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Points, Lines and Planes

 Understand and use the basic undefined
terms and defined terms of geometry.
 Sketch the intersections of lines and
Using Undefined terms and
A definition uses known words to describe a
new word. In geometry, some words
such as point, line and plane are
undefined terms or not formally defined.
Using Undefined terms and

• A point has no
dimension. It is A

usually represented
Point A
by a small dot.
Using Undefined terms and
• A line extends in one
dimension. It is l
usually represented
by a straight line with A

two arrowheads to
indicate that the line
extends without end
in two directions. In Line l or AB
this book, lines are
always straight lines.
Using Undefined terms and
A plane extends in two
dimensions. It is usually
represented by a shape
that looks like a tabletop A
or wall. You must
imagine that the plane C
extends without end even B
though the drawing of a
plane appears to have
Plane M or plane ABC
A few basic concepts . . .
 Must be commonly understood without
being defined. One such concept is the
idea that a point lies on a line or a plane.
 Collinear points are points that lie on the
same line.
 Coplanar points are points that lie on the
same plane.
Ex. 1: Naming Collinear and
Coplanar Points
a. Name three points
that are collinear

Solution: D E

D, E and F lie on the

same line, so they
are collinear.
Ex. 1: Naming Collinear and
Coplanar Points
b. Name four points that
are coplanar. H

D, E, F, and G lie on the
same plane, so they are
coplanar. Also D, E, F,
and H are coplanar;
although, the plane
containing them is not
Ex. 1: Naming Collinear and
Coplanar Points
c. Name three points
that are not H

collinear. G

Solution: D

There are many correct

answers. For
instance, points H,
E, and G do not lie
on the same line.
More . . .
 Another undefined
concept in geometry is l
the idea that a point on a
line is between two other
points on the line. You
can use this idea to
define other important
terms in geometry.
 Consider the line AB
Line l or AB
(symbolized by AB).
More . . . A B

 The line segment or Segment AB

segment AB l
(symbolized by AB) B
consists of the
endpoints A and B,
and all points on AB
that are between A A
and B. Line l or AB
More . . . A B

 The ray AB Ray AB

(symbolized by AB) l
consists of the initial B
point A and all points
on AB that lie on the
same side of A as
point B. A
Line l or AB
More . . . A B

 Note that AB is the Ray BA

same as BA and AB is l
the same as BA. B
However, AB and BA
are not the same.
They have different
initial points and A
extend in different Line l or AB
More . . .
 If C is between A and B,
then CA and CB are
opposite rays.
 Like points, segments and B
rays are collinear if they C
lie on the same line. So,
any two opposite rays are
collinear. Segments, rays A
and lines are coplanar if Line l or AB
they lie on the same
Ex. 2: Drawing lines, segments
and rays
 Draw three noncollinear points J, K, and L.
Then draw JK, KL and LJ.
Draw J, K and L
Then draw JK

Ex. 2: Drawing lines, segments
and rays
 Draw three noncollinear points J, K, and L.
Then draw JK, KL and LJ.

Draw KL

Ex. 2: Drawing lines, segments
and rays
 Draw three noncollinear points J, K, and L.
Then draw JK, KL and LJ.

Draw LJ

Ex. 3: Drawing Opposite Rays
 Draw two lines. Label
points on the lines and
name two pairs of M
opposite rays. Q

Solution: Points M, N, and X

X are collinear and X is
between M and N. So XM
and XN are opposite rays. P N
Ex. 3: Drawing Opposite Rays
 Draw two lines. Label
points on the lines and
name two pairs of M
opposite rays. Q

Solution: Points P, Q, and X X

are collinear and X is
between P and Q. So XP
and XQ are opposite rays. P N
Goal 2: Sketching Intersections of
Lines and Planes
 Two or more geometric intersect if they
have one or more points in common. The
intersection of the figures is the set of
points the figures have in common.
 Activity: p. 12 – Modeling intersections.
– Use two index cards. Label them as shown
and cut slots along each card.
 Complete the exercise and place the completed
questions in your lab section labeling this Lab 1.2.
Ex. 4: Sketching intersections
 Sketch the figure
a. A line that intersects a
plane in one point
 Draw a plane and a
 Emphasize the point
where they meet.
 Dashes indicate where
the line is hidden by
the plane
Ex. 4: Sketching intersections
 Sketch the figure
b. Two planes that
intersect in a line
 Draw two planes.
 Emphasize the line
where they meet.
 Dashes indicate where
one plane is hidden by
the other plane.

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