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Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration
Aircraft Certification Service
Washington, DC
Date: 2/19/87

Technical Standard Order


a. Applicability.

(1) Minimum Performance Standard. This technical standard order (TSO)

prescribes the minimum performance standards that individual flotation devices must meet in
order to be identified with the applicable TSO marking. Individual floatation devices that are to
be so identified and that are manufactured on or after the effective date of this TSO must meet
the minimum performance standards set forth in Appendix 1, “Federal Aviation Administration
Standard, Individual Flotation Devices,” at the end of this section.

(2) Environmental Standard. None.

b. Marking.

(1) Each individual floatation device must be marked in accordance with Federal
Aviation Regulation (FAR) § 21.607(d).

(2) The following additional information must be shown when tested to the fire
blocking requirements of Appendix 1, Paragraph

“Complies with §§ 25.853(c), effective 11/26/84.”

c. Data Requirements. In addition to FAR § 21.605, the manufacturers must furnish the
Manager, Aircraft Certification Office (ACO), Federal Aviation Administration, having purview
of the manufacturer’s facilities, one copy each of the following technical data:

(1) The descriptive information on the device.

(2) The manufacturer’s equipment operating instructions and limitations.

(3) The applicable installation instructions indicating any restrictions or other

conditions pertinent to installation.

DISTRIBUTION: ZVS-326; A-W(WS)-3; A-X(FS)-3; A-FFS-1,2,7,8(LTD); A-FAC-0(MAX);

A-X(CD)-4; AVN-1(2 cys)
9/7/90 TSO-C62d

(4) The manufacturer’s test report of results of tests required by Appendix 1,

Paragraph 7.0.

(5) The manufacturer’s special cleaning and maintenance instructions.

(6) When testing is conducted to the fire blocking requirements of Appendix 1,

Paragraph, a report containing the test results must be submitted.

/S/ William J. Sullivan

Acting Director of Airworthiness

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2/19/87 TSO-C72c
Appendix 1

Individual Flotation Devices

1.0 Purpose.

To specify minimum performance standards for individual flotation devices other than life
preservers defined in the TSO-C13 Series.

2.0 Types and Description of Devices.

This standard covers the following two categories of individual floatation devices:

a. Inflatable types (compressed gas inflation).

b. Noninflatable types.

2.0.1 Description of Inflatable Types. Inflation must be accomplished by release of a

compressed gas contained in a cartridge into the inflation chamber. The cartridge must be
activated by a means readily accessible and clearly marked for its intended purpose. The
flotation chamber must also be capable of oral inflation in the event of failure of the gas

2.0.2 Description of Noninflatabel Types. Seat cushions, head rests, arm rests, pillows,
or similar aircraft equipment are eligible as flotation devices under this standard provided they
fulfill minimum requirements for safety and performance. Compression through extended
service use, perspiration and periodic cleaning must not reduce the buoyancy characteristics of
these devices below the minimum level prescribed in this standard.

2.1 Instructions for Use. Where the design features of the device relative to its purpose and
proper use are not obvious to the user, clear instructions must be visible under conditions of
emergency lighting.

3.0 Definitions.

The following are definitions of terms used throughout the standard:

a. Buoyancy. The amount of weight a device can support in fresh water at 85° F.

b. Flame Resistant. Not susceptible to combustion to the point of propagating a flame

beyond safe limits after the ignition source is removed.

c. Corrosion Resistant. Not subject to deterioration or loss of strength as a result of

prolonged exposure to a humid atmosphere.

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2/19/87 TSO-C72c
Appendix 1
4.0 General Requirements.

4.0.1 Materials and Processes. Materials used in the finished product must be of the
quality which experience and tests have demonstrated to be suitable for the use intended
throughout the service life of the device. The materials and process must conform to
specifications selected or prepared by the manufacturer which will insure that the performance,
strength and durability incorporated in the prototype are continued or exceeded in subsequently
produced articles.

4.0.2 Fungus Protection. Materials used in the finished product must contain no nutrient
which will support fungus growth unless such materials are suitably treated to prevent such

4.0.3 Corrosion Protection. Metallic parts exposed to the atmosphere must be corrosion
resistant or protected against corrosion.

4.0.4 Fire Protection. If the device is not used as part of a seat or berth, materials used in
the device, including any covering, must meet Paragraph 6.0.2 of this standard. If the device is
to be used as part of a seat or berth, all materials used in the device must meet Paragraph 7.0.3 of
this standard.

4 0.5 Temperature Range. Materials used in the construction of the device must be
suitable for the intended purpose following extended exposures through a range of operating
temperatures from -40° F. to +140° F.

4.1 Design and Construction.

4.1.1 General. The design of the device, the inflation means if provided, and straps or
other accessories provided for the purpose of donning by the user must be simple and obvious
thereby making its purpose and actual use immediately evident to the user.

4.1.2 Miscellaneous Design Features. The devices must be adaptable for children as well
as adults. The devices must have features which enable the users to retain them when jumping
into water from a height of at least 5 feet. Attachment straps must not pass between the user’s
leg for retention or restrict breathing or blood circulation.

5.0 Performance Characteristics.

5.0.1 Buoyancy Standard. The device must be shown by the tests specified in paragraph
7.0.1 to be capable of providing not less than 14 pounds of buoyancy in fresh water at 85° F. for
a period of 8 hours.

5.0.2 Utilization. The device must be capable of being utilized by the intended user with

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2/19/87 TSO-C72c
Appendix 1
5.0.3 Function Under Temperature Limits. The device must function from -40 ° F. to
+140° F.

6.0 Standard Tests.

6.0.1 Salt Spray Test Solution. The salt used must be sodium chloride or equivalent
containing on the dry basis not more than 0.1 percent of sodium iodide and not more than 0.2
percent of impurities. The solution must be prepared by dissolving 20 ±2 parts by weight of salt
in 80 parts by weight of distilled or other water containing not more than 200 parts per million of
total solids. The solution must be kept free from solids by filtration decantation, or any other
suitable means. The solution must be adjusted to be maintained at a specific gravity of from
1.126 to 1.157 and a PH of between 6.5 and 7.2 when measured at a temperature in the exposure
zone maintained at 95° F.

6.0.2 Flame Resistance. Except for devices required to be tested in accordance with
7.0.3 the following applies: Three specimens approximately 4 inches wide and 14 inches long
must be tested. Each specimen must be clamped in a metal frame so that the two long edges and
one end are held securely. The frame must be such that the exposed area of the specimen is at
least 2 inches wide and 13 inches long with the free end at least 1/2 inch from the end of the
frame for ignition purposes. In case of fabrics, the direction of the weave corresponding to the
most critical burn rate must be parallel to the 14–inch dimension. A minimum of 10 inches of
the specimen must be used for timing purposes, and approximately 1 1/2 inches must burn before
the burning front reaches the timing zone. The specimen must be long enough so that the timing
is stopped at least 1 inch before the burning front reaches the end of the exposed area.

The specimens must be supported horizontally and tested in draft free conditions. The
surface that will be exposed when installed in the aircraft must face down for the test. The
specimens must be ignited by the Bunsen or Tirrell burner. To be acceptable, the average burn
rate of the 3 specimens must not exceed 4 inches per minute. Alternatively, if the specimens do
not support combustion after the ignition flame is applied for 15 seconds or if the flame
extinguishes itself and any subsequent burning without a flame does not extend into the
undamaged areas, the material is also acceptable.

7.0 Test Requirements.

7.0.1 Buoyancy Testing. The flotation device, including all dress covers, fire blocking
layer (if used) and straps that would normally be used by a survivor in an emergency, must be
tested in accordance with either subparagraph (a) or (b) of this paragraph, as applicable, or an
equivalent test procedure. The test may be conducted using nonfresh water, or at a temperature
other than 85° F., or both, provided the result can be converted to the standard water condition
specified in Paragraph 5.0.1. The test may be conducted in open (ocean or lake) or restricted
(swimming pool) water. The test specimen of noninflatable devices, such as pillows or seat
cushions, must either be preconditioned to simulate any detrimental effects on buoyancy
resulting from extended service or an increment must be added to buoyancy standard in
Paragraph 5.0.1 sufficient to offset any reduction in buoyancy which would result from extended
service use.

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2/19/87 TSO-C72c
Appendix 1

a. Test Procedures Applicable to Inflatable Devices and to Noninflatable Devices made

from Closed Cell Material. The device must be tested by submerging it in water so that no part
of it is less than 24 inches below the surface. It must be shown that the buoyancy of the device is
at least equal to the value specified in paragraph 5.0.1 after submersion for at least 8 hours,
except that the test may be discontinued in less than 8 hours if buoyancy measurements taken at
4 successive 30 minutes intervals show that the buoyancy of the device has stabilized at a value
at least equal to the value specified in Paragraph 5.0.1.

b. Test Procedures Applicable to Noninflatable Devices made from Open Cell Material.
The device must be completely submerged and must either support a human subject or be
attached to a mechanical apparatus that simulates the movements characteristic of a
nonswimmer. During the test, the device must be subjected to a squeezing action comparable to
that caused by the movements characteristic of a nonswimmer. It must be shown that the
buoyancy of the device is at least equal to the value specified in Paragraph 5.0.1 after testing for
at least 8 hours, except that the test may be discontinued in less than 8 hours if the buoyancy
measurements taken at 4 successive 30-minute intervals show that the buoyancy of the device
has stabilized at a value at least equal to the value specified in Paragraph 5.0.1.

7.0.2 Salt Spray Testing. All metallic operating parts must be placed in an enclosed
chamber and sprayed with an atomized salt solution for a period of 24 hours. The solution must
be atomized in the chamber at a rate of 3 quarts per 10 cubic feet of chamber volume per 24-hour
period. At the end of the test period, it must be demonstrated that the parts operate properly.

7.0.3 Test for Fire Protection of Materials. Materials used in flotation devices that are to
be used as part of a transport category aircraft seat or berth must comply with the
self-extinguishing fire protection provisions of § 25.853(b) of FAR Part 25. In all other
applications, the materials in the flotation devices must be tested in accordance with Paragraph
6.0.2 of this standard to substantiate adequate flame resistant properties. Test for Fire Blocking of Seat Cushions. Tests must be conducted in
accordance with Appendix F. Part II of FAR Part 25.

7.0.4 Extreme Temperature Testing. Tests must be performed to demonstrate that the
device is operable throughout the temperature range specified in Paragraph 5.0.3. In performing
these tests, preconditioning of tests, specimens must be accomplished to simulate conditions of
immediate use of the device following an aircraft takeoff.

Note: An acceptable procedure for preconditioning may involve storage of the device for
8 hours at the extreme temperatures specified, followed by exposure to room temperature
conditions for a period of time not to exceed 10 minutes.

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