A Proposed Empirical Corrosion Model

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A proposed empirical corrosion model Proc. Instn Civ.

Engrs Structs &

for reinforced concrete

Bldgs, 2000, 140,
Feb., 1±11

Paper 11944
M. B. Roberts, BEng, PhD, CEng, MICE, MACI , C. Atkins, BEng, PhD , V. Hogg,
BEng, PhD , and C. Middleton, BE(Hons), MSc, PhD, CEng, MICE, MIE(Aust) Written discussion
closes 31 August
& Concrete bridge structures are a€ected by further calibration, could be applied to other
corrosion resulting from exposure to de- structures.
icing salts. Theoretical models exist which
describe the ingress of chlorides and sub- Corrosion in reinforced concrete
sequent corrosion. However, the data 3. Reinforcement steel in concrete is gener-
required by these theoretical models are ally surrounded by a protective oxide ®lm
not routinely available. As part of the new which is maintained by the alkaline state of the
Midlands Links risk-based repair strategy, concrete matrix. While this protective oxide
an empirical corrosion model has been ®lm remains, the reinforcement does not
developed which aims to give accurate corrode. However, the protective oxide ®lm is
predictions of corrosion losses. The model disrupted by the presence of chloride ions. This
can take account of information relating process is called depassivation. Once the con-
to the spatial variation of corrosion and centration of chloride ions exceeds a certain M. B. Roberts,
can also be used to predict areas of de- threshold level, active corrosion occurs. In Project Manager,
lamination resulting from the build-up of bridge structures, chloride ions arrive at the Maunsell Ltd,
corrosion products on reinforcing bars. surface of the concrete primarily as a result of Birmingham
From the Midlands Links corrosion model, the application of de-icing salts to road sur-
a more general corrosion model has been faces.
proposed for wider application. This 4. There are therefore two distinct phases in
model would provide information on the the corrosion process. These are shown in Fig. 2.
relative risk from corrosion in a popu- The concentration of chlorides in the concrete
lation of concrete structures. surrounding the reinforcing steel increases to
the threshold level, at which point active
Keywords: concrete structures; corrosion; corrosion is initiated. The rate of corrosion is
materials technology not a€ected by the chloride concentration
following initiation as once corrosion has C. Atkins, Engineer,
Introduction started, active corrosion requires only a supply Maunsell Ltd,
The Highways Agency is developing a new of oxygen and water. However, it is noted that Birmingham
approach to bridge management which is based if chloride concentration levels drop to below a
on the principles of whole-life assessment. This critical value, then repassivation can occur. 5
methodology will take account of the deterio-
ration of highway structures over time. For Theoretical corrosion model
concrete structures, the main mechanism of 5. Sodium and calcium chlorides present
deterioration has been identi®ed as corrosion of within de-icing salts penetrate concrete by
the reinforcement due to chloride attack (see mechanisms such as capillary movement and
Fig. 1). The whole-life assessment methodology permeation through cracks and as a result of
is therefore required to incorporate some sort of di€usion (where di€usion is de®ned as the
corrosion model which takes account of this process by which a species migrates owing to a V. Hogg, Research
particular type of corrosion. di€erential concentration). The detailing of a Associate, University
2. Theoretical corrosion models aimed at structure can also a€ect the mechanism by of Cambridge
predicting corrosion losses in reinforced con- which chlorides gain access to the reinforce-
crete structures subject to chloride attacks have ment. For example, tie holes and contact points
been developed by a number of researchers. 1,2 at parapet connections can provide potential
However, these models require input data which points of entry for chlorides, as can the edges of
are not readily available and they are therefore waterproo®ng membranes. While the ingress of
not practical for general application. This chlorides actually results from a combination of
problem has been addressed as part of the mechanisms, such as those suggested above,
development of the new Midlands Links risk- di€usion is generally accepted as a representa-
based repair strategy. 3 An empirical corrosion tive model for the main mechanism by which
model based on measured data taken from the chlorides gain access to reinforcement. 6 Con- C. Middleton,
Midlands Links motorway viaducts has been sequently, di€usion is the process by which Assistant Director of
developed and a more general empirical cor- theoretical corrosion models generally represent Research, University
rosion model has been proposed which, with the passage of chlorides from the surface of of Cambridge

concrete to the reinforcement, and therefore the

time to initiation of corrosion. Fick's second
law of di€usion is frequently used to describe
the ingress of chlorides in concrete.

Time to initiation
6. The use of Fick's second law of di€usion
in modelling the di€usion of chlorides into
concrete was ®rst proposed by Collepardi: 7,8
qC…x; t† q2 C…x; t†
ˆ Dc …1†
qt qx2
where C is the chloride penetration into the
concrete, x is the distance from the surface, t is
the time and Dc is the chloride di€usion
coecient. The standard solution to this equa-
tion for an isotropic, semi-in®nite medium was
presented by Crank and cited by Ho€man and
Weyers 9 as
C…x; t† ˆ Cs 1 ÿ erf p …2†
2 …Dc t†
where C…x; t† is the chloride concentration at
depth x after time t for an equilibrium chloride
concentration CS at the surface, CS is the
chloride concentration at the surface and erf is
the error function. It has been shown, therefore,
that the initiation period for corrosion of
reinforcement can be described by equation (3)
ments, named low, medium and high, have been Fig. 1. Chloride-
below: 2
de®ned. All chloride values are given for the induced corrosion on
…dI ÿ fI =2†2 Ccr ÿ CS ÿ2 total (acid-soluble) chloride level as a per- cross-beam element
TI ˆ erf ÿ1 …3† centage with respect to the cement. The initial
4Dc Ci ÿ CS
chloride concentration Ci is assumed to be 0%.
where TI is the corrosion initiation period Also included in Table 1 are a set of proposed
(years), dI is the depth from the surface to the values for the e€ective surface chloride concen-
centroid of the reinforcing bar (mm), fI is tration and apparent di€usion coecient, 2 for
the uncorroded bar diameter (mm), Dc is the direct use in equation (3). It can be seen that
chloride di€usion coecient (mm 2 /year), Ccr is while the proposed e€ective surface chloride
the critical chloride concentration (%), CS is the concentration values are similar to the actual
chloride content on the surface (%) and Ci is values obtained from the literature review, the
the initial chloride concentration (%). apparent di€usion coecient values for the low
7. Fick's law of di€usion assumes a homo- and high corrosion environments di€er by
geneous, porous medium. This is far from the orders of magnitude from the observed, actual
reality of concrete cover material. The actual values.
values of the surface chloride concentration and
di€usion coecient are time-dependent and are
Loss of cross-sectional area
a€ected by the chemical composition of the
10. The cross-sectional area of reinforce-
cement and the temperature and humidity of
the concrete.
8. In order to take account of the di€erences

between reality and the conditions assumed by

the theoretical equations, modi®ed values of
surface chloride concentration and di€usion
coecient are derived. These values are
described as e€ective or apparent values.
Previous studies 1,2 have used existing test
data from a number of sources in order to
derive these apparent values of the corrosion
parameters, for direct use in equation (3).
9. An extensive literature review 10 has sug-
gested that the corrosion parameter values in
Table 1 are representative of actual values Time to
Time Fig. 2. Two-phase
Active corrosion
found in UK bridges. Three corrosion environ- initiation corrosion process 4

Table 1. Corrosion parameter values

Variable Actual parameter values E€ective parameter values

Surface chloride content C S Low, 50´33% Low, 0´575%

Medium, 0´33±0´67% Medium, 0´650%
High, 40´67% High, 0´725%

Critical chloride concentration C cr 0´3% 0´3%

Chloride di€usion coecient D c Low, 3´15 mm /year Low, 25´0 mm 2 /year
Medium, 31´5 mm 2 /year Medium, 30´0 mm 2 /year
High, 315´0 mm 2 /year High, 35´0 mm 2 /year

ment at time t, A…t†, is described by the Surface

equations 2 Cover
p (λt )
A…t† ˆ nf2I for t  TI …4a†
A…t† ˆ n‰f…t†Š2 for TI  t  TI ‡ fI =mlicorr
4 φ(t ) = φ(I ) –2λt
A…t† ˆ 0 for t > TI ‡ fI =mlicorr …4c†
(λt ) Fig. 3. Model for
where uniform corrosion
f…t† ˆ fI ÿ mlicorr t …5†
and n is the number of reinforcing bars, TI is
typically 4±8 times the equivalent uniform
the time to initiation of corrosion (years), fI is
corrosion loss, i.e. m ˆ 4 to 8. 11 It is noted
the initial diameter of the reinforcement bars
however, that while pitting corrosion is more
(mm), f…t† is the diameter of the corroded bar
severe in terms of the loss of section, it is likely
at time t (mm), m is a corrosion coecient
to a€ect a more localized area of a bridge deck
which is dependent on the type of corrosion,
compared with uniform corrosion. The overall
l is a factor to convert the corrosion rate from
e€ects of localized pitting corrosion on the
mA/cm 2 to mm/year (ˆ 00115), icorr is the
capacity of a bridge deck may therefore be no
corrosion current density (mA/cm 2 ) and t is the
more severe than the e€ects of more widespread
time (years). The reduction in section capacity
general corrosion. As a result of this, only the
as a result of loss of cross-sectional area can
uniform corrosion model is considered in this
therefore be calculated.
11. An important part of any theoretical
corrosion model is the pattern of corrosion
which it assumes. Some assumption of cor- Corrosion current density values
rosion pattern is required in the calculation of 14. A review of the relevant literature 10
corrosion current density values as the suggested that the values of corrosion current
measured value of corrosion current is divided density shown in Table 2 are representative of
by the assumed corroding surface area of the measured values typically found on UK bridges.
reinforcing bars and converted into a corrosion
current density. Identification of corrosion environment
15. The parameter values proposed for use
Uniform corrosion model within the theoretical corrosion model have
12. Uniform (or general) corrosion is com- been identi®ed from an extensive literature
monly assumed when calculating levels of review of existing data. An appropriate corro-
corrosion in reinforced concrete structures. A sion environment for use in the analysis of a
value of m ˆ 2 for the corrosion coecient is speci®c structure or element within a structure
used in equations (4) and (5) in order to could therefore be identi®ed by comparing the
simulate a uniform loss of reinforcement bar calculated (e€ective) parameter values with
material from around the circumference of a
reinforcement bar (see Fig. 3). The equivalent
Table 2. Corrosion parameter values from literature review
form of equation (5) in this case would be
f…t† ˆ fI ÿ 00230icorr t …6† Variable Suggested values

Corrosion current density i corr Low, 50´2 mA/cm 2

Pitting corrosion Medium, 0´2±1´0 mA/cm 2
13. It has been shown that where pitting High, 41´0 mA/cm 2
corrosion occurs, the local loss of section is

those listed above, for use within the model.

However, this would require best-®t analyses of
measured values of surface chloride concentra-
tion and di€usion coecient. Corrosion current
density values would also be required for each
section of the structure being analysed. Values
of di€usion coecient and corrosion current
density are not routinely available and so this
method of identi®cation of appropriate corro-
sion environments is not considered practical.
No other guidance is generally available on how
to select an appropriate corrosion environment
for use within the theoretical corrosion models.

Empirical corrosion models

16. An empirical corrosion model has been
developed by the Highways Agency as part of
the new Midlands Links risk-based repair
strategy. 3 Their lead consultant for the deteri-
oration model is Maunsell Ltd, with veri®cation
being undertaken by W S Atkins. At the time of
writing, the narrative and procedural docu-
ments are nearing completion. The Midlands
Links deterioration model is described herein
and a simpli®ed empirical model, appropriate sion coecient, the chloride pro®le data from Fig. 4. The Midlands
for wider application, is proposed. This simpli- Tnow are used to determine the time at which Links motorway
®ed empirical model is based on the method- chlorides arrived at the surface (T1 ). These viaducts
ology developed for the Midlands Links. same two parameters describing the rate of
Further work is required in order to verify the chloride ingress are then used to calculate the
quantitative corrosion parameters proposed time to initiation of corrosion. This will be the
within this simpli®ed empirical model. time taken to reach the critical chloride level
(T2 ). The time over which the section or
The Midlands Links deterioration model structure has been actively corroding can now
17. The development of the new Midlands be estimated. An empirical relationship
Links risk-based repair strategy was initiated between the half-cell potential and the corrosion
in 1996 after is became apparent that the rate (in mm 2 /yr) has been developed and so
assumed timescale for the completion of the measured values of half-cell potential are used
whole-life minimum-cost repair strategy could to de®ne the corrosion rate for the section of the
not be achieved, thereby introducing undeter- structure undergoing analysis. The cumulative
mined risks to the structural integrity of the loss of cross-sectional area at Tnow can there-
viaducts. A signi®cant proportion of the cross- fore be calculated. A limit has been empirically
beams supporting the elevated sections of the derived which de®nes the level of section loss
Midlands Links motorway viaducts (see Fig. 4) at which delamination can be expected to occur.
were deteriorating as a result of the e€ects of Loss of bond will have an e€ect on the sectional
corrosion. The main cause of this corrosion was capacity as the anchorage length of the re-
identi®ed as chloride attack, which was exacer- inforcement will be reduced. A more detailed
bated by failure of the expansion joints located description of the corrosion model is given
at the ends of the simply supported spans of the below.
viaducts. These joints are situated directly
above the cross-beams supporting the elevated
sections. T0 = time of construction
18. A large amount of data has been col- T1 = time of arrival of chlorides at surface
T2 = time of corrosion initiation
lected from the cross-beams on the Midlands
Tg = time to gutter installation (1985)

Links motorway viaducts as part of a long-term

Time corroding
Loss of section: mm2

monitoring programme. Detailed surveys of two

cross-beams in particular have provided data
regarding actual corrosion losses, actual cover,
chloride pro®les, half-cell potential measure-
Not delaminated

ments and delamination. Corrosion rate i

19. Figure 5 describes the general method- assumed constant
ology behind the Midlands Links corrosion Fig. 5. Midlands Links
model. Assuming constant values for the rate of corrosion model
T0 T1 T2 Tg Tnow
increase of the surface concentration and di€u- Time methodology

20. Data collection. The empirical cor-

rosion model has been developed from data
collected from a number of cross-beams from
the Midlands Links motorway viaducts. The
data were gathered in 1988 under two separate Type A Type B Type C
repair contracts.
21. Corrosion loss measurements were taken
from two cross-beams. The concrete from each Fig. 6. Corrosion
of the cross-beams was broken out and detailed patterns identi®ed for
measurements of section loss due to corrosion the Midlands Links
were taken. Areas of general and pitting corro- Type D Type E corrosion model
sion losses were identi®ed and classi®ed into a
number of speci®c corrosion patterns. These
speci®ed corrosion patterns are detailed in 26. The rate of increase in surface chloride
Fig. 6. concentration will be related to the surface run-
22. Dimensions of each corrosion loss area o€ for the structure and so this value will be
were recorded in a prescribed way and thus the speci®c to the conditions encountered on the
area loss due to corrosion could be calculated Midlands Links project, i.e. failed expansion
for each reinforcement bar for the two cross- joints allowing surface water to leak onto cross-
beams. beams below. However, during 1985 gutters
23. Additional measured data also included were installed beneath the expansion joints to
the following. prevent any further contamination of the sub-
structures. The di€usion coecient is related to
(a) Actual cover depths measured at 1 m inter-
the concrete mix proportions, the blend of
vals along each face of each cross-beam.
cement used, the water±binder ratio and also
(b) Half-cell potential measurements taken on a
the age of the structure. 12 This value will also,
600 mm grid for each cross-beam.
therefore, be site- and structure-speci®c to the
(c) Chloride pro®le samples taken from along
Midlands Links motorway viaducts.
the length of each face of the cross-beams.
27. The ®xed values of the rate of increase
For each face, the chloride pro®le samples
of e€ective surface concentration and of the
were taken from the locations with the
apparent di€usion coecient are substituted
most negative half-cell measurements.
into equation (2) for discrete intervals of
(d ) Delamination survey data.
time (where `time' e€ectively represents the
24. Time to initiation of corrosion. The length of time that the section has been exposed
Midlands Links model uses Fick's second law to chlorides). The result is a set of reference
(see equation (2)) to model the chloride ingress chloride pro®les (see Fig. 7). Analysis of
with time for ®xed values of the rate of increase chloride pro®les taken after the installation of
in surface concentration and of the di€usion gutters indicated limited change in the
coecient. A curve-®tting exercise was carried chloride pro®les after 1985. Therefore, current
out on the chloride pro®le data taken from the measured pro®les may be compared with
two cross-beams in order to determine these these reference pro®les. By matching a
®xed values. measured chloride pro®le from the structure
25. The ®xed values used to model the time undergoing assessment to one of the reference
to initiation within the Midlands Links cor- pro®les, an indication of the time interval
rosion model are given below. The whole of the between the installation of the gutters and the
Midlands Links corrosion model is based on a time of arrival of chlorides at the beam is
best-®t analysis of the measured data. Thus the obtained. Knowing the year of installation of
values for each of the parameters used within gutter Tg , a value for the time T1 can therefore
the model are complementary. Any changes be calculated.
made to the numerical value of one parameter
within the model would entail an appropriate
change to the other parameters in order to 13 years
maintain the best-®t solution to the measured 4·0
Cl by mass of cement: %

data. The rate of increase in surface chloride 3·5 11 years

concentration is therefore described as e€ective, 3·0
9 years
while the di€usion coecient is de®ned as an 2·5

apparent value. The values are as follows. 2·0 7 years

1·5 5 years
. Rate of increase in e€ective surface chloride 1·0
3 years
concentration = 0´45%/year (by mass of 0·5
Fig. 7. Reference
1 years
cement). 0
chloride pro®les for
. Apparent di€usion coecient = 220 mm 2 / 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Midlands Links
year. Depth: mm corrosion model

28. In the calculation of the reference 14

chloride pro®les, equation (2) has been applied

Time after exposure: years

assuming superposition of the chloride levels. 10
This procedure is based on the assumption that
more chlorides will be applied to the structure
each winter, until the installation of gutters, 6
and so there will be a gradual build-up of 4
chlorides over a number of years. Superposition 2 Fig. 8. Relationship
is valid because in the solution of equation (2),
between cover and
the surface concentration is a multiplying 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 corrosion initiation
factor. It can be shown that the chloride pro®le Cover depth: mm time
for any value of di€usion coecient and time
will be the same for a surface concentration of
1% as it would have been for the sum of two
pro®les each using a surface concentration of
0´5% (for the same values of di€usion coe-
cient and time).
29. The resultant pro®le is based on the
number of individual years of exposure for a 20 No. rebars
®xed rate of increase of surface concentration.
Width of cross-beam

Fig. 7 shows the resultant chloride pro®les for

values of (Tg ÿ T1 ) of up to 13 years.
30. Having identi®ed the point T1 from 200
mm Fig. 9. Calculation of
Fig. 7, the point T2 can now be identi®ed from
maximum section loss
Fig. 8, which is based on the same di€usion Beam edge
Length of cross-beam due to corrosion
parameters and a chloride threshold of 0´4%.
Thus the time of active corrosion (Tnow ÿ T2 )
can be calculated.
31. Corrosion rate. The site measurements 23 24 23 24

of section losses due to corrosion, recorded

from the repair contracts, were converted into
corrosion rates by dividing the calculated time corrosion
of active corrosion. For a 200 mm long section –350 mV
of bar, the maximum bar rate of loss of section
was identi®ed. This maximum bar rate of loss L
of section was then converted into an average Significant
–500 mV

sectional rate of loss of section (see Fig. 9). The corrosion –200 mV Fig. 10. Interpretation
maximum bar corrosion rates for each bar in a Plan of cross-beam showing Half-cell potential of half-cell potential
200 mm section length were averaged across the location of corroding reinforcement survey survey results
total number of bars in that section of the
cross-beam width. Thus an average sectional
corrosion rate was identi®ed for that 200 mm 10
length of cross-beam: Mean
95% percentile
Rate: mm2/year per bar

99% percentile
maximum section corrosion rate
S…maximum bar corrosion rates across section† Fig. 11. Relationship
ˆ between half-cell
total number of bars across section 4
…7† potential (versus
saturated copper
32. It is generally accepted that half-cell sulphate electrode)
potential mapping is an e€ective method of and corrosion rate
determining the location of active corrosion. –600 –500 –400 –300 –200 –100 used in Midlands
Fig. 10 gives an example of the application of Half-cell potential: mV Links corrosion model
this technique. High negative half-cell potential
measurements are indicative of the location of
anodic reinforcement and a high probability of regression analysis was performed and a linear
active corrosion. correlation plotted representing the best-®t line
33. Half-cell potential mapping was carried through all the data. This line corresponds to
out prior to the repair of the trial beams. The the mean correlation.
average rate of reinforcement bar loss for each 34. The half-cell potential technique may
200 mm sectional length was plotted against the therefore be used to identify the location of
associated average interpolated half-cell value active corrosion and also (from Fig. 11) the rate
for the same section (Fig. 11). A least-squares of reinforcement section loss applied to these

areas. This introduces a spatial dimension to This is a 95% characteristic value and is
the deterioration model which can improve the applied with respect to the loss of material from
accuracy of application. a single longitudinal bar. Thus at the point
35. It should be stressed that the half-cell where a bar is predicted to have lost 6 mm 2 as a
potential technique is being used here to result of calculations made using the Midlands
identify the location of active corrosion and Links corrosion model, it is assumed to have
does not provide a direct electrochemical become delaminated. This threshold value is
measurement of actual localized rates of again a complementary, apparent value
corrosion. obtained from a best-®t analysis of the Mid-
36. The variability of the data used in the lands Links data. As such it is speci®c to the
derivation of the empirical model values was Midlands Links corrosion model data.
assessed to develop con®dence limits for the
deterioration model and to allow its implemen- The proposed general empirical deterioration
tation in a structural-reliability assessment. model
Values for the standard deviation of half-cell 42. Time to initiation of corrosion. In
potential measurements and corrosion rates of order to simplify the application of the empiri-
49 mV and 1´25 mm 2 /yr, respectively, have been cal model the following procedure is proposed.
observed. In reality, the time taken for chlorides to reach
37. Figure 11 shows the relationship the surface of a section (T1 ) will depend on the
between the half-cell potential measurement section detailing and the mechanism by which
and the mean corrosion rate, as derived in the the chlorides eventually gain access to the
Midlands Links corrosion model for main steel. surface of the section. It should therefore be
The 95% and 99% characteristic corrosion possible to prescribe a set of approximate
rates are also shown in Fig. 11. values on the basis of the known service life of
38. Structural assessment in accordance certain bridge deck components.
with limit state methods uses characteristic 43. If the mechanism by which chlorides
values for material and loading parameters. reach the surface of a section is identi®ed as
The characteristic strength of a material is vehicle spray, and no surface protection (such
de®ned to be the strength above which 95% of as silane) has been applied during construction,
material tests would be exceeded. Partial then it could be assumed that chlorides would
factors of safety are then applied to the reach that surface at the year zero. Equally, if a
material and load parameters to take account of surface was a€ected by spray and a silane
uncertainties in the assessment process. In treatment had been applied then the time to
accordance with limit state philosophy, the chlorides reaching the surface would be related
characteristic corrosion rate was determined. to the service life of that silane treatment, and
However, deterioration modelling by its nature estimates of this service life could be made.
is a stochastic process and therefore additional Table 3 gives example guidelines for use in
uncertainty is inevitably present. As there was estimating the time to the arrival of chlorides at
no simple method for assessing this uncertainty the surface of a section.
to determine an appropriate partial factor of 44. The service life of the various bridge
safety, the characteristic corrosion rate was components in¯uencing the time to surface
de®ned to be the 99% con®dence limit. exposure could be estimated from inspection
39. The Midlands Links corrosion model report information, which should include
was developed to aid in the prioritization of details of the conditions of these components.
repairs as part of the overall maintenance Realistic values for these service lives should
strategy for the Midlands Links motorway be veri®ed, as the values given in Table 3 are
viaducts. The con®dence level in the predicted chosen simply for demonstration purposes.
corrosion losses was therefore required to be 45. After an estimate of the value of the
suciently conservative.
40. Delamination prediction. As part of
the Midlands Links project, delamination Table 3. Sample table for identi®cation of time to surface exposure to chlorides
survey data have been collected from a number
of cross-beams. By comparing the newly Access mechanism for chlorides Time to surface exposure
delaminated areas identi®ed from the suc-
Spray 0 (untreated surface)
cessive delamination surveys with the associ- 20 years (surface treated with silane)
ated losses predicted from the Midlands Links
corrosion model, a threshold corrosion loss Expansion joint 0 (low service life)
level for delamination was derived, thus 5 years (medium service life)
enabling delamination to be predicted with 10 years (high service life)
Waterproof membrane 0 (low service life)
41. From the Midlands Links corrosion 10 years (medium service life)
model data, the threshold corrosion loss level 20 years (high service life)
for delamination was determined to be 6 mm 2 .

time to surface exposure had been obtained, Table 4. Risk classi®cation for active corrosion12
Fig. 8 could be used to estimate the time to
Chloride concentration: Risk of corrosion
initiation of corrosion, on the basis of the
% weight of cement
(measured) cover depth at the section. Thus the
time of active corrosion and the corrosion 50´4 Negligible
losses could be calculated. 0´4±1´0 Possible
46. It is stressed that the di€usion coe- 1´0±2´0 Probable
cients, surface concentrations and empirical 42´0 Certain
relationships used to derive Figs 8 and 11 are
based on the Midlands Links structures. Di€er-
ent values for the rate of increase in surface example, in waterlogged situations, a lack of
concentration and for the di€usion coecient oxygen can promote cathodically restrained
would most certainly be obtained if data from active conditions and in such cases, half-cell
other structures were to be analysed. Di€erent potential measurements of less than 7600 mV
empirical relationships between half-cell poten- can occur.
tial and corrosion rate would also be obtained. 49. There is no theoretical link between the
Further studies of other structures are therefore chloride concentration at a section and the rate
required in order to obtain comparative values of corrosion. Chloride concentration in¯uences
for the e€ective corrosion parameters for only the time to initiation of corrosion. Once the
general application of the empirical corrosion corrosion has started, the rate is dependent on
model. This should facilitate the derivation of the supply of water and oxygen and the
further ®gures similar to Figs 8 and 11, which temperature at the section. However, previous
would relate the time to initiation to the cover authors 4,12,14 have suggested that chloride con-
depth and the half-cell potential to the cor- centration data can be used to indicate the
rosion rate, for di€erent structures and/or probability of active corrosion at the section.
corrosion environments. Table 4 shows the corrosion risk classi®cations
47. Identi®cation of corrosion environment. referred to.
For the empirical model, it is proposed that 50. The same authors 4,12,14 have also pre-
high, medium and low corrosion environments sented data which suggests some observed
could be de®ned from the following set of relationships between chloride levels and half-
parameters. cell potential measurements, and between
chloride levels and corrosion rates. Thus while
(a) High. Half-cell potential more negative than
it is stressed that there is no theoretical
7350 mV and total chloride concentration
relationship between the chloride level and the
at cover depth greater than 1´0% by weight
corrosion rate, it is probable that high levels of
of cement.
chloride at a section will coincide with a high
(b) Medium. Half-cell potential between
corrosion rate.
7350 mV and 7200 mV and total chloride
51. It is recognized that half-cell potential
concentration at cover depth 0´3 to 1´0%
and chloride pro®le data may not always be
by weight of cement.
available for every structure. An alternative
(c) Low. Half-cell potential more positive than
means to obtain an indication of the likely
7200 mV and total chloride concentration
corrosion environment has therefore been
at cover depth less than 0´3% by weight of
derived. Data from a study of 200 UK bridge
structures 15 have suggested that the relevant
48. It is generally accepted 13,14 that half-cell corrosion environment could be identi®ed from
potential measurements give the following consideration of parameters such as the loca-
indications of the likelihood of corrosion of tion of reinforcement within the structure itself
reinforcement. or the reinforcement detailing. A suggested
form for use in the identi®cation of an appro-
(a) A half-cell measurement more positive than
priate corrosion environment has been
7200 mV indicates a 90% probability that
developed and is presented in Table 5.
no corrosion is occurring.
52. It might have been assumed that the
(b) A half-cell measurement within the range
geographic location of a structure would have
7200 to 7350 mV indicates that corrosion
some in¯uence over the corrosion environment
activity is uncertain.
as structures in certain areas of the country will
(c) A half-cell measurement more negative
be subject to more frequent salting than others.
than 7350 mV indicates a greater than
However, geographic location has not been
90% chance that corrosion is occurring.
considered as a quali®er for the corrosion
Here all potential values are given with respect environment as data suggest 14 that the level of
to a saturated copper/copper sulphate electrode. salting on a road is not correlated with the
However, it should also be stressed that there chloride concentration within the structure.
may be circumstances where these indications Structure-speci®c details, such as the severity
of likelihood will simply not apply. For and duration of any leakage (say), are sug-

gested 15 as being more important than the level Table 5. Proposed form for identi®cation of appropriate corrosion environment
of salting in governing the chloride concentra- where no site-speci®c data are available
tion levels within a structure.
Quali®er Corrosion
53. Corrosion rates. Within the Midlands
Links corrosion model, empirical relationships
between half-cell potential and corrosion rate Section of bridge deck at leaking expansion joint or gutter, High
were derived separately for main steel and e.g. deck end or crosshead
shear links. However, it can be shown that the Top surfaces of decks where resurfacing has occurred or top High
relationship derived for the main steel can be surfaces of older (before approx. 1964), unwaterproofed
applied conservatively to shear links. For the bridge decks
empirical model proposed herein, the relation- Areas where spalling of surface concrete has occurred High
ship between half-cell potential and corrosion
Roadside bridge abutment, parapet upstand or deck edge High
rate derived for the main steel has therefore beam subject to vehicle spray from salted road
been adopted for all reinforcement.
Bottom of roadside bridge pier subject to vehicle spray from Medium
54. For the proposed empirical corrosion
salted road
model the mean corrosion rates have been
assumed to be appropriate, as the model is Top of roadside bridge pier subject to vehicle spray from Low
intended for use in strategic decision-making salted road
only. If the corrosion model were to be used Bridge sot subject to vehicle spray from salted road below Low
for actual assessment purposes then the
characteristic corrosion rates would have to be
worst corrosion environment will simply be
55. From the mean rates calculated from the
applied to the whole section or element being
Midlands Links corrosion model data, three
assessed. This will be a more conservative
rates of corrosion are proposed, as listed below.
approach; however, it is undoubtedly a more
These rates would be applied in the corre-
practical method of implementation for the
sponding corrosion environments.
empirical model.
(a) HighÐ3 mm 2 /year loss of cross-sectional 58. Once an area of delamination has been
area. identi®ed, it is up to the engineer to decide how
(b) MediumÐ2 mm 2 /year loss of cross- he/she is going to use this information in their
sectional area. analysis. Some engineering judgement will be
(c) LowÐ1 mm 2 /year loss of cross-sectional required in order that the e€ect of delamination
area. at a certain section or region of a slab is taken
into account.
These rates of material loss would be applied to
59. The di€erences between the Midlands
main bars and shear links, regardless of the bar
Links corrosion model and the proposed
size, and in any section.
empirical model are small. It is therefore
56. While the above corrosion rates are
proposed that the same threshold value for
based on the relationship between half-cell
delamination could be adopted for the empirical
potential and corrosion rate derived for the
model also.
Midlands Links motorway viaducts, other rela-
tionships would almost certainly be found for
other structures. Thus prior to the implementa- Comparison of theoretical and empirical
tion of the proposed empirical model it is corrosion models
essential that additional work to establish a 60. In the Midlands Links corrosion model,
range of data for the relationship between half- a critical chloride concentration of 0´4% by
cell potential and corrosion rate for other weight of cement has been used. This limit is
structures is obtained. It may be possible to slightly higher than the 0´3% obtained from an
categorize this relationship by type of structure extensive literature review and proposed for
or by type of materials in order that the use in the theoretical model. For consistency
appropriate relationship for a structure under- with the results of the literature review, a
going assessment can be easily identi®ed. critical chloride level of 0´3% has been adopted
57. Delamination. The spatial variation for the empirical model proposed herein. This
of delamination can be taken into account decision marks a singular change from the
by means of the fact that the delamination Midlands Links corrosion model.
threshold is related to the corrosion loss, which 61. As mentioned previously, the Midlands
is related to the half-cell potential by the Links model was derived from a best-®t analy-
empirical model. Thus contour plots of half-cell sis of measured data. Thus the model parameter
potential can be used to generate contour plots values derived for the Midlands Links model
of corrosion rates and localized values of are complementary to each other. If a 0´3%
corrosion loss. However, it is assumed that threshold level for initiation of corrosion had
what will actually happen in the application of been used for the Midlands Links model then
the empirical corrosion model will be that the the time of active corrosion would have been

increased and so the mean corrosion rate would 160

have been reduced. Therefore, in adopting a 140 theoretical

Time to initiation: years

critical chloride level of 0´3% for the proposed 120
empirical model, it has been necessary to derive Medium
complementary values for the mean corrosion theoretical
rate, to take account of the e€ective increase in High
time of active corrosion. The e€ect of this 60 theoretical Fig. 12. Comparison
change is small, however, and can be shown to 40 of theoretical and
reduce the mean corrosion rate in the empirical 20
proposed empirical
corrosion model by 6% relative to the Midlands Empirical corrosion models for
Links model. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 time to corrosion
62. The Midlands Links model predictions Cover: mm initiation
of section loss have been veri®ed against more
recent repair contracts and the data were in
good agreement. The 0´4% threshold was 1·0
therefore suitable for the Midlands Links. 0·95
However, as stated above, the 0´3% threshold 0·9 Medium
value was obtained as a result of a comprehen- 0·85
A (t )/A (0)
sive literature review of data and is therefore 0·8
the value proposed for use within the empirical 0·75 Theoretical Medium
model. 0·7 Fig. 13. Comparison
of theoretical and
Time to corrosion initiation High empirical corrosion
63. Figure 12 shows a comparison of calcu- 0 50 100 150 models for active
lated values for the time to corrosion initiation Time: years corrosion
obtained from the theoretical model and the
proposed general empirical model. The values
of e€ective surface concentration, critical chlor- able to very poor. It is therefore seen as the
ide concentration and apparent di€usion coe- most reliable model available for the estimation
cient were taken from Table 1. It can be seen of corrosion losses at the present time. Until
that the empirical corrosion model predicts such time as veri®cation of the proposed
shorter times to initiation of corrosion. empirical corrosion rates can be obtained, the
proposed empirical model should only be used
Loss of cross-sectional area to compare the relative risk of corrosion
64. Figure 13 shows comparisons of the between di€erent structures.
theoretical and (proposed) empirical corrosion
models, applied to a 40 mm bar for low, medium Conclusions
and high corrosion environments. The proposed 66. An empirical corrosion model has been
empirical model appears highly conservative developed from measured data taken from the
when compared with the theoretical models. Midlands Links motorway viaducts. This model
That is to say, Fig. 13 shows that, for a given has been used to form the basis of a proposed
bar size subject to a given corrosion environ- empirical corrosion model which could have
ment, the proposed empirical model predicts wider application and therefore provide infor-
greater corrosion levels than the theoretical mation on the relative risk from corrosion in a
model. However, the Midlands Links data population of concrete structures.
represent the most comprehensive study of 67. Comparisons between the proposed
actual corrosion data from a UK structure empirical corrosion model and existing theor-
known to the authors. While the empirical etical corrosion models suggest that the pro-
model may appear conservative when compared posed empirical model is suciently
with the theoretical model described above, it conservative. However, it is noted that the
represents real corrosion measurements taken theoretical corrosion models have not been
from a real structure and as such it is con- validated against real data, whereas the pro-
sidered more reliable than the theoretical model posed empirical model is based on measured
for use in estimating the behaviour of UK data taken from real structures. The proposed
structures. empirical model is therefore seen to o€er a
65. It is stressed that veri®cation of the working solution to the problems of predicting
proposed corrosion rates is seen as essential corrosion losses in the ageing bridge stock in
prior to the widespread application of the the UK.
general empirical corrosion model to structural
elements other than cross-beams. However, it is Acknowledgements
reiterated that the empirical model is based on 68. The authors wish to acknowledge the
data taken from a real structure, where the contribution of the Highways Agency and W. S.
condition of that structure varied from reason- Atkins to the development of the deterioration

model used in the Midland Links risk-based chloride ions in concrete. Il Cemento, 1970, 4
strategy, on which the general methodology [in Italian].
presented here is based. 8. C O L L E P A R D I M. et al. Penetration of Chloride Ions
into Cement Paste and Concrete. American
Ceramic Society, 1972, 55.
References 9. H O F F M A N P. C. and W E Y E R S R. E. Predicting
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Division, Taywood Engineering, 1998, Report Rotterdam, 1994.
on DETR Partners in Technology Programme, 10. M I D D L E T O N C. R. and H O G G V. Whole Life Assess-
Contract CI 39/3/231. ment for Concrete Bridges. 1998, Interim Report
2. T H O F T -C H R I S T E N S E N P. and J E N S E N F. Revision of 1.2.
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London, 1999, 81±89. In Corrosion of Reinforcement in Concrete. Royal
4. B U I L D I N G R E S E A R C H E S T A B L I S H M E N T . The Dur- Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, 1996.
ability of Steel in Concrete: Part 2, Diagnosis and 13. C H E S S P. and G R O N V O L D F. Corrosion Investiga-
Assessment of Corrosion-Cracked Concrete. BRE, tionÐA Guide to Half Cell Mapping. Thomas
Watford, 1982, Digest 264. Telford, London, 1996.
5. B E R T O L I N I L. et al. Cathodic protection of new and 14. V A S S I E P. The Half-Cell Potential Method of
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Science, 1993, 35, 1633±1639. Structures. Transport and Road Research
6. C A D Y P. D. and W E Y E R S R. E. Chloride penetration Laboratory, Crowthorne, 1991, Application
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Cement, Concrete and Aggregates, 1983, 5, No. 2, 15. W A L L B A N K E. J. The Performance of Concrete in
81±87. BridgesÐA Survey of 200 Highway Bridges.
7. C O L L E P A R D I M. et al. Kinetics of penetration of Department of Transport, London, 1989.

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