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Lesson Plan Template

Date Subject Number of Grade

13-3-2018 English (story about Roaring KG 2-2
rockets) 24
Personal Aims (What do YOU need to work on in order grow professionally?)

Learn how to manage the children

Learn how to let the children under my control
Learn how to remind the children the classroom rules

Learning Outcomes: Materials

(Link to the ADEC K-5 curriculum document)
Students will be able to …… (Write the outcome word for word)
• Understand and follow one-step oral directions • Roaring rockets story book
• Identify familiar words in a stream of speech which • Playdough
carries key information about a person, thing or place • White Papers
• Answer simple questions about main ideas to build • Pencils
understanding and demonstrate comprehension • Stickers
• Participate in short conversations while reading with • Color papers
the teacher and peers, making simple comments, • Glue
answering simple questions • scissors
• Identify the title of a book
• Demonstrate knowledge of letter sound
• Distinguish between letter names and letter sounds
• Make connections between pictures and key words in
• Write and represent using a variety of tools and media
• Write by moving from left to right and top to bottom
• Create letter “R” using the playdough
• Create a rocket
• Write sentence structure “On earth”
• Sound out letter “r”
• Differentiate between the moon and the earth

Lesson Introduction
Whole group activity: Time_______ Question (Blooms Taxonomy)

Opening/Introduction: (Bullet points) Remembering (low level):

What will you do in order to introduce the concept to the Can you tell me what do you see? What do you think
students? our story is about?
• Play song of sounds
• Review the letters
• Show them the cover of the story and ask the Understanding (low level):
children “what do they see” What is the difference between the moon and the
• Explain for the children the difference between earth?
the moon and the earth and the chance of living
on the moon what was the story about?
Where were the animals going?
Applying (low level):
Can you do the “r” letter sign whenever you will hear
letter “r”
Active Engagement: (Bullet points)
After you’ve modeled the concept, what activity will you
have the students perform while on the carpet to ensure
that they understand it? Analyzing (high level):
• I’ll let the children to do a signal whenever they
hear letter “r”
• I’ll let them to tell me what do they saw in the
• Ask them question about the difference between Evaluating (high level):
the moon and the earth

Link: (Bullet points)

Creating (high level):
Remind the students in kid friendly language how they can
apply what they did whole group in their independent
learning centers
• I’ll let the children to tell me the other things that
start with letter “r”
• Give a chance to the children to think of
something around them or outside the class that
start with letter “r”

Learning Center Resources or Materials

Learning Center 1 Learning Center 2 Learning Center 3 Learning Center 4
White paper, earth shape White paper, colors, glue, Playdough, white paper Color papers, glue,
sticker, colors, pencils, scissors stickers, colors
Small Group Learning Centers: Time______

Learning Center 1 Title: (sentence structure: “on earth”) Learning Center 2 Title: (letter “R” collage)

In this activity center, the children will stick the earth on In this activity center, the children will cut the pictures that
the paper and they will color it demonstrate letter r and then they will trace letter “R”
After that, they will write under the picture of the earth; using these pictures. After that, they can color the pictures
“on earth”

Learning Center 3 Title: (letter ‘R’ playdough) Learning Center 4 Title: (rocket craft)

In this activity, the children will use the playdough to trace In this activity, the children will use different color of paper
letter “R” that’s on the paper, they will create letter “R” by and they will create their own rocket by using these
using the playdough different color papers, then they can design their rocket
with some stickers and colors.

Closing activity: Time: ______

Allow children time to discuss how what they did during their learning centers and how it relates to the lesson outcome

“Remember that….” (restate outcome using kid friendly language)

I’ll gather the children and I’ll let each group to tell me what they have done in their activity center, and ask them
question related to the activity that they have done it

Assessment for Learning: How will you determine if the students understood the learning outcome? What evidence will you
show to prove this?
I’ll have a checklist with me and I’ll check if;
they have written the sentence structure “On earth”
they sound out letter “r”
they have knew the words that start with letter “r”

General Comments

Recommendations / Future personal targets / Areas of focus

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