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Ginekologia Polska

2016, vol. 87, no. 10, 701–705

Copyright © 2016 Via Medica
O R I G I N A L PA P ER / O BS TE TRICS ISSN 0017–0011

DOI: 10.5603/GP.2016.0071

Comparison of two different antibiotic regimens

for the prophylaxisis of cases with preterm premature
rupture of membranes: a randomized clinical trial
Ilker Kahramanoglu1, Merve Baktiroglu2, Taylan Senol3, Ozge Kahramanoglu2, Enis Ozkaya3,
Olcay Ilhan2, Fatma Ferda Verit2, Seyda Baydogan2, Oguz Yucel2
1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Istanbul University

2Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology, Suleymaniye Women’s Health Training And Research Hospital

2Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology, Zeynep Kamil Women And Children’s Health Training And Research Hospital

Objectives: The aim of the study was to assess the effect of 1 g ampicillin prophylactic dosage whether it is as effective as
the dosage of 2 g to prevent maternal and neonatal morbidity in a randomized manner.
Materials and methods: One hundred and fourty eight singleton pregnant women with preterm premature rupture of
membranes between 21 and 33 weeks of gestation were followed-up during the study period in our institution. We com-
pared the efficacy of two different different dosages of ampicillin. The study population was randomized into 2 groups. In
the group 1, 1 g of intravenous ampicillin was given every 6 hours. In the group 2, 2 g of intravenous ampicillin was given
every 6 hours.
Results: There was no significant difference between groups interms of fetal complications (RDS, icterus, mortality, sepsis,
transient tachypnea of newborn and the pneumonia), rate of intensive care unit admission, fetal gender, fever, rate of clinical
chorioamnionitis, high white blood cell count and the CRP, rate of cases < 30 weeks (p > 0.05). There was a significant differ-
ence between the groups for the rate of previous preterm premature rupture of membranes history, steroid administration
and the need for tocolysis (p < 0.05).
Conclusions: Although antibiotics seems to be innocent, several side effects have been introduced. It is reasonable to use
the lowest dosages in shortest period in order to minimize these unwanted effects.
Key words: preterm, rupture, membrane, chorioamnionitis, ampicillin, premature
Ginekologia Polska 2016; 87, 10: 701–705

INTRODUCTION can be reduced with prolongation of latency period [8, 9]. Evi-
Prelabor or premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) dence based data lead the American College of Obstetricians
is defined as rupture of membranes before onset of labor [1]. and Gynecologists (ACOG) to prepare a clinical management
One third of preterm deliveries are observed as a complication guideline which recommends using prophylactic antibiotics
of PPROM. PPROM is associated with several complications to prolong pregnancy, reduce maternal infectious morbid-
for both neonate and the mother [1]. Most of these compli- ity and reduce infectious and gestational age dependent
cations are seen in cases with PPROM before 34 weeks of neonatal morbidity [1, 10]. Several antibiotic regimens have
gestation [2]. Latency period for the cases with PPROM under been proposed for PPROM prophylaxis including Ampicillin
expectant management was reported to be 1.5–4.6 days 2 g intravenously every 6 hours for 48 hours or 7 days alone
[3–5]. Therefore majority of the cases deliver within 48 hours (ampicillin 2 g intravenously every 6 hours for 48 hours or
and some in 7 days following rupture of membranes [3–7]. 7 days alone [11]. Dosages and the duration of prophylaxis
Randomized trials have shown that neonatal complications for these kind of pregnancy complcation is still a debade.

Corresponding author:
Ilker Kahramanoglu
Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Istanbul, Turkey
tel.: 90/533 474 64 97
e-mail: [email protected]

Ginekologia Polska 2016, vol. 87, no. 10

In this study, we tried to assess the effect of 1 g ampicillin co-morbidity. In total, 158 patients were considered eligible
prophylactic dosage whether it is as effective as the dosage for the study (Fig. 1). We compared the efficacy of two dif-
of 2 g to prevent maternal and neonatal morbidity. ferent dosages of ampicillin. The study included 2 groups. In
the group 1, 1 g of intravenous ampicillin was given every
MATERIAL AND METHODS 6 hours. In the group 2, 2 g of intravenous ampicillin was
This prospective randomized comperative study was given every 6 hours. All antibiotics were administered until
conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology delivery or up to 7 days. The patients with 24 weeks of ges-
at the Suleymaniye Women Health Research and Training tation or more were treated with antenatal corticosteroid
Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey from January 1, 2011 to May 1, due to prematurity. During the follow-up, vaginal culture
2013. The hospital is a tertiary referral center with about was performed at admission. The heart rate was monitored
5600 deliveries per year. One hundred and fourty eight twice a day. Ultrasound examination was performed and
singleton pregnant women with PPROM between 21 and fetal presentation, fetal weight and amniotic fluid volume
33 weeks of gestation were followed-up during the study was examined daily. Biophysical scoring and Doppler ve-
period in our institution. We compared the efficacy of am- locimetry were also performed when needed. Labor induc-
picillin by the different dosages. The study population was tion was prohibited prior to 34 weeks. Randomization was
randomized into 2 groups. In the group 1 (n = 84), 1 g of performed by using computer program (Randomization.
intravenous ampicillin was given every 6 hours. In the group com). The Ethical Committee of the Bakirkoy Dr. Sadi Konuk
2 (n = 74), 2 g of intravenous ampicillin was given every Hospital reviewed and approved the trial protocol and all
6 hours. Sample size was calculated according to the study participants provided written informed consent.
by Charan J et al. with 95% CI and 80% power [12]. Data on the characteristics of the patients including
Diagnosis of PPROM was based on a history of leak- maternal age, parity were collected. Gestational age at ad-
ing fluid and visualization of amniotic fluid in the vagina. mission, gestational age at delivery, latency period were
If PPROM was not obvious after inspection, the diagnosis recorded. Additionally, we measured amniotic fluid index,
was confirmed by positive results from a nitrazine test and white blood cell (wbc) count, C-reactive protein (CRP) level,
ultrasonographic evaluation that demonstrated olighy- rates of clinical chorioamnionitis, neonatal sepsis, neona-
dramnios. Exclusion criteria were cervial dilatation more tal pneumonia and respiratory distress syndrome (RDS).
than 4 cm, PPROM for > 48 hours before admission, major Clinical chorioamnionitis was diagnosed based on maternal
fetal anomaly, chorioamnionitis, severe preeclampsia, al- temperature ≥ 38°C and two or more of the following condi-
lergic reaction to penicillin or any condition that would tions: (1) uterine tenderness; (2) wbc count > 15 000/mm³;
require the pregnancy to be terminated including maternal (3) foul-smelling vaginal discharge; (4) maternal tachycardia

Assessed for eligibility (n = 165)

Randomized (n = 165)

Group 1 Group 2
(1 gr of intravenous Ampicillin, every 6 hours) (2 gr of intravenous Ampicillin, every 6 hours)
(n = 88) (n = 77)

4 patients were lost from follow-up 3 patients were lost from follow-up
n = 84 n = 74

Analysed Analysed
n = 84 n = 74

Figure 1. Flow of patients through the trial

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Ilker Kahramanoglu et al., A RCT for the dosage of ampicillin in PPROM

(< 100 beats/min); and (5) fetal tachycardia (> 160 beats/min) ture of membranes, our study revealed that two regimens
as previously described (III). RDS was diagnosed in symp- result in similar outcomes except for the APGAR score at
tomatic infants who required ventilator support for at least 1st minute, PPROM history, need for tocolyses and ster-
24 hours. Neonatal sepsis was diagnosed if there was a posi- oids. PPROM is seen in %2.0–3.5 of pregnancies and 1/3 of
tive blood culture result obtained during the first 72 hours them result in preterm labor [13]. Prematurity is the most
after birth. Pneumonia was diagnosed when an infant had important cause of poor pregnancy outcome. Preterm de-
compatible symptoms with diagnostic X-ray findings. liveries account for 7 to 11% of the pregnancies [14, 15].
Statistical analysis was done using statistical software For that reason, management of PPROM is important for
(SPSS 10.0 for Windows) and Student’s t-test, Mann-Whit- both prevention of preterm deliveries and the perinatal
ney U test, McNemar’s test and Friedman variance analysis infections. Antibiotherapy provides interval for steroid ad-
were used, as appropriate. Signifance level was defined as ministration. According to the literature, it is well known
0.05. Data were expressed as mean ± SD and percent (%), that steroid administration has some benefits of lower rates
where appropriate. of respiratory distress syndrom, intraventricular hemorrha-
gia, necrotizing enterocolitis, need for neonatal respiratory
RESULTS support. Steroid administration is effective in up to 30 to
Some demographic and the clinical data for the whole 60% of the cases to prevent afforementioned complica-
study population is summarized in Table 1. tions [16, 17]. In a systematic review comparing antibiotics
There was no significant difference between groups in to placebo in the management of PPROM, analyses of the
terms of fetal complications (RDS, icterus, mortality, sepsis, data revealed significantly lower chorioamnionitis rates (RR
transient tachypnea of newborn and the pneumonia), rate 0.66, 95% CI 0.46–0.96), neonatal infections (RR 0.67, 95%
of intensive care unit admission, fetal gender, fever, high CI 0.52–0.85), need for surfactant administration (RR 0.83,
white blood cell count (23/84 vs. 24/74) and the CRP, rate of 95% CI 0.72–0.96), need for neonatal respiratory support
cases < 30 weeks (23/84 vs. 22/74), the rate of previous PPROM (RR 0.88, 95% CI 0.81–0.96) and probability of abnormal
history, steroid administration (39 vs. 55, respectively) and the findings in cerebral ultrasound performed just before dis-
need for tocolysis (10 vs. 2, respectively) (p > 0.05, Tab. 2). There charge (RR 0.81, 95% CI 0.68–0.98), in group under antibiotic
was a significant difference between the low and high dosages prophylaxis [18]. Antibiotics seem to be beneficial in the
groups for clinical choriamnionitis (18/84 vs. 8/74, p < 0.05). management of PPROM [9, 18]. On the other hand, Cochrane
review showed that antibiotics could decrease short term
DISCUSSION neonatal morbidities but not perinatal mortality [19]. There
In this study, we tried to compare two different dos- is still a concern about the optimal effective antibiotic agent
ages of same agent in cases with preterm premature rup- and the dosage, there is still need for further studies on

Table 1. Summary of some demographic and clinical characteristics of whole study population
Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. deviation
Age (years) 158 15 44 27.76 6.078
Gravidity 158 1 12 2.43 1.899
Parity 158 0 11 0.96 1.486
Gestational age at diagnosis (week) 158 19.00 36.43 31.2793 4.03371
Gestational age at delivery (week) 158 20.29 39.00 32.0371 3.81235
Interval 158 0 53 5.30 8.265
Latency period (day) 158 0 40 5.45 7.118
Initial AFI 158 0 200 60.31 34.358
Apgar score at 1 minute 158 0 9 6.20 1.780
Apgar score at 1 minute < 4 158 1 2 1.93 0.253
Apgar score at 5 minutes 158 0 10 7.78 1.744
Apgar score at 5 minutes < 7 158 1 2 1.89 0.309
Duration of hospitalization of mother (day) 158 1 42 7.55 7.152
Birth weight [g] 158 280 3380 1910.62 647.898

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Ginekologia Polska 2016, vol. 87, no. 10

Table 2. Comparison summary of some demographic and clinical characteristics of two groups
Group Statistics
Std. Std. error
Group N Mean
deviation Mean
Low Dose 84 27.5 5.8 0.6
Age (year)
High Dose 74 28.1 6.3 0.7 NS
Low Dose 84 2.5 1.9 0.2
High Dose 74 2.4 1.8 0.2 NS
Low Dose 84 0.9 1.3 0.1
High Dose 74 1 1.5 0.2 NS
Low Dose 84 31 4.4 0.5
Gestational age at diagnosis (week)
High Dose 74 31.6 3.5 0.4 NS
Low Dose 84 31.8 4.2 0.5
Gestational age at delivery (week)
High Dose 74 32.3 3.4 0.4 NS
Low Dose 84 5.5 8.5 0.9
High Dose 74 5 7.9 0.9 NS
Low Dose 84 5.6 8.1 0.8
Latency period (day)
High Dose 74 5.2 5.9 0.6 NS
Low Dose 84 63.06 34.1 3.7
Initial AFI [mm]
High Dose 74 57.22 34.6 4 NS
Low Dose 84 6.51 2 0.2
Apgar score at 1 minute
High Dose 74 5.79 1.2 0.1 < 0.05
Low Dose 84 1.91 0.2 0.03
Apgar score at 1 minute < 4
High Dose 74 1.96 0.1 0.02 NS
Low Dose 84 7.9 2.1 0.3
Apgar score at 5 minute
High Dose 74 7.5 0.8 0.1 NS
Low Dose 84 1.9 0.2 0.034
Apgar score at 5 minute <7
High Dose 74 1.8 0.3 0.044 NS
Low Dose 84 7.4 7.3 0.8
Duration of hospitalization of mother (day)
High Dose 74 7.6 6.9 0.8 NS
Low Dose 84 1958.1 685.2 81.3
Birth weight [g]
High Dose 74 1856.1 603.2 76.6 NS

this issue [20]. There have been studies on the antiobiotics 6 hours intervals [9]. In our study we compared two differ-
including ampicillin, amoxicillin, azithromycin and erithro- ent dosages of ampicillin and found no difference in terms
mycin [9, 20, 21]. Comparison of ampicilin + erithromycin of maternal infections or neonatal poor outcome. The rate
and ampicilin+azithromycin combinations revealed similar of chorioamnionitis was found to be higher in group under
results. [21]. In an other study, eryhromycin was found to be low dose protocol, however this difference did not reach
associated with the higher risk for functional disorders and statistical significance. It is well known that long duration
the cerebral palsy [8]. Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid combina- and high doses of antibiotics may result in unfavorable out-
tion resulted in higher rates of necrotizing enterocolitis in come including allergic reactions, gastrointestinal disorders,
some studies [8, 22]. Due to the effectiveness on group cardiac arythmias and even mortality [24]. Major problem
B streptococcus, aerobic gram negative bacils and some in using high doses of antibiotics for long time is higher
anaerobic species, ampicillin is the most frequently used risk for development of multiresistant bacterias [25, 26]. For
agent in PPROM prophylaxis [23]. According to the results of example in England, frequently used agent erythromycin
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development resulted in development of 35% resistant bacterias [27,
(NICHD) Maternal-Fetal Medicine Units (MFMU) Network trial 28]. In addition, overuse of antibiotics may be associated
on antibiotic therapy for reduction of infant morbidity after with the anaphylactic reactions during pregnancy and the
PPROM, ampicillin is recommended in 2 g doses for each peripartum period (2,7 cases/100.000 deliveries) [29–31].

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