Median N. (Recurrent) Supplies Lateral 2. Ulnar (Deep) Supplies Medial 2

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Name Origin Insertion Innervation Function

Abductor pollicis brevis Flexor retinaculum, Sesamoid bone, proximal Recurrent Abduction and flexion of proximal phalanx
scaphoid, trapezium phalanx, and extensor branch of
expansion median n.
Flexor pollicis brevis Flexor retinaculum, Sesamoid, proximal Recurrent Flexion of proximal phalanx
trapezium phalanx, and extensor branch of
expansion median n.
Opponens pollicis Flexor retinaculum and 1st Metacarpal (lateral Recurrent Rotation of metacarpal during opposition
trapezium side) branch of
median n.
Palmaris brevis Flexor retinaculum and Skin on the ulnar border of Superficial Draws the skin at the ulnar side of the
palmar aponeurosis the palm branch of Ulnar palms towards the middle of the palm
Abductor digiti minimi Pisiform Proximal phalanx of the 5th Deep branch of Abduction of digit 5
digit Ulnar n.
Flexor digiti minimi Hamate Proximal phalanx of the 5th Deep branch of Flexion of proximal phalanx of digit 5
digit Ulnar n.
Opponens digiti minimi Hamate 5th Metacarpal Deep branch of Draws 5th metacarpal anteriorly thus
Ulnar n. bringing digit 5 into contact with the
thumb during opposition.
Lumbricals Tendons of FDP Course on lateral side of Median n. Flexion of digits at metacarpo-phalangeal
each digit and insert on lateral 2. Ulnar joints and extension of the interphalangeal
extensor expansions of 2nd (deep) supplies joints. 1st and 2nd (unipennate)
to 5th fingers medial 2. 3rd and 4th (bipennate)
Adductor pollicis (2 Oblique head from 2nd Common tendon into Deep branch of Adduction of thumb, aids in opposition
heads) metacarpal and medial sesamoid bone, Ulnar n.
capitate. Transverse base of proximal phalanx
head from 3rd and extensor expansion of
metcarpal. thumb
1st Palmar interossei Medial side of 2nd Base of medial side of prox. Deep branch of Adduct the fingers toward the middle
metacarpal phalanx digit 2 and Ulnar n. finger
extensor expansion
2nd Palmar interossei Lateral side of 4th Base of lateral side of Deep branch of Adduct the fingers toward the middle
metacarpal proximal phalanx digit 4 Ulnar n. finger
and extensor expansion
3rd Palmar interossei Lateral side of 5th Base of lateral side of prox. Deep branch of Adduct the fingers toward the middle
metacarpal phalanx digit 5 and Ulnar n. finger
extensor expansion
1st Dorsal interossei Adjacent 1st and 2nd Base of lateral side of prox. Deep branch Abduction of digits 2, 3, and 4 away from
metacarpals shafts phalanx of index finger and of the Ulnar n. an imaginary longitudinal axis through the
extensor expansion center of the middle finger
2nd & 3rd Dorsal interossei Adjacent 2nd and 3rd Base of prox. phalanx of Deep branch Palmar and dorsal interossei also flex the
metacarpal shafts middle finger, 2nd on the of the Ulnar n. metacarpophalangeal joints and extend
Adjacent 3rd and 4th lateral side and 3rd on the the interphalangeal joints of appropriate
metacarpal shafts medial side and extensor digits 2-5
4th Dorsal interossei Adjacent 4th and 5th Base of medial side of the Deep branch
metacarpal shafts prox. phalanx of ring finger of the Ulnar n.
and extensor expansion

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