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Fordham Law Review

Volume 31 | Issue 1 Article 2


Real Estate Investment Trusts: Problems and

Theodore Lynn

Recommended Citation
Theodore Lynn, Real Estate Investment Trusts: Problems and Prospects, 31 Fordham L. Rev. 73 (1962).
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IT would seem logical that entities engaging in essentially the same
activities should be taxed essentially the same-that the choice of
business form should not affect taxation and, in reverse, taxation should
not affect the choice of business form.' Yet, this is not so. The Internal
Revenue Code has been characterized, in this regard, as a "crazy-quilt
of exceptions, exemptions, deductions and special provisions." 2 In alter-
ing business entity taxation, special provisions have been made for regu-
lated investment companies, 3 common trust funds,* partnerships,O co-
operatives," life insurance companies, 7 mutual savings banks," and mutual
fire and casualty insurance companies. 9 In addition certain corporations
may elect to be treated as if they were not corporations,' and certain
other business enterprises may elect to be taxed as if they were corpora-
The most recent manifestation of Congress' sporadic interest in relief
of entity taxation is the real estate investment trust legislation, enacted in
1960 as an addition to the 1954 Code.' 2 As a result, real estate investment
trusts complying with sections 856 through 858 of the Code are granted
a deduction from corporate tax for dividends paid, including a capital
gains "pass-through."' 13 The writer submits that under present circum-
This article is based on an honor paper submitted to Profczsor Frank Sander of
Harvard Law School. The author is indebted to Professor Sander, Herbert Alport, Wilfred
Godfrey, Harry Goldberg, Marvin Kratter, Charles Post, Daniel Smith and David Wc-tfall.
* Member of the New York Bar.
1. The tax laws "must accord the same tax treatment to what is essentially the came
type of operation irrespective of the form in which it is cast." Address by Repre.entative
Ails, in Kilpatrick, Real Estate Investment Trusts, 3 Tax Revision Compendium 1697,
1700 (1959).
2. Cary, Pressure Groups and the Increasing Erosion of the Revenue Las, Joint Com-
mittee on the Economic Report, 84th Cong., 1st Ses. 260, 272 (1955).
3. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § 851-55.
4. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § 584.
S. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, §§ 701-71.
6. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, §§ 521-22.
7. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, 3§ S01-18.
S. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, 33 591-94.
9. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, 3§821-23.
10. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, §§ 1371-77.
11. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § 1361.
12. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, §§ S56-53.
13. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § 357(b).
stances, as a matter of fiscal policy and equity, the conduit treatment of
real estate investment trusts is not justified.


A. JudicialHistory
Although earlier legislative income tax attempts were invalidated be-
cause they amounted to a direct tax on property not apportioned ac-
cording to population, 4 the Tariff Act of 1909,10 avoided this difficulty
by imposing an excise tax measured by the corporate conduct of trade
or business. Shortly thereafter, however, it was decided that realty trusts
were exempt from this tax, as they were not "organized under the laws." 1
During this period, two Supreme Court cases noted the distinction be-
tween "passive" tax exempt trust holding and active conduct of business."
Vague though it must be, this distinction is inherent in the history and
current status of realty trusts.
The Income Tax Act of 191318 deleted, in effect, both the require-
ment of organization under the laws and the condition of carrying on a
trade or business. Nevertheless, investment companies holding securities
or real estate were not deemed taxable under this act. The United
States Supreme Court, in Crocker v. Malley,"0 held that trustees of a
realty trust, which owned mills and collected rent, were not taxable at
the trust level. Although the rationale of this case is the subject of dispute,
its effect is certain. The Treasury in purporting to follow Crocker,
asserted a "beneficiary control" test as the determinative factor. If the
trustees of a realty trust or investment company were free from effective
control by the beneficiaries, the trust would be deemed a valid trust
and would not be taxed as an "association.'
For the next few years this area was quiescent, the realty trusts and
investment companies avoiding "association" taxation. In 1924, how-
ever, the Supreme Court, in Hecht v. Malley,21 held that the basis for
14. Pollock v. Farmers' Loan & Trust Co., 158 U.S. 601 (1895).
15. Tariff Act of 1909, ch. 6, 36 Stat. 11.
16. Eliot v. Freeman, 220 U.S. 178 (1911).
17. Zonne v. Minneapolis Syndicate, 220 U.S. 187 (1911); Flint v. Stone Tracy Co.,
220 U.S. 107 (1911).
18. Income Tax Act of 1913, ch. 16, § 2, 38 Stat. 114, 166.
19. 249 U.S. 223 (1919).
20. One commentator believes that the Treasury erred in its interpretation and that
the decision was based on the ground that the trustees were exempt under the 1913 act
from taxation because they were fiduciaries enjoying a 1009 dividend credit. Contra,
Kilpatrick, Real Estate Investment Trusts, 3 Tax Revision Compendium 1697, 1699 (1959).
21. For a list of the Treasury regulations and rulings during this period, see Woodrow
Lee Trust, 17 B.T.A. 109-11 (1929).
22. 265 U.S. 144 (1924). Although this case involved a corporate excise tax on the
taxation as an association was the active conduct of trade or business
and not beneficiary control. The test suggested was vague, namely, one
of substantial resemblance to a corporation. Although Crocker was not
expressly overruled, the basis of that decision was questioned. The
Treasury then amended its regulations, purporting to follow the "active"
test of Heckt rather than the "beneficiary control" test of Crockcr.?
As a result, confusion was induced in the lower courts and a number
of conflicting decisions followed. -4
The landmark decision of Morrissey v. Commissioncr was decided
amidst this confusion. In four companion cases,"3 the trustees of Massa-
chusetts trusts disputed the levy of an income tax on them as "associa-
tions, 2 7 arguing they were strict trusts and not associations. In Mor-
rissey the trustees were vested with powers to subdivide, develop, buy,
sell, lease and encumber land and to operate a golf course and club
houses-these powers being applicable to several properties. There was
limited liability for the beneficiaries since the trust was organized as a
continuing body with transferable shares and was a judicial entity for
litigation purposes. The Supreme Court, in an opinion written by Mr.
Chief Justice Hughes, held the trust taxable as an "association" because it
constituted a joint effort for the doing of business and possessed the ef-
fectiveness and beneficial attributes normally obtained by adherence to
an incorporation statute. The Crocker case was distinguished on the
ground that there the trustees had only limited powers to collect income
from specifically named properties.2 8 Three concepts were offered for
future edification with respect to the distinction between "ordinary trusts"
and business trusts: (1) association or a "getting together" for joint
enterprise; (2) business purposes; and (3) resemblance to the main
corporate attributes. 2 ' Although much doubt was left by Morrissey as
privilege of doing business, the question with respect to "association" ta.ation was the fame
as involved in Crocker v. malley, 249 U.S. 223 (1919).
23. For a list of the amended Treasury Regulations, see Morrissey v. Commi-soner,
296 U.S. 344, 353-54 (1935).
24. See S4 U. Pa. L. Rev. 666-67 (1936). See also Rottscbaefer, Massachusetts Trust
Under Federal Tax Law, 25 Colum. L. Rev. 305 (1925).
25. 296 U.S. 344 (1935).
26. Swanson v. Commissioner, 296 U.S. 362 (1935) (powers to manage, control and
sell an apartment building); Helvering v. Combs, 296 U.S. 365 (1935) (common enterprise
for oil well operation); Helvering v. Coleman-Gilbert Associates, 296 U.S. 3t,9 (1935)
(management of apartment houses owned by the common venturers); Mlorrissey v. Com-
missioner, 296 U.S. 344 (1935) (powers of subdivision of land and operation of golf courfe).
27. The cases were under the Revenue Acts of 1924 and 1926. The definition of
"association" in these acts was only: "The term 'corporation' includes associations, joint-
stock companies, and insurance companies.' Revenue Act of 1926, ch. 27, § 2(a)(2), 44
Stat. 9; Revenue Act of 1924, ch. 234, § 2(a) (2), 43 Stat. 253.
28. 296 U.S. at 350.
29. Id. at 356-60.
to what was to be considered an "association" taxable as a corporation,
the inclusion of realty trusts and investment companies was apparent.
A corporate tax was to be imposed on both security and realty trusts.
The judiciary had concluded with the question, and the subsequent his-
tory was one of lobbying and legislation.
B. Legislative History
Inextricably tied with the history of real estate investment trusts is
the regulated investment company statute,"0 as there is little dispute but
that there would not have been any real estate investment trust legisla-
tion without the precedent of legislation for the regulated investment
companies. It is unfortunate, therefore, that the congressional intent in
enacting the regulated investment company statute is not clearly dis-
cernible. On the contrary, there is a conflict as to the historical motiva-
tion for this legislation.
"History" is often based on the personal view and interest of the
historian. It is thus not surprising that a conflict of historical motiva-
tion is offered for the fact of regulated investment company legislation.
On the basis of the "history" available, however, there is no conclusive
support for either the proposition of a parity of position between security
and realty trusts31 or the proposition that the two are wholly dis-
Prior to the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 and the
Morrissey decision, investment companies had two bases on which to
avoid corporate taxation: there was a 100 per cent intercorporate divi-
dend deduction and there was the trust argument under the Crocker
case.3 3 Whether they existed in trust or corporate form, however, in-
vestment companies could minimize entity taxation since Crocker was
available for the trusts and intercorporate dividends were fully deductible
by corporations.3" Then, in 1935, President Roosevelt proposed a reduc-
tion of the intercorporate dividend exclusion to ninety per cent. The dis-
tinction between security investment companies and real estate invest-
ment companies is supported by the following statement in the Presi-
dent's message proposing this change:
30. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, §§ 851-55.
31. Cf. Kilpatrick, Real Estate Investment Trusts, 3 Tax Revision Compendium 1697
32. Cf. Cohen, Regulated Investment Companies, 3 Tax Revision Compendium 1653,
1654-57 (1959).
33. See note 19 supra and accompanying text.
34. There was a capital gains tax on the investment corporations, but this may not have
been a factor in 1936 because "most of the investment companies bad been formed in tile
late twenties when stock market prices were high and most capital gains were offset by
capital losses which had developed during the depression years." Cohen, supra note 32,
at 1655.
Bona fide investment trusts that submit to public regulation and perform the func-
tion of permitting small investors to obtain the benefit of diversification of risk,
may well be exempted from this tax.3 5

The reduction in the intercorporate dividend deduction was enacted,"o

however, without any special provision for investment companies, and
in the same year, 1935, the Morrissey case was decided. Thus, both
grounds upon which the investment companies had been excluded from
entity taxation were removed. Statutory relief was therefore sought.
Legislative history explaining the reasons for the regulated invest-
ment company legislation is sparse. A subcommittee of the Senate
Finance Committee holding hearings preceding the Revenue Act of 1936
studied a provision for special treatment of regulated investment com-
panies. 37 The full committee appears to have concluded that investment
companies should be subjected to taxation as trusts and not as corpora-
tions.s Neither the special treatment provision nor the committee's
conclusion seem to have been incorporated in the Revenue Act of 1936
as introduced. 9 However, a Senate floor amendment granting special
tax treatment to certain open end investment companies was enacted
without debate.-" This special treatment was extended in 1940 to the
excess profits tax4 ' and to closed end companies in 1942V - The Invest-
ment Company Act of 1940 was enacted to provide for federal regula-
tion of these companies.4
The realty trusts did not attempt to gain special treatment at the same
time the security trusts did. This is important to note, as the most sub-
stantial argument the real estate investment trusts eventually brought
to bear was, an alleged parity of position with regulated investment com-
panies. It cannot be claimed that the realty trusts didn't know that
special legislation was being considered because there were many inter-
locking directorships between trusts and investment companies2: Repre-
35. Address by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to Congrcs, H.R. Doc. No. 229 74th
Cong., 1st Sess. 4 (1935).
36. Revenue Act of 1935, ch. 829, § 102(h), 49 Stat. 1016.
37. Hearings Before the Senate Finance Committee on the 1936 Revenue Act, 74th
Cong., 2d Sess. 776 (1936).
33. Id. at 803.
39. Revenue Act of 1936, ch. 690, 49 Stat. 1643, reduced the intercorporate dividend
deduction from 90% to the present 85%.
40. Revenue Act of 1936, ch. 690, § 48(e), 49 Stat. 1669.
41. Second Revenue Act of 1940, ch. 757, § 201, 54 Stat. 975.
42. Revenue Act of 1942, ch. 619, § 361, 56 Stat. S73.
43. 54 Stat. 789, as amended, 15 U.S.C. § S0(a) (1953). The committee reports and
commentators do not aid in ascertaining the original motivation for the specal legUation.
Cf. Weisenberger, Investment Companies (1957); Cohen, Regulated Investment Companies,
3 Tax Revision Compendium 1653 (1959).
44. See Kilpatrick, Real Estate Investment Trusts, 3 Tax Revision Compendium 1697
sentative Keogh, who sponsored the real estate investment trust legisla-
tion in Congress, stated:
I am informed that the practical reason ...was that these trusts were generally
operating at losses,45 due to defaults by tenants, and were not feeling the income tax
pinch at the time.
Whatever the reason-be it judgment that the position of the realty trusts
differed from that of the investment companies, belief that success was
unlikely, or lack of need due to the absence of taxable incomes-realty
trusts did not seek and were not afforded special tax treatment when
regulated investment companies were.
By the early 1950's many Boston realty trusts had been liquidated,
and those that remained were "worth more dead than alive." Manage-
ment firms with a great financial stake in keeping the trusts alive, law
firms with a similar desire for continued existence, and owners hoping
for increased return decided to attempt to obtain relief legislation.
These groups sought, and were quite successful in obtaining, the sup-
port of other interests:
Among those interested in the passage of this legislation, in addition to the existing
trusts, were private organizations such as the National Association of Real Estate
Boards, the National Association of Home Builders, and the Mortgage Bankers
Association. The legislation was also supported by such Government agencies as
the Post Office Department, which hoped it would attract private capital into the
construction of facilities to be leased to that Department, the Commerce Department,
which saw its prospective use in the depressed industrial area program; and the
Housing and Home Finance Agency .... 46
With this alleged support, the lobbyists conferred with members of
the House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance Com-
mittee. Their early efforts received encouragement as the analogy to
regulated investment companies seemed, at first glance, to be valid.
Further, there were no opposing lobbying forces, with the exception of
some muted opposition from the National Association of Investment
Companies.4 7
In most congressional hearings on revenue legislation "there is prac-
tically no one, except perhaps the Treasury, available to represent the
public. '48 In these hearings the Treasury was present, and it Opposed
(1959). Most of the trusts had their main offices in Boston and, hence, are often referred to
as the "Boston Trusts."
45. Letter From Representative Keogh to Mr. Theodore Lynn, March 2, 1961.
46. Letter From Representative Keogh to Mr. Theodore Lynn, April 6, 1961.
47. The reason for the muted opposition of the National Association of Investment
Companies can only be presumed. Contemplated competition and fear of calling attention
to many of their own practices may have been factors.
48. Cary, Pressure Groups and the Increasing Erosion of the Revenue Laws, Joint
Committee on the Economic Report, 84th Cong., 1st Sess. 260, 273 (1995).
the legislation for six years.4" Notwithstanding this opposition, however,
a bill,50 providing for relief to realty trusts did pass both houses of
Congress in 1956, but was vetoed by President Eisenhower. The veto
message contained two objections to the bill. The first was that there
were substantial differences between realty trusts and realty investment
The income of regulated investment companies is generally derived from the securities
of corporations which are fully subject to the corporate income tax. . . . [T]he
conduit, treatment merely avoids an additional level of corporate taxation. . . . By
contrast the conduit treatment proposed for real-estate trusts would entirely remove
the corporate income tax from much of the income originating in their real-estate
operations. 5 '
The second ground for the veto was the fear that the real estate invest-
ment trust bill would extend beyond the realty trusts to other real estate
It is by no means clear how far a new provision of this sort might be applied. Though
intended to be applicable only to a small number of trusts, it could, and might 'ell
become, available to many real-estate companies which were originally organized
and have always carried on their activities as fully taxable corporations.* 2
Several later efforts by those favoring such legislation were even less
successful. In 1957, a bill 3 identical to that vetoed by President Eisen-
hower"' was passed by the House, but the Senate never acted upon it.
In 1958, the Senate passed a slightly different version and added to it
the Technical Amendments Act of 1958 5 but this addition was later
deleted by the Conference Committee. Shortly thereafter, the Treasury
changed its position and the real estate investment trust bill" was intro-
duced in the House by Representative Keogh of New York. It passed
the House by a voice vote on June 29, 1960, was agreed to in Confer-
ence, and was signed into law by President Eisenhower on September
14, 1960.57

49. An early Treasury reaction is alleged to be: if realty trusts can tahe a deduction
for distributed income why can an automobile company not do so? The automobile
company can be said to be only in the business of investing in automobiles and pasAng
on the income to shareholders.
50. H.R. 4392, S4th Cong., 2d Sess. (1956).
51. 102 Cong. Rec. 15304, 15305 (1956).
52. Ibid.
53. H.R. 3102, S5th Cong., 1st Sess. (1957).
54. See note 50 supra.
55. HR. S3S, 85th Cong., 2d Sess. (1953).
56. H.R. 12559, 86th Cong., 2d Sess. (1960).
57. Pub. L. No. S6-779, S6th Cong., 2d Sess. (Sept. 14, 1960).
As a result of this legislation, a new entity, the real estate investment
trust, was made available for service as a tax free conduit for distributed
net income. The new law took effect on December 31, 196018 and on
April 28, 1962, the final treasury regulations pertaining to it were pro-
mulgated. 59
A. OrganizationAttributes for Real Estate
Investment Trust Qualification
To qualify as a real estate investment trust, an entity must: (1) be
organized as an unincorporated trust or association; 0 (2) be managed
by trustee(s);61 (3) contain transferable shares or certificates held by
100 or more persons; G2 (4) be taxable as a domestic corporation but for
this law; 6 3 (5) elect irrevocably to be treated as a real estate investment
trust; 64 (6) avoid control by five or fewer individuals of fifty per cent or
more of the trust's beneficial ownership during the last half of the
taxable year;6 5 (7) avoid the holding of any property for sale to cus-
tomers in the ordinary course of trade or business;' and (8) meet the
requirements of the law respecting assets, diversification, income, and
distribution. 7
1. Unincorporated Trust or Association
It is clear that a corporation cannot qualify as a real estate invest-
ment trust because of this provision,68 but there still seems to be some
question as to the ability of limited partnerships to qualify. Although
the statute requires management by "trustees," it permits "unincorpo-
rated associations" to qualify. Confusion was induced by this, since the
latter are not usually managed by trustees. The proposed regulations
expressly stated that an entity considered under state law to be a limited
partnership could not qualify "because a partner thereof is not consid-
ered to be a trustee. . . ."' This statement, however, has been deleted
58. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, §§ 856-58.
59. Treas. Regs. §§ 1.856-1 to 1.858-1 (1962).
60. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § 856(a).
61. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § 856(a) (1).
62. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, §§ 856(a) (2), 856(a) (5).
63. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § 856(a) (3).
64. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § 856(c) (1).
65. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § 856(a) (6).
66. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § 856(a) (4).
67. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § 856(c) (2)-(6).
68. H.R. 1806, 87th Cong., 1st Sess. (1961) would have extended qualification to
corporations, but it was not enacted.
69. Proposed.Treas. Reg. § 1.856-1(d) (1), 26 Fed. Reg. 604 (1961).
from the final regulations and, therefore, it might be argued that the
inconsistency has been resolved in favor of allowing qualification for
limited partnerships. But the Code also prescribes that a real estate
investment trust must be subject to the corporate income tax but for
qualification. Limited partnerships are usually not subject to the corpo-
rate tax so that doubt still remains as to whether a limited partnership
may qualify as a real estate investment trust.

2. Management by Trustee(s)
The proposed regulations defined a "trustee" as one who holds legal
title to the property, has exclusive control over the trust management and
affairs "free from any power of control on the part of shareholders other
than the right to elect trustees," and has exclusive control over property
management including the sale thereof."0 This definition elicited much
protest among the interested parties. One conunentator argued that
shareholders should be permitted to amend and terminate the trust,
vote on mortgaging or selling substantially all the trust property, ap-
prove trustee compensation, remove trustees, and approve management
contracts. 7 A second noted that state law restrictions require the use
of nominees in certain situations and, therefore, suggested that this
should be allowed.72 The final treasury regulations have incorporated
some of the above suggestions. Now, the trustee's continuing exclusive
authority over the management and affairs of the trust will be considered
to exist "even though the trust instrument grants to the shareholders"
the rights and powers "to elect or remove trustees; to terminate the
trust; and to ratify amendments to the trust instrument proposed by
the trustee."73 Furthermore, the trustee will be considered as holding
legal title to the trust property even when the title is held in the name
of a nominee for the exclusive benefit of the trust.-'
Certain critics' suggested changes, such as beneficiary power to amend
the trust, hire the independent contractor and approve trustee compensa-
tion, were not included. It is submitted that this was correct since
Congress specifically chose the business trust form which is traditionall ,
one of little control by the beneficiary. This entire, question recalls the
recuriing theme that conduit treatment has been granted in an area
where the end limits are ones of degree rather than of kind. While there
is no logical reason to stop at the traditional business trust concept, this
70. Ibid.
71. Robbins, Comments Upon Proposed Regulations Relating to Real Estate Invest-
ment Trust, and Their Shareholders-Subchapter Al (1961).
72. Letter From Mr. Joseph W.Lund to the Internal Revenue Service (1961).
73. Treas. Reg. § 1.856-1(d)(1) (1962).
74. Ibid.
is where Congress arbitrarily drew the line, and it is no less logical
than any other line.
On the question of choice of trustees, it has been suggested that some
of the principal investors who have real estate experience should be
chosen. The prohibition against serving as both trustee and independent
contractor must, however, always be observed." Finally, state rules
against perpetuities may be applied against the trust and thus it might
be wise to include as "lives in being," young children of the trustees
in order to obtain additional continuity.

3. Transferability and the 100 Shareholder Requirement

The free transferability of the "certificates of beneficial interest"7 0
is one of the major intended advantages of the real estate investment
trust form. The small investor is supposed to be benefited when he can
freely transfer his shares. The proposed regulations were silent on the
extent, if any, to which trading may be limited. The final regulations on
the other hand, render effective provisions in the trust instrument which
permit the trustee to bar transfer or redemption of shares when he "in
good faith" believes transfer would result in the loss of the status as a
real estate investment trust." This restriction appears quite drastic
when the legislative intent is considered. To what extent this provision
may be used by the trustee remains to be seen.
A real estate investment trust must have a minimum of 100 share-
holders. This requirement is intended to assure a broad base of owner-
ship. One commentator notes that it would be unwise to begin a real estate
investment trust unless there were substantially more than 100 share-
holders because of future uncertainty about transfers. 8 Consistent with
the intention, there is no attribution of ownership in determining the
100 shareholders figure."' Informational returns from both the trust
and shareholder are required for determination of this figure. Some,
who protest that many of the reporting requirements are too burdensome,
suggest that an exemption should be granted those shareholders who own
less than five per cent of the real estate investment trust. This would be
similar to regulated investment company procedure. The five per cent
exemption has not been adopted in the final regulations although there
has been some revision of the reporting requirements.
75. See note 115 infra and accompanying text.
76. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § 856(a) (2).
77. Treas. Reg. § 1.856-1(d) (2) (1962).
78. Roberts, Feder & Alpert, Congress Approves Real Estate Investment Trusts; Exact-
ing Rules Made, 13 J. Taxation 194, 198 n.71 (1960). This was written before the allowance
of "good faith" transfer restrictions.
79. Treas. Reg. § 1.856-1(d) (2) (1962).
4. Unincorporated Organization Taxable as a Corporation
The trust must be taxable as a domestic corporation but for the
real estate investment trust law. The regulations incorporate sections
7701 (a) (3)-(4) and treasury regulations 301.7701-2 for a determination
of corporate taxability and the "objective to carry on business."' : This
provision is also important in the determination of which attribution
rules-trust or corporation-apply to real estate investment trusts. It
is submitted that the corporate rules"' and not the trust rules' 2 apply to
real estate investment trusts. First, there is this section which requires
that a real estate investment trust be taxable as a domestic corporation,
and not a trust, but for this law. Second, section 7701 (a) (3) defines
corporation to include entities similar to real estate investment trusts.
Third, section 856(d) specifically alters the corporate attribution section -
and to be meaningful, this addition would seem to require use of that
Since the entity would be taxed as a corporation but for its qualifica-
tion as a real estate investment trust, the regulations note that sections
which affect corporations apply to the extent they are not inconsistent
with this law."1
5. Irrevocable Election
The election by an entity to be taxed as a real estate investment trust
is not only irrevocable, but the election probably cannot be revoked
even with Internal Revenue Service approval. Failure to qualify, there-
fore, only affects the tainted year and the original election is in force for
any subsequent years.
Am election may be made by the trust in any year it desires, even
though it may have otherwise qualified for a prior year. This election
option was added by the final regulations." While it might have
been unfair to deny real estate investment trust status due to inadvertent
failure to elect in an earlier year, this election option seems to provide
a tax "windfall." Individuals can now form limited partnerships for
the early years when there are "losses" due to depreciation deductions
in excess of cash flow. These "losses" can be taken as deductions on
the partners' individual tax returns. Real estate investment trust status
80. Treas. Reg. § 1.856-1(d)(3) (1962).
S1. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § 31S(a)(2)(C).
82. Int. Re,. Code of 1954, § 31S(a)(2) (B).
83. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § 313(a) (2) (C).
84. Treas. Reg. § 1.S56-1(e) (1962).
85. See Treas. Reg. § 1. 56-2(b) (1962); see Roberts, Feder & Alpert, Congre.. Approves
Real Estate Investment Trusts; Exacting Rules Mlade, 13 J. Taxation 194, 197 (1%3).
86. Treas. Reg. § 1.856-2(b) (1962).
can later be elected when the depreciation deductions are not sufficient
to offset taxable income.
6. Personal Holding Company Status
If more than fifty per cent of the trust is owned by not more than five
individuals during the last half of the taxable year, the entity cannot
qualify as a real estate investment trust. The test is made by consider-
ing all the trust's income and asking whether the resulting entity is a
personal holding company.8 7 Certain charitable foundations and trusts
are considered individuals for the purposes of this determination.
7. Sale of Property in the Ordinary Course of Business
The holding of property for sale to customers in the ordinary course
of business will disqualify a real estate investment trust. Whether the
trust holds any property primarily for sale to customers in the ordinary
course of business is a determination of fact for which standards can-
not be set in advance.88 The test is whether an entity is engaging in
the "trade or business" of buying and selling property and it is submitted
that the most important consideration will be the frequency of sales.
The purpose of this requirement is to compel the real estate investment
trust to remain a passive investment instrument rather than an active
real estate operation. 9
B. Income Tests for Qualificationas a Real Estate Investment Trust
Three interacting gross income provisions must be satisfied by an en-
tity which wishes to qualify as a real estate investment trust. First,
ninety per cent of the trust's gross income must be derived from certain
types of investments.9 Second, seventy-five per cent of the entity's
gross income must be derived from interests in real property." Third,
not more than thirty per cent of the trust's gross income may be derived
from short term dispositions. 2 The crucial concept of "rents from real
property" is analyzed thereafter.
1. The Ninety Per Cent Income Test
Ninety per cent of the trust's gross income must be derived from
dividends, interest, "rents from real property," gain from the disposition
of stock, securities, interests in mortgages, and real property, and abate-
87. Treas. Reg. § 1.856-1(d) (5) (1962).
88. Treas. Reg. § 1.856-1(d) (4) (1962).
89. H.R. Rep. No. 2020, 86th Cong., 2d Sess. 6 (1960).
90. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § 856(c) (2).
91. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § 856(c) (3).
92. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § 856(c) (4).
ments or refunds of taxes on real property. This test is similar to a
ninety per cent prescription for regulated investment companies, with the
addition of income from real property interests.
2. The Seventy-Five Per Cent Income Test
Seventy-five per cent of the trust's gross income must be derived from
such interests in real property as rents, mortgages, sales, tax rebates,
and other qualified real estate investment trusts. This injunction has
no parallel in the regulated investment company statute and is motivated
by the legislative desire that most trust income be elicited from invest-
ment in real property interests.03 The terms "rents from real property"
and "real property" are terms of art and are separately defined." "Inter-
ests in real property" includes fee ownership or leasehold interests in land
or fixtures, but does not include mineral, oil or gas royalty interests.
Although distributions from other qualified real estate investment
trusts are permitted in the seventy-five per cent income test, it will
usually be unwise for one trust to hold shares in another. The first
trust would have no control over the second and could not assure that
the second trust would qualify for real estate investment trust tax treat-
ment. If the second trust failed to qualify, distributions from it would
not be includible for the seventy-five per cent income test of the first.
Therefore, a disqualification of the second trust could result in a dis-
qualification of the first. Note also, there could be a disastrous
"snowballing" effect if there were substantial interlocking holdings: the
disqualification of A leading to the disqualification of B, the disqualifica-
tion of B leading to the disqualification of C, and so forth."O
An apportionment is required when income is derived in part from
real estate and in part from another source, since only real estate inter-
est income is comprehended by the seventy-five per cent income test.07
This is consistent with the purpose of the seventy-five per cent income
test, which is to restrict the major portion of the trust's income to tradi-
tional real estate interests. Thus, if some rent is received for the lease
of real estate and personalty, only the payment for the real estate is
included in the seventy-five per cent income test.
The combined effect of the interaction of the ninety per cent income
test and the seventy-five per cent income test is that seventy-five per cent
of the trust's gross income must be derived from real property sources,
fifteen per cent must come from either real property interests or any
93. H.R. Rep. No. 2020, S6th Cong., 2d Sess. 5 (1960).
94. See notes 100 & 102 infra and accompanying text.
95. Treas. Reg. § 1.856-3(c) (1962).
96. See Treas. Reg. § 1.856-3(b) (1962) for special rules.
97. See, e.g., Treas. Reg. § 1.856-2(c)(2)(ii) (1962); Treas. Reg. § 1.8S56-4(a) (1962).

source from which a regulated investment company could derive qualified

income, and ten per cent may be gathered from any source whatever.
3. The Thirty Per Cent Income Test
There is one prohibition which is grafted upon the above tests. Not
more than thirty per cent of a trust's gross income may come from the
short-term sale of stock within six months of purchase or from the sale
of realty held for less than four years. 98 Losses are not netted with
gains for this test. The purpose of this rule is to discourage speculation
by the real estate investment trust. It is another of the prescriptions
which attempt to keep the trust "passive." Perhaps the four year hold-
ing period is harsh and the three year rule applicable to collapsible
corporations is more appropriate. 9
4. Rents From Real Property
The only rents comprehended in the seventy-five per cent income
test are "rents from real property." This is a term of art which will
provide many difficult problems. The concept has been used to assure
that the real estate investment trust remain a "passive" investment
vehicle rather than an "active" real estate operation. Therefore, the
statute blocks out exceptions from the inclusive definition that the term
"rents from real property" includes rents from interests in real property,
but does not include 0 ° (a) rent derived from nonreal property, (b) rent
whose computation depends on the income or profit of the tenant, (c) rent
received due to ownership of the tenant, and (d) rent derived from the
rendering of services or management by the real estate investment
trust. The corporate attribution rules are to apply to these exclusions
from the seventy-five per cent income test, but ten per cent ownership
is substituted for fifty per cent ownership.' The complexities induced
by "rents from real property" are inherent since "passive" and "active"
in the real estate investment trust context differ in degree rather than
in kind.
(a) Rent Derived From Nonreal Property
Rent which is not gathered from real property cannot be used for
purposes of the seventy-five per cent income test. "Real property" is
not defined in the Code, but the final regulations contain the following:
The term "real property" means land or improvements thereon, such as buildings
or other inherently permanent structures thereon (including . . . structural com-
98. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § 856(c)(4).
99. See Williamson, Realty Investment Trusts Poised for Launching, 192 The Com-
mercial and Financial Chronicle, No. 5992 (Oct. 6, 1960).
100. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § 856(d).
101. Ibid.
ponents . . .). In addition, the term . . . includes interests in real property. Local
law definitions will not be controlling. ... 12

"Interests in real property" include:

[Flee ovnership and co-ownership of land or improvements thereon, and leaseholds
of land or improvements thereon. Such term does not include mineral, oil, or
gas royalty interests .... 103

These rather vague definitions are buttressed by a list of specific items.

The final regulations state that the following are to be considered "real
the iring in a building, plumbing systems, central heating or central air-conditioning
machinery, pipes or ducts, elevators or escalators installed in the building, or other
items which are structural components of a building or other permanent structure.10 1
The following are to be excluded from the term "real property":
assets accessory to the operation of a business, such as machinery, printing press,
transportation equipment which is not a structural component of the buildin', office
equipment, refrigerators, individual air-conditioning units, grocery counterz, fur-
nishings of a motel, hotel, or office building, etc., even though such items may be
termed fixtures under local law.15
The potential disputes regarding specific items may become legion. For
example, the proposed regulations were silent on the subject of elevators.
One commentator feared that elevators might be considered "transporta-
tion equipment," which is not "real property." Hence, the final regula-
tions added elevators to the list of included items. Further questions
may require extensive litigation. A federal law of fixtures also seems
to be required, since state law is not determinative and would only
promote forum shopping.
(b) Rent Computed According to the Tenant's Income or Profits
Since the "passive-active" distinction requires that a trust not par-
ticipate in the active business of a tenant, there is excluded from the
seventy-five per cent income test those rents which are based on the
income or profits of the tenant. This is intended to prevent profit sharing
between trust and tenant. '" The penalty for breach of this injunction is
drastic since the entire rent from the tenant is disqualified, even though
a large portion may be determined without regard to the tenant's income
or profits.
An advance agreement to compute rent on a fixed percentage or the
102. Treas. Reg. § 1.856-3(d) (1962).
103. Treas. Reg. § 1.S56-3(c) (1962).
104. Treas. Reg. § 1.856-3(d) (1962).
105. Ibid.
106. See H.R. Rep. 2020, S6th Cong., 2d Sess. 7 (1960).
tenant's gross receipts or sales is, however, permissible. The theory is
that these fixed percentage leases are usually not considered as being
related to the active business of the tenant. There is ambiguity regard-
ing the extent to which gross receipts or sales may be adjusted before
a percentage lease is deemed a participation in profits. The final regula-
tions allow an adjustment for merchandise returns and sales taxes. 07
By an exclusion argument, it may be that no other adjustments are
permissible. But the committee report seemed to envisage a broader
scope when it spoke of allowing adjustments for "such items as returned
merchandise, or Federal, State, or Local sales taxes."'0 8 "Such items as"
seems to encompass more than the stated examples. Hence the question
of to what extent the gross receipts may be adjusted in a fixed percentage
lease remains an open one.
If the real estate investment trust has a fixed gross receipts tenant,
such tenant cannot sublease for a percentage of profits. If there is such
a sublease, the entire rent from the prime tenant is excluded from the
seventy-five per cent income test. The theory is that the rent received
by the trust is based on the gross receipts of the tenant, and such gross
receipts are based on the profits of an active business. Hence the trust's
rent is indirectly based on the profits of an active business. It is sub-
mitted that this provision of the regulations is faulty statutory construc-
tion. The seventy-five per cent income test refers only to "its tenant,"
and this seems to mean the prime tenant only. The real estate invest-
ment trust is getting rent from the gross receipts of its tenant, and the
method by which the tenant gains its gross receipts should not be a
factor. If the Internal Revenue Service fears "sham" arrangements,
there is ample precedent for disqualification on the "sham" ground
alone. Note also that the entire rent from the prime tenant is disqualified
even if only a minor sublease is based on a profit rental. Furthermore,
this rule is impractical in that it requires the trust to actively supervise
the subleasing of its tenants. Real estate investment trusts may have
to require that every tenant submit for approval every sublease. Not
only will tenants balk at such a restriction, but such active supervision
by the trust itself is inconsistent with the "passive" or conduit theory.
"Overage" provisions which provide for additional rent if profits ex-
ceed a stipulated amount are not allowed. But, unlike the proposed
regulations,"0 9 the final regulations allow the fixed rent to be included
in the seventy-five per cent income test unless some rent under the
"overage" provision is actually received." 0 There is a "literal" method
107. Treas. Reg. § 1.856-4(b)(1) (1962).
108. H.R. Rep. No. 2020, 86th Cong., 2d Sess. 10 (1960).
109. Proposed Treas. Reg. § 1.856-4(b)(1), 26 Fed. Reg. 607 (1961).
110. Treas. Reg. § 1.856-4(b)(1) (1962). The entire rent is disqualified even if an
"overage" amount received is very minor.
of including an acceptable "overage" provision. Additional rent based
on a percentage of gross sales or receipts is not based on net profit and,
therefore, avoids the literal injunction. There is, however, the danger
of a "substance-form" judicial decision, and benefits derived from such
a provision will not usually be commensurate with the risks involved.
The final regulations also included the following statement which was
absent from the proposed regulations:
[A]n amount will not qualify as "rents from real property" if, considering the lease
and all the surrounding circumstances, the arrangement does not conform with normal
business11 practices but is in reality used as a means of basing the rent on income or
It will create great difficulty if the regulations contemplate the Internal
Revenue Service determining "business practices" in real estate leases,
as such trade practice is a varied and confused area. It is hoped that this
provision only means that substance and not form controls.
(c) Rent Received Due to Ownership of the Tenant
Rent from any person in whom the trust owns ten per cent interest
is disqualified from the seventy-five per cent income test in order to
prevent a substantial relationship between the trust and the business
of any tenant. 112 Yet, a substantial relationship seems possible through
the medium of individuals who own less than ten per cent of either the
trust or the corporate tenant. There will be no attribution of ownership
unless ten per cent of the shares are owned by a single person since the
corporate attribution rules seem to apply.'n If the prime tenant sub-
leases property and the trust owns more than ten per cent of the sub-
lessee, only the portion of the prime tenant's rent derived from the
sublessee is disqualified from the seventy-five per cent income test.114
(d) Rent Derived From the Trust Rendering Services or Management
Rent from a trust rendering services or management is disqualified
from the seventy-five per cent income test." Again, the purpose is to
compel the trust to remain a passive investment instrument. Active
management functions and services must be provided by an "independent
contractor." The theory is that tax free conduit treatment should only
111. Treas. Reg. § 1.S56-4(b)(1) (1962).
112. Treas. Reg. § 1.856-4(b)(2) (1962). If the person is a corporation, the trt
cannot own either ten per cent of the total voting power or ten per cent of the total
number of outstanding shares of all classes. If the peron is not a corporation, the trust
cannot own ten per cent of its assets or net profits.
113. See note Si supra and accompanying text.
114. Treas. Reg. § 1.856-4(b) (2) (1962).
115. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § 356(d) (3) ; Treas. Reg. § 1S56-4(b)(3) (1962).
be given to receipts earned from passive investment in realty. The
income from active services should be received by another taxpayer
who is taxed according to the regular taxation rules.
There are numerous technical rules defining "independent contractor"
and governing the relationship between the contractor and the trust. The
contractor may not own more than thirty-five per cent of the trust and
common ownership of the trust and contractor in excess of thirty-five per
cent is prohibited." 6 The trust may not receive any income from the
contractor and the contractor must be adequately compensated for its
services. The trustee may not have any interest in the contractor and
the contractor may not be an employee of the trust."' "The require-
ment that the trust not receive any income from an independent con-
tractor requires that the relationship between the two be an arm's-length
relationship." ' s
Yet the conference report may have been optimistic when it stated:
"The independence of the contractor is assured by providing" 11 9 the
technical rules. Assume a situation where a trust and its corporate
tenant are owned by the same people, but no single individual owns
ten per cent of either. Assume further that thirty-four per cent of the
stock of the independent contractor is owned by persons owning thirty-
four per cent of the trust and thirty-four per cent of its corporate tenant,
while all of the other technical requirements are satisfied. In such a
situation, there will often be substantial common control Of the trust
and contractor in practice, if not in form. Assume a second situation
where an individual forms a real estate investment trust and becomes
a trustee of it. He then severs all connection with a managing firm he
used to control, although said "independent contractor" continues to
bear his name. His wife and children continue as stockholders in the
independent contractor. Not only does the "arm's-length relationship"
seem subverted, but the prohibition against trustee participation in the
contractor seems abused. Yet this was the procedure used in one of the
earliest real estate investment trusts. Whether it will be upheld remains
to be seen.
More time was devoted to the concept of "independent contractor"
at the hearings for the regulations than to all the other problems com-
bined. Many attacked specific problems and others opposed the concept
of having strangers manage the properties. Possibilities of conflict of
interest were cited and some feared that the independent contractors
might make costly decisions which the trustees could not control. Perhaps
116. Ibid.
117. Ibid.
118. Treas. Reg. § 1.856-4(b) (3) (i) (d) (1962).
119. H.R. Rep. No. 2020, 86th Cong., 2d Sess. 7 (1960).
because of the hue and cry, the final regulations have extensively revised
the proposed regulations on the issue of "independent contractor." The
regulations first distinguish between those "services" which an inde-
pendent contractor must perform and the fiduciary duty to manage the
trust itself, which the trustees may retain:
[T]he trustees may establish rental terms, choose tenants, enter into and renew
leases, and deal with taxes, interest, and insurance, relating to the trust's property.
The trustees may also make capital expenditures ... (as defined in section 263)
and may make decisions as to repairs ...(of the 1type
...deductible under section
162), the cost of which may be home by the trust.

Then the regulations divide the concept of "services" into two categories:
"customary services for which no separate charge is made" and "services
for which a separate charge is made." Rent received for the former
will not be disqualified from the seventy-five per cent income test as
long as an independent contractor performs them, while rent received
for the latter will be disqualified. That which is customary and that
which is not customary is to be determined separately in each factual
It is rather unpleasant to realize that the question of trust qualifica-
tion, with its important economic consequences, may depend on whether
a telephone answering service is customary or extraordinary in the
specific fact pattern. It is not of much help to be told:
The supplying of water, heat, and light; the cleaning of windows, public entrances,
exits, and lobbies; the collection of trash; and the furnishing of elevator service,
telephone answering service, unattended parking lots, and watchman or guard
senices are examples of services which inay or may not (depending upon the cir-
cumstances) be customary or incidental to the mere rental of multiple-occupancy real
estate.' -
The only examples of services which are not customary are:
The furnishing of hotel, maid, boarding house, motel, attended parking lot, w:are-
house, or storage senices .... -122
The independent contractor must perform even customary services,
whatever they are, but the trust can bear the cost for them. The cost
of services which are not customary must be borne by the contractor
and a separate charge must be made for them. The independent con-
tractor must retain any amounts separately paid by the tenants for
"services," be they customary or noncustomary. A method of com-
pensating the contractor must be devised which will prevent the trust
from receiving income from services and which assures that the con-
(d) (1962).
120. Treas. Reg. § 1.856-4(b) (3) (i)
121. Treas. Reg. § 1.S56-4(b)(3)(i)(b) (1962). (Emphasis added.)
122. Treas. Reg. § 1.56-4(b)(3)(i)(c) (1962).
tractor will include in his taxable income all active service income.
Whether the trust can act as agent for the contractor in receiving money
from the tenants and passing it on to the contractor is unresolved.
Reasonable compensation based on an unadjusted percentage of gross
rents will usually be allowed.
The regulations are the only tangible "guide-lines" available regard-
ing the independent contractor device. The purpose of the concept is
to assure that the real estate investment trust will not derive any income
from active services, which income should be taxed to the independent
contractor outside the realty trust rules. But the several vague concep-
tual distinctions and the profusion of factual variations may result in
inadvertent disqualification and extensive litigation. It remains to be
seen whether the solution will not create more difficulties than the original
problem contemplated. The independent contractor concept, so vague
in theory, may become chaos in practice.
C. Asset Tests for Qualificationas a Real Estate Investment Trust
These rules deal with the nature of the assets and are to be dis-
tinguished from the previously discussed rules regarding source of income.
The statute provides for three tests regarding the type of assets which
a real estate investment trust may hold. First, seventy-five per cent
of the value of the trust's total assets must be in real estate, cash items,
and government securities. 2 ' Second, not more than twenty-five per cent
of the value of the trust's total assets may consist of nonqualifying
assets.' Third, not more than five per cent of the assets may be of
the nonreal-estate securities of any single issuer, nor may the trust
hold more than ten per cent of the voting securities of any single non-
real-estate issuer. 125
1. The Seventy-Five Per Cent Asset Test
Real-estate assets, cash items and government securities must comprise
seventy-five per cent of a trust's total assets. The definition questions
regarding "real property" and "interests in real property" have been
discussed previously. 26 The purpose of the seventy-five per cent asset
test is to require that the bulk of trust investments be placed in real
The seventy-five per cent asset test is one of comparative values at
a given time and the adjusted bases of the assets are irrelevant. "Value"
is defined as the fair market value as determined in good faith by the
123. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § 856(c) (5) (A).
124. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § 856(c) (5) (B).
125. Ibid.
126. See notes 100-02 supra and accompanying text.
trustees, except that the value of securities traded on an exchange
are their market quotations. 127 "Total assets" means gross assets and
it is doubtful that a deduction for mortgages or rental obligations will
be allowed.
The determination of whether the value of the trust's qualifying assets
constitutes seventy-five per cent of its total assets need only be made
at the end of those quarterly periods in which the trust has acquired new
property. Therefore, nonreal-estate asset "paper" appreciations in years
without acquisitions will not result in disqualification. Furthermore, the
trust has thirty days to eliminate any discrepancies resulting from a
comparative computation.
It may be that requiring valuation in the event of a minor acquisition
will be costily and burdensome. The disposition of substantially appre-
ciated property might be required if the seventy-five per cent asset test
is not satisfied, and the trust might incur a high tax cost. But it is
submitted that the law strikes a fair balance between a cumbersome
procedure of quarterly valuation and the desire that the bulk of the
trust's investments be placed in real estate.
Valuation would be required far more often if the trust wished to be
"open ended." An "open end" company guarantees to sell or redeem its
own shares at a price derived from an allocation of the underlying assets.
A "closed end" company exhibits a fixed capital structure and does not
sell or redeem its shares after the initial offering. It is submitted that
an "open end" trust will serve the small investor philosophy of the real
estate investment trust law better than a "closed end" trust. The small
investor prefers the liquidity of an "open end" trust. He prefers a valua-
tion of his interest which depends on underlying assets rather than the
vagaries of the stock market. Yet, most of the known "open end" funds
are valued daily. This is feasible when the fund's assets are comprised
of securities which have daily market valuations, but it is quite difficult
when relatively fixed real estate assets are involved. The second problem
with an "open end" real estate investment trust is the lack of liquidity
of real estate assets as compared with the liquid securities which com-
prise the bulk of regulated investment company assets. It is submitted
that the valuation difficulty might be met by monthly valuation. Re-
demption would be on a monthly basis, with those who present their
stock in the first twenty days of the month receiving redemption at the
end of the month. The trust would then have some time to sell sufficient
assets to meet a normal amount of redemptions. Liquidity might be
achieved by a "standby" purchase agreement bank loan, or by a surety
127. Treas. Reg. § 1.856-3(a) (1962).
An unintended use of the real estate investment trust device may be
trusts which deal solely in mortgages. Since mortgages on real estate
are comprehended in the seventy-five per cent asset test, a trust could
hold mortgages exclusively and still be granted a tax free "pass-through"
of income. High return but risky second mortgages could also be held.
This type of trust would also save expenses, as an independent con-
tractor would be unnecessary.

2. The Twenty-five, Five and Ten Per Cent Asset Tests

The Code states:
[N]ot more than 25 percent of the value of the [trust's] total assets is represented
by securities [other than those comprehended in the 75 per cent assets test] for pur-
poses of this calculation limited in respect of any one issuer to an amount not greater
in value than 5 percent of the value of the total assets of the trust128and to not more
than 10 percent of the outstanding voting securities of such issuer.
The presumed purpose of these tests is to provide diversification for the
trust's nonreal-estate investments. But if the trust meets the seventy-
five per cent asset test, it cannot possibly violate the twenty-five per cent
requirement: "not more than" twenty-five per cent of the trust's total
assets could possibly be in nonqualifying securities if seventy-five per
cent were in qualifying assets. Since the five per cent and ten per
cent limitations are to be used "for the purposes of this calculation,"
they too could not possibly disqualify the trust if it meets the seventy-
five per cent asset test. Hence there is an apparent error in draftsman-
ship. The congressional intention for diversification is clear and the
final regulations ignore the statute and follow that intention. They,
therefore, state that no more than five per cent of the total assets of a
trust may be in the nonreal-estate securities of any single issuer. They
also assert that the trust may not hold more than ten per cent of the
voting securities of a nonreal-estate issuer. It remains to be seen
whether these regulations will be sustained. 2 '
No provision whatever is made for diversification of a real estate
investment trust's real property interests. The above discussion relates
only to the possible diversification of nonreal property interests. A trust
which holds but one -office building is, therefore, a distinct possibility.
A number of such trusts have already been formed. This fact should
128. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § 856(c) (5) (B).
129. Mr. Wilfred Godfrey, Comptroller of the Keystone Funds, has stated In an un-
published letter to the Internal Revenue Service that the root of the drafting difficulty
was probably an attempt to incorporate a regulated investment company provision within
the real estate investment trust law. Mr. Godfrey prefers the "literal" Interpretation and
would, therefore, delete Treas. Reg. § 1.856-2(d) (4) examples (2) and (3) as not supported
by law.
be contrasted with the often mentioned statement that real estate in-
vestment trusts will provide diversification of real estate investment
for small investors.
D. Taxation of a Real Estate Investment Trust and Its Beneficiaries
The Code provides three rules for the taxation of a real estate in-
vestment trust and its beneficiaries. First, the trust may take a deduc-
tion from the corporate tax for all distributed ordinary income"-" and
capital gains.' Second, it must distribute ninety per cent of its "real
estate investment trust taxable income."' 32 Third, the beneficiary is
taxed on trust income as if it were income received directly from the
underlying real-estate assets. 3
1. Deduction for Distributed Income
The real estate investment trust is granted a deduction from the corpo-
rate income tax for all dividends paid to beneficiaries which are derived
from ordinary income. There is also a deduction from corporate capital
gain for dividends paid from capital gains, but this "pass-through" is
limited to the year of sale. The trust is taxed as a regular corporation
on all accumulated income and capital gains. The real estate invest-
ment may not take an intercorporate dividend deduction 3 4 in that the
factor of double taxation is absent. The trust may not "pass-through"
a foreign tax credit to its shareholders since Congress did not intend
to have trusts specialize in foreign investments. 3
2. The Ninety Per Cent Distribution Requirement
The trust is required to take a deduction for the distribution of ninety
per cent of its noncapital gains income. The effect of this prescription
is to impose on the trust the obligation of distributing ninety per cent
of its ordinary income. The purpose of the provision is to compel the
trust to act as the conduit for which it was intended.
The ninety per cent distribution requirement will not be effective in
certain situations. It compels conduit treatment only when taxable
130. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § 857(b)(2)(C).
131. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § 357(b)(3) (A)(ii).
132. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § 857(a)(1). The distribution rules are impoed on the
basis of the taxable year, but some mitigation of the requirements is available. If a real
estate investment trust declares a dividend before March 15th of the year folloving the
taxable year, and said dividend is distributed by December 31st of the following year, then
it is deemed as having been paid during the first year. See Int. Rev. Code of 1954,
§ S5S(a). This allows the use of income for as long as twelve additional months.
133. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, §§ 61, 357(b) (3) (B).
134. nt. Rev. Code of 1954, § 857(b)(2)(B).
135. See H.R. Rep. No. 2020, 86th Cong., 2d Sess. 3 (1960).

income is a large component of net cash flow (income before deduction

for depreciation). The allowable deduction for depreciation is often
much larger than the actual deterioration of the physical assets. It will
be possible for a real estate investment trust to retain much of its actual
income when the depreciation deduction reduces taxable income to a
small percentage of the cash flow. For example, a public real-estate
corporation had a six million dollar cash flow in 1960 but no taxable
income due to a depreciation deduction of seven million dollars. 13'
Failure to comply with the ninety per cent distribution requirement
results in disqualification of the real estate investment trust. Therefore,
trustees must be very careful not to claim more depreciation than they
are entitled to under the law. Excessive depreciation will lead to an
erroneous computation for taxable income. This might result in the
trust distributing less than ninety per cent of the true taxable income.
Furthermore, the additional corporate tax due might not be discovered
for a number of years and the result would be quite disastrous for a
real estate investment trust which did not accumulate large reserves.
There is one conceivable situation where the ninety per cent distribu-
tion requirement will be too effective. Cash flow will be less than the
taxable income when amortization payments on a debt exceed the de-
preciation deduction. This might require the distribution of an amount
in excess of the trust's ordinary income.
3. Taxation of the Shareholder
A "dividend" from the real estate investment trust is ordinary income
to the beneficiary. The one exception is a dividend derived from capital
gains, in which event it is capital gains income to him. The real estate
investment trust must designate which dividends are from capital gains,
and a pro rata reduction must be effected in the event of designations
in excess of the actual real estate investment trust capital gains for the
year.3 7 Any corporation which receives a dividend from a trust cannot
consider it a "corporate dividend" for purposes of the eighty-five per
cent intercorporate deduction. Also the four per cent dividends received
credit and the $50 dividends received exclusion are not available since
there is no double corporate taxation in the real estate investment trust
context. The "dividend" terminology does, however, give certain charita-
ble organizations the ability to invest in real estate investments trusts
136. See 1960 Annual Statement of the Krather Corporation.
137. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § 857(b)(3)(C). To prevent the conversion of short
term gains into long term gains through the device of a wash sale, there is a provision
stating that a short term loss is deemed to be received with respect to a loss on the sale
of a real estate investment trust share held for less than thirty-one days. Int. Rev. Code of
1954, § 857(b)(4) and Treas. Reg. § 1.857-4(c)(3) (1962) contain an illustration of this
free of the taxation which would be required on other rental income.I3S
The net effect of these rules is to produce only a partial conduit. The
distribution of only a small part of the cash flow may be required and
net operating losses are not given conduit treatment. Undistributed in-
come is taxed at the real estate investment trust level and distributed
income, except for capital gains, loses its original quality and becomes
ordinary dividend income.
The new law may contain a major "loophole." It may permit various
enterprises to divide themselves into two parts: a real estate investment
trust holding the real estate and a corporate tenant conducting the
active business. This would offer potentially huge tax savings for new
and/or existing enterprises if recognized by the courts. If a corporate
division were permitted for tax purposes, earnings ordinarily taxed at
the corporate level could be made safe from taxation by transferring
them to the real estate investment trust as rent.'5 The qualifying real
estate investment trust would not pay any tax at the entity level since
it could distribute as dividends all the rent it received from the corpo-
ration to the shareholders. 4 0
The device of enterprise division might be utilized in three general
business situations: A new business which does not require an independ-
ent contractor; an old business which does not require an independent
contractor; and a business, old or new, which does require an inde-
pendent contractor.
A. New Business Not Requiring an Indepcndcnt Contractor
The tax "windfall" of enterprise division is most likely to succeed
with new enterprises which do not require the services of an independent
contractor. The shareholders would first organize a real estate invest-
ment trust to hold the land and buildings of the operation. Next, sub-
stantially the same shareholders would organize a corporation to con-
duct the active business. The trust would then lease the land and
buildings to the corporation. The corporation would pay a sum of
rent for the use of the property and deduct the rent paid as an ordinary
133. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § 511; see also Roberts, Feder & Alpert, Approves
Real Estate Investment Trusts; Exacting Rules Made, 13 J. Taxation 194, 197 n63 (19C0).
139. E.g., a corporation which owns its own real estate and has a taxable income of
$1,000,000 pays approximately $520,000 in corporate income tax. If the same corporation
paid the $1,000,000 as rent to a real estate investment trust owned by its own shareholder-,
it would not pay any corporate tax since rent is deductible. Hence there is a potential
doubling of after-tax net income.
140. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § S57(a) (1).
business expense. The real estate investment trust would "pass-through"
the rent income to its shareholders tax-free. Since there is substantial
common ownership, the effect is that income derived from an active
business has been "passed-through" without a corporate tax.
The amount of rent should be fixed in advance and should approxi-
mate the fair market value of the land and buildings. This is necessary
in order to prevent the contention that there is profit sharing between
the tenant and the trust. Furthermore, since this is an area beyond the
ken of legislative purpose, a technical "arms-length" relationship must
be stringently adhered to. Also, the corporate tenant must perform
any service functions itself.
The assertion that common ownership of a real estate investment
trust and a corporation would not disqualify the trust is based on the
judgment that the trust is deemed a corporation with respect to the
application of the Code's attribution rules. 141 Therefore, the attribu-
tion rules will not apply if no shareholder has a ten per cent owner-
ship interest. In addition, it can be argued that Congress was aware
of the possibility of common ownership when it prohibited more than
thirty-five per cent common ownership of the trust and its independent
contractor. The absence of a similar injunction regarding the trust
and its tenant militates for the propriety of common ownership. Further-
more, in discussing the reduction from fifty to ten per cent in the ap-
plicable attribution rules, the congressional committee report states that:
This prevents the avoidance of restrictions . . . with respect to rents from real
property through the device of setting up a related organization. It also fore-
closes the opportunity 142
of any substantial relationship between the trust and the
business of any tenant.
It might be asserted that this shows that Congress intended that there
be no common ownership and that it is a court's duty to interpret the
Code provisions in this light. Contra, Congress enjoined only sub-
stantial relationship between the trust and business of the tenant, not
of the trust and the tenant. The purpose of the dichotomy is to require
the trust to remain a passive investment instrument and this purpose
is met when rent is not dependent upon active business. In any event,
the method used to "foreclose" substantial relationship was all that
was pyovided, and any contrary interpretation might be difficult.
It has been maintained that a real estate investment trust is to
be treated as a corporation with respect to the application of the attribu-
tion rules of the Code. 143 But this assertion may equally apply to un-
favorable Code sections such as sections 269 and 482.
141. See note 81 supra and accompanying text.
142. H.R. Rep. No. 2020, 86th Cong., 2d Sess. 7 (1960).
143. See note 81 supra and accompanying text.
The language of section 269144 could be applied to the device of
enterprise division. A court might deem the real estate investment trust
a "corporation" for purposes of section 269 and deny as tainted the
deduction for distributed rent. Alternatively, the tenant corporation
might be denied its deduction for rent paid to the trust.1 1 On the other
hand, the formal "arms-length" relationship might be upheld as proper.,'
It might be that the corporation was acquired for a valid business pur-
pose, the conduct of an active business, and that the real estate invest-
ment trust was outside the scope of section 269. The real estate in-
vestment trust might also argue valid business purpose and buttress
that argument with other investments and activities. While the current
cases have been essentially limited to acquisitions of loss corporations,
surtax exemptions, transfers of high earning assets, and basis motivated
transactions, the judicial development of section 269 is in its early
stages, and the applicability of that Code section to enterprise division
remains a danger.147 The possibility of a general law "sham" or "busi-
ness purpose" attack must also be considered.
Section 482111 might be deemed to apply to enterprise division if the
rent paid by the corporation was greater than the fair market value
of the property let. In contrast to section 269, a reallocation under sec-
tion 482 most likely would require that only a portion of the tax saving
of enterprise division be denied. It is unlikely that the Commissioner
would allocate all the income to the tenant corporations, although it has
been allowed in extreme "sham" situations. 4 " The greater danger from
144. Int. Rex. Code of 1954, § 269 reads in part: "If . .. any person or persons acquire,
or acquired . . . directly or indirectly, control of a corporation . . . and the principal
purpose for which such acquisition was made is evasion or avoidance of Federal income
tax by securing the benefit of a deduction, credit, or other allowance which such perzon
or corporation would not otherwise enjoy, then such ... allowance shall not be allowed."
145. While the treasury regulations discuss the creation of two "corporations," they are
limited to purposes "to secure . . . multiple surtax exemptions . . . or multiple minimum
accumulated earnings credits. . . ." Treas. Reg. § 1.269-3(b) (2) (1962).
146. It might be argued that utilization of new tax provisions is a valid bwuinezs
purpose. I.T. 3757, 1945-1 Cum. Bull. 200 so ruled regarding the formation of a subJdiary
to utilize the then new Western Hemisphere Trade Corporation provisions. Int. Rev. Code
of 1954, §§ 921, 922. Contra, is the argument of utilization of new tax provisions within
versus without the congressional purpose.
147. See generally Barnard, Acquisitions for Tax Benefit, 34 Calif. L. Rev. 36 (1946);
Coastal Oil Storage v. Commissioner, 242 F.2d 396 (4th Cir. 1957).
148. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § 432 reads in part: "In any case of two or more org-aniza-
tions ... (whether or not incorporated ... ) owned or controlled directly or indirectly by
the same interests, the Secretary or his delegate may distribute, apportion, or allocate grocs
income . . . among such organizations . . . if he determines that such . . . allocation is
necessaxy in order to prevent evasion of taxes. .. '
149. See Aldon Homes, Inc., 33 T.C. 582 (1959).
excessive rent payments is a judgment of profit sharing with the tenant,
which could lead to disqualification of the real estate investment trust
and loss of all the new law's benefits. 150
One final danger to enterprise division remains to be considered. It
arises from the question of whether an independent contractor is a con-
dition of qualification in a situation where service-type activities are
inherent in the tenant's operation. Can the tenant perform its own
service-type activities, or must the trust employ an independent con-
tractor? Too, if the trust does not hire one, will the tenant be deemed
the independent contractor?' 51
The Code does not explicitly require the employment of an inde-
pendent contractor in the situation under analysis. The final regulations
merely exclude for the seventy-five per cent income test "any amount
received ... if the ... trust furnishes or renders services ... other than
through an independent contractor. "I In form, enterprise division
avoids having the trust render services.
The purpose of the independent contractor concept is to assure that
the trust remain a passive investment instrument. Enterprise division
seems to result in a very passive trust. Furthermore, the "net-lease"
of property, where the tenant satisfies most of the owner's obligations,
is quite normal. This militates against a finding that "implicit" in the
Code provisions is the requirement that an independent contractor be
employed when the tenant does not require any outside help. The entire
statutory design, which is to exclude actual rents received from services,
argues against such a finding. Yet a court struggling with a device
beyond the ken of legislative purpose might very well reach such a
conclusion. It might be held that an independent contractor must be
employed whenever service-type activities are involved, or a court might
conclude that the tenant is deemed to be the independent contractor, or
that the trust is actually performing services through a "straw" tenant.
In any of these situations, the device of enterprise division must fail,
since the trust cannot own more than thirty-five per cent of its inde-
pendent contractor and cannot receive rent for the performance of

150. See note 106 supra and accompanying text.

151. If the cost of a contractor and the inherent administrative expenses of enterprise
division total less than 52% of the rent paid, some saving might be derived even if an
independent contractor is employed.
152. Treas. Reg. § 1.856-4(b) (1) (1962).
153. Some variation in the common ownership of trust and tenant might make enter-
prise division less vulnerable to judicial reversal. Additional activities for the trust would
Thus the dangers are numerous in effecting a corporate division. Yet,
it is submitted that the potential tax benefits may often outweigh the
potential risks. The advantage is a large increase in net income after
taxes, while the risk may only be legal fees for the certain litigation that
will follow. If the litigation is lost, the enterprise is in essentially the
same position that it would have been had it started everything in the
corporate form, with the exception that a tax bill will have accumulated
and some extra income may have been distributed.

B. Existing Business Not Requiring an Independent Contractor

The same problems involved in establishing enterprise division for a
new business which does not require an independent contractor are evi-
dent in the division of an existing business not requiring an independent
contractor. The additional problem is the tax consequences of dividing
an existing corporation. 5
An existing corporation might create a real estate investment trust,
convey the corporate real estate to it, and distribute the trust shares
to the corporate shareholders. The corporation would avoid tax conse-
quences from this transaction by dint of section 351.11 It is submitted,
however, that the shareholders would be liable for a dividend tax on
the distribution of the real estate investment trust shares to the extent
of the corporation's earnings and profits. Qualification for tax-free
treatment under section 35510 requires that there be two separate busi-
nesses involved. There is currently a dispute regarding whether there
is a requirement of two active businesses before the division as well as
after.l 7 But it seems established that a taxpayer cannot divide rental
property from an operating business if it did not constitute a five-year
business at the time of division, even though the rental property would
comprise an active business after the division. 1 3 Mso, the corporate

be wise. Also, reciprocally organized divided enterprises, with each tenant paying rent to
the real estate investment trust of the other, might be investigated.
154. Enterprise division for ezisting corporations would only involve previously
discussed problems if the trust restricted itself to property acquired after its creation.
155. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § 351.
156. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § 355 reads in part: "If ... a corporation ... distributes to
a shareholder, with respect to its stock . . all of the stock and securities in the controlled
corporation held by it immediately before the distribution ... then no gain or los shall hb
recognized to . . . such shareholder or security holder on the receipt of such stoc or
157. Compare Treas. Reg. § 1355-1(a) (1955), with Coady v. Commis sioner, 33 T.C.
771 (1960), aff'd mem., 2S9 F.2d 490 (6th Cir. 1961).
i5s. Appleby v. Commiss-ioner, 35 T.C. 755 (1961), aff'd mem., 296 F.2d 925 (3d Cir.),
reorganization sections require a "business purpose" which might be
difficult to sustain in this situation.
A partial liquidation might be an alternative method to effect the
enterprise division of an existing corporation. The corporation would
distribute the real property to its shareholders in a purported partial
liquidation under section 346.15 9 The shareholders would only undergo
capital gain treatment if a valid corporate contraction could be estab-
lished. The shareholders could then establish a real estate investment
trust which would hold the real estate and rent it to the corporation and
so forth. But section 346(b) would not be available, because that sec-
tion incorporates the same concept of two active businesses contained
in section 355.10
The concept of genuine corporate contraction is cloudy, but since
the distribution would be pro rata to the shareholders, it seems that
section 346(a)(2) would also not be available.' 0 ' The sanction for
failure to qualify under section 346 would be ordinary dividend treat-
ment for the shareholders.
It might further be suggested that the corporation redeem in full the
stock of some of the shareholders.10 2 These former shareholders would
then form a real estate investment trust and purchase the real estate
from the corporation with amounts received in the redemption. The
redeemed shareholders and the corporation would undergo capital gains
treatment. Even if this survives attack as a "sham," there are obvious
business problems and the essential substance of corporate division has
been lost.
Thus, in an enterprise division of an existing corporation, it is quite
likely that a dividend tax will have to be paid by the shareholders to
the extent of the corporation's earnings and profits. This expensive
consequence will dissuade most existing corporations from attempting
a corporate division. It may be warranted if the corporation is devoid
-of earnings and profits, or if some method can be devised to avoid
taxation. Otherwise, it is unlikely that there will be many corporations
sufficiently hardy to effect dividend treatment for their shareholders in
order to "buy" a law suit. Most existing corporations should, there-
fore, wait until this area has been further charted.
cert. denied, 370 U.S. 910 (1962); Treas. Reg. § 1.355-1(c) (2) (1955). See also Rev. Rul.
59-400, 1959-2 Cum. Bull. 114.
159. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § 346.
160. Treas. Reg. § 1.346-1(c) (1955). See note 158 and accompanying text.
161. See Chandler v. Commissioner, 22 T.C. 1158 (1954), aft'd, 228 F.2d 909 (6th
Cir. 1955) (per curiam).
162. Int. Rev. Code of 1954, § 302.
C. Bzsizess Requiring an Independent Contractor
Previously it was asserted that common ownership of a real estate
investment trust and a corporate tenant, while risky, is not literally
violative of the statute. In those situations, it is the tenant and not
an independent contractor who is performing any and all service-type
activities. In a multiple tenant situation, however, an independent con-
tractor will usually be necessary. Office buildings and hotels will usually
require independent contractors to provide services. In these situations,
there will be no "tenant" which can perform the services for itself.
Common ownership will therefore be barred because of the thirty-five
per cent rule preventing substantial
common ownership of the trust
and the independent contractor
The thirty-five per cent rule does not literally prevent the situation
where a real estate investment trust would rent to a "tenant" who would
in-turn "sublet" the premises. The original tenant would perform the
services that an independent contractor would perform. Provided that
no shareholder of the tenant owned ten per cent of the trust, the attribu-
tion rules presumably would not apply and the real estate investment
trust would not be deemed to own the tenant. Hence, it would not
receive any disqualifying income from the tenant. This manipulation,
however, would most likely be pierced by the courts. In the multiple
tenant situation various services must be performed, and calling the
person who performs them "tenant" should not change the substance
of the situation. Also, state laws which provide that a "guest" at a
hotel is not a "tenant" should not change the result.
Hence, in the situation where it is contemplated that there will be a
disparate group of tenants, such as an office building or a hotel, it
appears unlikely that the enterprise division device can be utilized.

Real estate investment trust legislation was ostensibly prompted by
a desire to give small investors an opportunity to derive income from
real property interests. The inapt analogy of regulated investment com-
panies was offered in support of this concept. Yet the parallel has not
been extended to the one area in which it has merit: the need for some
form of operational regulation. It is submitted that legislation similar
to the Investment Company Act of 1940 should be enacted.
Real estate is a narrow field which requires very technical expertise.
The average investor will not usually have this expertise. He must,
163. See note 116 supra and accompanying text.
therefore, place great reliance on the trustees of a real estate investment
trust. The absence of operational regulation creates a potentially danger-
ous situation where the fraud or incompetence of unregulated trustees
could result in great loss. "[O]ver the years real estate has probably lost
money for a larger percentage of investors than any other single form
of financial venturing .... "164
Furthermore, deceptively high offers of approximately a twelve per
cent "return" are not rare for real estate syndications'"° and, pre-
sumably, trusts. Such offers induce the entry of unsophisticated small
investors. These investors do not realize that the "return" is in part,
a refund of capital. Often they do not comprehend that the trust will
have to invest in risk enterprises in order to maintain a high percentage
of profit.' 6
Moreover, there may be intense promotion of certain real estate in-
vestment trusts. Witness the promotion of regulated investment com-
panies and the problems there arising even though they are regulated.
Promotibn may be intense because there is a large profit potential for
promoters: they can sell property they own to the trust for an un-
regulated amount; they can become the independent contractor for an
unregulated compensation; their associates can become trustees of the
trust for an unregulated remuneration; their law firms can earn un-
regulated fees; their associates can become investment advisors at un-
regulated salaries, and so forth.6
Finally, investment in real estate investment trusts is inherently
"glamorous." These trusts are congressionally induced entities specifically
-designed to provide tax benefits for small investors. For the first time,
a freely transferable tax-free conduit, which might even be traded on a
stock exchange, is available. It may not be too surprising if the small
investor joins with something less than dispassionate analysis.
164. C. G. Haynsworth, N.Y. World Telegram and Sun, April 10, 1961, p. 27, col. 3.
165. For a discussion of real estate syndicates see Berger, Real Estate Syndication:
Property, Promotion, and the Need for Protection, 69 Yale L.J. 725 (1960); Comment,
Real Estate Syndication, 30 Fordham L. Rev. 440 (1962).
166. "Today . . . returns of over 7 or 72 percent cannot be paid on real estate equities
with safety. . . . Unfortunately, the . . . psychology is being built up. .. " Charles Noyes,
N.Y. World Telegram and Sun, Dec. 28, 1960, p. 19, col. 1.
167. See, e.g., the following advertisement: "SOMETHING NEW HAS BEEN ADDED
Organized Especially to Qualify for the Tax Benefits of the New Federal Law Which Grants
MATELY 10% OR MORE PER ANNUM . . . Special Tax Advantages available for the
first time ... ." N.Y. Times, Jan. 15, 1961, § 8, p. 5R, col. 1-3.

Several states already have regulatory legislation applicable to real

estate investment trusts. New York, for example, enacted a statute in
1960, following a real estate syndication scandal. That disgrace involved
a syndicate formed to purchase and lease-back a hotel to the promoters.
Large percentage returns were offered and an abundance of small in-
vestors participated. The venture became insolvent, but it was hidden
from the investors, and funds from the promoter's other ventures were
commingled. Eventually the whole edifice toppled, the promoters were
indicted, and the investors were bilked.163 In addition to incompetence,
the promoter's fees were exorbitant and the lease-back was overly
favorable to the promoter-lessees. Attempts were made by the real estate
syndicators to form a self-regulating body, but, in spite of these attempts,
the New York legislature passed a bill which comprehends both syndi-
cates and real estate investment trusts.' This act requires prior State
approval of a prospectus and contains comprehensive restrictions on
false offering and advertising. But this statute only provides for full
disclosure of the facts of an investment. It does not contain regulations
regarding investments, management fees and the like."'
The relevant federal regulatory statutes are the Securities Act of
1933'11 and the Investment Company Act of 1940.1 2 It is submitted
that the 1933 act, which is essentially a full disclosure type statute,
will apply to real estate investment trusts. The real estate investment
trust requirement of 100 shareholders most likely precludes use of the
private offering exemption of the 1933 act. The intrastate exemption
of the 1933 act also appears inapplicable since the scope of a realty
trust, together with the transferability of shares, makes reliance on it
risky. The Securities and Exchange Commission is proceeding under
the assumption that the 1933 act will apply to real estate investment
trusts, and has published a Form S-11 for registration of "certain real
estate companies." While the 1933 act requires full disclosure, it does
not contain provisions which regulate trust operations.
There is some question regarding the applicability of the Investment
Company Act of 1940, but it probably will not be applicable to most
real estate investment trusts. A real estate investment trust will usually
be able to qualify for an exception to the 1940 act, since most trusts
will be primarily engaged in purchasing and acquiring interests in real
16S. See Berger, supra note 165.
169. N.Y. Gen. Bus. Law §§ 352e-52j.
170. See Real Estate Investment Trusts, California Department of Investment, DiLsion
of Corporations Bull., art. 1S-1, § 549-52.1 (Feb. 25, 1962).
171. 43 Stat. 74, as amended, 15 U.S.C. §§ 77a-z (1953) (Supp. I, 1959-1961).
172. 54 Stat. 7S9, as amended, 15 U.S.C. § SOa (19.S).
estate and will not be in the business of issuing face amount certificates
of periodic payment.1'7 3 The Securities and Exchange Commission is
not administering the 1940 act to comprehend real estate investment
trusts 4 Furthermore, it would not be feasible to apply many of the
provisions of the 1940 act to real estate investment trusts since the
act's provisions were drafted to apply only to a specific type of entity,
namely, a security investment company.
Thus the only current federal regulation is of the disclosure type. The
committee reports on the real estate investment trust are silent on the
subject of regulatory statutes. Perhaps the draftsmen believed that the
active regulation of the 1940 act would apply, but it is submitted that
it does not.
What type of regulation is needed? Since the promoters of real estate
investment trusts will usually have to apply for permits to issue securi-
ties, the attitudes of the state corporation commissioners are important.
The Midwest Securities Commissioners Association composed of sixteen
state commissioners'17 has unanimously adopted a statement of policy
regarding real estate investment trusts.1 ' The commissioners require a
mimimum of three trustees to be elected for a term not to exceed three
years; such trustees can be removed by a two-thirds vote of the share-
holders.' 77 No assets can be acquired from trustees, officers, independent
contractors or any other interested party except at the inception of the
trust.1 71 Profit by "such person" on disposition of trust assets is prohib-
ited. 7 The trust instrument must be recorded and it may not contain
provisions relieving the trustees from liability for negligence. 8 0 There
can be no change in the declaration of trust or other basic instruments
without a two-thirds vote of the shareholders.' 8 ' There is a required
173. See 54 Stat. 789(3) (c) (6) (C), as amended, 15 U.S.C. § 80a-3(3) (6) (C) (1958).
174. "On the basis of the information presently available, it appears likely that most real
estate investment trusts will qualify for the exception from the definition of investment
company contained in Section 3(c) (6) (C) of the Investment Company Act." Letter From
Mr. Abraham Raizen, Assistant Director of the Securities and Exchange Commission, to Mr.
Theodore Lynn, March 31, 1961.
175. The members are: Arizona, California, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan,
Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas,
and Wisconsin.
176. Revised Midwest Securities Commissioners Association Statement of Policy Re-
garding Real Estate Investment Trusts, Illinois Securities Division Bull., No. 101 (Supp.,
Oct. 27, 1961).
177. Id. at § B(1)(a)-(d).
178. Id. at § B(1)(b).
179. Ibid.
180. Id. at §§ E, B(1)(c).
181. Id. at § B(9).
minimum capital of $100,000 and disclosure requirements respecting the
properties, investment policy and limitation of liabilities of the benefi-
ciaries.'-" There must be an annual meeting and yearly reports must be
sent to the shareholders and the securities commissioner." 3 All distribu-
tions must be accompanied by a statement of source.1 61 Finally, the trust
must be terminable at any time by a two-thirds vote of the share-
The commissioners would also place stringent restrictions on invest-
ment advisors. Any investment advisory contract is limited to one year
and any trustee or interested party is prohibited from acting in such
capacity. 66 The compensation of the investment advisor is limited to
one half of one per cent of the net assets of the trust based on an adjusted
basis or on the fair market value, whichever is less. s7 Copies of all
contracts with independent contractors must be filed with evidence that
the fees are in accord with prevailing costs.'8 3 There is also a gross
limitation of $5,000 or one per cent of the average net assets, whichever
is greater, on "expenses of every kind" excluding interest, taxes, main-
tenance, independent contractor compensation, investment advisor fees
and reasonable sales commissions.'xs Finally, there is a requirement that
the consideration paid for real property by the trust shall "ordinarily be
based upon the fair market value of the property as determined by a
real estate 6appraisal
prepared by a qualified, disinterested, independent
The commissioners' report also contains a list of prohibited activities.
No trust shall invest in unimproved properties or in any mortgage on
such properties. No investment in any mortgage other than a first mort-
gage is permitted, nor is investment in any mortgage for a greater per-
centage of value than permitted under local law to savings and loan asso-
ciations allowed. The trust is prohibited from investing more than one
per cent of its assets in real-estate contracts of sale or in property subject
to a mortgage which is not held by an institutional lender, and then
only if the debt is not greater than fifty per cent of the fair market
value of the property as computed by an independent appraiser. The
132. Id. at §§ C, B(2)-(3).
133. Id. at § B(4)-(5).
1S4. Id. at § B(S).
1S5. Id. at § B(1O).
136. Id. at § B(11).
137. Ibid.
iSS. Id. at § D.
1S9. § B(12)(b).
190. Id. at § B(13).
trust is barred from borrowing, unsecured, more than eight per cent
of the net value of the net assets or from encumbering any of its prop-
erty for more than two thirds of its fair market value. Lastly, a trust
may not engage in any short sale or issue redeemable securities -or
securities of more than one class.' 9 '
These suggestions should not be accepted without intensive study, if
at all. They seem overly restrictive and involved. Some seem to run
counter to the policy and procedure of the real estate investment trust
law. The statement of policy does, however, provide a guide to the
relevant areas of concern. It is submitted that there is a need for mod-
erate uniform national legislation regulating the conduct of real estate
investment trusts.
It has become clear that the real estate investment trust law does not
guarantee most of the benefits envisioned for the small investor. The
only other ground for the law was the analogy to regulated investment
companies. It is submitted that this is an inapt analogy. Consider the
magnitude of tax savings. A nonqualifying realty trust would pay $52 in
taxes for every $100 of net taxable income while, in contrast, a non-
qualifying security investment company would still have the benefit
of an eighty-five per cent intercorporate dividend deduction. It would
pay only $7.80 in taxes since only $15 of every $100 of income would be
subject to tax. Therefore, the new legislation has granted real estate
investment trusts $52 for every $100 of income while regulated invest-
ment company legislation has only provided a $7.80 saving for every $100
of income.
This distinction is also applicable when the economic production of
income is viewed. The rent that a real estate investment trust receives
has never been taxed before. But the dividends that a regulated invest-
ment company receives have already been taxed at the producing corpora-
tion level. The realty trust saves $52 for every $100 of income. The
security investment company only receives $48 for every $100 of pro-
ducing corporation income. If the security investment company did not
qualify for a tax saving, it would pay only $3.74 in taxes, since the
eighty-five per cent intercorporate dividend deduction would still be
available. Hence, viewing the economic production of income, the realty
191. Id. at § B(14).
192. The disparity does not exist to the extent that regulated investment companies obtain
interest and capital gains income. The major portion of their income is, however, derived
from dividends.
trust is granted a saving of $52 for every $100 of income while the
security investment company saves but $3.74.
In vetoing an earlier attempt to gain special treatment for realty trusts,
President Eisenhower viewed the distinction from another perspective.", 3
His veto message noted that in the absence of special tax treatment,
security investment companies would be taxed three times. They would
be taxed at the producing corporate level, at the security company level
to the extent that the eighty-five per cent deduction is unavailable, and
at the shareholder level. Realty trusts would be taxed but twice. They
would be taxed at the entity level and at the shareholder level, as is the
normal corporate procedure. 1 4
Furthermore, the regulated investment company is qualitatively re-
quired to be a "passive" investment conduit while the real estate invest-
ment trust is only passive in degree. The security investment company
may only invest in already existing corporations. Realty trusts may
develop land, supervise construction, engage in unregulated borrowing,
choose tenants, mortgage the properties and undertake an unlimited num-
ber of projects. The realty trust can, therefore, comprise far more active
conduct of business than can a security investment company. Also, secu-
rity investment companies merely siphon investment into the basic econ-
omy, while realty trusts may siphon more investment into real estate
than is desirable for national growth.
Moreover, real estate investment trusts provide a greater danger for
the small investor than do security investment companies. Security com-
panies are actively regulated, while realty trusts are not."10 Security in-
vestment companies are by their very nature liquid while realty trusts
will hold large amounts of fixed assets. The real-estate assets will be
mortgaged. In the event of adversity the realty trust investor might lose
everything. Contrast the liquidity and outright ownership of assets in
security investment companies. Furthermore, regulated investment com-
panies must diversify their investments, while real estate investment
trusts can put all their assets into one property.
In view of these numerous differences, the analogy between the regu-
lated investment company and the real estate investment trust appears
inapt and, hence, is a weak justification for the new law.
The real estate investment trust is but one facet of the general prob-
lem of business entity taxation and as such, it is an additional tier on a
193. See notes 51 &52 supra and accompanying text.
194. Ibid.
195. See notes 168, 172 & 174 supra and accompanying text.
"crazy-quilt" system. While the original stimulus for the law was pro-
vided by a small class, the final product can be utilized in a broad area.
The law may even contain a major "loophole" which would allow enter-
prise division and unjustified tax "windfalls." While exceedingly lengthy
and technical, the law is deficient in many areas where restriction and
regulation seem necessary. It is thus theoretically unjustified, pregnant
with possibilties of abuse, and, ironically, more likely to harm than
help the small investor for whom it was ostensibly created.

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