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Finding Relative Humidity

Thermometers are used to measure temperature. Thermometers can also be used to find
relative humidity. Relative humidity is the amount of water vapor in air compared to the amount
of water vapor that the air can hold. The amount of water vapor that air can hold depends on
the temperature; the warmer the air, the more water vapor it can hold. Air is said to be saturated
when it cannot hold any more water.

One type of instrument used to find relative humidity is a psychrometer. A psychrometer

consists of two thermometers, with the bulb of one thermometer covered with a wet cloth.
Water evaporates from the wet cloth, which lowers the temperature. Relative humidity can
be found by subtracting the temperature on the wet-bulb thermometer from the temperature
on the dry-bulb thermometer and using a relative humidity chart.

Choose the corrrect word or phrase to complete each sentence.

1 An instrument made from two thermometers to measure relative humidity is called a n.

2 To find relative humidity, the bulb of one thermometer is covered with a n.
3 Water n from the wet cloth, causing a lower temperature reading on the wet-bulb

4 A large difference between the temperatures on a wet-bulb thermometer and a dry-bulb

thermometer means n humidity.

5 When the air holds 100% of the water it is capable of holding, the air is n.
6 The amount of water vapor that air can hold depends on the n.

6 Objective: Find relative humidity using wet-bulb and dry-bulb thermometers.

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What is the relative humidity for each of the following readings?

7 8 9 0

- If the relative humidity is 80% and

the dry-bulb thermometer reads 85°F, The higher
what would you expect the temperature the humidity,
on the wet-bulb thermometer to be? the smaller
= If the relative humidity is 65% and the difference
the dry-bulb thermometer reads 55°F, between the
what would you expect the temperature temperatures
on the wet-bulb thermometer to be? shown on the
thermometer and
the dry-bulb

saturated 55% 83% 24% 49°F wet cloth

evaporates 80°F low temperature 48%

Investigating Further
Research how to make a psychrometer, construct one, and
then use it measure the relative humidity for several days.
Were you more comfortable on a cool, damp day; a cool, dry
day; a hot, damp day; or a hot, dry day?

49366_VT Inves Data Gr 6.indd 7 4/25/11 1:50 PM

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