Lesson Plan Template: Date Subject Number of Students Grade

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Lesson Plan Template

Date Subject Number of students Grade

6-3-2018 Math (classifying) 24 KG2-2

Personal Aims (What do YOU need to work on in order grow professionally?)

Learn how to manage the children

Learn how to let the lesson enjoyable
Learn how to settle the children in the activities

Learning Outcomes: Materials

(Link to the ADEC K-5 curriculum document)
Students will be able to …… (Write the outcome word for word) White boards, IPAD, Magnet numbers, family counters
• Identify the different sizes and colors and the shape of
the object
• Recognize that there are different category colors,
shapes, and sizes
• Combine the same shapes, color and sizes in a category

Lesson Introduction
Question (Blooms Taxonomy)
Whole group activity: Time_______
Remembering (low level):
Opening/Introduction: (Bullet points)
Can you identify for me the same shapes, the same
What will you do in order to introduce the concept to the
colors, and the same size?
• Revise the numbers
• Play a game with the children (tell them a number Understanding (low level):
and they should clap their hand in order to the What another thing around us we can classify it?
• Tell them story about going to the supermarket and
in the story, I should classify the fruits and
vegetables and I’ll let the children to help me in Applying (low level):
Can you determine for me the different shapes and
Active Engagement: (Bullet points) colors and the sizes in each category?
After you’ve modeled the concept, what activity will you
have the students perform while on the carpet to ensure
that they understand it?
• I’ll let each 4 children to sit in group and I’ll give Analyzing (high level):
each group a white paper with a shape on it and I’ll
give them a basket with different shapes in it and I’ll
let the children to classify the shapes in order to the
shape that’s on the paper.
Evaluating (high level):
Link: (Bullet points)
Remind the students in kid friendly language how they can
apply what they did whole group in their independent
learning centers
Creating (high level):
• I’ll let each group to stand up and I’ll explain for
them what they are going to do in the activities by
showing them the steps of the activity

Learning Center Resources or Materials

Learning Center 1 Learning Center 2 Learning Center 3 Learning Center 4
White paper White boards Magnet numbers Family counters

Small Group Learning Centers: Time______

Learning Center 1 Title: (classifying shapes) (white paper) Learning Center 2 Title: (white board activity)

First: The children will classify the different shapes First: The children will look at the different
that are provided to them numbers that are in each category
Second: The children will sort them in the same Second: They will classify the numbers that are
shape category provided o them
Third: they will sort each number in the same
number category

Learning Center 3 Title: (magnet numbers activity) Learning Center 4 Title: (Family counters activity)
• First: the children will classify the numbers • First: the children will classify the mini
with the same numbers dolls that are the same size in a category
• Second: they will classify the color of the • Second: they will classify the same colors
number with the same color of another of the mini dolls in a category
Closing activity: Time: ______

I’ll gather the children and I’ll let them to sit in the carpet area and I’ll let each group to explain for me what did they did in
the activity and what do they understand from the activity

Assessment for Learning: How will you determine if the students understood the learning outcome? What evidence will you
show to prove this?

I’ll ask them question related to the given topic

I’ll check if they say classify word
I’ll observe them while they are doing the activity

General Comments
The lesson was good, and the children understood the concept of classifying, they were able to do the

Recommendations / Future personal targets / Areas of focus

Next time I am going to focus on the class management and how I am going to let the children come
back to the carpet area without making any noise.

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