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Australian Catholic University

Project management policy

The University is committed to the adoption of project management tools to assist in the
implementation of major strategies. This policy is designed to prescribe to the University
community the essential elements in the management of major administrative projects.

Major Administrative Project: A major administrative project is defined as a project
 impacts on the University community; and
 has project expenditure of more than $100k; and/or
 will have a duration of greater than two months.
Business Case: Information that describes the justification for setting up and continuing
a project.
Change Management: The activity of assisting an organisation and individuals within
an organisation to change from one process, system or structure to a new process, system
or structure.
Risk Management Plan: A plan detailing risks identified in the planning process and
those risks inherent in a project, prescribing the likelihood, consequences and mitigation
strategy for each risk.
Communication Plan: A plan for the communication activities of a project,
implemented during particular phases of a project.
Post Implementation Review: A review after a project is completed to ensure that the
project has met its objectives and the system meets user requirements.
Project Charter: The project charter is the formal document that details background,
purpose, benefits, objectives, scope, assumptions and constraints of the project. It
provides authority to a project manager to conduct a project within scope, quality, time
and cost and resource constraints as laid down in the document.
Project Manager: The person given authority and responsibility to manage the project
on a day-to-day basis to deliver the required products within the constraints agreed with
the project steering group.
Project Sponsor: The person given overall responsibility for ensuring that a project
meets its objectives and delivers the projected benefits. The Project Sponsor is the
chairperson of the Project Steering Group.
Project Steering Committee: A group of high-level stakeholders who are responsible for
providing guidance on overall strategic direction.
Project Team: Set of individuals, groups and/or organisations, including all contractors
and consultants, who are responsible to the project manager for undertaking project tasks.

Endorsed by CPG and approved by the Vice-Chancellor 17 July 2007

The objectives of this policy are to ensure that:
 Projects are effectively managed;
 Appropriate governance is established;
 Change, communication and risk management is effective;
 Stakeholder communication is effective; and,
 Post implementation reviews are used to improve the ACU project methodology.

In order to achieve these objectives the following elements of project management policy
must be included in the planning and implementation of all major administrative projects.

1. Major administrative projects require the prior approval of the relevant Pro-Vice-
Chancellor or Executive Director, University Services, as appropriate.
2. Major administrative projects require an approved project charter and business
case prior to project funding.
3. Major administrative projects require an Executive Team member as project
sponsor at commencement.
4. Major administrative projects require the establishment of a Project Steering
Committee and Project Team at commencement.
5. Budget and schedule status reports must be sent to the Project Sponsor at agreed
6. Project managers are required to have sufficient experience, skills and available
time to manage the project.
7. Change, communication, risk and test plans are required to be signed off prior to
project implementation.
8. A post implementation review is to be conducted at project completion, reviewed
by the Project Steering Committee and provided for the information of CPG.
9. The relevant approving officer will determine project closure with a sign-off on
the post implementation review.

Further information
The Project Handbook provides detailed information to assist in adhering to this policy.

Endorsed by CPG and approved by the Vice-Chancellor 17 July 2007

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