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How To Fix Nokia 5800 Expired Certificate Error During SIS Installation?

Copyright © Walker 20 Jan 2009 02:26

For past few days, I’d been busy finding workable solution to the annoyed “expired certificate” problem
that happen when I attempt to install SIS/SISX program files in Nokia 5800.

The Google result suggests me to reset the date of phone to be earlier or later than current date, format
the phone with *#7370# secret key followed by changing the phone regional settings to other countries
(UK, HK, etc), set “Online Certificate Check” to off, etc.

There are forums and blogs mentioned that the version 10 firmware is well known for this “expired
certificate” bug and thus should upgrade to the latest firmware version 11.0.008.

However, my Nokia 5800 firmware is already at this latest version out of the box. So, what’s next?

After trying with so many suggestions from Google search result to no success, I almost give up
repeating the *#7370# formatting process and thought of calling up Nokia Care Centre to tell them this
Nokia 5800 is a crap!

Next, to add yet another record in my Nokia 5800 defects sheet :-(

But now, I’m pleased to tell you that I’ve fixed this “silly bug” at last try, with the help of a China blogger
who reply me in just one simple line – remove the bundled microSD card and format the phone with
*#7370# secret key!

How to solve the Nokia 5800 “Expired Certificate” error that fails most SIS program files installation?
To be frank, I just don’t believe that one-line reply could be a real solution for me. But, I’ve ran out of
ideas and found nothing newer than his suggestion.

So, I simply take it as last resource to try. Eventually, this simple trick does works magically, and I can’t
wait to tell him how excited and grateful I am!

For reference, here is the solution in detail (in case you’re not sure what additional steps I’d done on top
of his one-line guide):

Backup all messages, notes, calendar entries, and contacts.

I used Nokia PC Suite to backup all these four components instead of using Nokia 5800 inbuilt backup
function, which doesn’t has an option to backup Notes (but I’m not sure the ALL settings will back up the

Remove the microSD memory card.

When the phone is powered on, don’t simply remove the memory card. Otherwise, the memory card
content will likely corrupt.

To remove the microSD card when the Nokia 5800 is switched on, press the power key (the button next
to the power charging port), scroll down to locate and select Remove Memory Card, opt “Yes” as the
“Removing memory card will close all open applications. Remove anyway?” message is displayed.

Shortly after, the “Remove Memory Card and press OK” message appears, and then the microSD is ready
to be unplugged or removed from the dedicated slot.

Notes, both SIM card and microSD card slot are next to each other on the same side (another defect,
personally), don’t be careless and end up corrupting the SIM card (if you happen remove SIM card
instead of microSD card).
Format the Nokia 5800

Access to touch keypad and enter *#7370# secret code (not so secret, anyway) to restore phone settings
to factory default (even the user data and files are deleted).

Next, you’re prompted to enter the Nokia phone lock code. The default is 12345, if this code hasn’t been
changed by yourself or any one.

Then, the phone restarts and you’ve to select the country region (just select your own country from the
list, in this case), followed by request to enter current date and time.

When the phone is ready, power it off again to re-insert the memory card (for highly safety measure,
unless there are nothing important kept in the memory card, e.g. picture, music, documents, etc).

As the phone is switched on again with memory card inserted, the “preparing memory card” message

Finally, I’m happy to be able install all my wanted Nokia 5800 programs and games without getting the
“Expired Certificate” error message that says “Certificate may not yet be valid, is expired or phone’s date
setting may be incorrect” :-)

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