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Act 28


ACT 1971
Incorporating all amendments up to 1 January 2006


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Date of Royal Assent … … … … … 27 April 1971

Date of publication in the Gazette … … … 29 April 1971

First Reprint … … … … 1993
Second Reprint … … … … 1999



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Kootu Funds (Prohibition) 3


Act 28



1. Short title
2. Interpretation
3. Unlawful to carry on business of promoting kootu funds
4. Registration of a business which promotes kootu funds prohibited in the
States of Peninsular Malaysia
5. Licensing of a business which promotes kootu funds prohibited in Sabah
6. Licensing of a business which promotes kootu funds prohibited in
7. Registration of a company which promotes kootu funds prohibited
8. Registered company which promotes kootu funds to cease business
9. Winding up on application by Minister
10. Criminal liability
11. Rules
12. This Act to prevail
13. Repeal

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Act 28


An Act to prohibit the registration or licensing of businesses

which promote or are designed to promote kootu funds and the
registration of companies which have as their object or as one of
their objects the promotion of schemes or arrangements variously
known as kootus, cheetus, chit funds, hweis, tontines or otherwise
as well as to make it unlawful for any person to carry on the
business of promoting such schemes or arrangements and to
provide for matters incidental thereto.

[Throughout Malaysia—30 April 1971]

BE IT ENACTED by the Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan

Agong with the advice and consent of the Dewan Negara and
Dewan Rakyat in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of
the same, as follows:

Short title

1. This Act may be cited as the Kootu Funds (Prohibition) Act



2. (1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—

“company” means a company as defined in the Companies Act
1965 [Act 125], and includes a corporation as defined in the said
“kootu fund” means a scheme or arrangement variously known
as a kootu, cheetu, chit fund, hwei, tontine or otherwise whereby
the participants subscribe periodically or otherwise to a common
fund and such common fund is put up for sale or payment to the
participants by auction, tender, bid, ballot or otherwise and
includes any scheme or arrangement which with variations
partakes of the nature of a kootu, cheetu, chit fund, hwei or

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6 Laws of Malaysia A CT 28

“Minister” means, except in sections 4, 5 and 6, the Minister

for the time being in charge of domestic trade and consumer
“to promote” includes to manage, form, conduct or otherwise to
organize, and also includes aiding, assisting or taking any part in
such promotion.

(2) The term “kootu funds” wherever used in this Act includes
the term “a kootu fund”.

(3) Any reference in this Act to the winding up of a company

includes, in the case of a foreign company, a reference to the
winding up of the affairs of the foreign company so far as the
assets of the foreign company within Malaysia are concerned.

Unlawful to carry on business of promoting kootu funds

3. It shall be unlawful for any person to carry on the business of

promoting kootu funds and any person who carries on such
business shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on conviction, be
liable to a fine not exceeding five thousand ringgit or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to both.

Registration of a business which promotes kootu funds

prohibited in the States of Peninsular Malaysia

4. (1) There shall not be registered under the Registration of

Businesses Act 1956 [Act 197] of the States of Peninsular
Malaysia (hereinafter in this section referred to as “the Act”) any
business which promotes or is designed to promote kootu funds.

(2) No person shall obtain registration under the Act of any

business which promotes or is designed to promote kootu funds.

(3) No person who carries on a business which is registered

under the Act shall carry on the business of promoting kootu

(4) Any associate of a business which, on the date of coming

into force of this Act, is registered under the Act and which
promotes or is designed to promote kootu funds shall forthwith
cease to do such business and shall forthwith inform the Registrar
that the business promotes or is designed to promote kootu funds

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Kootu Funds (Prohibition) 7

and thereupon the Registrar shall forthwith revoke the certificate

of registration of such business.

(5) The Registrar shall forthwith revoke the certificate of

registration of a business if he is satisfied from the particulars of
the business submitted under subsection 5(1) of the Act that the
business promotes or is designed to promote kootu funds, and
inform, in writing, a person responsible that such certificate has
been revoked and the reason therefor.

(6) Any associate of a business aggrieved by any decision

made by the Registrar under subsection (5) may, within thirty
days from the date on which the decision was communicated
under subsection (5) to a person responsible, appeal therefrom to
the Minister whose decision shall be final; while such appeal is
pending it shall not operate as a stay of the revocation of the
certificate of registration of the business unless the Minister
directs otherwise.

(7) Any person who contravenes subsection (2) or (3) and any
associate of a business who fails to comply with subsection (4)
shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to
a fine not exceeding five thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for
a term not exceeding three years or to both.

(8) Nothing in this section shall prejudice or be deemed to

prejudice any civil claim that any person, including a participant
in a kootu fund, may have against any associate of a business of
which the certificate of registration is revoked under the
provisions of this section or who ceases to do business by reason
of the provisions of this section.

(9) No person shall be entitled to any refund of fees as a result

of the revocation of any certificate of registration of a business
under this section.

(10) For the purposes of this section—

(a) a Registrar or an inspector may exercise all the powers
conferred upon them respectively under the Act in as
full and ample a manner as if this section formed a part
of the Act; and
(b) section 2 of the Act shall apply as if this section
formed a part of the Act.

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8 Laws of Malaysia A CT 28

Licensing of a business which promotes kootu funds

prohibited in Sabah

5. (1) There shall not be licensed under the Trades Licensing

Ordinance of Sabah [Cap. 144] (hereinafter in this section referred
to as “the Ordinance”) any business which promotes or is designed
to promote kootu funds.

(2) No person shall obtain a trading licence under the

Ordinance in respect of any business which promotes or is
designed to promote kootu funds.

(3) No person who carries on a business which is licensed

under the Ordinance shall carry on the business of promoting
kootu funds.

(4) Any proprietor or partner of a business which, on the date

of coming into force of this Act, is licensed under the Ordinance
and which promotes or is designed to promote kootu funds shall
forthwith cease to do such business and shall forthwith inform the
licensing authority that the business promotes or is designed to
promote kootu funds and thereupon the licensing authority shall
forthwith revoke the trading licence in respect of such business.

(5) The licensing authority shall forthwith revoke the trading

licence of a business if it is satisfied from the particulars of the
business submitted to the licensing authority under the Ordinance
that the business promotes or is designed to promote kootu funds,
and inform, in writing, the proprietor or partner of the business
that such trading licence has been revoked and the reason

(6) Any proprietor or partner of a business aggrieved by any

decision made by the licensing authority under subsection (5)
may, within thirty days from the date on which the decision was
communicated under subsection (5), appeal therefrom to the
Minister whose decision shall be final; while such appeal is
pending it shall not operate as a stay of the revocation of the
trading licence of the business unless the Minister directs

(7) Any person who contravenes subsection (2) or (3) and any
proprietor or partner of a business who fails to comply with
subsection (4) shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on
conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding five thousand ringgit

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Kootu Funds (Prohibition) 9

or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to


(8) Nothing in this section shall prejudice or be deemed to

prejudice any civil claim that any person, including a participant
in a kootu fund, may have against any proprietor or partner of a
business the trading licence of which is revoked under the
provisions of this section or who ceases to do business by reason
of this section.

(9) No person shall be entitled to any refund of fees as a result

of the revocation of any trading licence under this section.

(10) For the purposes of this section—

(a) a licensing authority may exercise all the powers
conferred upon it under the Ordinance in as full and
ample a manner as if this section formed a part of the
Ordinance; and
(b) section 2 of the Ordinance shall apply as if this section
formed a part of the Ordinance.

(11) “Minister” in this section means the Minister referred to

in the Ordinance.

Licensing of a business which promotes kootu funds

prohibited in Sarawak

6. (1) There shall not be licensed under the Businesses,

Professions and Trades Licensing Ordinance of Sarawak [Cap.
33] (hereinafter in this section referred to as “the Ordinance”) any
business which promotes or is designed to promote kootu funds.

(2) No person shall obtain a trading licence under the Ordinance

in respect of any business which promotes or is designed to
promote kootu funds.

(3) No person who carries on a business which is licensed

under the Ordinance shall carry on the business of promoting
kootu funds.

(4) Any proprietor of a business which, on the date of coming

into force of this Act, is licensed under the Ordinance and which
promotes or is designed to promote kootu funds shall forthwith

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10 Laws of Malaysia A CT 28

cease to do such business and shall forthwith inform the Collector

that the business promotes or is designed to promote kootu funds
and thereupon the Collector shall forthwith revoke the trading
licence in respect of such business.

(5) The Collector shall forthwith revoke the trading licence of

a business if he is satisfied from the particulars of the business
submitted to the Collector under the Ordinance that the business
promotes or is designed to promote kootu funds, and inform, in
writing, the proprietor of the business that such trading licence
has been revoked and the reason therefor.

(6) Any proprietor of a business aggrieved by any decision

made by the Collector under subsection (5) may, within thirty
days from the date on which the decision was communicated
under subsection (5), appeal therefrom to the Minister whose
decision shall be final; while such appeal is pending it shall not
operate as a stay of the revocation of the trading licence of the
business unless the Minister directs otherwise.

(7) Any person who contravenes subsection (2) or (3) and any
proprietor of a business who fails to comply with subsection (4)
shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to
a fine not exceeding five thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for
a term not exceeding three years or to both.

(8) Nothing in this section shall prejudice or be deemed to

prejudice any civil claim that any person, including a participant
in a kootu fund, may have against any proprietor of a business the
trading licence of which is revoked under this section or who
ceases to do business by reason of this section.

(9) No person shall be entitled to any refund of tax as a result

of the revocation of any trading licence under this section.

(10) For the purposes of this section—

(a) a Collector may exercise all the powers conferred

upon him under the Ordinance in as full and ample a
manner as if this section formed a part of the
Ordinance; and

(b) section 2 of the Ordinance shall apply as if this section

formed a part of the Ordinance.

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Kootu Funds (Prohibition) 11

(11) “Minister” in this section means the Minister referred to

in the Ordinance.

Registration of a company which promotes kootu funds


7. There shall not be registered under the Companies Act 1965

any company which has as its objects or as one of its objects the
promotion of kootu funds.

Registered company which promotes kootu funds to cease


8. (1) Upon the coming into force of this Act, a registered

company which has its objects or as one of its objects the
promotion of kootu funds (hereinafter in this section and in
section 9 referred to as “such company”) shall forthwith cease to
carry on the business of promoting kootu funds.

(2) Every such company shall either—

(a) within ninety days from 18 February 1971 take the
necessary steps under the Companies Act 1965 to have
its memorandum of association and (if any) articles of
association altered so that they do not provide for it to
carry on the business of promoting kootu funds; or
(b) within ninety days from 18 February 1971 or within
one month of the expiry of the total period for which
permission may have been granted under subsection
(3), whichever is the longer, either—
(i) resolve by special resolution that it be wound
up voluntarily, under paragraph 254(1)(b) of
the Companies Act 1965; or
(ii) resolve by special resolution that it be wound
up by the Court and accordingly present a
petition to the Court under paragraph
217(1)(a) of the Companies Act 1965 for an
order that it be wound up.

(3) Notwithstanding subsection (1) and notwithstanding

anything done under paragraph (2)(a) such company may, within
ninety days from 18 February 1971, apply to the Registrar for

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12 Laws of Malaysia A CT 28

permission to continue to operate such of its kootu funds, as are

in operation on the date of coming into force of this Act till their
respective operation has been completed, and the Registrar may
grant or refuse such permission; if he grants such permission he
shall specify the period for which it is granted and such period
shall not exceed twelve months; and he may, on application by
such company, and in his absolute discretion, grant, from time to
time, extensions of such period but so that the aggregate of such
extensions does not exceed twelve months.

(4) For the purposes of subsection (3) the Registrar may, from
time to time, give such directions to such company and make such
enquiries from it as he deems expedient or necessary.

(5) Where permission is granted under subsection (3) the

Registrar may, from time to time, impose such terms and
conditions as he deems expedient or necessary.

(6) The Registrar may, at any time, withdraw or modify any

permission granted under subsection (3) or any term or condition
imposed under subsection (5).

(7) If such company is aggrieved by—

(a) any decision made by the Registrar under subsection
(3) or (6); or
(b) any direction given by the Registrar under subsection
(4); or
(c) any term or condition imposed by the Registrar under
subsection (5),

such company may, within thirty days from the date on which any
such decision, direction, term or condition was communicated to
such company, appeal therefrom to the Minister whose decision
shall be final.

(8) If default is made in complying with subsection (1) such

company and every officer of such company who is in default
shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fine not
exceeding five thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding three years or to both:

Provided that such company shall not be liable for such offence
in respect of such of its kootu funds as are in operation on the date

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Kootu Funds (Prohibition) 13

of coming into force of this Act, from the time that an application
by such company under subsection (3) is received by the
Registrar and until the time that a decision thereon is made by the
Registrar, and, thereafter, for so long as any permission granted
by the Registrar under subsection (3) is in force:

And provided further that such permission shall be deemed to

be not in force if such company commits a breach of any term or
condition imposed by the Registrar under subsection (5).

(9) “Registrar” in this section means the Registrar of

Companies and does not include any Regional Deputy or
Assistant Registrar of Companies.

Winding up on application by Minister

9. (1) If such company fails to take action under subsection

8(2) or if, having taken such action, it fails to obtain the required
alteration of its memorandum of association and (if any) articles
of association or complete its voluntary winding up or obtain the
order of the Court that it be wound up, as the case may be, within
a reasonable time, the Minister—
(a) may cause to be made such investigation of the affairs
of such company and in such manner as he deems
appropriate; and
(b) shall present a petition to the Court—
(i) for the winding up of such company; or
(ii) in the case of a foreign company, for the
winding up of the affairs of such company so
far as the assets of such company within
Malaysia are concerned,

under section 205 of the Companies Act 1965, and such company
shall, for the purpose of the said section, be deemed to be a
declared company in respect of which a report has been made by
an inspector, as referred to in the said section 205, and the petition
shall be dealt with by the Court under the Companies Act 1965,
with such adaptations as may be necessary, as a petition of the
Minister under the said section 205 in respect of a company which
is referred to in the said section 205 as a declared company in
respect of which a report has been made by an inspector.

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14 Laws of Malaysia A CT 28

(2) For the purpose of any proceedings under the Companies

Act 1965, for the winding up of such company, the rules relating
to the winding up of companies shall be applicable with such
modifications as the Court in its discretion deems just and either
expedient or necessary:

Provided that if the Minister submits to the Rules Committee

proposals for making special provision under section 372 of the
Companies Act 1965, in relation to such companies, the
Committee may by rules under that section give effect to the
proposals either as submitted or subject to such modifications as
the Committee thinks fit.

(3) The proposals under the proviso to subsection (2), and the
rules made by virtue thereof, may provide for modifying or
excluding, in relation to such companies, the provisions of Part X
of the Companies Act 1965, requiring the holding of meetings or
otherwise relating to the procedure in a winding up.

(4) The expenses of the winding up in consequence of a

petition under subsection (1) (including the remuneration of the
liquidator) shall, in so far as they cannot be met out of the assets
of the company be defrayed by the Minister; and the Minister may
make advances towards the payment of such expenses, or make a
contribution thereto to the exoneration (so far as the contribution
extends) of the assets of the company.

(5) The funds specified in the Second Schedule to the

Financial Procedure Act 1957 [Act 61], shall (without prejudice
to subsection 10(4) of that Act) include a fund to be known as the
Kootu Fund Companies Liquidation Fund, for meeting the
expenditure of the Minister under this section, and the said
subsection 10(3) shall apply to moneys received by the Minister
in repayment of advances made by him under this section as it
applies to the moneys mentioned in the said subsection 10(3).

Criminal liability

10. (1) If the person committing an offence under this Act is a

company, every person who at the time the offence was committed
was a director, general manager, manager, secretary or other
officer of the company concerned in the management of the
company in the Federation or who was purporting to act in any
such capacity, he as well as the company shall be deemed to be

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Kootu Funds (Prohibition) 15

guilty of that offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against

and punished accordingly:

Provided that it shall be a defence for such person, if he proves

that the offence was committed without his consent or connivance
and that he exercised such diligence to prevent the commission of
the offence as he ought to have exercised having regard to the
nature of his functions and to all other circumstances.

(2) For the purpose of this section “company” includes—

(i) any body corporate;

(ii) a firm or other association of individuals;

(iii) a natural and individual person registered or licensed

under any written law in force in Malaysia relating to
the registration or licensing of businesses.

(3) Where the agent or servant of a person (such person being

hereinafter in this section called “the principal”) does anything or
omits to do anything (which if done or omitted to be done by the
principal would constitute an offence under this Act) the principal
shall, notwithstanding that he has no knowledge of the offence,
be deemed guilty of the offence and be liable to punishment for
the offence:

Provided that it shall be a defence for the principal, if he


(a) that the act or omission complained of was not within

the ordinary scope of the employment of the agent or
servant; and

(b) that the principal did not otherwise or subsequently

ratify such act or omission.

(4) Where the agent or servant of the principal does anything

or omits to do anything (which if done or omitted to be done by
the principal would constitute an offence under this Act) such
agent or servant shall also be guilty of that offence.

(5) This section shall be in addition to and not in derogation

from any other provisions of this Act.

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16 Laws of Malaysia A CT 28


11. The Minister may make rules for carrying into effect the
objects and purposes of this Act.

This Act to prevail

12. The provisions of this Act shall be without prejudice to the

provisions of the Registration of Businesses Act 1956 of the States
of Peninsular Malaysia or the Trades Licensing Ordinance of
Sabah or the Businesses, Professions and Trades Licensing
Ordinance of Sarawak or the Companies Act 1965 but where there
is a conflict between any of the said Ordinances or the said
Companies Act and this Act the provisions of this Act shall


13. The Emergency (Essential Powers) Ordinance No. 84, 1971

[P.U.(A)69/1971] is hereby repealed.

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Act 28



Amending law Short title In force from

Act 160 Malaysian Currency (Ringgit) Act 1975 29-08-1975

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Act 28



Section Amending authority In force from

3 Act 160 29-08-1975

4 Act 160 29-08-1975

5 Act 160 29-08-1975

6 Act 160 29-08-1975

8 Act 160 29-08-1975

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