The Biology of Human Psychosexual Differentiation: Louis Gooren

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Hormones and Behavior 50 (2006) 589 – 601

The biology of human psychosexual differentiation

Louis Gooren
Department of Endocrinology, Vrije Universiteit medical center, PO Box 7057, 1007 MB Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Received 12 May 2006; revised 15 June 2006; accepted 15 June 2006
Available online 25 July 2006


Most attempts to identify biological underpinnings of gender identity and sexual orientation in humans have investigated effects of sex
steroids, so pivotal in the differentiation of the genitalia, showing strong parallels between animals and the human. The information on humans is
derived from the so-called ‘experiments of nature’, clinical entities with a lesser-than-normal androgen exposure in XY subjects and a higher than
normal androgen exposure in XX subjects. Prenatal androgenization appears to predispose to a male gender identity development, but apparently
not decisively since 40–50% of 46,XY intersexed children with a history of prenatal androgen exposure do not develop a male gender identity.
Obviously, male-to-female transsexuals, with a normal androgen exposure prenatally (there is no serious evidence to the contrary) develop a
female gender identity, through unknown biological mechanisms apparently overriding the effects of prenatal androgens. The latest studies in 46,
XX subjects exposed to prenatal androgens show that prenatal androgenization of 46,XX fetuses leads to marked masculinization of later gender-
related behavior but does not lead to gender confusion/dysphoria. The example of female-to-male transsexuals, without evidence of prenatal
androgen exposure, indicates that a male gender identity can develop without a significant androgen stimulus. So we are far away from any
comprehensive understanding of hormonal imprinting on gender identity formation. Brain studies in homosexuals have not held up in replication
studies or are in need of replication in transsexuals.
Genetic studies and the fraternal birth order hypothesis provide indications of familial clustering of homosexuality but in many homosexuals
these genetic patterns cannot be identified. The biological explanations advanced for the birth order hypothesis lack any experimental support.
© 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Homosexuality; Transsexualism; Testosterone; Sexual differentiation; Brain

Introduction women. Manhood and womanhood would seem to be intrinsic,

biologically determined, preprogrammed properties of boys and
For us human beings, the division into two sexes is one of the girls awaiting their completion by the hormones of puberty,
great eternal verities. The difference between the sexes is stressing the already present sex differences and heralding the
experienced as absolute. Subjectively, man and woman are erotosexual interaction between the two sexes. The latter is
opposites, poles, mutually exclusive forms of human existence. pivotal for survival of the species and would seem to be an
Wild and domesticated animals, and even plants, are, like the inherent, biologically ordained property of living organisms.
human race, either male or female. This has reinforced the idea The above perception of manhood and womanhood as
that manhood and womanhood are expressions of a natural being complementary and necessary for survival of the species
order. Since times immemorial parents have assigned their has led to the belief that the full spectrum of masculinity and
newborns to that sex that the morphology of the external femininity is the product of biological determinism rather than
genitalia indicated. This time-honored practice impresses as being (co)shaped by sociopsychological factors. The equation
reasonable, since babies appearing boys and girls at birth of sexuality with procreation has reinforced the belief that
generally grow up to become normally functioning adult men man and woman are two poles, the one does not exist without
and women. In other words, no major conscious (pedagogic) the other, they presuppose one another, but they are mutually
effort has to be made to raise baby boys to men and baby girls to exclusive.
The human species attributes major significance to the status
E-mail address: [email protected]. of being male or female and their sexual interaction, and as a
0018-506X/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
590 L. Gooren / Hormones and Behavior 50 (2006) 589–601

result, they are governed by a multitude of prescripts and differentiation. To nontranssexuals this problem is so alien and
proscriptions of a societal, legal and religious nature. unimaginable that it is difficult to sympathize with a
Anthropological research and sociological inquiry have transsexual's predicament. Maybe a bit of their distress
questioned the mutual exclusivity of being man or woman. becomes conceivable when a man tries to imagine what it
Cross-cultural studies have revealed that certain sex differences would mean to him if he would develop breasts. This is not
are sex arbitrary and capricious: codes for dressing, hairdo, and theoretical. It is a medical condition known as gynecomastia. Or
make up differ between societies, eras and even within the same that a woman experiences a deepening of her voice and a male
society between social classes/subcultures. Other male–female type of beard and body hair growth, which is a relatively
differences are sex-adjunctive: in the history of mankind, it is common clinical condition. Though most of the time medically
intelligible that the on average greater physical strength of the insignificant, these conditions are subjectively experienced as a
male and the constraints of pregnancy and lactation became the detriment, a forfeiture of one's womanhood or manhood.
basis of sex-adjunctive division of labor. The 20th century Transsexuals live permanently in this situation of feeling that
technology of both labor and birth control and child nursing their physical body denies who they are. Transsexuals feel
have changed these social sex roles profoundly. Another field trapped in their bodies. With the existing techniques of
of study was the manifestations of sexual behavior. Anthro- assessing biological parameters of sex, on medical evaluation
pological and social research found an impressive diversity in of transsexuals, no objective signs of intersexuality can be
sexual behavior, with homosexual behavior best studied, in found. Therefore, in traditional medical practice a transsexual
different eras and different societies or societal layers. These will be advised to undergo psychotherapy to achieve that his/her
researchers were led to believe that expressions of sexual body concept, perceived as a mental function, will concur with
behavior are shaped by sociocultural forces, which, in their the actual physical body. The transsexual will view such an
view, are irreconcilable with biological underpinnings of such advice as improper since it is totally at odds with how s/he
behavior. The tacit assumption was that biological under- perceives and knows his/her problem. The body is not “me”; the
pinnings were deterministic and restrictive not allowing the gender identity/role is the true “me”. This intimate and trusted
pluriformity of sexual behavior encountered in their research. knowledge of the self is, in fact, not different from what
Most of these researchers were little knowledgeable in the area nontranssexuals experience in self-reflection with the cardinal
of the biological sciences and did not take notice that the difference that in their case it “happens” to agree with their
outcome of biological research did not contradict their findings physical body. Given the fact that transsexuals truthfully view
and actually suggested that the brain has a great adaptive their gender identity/role as correct and their body as totally
quality and plasticity to meet demands that place and time wrong, psychotherapy to reconcile their gender identity to their
impose on the species. body is doomed to fail. Transsexuals do not feel that they have
the luxury to opt either for psychotherapy or for sex
Transsexualism: the subjective experience reassignment. In their reflections there are no options; there is
only one way out of their deadlock: the “body” must follow the
Transsexualism is the development of a gender identity that “mind”.
is at variance with morphology of genitals and secondary sex Over the last decades, there has been an advocacy of
characteristics. John Money (1991, 1981) has defined gender androgyny. Sex differences are conceived of as constructed or
identity as follows: “Gender identity is one's own categoriza- socioculturally determined. In one and the same breath, it is
tion of one's individuality as male, female, or ambivalent as proposed that the need for sex reassignment of transsexuals
experienced in self-awareness of one's own mental processes would vanish if our society would embrace androgyny. One
and one's own actual behavior. Gender role is the public communication with a transsexual will reveal that this is not the
manifestation of one's gender identity, the things that one says case. Androgyny is a psychosocial term. It refers to psycholo-
and that one does that gives people a basis for inferring whether gical and social properties/attributes/options of men and women.
one is male, female, or fits neither of those categories”. Money It views the latter as unnecessarily dichotomous, and it advocates
views gender identity and gender role as two aspects of the same that the boundaries between the sexes stemming from this
thing, two sides of one coin. The definition of Money of gender dichotomy should be abolished to allow personal growth and
role is at variance with the one used in the social sciences and fulfillment. Proponents of androgyny often assume that a greater
humanities, which defines gender role as a set of behavioral acceptance of fluidity in sex roles would resolve the transsex-
norms associated with males and with females, respectively, in a ual's problem. Those who treat transsexuals know that this is not
given social group or system. In this contribution I will use the case. The transsexual's real problem is the physical body, the
Money's definition. Transsexualism can be best defined as an flesh, that is experienced as alien, not as a part of the self, an
extreme form of gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria is a unimaginable problem to the nontranssexual. To put it tech-
discrepancy between gender identity/role on the one hand and nically: transsexualism is not sex role dysphoria, it is physical
the physical characteristics of the body on the other. In body sex dysphoria.
transsexualism, the gender identity/role of one sex coexists Transsexuals themselves are not enthusiastic advocates of an
with the primary and secondary characteristics of the other sex androgynous life style. Living as a traditional member of the
in one and the same person. The current definition further opposite sex is so highly valued that any tampering or playing
requires that there is no history of a disorder of sexual with sex roles would be viewed as undermining their serious
L. Gooren / Hormones and Behavior 50 (2006) 589–601 591

desire and attempts to become a member of the opposite sex. In Homosexuality

the first instance in the process of sex reassignment, most
transsexuals live, therefore, conventionally male and female The term sexual preference is probably fundamentally
lives. Over time after their sex reassignment, this usually incorrect. Heterosexuals are inept to fall in love and eroto-
gradually resolves. sexually interact with members of the same sex, and, likewise,
Clinicians have recognized subtypes among transsexuals. homosexuals not with members of the opposite sex. It is rather
One subdivision is ‘early onset transsexuals’ versus ‘late onset that people are ‘destined’ to a sexual orientation than that they
transsexuals’ applying to male-to-female and female-to-male have a preference in the true sense of the word. Most people
transsexuals. Early onset transsexuals, as a rule, have shown a arrive in (late) teenage, but sometimes much later, at a clear self-
great deal of gender nonconformity as young children and definition of their sexual orientation, heterosexual or homo-
already early in life realize they are of the ‘wrong biological sex’ sexual or in-between. In the latter case it is rarely 50%–50%.
which feeling is reinforced by the hormones of puberty. These This self-definition may take some sexual experimentation. It is
induce progressive alienation from their physical bodies as likely that the prevailing societal context with its social, legal
nonself. As a rule they are sexually oriented towards men. Their and religious norms, and their internalization by subjects, play a
counterpart are the late onset transsexuals who more gradually significant role in the sometimes long searching process of
develop gender dysphoria, not rarely after prolonged transvestic one's true sexual orientation. A societal context with a hostile
episodes, and transit to the other sex in or after their forties. attitude towards homosexuality may be so intimidating to indi-
Clinically, this distinction is meaningful since late onset trans- viduals that it leads to denial or reluctance to (self)-admit one's
sexualism is more difficult to diagnose with reasonable certainty sexual orientation.
and the outcome of sex reassignment is statistically less favora- There is no convincing evidence that sexual orientation is
ble than in early onset transsexuals. Not rarely, these subjects amenable to a fundamental change, from homosexual to
are in the diagnostic phase sexually oriented to women. A heterosexual.
reputable expert has labeled early onset transsexualism as
homosexual transsexualism and late onset transsexualism as Biomedical research into transsexualism and
nonhomosexual transsexualism in males, the latter often charac- homosexuality
terized by autogynephilia (love of oneself as a woman,
associated with erotical arousal by the thought or image of The leading principle into the biomedical research of
oneself as a woman) (Blanchard, 2005). Most transsexuals do homosexuality/transsexualism has been to identify biological
not recognize themselves in this typology. First, the so-called female traits in male-to-female transsexuals and male homo-
homosexual male-to-female transsexuals do not view them- sexuals and male biological traits in female-to-male transsexuals
selves as homosexual. If they interact with a man before sex and female homosexuals. Not stated explicitly, the paradigm in
reassignment surgery, they view themselves in their sexual this type of research is that expressions of sexuality, such as
interaction as ‘women for the time being handicapped by a male transsexualism and homosexuality, are variations on the fun-
anatomy’, not as homosexual men interacting with another damentals of male/female dichotomy and heterosexual interac-
homosexual man. Their potential partners at that stage, though, tion (Gorman, 1994). Some researchers do not differentiate
are usually homosexual men who are frustrated by the denial of between homosexuality and transsexualism, viewing them as
manhood on the side of the transsexual. Postsex reassignment evidence of femininity in males and of masculinity in females.
surgery these transsexuals have a neovagina and their partners This approach is flawed and lacks thorough enquiry into the
are heterosexual men and the sexual behavior of these trans- matter, since the two behaviors are fundamentally different.
sexual subjects can no longer be labeled as homosexual. So, the Transsexuals' deepest desire is to become members of the
label homosexual lacks permanence as a description of a sub- opposite sex and their expressions of cross-gender behavior are
type. The same applies to nonhomosexual transsexuals who are serious attempts to live the life of the desired sex. The desire to
in the early phase usually but not always sexually oriented become a member of the opposite sex is alien to homosexuals
towards women. Postoperatively, one study showed about 50% and the effeminacy of some homosexuals is not rarely a cari-
experience a shift in sexual orientation to men (Lawrence, cature of women's manners, sometimes acted out only in the
2005). Preoperatively, many subjects experience sexual arousal company of peers and not in other contexts. To the best of my
to cross-dressing or to fantasies about themselves as women knowledge the assumption of female traits in male homosexuals
(‘autogynephilia’). In all probability, with a male anatomy and, vice versa, of male traits in female homosexuals has been
experienced as an alienation from the self, there are not many made at face value and its validity to guide biomedical research
other options for sexual fantasies about oneself than to imagine may be questioned. This issue has been reviewed recently
oneself as woman. This assumption is substantiated by the finding large degrees of fluidity in populations and eras
observation that postreassignment surgery episodes of auto- (Sandfort, 2005). To regard a subset of male-to-female trans-
gyenephilia declined from occurring in 49% preoperatively to sexuals as feminine homosexuals (Blanchard et al., 1987) is in
3% postoperatively (Lawrence, 2005). These observations my view erroneous. The very definition of homosexuality states
argue against the use of the term nonhomosexual and auto- that there is mutual pleasure from having intercourse with a
gyenephilia as a trait of late onset transsexuals since they lack person with the same body/genital morphology. A preoperative
permanence in the course of the lives of transsexuals. transsexual having intercourse with a man could, at first sight, be
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labeled as homosexual, but a major obstacle to labeling it as makes every possible effort to eliminate body odors by frequent
homosexual is that the transsexual does not derive pleasure from bathing or to override them with synthetic odors like deodorants
the arousal of the male genitalia as true homosexual men do, and perfumes and the like, particularly when sexual encounters
rather the contrary: this type of sexual encounters reaffirms the are anticipated.
alienation from the male sexual anatomy that male-to-female Biomedical research following the above theoretization of
transsexuals experience. In my clinical experience male-to- femaleness in male homosexuals and maleness in female
female transsexuals find sexual encounters with homosexual homosexual got a major impetus when methods for accurate
men not complementary to their sexual imagery, and vice versa. measurements of androgens and estrogens, often referred to as
Sexual interest in and sexual interaction with members of the respectively male and female hormones (semantically signifi-
opposite sex (heterosexuality) are the statistical norm, and the cant!), became more widely available. At least 20 studies have
desire of a man for sexual interaction with another man, has measured peripheral levels of sex steroids in male homosexuals
been, to fit the heterosexual model, viewed as a manifestation of and at least five studies did so in female homosexuals. A
a female brain differentiation (and of a male brain differentiation considerable number claimed to find differences between homo-
in lesbians). For its theoretical foundation animal experimenta- sexuals and heterosexuals in the theorized direction: less ‘male
tion has been widely used, to test whether animals with a male hormone’ and/or more ‘female hormone’ in male homosexuals
anatomy could be hormonally manipulated to sexually interact and vice versa in female homosexuals. These findings have been
with a male. And indeed this has been possible (Baum et al., reviewed by several authors (Gooren, 1990; Meyer-Bahlburg,
1990; Paredes and Baum, 1995) (see accompanying paper by 1977, 1979) and must be dismissed as suffering from faulty
Michael Baum with a review of his own and others' work). The design and interpretation. Moreover, with the present insights
eminent animal researcher Beach (1978) has reviewed the into hormonal action it is evident that a peripheral blood level of
importance and relevance of animal models for sexology to the a hormone does indeed provide an indication of the strength of
human species. Beach has remarked that the term homosexual in the signal but its eventual biological effect will be codetermined
animal research has been used in two different contexts (1) as a by properties of the hormone receptor and postreceptor events,
description of individuals that exhibit a coital pattern typical of rendering the peripheral blood hormone level as only one of the
the opposite sex and (2) as a description of individuals that indices of the strength of a hormonal signal. In other words, in
exhibit coital responses typical of their genetic sex but do so in some men hormone blood levels may be somewhat lower but yet
response to like-sexed partner. Beach further noted that, provide a stronger biological androgenic signal than in other
particularly in the study of lower mammals, there is a mutually men who have slightly higher hormone levels.
exclusive and inflexible separation of the copulatory motor Capitalizing on these new insights studies have been
patterns of males and females. Mounting and pelvic thrusting are performed to analyze whether genetic properties of sex steroid
usually viewed as exclusively male patterns, presupposing a receptors in transsexuals and homosexuals differ rendering them
male brain organization, whereas lordosis and reception of differently sensitive to the masculinizing action of sex steroids.
mounting and intromission are considered female patterns, In a recent study sex steroid-related genes were investigated in
presupposing a female brain organization. In some research male male-to-female transsexuals who appeared to have longer
homosexual behavior is viewed as receiving intromission of one estrogen receptor beta repeat polymorphisms but no differences
male (female brain organization?) from another male (with a were found with regard to the androgen receptor and the
male brain organization?) The alleged brain organization of the aromatase gene. Regression analysis revealed significant partial
latter male is often not well defined. As an inserter this person effects for all three of the above polymorphisms as well as
would qualify for a male brain organization but yet must be between the androgen receptor and aromatase gene (Hennings-
viewed as homosexual because he interacts with another male. son et al., 2005). However, another study in monozygotic and
Suffice it to say that sexual activity of the human species (both dizygotic twins could not establish any relation between
heterosexual and homosexual) is less mechanistic and robot-like properties of the androgen receptor and a rating scale measuring
than the above described copulatory patterns. Copulatory masculinity and femininity (Loehlin et al., 2004) which had been
patterns and associated eroto-sexual behavior is fluid and earlier found by Macke et al. (1993). Gene properties coding for
flexible to an extent which is not observed in animal experi- aromatase, the enzyme which converts androgens to estrogens
mentation of lower mammals but demonstrable in primates were not different between homosexual and heterosexual men
(Wallen, 2005). And more specific for homosexuals, the insertor (DuPree et al., 2004). As a clinical endocrinologist I am strongly
may become the insertee and vice versa. inclined to put greater value on clinical manifestations of alleged
A remarkable finding in animal research has been that altered hormone profiles in transsexuals/homosexuals which
olfactory clues play a significant role in seeking out sexual usually turn out to be nonexistent or very subtle, and of dubious
partners of the opposite sex (Kelliher and Baum, 2001; Paredes clinical relevance. In clinical practice numerous patients are
and Baum, 1995). Whether these olfactory clues have a encountered with gross abnormalities of their hormonal profiles.
counterpart in the human with regard to partner selection has As a rule this does not impact on their gender identity or sexual
not been thoroughly investigated but is addressed by Michael orientation. So, the a priori likelihood that very subtle changes in
Baum in his contribution. The a priori likelihood is, however, hormonal profiles and action, not strong enough to be clinically
limited. Compared to most animal species, olfactory capacity of manifest, would impact on gender identity and/or sexual
the human species is limited. Further, the present western culture orientation is not large.
L. Gooren / Hormones and Behavior 50 (2006) 589–601 593

Somewhat more sophisticated, but, from an endocrine In the mid-1900s, it became clear from animal experimenta-
viewpoint, misguided, was the search for evidence of an tion that the process of sexual differentiation is not completed
estrogen-positive feedback signal on secretion of luteinizing with formation of the external genitalia but that the brain, as
hormone, the endocrine correlate of ovulation in women of substrate of sexual and nonsexual behavior, also undergoes
fertile age. In lower mammals prenatal androgenization mas- sexual differentiation to match the other characteristics of sex.
culinizes behavior and simultaneously abolishes the capacity to In lower animals, evidence has accumulated that the same
display a positive estrogen feedback signal. The search for the hormonal organizing principles of sexual dimorphic differentia-
estrogen-positive feedback signal in homosexual and transsex- tion account for both the genitalia and the brain (Gorski, 2002;
ual males was, if it were demonstrable, thought to be proof of a Hughes, 2001; Migeon and Wisniewski, 2000, 2003; Swaab et
less-than-normal male brain androgenization in their prenatal al., 2002). This hormonal action of testosterone has been termed
lives. Several studies have claimed to demonstrate an estrogen- organizational, and it is exerted during a rather circumscribed,
positive feedback in homosexuals and transsexuals (Dorner, so-called critical period of prenatal or early postnatal develop-
1988; Gladue et al., 1984), but the designs of these studies were ment. In some species of lower mammals part of this action,
inadequate in the sense that they failed to demonstrate that all particularly the defeminization, is mediated by estrogens
requirements of a true estrogen-positive feedback were fulfilled. through aromatization of testosterone. The issue of defeminiza-
Replication studies by Gooren (1986a,b) demonstrated that in tion by estrogens is addressed by Michael Baum in his twin
transsexual and homosexual males with their normal male paper in this volume and in Baum (2003) and McEwen (2001)
hormonal milieus an estrogen-positive feedback cannot be but estrogen-driven defeminization does not occur in primates
elicited. However, in transsexuals, having undergone sex and the human, as became apparent from men who have a
reassignment and having subsequently a female hormonal estrogen receptor defect or an aromatase deficiency, and,
milieu the estrogen-positive feedback became demonstrable. therefore, have lacked a normal estrogen stimulus prenatally or
So, it appeared that rather the actual endocrine milieu, than the postnatally (Rochira et al., 2002).
prenatal endocrine history, determines whether an estrogen- The main regions of the mammalian brain involved in sexual
positive feedback can be elicited. Maybe an even more important differentiation are the hypothalamus, the septum, the bed
case in point is that in primates, in contrast to lower mammals, nucleus of the stria terminalis, the preoptic area, and the
prenatal androgen exposure of neuroendocrine structures does amygdala (Gorski, 2002; McEwen, 2001; Swaab et al., 2002).
not abolish the capacity to respond with an estrogen-positive The sexual dimorphic differentiation of the human brain is less
feedback, which fundamentally undermines the attempts to use well documented, but a number of sexual dimorphic nuclei have
the estrogen-positive feedback as a telltale of prenatal brain been found (sexual dimorphic nucleus (SDN) and the bed
androgenization (Gooren, 1990). nucleus of the stria terminalis (Gorski, 2002; Swaab et al., 2002).
So, in conclusion, attempts to find signs of a female hormonal The morphologic sex difference in the SDN is not established
milieu in male-to-female transsexuals and male homosexuals until the first postnatal years following a period there are no
and vice versa have been unsuccessful. It is disconcerting that so significant sex differences in circulating sex steroids; and the sex
many faulty endocrine studies passed the review process in difference of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis appears only
journals which reported these findings. in adulthood (Swaab et al., 2002). While the mechanism of
An intriguing observation is the sex ratio of male-to-female sexual differentiation in laboratory animals is clearly orche-
transsexuals versus female-to-male transsexuals which in strated by gonadal steroids (Gorski, 2002; Swaab et al., 2002)
westernized countries is in the order of 3:1 (van Kesteren et and maybe also genetic factors (Tobet, 2002), in humans the
al., 1996). In Eastern European centers a higher prevalence of mechanism of brain sexual dimorphism (hormonally determined
female-to-male transsexualism has been noted but recent years or not) and the clinical relevance are not yet certain. In humans
have sometimes shown a shift to more male-to-female trans- this information is to be obtained from “experiments of nature”:
sexuals; but this observation awaits a proper quantitative ana- genetic and endocrine disorders that spontaneously occur in the
lysis. There is presently no plausible explanation for this fetus or result from exposure to exogenous hormone or
discrepancy in sex ratio. estrogenic drugs during pregnancy (Gooren, 1990; Migeon
and Wisniewski, 2000, 2003; Money, 1981). But the brains of
Impact of hormones on gender identity/sexual orientation. subjects suffering from these conditions have not been studied.
Lessons from clinical syndromes But overall, clinical observations support the hypothesis that in
human prenatal development, sexual brain differentiation is
Sexual differentiation begins with the sex difference of the subject to effects of androgens, but these are not of the hormonal-
chromosomes established at conception. In humans, no evidence robot type found in subprimate mammals, in which sex steroids,
can be found that the combination of chromosomes present in all in the set of behaviors studied, typically exert a simple on–off
cells (normal: XY, XX, or abnormal: XXY, XYY, XO etcetera) effect on sexual functioning, both in their organizational and
of the body has a direct effect on gender identity or sexual activational effects (Gooren, 1990; Migeon and Wisniewski,
orientation. Rather, the influence is indirect and derivative 2000, 2003; Money, 1981), and there are certainly other
through determination of the nature of the embryonic gonadal unidentified factors that modulate or override androgen effects
anlagen and their hormonal products (Gooren, 1990; Hughes, on the central nervous system. For instance, male and female
2001; Migeon and Wisniewski, 2000, 2003; Money, 1981). cells differ because of differential effects of sex chromosome
594 L. Gooren / Hormones and Behavior 50 (2006) 589–601

genes expressed within the cells themselves (Arnold et al., the association is not sufficiently robust or absolute to draw firm
2003). conclusions (Gooren, 1990; Meyer-Bahlburg, 2002; Migeon
and Wisniewski, 2000, 2003; Money, 1981, 2002).
Disorders of sexual differentiation The clinical syndromes that allow assessment of prenatal
androgen effects on future gender identity/role, sexual orienta-
Human sexual differentiation is a multistep, sequentially tion and other behaviors are 46,XX subjects with congenital
interrelated process in which genetic information is translated adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) (Hrabovszky and Hutson, 2002;
into the phenotype of a person who subsequently establishes a Meyer-Bahlburg, 2001; Meyer-Bahlburg et al., 2003; Money,
male or female identity and an awareness of sexual orientation 1991; Warne, 2003), 46,XY subjects with hypoandrogenism
(Gooren, 1990; Money, 1981). The human embryo is initially (Ahmed et al., 2000; Melo et al., 2003; Meyer-Bahlburg, 1999;
bipotential with respect to genital development, and conse- Migeon et al., 2002a,b), such as complete and partial androgen
quently, disorders in any of these steps can result in ambiguity insensitivity, and children with nonhormonally induced severe
of the genitalia (Hughes, 2001; Migeon and Wisniewski, 2003), genital malformations such as cloacal exstrophy and penile
and the brain as substrate of sex typical and sexual behaviors agenesis/ablatio/micropenis who have been assigned to the
might be bipotential in its development as well. female sex but whose prenatal androgen production/exposure
It is reasonable to assume that a neural substrate has been similar to other males (Reiner, 2002; Reiner and
corresponding to traits and self-concepts of being male or Gearhart, 2004; Reiner and Kropp, 2004; Wisniewski et al.,
female and of sexual orientation will eventually be present in a 2001).
person's life. The factors which determine these self-concepts
have been hotly debated over the last years, with fiercely Complete androgen insensitivity
opposing views. One school of thought was that at the time of Children afflicted with the androgen insensitivity syndrome
birth there was a ‘psychosexual neutrality’ of children (AIS) have a 46,XY karyotype and testes as gonads (Hines et
permitting, for instance, assignment of a newborn with al., 2003; Wisniewski and Migeon, 2002; Wisniewski et al.,
ambiguous genitalia, regardless of the endocrine history of 2000). An abbreviated blind vaginal pouch is present, but no
the newborn, to one sex or the other, on the basis of a uterus or fallopian tubes. Because the external genitalia have a
prognosticated best future functioning as male or female. The normal female appearance, the disorder of these patients is often
latter based on the prognosis on the “optimal sex” for the unnoticed at birth. Surgical repair of an inguinal hernia
newborn, the elements of which are an overall sex-appropriate containing a testis may reveal the condition. Hormonal puberty
appearance with stable gender identity, good sexual function is, without intervention, feminizing due to the aromatization of
(preferably combined with reproductive function if attainable), endogenous androgens to estrogens. In cases of complete AIS,
minimal medical procedures, and a reasonably fulfilling life sex assignment and rearing are almost invariably female. The
hampered as little as possible by the condition (Meyer- differentiation of gender identity/role is feminine (Boehmer et
Bahlburg, 2002; Migeon and Wisniewski, 2000, 2003). The al., 2001; Ghali et al., 2003; Hines et al., 2003; Melo et al.,
concept of ‘psychosexual neutrality at birth’ has been attributed 2003; Meyer-Bahlburg, 1999; Migeon et al., 2002a,b; Minto et
to John Money but is based on an incomplete quotation of al., 2003; Wisniewski and Migeon, 2002; Wisniewski et al.,
Money's writing. Based on his extensive experience with 2000). This fact is theoretically important in showing that the
intersexed children Money arrived at the conclusion, that more nature of the chromosomes and gonads per se does not dictate
than genetic and hormonal factors, sex of assignment is a gender identity and role. And further, that the virtual absence of
prognosticator of one future gender identity (Money, 1991, androgen exposure is associated with a female gender identity
2002). So, Money, in fact, did not exclude biological factors and a sexual orientation towards men. Another, theoretically
but was of the opinion that they were lower in the hierarchy of important aspect of this condition is the high circulating levels
factors shaping one's future gender identity (Money, 1981). of estradiol, derived from their elevated levels of testosterone
The opposing view is that, at the time of birth, a (biologically production (to which these subjects are insensitive). In lower
determined) “neural bias” is already present with regard to mammals prenatal estrogen exposure has behaviorally a
future gender identity/role and sexual orientation, determined defeminizing effect, but in the human this apparently is not
by prenatal factors such as the hormonal milieu (Meyer- the case, as is also true for nonhuman primates (Rochira et al.,
Bahlburg, 2002; Migeon and Wisniewski, 2000, 2003; Money, 2005; Wallen, 2005).
1981) which should guide sex assignment of the newborn with In adulthood gender identity/role and sexuality conform to
ambiguous genitalia (Reiner and Gearhart, 2004; Reiner and typical heterosexual feminine expectations.
Kropp, 2004).
As indicated earlier, brain research, mostly performed in Partial androgen resistance syndromes
lower mammals, demonstrates a significant role of prenatal and The spectrum of phenotypes in 46,XY may include
perinatal sex hormones in the sexual differentiation of brain and individuals with almost normal female external genitalia,
behavior (see the twin paper by Michael Baum, and other children with ambiguous genitalia (perineoscrotal hypospadias,
reports for an extensive review (Gorski, 2002; McEwen, 2001; a microphallus, and cryptorchidism), and a normal male
Swaab et al., 2002)). Several studies provide evidence that such phenotype (Ahmed et al., 2000; Melo et al., 2003; Meyer-
hormonal effects are undeniably present in humans as well, but Bahlburg, 1999; Migeon et al., 2002a,b). There may be some
L. Gooren / Hormones and Behavior 50 (2006) 589–601 595

(Ahmed et al., 2000; Ghali et al., 2003) relation between the genitalia. There was no straightforward relationship between the
nature of the androgen receptor defect and the phenotype. At severity of the condition and change of gender (Mendonca,
puberty, because of the androgen insensitivity, the development 2003). It is of note that both testosterone itself and 5α-
of male secondary sex characteristics is not very pronounced. dihydrotestosterone are capable of masculinizing the brain in
Gynecomastia develops usually as a result of an imbalance in nonhuman primates (Wallen, 2005) so prenatally there has been
androgen–estrogen action. Less severe cases may have either potentially a fair amount of brain masculinization in subjects
hypospadias or a normal male phenotype and normal male with this condition.
development at puberty with azoospermia.
There is considerable variability in expression of partial AIS 17β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency
(Ahmed et al., 2000; Boehmer et al., 2001; Melo et al., 2003; 17β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 3 is involved in the
Meyer-Bahlburg, 1999; Migeon et al., 2002a,b). Minor devia- terminal step in the synthesis of testosterone in the Leydig cell
tions may go unnoticed or may be repaired by surgery (e.g., and of estradiol in the ovarian granulose cell (Andersson et al.,
hypospadias). In more severe cases, the child has ambiguous 1996). Subjects with an XY chromosomal pattern and testes
genitalia. In these children the problem of sex assignment has affected with 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 3 deficiency
arisen. have more or less female external genitalia due to lack of an
In practice, the chances for relatively normal development effective androgenic stimulus at the time of the differentiation of
have been better in a female direction (Ahmed et al., 2000; Melo the external genitalia (Andersson et al., 1996; Boehmer et al.,
et al., 2003; Meyer-Bahlburg, 1999; Migeon et al., 2002a,b). If a 1999; Wilson, 1999). Such children are usually assigned to the
male sex of rearing has been chosen, reconstructive surgery of female sex at birth and raised as girls (Wilson, 1999). A
the genitalia has usually been performed in childhood, with particular feature of this disorder is that the testosterone
surgical correction of pubertal gynecomastia. The majority of production increases with time (due to a higher LH drive and
46, XY intersex patients with partial androgen insensitivity alternative pathways of testosterone production), and subjects
seem to develop an identity commensurate with the assigned may have near-normal testosterone levels at the time of puberty
gender and only rarely change their gender later (Meyer- inducing substantial virilization. There are several reports of
Bahlburg, 2002). Childhood gender identity will in most cases affected individuals raised as females who have changed their
continue into adolescence and adulthood, but patient-initiated gender role behavior from female to male at the time of expected
gender change in intersex patients does seem to happen more puberty (Wilson, 1999). This is not universally the case but
often in adolescence and adulthood than in childhood. More appears to happen in approximately 50% of the reported cases in
female-assigned 46, XY patients initiate gender change to male the literature (Andersson et al., 1996; Wilson, 1999). Children
than male-assigned 46, XY patients to female, possibly with 5α-reductase deficiency and 17β-hydroxysteroid dehy-
indicating the prenatal effects of androgens (Hrabovszky and drogenase deficiency have genital ambiguity on the basis of
Hutson, 2002; Meyer-Bahlburg, 2001, 2002). A recent review deficient prenatal androgen exposure. It is the nature of these
found an approximately 10% self-initiated sex reassignment endocrine defects that biological activity of androgens at the
(Mazur, 2005). time of puberty becomes stronger compared to prenatal life.
Several studies document that approximately 50% of these
5α-Reductase deficiency children, originally assigned to the female sex, initiate a
5α-Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the most potent natural reassignment to the male sex, arguing in favor of the effects of
androgen, is formed exclusively through 5α-reduction of T by prenatal androgen exposure on future gender identity. The latter
the enzyme 5α-reductase (Mendonca, 2003; Russell and two syndromes with a less than normal prenatal androgen
Wilson, 1994). Affected people are born with labioscrotal exposure and a much stronger androgen exposure following
folds and a clitoridean penis. At puberty they become mode- puberty pose the theoretically interesting question whether
rately virilized or remain eunuchoid with enlargement of the androgen exposure in puberty is a contribuant to sex reassign-
clitoridean penis. No breast development is seen. ment. So, the least one can say is that prenatal androgen exposure
In the first reports it was claimed that these people were reared is associated with an increased chance of later patient-initiated
as girls during childhood, but after pubertal physical changes, gender reassignment to male after initial female assignment in
took up life as men (Russell and Wilson, 1994). The infancy or early childhood (Meyer-Bahlburg, 2005).
interpretation offered was that the pubertal surge of testosterone
apparently induces a reversal of gender identity and role and Congenital adrenal (virilizing) hyperplasia
generates a “male sex drive” (Russell and Wilson, 1994). Later Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is a disorder
studies show that this interpretation probably needs some occurring in both sexes involving undue/untimely exposure to
modification (Mendonca, 2003). Local people are usually aware androgens. Early reports indicated an overriding influence of
of the genital disorder of these neonates and of their potential the sex of assignment and rearing on the gender identity of CAH
future male pubertal development. In the recent study from girls (Money, 1981, 1991). If CAH subjects were assigned as
Brazil (Mendonca, 2003), 25 of 26 affected with 5α-reductase girls, they turned out to have a female gender identity, but with
type 2 deficiency were assigned at birth to the female sex and tomboyish behavior in play and activity and high energy
raised as girls. Thirteen changed to the male sex after puberty. expenditure—a marked masculine shift on the scale of sex
This was associated with some virilization of the external dimorphic behavior likely due to prenatal and possibly postnatal
596 L. Gooren / Hormones and Behavior 50 (2006) 589–601

androgen exposure (Meyer-Bahlburg, 2001; Meyer-Bahlburg et testicular axis (Gooren, 1990). Prenatal exposure of female
al., 2003; Money, 1991). fetuses to DES or progestins has not impaired their subsequent
These observations also extend to childhood and later indices self-identification as female (Money and Mathews, 1982), but a
of maternal interest. This is more true for the salt wasting form of higher incidence of homosexuality or bisexuality (25%) in
CAH than for the simple virilizing form who show a large adulthood has been reported in a sample of such women
variability in masculinized gender role behavior, though this is (Ehrhardt et al., 1985). Several follow-up studies of prenatal
intra-personally often compatible with a core female gender exposure to DES and/or progestin in men have indeed found
identity (Meyer-Bahlburg et al., 2003). Some are less contented them to display a degree of nonconformity in stereotyped gender
with life as women without having an explicit gender identity behavior, but a clear-cut effect on sexual orientation or gender
disorder (Meyer-Bahlburg, 2001; Meyer-Bahlburg et al., 2003). identity has not been established (Gooren, 1990).
In a report of older CAH subjects reared as girls, 37% rated
themselves as homosexual or bisexual or they had fewer hete- Boys with malformations of the genitalia or extreme micropenis
rosexual experiences than the comparison group (Meyer- Boys born with a cloacal exstrophy have normal testes and a
Bahlburg, 2001). This finding has been further corroborated presumed normal prenatal exposure to androgens. About 50%
(Meyer-Bahlburg et al., 2003). Another study was less of those assigned to the female sex are reported to evidence
affirmative in this regard (Money, 1991). Nevertheless, retro- dissatisfaction with this and change to life as a male (Reiner,
spective studies indicate that that there may be a decreased 2002; Reiner and Gearhart, 2004; Reiner and Kropp, 2004). The
sexual interest and below-average engagement in heterosexual interpretation is that prenatal androgen exposure underlies this
relationships. This may also be due to anatomical inadequacies change and is consistent with the notion that there is an
of the genitalia (Meyer-Bahlburg, 2001; Meyer-Bahlburg et al., increased risk of later patient-initiated gender reassignment to
2003; Warne, 2003). Further, hirsutism may be a confounding male after female assignment in infancy or early childhood in
factor. The likelihood of a gender change later in life in such 46,XY subjects born with ambiguous genitalia with other
females correlates with the presumed degree of prenatal etiologies (Meyer-Bahlburg, 2005). The latter plays probably
androgen exposure, though the association is not very strong. also a significant role in the change of gender observed in boys
Naturally, the degree of prenatal and postnatal androgen expo- with cloacal exstrophy. It is clear that androgen exposure in XY
sure also determines the extent of genital ambiguity, which, subjects predisposes but does not assure a male gender identity.
together with the postnatal biography and considerations of If the newborn has originally been assigned to the female sex,
quality of life, may also be factors in a change of gender. there is an approximately 40–50% chance of development of a
Predictors of gender change are stigmatization, gonadectomy female gender identity.
and/or feminizing surgery after the age of 3 years. A relative More or less in contrast, in a series of 18 children born with a
absence of gender dysphoria in childhood does not preclude a micropenis, 13 assigned as males and 5 as females, all subjects
gender change later in life. were satisfied with their sex of rearing in adulthood, though
By contrast, those subjects assigned as boys due to the high both men and women expressed dissatisfaction with their
degree of masculinization of their external genitalia successfully genital status (Wisniewski et al., 2001).
developed a male gender identity and role (Money, 1991)
though patient-initiated reassignments to the female gender Summary of the findings
have been reported (Meyer-Bahlburg, 2001; Meyer-Bahlburg et
al., 2003). In summary, the evidence available to date permits the
Prenatal dexamethasone treatment of pregnant mothers following conclusions: (1) the organizational effects of prenatal
possibly bearing a child affected with CAH has become an androgens are more noticeable in gender role behavior than in
option, though it is still experimental (New et al., 2001, 2003). gender identity; (2) gender identity can develop as female or
Treatment must start “blindly” by or before the sixth or seventh male over wide variations of gender role behavior; (3) there is
postmenstrual week until the diagnosis can be made by chorionic suggestive, but not conclusive, evidence that a male gender
villous biopsy at week 10 or 11 or by amniocentesis at weeks 14 identity/role is more frequent in patients with a history of fully
to 16 (Forest and Dorr, 2003; New et al., 2003). The treatment male-typical prenatal androgenization, such as in cloacal
requires intensive guidance of the patient but is efficacious exstrophy.
(Forest and Dorr, 2003). While it is a legitimate scientific endeavor to research the
impact of sex steroids on gender identity and sexual orientation
Prenatal exposure to exogenous hormones as entities, it is appropriate to take into consideration the
Estrogens or estrogenic drugs (predominantly diethylstilbes- predicaments of the studied subjects. Having suffered from sex
trol (DES) and progestins were administered to pregnant steroid deficiencies or other ailments of sexual differentiation,
women, notably between 1940 and 1970. Synthetic progestins the development of their genitalia has usually not been normal
have, depending on their chemical formulas, antiandrogenic or which negatively affects their self image as men or women and
weak androgenic biologic activity. In male fetuses prenatal hinders their normal psychosexual development and makes
exposure to progestins and/or estrogens may have suppressed encounters with (potential) sexual partners embarrassing. It is
their endogenous testosterone production by the powerful difficult to overrate their suffering from having a not normal
negative feedback action on the hypothalamic–pituitary– sexual differentiation of the genitalia. The public expression of
L. Gooren / Hormones and Behavior 50 (2006) 589–601 597

their gender is often codetermined by practical every-day-life boys. Remarkably, the sexual differentiation of the SDN occurs
considerations (passing better as one sex than the other, in postnatal life, when there are no significant differences is
prevailing social climate as to the position of men and secretions of sex steroids between girls and boys. Swaab and
women, etcetera). coworkers did not find that the SDN has different properties in
The above examples discussed gender identity and sexual homosexual men compared to heterosexual men (Swaab et al.,
orientation in subjects with a nonnormal sexual differentiation, 2001). Another morphological difference in homosexual men
hormonally or otherwise. These conditions are relatively rare. compared to heterosexuals was the mid-sagittal plane of the
Traditionally, in this type of reviews no place is given to the anterior commissure, in homosexual men was 18% larger than
conditions of transsexualism and homosexuality. The latter is in heterosexual women and 34% larger than in heterosexual
rather common and both conditions are characterized by a men, supposed underlying differences in cognitive function and
normal prenatal/postnatal endocrine history. Studies to the cerebral lateralization between homosexual men, heterosexual
contrary do not provide sufficiently solid evidence to be cre- men, and heterosexual women (Allen and Gorski, 1992) but not
dible. In my view, these conditions provide compelling evidence confirmed in a later replication study (Lasco et al., 2002). The
that female gender identity can develop in a person with normal suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is the hypothalamic biological
prenatal and postnatal androgen exposure and vice versa. clock (Kalsbeek and Buijs, 2002). Environmental light serves as
Similarly, sexual attraction to women can develop with an the main “Zeitgeber” to entrain the clock, which receives its
average female (almost nonexistent) androgen exposure, while input via the retinohypothalamic tract. In turn, the SCN and its
attraction to men can develop in subjects having had a normal projections communicate through synaptic pathways with
male androgen exposure in their prenatal and postnatal lives. So various effector systems. These areas are known to be involved
while the histories of persons with a abnormal sexual in the autonomic regulation of body temperature, blood pres-
differentiation undeniably point to an effect of androgens, sure, sleep, arousal, energy metabolism, stress (HPA axis),
there are codeterminants of gender identity and sexual orienta- thyroid hormone (HPT axis) and growth hormone regulation
tion with the power of overriding effects of androgens on the and in the regulation of the reproductive gonadal (HPG)axis, via
brains (male transsexuals/homosexuals) or making androgen the cyclic release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (Kalsbeek
effects on the brain redundant (female transsexuals/homosex- and Buijs, 2002). Morphometric analysis of the human
uals). These factors elude us presently and leave us puzzled hypothalamus revealed that the volume of the suprachiasmatic
about phenomena as transsexualism and homosexuality. nucleus (SCN) in homosexual men is 1.7 times as large as that
of a reference group of male subjects and contains 2.1 times as
Results of brain morphological studies many cells (Swaab and Hofman, 1990). During development,
the SCN volume and cell counts reach peak values around
Homosexuality 13–16 months after birth. At this age the SCN contains about the
same number of cells as the SCN of adult male homosexuals,
The human hypothalamus is involved in a wide range of whereas in the reference group of male subjects the cell numbers
functions in the developing, adult and aging subject and is subsequently decline to the adult value, which is about 35% of
responsible for a large number of symptoms of neuroendocrine, the peak value.
neurological and psychiatric diseases. Several studies have This study has not been replicated and it is difficult to
addressed sex differences in hypothalamic structures and have provide a meaningful interpretation to this finding in the context
tried to relate morphological findings to sexual orientation. of human homosexuality.
The volumes of four cell groups in this region (interstitial
nuclei of the anterior hypothalamus (INAH) 1, 2, 3, and 4) have Transsexualism
been studied. No sex differences were found between the groups
in the volumes of INAH 1, 2, or 4.In the study of LeVay (1991), The human bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BSTc) is
INAH 3 was more than twice as large in heterosexual men as in sexually dimorphic in size and neuron number (Chung et al.,
women. It was also, however, more than twice as large in the 2002; Kruijver et al., 2000; Zhou et al., 1995). Both measures
heterosexual men as in the homosexual men, implying that part are larger in males. No relationship between these BSTc
of the sexual differentiation of the hypothalamus in homosexual measures and sexual orientation has been found whereas a
is in a female direction (LeVay, 1991). But later studies have striking relationship with gender identity was observed
been unable to confirm this finding (Byne et al., 2001). Swaab (Kruijver et al., 2000; Zhou et al., 1995). Male-to-female
and coworkers found a cluster of cells in the preoptic area of the transsexuals had, regardless of sexual orientation or their adult
human hypothalamus that contains about twice as many cells in endocrine status, a BSTc with a size and neuron numbers found
young adult men as in women, and called this cluster the in females. Interestingly, a male type development pattern was
sexually dimorphic nucleus (SDN) (Swaab et al., 2002). The found in the only available brain so far of a female-to-male
magnitude of the sex difference in the SDN depends on age. At transsexual (Kruijver et al., 2000). The functional implications
birth the SDN contains only some 20% of the cells found at 2 to of these sex dimorphic findings are still far from clear, but it is
4 years of age. The cell number rapidly increases in boys and of note that in animals subdivisions of the BST have been
girls at the same rate until 2 to 4 years of age. After that age implicated in the regulation of, e.g., female reproductive
period, a decrease in cell number takes place in girls, but not in (lordosis) and maternal behavior. The BSTc expresses both
598 L. Gooren / Hormones and Behavior 50 (2006) 589–601

androgen, estrogen and progesterone receptors (PRs) in the explanation for the association lacks any experimental support.
adult) and developing BSTc (Swaab et al., 2003). Alterations in The advanced explanation should also be put in the light of the
hormone levels in adulthood appeared to have no effect on the findings relating (lack of) androgen exposure to future gender
size and cell number of the BSTc (Kruijver et al., 2000; Zhou et identity/sexual orientation development which are not straight-
al., 1995). These findings support a concept that transsexualism forward at all.
is a sexual differentiation disorder of the sex dimorphic brain.
There are some difficulties with this hypothesis since in a Digit ratios as marker of prenatal testosterone
neurodevelopmental study by Chung et al. (2002) it was found
that the volume (neuron numbers were not counted during The ratio of the second-to-fourth finger length was first
development) of the BSTc area becomes only sexually proposed as a marker for prenatal androgen action in 1998, and
dimorphic around the beginning of adulthood. It remains to over 100 studies have been published testing the association
be answered how this finding can be reconciled with the very between the digit ratio and prenatal androgens, or employed
common finding of the start of gender dysphoria early in digit ratios as a marker to investigate the association between
childhood, unless the developmental course of the BSTc prenatal androgens and a variety of outcomes, including
would have been preprogrammed already much earlier, for behavior, fertility, and disease risks. The validity of digit ratios
instance by the pre- and/or perinatal testosterone surges of to serve as an adult marker of prenatal androgen action remains
which the effects only appear in adulthood. A fundamental controversial (for review, see McIntyre, 2006). In short: adult
problem with regard to these speculations is that so far there is men have longer ring fingers (fourth digits) than adult women
no evidence of prenatal/perinatal/postnatal hormonal distur- relative to the lengths of other fingers (McIntyre, 2006). Most
bance in transsexuals. researchers have focused on the digit ratio of 2D:4D, the index
and ring finger respectively. In adults, the point-biserial
The fraternal birth order in males correlation between sex and right-hand, skin-surface 2D:4D is
not high, even in racially homogenous samples (r = 0.22, ∼ 60%
In diverse samples and independent replications, homo- overlap between male and female distributions (Manning et al.,
sexual men are found to have a greater number of older brothers 1998). Furthermore, the large population and racial differences
than heterosexual men (Blanchard and Bogaert, 1997, 2004; observed in both adults and children may introduce serious
Blanchard and Ellis, 2001; Blanchard et al., 2006; Bogaert, confounding (McIntyre, 2006).
1998; Purcell et al., 2000). It has been estimated that each older Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) treated soon after
brother increases the relative risk of being a homosexual man by birth has been the gold-standard method for studying effects of
33–48%, although these odds translate into population prob- prenatal or perinatal androgens. One study found that 13
ability estimates of only a few percent (Blanchard and Bogaert, females and 7 males with postnatally treated CAH had lower
2004; Blanchard et al., 2006). So, it certainly does not provide a 2D:4D (but only on the right hands of females and left hands
universal hypothesis for the origins of homosexuality since the of males) than 44 female and 28 male relatives unaffected by
majority of homosexual men do not have this history and do not CAH (Brown et al., 2002). Another study found that 27
fit in this model. The hypothesis advanced in the above studies females and 9 males with postnatally treated CAH had lower
is that the late birth order, with more male siblings born earlier, 2D:4D (on both hands of females and only the right hands of
could lead to a progressive immune response of the mother to males) than 52 female and 52 male age-matched controls
androgens and/or Y-linked minor histocompatibility (H–Y) unaffected by CAH (Okten et al., 2002). However, a study
antigens which, by maternal transfer of these immune employing 2D:4D measured on radiographic films of the left
antibodies to the fetus, could impair brain masculinization of hand failed to find a significant difference between 66 CAH
the fetus (Blanchard and Bogaert, 2004; Blanchard et al., 2006). females and 69 age-matched control females and 77 males,
However, why this mechanism would selectively impair only though 2D:4D was intermediate between means for unaffected
certain androgen-dependent processes, such as the brain males and females (Buck et al., 2003). The least one can say is
programming, and not others, like formation of the genitalia, that the 2D:4D ratio is not a robust marker of prenatal an-
is not explained by this hypothesis, and not even addressed by drogen exposure. It is also of note that there is a multitude of
the proponents (Gooren and Kruijver, 2002). Nor does this factors influencing bone growth prenatally. Recent endocrine
theory explain why the majority of boys late in birth order do insights are that that estrogens (derived from androgens) are
not become homosexual, even if their elder brother is probably more significant that androgens themselves in bone
homosexual. To the best of my knowledge it has not been development of men (Vanderschueren et al., 2004). Several
attempted to demonstrate antibodies against testosterone or studies have attempted to link sexual orientation to 2D:4D
proteins encoded on the Y-chromosome in women who have ratio. Some established a statistical correlation between a
one or more homosexual sons with a late birth order. To the best higher 2D:4D ratio and homosexuality in men (Robinson and
of my knowledge, there is no known clinical syndrome that is Manning, 2000; Williams et al., 2000), but others failed to
based on antibodies to testosterone or proteins encoded on the confirm this (Voracek et al., 2005). In a sample of ‘not-strictly
Y-chromosome. The formation of antibodies against a steroid heterosexual’ women no difference in 2D:4D ratio with ‘strictly
hormone is an unlikely event. So, while the statistical heterosexual’ women was found (van Anders and Hampson,
association is now well documented, the advanced hormonal 2005).
L. Gooren / Hormones and Behavior 50 (2006) 589–601 599

Family studies and genetics Genetic studies provide indications of familial clustering of
homosexuality but in many homosexuals these genetic patterns
Genetic and epigenetic factors, in particular in as far they cannot be recognized. The same applies to the fraternal birth
relate to hormonal actions, have also been implicated. Sexual order hypothesis which has a strong statistical backing but
orientation is influenced by a number of genetic factors as cannot be generalized to all homosexual men. The biological
appears from studies in families and twins, and from molecular explanation advanced for the fraternal birth order hypothesis
genetics (Bailey and Pillard, 1991; Hamer et al., 1993; Hu et al., lacks any experimental support.
1995; Pillard and Bailey, 1998; Pillard and Weinrich, 1986). My final analysis is that the available evidence, accumulated
Homosexual men have more homosexual brothers and homo- over the past 30 years, supports a role for testosterone in the
sexual women have more homosexual sisters as compared to development of gender identity and sexual orientation in the
respectively heterosexual men or women. Twin studies also human species. A role for estradiol has not been convincingly
suggest that this familial concentration is, at least, partly genetic. demonstrated.
Monozygotic twins show around 30–60% greater concordance
for homosexuality than dizygotic twins. Hamer and colleagues References
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M.I., Schwarz, H.P., Blethen, S.L., Mendonca, B.B., Bloise, W., Witchel,
mothers who had no homosexual men, increasing to 23% if
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information required for synthesis of a product (polypeptide
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