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Topic Explanation Y/N

POLICY Do employees understand the basic points of the quality policy?
OBJECTIVES Can employees explain how they contribute to objectives?
PRODUCT ID Are all products and materials identified in some manner?
NONCONFORMING Are all nonconforming products identified and stored in the correct location?
DOCUMENT CONTROL Are uncontrolled instructions, procedures, area specifications removed from work areas?
HOUSEKEEPING Are areas swept, clean, and organized?
CUSTOMER Can employees access the current customer requirements for the products they’re running?
PRODUCT STATUS Can employees explain how they know the inspection status of all products?
SAFETY Are all production employees, managers, & visitors wearing personal protective equipment (PPE), as
INSPECTION CRITERIA When employees perform product inspections, can they clearly explain the inspection criteria?
INSPECTION STATUS Is the inspection status of all products identified in some manner?
RECORDS Is all production paperwork complete, legible, and performed at the time work is done?
PROCEDURES Can employees locate their job procedures? Are they following the procedures?
INFRASTRUCTURE Is equipment maintained in good order? Do personnel have the tools they need?
CALIBRATION Are measuring instruments calibrated?
TRAINING Is there evidence (i.e., records) that personnel have received all requited training?
PROCESS Is there evidence that the production process is monitored, and actions taken when the process falls outside of

*** If any items are marked NO above, please record specific evidence related to what was found.

Performed by:_______________________________ Date:________________

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