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Chapter 6

Variations of the WC J-Pole for a Few

Commercial Applications

6.1 Introduction

In the previous chapter, the WC J-Pole antenna was analyzed and detailed parametric
investigations on the antenna impedance characteristics showed that the antenna
operating frequency and bandwidth can be easily tuned by adjusting the size parameters.
There are two antenna resonances that can occur close to each other, forming an overall
wide operating band that can cover applications ranging from 1500 to 2500 MHz or for
future applications in a portion of the ultra-wide band from 3 to 5 GHz [1]. The antenna
dimensions can be adjusted for dual-band applications, as we discuss in this Chapter.

6.2 Wideband Compact Antenna for Covering Applications from

GPS to Bluetooth Bands (WCJP #1)

Figure 6-1 shows dimensions of a version of the WC J-Pole antenna for an operating
frequency band covering from GPS (1570 MHz) to Bluetooth (2500 MHz) bands (WCJP
#1). The impedance match and gain characteristics were calculated over the complete
band from 1500 to 2600 MHz and are plotted in Figs 6-2 and 6-3. A VSWR value below
2 is commonly accepted for determining the impedance bandwidth for antennas in
personal wireless devices. Figure 6-2 shows that the antenna has an acceptable
impedance bandwidth of 990 MHz (49 %) extended from 1.525 GHz to 2.515 GHz for a
2:1 VSWR, which covers from the GPS to the Bluetooth bands. The computed gain data
in Fig. 6-3 shows that the gain is very stable over its full impedance bandwidth.
There are a large number of uses for this wideband antenna in personal wireless
applications. Mobile phones, personal digital assistant devices (PDAs), and laptop
computers are the potential applications. Tremendous importance is also given in the
United States, as well as in Europe to the development of third-generation (3G) wireless
personal communication systems. These systems are known as IMT-2000, or UMTS in
Europe; the frequency bands are shown in Table 6-1. Transition from analog personal
radios using the AMPS band at 800-900 MHz to digital radios (2G) at 1900 MHz PCS
band require wireless phones to operate in both bands. Likewise, the transition from 2G
to 3G personal radios will require systems, and therefore antennas, to operate in PCS
band as well as IMT-2000 band. Therefore, the WCJP #1 is a good candidate for such a

New applications are arising that will be included in mobile phones. One prominent
example is Bluetooth. Applications using the Bluetooth (2400-2483 MHz) band include:
wireless headsets for mobile phones, synchronization of mobile phones and PDAs with
desktop computers and laptops, mobile phones in a handheld remote device to control
other Bluetooth-enabled appliances. Another prominent area of interest in the next
generation of wireless personal communication systems is the integration of GPS in
phones. This market will be bustling with activity in the next few years because of the
FCC’s mandate that requires all mobile phone manufacturers to include position location
feature in the so called E911 specification. This feature allows 911 operators to pinpoint a
mobile phone user’s location through GPS technology.

Table 6-1 Frequency Bands for a Few Wireless Applications.
Wireless Applications Frequency Band (MHz) Bandwidth (MHz)
GPS 1570.42-1580.42 10 (0.7%)
DCS-1800 1710-1880 170 (10.6%)
PCS-1900 1850-1990 140 (7.3%)
IMT-2000/UMTS (3G) 1885-2200 315 (15.5%)
ISM (including WLAN) 2400-2483 83 (3.4%)
Bluetooth 2400-2500 100 (4.1%)
U-NII 5150-5350 / 5725-5825 200 (3.8%) / 100 (1.7%)

1.3 28.7 Plate R

2.8 z
Plate G
16.2 Plate F
SMA Connector
3.2 10.0

62.0 Dimensions in mm

Figure 6-1 Wideband compact J-pole antenna (WCJP #1) designed to cover
frequency bands from GPS to Bluetooth bands.



GPS DCS Bluetooth

Figure 6-2 VSWR values computed using IE3D for the WC J-Pole of Fig. 6-1
relative to 50-Ohms. Note an impedance match (VSWR≤2) is
achieved for the frequency bands of interest.
Gain, dBi

Frequency, GHz

Figure 6-3 Computed values of maximum gain over the WCJ-Pole operating

The proposed wideband antenna is a very good candidate for use in many
applications with future mobile phones, PDAs, and laptop computers because it offers a
single antenna solution.

6.3 Dual-Band Compact Antenna for Personal Wireless

Communications, Bluetooth, and U-NII bands (DCLA #1)

The geometry of the proposed dual-band compact low-profile antenna (DCLA #1) is
shown in Figure 6-4. The structure is a WC J-pole except that the dimensions are
different and an extra parasitic element is added. Note that the feed plate is partially
covered by the top plate. The analysis in the previous chapter showed that a resonance
occurs in the 5-GHz region due to radiation of the feed plate portion unshielded by the
top plate. A parasitic rectangular plate is added to the structure at the same height as the
feed plate. This extra parasitic plate creates a resonance at the 5-GHz band.

Figure 6-5 depicts the computed and measured impedance of the antenna and shows
that there are two very wide bands with return loss below –10 dB (or 2:1 VSWR), one
from 1.83 GHz to 2.52 GHz (31.7 % bandwidth) and the other from 5.05 GHz to 5.39
GHz (6.5 % bandwidth). The lower band of the antenna can cover then the following
bands in use today: PCS-1900, IMT2000, UMTS, ISM, WLAN, and Bluetooth bands.
The other band of the antenna covers two of the three 5 GHz unlicensed national
information infrastructure (U-NII) bands, which spans from 5.15 GHz to 5.35 GHz.

Upper Plate
Feed Plate

Parasitic Plate
3.0 x

20.0 SMA Connector Lower Plate

Shorting Plate 57.0 y

10.0 x

1.0 29.0 25.5

Dimensions in mm

Figure 6-4 Geometry of the dual-band compact antenna and its prototype
(DCLA #1).


|S11|, dB



1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
Frequency, GHz

Figure 6-5 Computed and measured |S11| of the dual-band compact antenna of
Fig. 6-4. A 10-dB return loss (-10 dB S11) corresponds to a 2:1

Radiation patterns, gain, and radiation efficiency of the antenna were also measured
and are shown in Figures 6-6 to 6-8. The radiation patterns in Fig. 6-6 show an omni-
directional pattern behavior. Figure 6-7 shows that the gain is about 2.5 dBi in the 2-GHz
band and 6.5 dBi in the 5-GHz band. Figure 6-8 shows that the radiation efficiency in the
two bands is about 85 %. Omni-directional pattern, a gain above 2.5 dB, and a radiation
efficiency of 80 % are considered good performance for antennas used in handheld
wireless devices.

y z

x Numerical

2.2 GHz 5.2 GHz


(a) (b)
Figure 6-6 Computed (solid curves) and measured (dashed curves) radiation
patterns of the dual-band compact antenna of Fig. 6-4 in the
frequency bands of interest in the yz plane for both Eθ (red curves)
and Eφ (blue curves) cuts: (a) 2.2 GHz and (b) 5.2 GHz.


Figure 6-7 Computed and measured gain of the dual-band compact antenna of
Fig. 6-4.









0.1 Radiation efficiency including impedance mismatch

Radiation efficiency
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7
Frequency, GHz

Figure 6-8 Measured radiation efficiency of the dual-band compact antenna of

Fig. 6-4 using the wideband Wheeler cap method described in
Chapter 3.

This dual-band, compact, low-profile antenna (DCLA) was developed to be
embedded in wireless fixed and mobile devices and is ready to be introduced into future
systems including third-generation personal radios, Bluetooth third-party, and wireless
LAN applications. The improvement of this antenna over other dual-band antennas is that
its two bands are very wide, while the size of the antenna remains small. In fact, this
antenna covers the current 2G- as well as the 3G-system frequency bands, from 1.83 to
2.52 GHz. This wide coverage of the antenna lower operating band can help the 2G-to-
3G personal radio transition go smoothly. In addition, the DCLA can also be used in the
5-GHz U-NII bands (5.15-5.25 GHz and 5.25-5.35 GHz bands), including the ISM band,
which is the useful band for the next generation of wireless LANs. Wireless devices that
cover both of these bands simultaneously are in commercial development.

6.4 Dual-Band Compact Antenna for 2.45/5.25 GHz WLAN

(DCLA #2)

In this section, a variation of the previous dual-band antenna (DCLA #1) is presented for
WLAN applications. Figure 6-9 shows this WLAN dual-band version of antenna (DCLA
#2a). The dimensions of this promising design are 4.5 by 4.5 by 40 mm3. It is smaller
than the DCLA #1 shown in the previous section. This design was found from simulation
trials using IE3D method of moments code. The return loss of this simulation is show in
Fig. 6-10. However, during the experiment phase, a coax cable built to feed the antenna
because the antenna is too small to solder the SMA connector directly onto it. Therefore,
the simulation should include this coax cable in the design. Figure 6-11 shows the effect
of the coax cable that was built onto the antenna by comparing the measured return loss
of antenna with the coax cable and numerical return loss of the antenna excluding the
coax. Obviously the detuning effect due to the coax is not negligible.


4.5 x


4.5 x

Dimensions in mm

Figure 6-9 Overall dimensions of the DCLA #2a structure for WLAN used in
IE3D simulation.

Frequency bands of interest (VSWR <2)

Figure 6-10 Computed return loss of the DCLA #2 for WLAN shown in Fig. 6-9.

IE3D Simu lation
Antenna detuned at bands of inte rest Measurements


S 11, dB



2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
Frequency, GHz

Figure 6-11 Comparison of the measured |S11| values of the DCLA #2a built
with a coax cable and the numerical results of DCLA #2a without
the coax simulated using IE3D.

The antenna was simulated using a second code, an FDTD simulation software
package, Fidelity, for the model including the coax cable (DCLA #2b) and was tuned to
compensate the detuning effect due to the coax. Figure 6-12 shows the dimensions of the
antenna with the coax included and Fig. 6-13 shows the measured and numerical return
loss of the antenna with the coax attached. The reasons to go through this process of
adjusting the structure of this antenna are to show the confidence between the numerical
and measured values of return loss and that the antenna can be easily adjusted to adapt to
the environment.

15.5 z
Coax Cable

4.5 3.5 x


40.0 y

4.5 x

8.0 13.5 15.0

Dimensions in mm

Figure 6-12 Dimensions of the DCLA structure for WLAN (DCLA #2b)
including the coax cable and tuned to compensate the detuning
coupling effects due to the coax.

S11, dB

-45 Numerical
2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
Frequency, GHz

Figure 6-13 Numerical and measured return loss of the dual-band antenna
shown in Figure 6-12 with the coax cable attached.

The DCLA #2 is a potential candidate for WiFi applications such as laptop

computers. Most of the next generation laptop computers will have WiFi capability
embedded. Because of its size and shape, the DCLA #2 can be easily embedded into the
laptop computer. Figure 6-14 illustrates a good antenna placement into the laptop. This
configuration enables spatial diversity that will improve signal reception and
communication performance.

Antenna placement with diversity capability

Figure 6-14 Example of antenna placement for the DCLA #2 in laptop

computers that are WiFi enabled.

6.5 Summary

A few versions of the WC J-Pole antenna were presented for some personal wireless
commercial applications. The antenna structure dimensions were adjusted to meet
specific commercial operating bands. One design is a wideband antenna that covers an
operating band ranging from 1525 to 2515 MHz. It can be used for wireless systems that
need GPS, personal communication service, WLAN, and third-party device interaction,
all in one device. The other two designs are dual-band antenna. One is for WLAN-
specific systems using both 2.4 and 5-GHz and the other has a large operating band from
1.83 to 2.52 GHz and another band from 5.05 to 5.39 GHz. Numerical and experimental
results were in good agreement.


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