10 The interior is more colourful than 6 Waste 7 environmentally 8 carbon
2 .I 3 will still be using 4 .IS .I the exterior. ExB
6 it happens Ex F 2 essential 3 rural 4 cost-effective S reliable
Ex E 2F 3A 4E SB 6G 7C 6 urban 7 efficient 8 suburban
2 It's highly/very unlikely (that) it'll snow/to ExG Exe
snow tomorrow. 2 After 3 Shortly 4 stage S where 2 was fined 3 are adhered 4 is/was aimed
3 It's impossible to know for sure, but Shave been drawn up 6 aspire/aim
maybe there is life after death! 7 assume(d) 8 is anticipated/assumed
4 Perhaps our grandchildren will be able to Adjective Noun Verb
travel round the Solar System. elongate 2 out 3 down 4 away S out 6 off 7 up
S Do you think UFOs may be secret long length
lengthen ExE
military planes?
short shortness shorten 2 extinction 3 destruction
6 it's/There's a possibility/One possibility is
high height heighten 4 neighbourhood S lightning
(that) what you saw was a satellite.
6 surroundings 7 Industrial 8 harmless
7 She's highly/very unlikely to fail the low lowness lower
9 residential 10 explanation
exam. It's highly/very unlikely (that) she'll deep depth deepen
fail the exam.
wide width widen ListeningPages 34-3S
Ex F
narrow narrowness narrow Ex A
2 of winning 3 they're going to offer 4 the
large largeness enlarge 2 continental 3 lush 4 massive S monsoon
S a 6 by 7 chances are 8 of
6 inhospitable
Ex B
2 in 3 wish 4 believe S out 6 With
2 skyscraper 3 nickname 4 dune
S highlands 6 vegetation 7 per 8 northern
Writing Pages 28-30
Ex A
2 lOcm
2 produced 3 having examined 4 Having
3 4.5/4V2 m
S Given 6 driving 7 Having seen 8 being
4 7 m2
stirred 9 Having been transferred
s 21 g
6 2 kg

89 KEY KEY 89
710t 4 few - Not a lot of ExH
8 2.25/21.41 S little - They gave me some Verb Noun
9 50 kph/km/h/kmph 6 Few - Not many
acknowledge acknowledgement
10 18 °(
Ex E
ExD 2 than 3 didn't 4 prefer S rather 6 Would Positive: agreement
2 100 Negative:disagreement
Ex F
3 1,000 3few-Some 2 Would, rather 3 Would, didn't/did 4 not
41,000 5 Do 6 rather, had
S m2
2 to bed 3 to work 4 for a swim 5 abroad
7 0 °(
6 camping 7 sightseeing 8 on a tour 9 by
8 100 °(
train/bus 10 on foot
Ex E
2inches Writing Pages 38-40
3/4 feet/yards
Ex A
S/6 pounds/stones
2 must 3 can't ... must 4 has 5 could 6 Do
7/8 pints/gallons
you need 7 couldn't
9 tonnes
10 Fahrenheit ExB
2 have bought 3 have been 4 have been
Ex F
built 5 happen 6 have happened
7 to have ... look 8 have been arrested
4 91.44 Exe
s 1,760 2 We must have made a mistake.
6 1,609.344 3 The council ought to renovate the
old mill.
4 You shouldn't have bought a car that
Speaking Pages 36-37
uses so much petrol.
Ex A 5 If you have a solar-powered water heater,
Always Always singular you don't need to use electricity to heat
countable uncountable the water.
book luggage ExD
fact advice 2 Having ... that 3 In/By 4 the ... hand
job furniture 5 Even 6 if 7 Despite 8 Although/Though/
programme housework While
sheep information Ex E
suitcase knowledge Phrase as used in writing section given
money first, other possibilities in brackets
news 2F 3A(D) 4B SG(D) 6E 7D(C/F) BC(F)
Ex F
Always plural Both countable
1 b taken
uncountable and uncountable
2 a happens b place
depending on
meaning 3 a result b reason
4 a same b Similarly/Likewise
clothes time S a Nonetheless b Nevertheless
groceries chocolate ExG
jeans glass 2 approve, telling 3 permitted 4 deny
scissors hair S confessed 6 recognise 7 question
trousers paper
8 challenge 9 comprehend 10 trust, accept

2 Are 3 is 4 many
2 - 3 the 4 - S the 6 a 7 the 8 the 9 The
10 - 11 the 12 - 13 a 14 - 1 San
16-17 the 18 the/-19The 20-
Ex D
2 little - They didn't give me a lot of

90 KEY KEY 90
Positive: 7 have been easy for you to organise
approval approve
Negative: disapproval the event on your own.
challenge challenge
ion confess
deny denial
dispute dispute
permission recognise
Positive: trust
trust Negative: distrust/

Exam Practice Page 41

Ex A
2D 3G 4A SB 617C BE
9H ExB
2 not obvious but quiet and clever
3 rough and sharp 4 clear S rare 6
7 thoughtful 8 water 9 pleasant
2 inspire 3 recede 4 rant Smelt
6 collaborate 7 dismantle 8 donate 9

Review Units 1-4 Pages 42-43

1B2A 3B 4D SC 6A 7D SD
1 musicians 2 unanswered 3
4 accurately S confusion 6 originated
7 impossible 8 certainty 9 likelihood
10 natural
1 were given their exam results by
Mrs Johnson.
2 been to Dubai since 2006.
3 of (my/me) setting my alarm clock,
I didn't wake up on time.I of the fact (that)
I set...
4 as I'm concerned, the advantages
far outweigh the disadvantages.
S might/could/may be a storm later
today./ There is a possibility (that) there
might/ could/may/will be ...
6 written the essay,she
checked it carefully.

91 KEY KEY 91
8 have taken the wrong turning back there. 7 object to 8 believe in 9 benefit from 4 Dr Carlisle, who was an expert in
D 1 O rely on 11 comment on 12 approve of genetics, has died./Dr Carlisle, who has
1 out 2 down 3 on 4 on Sin 6 up 7 up died, was an expert in genetics.
8 out Speaking Pages 48-49 S Hydrogen, which explodes easily, used to
be used in airships./Hydrogen, which used
E Ex A
to be used in airships, explodes easily.
1 of2 of3 to4 in Son 6 to 7 on 8with + -ing +full infinitive 6 I found an article which/that was all
F admit afford about working in science.
1 fortnight 2 funds 3 opponent consider choose ExD
4 nickname S famine 6 audience 7 valley deny fail 2 noticeable 3 central 4 prominent
8 objection enjoy hope S striking 6 essential
like intend
mind like
2A 3048 SC
risk manage
Reading Pages 44-4S suggest offer Ex F
Ex A plan 2C 38 4C S86A
2 nuclear 3 originated 4 elements refuse ExG
S calculated 6 orbits tend PHYSICS 2 physically 3 physical
ExB wish CHEMISTRY 1 chemist 2 chemically
2 supernova 3 Solar System 4 exoplanet 3 chemicals BIOLOGY 1 biological
S position 6 brightness 7 mass 8 carbon + object + full +object+ bare 2 biologists 3 biologically SCIENCE
infinitive infinitive 1 unscientific 2 scientific 3 scientifically
9 hydrogen 1 O iron 11 helium
ExC allow ExH
2 expands 3 convert 4 demoted cause 2H 3A 48 SF 6C 7G 80
ExD encourage Ex I
2 application 3 calculation 4 conversion tell 2 archaeology 3 anthropology 4 anatomy
S destruction 6 erosion 7 expansion S psychology 6 meteorology
8 expectation 9 observation 1 O production 2 to pursue 3 to follow 4 to satisfy
11 recognition 12 solution Exam Practice Page S3
S applying 6 to succeed 7 to relax 8 to
Ex E become/becoming 9 working 10 to do Ex A
2 accusation 3 recognition 4 erosion 11 to commit 12 to stick 2A 3 E 4 8 S G 6 D 7 F 8 C
S expectation 6 destruction 7 application ExC ExB
8 solution 2 to check 3 asking 4 meeting S saying 2 census 3 coordinator 4 winch S vessels
Ex F 6 quitting 7 to send 8 to ring 6 contraption 7 barrels 8 database 9 sensor
2J 3G 4F SA 6H 78 80 9E 101 1 O fleet
2 well 3 worth 4 like S addition 6 further Ex C
Listening Pages 46-47 Ex E
Ex A 2 pay 3 have 4 take S give 6 make 7 make
2 estimate 3 device 4 boot S elementary 8 play (have/take a role in a play in
ExB the theatre)
2 magnet 3 ball bearing 4 Tissue paper Ex F
S needle 6 compass 2 made up your mind about 3 have an
ExC effect on 4 take, for granted S gave, the
2 tissue paper 3 bowl 4 compass S ball impression 6 made a mistake 7 take
bearings 6 magnet control of 8 play a role

Writing Pages SO-S2
2 on 3 down 4 out S up 6 out
Ex A
Ex E
2 why/that 3 which 4 wheres which/that
2 carry out 3 broke down 4 came up with
6 whose 7 when/that 8 where
S switched on 6 find out
Ex F
2 it 3 ./ 4 hes they 6 she
2 in 3 of 4 of S from 6 on
2 Iron, whose chemical symbol is Fe,
2 on 3 on 4 to S on 6 for
conducts electricity./lron, which conducts
ExH electricity, has the chemical symbol Fe.
2 was responsible for 3 depends on 3 I saw a documentary which/that
4 apologised for S proud of 6 convince, of explained how magnets work.

92 KEY KEY 92
2 plunges 3 cruise 4 shallow S confined
6 shattered


Reading Pages S4-

Ex A
2 merged 3 harassment 4 candids update
6 bulletin/update
28 3A 4A SC 68 7C 88 9C 10A 11C 128
2A 3E 48 SF 6C 70 SH
2 press releases 3 headline 4 feature
S comment 6 tabloids 7 editorial 8 scandal
Ex E
1 journalist
2 photographer
3 presenter
4 correspondent
S editor
6 publisher

93 KEY KEY 93
Listening Pages S6-S7 3 have their children do/get their children Exe
Ex A to do
Place Language
2 commissioned 3 issues 4 rehearsals 4 have parents realise/get parents to
realise China Chinese
S genre 6 personnel
Shave/get certain rules imposed England English
6 have/get the facts checked/have France French
2 commissioning editor 3 director 4 actor
someone check the facts/get someone to
S producer Germany German
check the facts
Exe Greece Greek
2 sitcom 3 soap opera 4 talk show Italy Italian
2 have/get all our commercials made
S cartoon 6 documentary 7 drama series
3 has/gets most of its programmes made Japan Japanese
8 game show
4 have/get a newspaper delivered Korea Korean
ExD S have/get every story checked/have
2 across 3 in 4 over S aback 6 forward 7 up Poland Polish
someone check every story/get someone
8 over to check every story Portugal Portuguese
Ex E 6 had someone take/got someone to take Russia Russian
2 taken aback 3 taking, in 4 turning over ExD Spain Spanish
S bring up 6 came across 7 taken over 2 confront 3 compounds 4 analyses
8 came on Sweden Swedish
S resolve
Thailand Thai
Ex E
Speaking Pages S8-S9 Turkey
2 cause 3 consequently 4 due S result Turkish
Ex A 6 demands Vietnam Vietnamese
2 will ruin 3 would/might/could discover
Ex F
4 would/might/could watch S didn't have ExD
2A2 3C4B SD 6E
have/get their opinions
6 made 7 hadn't spent 8 would have been influenced
invented 9 hadn't had 1 O would make ExG
ExB DIRECT 2 direction 3 indirectly FORTUNE
2 own a TV in the UK, you have to buy a 1 fortunate 2 Unfortunately 3 unfortunate
TV licence. HARM 1 harmful 2 harmless 3 unharmed
3 read about the fire in the paper, I PERSUADE 1 persuasion 2 persuasive
wouldn't have known about it./read about 3 persuasiveness
it in the paper, I wouldn't have known ExH
a bout the fire. 2 draw 3 make 4 bear Stake 6 take 7 raise
4 children have a TV in their bedroom, they Ex I
might watch programmes for adults.
2 take control of 3 draw your attention
S Alice had known Johnny Depp was on
4 give their/an opinion S make sense of
the news, she would have watched it.
6 raised/raises a/the question 7 bear in
6 hadn't reported the story, the missing girl mind
wouldn't have been found.
7 wouldn't have become public if the press Exam Practice Page 63
hadn't got hold of the email.
8 the tabloids didn't make stories up, Ex A
people would trust them. 2 latter 3 mainstream 4 fringe S legendary
6 articulate 7 unique 8 rapid
2 On the one hand 3 On the other hand/ ExB
However 4 in spite of S however 6 While/ 2 handouts 3 outback 4 aborigines
Whereas S stakeholders 6 breeds 7 policy 8 states
9 standard 1 O perspective
11 satellite 12 portrayal
2 of 3 from 4 for S with 6 on 7 as 8 about
Ex E
2A 3E4B SD
2 describe ... as 3 confusing ... with 4 heard
about ... from S banned from 6 forgive ...
for 7 congratulated ... on 8 suffering from
Reading Pages 64-6S
Writing Pages 60-62
Ex A
Ex A
2 form 3 express 4 convey S partial
2B 3B 4A SB 6A
6 inherent

94 KEY KEY 94
2 from 3 of 4 as S by 6 on 7 as 8 against 2/3/4/S Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Punjabi,
Urdu (in any order) 6 Urdu 7 English
8 Punjabi 9 Dutch 10 Dutch 11 Flemish
Ex E
2 called ... tell 3 asked ... said 4 call Stell
6 ask 7 talking/speaking ... whisper/
whispering 8 shout 9 say 1 O tell/say
11 shout ... ask I tell 12 talking/speaking

Listening Pages 66-67

Ex A
2 go (read/work) 3 print 4 put S start 6
2 Let's start off the talk/start the talk
off with a short introduction.
3 I'd like to point out that this is
only a suggestion.
4 Quickly read/go through the article
and underline all the names of people.
S You have to get across the idea/get
the idea across to your children that
no means no.
6 I'll print out copies of the handouts
tonight (using my printer)./1'11 print
copies of the handouts out tonight
2 information 3 written, spoken
4 dimensional S presentation
6 demonstration
2 shake 3 tut 4 wag S wave 6 wink 7 roll
Ex E
2 in 3 other 4 single S to 6 mouth 7 in

95 KEY KEY 95
Stoo Zealand Sign Language.
9 A minority of the population knows
Ex F Maori. In the same/a similar way, a minority
2 gave 3 take 4 say S failed knows New Zealand Sign Language.
10 A minority of the population knows
Maori. Likewise, a minority knows New
Speaking Pages 6S-69
Zealand Sign Language.
Ex A
Ex F
2B 3A 4B SC 6B 7A SB 9B lOC
2 saying 3 speaker 4 swear S expression
ExB 6 sentence 7 lie
2 had only just sat down 3 ./ 4 did/do they
have S gone 6 loves 7 ./ S it was 9 I've
2 refused 3 regret 4 suspect S confessed
heard 10 ./
6 deny 7 apologise S accept 9 admit/
Exe accept 10 doubt/deny
2 a long story short 3 nutshell 4 is (that)
ExD Exam Practice Page 73
2A 3A 4B SB 6A 7B SB 9B lOA Ex A
2 distinguish 3 engage 4 manipulate
Writing Pages 70-72 S hypothesise 6 utter 7 correlates
Ex A S accelerates 9 omit 10 insert
2 I've been translating ExB
3 never been won 2 variation 3 milestone 4 discomfort
4 has existed S by-product 6 interaction 7 isolation
Swill have been given out S articulation 9 jaws 1 O spurt
6 had you been waiting Exe
7 will have finished
babbling cooing body
actions coughing growling which
2 I've been sitting
always grunting murmuring involve
3 has/had been fully/was fully revised
noise sighing snorting
4 I'll have written
squealing yelling
S Has/Had there
6 you've ever had to body actions
Exe which
sucking swallowing
2 for 3 ever 4 yet S before 6 yet 7 already
involve noise
S By 9 far 10 never
ExD body actions
2 considerably 3 mainly/largely 4 which don't gesturing
pa rticu la rly I strikingly I noticeably involve noise
S largely 6 noticeably/considerably
2 98% of the population speak English.
However, only 4.8% speak Maori. Reading Pages 74-7S
3 98% of the population speak English. In Ex A
contrast, only 4.8% speak Maori. \
2 eyewitnesses 3 precise 4 extensive
4 98% of the population speak English. On
S legend 6 shift
the other hand, only 4.8% speak Maori.
S While 98% of the population speak ExB
English, only 4.8% speak Maori./98% of the 2 resemble 3 historians 4 techniques
population speak English, while only 4.8% S distinctly 6 stone 7 tools S weapons
speak Maori. 9 relatively 10 edge 11 an alloy 12 Bronze
6 Whereas 98% of the population speak Exe
English, only 4.8% speak Maori./98% of the 2 fanciful 3 profound/enormous 4 vast/
population speak English, whereas only enormous/profound S junior 6 deliberate
4.8% speak Maori. 7 sharp S previous 9 enormous
7 A minority of the population knows ExD
Maori. Similarly, a minority knows New ABLE 2 disability 3 unable EDUCATE
Zealand Sign Language. 1 education 2 educators 3 educational
SA minority of the population knows EXPERT1 expertise 2 expertly EXPLAIN
Maori. Equally, a minority knows New 1 unexplained 2 inexplicable HISTORY

96 KEY KEY 96
1 historical 2 historic Hadrian's Wall would never have
Listening Pages 76-77
been built.
Ex A
2 takes/took 3 time 4 moment S about
2 were children allowed
6 ready 7 reminds S recall 9 bound
10 definite 11 led 12 were made
2 as 3 to 4 - S to 6 about/on 7 on
S - Exe
2 memorise/learn 3 commemorate 4
S reminisce 6 jog 7 bring S recall/recollect
9 remind 10 recall/recollect
2 reminder 3 nostalgia 4 memorial
S memory 6 memento
Ex E
2A 3F 4B SC6E

Speaking Pages 7S-79

Ex A
2 ./
3 am going
4 had been learning/was learning/learned/
s ./
6 is getting
7 will be working
Swill have been learning
2 have been working am looking 3 to
be getting 4 is studying am
Sam going/am going to go ... am
planning/plan 6 were living 7 have been
learning ... have been having S had been
revising 9 is being built 10 had been
living/ lived/had lived
2 German 3 history of Germany
4 linguistics
2 like 3 trying 4 could/might
Ex E
2 ruled 3 protests 4 avoided
Ex F
2 failed 3 passed 4 take S set 6 takes/took
7 do S do

Writing Pages SO-S2

Ex A
2 you to go to Russia, which cities
would you like to visit?
3 the last Ice Age not ended when
it did, our civilization might well
not have developed.
4 the Romans not invaded Britain,

97 KEY KEY 97
3 had the war ended 5 sophisticated 6 circular 7 located
come came come
4 did they have/were they able 8 refined
cost cost cost
5 had he become Exe
6 did a human walk deal dealt dealt 2 chill 3 condensed 4 suck 5 set
7 has there been do did done 6 converting 7 up 8 adapt
8 had/have they seen
drive drove driven
ExC Review Units 5-8 Pages 84-85
eat ate eaten
1 ever A
2 much ... that fight fought fought
3 such find found found
4 even forget forgot forgotten 1 evidence 2 fortunate 3 explanation
5 more
got 4 expertise 5 scientific 6 knowledgeable
ExD get got 7 harmful 8 significant 9 ability
2 of3 which/that 4 while/when/made 10 argument
5 making 6 which 7 Forgetting/Failing give gave given
8 during/in/after 9 where/when 10 whom went gone/been
1 had I seen such a shocking sight!
ExE have had had 2 Robert to speak to Alan (for me).
Noun Verb Adjective hear heard heard 3 had gone to Moscow, we would have
held seen the festival.
hold held
belief 4 he spoke did I realise he was French.
believe believable kept kept
disbelief keep 5 me to apply to university.
disbelieve unbelievable
believer know knew known 6 they to agree, we could sign the
lead led led contract tomorrow.
doubt doubtful
doubt 7 watched the news, they would know
doubter leave left
what's I what was going on.
evident left lose lost 8 are having our new sofa delivered
evidence -
self-evident lost on Tuesday.
make made made
put put put 2 dominant 3 partial 4 conventional
Adverb Phrases
look/stare/etc. in read read read
disbelief say said said
contrary to
see saw seen
popular belief
sell sold sold
doubting Thomas send sent sent
set set set
evidently -
show showed shown
ExF speak spoke spoken
2 However/Nevertheless spend spent spent
3 While/Although
stand stood stood
4 in my opinion/in my view
5 In the opinion of scientists/According steal stole stolen
to scientists take took taken
6 forward teach taught taught
ExG tell told told
Bare Past Past think thought thought
infinitive simple participle
understand understood understood
be was/were been
win won won
become became become
write wrote written
begin began begun
break broke broken Exam Practice Page 83
bring brought brought Ex A
build built built 2 pump 3 mines 4 surface 5 pipe 6 vacuum
7 pause 8 fuel 9 hammers 10 vehicles
buy bought bought
catch caught caught
choose chose chosen

98 KEY KEY 98
1 down 2 across 3 forward 4 on 5 up 6 up
7 over 8 up
1 to think 2 hadn't gone 3 have been
coming 4 be getting 5 waiting 6 to
7 did anyone ask 8 go
1 profound 2 conventional 3 partial
4 presentable 5 deliberate 6 persuasive
7 essential 8 precise

99 KEY KEY 99
l:fi:Q•Q (Listening Exercise E) Speaker 5: They were talking on the news about the new smoking
law, and everyone seemed to welcome it. Well, as far as I'm
Young woman: I've always been interested in art, even from a
very young age. We didn't have a gallery in my town, but I used concerned, it's an attack on personal freedom.
to go to the library and borrow all the books on fine art. I loved Narrator: Speaker 6
the beautiful paintings and sculptures and could look at them Speaker 6: There's a new law coming in, and it'll make it illegal to
for hours! As I got older, I began to travel around to see different smoke in public places. In my opinion, it's a shame they've waited
kinds of art. I remember the first time I saw somebody doing so long before introducing it, even if some people object to it.
performance art. It was a woman who covered herself in paint and
then danced around as she read poetry! It was a bit strange, but I
thought it was quite interesting.
l:f1:13'Q (Writing Exercise K)
Woman: It was unbelievable, really. I was coming home from
Later on, I became interested in conceptual art. The best
work one day the usual way in the car, and as I drove through the
conceptual art presents a really strong idea that makes you see
town centre, I saw that there were quite a few police cars outside
the world in a different way and maybe even shocks you. I saw one
a bank. I wondered what was going on. Well, I drove on and just as
piece that was just a pile of rubbish. You wouldn't normally think
I was pulling into my street, I noticed that there were more police
it was art, but it actually said a lot about the way we damage
cars there. It seemed strange, but I thought maybe they'd found
the environment.
evidence of a crime somewhere and they were investigating it.
I think my favourite kind of art, though, is pop art. I love the kind
Well, when I got out of my car, the police came over and said they
of images you see in comics or in adverts, and some artists can do
suspected me of being involved in a crime! I laughed and thought
really clever things with them.
they were joking, but they arrested me for robbing the bank! They

l:fi:l3•Q (Speaking Exercise D)

took me to the police station and charged me! I was in shock.
They called my lawyer and put me in a cell. I was there for ten
Interviewer: Would you describe yourself as an artistic person? hours until they sorted it all out. Apparently, a car I used to own
Helene: Well, I suppose I'm quite musical. I love music and I play had been used in the robbery. Can you imagine what might have
several musical instruments. I've been playing the piano since I happened if I'd been found guilty of it? I wouldn't like to think.
was about threeyears old and I also play the violin and the guitar. I
got my first guitar when I was seven, so I've been playing for about
thirteen years. I've actually also just started learning the trumpet
l:fj;Q•fi (Speaking Exercise D)
- I have two lessons a week - but I'm not very good yet! Interviewer: Do you think technology is going to change the way
Interviewer: Do you have any hobbies other than music? children learn at school?
Helene: Well, I'm not sure you can call it a hobby, but I love Candidate: That's a good question. And yes, I do. But sometimes
reading. I always take a book with me, wherever I go. I've almost you hear people say 'Oh, in twenty years' time, there aren't any
finished reading Tolstoy's War and Peace - I've just got a few pages teachers. All the children are going to learn from computers and
to go - so now I'm trying to decide what to read next. I want robots: I don't really believe that. In fifty years'time, teachers will
something different to War and Peace, so it'll probably be more still be teaching, and children will still have used books too. Or
modern - and shorter! at least I think so. Of course in, say, fifty years, things will have
changed in the classroom enormously. Blackboards will have
been replaced by smart boards, connected to the internet. Even
l@:Q•D (Speaking Exercise D) in poorer countries, I imagine. And that'll be great when it .'iY.iJl
Narrator: Speaker 1 happen.
Speaker 1: The government have just introduced a new law
banning smoking in public places, and it's started a lot of
discussion. Many people disagree with it. My personal opinion is
l:f1:13'D (Writing Exercise I)
that it's about time we did something like that. Female estate agent: So, this is the living room. It's a sizeable
room for a semi-detached house, isn't it? I think it's surprisingly
Narrator: Speaker 2
spacious. The whole place has just been cleaned thoroughly, and
Speaker 2: I read something about the new law against smoking in
I think you'll agree it's completely spotless. If you look at the walls,
public places. It seems to me that it's just another way of controlling
you'll see there's a substantial number of electric sockets. More
people, but I know that a large number of people think it's a good
than enough for your needs, I'd have thought. The main feature
of the room, of course, is this new full-height window here which
Narrator: Speaker 3 overlooks the extensive garden. A significant amount of work has
Speaker 3: I don't smoke, but some of my friends do. They've all been done on the house and garden in the renovation, and the
been complaining about the law, although from my point of view, owners have spent a considerable amount of money on it. So, let's
it should be a good way of encouraging people to give up. move into the kitchen ...
Narrator: Speaker 4
Speaker 4: According to some people, this smoking ban is
necessary to promote good health, by convincing people that it's
l:fj;ij•Q (ListeningExercise F)
Lecturer: Now of course when we're working with measurements
a good idea to stop. I tend to think, though, that you should do it
we do have to be careful. Although many countries use the metric
through education, rather than through the law.
system today, other measurement systems are still in use and
Narrator: Speaker 5 it's incredible how easy it is to make a mistake when converting

between them. The other system we're going to look at now is the @:fi:l31j(,j (Writing Exercise I)
imperial system. Narrator: Speaker 1
So, in the metric system the standard unit of length or distance Speaker 1: This range of mountains was formed when two large
measurement is the metre. In the imperial system, we measure plates of the Earth's crust collided with each other, forcing a large
in inches, feet, yards and miles. An inch is 2.54 centimetres. There amount of material up.
are twelve inches in a foot, and three feet in a yard. A yard is just Narrator: Speaker 2
a little bit shorter than a metre. It's actually 91.44 centimetres. In Speaker 2: It's clear from these bits of pottery that the ancient
terms of miles, there are 1,760 yards in a mile. A mile, by the way, Romans had very well-established trade routes with a number of
is considerably longer than a kilometre. It's just over 1,600 metres: different peoples.
1,609.344 metres, to be precise. Narrator: Speaker 3
In terms of weight, things get rather more complicated because Speaker 3: Of course, there are almost no tribes that have literally
the imperial gallon is different to the gallon used in the United had no contact with the outside world, but there are some where
States, so I think it's better [fade out] if we don't go into detail on that has been kept to a minimum.
that now ... Narrator: Speaker 4
Speaker 1: The heart pumps the blood into the aorta, and from
i:fi:IS.O (Speaking Exercise G) there it travels to tissues, bringing oxygen and taking away the
waste products.
Narrator: one
Voice: I think I'd better go home now. Narrator: Speaker 5
Narrator: two Speaker 5: We may feel as if we are in control of our thoughts, but
Voice: I'm tired. I think I'm going to go to bed, if you don't mind. it seems that this may be an illusion and there is a lot going on that
Narrator: three we are not aware of.
Voice: Right. I've got to go to work now. I'll see you this evening. Narrator: Speaker 6
Narrator: four Speaker 6: These clouds form at an altitude of 10,000 feet, where a
Voice: Do you fancy going for a swim this afternoon? region of warm air is forced upwards by a region of colder air.

@:f i:l3•jii (ListeningExercise B)

Narrator: five
Voice: It's amazing how many people have never been abroad.
Narrator: six Narrator: Speaker 1
Voice: We used to go camping a lot when I was a kid. Speaker 1: My role largely happens before anyone else is involved.
Narrator: seven I might go to them with an idea, or they might come to me.
Voice: Do you want to go sightseeing, or would you rather just sit Whichever way round it is, I usually have a few months to come
in a cafe somewhere? up with an initial version, which is then analysed and reworked.
Narrator: eight I'm rarely involved once they start shooting, but they might
Voice: We went on a really interesting tour of the castle. occasionally call me to clarify something.
Narrator: nine Narrator: Speaker 2
Voice: How do you get to work? Do you go by train or bus? Speaker 2: I'm focused on making sure we make the right
Narrator: ten programmes for the right audience. I'm responsible for all drama
Voice: You can't drive down to the beach. You have to go on foot. programmes, so there's a lot to think about. Once we've got a

show in production, I tend not to get too involved and just leave
(Listening Exercise D) the people I've chosen to get on with it. Of course, at the end of
Youngwoman: I got a new computer a week ago. I got it home the day, I need to approve everything.
and couldn't wait to use it because it was much better than my old Narrator: Speaker 3
computer. I took it out of the box and plugged everything in. Then Speaker 3: I'm the one who decides exactly what we're going to
I switched it on. It worked fine for a couple of hours, and then it shoot on the day. It involves choosing the right camera angles, as
just broke down while I was surfing the internet. It completely died well as working with the actors to make sure they're comfortable
and I had no idea what was wrong with it. I tried everything to find with what they're doing. It's the decisions I make that really bring
out what the problem was, but it just wouldn't work. Eventually, the script to life.
I came up with the idea of using my old computer to connect Narrator: Speaker 4
to the internet to see if I could find some advice. I searched and Speaker 4: There's a lot of waiting between shots while
searched and finally I found a website with comments from people everyone gets things ready, followed by a few minutes of intense
who had had the same problem with that model of computer. It concentration. When I'm performing, I try to forget that all the
said that there was a problem with the processor and that I had to equipment is there and focus on what I'm trying to communicate.
take it to a computer shop so they could carry out repairs. It was I hate making mistakes with lines because I know that it means
so annoying! I finally got it back today. Let's hope it doesn't break everyone has to start again.
down again! Narrator: Speaker 5
Speaker 5: A large part of my job is making sure that we don't go
over budget. I have to approve all spending. I'm also responsible
for making sure that we keep to the schedule. Even just a few days
over can cost the company a lot of money.

@:f1:13'ifj (Writing Exercise F) disapproval. Basically, then, this gesture means 'no'. When people
Lecturer: I'd like now to look at the ways in which regulation of in Britain tut - that is, they make a small audible click with the
the media developed in the United States of America from the '40s tongue - that is also a sign of disapproval.
onwards. The first changes were brought about as a result of a rule Another sign of disapproval, often used by parents to small
which placed a limit on the ownership of radio and TV stations. children, is to wag your finger. This involves a small sideways
The rule prevented anybody from owning stations which could movement of the index finger several times. To wave is to move
be received by more than 35% of the people living in the country. the whole hand with the same movement several times. This is
Consequently, the power of media companies was restricted. Five used for greetings and saying goodbye.
years later, in 1946, more regulations were introduced, which this To wink at someone - that is, to quickly close and then open
time prevented large media companies from buying others of a one eye - usually indicates that the person doing it recognises a
similar size. shared secret or shared information between them and the person
This increasing regulation of the media continued over the next they are doing it to. It's often considered a humorous, naughty or
three decades. In 1970, the power of broadcasters was weakened cheeky gesture, and is usually only used informally.
further, due to a rule which prevented anyone from owning a radio If you roll your eyes, you rotate both eyes upwards for a short
station and a television station broadcasting to the same audience. time. This can be used to express a number of negative emotions
Other similar rules followed later in the '70s. including boredom, disbelief annoyance and impatience.
In the late '70s and early'80s, some people began to feel that
the extent of the regulation of the media was unreasonable and @:fi:Q•jfj (ListeningExercise E)
gradually the rules were relaxed. In '85 the rule that placed a limit Narrator: Speaker 1
on the total number of advertisements a station could broadcast Male: Hi Alan. Don't forget the time of the meeting this afternoon's
per hour was removed. Two years later, one of the biggest changes been changed and it's starting at three o'clock now. Okay?
happened when they got rid of the Fairness Doctrine. That rule
Narrator: Speaker 2
had required stations to show both sides of an argument, and
Female: Well of course when I was a child there was much less
once it had gone, stations were free to present stories how
crime and violence than there is now. I suppose we didn't have so
they liked. Almost a decade after that, in 1996, the rule limiting
much disposable income, but we were definitely happier. Life was
ownership of radio stations was lifted, which meant that large
so much better back then, you know.
companies were free to buy as many as they could afford.
Now, let's look at some of the changes that have taken place Narrator: Speaker 3
since 1996. Male: Actually Ellen gave me this book the last time I ever saw her,
so I have to say it's got a very special place in my heart.
@:frij•jfi (Reading Exercise D) Narrator: Speaker 4
Female: It's a funny thing, isn't it? I mean, ask me what I did on my
Male lecturer: So now let's come on to languages where you can't
birthday fifteen years ago and I can tell you. Ask me where I've just
simply take the name of the country and change the ending. Don't
put the car keys, and I haven't the faintest idea!
make the mistake - as many people do - of saying that in America
they speak American. They don't. They speak English, though it can Narrator: Speaker 5
be described as a form of English called American English. Likewise Male: This is the statue, with the names of all the people who died
in Canada, there's no such thing as Canadian in terms of language. in the accident on this plaque here. We have a small service once
Once again, it's English, though of course Canada has two official a year to remember them. It's very touching, even though it all
languages, the other being French. happened a long time ago.
Similarly, there's no such language as Indian. In India, more than Narrator: Speaker 6
24 languages are spoken widely. English is often used for official Female: I bet you can guess where we were when Brian got this.
purposes, and other recognised languages include Hindi, Bengali, Casablanca! Well, I know it's a bit predictable, but if you don't come
Gujarati, Punjabi and Urdu. back with one of these red hats after you've been to Morocco, no•
Urdu is also the national language of Pakistan, though English one's going to believe you actually went there, are they?
is recognised as the official language, and is the language used
in the constitution and often for business. There are a number
of regional languages in use in Pakistan too. Six main ones,
@:fi:i3•j[ij (SpeakingExercise C)
Young woman: Yes, I do enjoy learning languages. I suppose it's
including Punjabi.
about seven years now since I started learning English. I have
And what's the official language of the Netherlands, or Holland?
three lessons a week, plus all the homework, so it's quite hard but
It's Dutch. Forms or varieties of Dutch are also spoken throughout
I still enjoy it. In fact, I enjoy learning languages so much that I've
Belgium. These are often also known as Flemish.
recently started having German lessons. The grammar is quite

@:f1:13•j@i (ListeningExercise D) difficult, but I'm also learning a lot about the history of Germany,
which is very interesting. I think an understanding of the history
Female lecturer: Gestures around the world vary depending on and culture of a place really helps you learn the language. My
culture. In Britain, a number of gestures are used regularly. aim is to go to university somewhere like the United States and
British people often nod their head to signify confirmation do linguistics, so the more I know about different languages,
or approval. Basically, this gesture means 'yes'. When people the better.
shake their head, they are expressing the opposite: negation or

11:1.1 s
A SHOl~T ll\lTEl\ISl\fl: c:OUHSE
Malcolm Mann & Steve Taylore-Knowles

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