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An initiative by ASM-SoC, Entrepreneurship Cell (NMIMS) VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1II

Priyadarshini Ram &

Women Cab Sham
Service Bhel
Circulating Library
Pg. 5

Youth Soccer League Organisation

Kanishka Agarwal (KA) interviewed KA: What problems and difficulties did you
Shubham Garg (SG), founder of the Youth Soccer face while starting the organization?
League Organisation (YSLO). Youth Soccer SG: The start of the organisation was tough as any
League Organization, a registered trust with the other work or a company, and there will always be
Govt. of India, was formed in 2009 by Shubham some or the other challenge coming up time to
Garg, a student from Delhi University and a soc-
time. But that is the best part about it. Tackling
cer player, with its first projesct in Jaipur.
the problems and implementing and creating what
you have thought of. The idea was indeed differ-
KA: How did you start with the organization? ent and it took time for the people to get into it as
SG: I was studying in Mayo College, Ajmer and football is still not so popular. But yes we did get
have been a national level football player. During a lot of support to promote the game from various
my schooling I observed that there are not many
chances and opportunities for the young players. sources.
Also there was a less craze for the game around.
To get the sport more famous amongst the com- OPPORTUNITIES AT YSLO
ing generation me and my friends kick started Be a part of the YSL team at its various pro-
this organization called the ‘Youth Soccer jects. The volunteer gets an opportunity to learn
League Organisation’ in June 2009 after my class more about football and developing his/passion
12th board exams. for football.
One can volunteer to:
KA: What does YSLO exactly do?  Manage team
SG: The main aim of the organization is to pro-  Train a team
mote soccer amongst the youth of India, in differ-  Team Parent
ent cities and provide opportunities and tourna-  Organize the league
ments for young players to play in a friendly and To volunteer for YSL upcoming leagues mail us
competitive environment. The leagues are organ- at
ized in a mix match team format, and are owned [email protected]
and sponsored by various companies. They bring Call - 09811791765
players from different ages together to enjoy the
spirit of soccer and promote sportsmanship. Cont. >> 4
Women Cab Service

By Aakriti Khetawat

If you are a woman, flying into Mumbai at

night, and worried about taking that taxi be-
ing driven by a growling, clumsy male, fear
not. When you book a cab, more often than
not you are faced with eyebrow-shooter me-
tre readings,drivers chewing betel leaves to
pulp and flaunting their own amount of atti-
tude. Grief gone if you are desperate to hop
on or are a newbie to the wily underbelly of One can tele-book an AC cab with complete
the city. details about their scheduled trip, expect a
As the saying goes, every cloud has a silver confirmatory sms, a call half an hour before
lining. Mumbai's smogged streets have begun arrival with details of the vehicle and the
giving another take on private carriers. This driver, and yes, even a pick up at owlish
time round its a cab-service managed only by hours. The metre begins to tick, at Rs 15 for
women and is sure to go great guns if it lives the first km and Rs 12 for every subsequent
up to all that it promises. kilometre, once you slip into the buggy.
While many of the new private taxi fleets be- So if your hair stand at its end with road
ing operated in the city do have a sprinkling rage, mutter the best of words when steering
of women drivers, the new all-women taxi the wheel and tend to raise your finger at
service is a fleet ‘manned’ by 29 women aimless drivers on the road, its time to smile.
drivers. The Priyadarshini Taxi service, is the Grab a girly taxi after a late-night party. It’s
existing all women’s taxi service with a pink- safer and less hassle-free than having to fig-
coloured cab fleet, having counters at the air- ure out the twist and turns with a nose
port. The vehicles would be owned by the twitching breadth.
drivers, and will help make them independ- Its a sure deal as the society toes one step
closer in reducing the discrepancy that exists
ent. The organization making this possible in
in this 'male oriented' society.
the city should be able to expand the fleet
size to 150 over the next year, due to the
overwhelming responsive statistics received.
Contact details:
Besides catering to women travellers, the new
service will also plan to tie-up with BPOs and Mr Nilesh Malavade,
other organizations where women work late Mr Cyrus Dsouza
at night. Women employees would be com- +(91)-(22)-43333999
fortable being driven back home or to +(91)-9320845064
work in a vehicle driven by another woman. +(91)-(22)-66608779
While the service would be limited to Mum-
bai in the short run, it will gradually be ex-
tended to other parts of Maharashtra, ena-
bling women clients to be ferried from the
city to Pune or other places.

Cont. << Page 1 ing as the football and sports market in the coun-
try is growing. As the organization is a Non prof-
KA: How are you running the tournaments itable organization it plans to work for the better-
across India? ment of the game and give back to the game as
SG: We have a very supportive sponsor base much it can give, with more sponsors and sup-
which helps us organize the tournaments. In the port coming the organization can grow huge and
Jaipur League we had San- spread its network to a lot of
tokba Durlabhji Hospital, AU cities and link with foreign foot-
Financiers Indian Pvt. Ltd., ball organizations. We also have
Sanga Automobiles Pvt. plans of setting up football
Ltd.,Bhartia Industries, Mur- coaching academies across the
ginns Foods and Hotel Narain nation to promote football
Niwas as our sponsors. For the among the youth.
Varanasi League, Prism Ce-
ment, Jalans, BSA Hercules, KA: John Abraham and Bha-
The Loot and Cresent Villa ichung Bhutia plan to start a
sponsored us. premier league in the near fu-
ture, so would you be inter-
ested in collaborating with
KA: How did you manage them at any level?
to get such an overwhelming SG: Yes, we would be defi-
response in 2-tier cities like nitely ready to collaborate and
Jaipur and Varanasi? help in any way possible. As the
SG: The first attempts at these organization believes in promot-
two cities were difficult but ing the game it will do the best
worth an experience. Both the it can to get football forward.
cities have a lot of potential Shubham Garg
for the game and our aim was Founder of YSLO KA: Is there anything you
to mainly give the players of would like to share from your
these cities a nice experience at football. To our experience of starting this league?
surprise the response was great. We got more par- SG: I have learnt a lot from this venture. I have
ticipation than expected. Sponsors and parents too not only understood various tactics of the corpo-
came up to help out the cause. The players did rate world but also understood the importance of
have a good time at the leagues and they look for-
various attributes for successful running of the
ward to it in the forthcoming years.
organization such as team work, work organiza-
KA: What are the future plans of the organi- tion, planning and proper execution. The success
zation? of the league has definitely provided some sort of
SG: The league plans to move to other cities in motivation to me in order to do better in the fu-
the near future, firstly with an ambitious project to ture. The organization has helped me to develop
organize a two month league with matches on as an individual.
Sundays, in Mumbai. The projected months for
the same, are January and February in the year
2011. The future of the organization looks promis-

Ram and Shyam Bhel Puri
Arjun Panwar & Nimay Sheth

Ever been to a ‘bhelpuriwala’ who has been fil-

ing tax returns for the last 10 years, is a celebrity
in his own right, and who also dabbles in real-
estate? Well, go down to the junction of North
and Central Avenue at Santacruz(W) and you
will find what most of the ‘chaat’ enthusiasts in
Mumbai relish. Some have their grandfathers
bringing them their and the others have heard
about it through like Times of India, Hindustan
Times, Mumbai Mirror, Mumbai Samaachar and
many other newspapers. The legacy for 40 years
is enjoy at Ram and Shyam Bhelpuri wala.
What sets this ordinary aluminum stall apart
from the millions you see across the city is its
quality and toothsome taste that hasn’t changed four months back, and it would cost you just
over the years. Generally with a business that has 30.
lasted 40 years the USP ought to change with From the layman’s point of view, it may look
time. However, the reason behind the duo’s suc- to be a culmination of good luck and fortune.
cess has been the fact that they have been able to However, if you delve into it a bit further, a
retain their quality which in turn has been their different picture is to be seen. Eventually, it
USP, over a long period of time. The stall, for- comes down to sheer perseverance of the duo
merly a ‘thela’ was started by Mr.Ramsai Joshi. who with their had work and vision have
In keeping with tradition, the stall is now han- helped the legacy live on.
dled by his great grandsons, Mr. Arun and Mr. As a young aspiring entrepreneur, two things
Mithlesh Joshi. They started helping their father set to strike me forward. One being pure man-
at the stall since they were 8 year old kids. So it’s agement skills at the entrepreneurial level and
safe to say they don’t lack the expertise when it the other being an ‘Idea’. While the former
comes to the business of making delicious chaat. might not be highlighted in this case, the latter
The Joshi brothers have revolutionized them- sure does. With as simple an idea as a bhelpu-
selves with changes in time and have kept pace riwala, the business has done far better than
with the emerging trends in today’s highly com- some of the other ‘sparkling ideas’, so as to
petitive fast food industry. Their father believed say. Critics could argue they had the right
in shutting the stall everyday at 9 p.m. and not a place, the right market, the right time. I say,
minute later. The brothers felt the need of ex- they had the right men.
tending their working hours to 10 p.m. They also Mr. Arun Joshi’s son is working with Apple
realized the essence of time and hygienic pack- Inc. in USA after having completed his
aging and introduced box packaging in place of
graduation from New Jersey. Mr. Mithlesh
paper packaging to save time. Initially, the time
they took to pack 1 order was now utilized to Joshi also does not plan to get his son involved
pack 3 orders. in the business. The Joshi brothers plan to re-
Time’s gone past, the city has changed but the tire from this business after another 5 years or
‘secret masala’ of the family remains to be the so with nobody to uphold the legacy. Anyone
same. It is heard that the perfect recipe to their interested?
success (double entendre intended).
How much does a plate of ‘chaat’ that is larger
than Udipi’s sabzi’s quantity cost? 35 bucks and
that too, thanks to the ‘mehengai’. Rewind to

Many set limits – A few defy them.
We are the few – the ENTREPRENEURS.
Many believe being ordinary is a compul-
sion – A few believe it’s a choice.
Circumstances shape everybody – A few
shape circumstances.
Many stand awed by empires – A few warn
empires of their arrival.
Many fear new waters – A few try them.
Many appreciate creations - A few define
Many accept failures –A few deny them.

- Praveen Chundru

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