Ge Digital Industrial Transformation Playbook Whitepaper

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GE's Digital Industrial

Transformation Playbook

Executive Summary
While much has been written about the digital transformation
of industry, few industrial companies have undertaken the
daunting work of actually transforming. GE has and is.

This paper provides an overview of the insights, lessons

learned, tools, and techniques that GE acquired through its
own digital industrial transformation experience.
The Age of the Digital Industrial

The industrial world has been shaped by a series of The current age of the digital industrial is marked by ever
foundational technology changes over the last 250 years: more powerful software and falling hardware costs. That
steam and rail (1750-1830), electricity and telephone is, today’s predictive algorithms and machine learning
(1880-1920), computer and IT (1960-2000), and the current capabilities enable use cases that were not possible even
era of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), and big data five years ago. And let’s not forget the steadily falling cost
(2010-present). of sensors, compute, storage, and bandwidth that has
made the deployment of these capabilities a financial
Each technology change introduced a wave of productivity
improvements accompanied by market disruption, whereby
some industrial leaders were displaced by the rise of agile The first Industrial IoT use cases focused on reducing
new competitors. Those incumbent leaders that invested in unplanned downtime of key industrial assets such as
new capabilities often retained their market position. power generation machines and mining equipment.
Industrial companies are now aggressively increasing the
GE has survived many such disruptive waves since it first
surface area of instrumented assets beyond just expensive
joined the Dow Jones Industrial Average as a founding
critical machines. In other words, industrial firms are
member in 1896. The fate of GE’s industrial peers has not
increasing both the number of sensors on each asset as well
been quite as fortunate. Today, GE is the only remaining
as the number of assets with sensors.
member of the 1896 Dow Jones Industrial Average.
The result is not only the ability to develop a high-
resolution view of the future behavior of critical assets,
but also the ability to develop a system view of an
entire enterprise operation. This operational agility and
predictability is giving industrial companies the option to
pursue business model innovation by offering efficiency,
productivity, and virtually everything “as a service.”

Most recently, industrial companies have not matched the

growth and valuation of the consumer Internet industry,
with the latter enjoying much higher price-to-earnings

We believe this is about to change. Industrial companies

are entering a new period of explosive value creation. The
rapid spread of digital innovation will reboot industrial
productivity growth.

McKinsey estimates that the Industrial Internet of Things

will create $7.5T in value by 2025. The Industrial Internet
is non-optional—in the same category as electrification of
industry in the last century. Those that move quickly will
likely enjoy lasting benefits. Those that move slowly… well,
their future is less certain.

The Industrial Internet of Things will create

$7.5T in value by 2025.
What Is a Digital prohibitive for many industrial companies to fully digitize and
analyze their operations. Full digital transformation—with
As we embarked on broader and deeper instrumentation
of assets, we created an enormous amount of data that we

comprehensive digital twins and a complete digital thread— fed into our predictive algorithms and machine learning
has been made possible by low-cost innovations. technologies. It was then that a holistic view of operations
began to emerge. It was also then that we started thinking
about the Industrial Internet of Things as much more than
At its core, a digital industrial a technology trend. We began to view it as a foundational
company uses data and analytics to A "digital thread" enables industrial technology that could deliver material value creation and
companies to rapidly refactor operations, sustained competitive advantage.
create a "digital twin" of each of its improve existing offerings, bring new data- The result was that we moved from a defensive to an
key processes and physical assets. driven products to market, and innovate with offensive market position. That is, we pivoted from focusing on
new outcome-based business models. defending our hardware service contracts to moving strongly
This digital foundation enables the into a growth orientation by investing in new capabilities and
company to drive down costs while pursuing new business models.

delivering consistent quality.

It also enables the company to run a "digital thread" through
GE's Transformation GE’s digital industrial strategy is straightforward. First, we
focus on leveraging our digital industrial capabilities to drive
the design, build, and service functions—using analytic
intelligence to create a virtuous loop that delivers continuous
Story internal productivity. This initiative, called “GE for GE,” is on
track to impact more than 400 GE factories around the world.
improvements to equipment for customers. This enables If we turn the clock back to the beginning of this decade,
Next, we take the technologies, workflows, and productivity
industrial companies to rapidly refactor operations, improve GE, like most companies, was very familiar with Moore’s law
techniques hardened through our internal deployments and
existing offerings, bring new data-driven products to market, and the falling cost of IT. But what caught many industrial
make them available to our customers. We call this “GE for
and innovate with new outcome-based business models. companies by surprise was how these newly affordable
Customers.” In this category, we provide automation and
technologies could be applied to an ever-growing set of use
The foundational digital industrial components emerged predictive capabilities in the form of packaged applications.
cases across the industrial world. With the cost to connect
in the 1990s: industrial control software (HMI/SCADA),
and leverage sensors continuing to drop, we could start to use Finally, we make our data and analytics operating system,
manufacturing software (MES), and asset management
this data in ways we had only imagined years ago—getting Predix, available to everyone for co-creation. This initiative,
software (APM). These technologies are common in
a richer, analytical view of assets, operations, demand, and called “GE for the World,” features an open-innovation
industrial environments. They deliver important capabilities
supply. We also observed aggressive new competitors that approach that is available to virtually any company in virtually
that are necessary, but not sufficient, for digital industrial
attempted to disintermediate industrial hardware buyers any industrial category.
transformation. Up until the last 10 years, it was cost-
from vendors like GE.
Digital Industrial Our Playbook boils down digital
Transformation industrial transformation into five key
Playbook pillar initiatives:
Executing a digital industrial transformation
1 Capabilities and operating model
strategy can be daunting. As a nearly 130-year-
old industrial firm, GE is not immune from the
complexity required to implement meaningful
change across culture, people, process,
and technology.
3 Partner ecosystem

With several years of digital transformation 4 Digital talent and culture

experience under our belt, we’ve been able to
reverse-engineer a repeatable Digital Industrial 5 Business model innovation
Transformation Playbook that can be used by our
customers and partners to embark on their own
transformation journeys.

Capabilities and Operating Model

Successful transformations focus on capabilities that At GE, we made a strategic choice to have our Asset
will differentiate the business and drive competitive Performance Management and Field Service Management
advantage. The first step for any transformation is to re-think as horizontal capabilities that could be leveraged across our
organizational capabilities needed to start, scale, and sustain business units. We created a new business unit, GE Digital, to
your transformation. This requires developing an end-to-end not only own these horizontal capabilities but also to act as a
view of the competencies, tools, processes, and governance digital change agent within the company. Each GE business,
needed across all functions—inclusive of sales, services, such as GE Aviation, creates vertical extensions on top of
R&D, operations, and finance—as well as the accompanying our horizontal capabilities. The result includes vertical digital
component capabilities needed to succeed as a world-class applications such as GE Aviation’s Flight Efficiency solution.
digital industrial. The end-to-end view also serves as a tool to
The connective tissue that makes this organizational
identify capability gaps, in addition to the plan for filling them.
structure work is the role of Chief Digital Officer (“CDO”). Each
Next, industrial companies need to determine where and how GE business has a CDO, who reports to both the business line
these capabilities are organized and executed within their leadership (e.g., GE Aviation) and to GE Digital leadership. This
organization (i.e., organization structure). A key consideration dual-reporting structure ensures that GE Digital is building
is the extent to which the company has vertical and horizontal capabilities that are relevant to its existing businesses and
business lines. That is, do you have horizontal product lines also ensures that the existing businesses are fully leveraging
or capabilities that span across multiple industry business GE Digital’s capabilities.
verticals? Do you have industry or product line specific
The CDOs play a vital role in leading digital transformation
capabilities? The key is to find that elusive balance between
in their business. They’re the digital role models leading this
aiming for horizontal scale and vertical specificity.
cultural transformation, formulating the end-to-end business
strategy, and articulating and delivering on the digital vision
for their business.

Many of our customers and partners are contemplating a GE built Predix because we needed an industrial-strength,
“build vs. buy” decision when it comes to an IIoT platform. edge-to-cloud platform that combined predictive analytics
Many of these firms are surprised to find how expensive it with 3-D models of physical systems, featured a modular
is—in terms of both time and financial resources—to establish architecture of microservices, and that leveraged all of the
the foundational capabilities needed to even begin developing agile development practices that allow industrials to keep
digital industrial solutions. pace with rapid technology innovation. We spent close to four
years just getting the underlying plumbing and commercial
In other words, before you start building applications, you
back-end right. The result is a world-class digital industrial
must take on tasks such as setting up the infrastructure,
platform that customers can scale up and down as market
integrating software stacks, deploying and collecting sensor
dynamics change.
data, managing data and meta data, staffing world-class
software and data science talent, building out industrial-grade With these foundational capabilities in place, customers are
IT and OT security, and defining user models and access. able to rapidly roll-out APM and field service solutions and
accelerate their digital transformation journey.

Partner Ecosystem
We quickly realized we couldn’t undertake true digital leading technology partners, independent software vendors
transformation on our own. The result is an open-innovation (ISVs), and thousands of developers. To onboard these new
partner ecosystem that spans industrial markets and partners, we vastly simplified our partner program across
industrial outcomes. products, businesses, and geographies. Today, we have one
unifying partner program that features clear partnership
First, we had to change the way we worked with our partners.
tiers for all partners. This single program serves the largest
Like many industrials, GE traditionally had a robust reseller
companies in the world right down to early-stage startups.
and distributor channel. With GE Digital, we opened the
aperture of not only which types of entities could become Perhaps most importantly, our partner program features an
partners but also what types of activities we would do “open-innovation” model, where partner solutions that are
with partners. built on Predix can be certified and made available to the
global GE Digital user base.
Our partner program now features a co-innovation model that
not only includes resellers and distributors, but also includes

Digital Talent and Culture

This is arguably the most important of the digital Next, we developed a specific toolset and methodology
transformation pillars. As Peter Drucker once said, “Culture to help us iterate faster, to be more entrepreneurial, and
eats strategy for breakfast.” Digital industrial transformation to ensure we’re always building products and services
requires us to think and lead differently. The outside world is that deliver better outcomes for our customers. We call
moving fast, and a “leap of faith” is needed to keep up. this FastWorks, which combines the principles of Lean
Manufacturing with those of Agile Software Development. It’s
At GE, we needed to rebuild the culture around rapid decision-
at the heart of how we do what we do.
making, learning from failure, and a new people management
process. We needed to compete for talent in the technology Finally, we had to change the way we conducted performance
space; we had to look and feel like a fast-moving technology appraisals and talent management. We did away with the
company. What you sell as the vision needs to feel real to one-time annual performance management process and
employees, and your culture must reflect an environment that replaced it with real-time feedback tools. Performance
thrives on innovation. Development, or PD as we call it, ensures that all employees
stay aligned with the GE Beliefs and are continuously
To that end, we rolled out what we call “GE Beliefs” as an
leveraging FastWorks.
aspiration. To become a digital industrial company, our leaders
and employees are role-modeling these beliefs to make them While these tools have been instrumental in transforming
a reality of our day to day: the GE culture, we didn’t have all the talent capabilities we
needed to be a digital industrial leader. This also required an
• Customers determine our success
enormous shift in how we recruit, develop, and incentivize
• Stay lean to go fast talent. Specifically, we needed more software DNA—both
from an engineering and commercial perspective. To make
• Learn and adapt to win
that happen, we aligned our recruiting and compensation
• Empower and inspire each other practices to match those of leading software companies.

• Deliver results in an uncertain world The final step involved moving our corporate headquarters
to the heart of downtown Boston, one of the world’s most
innovative technology centers.

Business Model Innovation

Before we innovated at the business model level, we drove Success breeds success. Building credibility is the key to
digital transformation of our internal operations, driving any successful transformation. With the data, insights,
millions in productivity savings. This is where we encourage and improvements from these internal wins, you’re now
our customers to start considering their goals for growth in a credible position to take those same productivity
and business model change. We believe that in the industrial improvements to your customers in the form of best practice
world, business model innovation relies on operations agility sharing or even new products and services. Once you have
as a foundation. proven ability to deliver repeatable outcomes, you’re ready
to experiment with new business models that leverage your
By focusing on delivering tangible ROI today through
operational agility.
productivity improvements, you can:

• Drive internal improvements that self-fund the next step

in your transformation journey such as new product
introductions, x-as-a-service model

• Build out the operational agility needed to innovate at the

business model level

• Enlist early internal champions and momentum needed to

drive more radical transformation
GE Digital Today
We’ve used these principles to
transform GE into a world-class
digital industrial company. Today,
we have over 19,000 GE employees
focused on digital transformation
across the company. Our customers
and partners are leveraging our
Digital Industrial Transformation
Playbook to improve their
competitiveness and to unlock
billions of dollars of value. The
result is that GE is on track to
becoming one of the world’s
leading data and analytics
Getting Started on
What does successful digital industrial
Your Digital Industrial
transformation look like?
For our customer, Pitney Bowes, it means helping 1.5 million clients in approximately 100
To help drive our customers’ digital transformation journeys, we countries generate real-time insights and drive higher levels of operational performance. With
have set up Global Foundries across various locations, including solutions powered by Predix—the operating system for the Industrial Internet—Pitney Bowes is
Shanghai, Paris, and San Ramon. In these state-of-the-art co-creation driving equipment and operational productivity with real-time analytics enabled by connected
centers, we bring together our designers, data scientists, software industrial sensors, machine data, people, and processes.
engineers, and domain experts to co-create our customers’ digital
transformation steps customized to their maturity and aspirations.
Learn more about Pitney Bowes' digital transformation.
You can work side-by-side with a GE Digital Foundry and domain
expert to create a strategic business case for digital transformation,
develop proof-of-concept/value, learn more about Predix, and develop
a roadmap for your digital industrial transformation. Learn more about
our Global Foundries to start your digital industrial journey!

Taking the Industrial Internet to the

GE is on track to becoming one of the world's leading
data and analytics companies.
next level
Schindler, a 142-year-old leader in elevators, escalators, and moving walkways, tracks and
monitors its assets with Predix, the operating system for the Industrial Internet. Predix allows
Schindler to track its products to identify service issues and, through analytics, start predicting
We transformed GE into a digital industrial company. We continue to maintenance issues long before equipment fails. It will help the company realize savings by
reimagine and refine the capabilities, culture, and talent needed to reducing unplanned downtime and maintenance costs—an example of the power of digital
optimize GE, our customers, our partners, and the Industrial Internet industrial transformation at work.
for the world. With our Digital Industrial Transformation Playbook, we
can now accelerate the transformation of other like-minded
Learn more about Schindler's path toward transformation.
industrial companies.

Why not your company? Why not now?

Authors Akanksha Manik Talya Matt Mattox
Akanksha Manik Talya is the Director of GE Digital's Global Foundry Strategy Matt Mattox is the Vice President of Industry Solutions at GE Digital. He has
and Operations. Ms. Talya has a background in management consulting a background in building enterprise software companies from concept to
experience, advising technology companies on driving digital, operating scale. Most recently, Mr. Mattox co-founded an IoT healthcare technology firm
model, culture, and organizational transformations. She joined GE in 2016 to backed by the Mayo Clinic and Canaan Partners. Previously, he held leadership
lead the global development of GE's Global Foundries. Ms. Talya has an MBA positions at Red Hat, MIT Technology Review, and idealab!. Mr. Mattox has
from Darden Graduate School of Business at the University of Virginia and an degrees from Clemson University and Harvard University.
undergraduate degree in electrical engineering from India.

About GE
GE (NYSE: GE) is the world’s Digital Industrial Company, transforming industry with software-defined machines
and solutions that are connected, responsive and predictive. GE is organized around a global exchange of
knowledge, the “GE Store,” through which each business shares and accesses the same technology, markets,
structure and intellect. Each invention further fuels innovation and application across our industrial sectors.
With people, services, technology and scale, GE delivers better outcomes for customers by speaking the
language of industry.

Contact Information
Americas: 1-855-YOUR1GE (1-855-968-7143)
[email protected]

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Specifications are subject to change without notice. 08 2017

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