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Supplement to CoatingsPro Magazine

Spring 2018 | Issue 1

By Dave Allmand, Coating Inspector Program Chair

y grandson is on a baseball that cures cancer. No matter who sands of little moments that build our
scholarship at his university. you are, at some time in life. you’ve character and reveal who we really are.
Like so many of us, he too likely had dreams of that big life-­ I previously wrote asking you to get
has had dreams of greatness where altering moment. involved in the committee process
I’ve come to realize that we don’t just within NACE International—the techni-
he hits the grand-slam home run in
live in those “big” important moments cal committees, Specific Technology
the bottom of the 9th inning to win Groups, activity committees, and Task
the game. Maybe sports moments that we are always looking for. Typically,
we make only a few great or grand deci- Groups where so much of the real work
were not among your dreams; of NACE takes place. This is work that
sions in our lives. Like the vast majority
maybe you dreamed of address- of mankind, I probably won’t have a makes a daily difference in our working
ing parliament with such a rousing biography written about me! Reality is process. When I was just a child, in the
speech that you actually changed that we live in the little moments, so our winter my father would take me hunting.
the course of history. Possibly you character and who we are as individu- I remember so well my struggles, trudg-
dreamed of medical studies where als is not set by those three or four big ing through the snow, trying to keep up
you created a gene-altering vaccine moments. It’s set by those tens of thou- Continued on page 2

CIP Chair Message: Moments……………………………………………………… 1 Corrosion Basics: Testing Protective Coatings……………………………… 7

NACE International Celebrates 75 Years in 2018…………………………… 2 NACE Coatings Course Schedule………………………………………………… 8
Get This…………………………………………………………………………………… 3 Coatings Resources…………………………………………………………………… 9
Electric Impulses Clean Industrial Water and Paints ……………………… 4
INSPECT THIS Spring 2018 | Issue 1

Continued from page 1

with my father and brother. Suddenly intentionally took small steps to allow so the NACE web site and see the variety
I would begin to find that my way was many of us to walk in success because of committees that need your help. Our
not so difficult after all. It was about that of their labor. Today, I’m asking again for efforts today will improve our under-
time that I noticed my father had begun your involvement. standing as well as our character. Volun-
to shrink his stride, taking smaller and All of us working together within the teer today, not only for your benefit, but
smaller steps so I could more easily committee process will make a differ- also for those who will follow along in
follow by walking in his steps. Look- ence for years to come. Begin today to your footsteps.
ing back at my life in this industry, I volunteer—your strong character and See you at CORROSION 2018 in
also remember seeing so many of my sharing of moments will make a big Phoenix, Arizona. IT
mentors who could have run ahead, but difference for tomorrow. Take a look at

NACE International Celebrates

75 Years in 2018
of corrosion prevention and control, offered by the Houston Section in 1971.
from oil and gas and water systems Throughout the years, NACE devel-
to marine, transportation, and infra- oped many more programs and courses
structure protection. focusing on such areas as CP, protective
This year the association celebrates coatings and linings, materials selec-
its 75th Anniversary, a milestone made tion and design, refining, and corrosion
possible by the knowledge, expertise, fundamentals. Several are now avail-
and continued support of its members able online and in other languages. The
world-renowned Coating Inspector

and other corrosion professionals from
s the corrosion control around the globe. As it has in the past, Program (CIP) was developed in the
industry has developed and NACE continues to advance education early 1980s in response to a request
grown, NACE International and training, technical discussions, publi- from Group Committee T-6 on Protec-
established itself early on as an or- cations, and standards development and tive Coatings for a certification program
advocate corrosion control as part of its to upgrade the coatings industry. By
ganization committed to controlling
mission to equip society to protect peo- 1985, NACE changed the terminology in
and preventing corrosion. From its its older accreditation programs to cer-
beginnings as a small group of engi- ple, assets, and the environment from the
adverse effects of corrosion. tification and began adding certification
neers focused on cathodic protec- in specialty fields. All categories have
tion (CP) to address metal pipeline Education and Training requirements for work experience in the
degradation, NACE has evolved The critical need for education and field of corrosion and passing examina-
into a worldwide organization that is training programs to benefit anyone tions as well as signing a NACE attesta-
involved in every industry and area involved in corrosion prevention and tion concerning professionalism.
control was recognized Multiple courses are taught every
early on by NACE leaders. week throughout the world in NACE
One of the first educational facilities—primarily the Elcometer
efforts sponsored by NACE Building in Houston, Texas that accom-
was a 1949 short course at modates more than 3,000 students per
the University of Texas at year—and company in-house locations.
Austin, which was designed In 2014, NACE opened a 4,000 ft2 (372
for people who dealt with m2) training center in Dubai, U.A.E. offer-
corrosion problems in ing the entire suite of NACE courses.
industry but did not have Hundreds of students from the area and
the background or expe- surrounding countries are taking advan-
rience to do so efficiently. tage of the local center.
NACE developed its first In 2012, NACE established the NACE
formal education course in International Institute (NII) to establish
the late 1960s—Basic Cor- an organization focused on certification
rosion—which was initially activities and to further advance the
Members conduct a protective coatings exercise in 1956. offered as a correspon- corrosion profession. The institute sup-
dence course. The material ports growth and quality of certification
NACE currently has dozens of education and training
was then formatted as a for the corrosion control field, improving
programs worldwide, including the renowned Coating
four-day course and first the business conditions of the indus-
Inspector Program.

Spring 2018 | Issue 1 INSPECT THIS
try, and advancing knowledge through members provide valuable oversight the time it was founded by 11 pipeline
certification programs that promote and input to ensure that the association engineers in 1943. This book has been
public safety, protect the environment, best serves its diverse membership. updated and revised to honor NACE’s
and reduce the economic impact of NACE leadership is continually involved 75th anniversary and will be released at
corrosion. The NII also leads its certi- in strategic planning to address the CORROSION 2018 in Phoenix, Arizona.
fication programs toward compliance association’s direction and define its It highlights the knowledge and exper-
with the ISO standard for certification goals and objectives for years to come. tise of dedicated members and staff,
bodies (ISO 17024). Today, it administers To commemorate NACE’s 70th as well as the activities conducted over
23 certifications plus the CIP endorse- anniversary in 2013, the NACE Past the years that have led to the thriving,
ments. There are more than 35,000 Presidents Council compiled a complete, 36,000-member international technical
NACE certification holders worldwide. illustrated history of the association from society that NACE is today. IT
Other areas of NACE that have grown
and flourished over the years include
Technical Activities, Conferences and
Exhibits, Publications, Public Affairs, and
the NACE Foundation. As the structure
of NACE has grown and changed over
its 75-year history, one thing remains
the same—NACE is driven by its mem-
Coating Thickness Gages

bers. The NACE Board of Directors, area
and activities committees, technical
committees, and many other active

Get This! n NEW Faster measurement speed—

60+ readings per minute
ryce Vander Poel, a NACE-­ n No calibration adjustment required for
certified Coating Inspector, most applications – measure right
is the winner of this issue’s out of the box!
drawing for a free Coating Inspec- n Tough probes, robust housing and
tor Program (CIP) course. He is CIP strong two year warranty
Level 2 certified and works on the n All models include Certificate
preservation of submarines for the of Calibration
U.S. Navy (Oxford, Massachusetts, n Includes PosiSoft suite of software
USA). for viewing and reporting data

How can you enter the Scan Modes
drawing to win a free
CIP course?
Simply send an email message to Advanced models now include
3 Powerful Scan Modes
[email protected] and mention
that you saw this article. To be
eligible, you must have completed 1-800-448-3835
CIP Level 1 and your certification
must be active. The free CIP course
(Level 2 or Level 3—Peer Review)
must be taken within a year of
Award Winning Compatibility! The PosiTector gage accepts ALL coating thickness,
winning the drawing. surface profile, environmental, soluble salt, Shore hardness and ultrasonic wall thickness probes.

Please note that the drawing only

applies to CIP courses and not other
NACE course offerings. The prize is
transferrable but may not be sold. If
the prize is transferred, the recipient
must meet the same criteria as the DeFelsko Corporation l Ogdensburg, New York USA
winner. IT Tel: +1-315-393-4450 l Email: [email protected]

Spring 2018 | Issue 1

Water and
ater-based coatings are
environmentally compat-
ible but they have one
drawback—microorganisms such as
bacteria can reproduce in the water
Fischer’s Complete Line of Protective and paints used and then adversely
affect the quality of surface coating.
Coating Measurement Instruments Typically, biocides have been used
to control these bacteria. Now, a
are Essential Tools for the Corrosion sterilization process for industrial
Industry water and paints that uses electric
impulses is being developed to
address this issue. The program
is funded by the German Federal
• Precise thickness measurement in accordance Ministry of Education and Research
to IMO-PSPC and SSPC-PA2 requirements with and coordinated by researchers at
special pre-set measuring modes available Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
• Wear resistant probes withstand even rough surfaces (Karlsruhe, Germany).
The new electric impulse technol-
• Easy data transfer and individual report generation ogy, which focuses on both surface
with intuitive software, FISCHER DataCenter treatment for the automotive industry
(cathodic immersion painting) and appli-
• Measurement of thick layers up to 100mm on pipelines cations for general industry (coating of
and more industrial goods by anodic immersion
painting), works without chemical addi-
• Comprehenzive testing of corrosion protective tives, reduces water consumption, and
coatings on porosity, cracks, and leaks contributes to water protection. When
cells or microorganisms are exposed
• Ensure TSA is applied to specification with quick and to an electric field, the cell membrane
nondestructive measurement of TSA over stainless is polarized, which means that electric
steel and other non-ferrous substrates poles form and aqueous pores open.
This eventually results in the death of
the microorganisms. As the electric
impulses impart a purely physical effect,
Contact FISCHER today to learn more: bacteria are not expected to develop
860.683.0781 resistances, as they do in the case of biocides.
Technology is being integrated into
[email protected]
a new, automated, resource-efficient
water management and plant concept
for pretreatment and immersion paint-
ing. To learn more, visit
Coating Thickness Material Analysis Microhardness Material Testing
Source: Karlsruhe Institute of
­Technology. IT

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I have worked in the corrosion industry for
20 years. NACE training and certification helped
me get a major promotion as a QC manager. It’s
given me the chance to exchange knowledge

with other third-party inspectors and most
importantly, our fellow workers – blasters, painters,
and inspectors. Being certified is a statement of

– Alexandre Racine, NACE CIP Level 3 Certified,

Quality Control Manager/EHS Coordinator at
Drytec Trans-Canada

NACE Career Development, your experts

in training and certification

Developed by Industry,
Globally Recognized.
Spring 2018 | Issue 1 INSPECT THIS

Corrosion Basics
Testing Protective Coatings

oating operations of almost any applied with some confidence that good in the plant site, fully realizing that, when
size must include some type service will be obtained. proceeding with this step, all surfaces
of meaningful test program. Once the panel testing is completed, in the field have far from the same
The program should evaluate materi- the usual procedure is to apply the most exposure.
als, surface preparation, application, promising two or three candidate mate- Source: Corrosion Basics—
rials on tanks or other large metal areas An ­Introduction (Houston, TX: NACE). IT
and inspection procedures. In the
absence of extensive historical field
performance data, such programs
are the only objective basis on which
to make decisions relating to future
work. These may be done in-house or LPD
contracted to the many consulting/in-
specting firms available to help those
Low voltage Pinhole Detector
without the necessary personnel.
Whenever possible, standard test
procedures and means of evaluation
Detects holidays,
provided by NACE International, ASTM, pinholes and other
SSPC, and others should be consulted
and followed. discontinuities on
Laboratory Testing metal and concrete
The number and types of tests that substrates NEW
can be conducted in the laboratory are
almost limitless. Because field testing
of coatings is so costly in time, labor, n Lightweight, ergonomic design to fit comfortably in
and facilities, it has been the persistent the hand with a balanced weight distribution
aim of the formulators, raw materials n 4 voltage outputs conform to international standards
producers, and users of coatings to n Automatic self-test verifies voltage calibration
establish meaningful accelerated tests.
n GroundSense™ visibly reassures the user that the
These may involve a wide variety of
procedures, ranging from comparatively instrument is properly grounded
simple to highly sophisticated. n Weatherproof, dustproof and shockproof —
meets or exceeds IP65
Field or Service Testing n Long Form Certificate of Calibration included
Although the delays involved in field
or service testing may seem intermina-
bly long in many cases (years may be Select from 2 Kit options:
required for completion of a full-scale Complete Kit
Basic — includes everything
field test), when coating expenditures needed for detecting pinholes
run into the hundreds of thousands, and using a rectangular sponge
in some cases into millions of dollars, wand
it pays to be sure about performance.
Most field testing is done on site under Complete — includes the Basic
the supervision of the customer’s test- Kit, adaptable sponge hardware
ing staff. Ordinarily, coupons coated with and extension accessories
the materials to be tested are exposed
in multiples at several test sites in a
plant as a first step.
After varying periods of exposure,
depending on the design of the test 1-800-448-3835
program, coupons are removed from
the exposure sites to laboratories where
their residual properties are measured.
At the end of such a program, it usually
is possible to identify the best perfor- DeFelsko Corporation l Ogdensburg, New York USA
mance from among a group of coatings Tel: +1-315-393-4450 l Email: [email protected]
similarly exposed. This coating can be

INSPECT THIS Spring 2018 | Issue 1

NACE Coatings Course Schedule

CIP Level 2 CIP Level 1
Montreal, QC ...............................................................Apr 15-20, 2018 Lima.................................................................................Apr 2-7, 2018
PCS 1 Basic Principles
Calgary, AB...................................................................May 27-29, 2018
CIP Level 1
PCS 2 Advanced
Midrand..........................................................................May 14-19, 2018
Calgary, AB...................................................................May 30-Jun 1, 2018
CIP Peer Review
Pipeline Coating Applicator Training
Johannesburg.............................................................Apr 11-14, 2018
Edmonton, AB .............................................................Apr 23-27, 2018
CIP Level 1
CIP Level 1
Ulsan...............................................................................Apr 23-28, 2018
Shanghai........................................................................May 20-25, 2018
CIP Level 2
CIP Level 2
Ulsan...............................................................................Apr 30-May 5, 2018
Shanghai........................................................................May 27-Jun 1, 2018
CIP Peer Review SPAIN
Shanghai........................................................................May 17-20, 2018
Marine Coating Technology
Madrid............................................................................Apr 2-5, 2018
Bogota............................................................................Apr 23-28, 2018
CIP Level 1
Marabella.......................................................................May 6-11, 2018
CIP Level 2
Marine Coating Technology
Marabella.......................................................................May 13-18, 2018
Cairo................................................................................May 6-9, 2018
CIP Peer Review
INDIA Port of Spain................................................................May 10-13, 2018
CIP Level 1
Chennai..........................................................................Apr 16-21, 2018
Kochi...............................................................................May 7-12, 2018 CIP Level 1
Mumbai..........................................................................May 14-19, 2018 Istanbul..........................................................................May 7-12, 2018
CIP Level 2 CIP Level 2
Chennai..........................................................................Apr 23-28, 2018 Istanbul..........................................................................May 14-19, 2018
Mumbai..........................................................................May 21-26, 2018
CIP Level 2
PCS 1 Basic Principles Dubai...............................................................................Mar 31-Apr 5, 2018
Genova...........................................................................May 23-25, 2018
CIP Level 1
CIP Level 2 Aberdeen......................................................................Apr 30-May 5, 2018
Imabari............................................................................Apr 19-24, 2018
CIP Level 1
CIP Level 1 Albuquerque, NM........................................................May 20-25, 2018
Kuala Lumpur...............................................................Apr 9-14, 2018 Anaheim, CA.................................................................Apr 8-13, 2018
Baton Rouge, LA.........................................................May 6-11, 2018
CIP Level 2
Buffalo, NY....................................................................Apr 29-May 4, 2018
Kuala Lumpur...............................................................Apr 16-21, 2018
Columbus, OH.............................................................May 6-11, 2018
Commerce, CA............................................................May 6-11, 2018
Denver, CO...................................................................Apr 8-13, 2018
CIP Level 1 Houston, TX..................................................................Apr 2-7, 2018
Cuernavaca, MOR......................................................May 14-19, 2018 Houston, TX..................................................................Apr 8-13, 2018
Houston, TX..................................................................Apr 9-14, 2018
CIP Level 2
Houston, TX..................................................................Apr 15-20, 2018
Cuernavaca, MOR......................................................May 21-26, 2018
Houston, TX..................................................................Apr 22-27, 2018
Houston, TX..................................................................Apr 29-May 4, 2018
Houston, TX..................................................................May 6-11, 2018
CIP Level 1 Houston, TX..................................................................May 20-25, 2018
Auckland........................................................................May 7-12, 2018 Jacksonville, FL..........................................................May 7-12, 2018
Kansas City, MO..........................................................Apr 8-13, 2018
NIGERIA Kansas City, MO..........................................................Apr 22-27, 2018
Kingstown, RI...............................................................Apr 2-7, 2018
PCS 1 Basic Principles
Victoria Island, Lagos...............................................May 21-23, 2018
Continued on page 15

Spring 2018 | Issue 1 INSPECT THIS

Coating Resources
NACE International Technical Committees Need You!
• Help influence industry standards. • Exchange technical information. • Strengthen your leadership skills.
As a NACE International member, you can sign up online to join a committee—go to the NACE Committees section
at to join an STG or TEG. Contact the chair of a TG to indicate interest in that type of committee.
Types of Committees
• Specific Technology Groups (STGs) • Task Groups (TGs) • Technology Exchange Groups (TEGs)
Committee Description Scope/Assignment
STG 02 Coatings and Linings, Protective: Atmospheric Scope: Determine uses, application, and performance of coatings for
atmospheric service. Atmospheric service denotes industrial and
commercial equipment, architectural structures, and bridges.
TG 005 Review of NACE Publication 02203/ICRI Review and revise NACE Publication 02203/ICRI Technical Guideline 03741/
Technical Guideline 03741/SSPC-TR 5 SSPC-TR 5, “Design, Installation, and Maintenance of Protective Polymer Flooring
Systems for Concrete.”
TG 146 Coatings, Thermal-Spray Review and revise joint standard NACE No. 12/AWS C2.23M/SSPC-CS 23.00,
“Specification for the Application of Thermal Spray Coatings (Metalizing) of
Aluminum, Zinc, and their Alloys and Composites for the Corrosion Protection of
TG 148 Threaded Fasteners: Coatings for Protection of Revise NACE Publication 02107, “Coatings for Protection of Threaded Fasteners
Threaded Fasteners Used with Structural Steel, Used with Structural Steel, Piping, and Equipment.”
Piping, and Equipment
TEG 192X Coating Industry Problems Confronting Owners Provide a format for handling problems and issues that affect the owner and
and Contractors contractor utilizing coatings. Problems and issues may include hazardous waste,
volatile organic compounds, applicator training, federal and state regulations,
and others that may develop.
TEG 255X Coatings, Thermal-Spray for Corrosion Exchange of information regarding thermal-spray coatings (TSCs) used for
Protection corrosion protection.
TG 260 Review of NACE Standard TM0304-2004 Review and revise as necessary the test methods in NACE Standard TM0304.
TEG 311X Threaded Fasteners: Coatings and Methods of Share information concerning, and discuss effective methods for, corrosion
Protection for Threaded Fasteners Used with control of fasteners used with structural, piping, and equipment connections.
Structural Steel, Piping, and Equipment
TG 312 Offshore Platform Coatings for Atmospheric and Review and revise as necessary the test methods in NACE Standard TM0404.
Splash Zone New Construction
TG 313 Offshore Platforms: Coatings for Corrosion Review and revise NACE SP0108-2008, “Corrosion Control of Offshore Structures
Control of Steel—NACE SP0108-2008 by Protective Coatings.”
TG 340 Offshore Coating Condition Assessment for Develop a standard practice addressing a standard method and grading
Maintenance Planning system to assess the in-service condition of offshore coatings. Provide direction
regarding the use of assessment data in managing maintenance painting
programs. The documented process will serve as an aid in the planning, budget,
and execution of offshore maintenance programs.
TEG 346X Offshore Coatings: Laboratory Testing Criteria Review and critique laboratory testing methods designed to predict performance
in an offshore environment. Assess test variables and gather data needed to
improve industry standard techniques.
TEG 399X Evaluation, Testing, and Specifying Coating Exchange information, create a task group for state-of-the-art report, followed by
Materials for Elevated Temperatures for Insulated formation of a task group to write a standard practice, and sponsor symposia.
and Uninsulated Service
TG 415 Review and Revise as Necessary NACE Standard Review and revise if necessary NACE Standard RP0281-2004, “Method for
RP0281-2004 Conducting Coating (Paint) Panel Evaluation Testing in Atmospheric Exposures.”
TG 422 Coatings for Elevated-Temperature Insulated or Write a state-of-the-art report.
Noninsulated Exterior Service
TEG 424X Liquid-Applied Insulative Coatings for Discuss issues of spray-applied insulative coatings for elevated-temperature
Atmospheric Service at 0 to 375 °F exterior surfaces.
TEG 428X Hot-Dip Galvanizing for Steel Corrosion Discuss and furnish technical information on the process of hot-dip galvanizing and
Protection its use as a corrosion protection system for steel fabrications as well as the inspection
of hot-dip galvanized coatings with other corrosion protection systems.
TG 525 Determining True Insulative Value of Liquid Develop test methods for determining the true insulative value of liquid
Insulative Materials Applied on Steel Surfaces insulative materials applied on steel surfaces.

INSPECT THIS Spring 2018 | Issue 1

Coating Resources
Committee Description Scope/Assignment
TG 537 Corrosion Prevention Coating of Bolt To develop terminology and definition, including components of coating
Connections of Steel Structures by “CUP” systems, fabrication of “CUP,” technical requirements, application process, and
requirements for a coating system for bolt connections.
TG 541 Coatings System for Reinforced Concrete To specify the laboratory test method to evaluate performances of heavy
Structures in Marine Atmospheric Environments anticorrosion coating systems for reinforced concrete structures in marine
atmospheric environments; to provide detailed requirements for components
and technical requirements of the coatings systems, application process and
requirements, storage, and inspection methods.
TG 549 Measurement of Leachable Chloride Content Develop a document that describes a test method for measuring leachable
of Coatings Applied to Stainless Steel in High chloride levels and acceptable levels for coatings applied to stainless steel.
Temperature Service Environment
TG 551 Rust Converter Use for Preparation of Ferrous Purpose is to develop a standard for the utilization of rust converters in the
Surfaces preparation of ferrous surfaces.
TEG 560X Application and Inspection of Intumescent To work on a standard for intumescent fireproofing since there is a need for it in
Fireproofing the industry.
STG 03 Coatings and Linings, Protective: Immersion Scope: Determine effectiveness, performance criteria, and quality needs
and Buried Service of immersion coatings and lining materials used in immersion service.
TG 009 Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Linings for Develop a standard practice for installing fiberglass-reinforced plastic linings
Aboveground Storage Tank Floors within aboveground storage tanks.
TG 030 Coating Conductance Update and revise NACE Technical Committee Report 1D157, “Methods for
Measuring Leakage Conductance of Coating on Buried or Submerged Pipelines,”
into a NACE standard test method.
TG 141 Coatings and Linings over Concrete for Chemical Update SP0892-2007 to incorporate current technologies and practices to
Immersion and Containment Service successfully protect concrete.
TG 246 Thin-Film Organic Linings Applied to Process Develop application technology for applying thin-film linings to prevent
Vessels and Tankages corrosion, hydrogen-induced cracking, or other corrosion deterioration by
internal corrosion mechanisms.
TG 247 Reaffirm NACE Standard RP0105-2005 Reaffirm NACE Standard RP0105-2005, “External Repair, Rehabilitation, and Weld
Joints on Pipelines.”
TG 248 Coatings, Heat-Shrink Sleeves for External Review and revise as needed NACE Standard RP0303-2003, “Field-Applied
Repair, Rehabilitations, and Weld Joints on Heat-Shrinkable Sleeves for Pipelines: Application, Performance, and Quality
Pipelines Control.”
TG 249 Review and Revise as Necessary NACE Standard Review and revise as necessary NACE Standard RP0402-2002, “Field-Applied
RP0402-2002 Fusion-Bonded Epoxy (FBE) Pipe Coating Systems for Girth Weld Joints:
Application, Performance, and Quality Control.”
TG 250 Coal Tar Enamel Coatings for External Repair, Review and revise/reaffirm as necessary NACE Standard RP0602-2002,
Rehabilitations, and Weld Joints on Pipelines “Field-Applied External Coal Tar Enamel Pipe Coating Systems: Application,
Performance, and Quality Control.”
TG 251 Review and Revise or Reaffirm SP0109-2009 Review and revise or reaffirm SP0109-2009, “Field Application of Bonded Tape
Coatings for External Repair, Rehabilitation, and Weld Joints on Buried Metal
TG 263 Review of NACE Standard TM0104-2004 Review and revise as necessary the test methods in NACE Standard TM0104-2004.
TG 264 Offshore Exterior Submerged Coatings: Review and revise as necessary the test methods in NACE Standard TM0204-2004.
Standard Test Methods
TG 265 Coating, Polyolefin Resin Systems: Review of Review and revise as necessary NACE SP0185-2007, “Extruded Polyolefin Resin
NACE SP0185-2007 Coating Systems with Soft Adhesives for Underground or Submerged Pipe.”
TG 266 Coating and Lining Materials in Immersion Review and revise as necessary NACE Standard TM0174-2002, “Laboratory
Service: Review of NACE Standard TM0174 Methods for the Evaluation of Protective Coatings and Lining Materials in
Immersion Service.”
TG 281 Coatings, Polyurethane for Field Repair, Develop a standard practice for a minimal specification for the field application,
Rehabilitation, and Girth Weld Joints on repair, and testing for a polyurethane coating to be used on the exterior of buried
Pipelines pipelines.
TG 296 Coating Systems, Wax, for Underground Piping Review and revise as necessary NACE Standard RP0375, “Wax Coating Systems for
Systems: Review of NACE Standard RP0375 Underground Piping Systems.”
TG 298 Review and Revise as Necessary NACE Standard Review and revise as necessary NACE Standard RP0399-2004, “Plant-Applied
RP0399-2004 External Coal Tar Enamel Pipe Coating Systems: Application, Performance, and
Quality Control.”

Spring 2018 | Issue 1 INSPECT THIS

Coating Resources
Committee Description Scope/Assignment
TG 336 External Pipeline Coatings: Practices, Test Develop a technical committee report that outlines state-of-the-art practices as
Methods, and/or Test Methodologies for described in the title.
High-Operating-Temperature Pipelines,
Immersion and Buried Service Only
TG 337 External Pipeline Coatings: Field Installation and Develop a standard practice that identifies common aspects of field installation
Inspection Criteria for Maximum Performance pertaining to quality installation and long-term performance.
TEG 351X Advances in Coatings under Insulation (CUI) Discussion of the development of a recommended test procedure for
Technologies qualification of coatings used under insulation service.
TG 352 Coating Systems (External) for Pipeline Develop a standard practice for minimum specifications for external coatings for
Directional Drill Applications use in directional drill service.
TEG 354X Pipeline Coatings: Underground Blistering Discuss blistering of underground pipeline coatings, causes of blistering, and
prevention methods.
TG 425 State-of-the-Art in CUI Coating Systems Describe available systems, performance, and industry-accepted criteria for
coatings under insulation.
TEG 435X Effects of Bioethanols on Fused Silica Hold technical information exchanges (TIEs) on the effects of bioethanols,
Containment Vessels in Immersion and Phase aromatic ethanols, and sulfurous emissions on fused silica containment vessels.
Change Exposures
TG 470 Cathodic Disbondment Test for Coated Steel Develop a standard test method to conduct the cathodic disbondment test.
Structures under Cathodic Protection
TG 479 NACE Adoption of ISO 21809-3 Review ISO 21809 with the goal to adopt or adopt with changes (amendments) to
the standard and create a NACE/ISO, possibly modified, standard.
TG 490 Prequalification of Flow Efficiency Pipeline Develop a new standard practice for the prequalification requirements of internal
Coatings flow efficiency coatings for pipelines.
TG 507 Review and Revise as Necessary SP0188-2006 Review and revise as necessary SP0188-2006, “Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of
New Protective Coatings on Conductive Substrates.”
TG 508 Review and Revise as Necessary SP0490-2007 Review and revise as necessary SP0490, “Holiday Detection of Fusion-Bonded
Epoxy External Pipeline Coatings of 250 to 760 µm (10 to 30 mils).”
TG 516 Standard Practice for Evaluating Protective Write a standard practice for testing coatings for corrosion under insulation (CUI)
Coatings for Use under Insulation prevention.
TG 520 Pipeline Coating Peel Strength Test Develop a simple and reliable peel test standard for the three-layer polyethylene,
three-layer polypropylene, heat-shrink sleeve, and tape coatings in the field and
TG 523 Consequences of Coating Failures as Related to Write a state-of-the-art report describing coating failure mechanisms and
Interaction with Cathodic Protection integrity management of pipelines after coating failure.
TEG 526X High Temperature, High Pressure, Corrosive, Provide a forum for discussing the various technical details associated with
Service Environments pertaining to Oil and Gas testing requirements/conditions specified for coatings or others used in this
and other Industrial Applications environment. Attempt to identify the most critical parameters of the testing
requirements and discuss the possibility of establishing a standardized/
harmonized test program that could possibly be used to qualify things for
multiple specifications.
TG 540 Review and Revise SP0298-2007 Review and revise SP0298-2007 (formerly RP0298-98), “Sheet Rubber Linings for
Abrasion and Corrosion Service.”
TG 555 Coating Bending Test Method To develop a new test method to measure the flexibility (flexural strain) of the
coating applied on metal substrates.
STG 04 Coatings and Linings, Protective: Surface Scope: Determine effectiveness, performance criteria, and quality needs
Preparation of various methods of surface preparation for the application of coatings
and linings.
TG 006 Blasting: Review of Joint Standards NACE 1-4/ Review, revise, or reaffirm as necessary joint blasting standards NACE No.
SSPC-SP 5, 10, 6, and 7, and NACE No. 8/SSPC-SP 1-4/SSPC-SP 5, 10, 6, 7: “White Metal Blast Cleaning,” “Near-White Metal Blast
14 Cleaning,” “Commercial Blast Cleaning,” and “Brush-Off Blast Cleaning,” and
NACE No. 8/SSPC-SP 14, “Industrial Blast Cleaning.”
TG 295 Lining Tanks and Vessels for Immersion Service-- Review and Revise as needed NACE SP0178-2007, “Design, Fabrication, and
Review of NACE SP0178-2007 Surface Finish Practices for Tanks and Vessels to Be Lined for Immersion Service.”
TG 323 Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning Review and update joint technical committee report NACE 6G198/SSPC-TR 2,
“Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning.”

INSPECT THIS Spring 2018 | Issue 1

Coating Resources
Committee Description Scope/Assignment
TG 417 Review and Revise as Necessary Joint Surface Review and revise as necessary joint standard NACE No. 6/SSPC-SP 13, “Surface
Preparation Standard NACE No. 6/SSPC-SP 13 Preparation of Concrete,” to reflect current industry practices and to reflect
proper reference to other industry publications.
TEG 423X Nonvisible, Nonwater-Soluble Contaminants Discuss the effects of coating performance when applied over nonvisible,
Affecting Corrosion Protection nonwater-soluble contaminants and their effects on coating performance.
TG 443 Field Testing for Soluble Salts: Commonly Used Develop a technical committee report detailing commonly used soluble salts
Methods field test methods.
TEG 469X Surface Preparation Issues Provide a forum to discuss various issues affecting surface preparation.
TG 546 Soluble Salt Limits Based on Service Develop a standard of allowable soluble salt limits according to the asset’s service
Environment environment. Define environments and limits.
STG 43 Transportation, Land Scope: To promote the development of techniques to extend the life of
land transportation equipment.
TG 061 Revision of NACE SP0592 (formerly RP0592), To update and revise NACE SP0592 (formerly RP0592), “Application of a Coating
“Application of a Coating System to Interior System to Interior Surfaces of New and Used Railway Tank Cars in Concentrated
Surfaces of New and Used Railway Tank Cars in (90-98%) Sulfuric Acid Service.”
Concentrated (90-98%) Sulfuric Acid Service”
TG 063 Railcars: Corrosion Protection and Control Develop guidelines for railcar lining requalification.
TEG 064X Railcar Surface Preparation Keep abreast of industry changes and techniques and report findings annually.
TG 067 Review and Revise or Reaffirm NACE SP0302- Review and revise or reaffirm NACE SP0302-2007, “Selection and Application of
2007 a Coating System to Interior Surfaces of New and Used Rail Tank Cars in Molten
Sulfur Service.”
TEG 291X Land Transportation: Information Exchange on Technical information exchange in conjunction with an STG meeting.
Corrosion and Coating-Related Issues
TG 332 Review and Revise or Reaffirm as Necessary Review and revise as necessary NACE SP0386-2007 (formerly RP0386),
NACE SP0386-2007 “Application of a Coating System to Interior Surfaces of Covered Steel Hopper
Railcars in Plastic, Food, and Chemical Service.”
TG 333 Review and Revise or Reaffirm as Necessary Review and revise or reaffirm NACE SP0295-2008 (formerly RP0295), “Application
NACE SP0295-2008 of a Coating System to Interior Surfaces of New and Used Rail Tank Cars.”
TG 339 Railcars: Coating Application on Exterior Review and revise as appropriate NACE Standard RP0692-2003, “Application of a
Surfaces of Steel Railcars Coating System to Exterior Surfaces of Steel Rail Cars.”
TG 366 Railcars:  Corrosion under Tank Car Insulation Review and revise as appropriate NACE Publication 14C296 to ensure information
is still relevant.
TG 379 Surface Preparation by Encapsulated Blast Prepare a state-of-the-art report on surface preparation by encapsulated blast
Media for Repair of Existing Coatings on Railcars media for repair of existing coatings on railcars.
TG 394 Guidelines for Qualifying Personnel as Review and revise NACE Standard RP0495-2003.
Abrasive Blasters and Coating and Lining
Applicators in the Rail Industry
TG 406 Recommendation for Training and Qualifying Review and revise as necessary NACE SP0398-2014 (formerly RP0398),
Personnel as Railcar Coating and Lining “Recommendation for Training and Qualifying Personnel as Railcar Coating and
Inspectors Lining Inspectors.”
TG 535 Corrosion and Protection of Tank Cars in Crude Prepare a state-of-the-art report regarding corrosion and protection of railroad
Oil Service tank cars in crude oil service.
TG 553 Railcars: Calibration Requirements of Coating Develop guidelines defining which equipment should be calibrated and
Application and Inspection Equipment recommended calibration intervals.
TG 562 Maintenance Overcoating of Railcar Exteriors Develop a standard for maintenance overcoating of railcar exteriors
STG 44 Marine Corrosion: Ships and Structures Scope: To study the corrosion mechanisms, causes, effects, and corro-
sion control remedies for ships, structures, and equipment exposed to
marine environments and to disseminate information in the form of indus-
try standards and formal and informal technical information exchanges on
the research, development, and performance of materials, coatings, and
improved or innovative methods to mitigate problems related to marine
TEG 181X Marine Vessel Corrosion Study the causes, effects, and remedies of corrosion in various marine vessels.
TG 452 TM0112-2012 - Test Method to Determine the To review and revise or reaffirm NACE Standard TM0112-2012, “Test to Determine
Potential Corrosion Effects of Ballast Water the Potential Corrosion Effects of Ballast Water Treatment Systems on Ballast
Treatment Systems on Ballast Tanks Tanks.”

Spring 2018 | Issue 1 INSPECT THIS

Coating Resources
TG 476 Corrosion Protection of Offshore Wind Power Write a standard practice that defines a life cycle of corrosion protection for
Units offshore wind power structures.
TEG 523X Marine Corrosion of Copper Alloys Discuss and disseminate information on marine corrosion of copper and copper
TG 542 Splash Zone Site-Applied Corrosion Protection To develop a standard providing terminology and definitions for the site-applied
System system for corrosion protection, technical requirements, evaluation methods,
and criteria for performance, packing, and marking.
Atmospheric Service
Standards Item Number
SP0108-2008 Corrosion Control of Offshore Structures by Protective Coatings 21126
RP0281-2004 Method for Conducting Coating (Paint) Panel Evaluation Testing in Atmospheric 21026
SP0297-2012 (formerly RP0297) Maintenance Painting of Electrical Substation Apparatus Including Flow Coating of 21081
Transformer Radiators
NACE No. 12/AWS C2.23M/SSPC-CS Specification for the Application of Thermal Spray Coatings (Metallizing) of Aluminum, 21100
23.00 Zinc, and Their Alloys and Composites for the Corrosion Protection of Steel
TM0304-2004 Offshore Platform Atmospheric and Splash Zone Maintenance Coating System 21245
TM0404-2004 Offshore Platform Atmospheric and Splash Zone New Construction Coating System 21246
TM21423-2017 Test Method for Determination of Substrate and Surface Temperature Limits for 21423
Insulative Coatings used for Personnel Protection
Reports Item Number
NACE Publication 80200/SSPC-TR 4 Preparation of Protective Coating Specifications for Atmospheric Service 24209
NACE Publication 02103 Liquid-Applied Coatings for High-Temperature Atmospheric Service 24219
NACE Publication 02203/ICRI Design, Installation, and Maintenance of Protective Polymer Flooring Systems for 24220
Technical Guideline 03741/ Concrete
Immersion/Buried Service
Standards Item Number
SP0274-2011 (formerly RP0274) High-Voltage Electrical Inspection of Pipeline Coatings Prior to Installation 21010
RP0375-2006 Field-Applied Underground Wax Coating Systems for Underground Pipelines: 21013
Application, Performance, and Quality Control
SP0185-2007 (formerly RP0185) Extruded Polyolefin Resin Coating Systems with Soft Adhesives for Underground or 21029
Submerged Pipe

SP0111-2011 Coating Technical File in Accordance with the IMO Performance Standard for 21153
Protective Coatings
SP0188-2006 (formerly RP0188) Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of New Protective Coatings on Conductive Substrates 21038
SP0288-2011 (formerly RP0288) Inspection of Linings on Steel and Concrete 21039
SP0490-2007 (formerly RP0490) Holiday Detection of Fusion-Bonded Epoxy External Pipeline Coatings of 250 to 760 21045
µm (10 to 30 mils)
SP0892-2007 (formerly RP0892) Coatings and Linings over Concrete for Chemical Immersion and Containment Service 21060
SP0394-2013 (formerly RP0394) Application, Performance, and Quality Control of Plant-Applied, Fusion-Bonded Epoxy 21064
External Pipe Coating
SP0298-2007 (formerly RP0298) Sheet Rubber Linings for Abrasion and Corrosion Service 21085
RP0399-2004 Plant-Applied, External Coal Tar Enamel Pipe Coating Systems: Application, 21089
Performance, and Quality Control
NACE No. 10/SSPC-PA 6 Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Linings Applied to Bottoms of Carbon Steel 21093
Aboveground Storage Tanks (RP0202-2002)
RP0402-2002 Field-Applied Fusion-Bonded Epoxy (FBE) Pipe Coating Systems for Girth Weld Joints: 21096
Application, Performance, and Quality Control

INSPECT THIS Spring 2018 | Issue 1

Coating Resources
Standards Item Number
RP0105-2005 Liquid-Epoxy Coatings for External Repair, Rehabilitation, and Weld Joints on Buried 21106
Steel Pipelines
SP0181-2006 (formerly RP0181) Liquid-Applied Internal Protective Coatings for Oilfield Production Equipment 21025
RP0602-2002 Field-Applied Coal Tar Enamel Pipe Coating Systems: Application, Performance, and 21098
Quality Control
NACE No. 11/SSPC-PA 8 Thin-Film Organic Linings Applied in New Carbon Steel Process Vessels (RP0103-2003) 21099
RP0303-2003 Field-Applied Heat-Shrinkable Sleeves for Pipelines: Application, Performance, and 21101
Quality Control
SP0304-2016 (formerly RP0304) Design, Installation, and Operation of Thermoplastic Liners for Oilfield Pipelines 21103
TM0174-2002 Laboratory Methods for the Evaluation of Protective Coatings and Lining Materials on 21206
Metallic Substrates in Immersion Service
TM0102-2002 Measurement of Protective Coating Electrical Conductance on Underground Pipelines 21241
TM0104-2004 Offshore Platform Ballast Water Tank Coating System Evaluation 21243
TM0204-2004 Exterior Protective Coatings for Seawater Immersion Service 21244
SP0109-2009 Field Application of Bonded Tape Coatings for External Repair, Rehabilitation, and 21143
Weld Joints on Buried Metal Pipelines
TM0109-2009 Aboveground Survey Techniques for the Evaluation of Underground Pipeline Coating 21254
Marine Corrosion: Ships and Structures
Standards Item Number
SP21421-2017 Pictorial Standard for Underwater Evaluation of Fouling Degree on Ship Hulls 21421
Surface Preparation
Standards Item Number
SP0178-2007 (formerly RP0178) Design, Fabrication, and Surface Finish Practices for Tanks and Vessels to be Lined for 21022
Immersion Service
SP0287-2016 (formerly RP0287) Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Abrasive Blast Cleaned Steel Surfaces Using a 21035
Replica Tape
TM0105-2016 Test Procedures for Organic-Based Conductive Coating Anodes for Use on Concrete 21247
NACE No. 1/SSPC-SP 5 White Metal Blast Cleaning (SP0494-2007) 21065
NACE No. 2/SSPC-SP 10 Near-White Metal Blast Cleaning (SP0594-2007) 21066
NACE No. 3/SSPC-SP 6 Commercial Blast Cleaning (SP0694-2007) 21067
NACE No. 4/SSPC-SP 7 Brush-Off Blast Cleaning (SP0794-2007) 21068
WJ-1: SP0212-2012 Joint Surface Preparation Standard Waterjet Cleaning of Metals—Clean to Bare 21158
Substrate (WJ-1)
WJ-2: SP0312-2012 Joint Surface Preparation Standard Waterjet Cleaning of Metals—Very Thorough 21155
Cleaning (WJ-2)
WJ-3: SP0412-2012 Joint Surface Preparation Standard Waterjet Cleaning of Metals—Thorough Cleaning 21156
WJ-4: SP0512-2012 Joint Surface Preparation Standard Waterjet Cleaning of Metals—Light Cleaning 21157
NACE WAB-1/SSPC-SP 5 (WAB) White Metal Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning (NACE SP0175-2015) 21198
NACE WAB-2/SSPC-SP 10 (WAB) Near- White Metal Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning (NACE SP0615-2015) 21197
NACE WAB-3/SSPC-SP 6 (WAB) Commercial Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning (NACE SP0815-2015) 21199
NACE WAB-4/SSPC-SP 7 (WAB) Brush-Off Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning (NACE SP1015-2015) 21401
NACE WAB-8/SSPC-SP 6 (WAB) Industrial Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning (NACE SP0915-2015) 21400
NACE No. 6/SSPC-SP 13 Surface Preparation of Concrete (RP0397-2003) 21082
NACE No. 8/SSPC-SP 14 Industrial Blast Cleaning (SP0299-2007) 21088

Spring 2018 | Issue 1 INSPECT THIS

Coating Resources
NACE No. 13/SSPC-ACS-1 Industrial Coating and Lining Application Specialist Qualification and Certification 21122
SP0508-2017 Methods of Validating Equivalence to ISO 8502-9 on Measurement of the Levels of 21134
Soluble Salts
SP0213-2013 Definition of Set Soluble Salt Levels by Conductivity Measurements 21172
SP0616-2016 Standard for Hull Roughness Measurements on Ship Hulls in Dry Dock 21407
Reports Item Number
NACE Publication 6A192/SSPC- Dehumidification and Temperature Control during Surface Preparation, Application, 24083
TR 3 and Curing for Coatings/Linings of Steel Tanks, Vessels, and Other Enclosed Spaces
NACE Publication 6G194/SSPC-TR 1 Thermal Precleaning 24183
NACE Publication 6G197/SSPC-TU 2 Design, Installation, and Maintenance of Coating Systems for Concrete Used in 24193
Secondary Containment
NACE Publication 6G198/SSPC- Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning 24199
TR 2
Land Transportation
Standards Item Number
SP0386-2007 (formerly RP0386) Application of a Coating System to Interior Surfaces of Covered Steel Hopper Rail Cars 21033
in Plastic, Food, and Chemical Service
SP0592-2006 (formerly RP0592) Application of a Coating System to Interior Surfaces of New and Used Rail Tank Cars in 21057
Concentrated (90 to 98%) Sulfuric Acid Service
RP0692-2003 Application of a Coating System to Exterior Surfaces of Steel Rail Cars 21058
SP0295-2008 (formerly RP0295) Application of a Coating System to Interior Surfaces of New and Used Rail Tank Cars 21070
RP0495-2003 Guidelines for Qualifying Personnel as Abrasive Blasters and Coating and Lining 21072
Applicators in the Rail Industries
SP0398-2014 (formerly RP0398) Recommendations for Training and Qualifying Personnel as Railcar Coating and Lining 21086
SP0302-2007 (formerly RP0302) Selection and Application of a Coating System to Interior Surfaces of New and Used 21095
Rail Tank Cars in Molten Sulfur Service
SP0516-2016 Guidelines for Data Collection and Analysis of Railroad Tank Car Interior Coating/ 21408
Lining Condition
Reports Item Number
NACE Publication 21414 (2016) Maintenance Overcoating of Railcar Exteriors 21414
NACE Publication 43113 (2013) Waterborne Coatings on Railcars 24249
NACE Publication 43114 (2014) Nonvisible Contaminants on Railcar Surfaces 24256
NACE Publication 14C296 Protective Coatings for Mitigating Corrosion under Insulation on Rail Tank Cars 24191

NACE Coatings Course Schedule continued from page 8

Montvale, NJ................................................................Apr 9-14, 2018 Houston, TX..................................................................Apr 22-27, 2018

New Orleans, LA.........................................................Apr 22-27, 2018 Houston, TX..................................................................May 14-19, 2018
Orlando, FL...................................................................May 20-25, 2018 Philadelphia, PA..........................................................Apr 22-27, 2018
Philadelphia, PA..........................................................Apr 15-20, 2018 San Jose, CA...............................................................May 6-11, 2018
Pittsburgh, PA..............................................................May 13-18, 2018 Seattle, WA...................................................................Apr 15-20, 2018
Pompano Beach, FL..................................................Apr 15-20, 2018 Weston, WV..................................................................Apr 29-May 4, 2018
San Jose, CA...............................................................Apr 29-May 4, 2018 CIP Peer Review
Seattle, WA...................................................................Apr 8-13, 2018 Houston, TX..................................................................May 18-21, 2018
Springfield Township, NJ........................................May 13-18, 2018 Seattle, WA...................................................................Apr 20-23, 2018
Virginia Beach, VA......................................................Apr 15-20, 2018
Weston, WV..................................................................Apr 22-27, 2018 Coatings in Conjunction with Cathodic Protection
Weston, WV..................................................................May 14-19, 2018 Houston, TX..................................................................Apr 22-27, 2018
CIP Level 2 Marine Coating Technology
Anaheim, CA.................................................................Apr 15-20, 2018 Houston, TX..................................................................Apr 30-May 3, 2018
Baton Rouge, LA.........................................................May 20-25, 2018 PCS 1 Basic Principles
Columbus, OH.............................................................May 13-18, 2018 Houston, TX..................................................................Apr 2-4, 2018
Denver, CO...................................................................Apr 15-20, 2018 PCS 2 Advanced
Houston, TX..................................................................Apr 8-13, 2018 Houston, TX..................................................................Apr 5-7, 2018



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