Performance Optimization: A Quick Look On

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A Quick look on

By Omkar Walimbe
All the mention tricks are safe to try but the reader want
to perform this tricks on his system he should be responsible
for all work. Author or any one related to author will not
held liable for any kind of damage.
P.S.-Please take backup of your registry editor before
start reading this book.
Some Legal Stuff
2.Remove Startup programs............................3
3.Remove Temporary files...............................6
Performance optimization simply means to boost up your
computer performance by implementing some quick tasks. It's basically
tweaking your system in a way that it will utilize existing hardware recourses
in more efficient way and at the end as a result you will get what you always
want from your computer more speed.

Generally speed loss is occur after some months from computer

purchase due to :-

1.people cluttered their computer with lot's of Junk files.

2.They never Organized all the files and folders in proper manner.
3.They don't perform disk derangement as well as Check disk
4.They never use a updated anti virus.

This bad habits are collectively caused lot's of speed loss. And
computer takes more time to perform any activity also booting(startup) and
shut down process takes more time than the before.

So it's important to implement performance optimization for:-

Performance optimization Reduces.
1.Start up/Booting time.
2.Shut down time.
3.Software start up time.

Performance optimization Improves

1.Computer speed.
2.Computer runs smoother than before.
3.Visual performance get improves.
4.Multitasking capability of system increases.

The most important thing Not need to invest a single '$' for it It's totally free!
because actually you don't buy something.

So, now many of the readers are exited to listen how to optimize
your system for higher performance.
So I'll told you how to do it,
Performance optimization is basically a iterative procedure. performing
mentioned operations from each level per week/Month will boost your
system speed at least by 35-40% approx.

Levels of performance optimization are as follows :

1.Remove all the unnecessary items from start up.

2.Remove all the temporary files from your system.

3.Perform a anti virus as well as anti spy ware scan.

4.Perform disk derangement operation per month.

5.Always keep lower visual settings.

From next page we will discuss about all this topics one by one,
1.Remove all the unnecessary items from start up.

The question you have right now is “What are startup programs?”
,Startup programs are loaded whenever your computer starts up. For
example, If you've using a word processing software of company called 'ABC
software' that company created a startup program and put it onto your
computer. Now, every time your computer starts, it loads that start up
program. This is good function but some software companies used it for
Tracking up the number of users which are using there software. Many of
you observed that at start up time many program are starts for example Win
Zip update are starts. The problem is most of this start up program are not
useful for you. They will created speed loss during the system start up and
increase system booting time.

So in order to improve systems overall working speed remove this

unnecessary start up programs.

● How to remove start up programs.

1. Go to start menu and click on RUN button and type “msconfig”

(without quotes)

Hit on enter button now a window will open just like below.

In this window click on the Startup tab, A new window will open like this.

Now from startup pane remove all the unnecessary items. Now,
you might have a question: How do I know which ones are unnecessary and
which ones are not? Well, it is very simple. Every program on that list has a
name. From which you can decide which programs are necessary and which
ones are not. Or you can ask for any other person which have bit more
information about computers than yours.

2.Remove all the temporary files from your system.

Before going further let's talk about temporary files first basically
temporary files are created by system for some specific operation after
completing that particular operation those files no longer need to be stored
in your hard drive. So it is good idea to remove these junk files. Following are
some basic guideline about where you find these junk files and how to
delete them.
1. Run "disk clean up" utility

2. Remove all unnecessary programs from control panel

3. Delete Temporary Internet files (browser history, Cache,cookies)

4.Remove all content of

i. C:/Windows/Temp (type just “temp” in run dialog box without quotes)
ii. C:/Windows/Prefetch (type “prefetch” in run dialog box)

5. Clean up your My Documents folder.

i. Remove all unnecessary files from My document folder.

ii. Clean C:\Documents and Settings\<User name>\Local Settings\

(delete every thing from Temp folder)

iii. Clean C:\Documents and Settings\<User name>\Local

Settings\Temporary Internet Files
(delete every thing from Temporary Internet Files )

(Where as Local setting is a hidden directory to unhidden this open my computer click
on tools->Folder option->View->Click on show hidden files and folders button.)

Let's have look on all this things one by one.

1.Disk Clean up utility:Run disk clean up utility per week

Disk clean up dialog boxes

2. Remove all unnecessary programs from control panel->Add/Remove
programs:At the end of month UN install all unnecessary programs

Add/Remove programs

3. Delete Temporary Internet files (browser history, Cache,cookies)
On your browser click on tools->Internet options Clear all files.

Internet options

Click all the highlighted button to delete files

1. 4.Remove all content of
i. C:/Windows/Temp
ii. C:/Windows/Prefetch

Open both of this folders and delete everything from them

Temp folder snapshot from windows directory


Prefetch directory from windows

Open both of this folders and delete everything from them


5. Clean up your My Documents folder.

● Remove all unnecessary files from My document folder.

● Clean C:\Documents and Settings\<User name>\Local

(delete every thing from Temp folder)

● Clean C:\Documents and Settings\<User name>\Local

Settings\Temporary Internet Files
(delete every thing from Temporary Internet Files )

(Where as Local setting is a hidden directory to unhidden this

open my computer click on tools->Folder option->View->Click
on show hidden files and folders button.)

My Documents folder is one of the most unorganized folder of

every system. It's important to delete all the files which are not
required from it. Open your my documents folder and clean it up!

Local settings folder


3.Perform a anti virus as well as anti spy ware scan.

Make habit to buy an good and legal anti virus and keep it update for better
security. perform anti-virus scan daily as well as take pre cautions to keep virus
away from your computer.
Another important thing is many people think like only Anti virus keep
viruses away and keep computer safe. But it is not true there are many threats
are present which can harm your system too! Some of them are Spy ware,Trojan

So, keep a copy of softwares like “Ad-Aware” created by Lava soft or

My favorite “Spybot Search and destroy”

perform anti spy ware scan per week. It protect you from spy wares. keep
these Anti spy ware software updated. This good move keeps virus and hackers
away from your system.


4.Perform disk Defragmenter operation per month.

Disk Defragmenter default utility provided by windows for

starting windows Defragmenter:

Go to start->All program ->Accessories->System tool->Disk


For performing the disk Defragmenter operation on any partition it

should have at least 15% of free space.

Disk Defragmenter

5.Always keep lower visual settings.

Last but not the list keep all your visual settings low, Don't use any
external softwares or themes or shell enhancement tools they are worth less and
consumes most of your systems memory. keep windows working on the default
classic theme which save massive amount of memory. Don't use heavy
background wallpaper keep it default blue or some simple background.

Simple desktop result to more memory

Well, You've completed all the steps of performance optimization. For
first time it is difficult to perform this activities but once you get experienced it
will take only 5-10 minutes time to perform this activities.

So try out this tips at your system and feel the difference.

Try all registry tweaks at your own Risk!

● Tip to speed up start up and shut down process

1.Ope notepad and type following text in it

delc:windowsprefetch tosboot=*.*/q

2.And save file as ntosboot.bat at C:\ drive or where you install your
operating system

3. From the Start menu, select "Run..." & type “gpedit.msc” .

4.Double click "Windows Settings" under "Computer Configuration" and

double click again on "Shutdown" in the right window.

5. In the new window, click "add", "Browse", locate your "ntosboot.bat"

file & click "Open".

6. Click "OK", "Apply" & "OK" once again to exit.

7. From the Start menu, select "Run..." & type "devmgmt.msc".

8. Double click on "IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers"

9. Right click on "Primary IDE Channel" and select "Properties".

10. Select the "Advanced Settings" tab then on the device 0 or 1 that
doesn't have 'device type' greed out select 'none' instead of 'autodetect' &
click "OK".

11. Right click on "Secondary IDE channel", select "Properties" and repeat
step 10
Reboot your computer.

● Windows Prefetcher Tweak

Start registry editor by typing Regedit in RUN window and navigate to

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \
Session Manager \ Memory Management \ PrefetchParameters]

Under this key there is a setting called Enable Prefetcher, the default
setting of which is 3. Increasing this number to 5 gives the prefetcher system
more system resources to prefetch application data for faster load times.
Depending on the number of boot processes you run on your computer.

● How to decrease start menu delay

Step1: Go to run and type regedit!

Step2: After starting of the registry editor navigate to key

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Control Panel\Desktop click on it.

Step3: In the Right hand side menu find key named as “Menu show delay”
double click on it change it's value from '400' to '0' exit registry editor
reboot the computer

Step3:After starting of computer observe the speed of start menu

● Create a Shortcut to Lock Your Computer

To create a shortcut on your desktop to lock your computer:

Right-click the desktop.

select New, and then click Shortcut.

The Create Shortcut Wizard opens.

Type : rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation in the text box

Click Next.

Enter a name for the shortcut like "System Lock" or Any relevant name of
your choice and hit on finish.

You can also change the shortcut's icon .

How to change ICON?

Right click the shortcut and then select Properties.

Click the Shortcut tab, and then click the Change Icon button.

In the Look for icons in this file text box, type:


Click OK.

Select one of the icons from the list and then click OK

And you have the system lock ready. Just double click on it and your system
will be lock.

Really Tired!
Don't have time to seat in front of system and do all this stuff,well for
those I have a good option a alternative known as Ccleaner ,basically Ccleaner is
free ware which clean all of the temporary and junk files and do lot's of other
stuff so if you are really tired but still care about your system speed go here
download Ccleaner it will take care of rest of things for you. But I strongly
recommend that please also try above steps with Ccleaner it will help you to
know about your system more.

At the end
I am very happy that you've completed all the lessons regarding
the Performance optimization. thank you for taking time to read my book , I
have take maximum effort to make this book as perfect as possible I know
many of you will treat this book as a great learning opportunity. So try out all
the tricks and improve your systems working speed and performance!
In case of any difficulty you can Mail me at :[email protected]
All reply mail are very much appreciated!


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